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英 语 试 卷 2012-05

考 生 须 知 1.试卷共12页,满分120分,时间120分钟。 2. 在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级和姓名。 3.答案一律用蓝色或黑色钢笔写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 听力理解 (26分)




A. B. C. 2.


A. B. C.


A. B. C.


A. B. C. A. B. C.


请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. How much is the ticket? A. $ 10.

B. $ 20.

C. $ 30.

6. What is Tom going to do tonight? A. Watch a football game. C. Watch a volleyball game.

请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. What is Nancy doing at the moment?

A. Cooking dinner. B. Studying for a test. C. Walking a dog.

8. Mike is going to buy some __________.

A. pens and paper B. eggs and cakes C. beef and vegetables

请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. Why does Linda phone Tony? A. She wants to find a job.

B. She wants to borrow some money. C. She asks him to help her with her study. 10. Where did Linda work last year?

A. In a school.

B. In a post office.

C. At a bank.

B. Watch a basketball game.

请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Picture books. B. Cook books. C. Story books. 12. How many books are they speaking of?

A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. 13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a classroom. B. At home. C. In a bookstore. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14. What does John do on weekdays?

A. Draw pictures about bridges. B. Paint the bridge. C. Climb the mountains. 15. Why does John have to be careful all the time?

A. Because his boss is very strict. B. Because his job is very dangerous. C. Because the mountains are very high. 16. What can John see on sunny days? A. He can see the trees on the mountains. B. He can see all the bridges along the river. C. He can enjoy both the ocean and the mountains.



Coming in for an Interview. Position Name Experience Telephone number Time

17 teacher 18 19 of teaching 20 21 at 10:30 知识运用 (共25分)



22. Ruth and Tom are my American friends. _______ will come to China next month. A. Their B. Them C. They D. Theirs 23. ---When do people in your hometown plant trees?

---- ________ March.

A. On B. In C. At D. To

24. My sister likes pop songs very much, she doesn’t like country music. A. nor B. but C. or D. so 25. ---Kate, would you like _________ to drink ? ---No, thanks. I’m not thirsty.

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 26. --- Which film do you like _________, Let The Bullet Fly or The Crazy Stone? --- I prefer The Crazy Stone.

A. most B. well C. the best D. better 27. There many students in the school library every day. A. has B. have C. is D. are 28. --- _______ you say the sentence in English? --- Yes, I can.

A. May B. Can C. Must D. Need

29. The environment will be more and more beautiful if everyone _______his best to protect it.

A. try B. tries C. will try D. has tried 30. ---Do you know __________the Capital Museum? ---- Next Friday.

A. when will they visit B. when they will visit C. when did they visit D. when they visited 31. Don’t make any noise. The teachers _____________a meeting.

A. were having B. have C. are having D. will have 32. I’m looking forward to Stephon Marbury in Beijing. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. seen 33. Zhang Hong went to Japan in 2006. He ___________ there for 5 years. A. lived B. lives C. is living D. has lived 34. --- I saw you get on the NO. 901 bus. Where did you go? --- I ________ to the hospital to see a friend.

A. went B. go C. am going D. have gone 五、完形填空。 (共12分,每小题1分)


One British school is finding that allowing children to listen to music or even to have the TV on while studying is helping improve grades. Next time your teenager starts a family quarrel by 35 in an armchair listening to music while doing his homework, why not try a 36 experiment? Rather than taking the heavy words of ordering him to his bedroom to get on with it quietly, let him do the homework the 37 he wants. You might well find that his work is more wonderful than anything he’s done before.

According to the research of Millfield prep school, around 20% of youngsters 38 best with background music, 10% excel(突出)when they are allowed to 39 their work with short walks around the room, while up to 80% can concentrate better if 40 are allowed to play with a small object.

The research has advised the school to adopt (采取)a complete 41 step, analyzing pupils to discover which learning style suits them best — then letting them do their work listening to music or 42 lying down. Doubtful parents at first regarded the move as a layabout’s (懒汉)deed but many are now applying it at 43 where children are also allowed to do their work with the television on.

\ 44 to work on the floor with music on low,\ girl \first my 45 thought I was avoiding, but my teacher persuaded them to 46 my homework and when they saw it was okay, they agreed.\ 35. A. standing B. sitting C. doing D. reading 36. A. simple B. small C. dangerous D. difficult 37. A. method B. means C. way D. page 38. A. relax B. think C. write D. work 39. A. break out B. break down

C. break up

D. break in D. interesting

40. A. they B. she C. we D. you 41. A. new B. special C. common 43. A. school

42. A. still B. even C. almost D. perhaps

B. class C. home D. last

D. prefer

44. A. continue B. hope C. hate

45. A. teachers B. classmates C. friends D. parents 46. A. find B. look at C. accept D. leave

阅读理解 (共 44分)




Reading is very important to help you learn English. To learn as much as you can from reading, you need to read different kinds of English. This book provides not only different kinds of English but also a good way to check your reading ability. There are four parts in the book:

Chapter One: Messages In this part somebody wants to somebody else. Chapter Three: Places In this part, too. Many different Chapter Two: Things You will find some descriptive descriptions of clothes and of a computer. Chapter Four: People In this part all the tests are about send information in writing to writing in this part. There are kinds of English are shown, some people. For example, there is an informal(非正式的) and some informal letter between friends. formal(正式的). There is the There is formal English in informal English of a holiday biography (传记) . There is a job postcard.There is also the formal application as a model to help with English in a letter of complaint. your writing, as well as testing your reading. There is a test on timetables and a test on text messages. You can do these tests in any order you like, or you can do all the tests with a formal or informal text. I enjoyed writing this book and I hope you enjoy using it. 47. How many parts are there in the book? A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. 48. If you want to know something about clothes, you will read ________. A. Chapter One B. Chapter Two C. Chapter Three D. Chapter Four 49. This reading is most probably written for ________. A.doctors B.drivers C.students D.teachers B

Our cities are getting bigger and bigger as more people move from the country to the city. There are lots of reasons why they do this — mostly it is to find work, because all the big companies are in the cities and they need lots of people to work there. When there are lots of people living and working in a city, they need things like

restaurants, shops, hospitals and schools, too. These are all more jobs that people need to do. There will be lots of transport in the city to move all the people around. Everything you could want will be found in a city: government offices, museums and art galleries, cinemas, big restaurants and parks.

Unfortunately the city is much busier, more expensive, and more dangerous than the country. The air is not so healthy because of all the cars and trucks on the roads. There are so many people that it is not as friendly — you cannot get to know everyone as you do in the country, and people may get lonely. You do not have much room in the city — most people live in apartments — not houses, and they do not have gardens or lots of space, and because of all the people there is also a lot of noise.

The country is much more friendly as everyone knows each other. It is much cheaper to live and there are less dangerous people than you find in cities. And perhaps the best thing is that you can have a big house with a garden and it will be very quiet. But there are not many jobs or services

there. There are also not many shops, schools or hospitals. And it is hard to get around.

Every person is different, but more and more people choose to live in cities because there is so much to do there. What do you think about the city? 50. Why do more and more people move to the cities? A. Because they want to find a job.

B. Because they like to live in apartments. C. Because they want to make more friends. D. Because they like eating in big restaurants. 51. Which sentence is true according to the passage? A. You can live a quiet life in the city

B. You can find a big house with a garden in the country. C. People can visit museums and art galleries in the country.

D. Big companies in the country need lots of people to work there. 52. The writer says the country is more friendly because __________.

A. people can live quietly B. people work together C. everyone has some friends D. everyone knows each other

[来源学科网][来源学科网][来源学+科+网] C

Compassion (同情) is a desire within us to help others. With effort, we can translate compassion into actions. An experience last weekend showed me this is true. I work part-time in a supermarket across from a building for the elderly. These old people are our main customers,and it’s easy to lose patience over their slowness. But

last Sunday,one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable lesson. This untidy man walked up to my register with a box of biscuits. He said he was out of cash,had just moved into his room,and had nothing in his cupboards. He asked if we could let him have the food on trust. He promised to repay me the next day.

I couldn’t help staring at him. I wondered what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before,and what he would be like if luck had gone his way. I had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul,all alone in the world. I told him that I was sorry,and the store rules didn’t allow me to do so. I felt stupid and unkind saying this,but I valued my job. Just then,another man,standing behind the first,spoke up. “If anything,” he looked more pitiable, “charge it to me,” was all he said.

What I had been feeling was pity. Pity is soft,safe and easy. Compassion,on the other hand, is caring in action. I thanked the second man but told him that was not allowed,either. Then I reached into my pocket and paid for the biscuits myself. I reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart and taught me compassion.

53. From the first paragraph, we can know the old gentleman was __________.


B.disappointed D.poor and lonely

C.kind and lucky

54. The underlined sentence “I valued my job.” means “________”. A.I didn’t like my present job. B.I didn’t want to lose my present job. C.I thought I should pay for the old gentleman. D.I expected someone else to pay for the old gentleman. 55. What is the main point in this passage? A.Helping others is easier said than done. B.Experience is better gained through practice. C.Wealth is more important than anything else. D. Obeying the rules means more than compassion.


Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook by yourself? Have you been doing Internet shopping rather than going to the stores? What can't you be bothered to do?

A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of the adults

are so lazy that they'd catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs.

Just over 2000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield About one in six people questioned said if their remote control was broken, they More than one third of those questioned said they would not run to catch a bus. Health, Britain's largest health center. The results were extremely surprising. would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.

Worryingly, of the 654 respondents with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them.

This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the Dr Sarah Dauncey, medical director of Nuffield Health, said, “People need to get UK are classified as obese (very fat) before they start school.

fitter, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of their families, friends and evidently their pets, too.”

“If we don't start to take control of this problem, a whole generation will become And Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, was shamed as the most idle city in the UK, too unfit to perform even the most fundamental tasks.”

with 75% questioned admitting they do not get enough exercise, followed closely by Birmingham and Southampton, both with 67%.

The results bring serious challenges for the National Health Service, where obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease and cancer have been on a steady increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year. 56. How many people questioned don't play with their children?

A. About 330. B.About 420. C.About 654. D.About 1280. 57. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. All the adults in the UK are very lazy.

B. Half of the children are very fat before they go to school. C. Pets will be in trouble if their owners don’t keep healthy.

D. All people in Glasgow feel ashamed because they don't get enough exercise. 58. From the last paragraph, we can infer __________ if they keep lazy.

A. people may have heart disease B. people can work at home all the time C. people like shopping online D. people don’t like climbing the stairs 59. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The health service in the UK. B.A study of British people's lifestyles. C.A study of British people's laziness. D.The obesity problem in the UK.



A. Start out at this end B. Life is like a cafeteria here C. He sat down at an empty table D. You have to get up and get it yourself E. He ordered a cake when a woman came in A friend’s grandfather came to America from Britain. He went into a cafeteria in Manhattan to get something to eat. 60 and waited for someone to take his order. Of course nobody did. At last, a woman with a plate full of food sat down in front of him and told him how a cafeteria worked. “ 61 .” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay.”

“I soon learned how everything worked in America.” the grandfather told a friend. “ 62 . You can get anything you want only if you like to pay the money. You can even get success, but you’ll never get that if you wait for someone to bring it to you. 63 .”


阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题,将答案写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。 Researchers find that people become happier and experience less worry after they reach the age of fifty. In fact, they say by the age of eighty-five, people are happier with their life than they were when they were eighteen years old.

The findings came from a survey of more than 340,000 adults in the United States. The Gallup (民意调查) Organization questioned them by telephone in 2008. At that time, the people were between the ages of eighteen and eighty-five. The

researchers asked questions about emotions like happiness, sadness and worry. They also asked about mental or emotional stress.

Arthur Stone at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five. The findings showed that stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties. Happiness was highest among the youngest adults and those in their early seventies. The people least likely to report feeling negative emotions were those in their seventies and eighties.

Researchers say they do not know why happiness increases as people get older. One theory is that, as people grow older, they grow more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.

Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world, or maybe even changes in brain chemistry.

The researchers also considered possible influences like having young children, being unemployed or being single. But they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age.

The study also showed that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men.


64. How many people were questioned to do the survey? 65. What were the questions in the survey about?

66. Who were happier according to the survey, people in their thirties or people in their sixties?

67. Could having children affect the levels of people’s happiness? 68. What does the writer want to tell us?

书面表达 (共 25分)


根据中文意思完成句子。将答案部分写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。 69. 电影院很近, 我们步行去吧。

The cinema is very near. ___________________________ there on foot. 70. 妈妈很喜欢看电视上的人与自然节目。

Mom____________________________________ Man and Nature on TV. 71. 快毕业了,你最好别浪费时间。

We’ll graduate from middle school. waste your time. 72. 不要怕犯错误,因为那很正常。

Don’t ____________________________________because it’s very common. 73. 学生们抱怨作业多,睡眠不足。

The students complain that they have ________________________________. 十、文段表达。(共15分)

74. 根据中文和英文提示,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑,不少于60词的文段。请将文段写在答题卡上。

某英文报纸就中学生带手机(cell phones)上学话题征文,请你投稿。 手机在人们生活中扮演着重要角色,许多同学带手机上学。请你谈谈同学们经常用手机做什么,你有什么体会,你对正确使用手机有哪些建议。 daily life,convenient, keep in touch, pass notes, during the class, affect

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________




二、听对话或独白,选最佳选项。(共12分,每小题1分)BA BC AC BAC BBC 三、听对话,记录关键信息。(共10分,每小题2分)

17. An English 18. Bob White 19. 3 years 20. 816-3574 21. Next Tuesday / May 8



Cell phones are very important in our daily life. More and more children bring their phones to school. At school, students use cell phones to pass notes, read novels and listen to music. Sometimes cell phones ring during the class. Some people think it’s convenient for students to keep in touch with their parents, so schools should allow students to take cell phones to school. In my opinion, with a cell phone to school will affect the student’s attention, students shouldn’t bring cell phones to school. They should focus on the lessons and other activities in the school. ( 98 words )



话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) Number 1

M: It’s a beautiful day. Let’s do something. W: Wow! How about having a picnic? Number 2

M: How many trees did you plant last month? W: About 1000. I remember. Number 3

W: What a pretty bird! Can I take it out in the yard? M: Of course. He’s happy to be out. Number 4

M: What’s Linda going to do this evening?

W: She’s going to have a piano lesson.

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。

W: Hi, Tom. I’m selling tickets for tonight’s football game. Do you want to buy one? M: I’d like to. How much is it? W: It’s 20 dollars.

M: But I only have 15 dollars.

W: OK. Give me 15 dollars. You can pay me the rest tomorrow. M: OK. Thanks!

请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 W: Hi, Mike.

M: Hi, Nancy. How is everything?

W: Fine. I’m studying for my test. M: How is it going?

W: OK, but we need some things from the supermarket. Can you stop there on your way home? M: Sure.

W: We need some beef, a box of milk, some eggs. And some fresh vegetables for a salad. M: Anything else? W: No. That’s all.

M: OK. See you tonight.

请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 Tony: Job seek. This is Tony. How can I help you? Linda: This is Linda Smith. I sent in a resume two days ago. Tony: Let me see, Linda. What job did you want?

Linda: I want to work with people. So I applied for a receptionist job.

Tony: Yes, here it is. Well, we only have one opening for a receptionist. But they want someone with at least one year of experience.

Linda: Well, I worked at Barclay’s Bank from June last year until this January. Tony: Yes, I see that. They really prefer a college degree.

Linda: I’m studying right now. That’s why I just want to work during the day. I go to school at night.

Tony: Okay, Linda. Worldwide Travel needs an outgoing, energetic person to work part-time.

Would you like me to make an appointment for an interview?

Linda: OK, thank you.

请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 W: So many books here. Which one do you think Kate would like?

M: No idea. How about Tasty Fish? It’s 15 dollars and it’s got so many color pictures in it. W: So does the book Something fishy. It’s also got many instructions for cooking. M: It seems to be very traditional. How about Worldwide Fish?

W: Oh, it looks more like a reference book than a cook book, a lot of reading and not many

pictures. M: It’s interesting though, the way it’s organized, fish by fish. W: That’s true. How much is it?

M: 12 dollars.

W: And the one I picked up first?

M: Something fishy? Oh, here it is. That’s 17 dollars.

W: Well. This one has a nice combination of pictures and instructions. Anyway, we can’t spend all

day here. I am going to take this.

请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 Hello! My name is John. When I tell people that I paint the Golden Gate Bridge, they think I start off one end, paint to the other end and then start again. But that’s not true, we’re always painting the bridge, but we have to go where the paint is in bad condition. It’s a dangerous job. You have to be careful all the time. You can’t work over here without safety equipment and the weather, it gets cold over here. Sometimes, it’s so cold that ice covers some bridges, you have to wear warm clothes, sometimes, it’s windy and foggy. On foggy days, you can’t see anything. Sometimes you’ve got both ice and fog. To see from the top is the thing I love about the job. On a sunny day, like today, you can see from the ocean to the port and all the way to the mountains. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。(共10分,每小题2分)

请听对话,根据对话内容,将所缺的关键信息补全,并把答案填写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。(对话读两遍) W:Hello. Can I help you?

M:Well. I’m calling to ask about the position advertised by your school. I have heard that you

need an English teacher.

W:Yes, the position is still open. Do you have any experience?

M:Sure. I have been teaching English in a night school for the last 3 years. W:Could I have your name and number please?

M:Certainly, My name is Bob White, and my phone number is… W:Wait a minute please. Your name is …?

M:Bob White. B—O—B, Bob; W—H—I—T—E White. W:OK. Now go ahead with the phone number, please.


W:816—3574. OK. When would you be available to come in for an interview? M:Any day next week in the morning.

W:How about next Tuesday at 10:30 ? That is May the 8th . M:Sounds fine. Thank you.

W:We’ll expect you at our school next Tuesday, Mr. White.

