牵引供、变电、接触网专业常用词汇(中英文详细对照表) - 图文

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1.5 kV接触线固定线夹1.5 kV contact wire 标称接触网高度nominal height of contact wire attaching clamp 标称截面为50mm2镀锌铝包合金镀层钢绞线1.5kV弹性支撑1.5kV elastic support 50mm2 coated Al-zinc steel strand wire 130型悬吊滑轮130 type pulley with suspension 冰雨super cooled rain 200型长定位环200 type eye end holder for tube 波传播系数coefficient of wave propagation height 波纹导体接头corrugated rail bond 26型定位环26 type eye clamp 玻璃钢定位器GRP steady arm 26型定位器联板26 type yoke for steady arm 玻璃钢腕臂 glass fiber reinforced plastic cantilever 26型螺纹过渡连接件26 type thread coupling 玻璃纤维加强塑料(玻璃钢) GRP 32型定位吊线环32 type dropper eye clamp 补偿弹簧 tensioning spring 3 kV双接触线弹性支撑elastic support for 3kV 补偿滑轮pulley with clevis twin contact wire 补偿棘轮wheel tension assembly 88型悬吊滑轮88 type pulley with suspension 补偿器 tensioning equipment; tensioning device; Ⅱ级青铜 bronze Ⅱ tensioner Ⅱ型双耳双管线夹 Ⅱtype twin tube clamp with 补偿装置(棘轮)tension wheel equipment double eye 不均匀度degree of non-uniformity B6 桥式电路B6 bridge circuit 不平衡率unbalance CJ下锚平衡板CJ anchor balance sheet ; balance 不锈钢stainless steel sheet for CJ anchor C C形环C-hook 操作浪涌过电压switching-surge T形铝汇流排T- aluminum bus bar 操作过电压 switching overvoltage T形双腕臂上底座upper bracket for T- double track 操作机 actuator UT型耐张线夹UT-type strain-resisting clamp 侧接触式接触轨side-contact conductor rail U形钢线卡子(DIN1142)U- steel wire clamp 测试线private wire U形挂环U-shackle 插入式支柱inserted pole U形螺丝U-bolt 叉梁diagonal bracing Y-Δ接线star-delta connection 岔群区rack points Z字形布置zigzag arrangement; Z- arrangement 差动保护differential protection

A 拆迁demolition and relocation

安装调试 erection and commissioning 缠线带wind tape 安装工具installation tool 长吊环extended clamp for suspension 凹型垫块concave washer for adjustable washer 长定位单环drop bracket 32/42/55 奥氏体不锈钢austenitic stainless steel 长定位环extended steady ring


长定位双环drop bracket


常闭隔离开关isolator normally closed

摆动联板swinging strap

常开隔离开关isolator normally open

摆式车体列车train with tilting body

超高不足cant deficiency

半补偿接触网semi-compensated contact line

超载superimposed load; overload

半补偿链形悬挂semi-tensioned longitudinal

车库(机务段)股道隔离开关depot track

suspension; semi-tensioned overhead contact system


(OCS) with catenary

车体接地预埋固定管grounding steady tube for

半个补偿锚段长度length of half tensioning anchor

trunk body


衬垫packer; sleeve

半水平接触网设备anchor ear; guide strap

衬套adapter; bush

比热specific heat

撑杆stay rod; stay bar


撑螺栓stay bolt

避雷线lightning protection wire

承力索 catenary wire; messenger; messenger wire

闭合状态closed status


闭塞信号block signal

承力索弛度 catenary wire sag

变径管接头reducing socket

承力索电连接线夹electrically connecting clamp

变流器converter for catenary wire


牵引供、变电、接触网专业 承力索吊弦线夹catenary wire dropper clip;dropper 带电作业hot-line work clip for catenary wire 带短路指示器电动隔离开关motor-driven 承力索滑动吊弦线夹catenary wire sliding dropper disconnector with short-circuit indicator clamp; sliding dropper clamp for catenary wire 带耳环的长棒式绝缘子long-rod insulator with 承力索接头线夹catenary wire splice eye-cap 承力索双线支撑线夹twin wire support clamp for 带钩支持器swivel clip holder with hook catenary wire 带减震元件装置的拱腹式导轨支撑support for 承力索线夹catenary wire clip soffit conductor rail with damping element 承力索线夹支持座catenary wire clip support 带接触线夹板的跨越双道岔的接触网 overhead contact system ( OCS) crossing double points with 承力索中心锚接绳线夹mid-anchor connection contact wire clamping strap clamp for catenary wire 带接地灭弧线圈系统resonant-earthed system 承力索中心锚接线夹mid-anchor clamp for 带轮保护的支柱pole with wheel protection catenary wire 承力索终端锚固线夹cone-type dead-end clamp for 带旁路开关的区间馈线柜section feeder panel with catenary wire; terminal anchor clamp for catenary bypass disconnector wire; termination fitting for catenary wire 带双接触线的全补偿链形悬挂硬锚overhead 城市轨道交通urban rail transit contact system(OCS) with tensioned catenary wire and twin contact wires fixed termination; fixed 齿形双耳楔形线夹gear-type clevis end wedge-type termination for all tensioned longitudinal suspension clamp system with twin contact wires 冲击电流impulse current 带双接触线的全补偿链形悬挂自动补偿下锚出线lead-out 杵环杆ball-end eye-end rod overhead contact system (OCS) with tensioned catenary wire and twin contact wires 杵座鞍子ball socket end clamp; socket end clamp automatic-tensioned termination; 杵座双耳ball socket automatic-tensioned termination for all tensioned 杵座楔形线夹socket end wedge-type clamp longitudinal suspension system with twin contact 触发脉冲start pulse wires 触指contact finger 带一个定位器的隧道壁上支持装置support in 串—并联联络开关series-parallel connecting tunnel on wall with one steady arm switch 带有接地开关的双极旋转式隔离开关double-pole 串式绝缘子link insulator rotary disconnector with attached earthers 带中间绝缘的接触线和导线连接contact 垂直摆动vertical oscillation line-conductor connection with intermediate 垂直并联板 vertical parallel plate insulation 垂直导线悬垂线夹conductor suspension clamp 带中间支柱的补偿硬横跨结构tensioning portal twisted 90o structure with intermediate pole 垂直定位钩(26)hook end clamp 26 垂直绝缘定位钩(26)insulated hook end clamp 26 单/双耳连接器cross link eye/clevis 单臂受电弓single arm pantograph 垂直双耳鞍子conductor suspension clamp twisted 单承力索吊弦线夹single catenary wire clip 90o 单导线或集束导线single conductors or bundled 垂直悬吊安装支架vertical suspension installation conductors support 单电车线的接触网overhead contact system(OCS) 瓷横担porcelain post insulator with single trolley wire 瓷横担肩架cantilever for porcelain post insulator 单耳连接螺栓13/19 eye-bolt 13/19 瓷套管绝缘子porcelain through insulator 单耳连接器cross link (eye/eye) 瓷支持绝缘子porcelain support insulator 单轨monorail 磁吹线圈blow-out coil 单肩槽钢肩架FW cantilever D 单孔楔子one-hole wedge 打入式探测driven probe 单螺栓并沟线夹bolt–type parallel groove clamp 打入式桩基础driven pile foundation 单线路悬臂single track cantilever 大地电阻率resistivity of soil 单线路正定位pull-off for one track 带玻璃钢定位器的1.5kV弹性支撑 1.5 kV elastic 单悬挂(带连接板)single suspension (with strap) support with GRP-steady arm 当地控制local control 带电的上定位索energized upper cross-span wire; energized upper registration wire 当量跨距equivalent span length 带电线路hot line; energized line 导轨conductor rail


牵引供、变电、接触网专业 导轨绝缘子conductor rail insulator with claw; operating voltage up to 750V 导轨线夹conductor rail clamp 导轨罩conductor rail cover 导轨罩支撑support for conductor rail cover 导轨支撑conductor rail support 导热能力thermal conduction capability 导热性thermal conductivity 导体接头rail bond 导线安装曲线wire installation curve 导线交叉线夹conductor clamp 导线线夹crimped cable lug 导向线夹guide clamp 道碴ballast 道岔turnout; switch; track point 道岔侧线支角point branching angle 道岔放大distort the point 道岔柱turnout mast 等效负载dummy load 底座上的中间柱double-channel pole on bracket 地脚螺栓anchor bolt 地下underground 地线弯卡curved holder for earth wire 地线线夹earth wire clamp 地线接轨用线夹clamp for connecting earth wire to rail 地中电流earth current 电动开关操作机构electrical switch mechanism 电杆基坑pole pit 电弧触头arcing contact 电弧故障arc fault 电化股道electrified track; electric track 电话干扰telephone interference 电解铜E-Cu 电抗性电流reactive current 电抗性电压降reactive drop 电缆接头cable connector 电缆接线罩cover for cable connection 电缆线卡cable clip 电缆支架预埋固定管embedded steady tube for cable support 电力金具electric power fitting 电力脂electric grease 电连接线夹electric connecting clamp 电流侧mains side 电流继电器current relay 电流强度intensity of current 电流下降fall of current 电路参数circuit parameter 电路接线circuit connection 电路图circuit diagram 电能electrical energy 电能传输energy transmission 电能存储accumulation of electric energy 电能输送power transmission 电屏panel board 电气补充信号(带/不带方向箭头的)electrical complementary signal(with/without)directional arrow 电气额定值electrical rating 电气连接分断点electric joint 电气化electrification 电气化干扰electrification interference 电气化铁道electrified track 电气化铁道改造electrified railway remodelling 电气检测车electric equipment inspection railcar 电气铁道electric railway 电容capacitance 电容补偿capacitance compensation 电容电荷capacitive charges 电容器condenser 电容器充电condenser charge 电容器电抗condenser reactance 电容器放电condenser discharge 电容器组condenser bank(block) 电势electric potential 电枢armature 电网运行管理operation of network 电网指挥中心network command centre (NCC) 电位potential; electrical potential 电位差potential difference 电位移electric displacement 电压不平衡度voltage unballance 电压互感器potential transformer; pressure transformer; voltage transformer 电压畸变率VD voltage distortion 电压降potential fall; voltage drop 电压升potential rise 电压突变abrupt change of voltage 电压下降fall of voltage 电压限制器(限压器)voltage limiter 电压值magnitude of voltage 电业管理局power administration 电涌放电器surge arrester 电源变压器mains transformer 电源电压mains voltage 电源开关mains switch 电子信息处理electronic information processing 电阻率electric resistance; resistivity 电阻率resistivity 电阻损失ohmic loss 电阻温度系数temperature coefficient of resistance 电阻系数coefficient of resistivity 垫板rail tie plate 垫片 pad; shim; back-up plate; filler piece 垫圈grommet; washer;carrier (cushion, filler,3 牵引供、变电、接触网专业 insertion) ring;joint-packing 动触头端子moving contact piece terminal 吊环clamp for suspension; shackle; shackle with 动电弧触头moving arcing contact threaded pin and split pin ring 动力变电所power transformer station; substation 吊索hanging wire; bridle wire; stitch wire (SS) 吊索导向托座bridle guiding device 动量加载整体基础momentum-loaded block foundation 吊索滑轮装置bridle-and-pulley suspension 动态参数dynamic parameter 吊索线夹bridle wire clamp 动态电感dynamic inductance 吊索支座bridle suspension 动态法dynamic analysis method 吊弦dropper 动态接触压力dynamic contact force 吊弦保护套150 protective sleeve150 for dropper 吊弦间距dropper spacing 吊弦线夹dropper clamp 吊线钩hook clip 吊柱drop post; soffit post 吊柱腕臂底座bracket for drop tube 掉线blow-off 叠加荷载superimposed load 叠加原理principle of superposition 叠片lamination 顶紧垂直定位钩hook end clamp with bolted-type 顶紧式铲形连接管头spade end fitting with hook 顶紧水平定位钩hook end fitting; bolted -type 定位臂registration arm 定位钩hook end fitting 定位管registration arm; registration tube; steady tube 定位管卡子holder for steady tube 定位管支撑 support for registration tube 定位环42/55/70 eye clamp 42/55/70 定位环cross-span hook clamp; eye end holder for tube 定位环线夹cross-span wire clamp; eye end clamp for strands 定位器hoop hold-off arm; steady arm 定位器环link for steady arm 定位器连接环link for steady arm 定位器销钉pin for steady arm 定位双环twin bracket 定位索cross-span; cross-span wire; registration wire 定位索弹簧cross-span wire springs 定位索底座bracket for head span wire 定位索定位支座cross-span drop bracket 定位线夹guide clamp; contact wire clip; steady clamp 定位销钉grooved stud 16 (DIN43119) 定位支座42/55 drop bracket 42/55 定位柱registration mast 定位装置registration device 定相器phasing device 定向耦合器directional coupler 定向线圈directional coil 动触头moving contact 动态抬升dynamic uplift 动态质量dynamic mass 动压力dynamic pressure 动转矩dynamic torque 动作器 actuator 动作线圈actuating coil 镀锌钢导线galvanized steel conductor 镀锌钢绞线zinc-clad steel strand wire 镀锌可锻铸铁galvanized malleable cast iron 镀锌铝包钢绞线Al-zinc coated steel stranded wire 镀锌铜绞线zinc-coated copper stranded conductor 端子 terminal 端子板terminal block 端子绝缘terminal insulator 端子箱terminal box 短路保护装置short-circuit protection 短路电流 (持续) 时间 duration of short-circuit 短路电流short-circuit current 短路监视互感器 short circuit detection transformer 短路器short-circuiter 短路强度short-circuit strength 短路载流量short-circuit current capacity 短路装置short-circuiting device 短时负载short-time load 短时过电压low-term overvoltage 断电notch-off 断开弹簧cut-off spring 断流路interruption of current 断路电弧open-circuit arc 断路器(续断器)interrupter; circuit breaker; breaker;disconnector 断路器单元circuit-breaker unit 断相保护装置open-phase protection 锻铝合金wrought aluminium alloy 对称变换symmetrical transformation 对称补偿symmetrical compensation 对称分量symmetrical components 对地电容capacitance to earth 对地电阻resistance to earth 对角支撑diagonal bracing 多边形跳闸起动区域polygonal triggering zones 多个时间和方向距离级别several time and direction distance steps 4 牵引供、变电、接触网专业 多弓several pantographs 多功能双耳线夹multiple purpose clamp for pull-offs 多普勒因子Doppler factor 多线路悬臂multiple track cantilever 多相线电压mesh voltage 多相制边电压mesh voltage 惰行coasting E 额定的(标称的)rated; nominal 额定电路电压nominal circuit voltage 额定电压rated voltage;nominal voltage 额定短路开断电流rated short circuit breaking current 额定功率nominal power; power rating 额定功率因数rated power factor 额定馈线电流rated feeder current 额定连续工作电压rated continuous working voltage 额定母线电流 rated busbar current 额定容量nominal capacity 扼流变压器choke transformer 扼流器choke 扼流圈结点连接reactance coil (choke) joint bond 轭流圈impedance coil 轭铁yoke iron 耳环杆eye end rod; eye-bolt 耳环绝缘子ear insulator 耳环帽绝缘子eye and tube end cap insulator; eye end cap insulator 耳环悬式绝缘子ring suspension insulator 二次侧secondary side 二次侧开关switch on secondary side 二次的secondary 二次电流secondary current 二次击穿secondary breakdown 二次绕组secondary winding 二次谐波second harmonics 二极管整流器diode rectifiers 二阶阻尼滤波器2nd-order damped filter F 发电power generation 阀型避雷器value-type arrestor arrester 阀值threshold 法拉第笼式结构Faraday cage 法兰flange 反电动势back electromotive force 反定位push–off 反馈变压器feedback transformer 反馈系数reaction coefficient 反射角angle of reflection 反射系数coefficient of reflection; reflection factor 反向串联series-opposing

反向电流inverse current 反向电压(反向电峰值) peak inverse voltage 反向耦合back coupling 反谐振anti-resonance 方向继电器directional relay 方向开关direction switch 方坠陀weight; square 防串中心锚结anti-creeping mid-point anchor 防风定位环线夹eye clamp for wind stay 防风拉线wind stay; wind stay wire 防腐蚀电缆corrosive-proof cable 防护板支撑角钢under bridge fastening 防雷线lighting protection conductors 防爬装置anti-creeping device 防锈rustproof 防雨式电气设备rainproof electrical equipment 防振锤damper 防止干扰的shielded form interference 仿真负载dummy load 放大系数amplification coefficient 放电discharge 放电管棒discharge pipe 放电电阻discharge resistance 放电火花discharge spark 放电间隙discharge gap 放电时间放电稳压器 discharge period discharge voltage regulator 放电终止discharge off 放气阀air escape valve 放线unwind wire 飞弧arc-over; overflash flashover 非导体non-conductor 非电磁un-magnetized 非电化股道track without overhead contact system(OCS) equipment 非电化线路non-electrified track 非接触的接触网交叉(不需安装线岔,一支接触线为非工作支)OCS cross without touching (without cross-contact bar; non-negotiated crossing) 非绝缘吊弦cross-span hook clamp; uninsulated line dropper 非绝缘锚段关节 non-insulated overlaps; uninsulated overlap 非绝缘转换柱uninsulated transition mast 非均匀度non-uniformity 非线性负荷nonlinear load 非线性特性nonlinear nature 非载流吊弦dropper being not capable of carrying currents 非自动跳闸non-automatic tripping 分布电感distributed inductance 分布电容distributed capacitance 分布负载distributed load 5

