《Alice In Wonderland script》爱丽丝梦游仙境剧本

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Alice In Wonderland script

Charles, you have finally lost your senses

This venture is impossible.

For some.

Gentlemen, the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it IS possible.

That kind of thinking could ruin you

I'm willing to take that chance.

Imagine a trading post in Rangoon! Bangkok, Jakarta!

The nightmare again?

I won't be long

I'm falling

Down a dark hole.

Then I see strange creatures.

What kind of creatures?

There's a dodo bird, a rabbit in a waist coat

and a smiling cat

I did not know cats could smile.

Neither did I.

And there is a blue caterpillar.

A blue caterpillar?

Do you think I've gone round the bend?

I'm afraid so.

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You're mad, bonkers, off your head

But I'll tell you a secret.

All the best people are.

It's only a dream, Alice, nothing can harm you there.

But if you get too frightened, You can always wake up.

Like this

Must we go?

I doubt he'll notice if we never arrive

He will notice

Where 's your corset?

- And no stockings. - I'm against them.

But you are not properly dressed

Who is to say what is \

What if it was agreed that \

Alice ...

For me, a corset is like a codfish

Please, not today.

Father would have laughed.

I'm sorry.

I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.

Did you have bad dreams again?

Only one.

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It's always the same, ever since I can remember

Do you think that's normal?

Don't most people have different dreams?

I don't know.


You're beautiful.

Now, can you manage to smile?

At last. We thought you'd never arrive

Alice, Hamish is waiting to dance with you . Go.

You do realize it's well past 4??

Now everything I've been rushed through

- I am sorry. - Oh, nevermind.

Forgive my wife. She been planning this affair for over 20 years.

If only Charles were here.

My condolences

I think of your husband often.

He was truly a man of vision

I hope you don't think I've taken advantage of your misfortunes

Of course not.

I'm pleased that you've purchased the company.

I was a fool for not investing in his mad venture when I had the chance

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Charles thought so too

Hamish, do you ever get tired of quadrille?

On the contrary. I find it envigorating

Do I amuse you? No.

I had a sudden vision, of all the ladies in trousers and the men wearing dresses

It would be best to keep your visons to yourself.

When in doubt, remain silent.

Pardon us, sir. Ms. Kingsley is distracted today.

- Where is your head? - I was wondering what it would be like to fly.

Why would you spend your time thinking about such an impossible thing?

Why wouldn't I?

My father said he sometimes believed in six impossible things

before breakfast.

Alice, meet me at the Gazebo in precisely ten minutes.

We have a secret to tell you.

If you're telling me, then it's not much of a secret

- Perhaps we shouldn't. - We decided we should.

- If you tell us, we won't be surprised. - Will you be surprised?

Not if you tell me

But now you've brought it up, you have to

- No, we don't - In fact, we won't

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I wonder if your mother knows that you two swim naked in the Havershim's pond.

- You wouldn't. - Oh, but I would

There's your mother right now

Hamish is going to ask your hand.

You ruined the surprise.

Oh, I could strangle them!

Everyone of us went through so much effort to keep it a secret

Does everyone know?

That's why they've all come. This is your engagement party.

Hamish will ask you under the gazebo

When you say \

But I don't know if I want to marry Hamish.

Who then? You won't do better than a lord.

You'll soon be 20, Alice. That pretty face won't last forever.

You don't want to end up like Aunt Imogen.

You don't want to be a burden for mother, do you? No.

So, you'll marry Hamish.

You'll be as happy as I am with Lowell and you live will be perfect

It's already decided.

Alice, dear

I'll leave you to it.

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Shall we take a leisurely stroll through the garden, just you and me?

Do you know what I've always dreaded?

The decline of the aristocracy ?

Ugly grandchildren.

But you are lovely.

You are bound to produce little... Imbeciles!

The gardeners planted white roses when I specifically asked for red.

You could always paint the roses red

What an odd thing to say

You should know that my son has extremely delicate digestion.

- Did you see that? - See what?

- It was a rabbit, I think - Nasty things

I'd enjoy setting the dogs on them

If you serve Hamish the wrong foods, he could get a blockage.

- Did you see it that time? - See what?

- The rabbit! - Don't shout!

Now pay attention.

Hamish said you were easily distracted.

What was I saying?

Hamish has a blockage.

I couldn't be more interested, but you'll have to excuse me

Aunt Imogen!

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I think I'm going mad.

I keep seeing a rabbit in a waist coat

I can't be bothered with your fancy rabbit now

I'm waiting for my fiancee.

Your have a fiancee?

There! Did you see it?

He's a prince.

But alas he can not marry me unless he renounces his thrown

- It's tragic, isn't it? - Very.


Alice! We were just ...

Kat is an old friend.

I can see you're very close.

You won't mention this to your sister, will you?

I don't know.

I'm confused. I need time to think

Well, think About Margaret.

She'd never trust me again

- You don't want to ruin her marriage, do you? - Me?

But I'm not the one who is sneaking around behind her back...

There you are.

- Alice Kingsley ... - Hamish.

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- What is it? - You have a caterpillar on your shoulder.


Don't hurt it.

You'll want to wash that finger.

Alice Kingsley ...

Will you be my wife?


Everyone expects me to

And, you're a Lord.

My face won't last and I don't want to end up like..

But this is happening so quickly, I...

I think I ... I need a moment.


It's only a dream.

You'd think she'd remember all this from the first time.

You brought the wrong Alice.

She's the right one. I'm certain of it.

- She's the wrong Alice! - Give her a chance.

Curiouser and curiouser

I told you she's the right Alice

- I am not convinced. - How is that for gratitude?

I was out there for weeks, trailing one Alice after the next

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and I was almost eaten by other animals.

Can you imagine ... They go about entirely unclothed

And they do there shukm in public, I had to avert my eyes

-Doesn't look anything like herself!

That's because she the wrong Alice!

- If she was, she might be. - But if she isn't, she ain't

- But if she was so, she would be. - But she isn't, no how!

How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?

And who are you if i might ask?

Oh, I'm Tweedledee and he's Tweedledum.

Cherry wise, I'm Tweedledum and he's Tweedledee.

- We should consult Absolum. - Exactly!

- Absolem'll know who she is. - Alice, come on dear.

- It's not being your turn, it's so unfair, hey! Leave off her! - Let go!

- Are they always this way? - It's a family trade.

You can both escort her

- Who is this Absolem? - He's wise. He's Absolute ...

He's absolute!

Who are you?

- Absolem!? - You're not Absolem. I'm Absolem.

The question is ... Who are you?

- Alice. - We shall see.

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What do you mean by that? I ought to know who I am

Yes, you ought. Stupid girl!

Unroll the Oraculum.

The Oraculum, being the calendrical compemdium of Underland

- It's a calender. - Compendium.

It tells of each and every day since the beginning

Today is Gribling day, in the time of the Red Queen

Show her the Frabjus Day.

Yes, Frabjus, being the day you slay the Jabberwocky

Sorry? Slay the what?

That being you there with the Vorpal sword.

No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky. No how.

If it ain't Vorpal, ain't dead

- That's not me. - I know!

Resolve this for us, Absolem. Is she the right Alice?

Not hardly.

I told ya!

- I said so - I said so

Contrary wise, you said she might be.

No, you said she would be if she was.

Little Impostor! Pretending to be Alice! She should be ashamed!

- I was so certain of you. - I'm sorry, I don't mean to be the wrong Alice!

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This is my dream.

I'm going to wake up now and you'll disappear.

That's odd. Pinching usually does the trick

- I could stick you if that would help? - It might actually, thank you.

My pleasure!



It's only a dream.

Nothing can hurt me.

- What is she doing? - He can't hurt me, he can't hurt me ...

Run, you great love!


- This way! - East to QUEAST.

No! South to SNUD!

Someone has stolen three of my tarts!

- Did You steal them? - No, Your Majesty.

- Did You? - No, Your Majesty.

- Did You steal them? - No, Your Majesty.

- Did you steal my tart? - No, Your Majesty ...

It's cranberry juice.

- I was so hungry! I didn't mean to ... - Off with his head!

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My family! No, please, please don't! I have little ones to look after!

Go to his house and collect the little ones.

I like frog eggs on toast almost as much as I like caviar.

Yes, your Majesty



Ilosovic Stayne

Where have you been lurking?

Majesty ... I have found the Oraculum

That? Looks so ordinary for an Oraculum.

Look here. Frabjus Day.

I'd know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.

Is it Alice?

I believe it is.

What is she doing with my darling Jabberwocky?

She appears to be slating it

She killed my Jabberbabywocky?

Not yet. But it will happen if we don't stop her.

Find Alice, Stayne. Find her!

Find the scent of human girl and earn your freedom.

For my wife and pups as well?

Everyone will go home.

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Dogs will believe anything.

It looks like you ran afoul of something with wicked claws

- I must be still dreaming ... - What did that to you?

- A \

- Well, I'd better have a look. - What are you doing?

It needs to by purified by someone with evaporating skills

or it will fester and putrify

I'd rather you didn't. I'll be fine as soon as I wake up.

At least let me bind it for you

- What do you call yourself? - Alice.

THE Alice?

There has been some debate about that

I never get involved in politics.

You'd best be on your way.

What way? All I want to do is wake up from this dream.

Fine. I'll take you to the Hare and the Hatter, but that's the end of it


Watch what you're doing!

It's you!

No it's not. The Twisp brought us the wrong Alice

- Its the wrong Alice? - It's absolutely Alice.

You're absolutely Alice. I'd know you anywhere.

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I'd know him anywhere!

Well, as you can see, we're still having tea.

And it's all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return.

You're terribly late, you know Naughty!

Well anyway, time to came quite offended has stopped all together. Not a tick off a finger

- Cup. - Time can be funny in dreams.

Yes, yes, of course, but now you're back, you see.

- And we need to get on to the Frabjus Day. - Frabjus Day!

I've been investigating things that begin with the letter \

Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

- \


Bloody Big Head, being The Red Queen

Come, come we simply must commit to the slaying in such

Therefore, is it high time to forgive and forget or forgive and forgive

whichever comes first, or is in any case the most convenient, I'm waiting.

It's ticking, it's ticking again

All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea

The entire world is falling to ruin and poor Chester is off his tea.

What happened that day was not... my fault

Oh, dear

Your were out and then to save your own skin

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You gutless Scottisch pelgrim juggling slurking urpal slackush scrum Barlemot


Thank you.

I'm fine

What wrong with you, Tarrant? You used to be the light of the party.

You used to do the best Futterwacken in all of WitzEnd

Futter what?

It's a dance.

One day, Frabjus Day,

when the White Queen once again wears the crown

On that day I shall Futterwacken ... vigorously.

Oh no!

- The Knave - Goodbye.

Drink this quickly.

Oh, dear

Let me out!

Well! If it's not my favorite trio of lunatics.

Would you like to join us?

You're all late for tea!

I'm looking the girl called ... Alice.

Speaking of the Queen,

Here's a little song we used to sing in her honour.

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Twinkle, twinkle little red how I wonder where you're at

If you're hiding her, you'll lose your heads.

Already lost them.

All together now!

Up Above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle little Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle,twinkle

Don't be bloody beggin'!

Would you like some tea?

Follow the blood hound

- Sugar? - Yes, please.

- You're all mad ! - Thanks very much.

Pass the scones, please.

Try this on for size.

I like it!

Good thing the blood hound is one of us, or you'd be...

What do they want with me?

Best take her to the White Queen, she'd be safe there!


- Your carriage, m'lady. - The Hat ?

Of course!

Anyone can go by horse or rail

But the absolute best way to travel is by hat

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Have I made a rhyme?

I love travelling by hat!

Mally,just Alice, please Fairfallen all!

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wab

All mumsy were the borogoves And the mome raths outgrabe

Sorry, what was that ?

What was what?

The Jabberwock with eyes of flame, jaws that bite and claws that catch

Beware of the Jubjub bird,my son The frumnious Bandersnatch!.

He took his Vorpal sword in hand

The Vorpal blade went snicker-snack

He left it dead, and with its head

He went galumphing back

It's all about you, you know

I'm not slaying anything , I don't slay, so put it out of you mind!


Wait! You can't leave me here!

You don't slay?

Do you have any idea what the Red Queen has done?

You don't slay?

I couldn't if I wanted to

You're not the same as you were before

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You were much more, muchier You lost your muchness


In there, something's missing

Tell me what Red Queen has done

It's not a pretty story.

Tell me anyway.

It was here

I was the Hatter to the White Queen at the time

I took clan of all that's been employed at court

Hatter ... Hatter!

I'm fine.

Are you?

Did you hear that? I'm certain I heard something.


Oo, Red Knave

Go south to Trottler's Bottom The White Queen's castle is just beyond.

Hold on tightly.

Done it with the Bloody Red Queen!

You were supposed to lead them away! The Hatter trusted you!

They have my wife and pups

- What is your name? - Bayard. Sit!

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Would your name be Alice, by any chance?

Yes, but I'm not the one that everybody is talking About

The Hatter would have given himself up just for any Alice.

Where did they take him?

To the Red Queen's Castle, it's Salazen Grum.

We're going to rescue him.

That is not foretold

I don't care!

He wouldn't be there, if I weren't for me

The Frabjus day is almost upon us.

You must prepare to meet the Jabberwocky.

From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole, I have been told what I must do and who I must be.

I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot.

I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream.

I'll decide where it goes from here!

If you diverge from the path...

I make the path!

Take me to Salazen Grum, Bayard, and don't forget the hat.

There's only one way across

I've lost my muchness, have I?

Bayard! The hat!

Your Majesty.

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So sorry

Splendid shot!

Where's my ball? Page!

Yes, Your Majesty.

I want to help you

Well, If it isn't the wrong Alice

What brings you here?

I've come to rescue the Hatter.

You won't be rescuing anyone being the size of a jerbel.

Do you have any more of that cake that made me grow before?


Not all of it!

Oh, no stop! Oh no, don't do that!

Oh dear,

And what is this?

It's a who, Majesty.

This is...umm...


From Umbridge.

What happened to your clothes?

I outgrew them. I've been growing an afwul lot lately

I tower over everyone in Umbridge.

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They laugh at me.

So I've come to you, hoping you might understand what it's like.

My dear girl, anyone with a head that large is welcome in my court.

Someone find us some clothes!

Use the curtains, if you must, but clothe this enormous girl

I need a pig here!

I love a warm pig belly for my aching feet

Would you like one, Um?

- No, thank you. - Sit! Sit!

Go away!

Where are my fat boys? You must meet them.

Fat Boys!

Oh there they are. Aren't they adorable?

They have the oddest way of speaking. Speak, boys. Amuse us.


- Is that being.. - No,no, it is not a bit, no

I'm sure it was, I believe it's so

No it ain't, son. No how

I love my Fat Boys

Now, get out!

And.. who is this lovely creature?

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- Um. My new favorite. - Does she have a name?


I believe your name has slipped the Queen's mind.

Her name is Um, Idiot!

From Umbridge.

Any luck with the prisoner?

He's stubborn.

Or too soft.

Bring him!

We know Alice has returned to Underland, do you know where she is?

I've been considering things that begin with the letter M


Mutiny, Murder, Malice

We're looking for an A word now

Where is Alice?

Oh, we a little boy. I wouldn't know.

What if I take off your head? Will you know then?

Stop that.

What a regrettably large head you have

I would very much like to hat it.

- Hat it? - Yes.

I used to have the White Queen you know

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Wasn't very much to work with, poor dear Her head is so small

It's tiny. It's a pimple of a head But this...

What I could do with this monument...

this orb...

nay, this magnificently heroic globe

What could you do?

Unbind him, Stayne.

How can he work, if his hands are bound?

Well then...

Shall it be a bond or a bowlock?

Or something for the boudoir?


Leave us!

The true seems sad. Have you been speaking with him?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Perhaps a bit more kindly

Would you all excuse me for a moment? Thank you.

- What news, Bayard? - Alice has returned to Underland.

Where is she now?

In Salazin Grum.

Forgive me, I allowed her to divert from her destined path.

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No, no, no. That is exactly where she'll find the Volpen Sword

We have our champion. Rest now. You have done well!

Have you seen a hat 'round here?

You must find Alice, Stayne.

Without the Jabberwocky, my sister's followers will surely rise against me

My ugly little sister Why do they adore her, but not me?

I can not fathem it

You are far superior in all ways

I know. But Moana can make anyone fall in love with her.



Even the furniture.

Even the.. King?

I had to do it. He would have left me

Majesty ...

Is it not better to be feared than loved?

Not certain anymore

Oh, let her have the rebel I don't need them.

I have you.

They're wonderful.

You must let me try one on

It is good to be working at my trade again

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It's just a pity you have to make them for her

What does the hatter with mean?



Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

I'm frightened, Alice.

I don't like it in here. It's terribly crowded.

Have I gone mad?

Afraid so. You're entirely bonkers

But I'll tell you a secret.

All the best people are.


That's better. You look yourself again.

Hat man? Where are my hats I'm not a patient person

I'm told she keeps the Vorpal sword hidden in the castle.

The rabbit will help you. Find it, Alice. Take it to the White Queen.

We'll go to the White Queen together.

Why is it, you're always to small or to tall?

- Tweedles - Alice, how do ya doing, kid?

- Where's the rabbit? - How is it, you're being so great big?

She ain't great big. This is how she normal is

I'm certain she's smaller when we met

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No, she drank the \

Oh, yeah.

- Where's the rabbit? - Over this.

- What are you doing here? - I'm rescuing The Hatter.

I'm rescuing The Hatter!

He told me that the Vorpal sword is hidden in the castle.

Help me find it!

I don't take orders from big, clumpsy, galumphing...


- What is it, Big Twisp? - I, I know where the sword is.

The sword is hidden inside.

Be careful, Alice.

I know that smell.

I'm not going in there!

Look what that thing did to my arm!

Dear, oh dear. Why haven't you mentioned this?

It wasn't this bad before


Where are you?



Do you still have the Bandersnatch eye ?

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Right here.

- I need it. - Come and get it.

Hey! Give it back!

I like you Um I like large things ...

Get away from me!

I have your eye. No.

- You look stunning in that hat. - Yes. Next!

Your Majesty has never looked better!


I don't wish to alarm you, but it smell as though you might have dropped something.

Oh, don't mind him, he's mad. Come along!


I suppose this makes us even now

Um forced herself on me. I told her my heart belongs to you

She's obsessed with me.

Off with her head!

Stand back, Mallyumkun. How's this for muchness?

It mustn't be used for anything...

Arrest that girl for unlawful seduction!


- Take it to the White Queen! - I'm not leaving without you!

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Run... Alice!



Seize her!

Alice ...

Of course Why didn't I see it?

But it has been a long time and you were such a little tike then

Give me the sword.

- Stay back. - The queen will be so pleased

She will take great pleasure in taking off your head.

Ho! Alice!

Bayard! To Marmoreal!

Majesty ... Alice has escaped.

On...the Bandersnatch.

With ... the Vorpal sword.

How could you let this happen?

I may have underestimated her

But we have her conspirators. The Hatter and a door mouse.

Off with their heads!

- Welcome to Marmoreal. - I believe this belongs to you.

The Vorpal sword is home again

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The Armor is complete

Now all we need is a champion

You're a little taller than I thought you'd be

Blame it on too much Upelkuchen.

Come with me.

Is the March Hare here?

It could use some salt.

Yes, that's great

Be sure about it, we need...

A pinch of worm fat

A rhine of a horsefly.

Buttered fingers.

My sister prefered to study \

- Tell me, how did she seem to you? - Perfectly horrid

- And... her head? - Bulbous

I think she might have some growth in there, something pressing on her brain

Three coins from a dead man's pocket

Two tea spoons of \

You can't iamgine the things that go on in that place

Oh, yes I can.

But when a champion steps forward to slay the Jabberwocky,

the people will rise against her.

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That should do it!


- Feel better? - Much. Thank you.

There's someone here who'd like to speak with you

- Absolem! - Who are you?

I thought we'd settled this

I'm Alice, but not that one

How do you know?

You've said so yourself

I said you were not hardly Alice,

but you're much more her now. In fact, you're almost Alice.

Even so, I couldn't slay the Jabberwocky

if my life depended on it It will

So I suggest you keep the Vorpal Sword on hand when the Frabjus Day arrives

You seem so real.

Sometimes I forget that this is all a dream.

Will you stop doing that?

I've always admired that hat.

Hello, Chess.

Since you wouldn't be needing it anymore

would you consider begrieving it to me

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How dare you?

Tis a formal execution. I would like to look my best, you know

It's a pity about all this

I was looking forward to seeing you Futterwacken

I was rather good at it, was I not?

I really DO love that hat.

I'd wear to all the finest occasions.

I love a morning execution Don't you?

Yes, Your Majesty.

- I'd like to keep it on. - Suit yourself

As long as I can get at your neck

I'm right behind you

- Off with his head! - I can't watch.

Good morning, everyone.

Chess, you dog!


You are being hanously bamboozled by these lick spittled toves you surround yourself with

What is that?

- I'm not the only one Majesty. Look. - Look. A counterfeit nose. You should be ashamed!

Me? What About that big belly you're so proud off?


Off with their heads!

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The Abused and enslaved in the Red Queen's court!

All of you, stand up and fight!

Rise up against the Bloody Red Queen!

Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!

Release the Jubjub bird!


You were right, Stayne. It is far better to be feared than loved.

Come with me! Quickly, come on!

- Hatter! - Come on, Melly, quickly! Come on. Come on!

Prepare the Jabberwocky for battle.

We're going to visit my little sister.

I had hope to have a champion by now

Why don't you slay the Jabberwocky yourself?

You must have the power.

It is against my vows to harm any living creature.

We have company.

Have a look, Bayard.

- So happy to see you, I thought they were going to... - Send me to die, but they didn't.

And here I am, still in one piece!

I'd rather have died than never seeing you again

I would've regret not seeing you again especially now that you're you,

in the proper size. It's a good size, it's a great size, it's the right size, it's..

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Where's your hat.

- Cheshire. - How's the arm, love?

- All healed. - Goodbye, sweet hat

Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

Let me think about it.

You know what tomorrow is, don't you?

Frabjus Day, how I could forget?

I wish I'd wake up.

You still believe this is a dream, do you?

Of course

This has all come from my own mind.

Which would mean that I'm not real.

Afraid so.

You're just a figment of my imagination

I would dream up someone who's half mad

Yes, yes. But you would have to be' half mad to dream me up.

I must be then.

I'll miss you when I wake up.

Who will step forth to be champion for the White Queen?

That would be I

You have very poor evaporating skills

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I should be the one.

I'll do it

No, me.

No, me!

No other slayer, no how If it ain't Alice, it ain't dead

Alice ...

You cannot live your life to please others,

The choice must be yours.

Because when you step out to face that creature,

you will step out alone

Nothing was ever accomplished with tears


Why are you upside down?

I've come to the end of this life.

You're going to die?


Don't go. I need your help, I don't know what to do.

I can't help you if you don't even know who you are, stupid girl.

I'm not stupid!

My name is Alice, I live in London.

I have a mother named Helen and a sister named Margaret.

My father was Charles Kingsley.

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He had a vision that stretched halfway around the world and nothing ever stopped him

I'm his daughter.

I'm Alice Kingsley.

Alice ... At last!

You are just as dimwitted as the first time you were here

You called it Wonderland, as I recall


- What do you call yourself? - Alice.

THE Alice?

I'll take you to the Hare and the Hatter.

She's the right one, I'm certain of it.

Look at the table. Please, have some tea.

Stupid Girl. - And what is this?

You would think she would remember all this from the first time.

It wasn't a dream at all. It was a memory.

This place is real!

So are you and so is the Hatter!

And the Jabberwocky

Remember, the Vorpal Sword knows what it wants

All you have to do, is hold on to it.

Farewell, Alice. Perhaps I will see you in another life.

Hello, Iracebeth.

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Hello ... Mirana

On this, the Frabjus day,

The Queens, Red and White shall send forth their champions

to do battle on their behalf.

Iracy, we don't have to fight

I know what you're doing.

You think you can blink those pretty little eyes

and I'll melt, just like mommy and daddy did.

Please. No!

It's my crown! I am the eldest!


This is impossible.

Only if you believe it is


That is an excellent practice

However, just at the moment, you really might want to focus on the Jabberwocky

Where's your champion, sister?


Hello, Um.

Six impossible things. Count them, Alice.

One. There's a potion that can make you shrink

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Two. A cake that can make you grow.

So, my old foe

We meet on the battlefield, once again

- We've never met. - Not you, insignificant bearer.

My ancient enemy, the Vorpal one

That's enough chatter!

Three. Animals can talk.

Four, Alice...

Cats can disappear.


There's a place called Wonderland


I can slay the Jabberwocky

The Hatter is interfering ! Off with his head!

Off with your head!

Kill her!

We follow you no more, Bloody Big Head!

How dare you?

Off with his head!

Iracebeth of Crims,

your crimes against Underland are worthy of death


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that is against my vows.

Therefore you will be banished to the Outlands

No one is to show you any kindness or ever speak a word to you.

You will not have a friend in the world ...

Majesty, I hope you bare on me no ill will

Iracy won't be alone Stayne

you are to join Iracebeth in banishment

from this day on, until the end of Underland.

Even we have each other.

Majesty, please, kill me! Please!

But I do not owe you kindness

- Take off my head! - You tried to kill me?

- Majesty! - He tried to kill me! -Please!

He tried to kill me!

O Frabjus Day!

- What is he doing? - Futterwacken.

The blood of the Jabberwocky.

You have our everlasting gratitude.

And for your efforts on our behalf ...

- Will this take me home? - If that is what you choose.

You could stay.

What an idea? A crazy mad wonderful idea!

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But I can't

There are questions I have to answer

Things I have to do.

I'll be back again, before you know it

You won't remember me.

Of course I will. How could I forget?

Hatter, why IS a raven like a writing desk?

I haven't the slightest idea

Fairfarren Alice.

She left me standing there without an answer

A case of nerves, no doubt

- Alice. - God, lord!

- Are you alright? - What happened to you?

I fell down a hole and hit my head.

I'm sorry, Hamish, I can't marry you.

You're not the right man for me.

You'll always have trouble with your digestion.

I love you, Margaret, but this is my life.

I'll decide what to do with it.

You're lucky to have my sister for your wife, Lowell.

I know you'll be good to her. I'll be watching very closely.

There is no prince, Aunt Imogen

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You need to talk to somebody about these delusions

I happen to love rabbits, especially white ones.

Don't worry, Mother. I'll find something useful to do with my life.

You two remind me of some funny boys I met in a dream

- You've left me out. - No, I haven't, sir.

You and I have business to discuss

Shall we speak... in the study

Oh, and one more thing.

My father told me he wanted to expand his trade routes to Sumatra and Borneo

But I don't think he was looking far enough.

Why not go all the way to China?

It's vast, the culture's rich

and we have a foothole in Hong Kong.

To be the first to trade with China, Can you imagine it?

You know, if anybody else had said that to me, I'd say you've lost your senses

But I've seen that look before

As you're not going to be my daughter in law,

perhaps you'd consider becoming an apprentice with the company

Hello, Absolem.

