
更新时间:2023-11-01 21:11:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



姓名________ 考分_____

一、用所给首字母完成下列句中的单词(5分) 1. There will be a basketball m_______ on Sunday. 2. It is uncommon to write with your l______ hand. 3. Would you like to eat bread or b_______. 4. Mike is d________ his English teacher. 5. I want to buy a p_______ of sweets.

二 、选择题(30分)

1. ( )Try on these ______ . A .trousers B. dress C. balls 2. ( )Are the _______ on the desk? A .knife B. knives C. knifes 3. ( )Take off the ______ and put them on the chair. A. socks B. taps C. dress 4. ( )I can't see the picture. ______ the lights.

A. Open B. Turn off C. Turn on

5. ( )Bring her ______. A. two papers B. A piece of paper C. a paper 6. ( )I'm ______ the door. A. opening B. shuting C. shut 7. ( )The stone is very _______. A. hard B. cold C. flat 8. ( )Which one is not a game? A. hopscotch B. hide and seek C. Jack-in-the-box 9. ( )Which one can't fly? A. horses B. birds C. aeroplanes 10. ( )\11. ( )It's Sue's birthday today. She's very ______.

A. lazy B. happy C. clever

12. ( )Sam is _____. A. five years old B. nine years C. six year old 13. ( )Which one is a cheer? A .OK B. hurray C. well 14. ( )Which one is not in a birthday party?

A. tyres B. candles C. cakes

15. ( )Which one is not a birthday present?

A. a cat B. a bill C. a telescope 16. ( )_____ your torch, Sue. A. Open B. Turn off C. Blow out 17. ( )Put these old boxes into the ______


A. lake , B. wash-basin, C. store-room 18.( ) We’re not late. It’s _______ six o’clock.

A. not, B. still, C. only

19. ( )Don't _______.Be quiet. A. sit down B. shout C. hold the pen 20. ( )There's a _____in the bowl. A. sweet B. sugar C. lemonade 21. ( )There isn't any_______ in the cup. A. coffee B. spoon C. lollipop 22. ( )Mum is cutting the ______. A. knife B. milk C. cake 23. ( )Liz can't blow out the candle. Go and _____ her.

A. blow out B. help C. watch

24. ( )Put some jam____. A. in the coffee B. in the tea-pot C. on the bread 25. ( )Can you ____ a hat on the paper? A. make B. draw C. wear 26. ( )Bring me _____ A. a chalk B. some chalk C. some chalks 27. ( )There's some_____ in the bowl. A. biscuits B. water C. paper 28. ( )Put the _____ in the cupboard. A. socks B. plates C. letters 29. ( )There are____ bananas in the basket. A. much B. any C. a lot of 30. ( )There are some shoes ____ the floor. A. over B. in C. on


shut ___________ ride___________ take_____________ run_____________ light ___________put___________ laugh_____________ skip____________ sit ____________ jump___________ swim____________ give___________ kick __________ make__________ share___________ look_____________ happen___________ wash___________ listen____________ play____________

四、可数名词不可数名词分类, 在不可数名词上面打钩,并写在横线上。(5分)

bread tooth stone chalk bird ink shoe knife flour meat bean soap peach bowl tomato carrot money stamp duster butter honey biscuit sandwich sweet lemonade candle

_________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ __________ __________ __________ ___________


( across into on off through with between to beside at )


1. Knock _________ the door!

2. Billy is sitting ___________ a lake. 3. We're filling the basin ___________ water. 4. Liz is cold. She is putting __________ her coat. 5. We're listening __________ the radio. 6. Throw the ball ____________ the basket. 7. Can you jump __________ the wall?

8. Look _________ this telescope. What can you see? 9. He is running ___________the street. 10. Sue is standing __________ those two trees.


1___________ 2____________ 3____________ 5_____________ 8___________ 9_____________ 12___________ 15___________ 46 ___________ 107___________________________


1. There is some water in the cup.(变否定句)

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Let’s play hide-and-seek.(变否定句)

___________________________________________________________________ 3. There are some children. They are playing football.(合并句子) ___________________________________________________________________ 4. I am turning on the tap. (变一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________________________ 5. He’s passing the ball to Tom. (划线部分提问)

___________________________________________________________________ 6. Each packet of chocolate is one yuan .(划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________________________ 上一页第3页下一页 7. She saw a man sitting beside the tree .(划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________________________


8. He is never late for work on weekdays .(改为附加疑问句) ___________________________________________________________________ 9. Shut the locker! (变否定句)

___________________________________________________________________ 10. Tom can play football. (变否定句)



(一) (二) 1. a pair of A. biscuits 2. a slice of B. jam 3. a bar of C. paper 4. a bottle of D. toothpaste 5. a packet of E. sweets 6. a basket of F. bread 7. a tin of G. trousers 8. a jar of H. milk 9. a piece of I. eggs 10. a tube of J. chocolate

1-10: ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______

九、用a, an, some ,any填空(5分)

1. There are ______ apples on the table. 2. Give me ______ sugar.

3. Is there _______ tea in the pot? 4. He is eating _______ egg.

5. There isn't __________ milk in the glass.


1. They are drinking milks. __________________ 2. He is eating some eggs. __________________ 3. Are there any lemonade in the bottle? __________________ 4. Is there any eggs in the basket? __________________


5. Give me some apple. __________________ 6. There is a sugar in the packet. ___________________ 7. There is some bananas in the basket. ___________________ 8. There isn't some coffee. ___________________ 9. There are some water in the bottle. ___________________ 10. Let me helping you. ___________________


1. 我们的烟囱里有个鸟巢。_______________________________________________ 2. 发生什么事了,Jim?___________________________________________________ 3. 拿一张纸,像这样把它叠起來。

______________________________________________________________________ 4. Tom,你会头着地倒立吗?______________________________________________ 5. 比利的口袋里装满了糖果。_____________________________________________ 6. 他们戴着滑稽可笑的帽子。_____________________________________________ 7. 我看见一个人正站在那个盒子旁边。_____________________________________ 8. 你正在喝什么?______________________________________________________ 9. 现在递给我一些蓝色的和红色的粉笔。___________________________________ 10. 他右手拿着一块巧克力,左手拿着一瓶柠檬水.



------ What are you doing ,mum?

------ I'm __________ a shopping list. ------ Let me help you.

------ All right, Sue. Open that cupboard.

------ Is there ____________ jam or honey in the cupboard? ------ There isn't __________ jam, but there is a lot of honey. ------ Are there ____________ apples and oranges in that bowl?

------ There aren't ___________ oranges, but there are a lot of apples. ------ What are you doing, mum?

------ I'm making some sandwiches ____________ tea.


