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Unit test 1

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

1. The former rivals decided to create a(n) _______ when they realized they shared a common threat. Correct answer alliance

2. The streets around the courthouse were all closed down because of the____ against the ruling. demonstration

3. Sandra was explaining how her daughter is beginning to ____ against her rules and authority. rebel

4. The government has passed many laws that intended to make us safer, but (a) ___ would probably suggest that we're just as vulnerable as before. Correct answer cynic

5. The ___of California held a press conference to announce his candidacy for the US Senate. governor 6. I found the Prime Minister's speech to be very_____ ; it made me feel hopeful and patriotic. inspirational

7. At this point, Jim has no ___ of landing a job anytime soon; he just can't find a job for someone with a history degree. Correct answerprospects

8. Radicalism, by ___, means that people are acting outside the accepted norms of society. definition

9. My children are growing up today in the Internet ____—a time when all the knowledge of the world is only a few mouse clicks away. Correct answer era

10. The September 11 terrorist attack in the United States caused more ____ than many people thought possible. Correct answer destruction

11. During the 1960s, many young people chose to _____their country's involvement in the Vietnam War. Correct answer protest

12. The collapsed housing industry in America ultimately had severe consequences for the entire_____ . Correct answer economy

13. Pedro asked me to sign the _____ in favor of the proposed law. Correct answer petition

14. Traveling through Mexico was a wonderful ____to practice Spanish which I spent so many years studying. Correct answer opportunity

15. She chose to major in business at college because she thought it would increase her chances of well-paid _____ after graduation. Correct answer employment

16. This artist must be fairly _______; I've never heard of her and I'm an art major! Correct answer obscure

17. Mike explained that it was his personal______ that governments should never interfere with other countries' internal problems. Correct answer philosophy

18. My father always told me that if I don't have ____ for what I do, I should find something else to do. Correct answer passion

19. Subjects like physics and chemistry can cause considerable _____ for students who aren't good at mathematics. Correct answer frustration

20. To an economist, there is a huge difference between an_____ society and an agricultural one. industrial Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. The students took ____ the streets in protest and got a lot of media attention. Correct answer to

22. It's difficult to know exactly what the candidates stand___ because they speak in such general terms. Correct answer for

23. It wasn't until I moved to college that I realized how much I relied ____ my parents. Correct answer on

24. That film about the plight of polar bears really made me sit ____and pay attention to climate change. Correct answer up

25. Greg wanted to go jogging in spite ______ the fact that there was a strong thunderstorm. of

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26. I would never be associated ____ an organization that was cruel to animals. towith

27. The news story was about people who protested because they had been kept ____ the list of eligible voters. off 28. Barbara decided not to drop ___of college even though she was pregnant. out

29. Do you really think a group of students can bring___ change in the government? about 30. President Kennedy hoped that the embargo would bring the Cuban government ___ its knees. to Part II: Banked Cloze

When I was in college, I was a reporter for the school newspaper. My very first article was about a student protest on(31)____. The students, mostly freshman and (32)___ gathered outside the chemistry building. They were calling for the (33)______of Professor Keyes, who they claimed wasa particularly (34)___teacher. He ran his classroom like a dictator and didn't grade fairly.

The students were mostly peaceful and they spent all day (35)______\did have a minor (36)_____ with other students who tried to defend Professor Keyes. Nobody was hurt, but it was obvious that both sides were very (37______about their beliefs.

You could say that my college had a very (38______ environment. Students were encouraged to think for themselves, (39)____ their rights, and fight for what they believed in. This wasn't the only protest during my college years, either. You certainly couldn't criticize the students for being (40)______ they were always outspoken and involved!

Correct answer (31) campus (32) sophomores (33) resignation (34) repressive (35) chanting (36) clash (37) passionate (38) liberal (39) assert (40) apathetic Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

One of the most famous student protests to ever occur in the United States took place between May 1 and May 4, 1970 at a college campus in the Midwestern state of Ohio. The reason this particular protest is still remembered and famous is because of the unfortunate result of the demonstrations.

On April 30, 1970, US President Richard Nixon announced an escalation of the war in Vietnam with a military invasion of Cambodia, which neighbors Vietnam. At that time, the war was extremely unpopular with the public and many people were frustrated and angered by this new development—especially students. Many people had been encouraged by Nixon's promise two years earlier to end the war, but, in 1970, there was still no end in sight.

On May 1, students at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio protested against the American invasion of Cambodia and were calling for an end to the war. The campus protest was peaceful, but emotions grew throughout the day, and riots soon erupted in the town's streets that night. In response, the governor sent National Guard troops to the Kent State University campus to stop the riots and protests.

Small protests continued over the next two days, and then, on the morning of May 4, approximately 2,000 students gathered in the center of campus to protest both the war and the presence of soldiers at their school. The soldiers ordered the students to disperse and return to their dorms. When they refused, the soldiers began firing tear gas into the crowd. During the morning, the situation escalated, along with tensions, emotions, and anger. Shortly after noon, the National Guard soldiers opened fire on the students. The cause of this action remains unclear to this day. However, at the end of the day, four students were killed and nine others were wounded. Some of those students were not even involved in the protest. They were just walking by or watching the protest from a distance. 41. What were the students at Kent State University protesting? A. The American invasion of Vietnam. B. The American invasion of Cambodia.

C. The election of President Richard Nixon. D. The election of the Ohio governor.

42. National Guard troops were sent to the Kent State campus because _______. A. President Nixon ordered them there

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B. the students asked them to come

C. the Ohio governor ordered them there

D. the school's administration asked them to come 43. What happened in Kent, Ohio on May 4, 1970?

A. President Richard Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia. B. Students at Kent State University began a peaceful protest. C. Riots broke out in the town's streets.

D. National Guard soldiers killed four students.

44. This style of writing would best be described as _______. A. expository B. argumentative C. narrative D. descriptive

45. Which of the following words best describes the students at Kent State University in 1970? A. Apathetic. B. Passionate. C. Cynical. D. Nostalgic. 41~45:BCDAB

Unit test 2

Section A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

1. Though it was difficult, Carlos knew the only _______ thing to do would be to admit cheating on the test. A. honestly B. honor C. honorable D. honest

2. Debbie is very _______ to the plight of homeless people and always gets very emotional when she sees them on the street.

A. empathy B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic

3. Certain types of birds often develop the skill of _______ and sound like they can speak. A. impressions B. mimicry

C. personification D. imitating

4. As babies develop, they need to learn to _______ before they can walk. A. run B. climb C. swim D. crawl

5. When he was a child, Tony lost all vision in his right eye, so he feels _______ for the difficulties faced by blind people. A. empathy

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B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic

6. Kindergarten teachers often have to reprimand their students for _______. A. mimicry B. misbehaviour C. misery

D. misunderstanding

7. During the Christmas holiday, many people feel a surge of _______ and give to charities. A. malevolence B. discipline C. benevolence D. sensitivity

8. Babies usually cry when they feel _______ because they have no other way to express themselves. A. distinguished B. dishonest C. distressed D. discouraged

9. Different cultures have different ways of _______ their children. A. authorizing B. disciplining C. obeying

D. sympathizing

10. The research project was an _______ success—we managed to prove our theory conclusively. A. overage B. overdue C. overnight D. overall

11. Thomas has no _______ to the feelings of others—he always makes very negative and offensive comments. A. sensitivity B. sense C. sensory D. sensitive

12. No matter where Sue goes, something major happens; it's like she takes the _______ along with her. A. comedy B. tragedy C. romance D. drama

13. He reached out and _______ her cheek tenderly. A. scratched B. stroked C. wiped D. massaged

14. Brian felt incredible pressure and made a _______ decision, which ultimately turned out to be a big mistake. A. haste B. hastily

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C. hasty D. hasten

15. The _______ events of this morning were making everyone feel very depressed and lonely. A. sober B. moderate C. blissful D. welcome

16. My brother was _______ interested in taking that psychology class at school. A. eagerly B. excitedly C. impatiently D. keenly

17. That documentary about the _______ of African refugees won all the major awards. A. plight B. flight C. blight D. slight

18. Her little sister is still just a(n) _______; she turns six months next week. A. toddler B. teenage C. infant

D. adolescent

19. Children love to _______ the actions they see in others, so be careful what you do! A. imitate B. irritate C. instigate D. implicate

20. The photographs _______ strong memories of our holidays in France. A. damaged B. impaired C. evoked D. imitated

1~5:CDBDA 6~10:BCCBD 11~15:ADBCA 16~20:DACAC Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. Don't let ___ that you like opera, or she'll make you listen to it all the time! on 22. She had already fallen asleep ___ the time we got back home. by

23. It was important for the child to calm _____ so the doctor could administer the flu shot. down

24. Professor Gregory went to the Amazon rainforest ____ search of plants that might help make new medicines. Correct answerin

25. All the issues we're facing today stem ____ the President's decision last year. from 26. I finally worked up the nerve to ask Rick ___ on a date, and he said yes! out 27. Every time I try to get close and understand Catherine's problems, she pulls___ .away

28. Alfredo received all the praise and congratulations, ____though he had won the contest. as 29. If nothing else, that bright yellow coat will definitely help you stand____ in a crowd! out

30. If you testify in court, you need to tell nothing ___ the truth or you could go to jail. Correct answer but Part II: Banked Cloze

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Last summer, Derek completed a research project for his psychology thesis. He was studying child behaviour and wanted to (31)______ bad behavior back to its source. Derek took children of different ages and put them in a(n) (32)____ empty room; there were only a few toys and a small (33)___ to lie down on.

He then presented them with different stimuli that they might encounter during the day. For example, he would play music at a loud or soft (34)____; adjust the lighting to be very bright or very dim; or fill the room with different smells, both good and bad. He had a(n) (35)_____ of several hundred (36______ stimuli.

It was interesting to watch the children's behaviour (37)____ in response to the changing environment. Nearly all children eventually displayed some form of (38)____behaviour, but some of them created a serious (39)_____ in the room and had to be removed.

The reactions were all fascinating, and Derek recorded everything that happened. He is now trying to (40)____ the meaning of these results and the implications for child behaviour. Hopefully, his work will help clarify and identify potential sources of misbehaviour. Correct answer (31 trace (32)mostly(33)couch(34) volume (35)repertoire(36)distinct(37) unfold(38)naughty(39)disturbance(40)comprehend Part III: Reading Comprehension

Until very recently, most people assumed that the ability to feel and exhibit emotions was limited to human beings. It was generally assumed that animals could simply not feel emotions such as happiness, sadness, jealousy, anger, or grief. It wasn't that the intensity of these emotions was more limited than in humans; the general consensus was that such emotions were literally absent in all other animals.

However, such thinking has recently been called into question as more and more researchers are uncovering evidence that suggests animals do indeed feel emotions. In some cases, these emotions are very obvious! Dog owners have known this for a long time. If a dog does something bad and is reprimanded by its owner, it will often hang its head low and exhibit \

Another relatively clear example of animals' emotional behaviour is when they show aggression. In some cases, it doesn't take very much for animals to become irritated and angry. Dogs, wolves, lions, tigers, birds—nearly every animal has been observed in an agitated state and acting out against the cause of its frustration. In fact, animal researchers have even witnessed animals in the wild waging war and exacting revenge.

Biologists have reported on countless other examples of animals' emotional behaviour. For example, some animals grieve over deceased family members, some dream and have nightmares, some display pride in the work demanded of them, some exhibit friendship and cooperation, and many show love. Examples of compassion and self-indulged enjoyment are also not uncommon.

Based on the biological and scientific evidence, it seems beyond doubt that animals are capable of feeling and showing a wide range of emotions. Human do not have a monopoly on such feelings, and it's time for more people to understand that we're all part of one big emotional family.

41. According to the article, which of the following was a general assumption made throughout much of history? A. People feel a wide range of emotions. B. Animals feel a wide range of emotions. C. People feel a limited range of emotions. D. Animals are incapable of feeling emotions.

42. This style of writing would best be described as _______. A. expository B. argumentative C. narrative D. descriptive

43. Which of the following would make the best title for this article? A. The Limited Emotional Lives of Animals

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B. A Monopoly on Emotional Behavior C. Emotions are Universal D. Animals are People Too

44. What is meant by \ A. Eyes that are full of emotion. B. Eyes that show no emotion. C. Eyes that belong to a puppy. D. Eyes that look like a puppy's.

45. Which of the following does the author NOT present in order to support the topic? A. Popular opinion. B. Personal opinion. C. Scientific evidence. D. Biological research.


Unit test 3

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

1. The investigators searched her house after they received a(n) ____ tip over the phone. anonymous 2. In this ___, the judge declared the suspect not guilty. Correct answer instance

3. The government said the _____ threat level for a terrorist attack is relatively low. current 4. Tony was caught shoplifting and has been in police ____ since last night. custody

5. The job of a police investigator is to ____ all the available evidence and figure out who committed a crime and why it was committed. Correct answer correlate

6. When we got married, we took almost everything so we definitely had to ____ all of our stuff. Correct answer 7. The suspect was found not guilty since the lawyers couldn't find a(n) _____ of evidence that suggested he committed the crime. Correct answer shred

8. The firefighters put their own lives in ____ to save the people trapped in the burning building. peril 9. Unfortunately, pickpockets are incredibly ____-in many large cities. commonplace 10. The suspect was arrested because he was in possession of a concealed _____. weapon Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

11. The police presence at airports seemed to double _______ after the bomb threat. A. overage B. overdue C. overnight D. overall

12. In order to _______ information from people, investigators sometimes use questionable methods. A. extort B. extract C. exchange D. exert

13. It is a federal crime to _______ a lawyer in a courtroom. A. impersonate B. personify C. personalize D. impersonal

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14. After the September 11 _______ attacks in the United States, the government took extreme measures to make sure it wouldn't happen again. A. radical

B. revolutionary C. terrorist D. activist

15. International business and _______ have made the world very interconnected and countries dependent on one another.

A. online banking B. commerce C. credit cards D. retail

16. I think pop-up ads on the Internet and spam in my e-mail inbox are terribly _______ —so much so that it might be an invasion of privacy. A. offensive B. offense C. defensive D. defense

17. Online retailers such as Amazon and iTunes are so successful that they have become _______ names. A. obvious B. household C. opportunistic D. offensive

18. The new facial recognition security system _______ knows who you are and if you have access to the building. A. anonymously B. obviously C. tastefully D. automatically

19. Today's students simply have to go _______ to find the answer to almost any homework question. A. online B. Internet C. Web

D. computer

20. After my store was broken into, the police officer drove me home as a _______. A. prerequisite B. prevention C. pretension D. precaution

11~15: CBACB 16~20: ABDAD

Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. As a safety measure, it's important to tear ___ bank documents that you don't need anymore. up 22. It was unbelievable! Kevin was robbed ___ broad daylight! Correct answer at 23. Excuse me. Do you have any information ___ file about the Frank Spacey case?

Correct answer on

24. You can usually count ____ the police to help you out when you're in trouble. Correct answer on

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25. In order to enter the building, I needed to have my fingerprints scanned ____ a machine. by

26. I know the security guards need to ask for identification, but I was very unhappy with the way he went ___ it. Correct answer about

27. After you check your bank balance online, remember to log ___ so no one else can steal your information. Correct answer off

28. I would have helped out last weekend ____ only I had known you were moving. Correct answer if 29. Did you cut____ your old credit card after you received the new one?Correct answer up

30. Passing through security in an airport takes a long time since the officers sometimes need to look ____ your luggage.

Correct answer through Part II: Banked Cloze

Last summer, I went on vacation to Spain. On only the second day, my wallet was stolen. It was a very (31)____ time, and I was (32)______ frustrated and angered. At first, I was angry I had lost the cash in my wallet. Then, I realized that the thief now had my credit cards and ID card! With only a little practice, he or she could easily (33)______ my signature and make hundreds of (34)_____ purchases.

I immediately called the credit card companies to cancel my cards. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. How could someone commit such (35)______? The (36)_____ deceitfulness in stealing other people's wallets really made me wonder how someone could be completely without(37)____ standards or morals.

Thankfully, I still had traveler's checks — which are (38)____ accepted in Spain — at my hotel. However, I was no longer in a good (39____ to enjoy my vacation. In my opinion, the authorities must attack this problem (40)d____; it's not enough to

just focus on pickpockets or identify theft that happens locally. With the Internet, there's no such thing as \

(31) scary (32) obviously (33) forge (34) unauthorized (35) fraud (36) undoubted (37) ethical (38) widely (39) mindset (40)globally

Part III: Reading Comprehension

Many people often wonder about the terms \worse than the other? Are they committed by different kinds of people? What does crime have to do with the color of your shirt?

First, it is helpful to understand that blue-collar workers are those people employed in jobs that require manual labor, and white-collar workers perform non-manual labor in an office setting. The terms can be dated back to the 19th century, when industrial workers and manual laborers were required to wear clothing suitable to the difficult work — which was typically a blue work shirt or blue coveralls. In contrast, professional workers in offices generally wore white dress shirts. Today, the primary distinctions between white-collar and blue-collar crime are the social class to which the suspect belongs and the type of crime committed. Blue-collar crimes are committed by individuals from lower social classes (ie, less privileged backgrounds with fewer professional and societal opportunities), and white-collar crimes, conversely, are committed by individuals from higher, more affluent social classes.

The exact nature of the crime is also a defining factor of blue-collar versus white-collar crime. Blue-collar crimes tend to be relatively obvious (eg, vandalism, robbery, and shoplifting) or violent (eg, assault, arson, and murder) crimes that are committed out of desperation. White-collar crimes, however, are \crimes (eg, bribery, embezzlement, and computer crime) committed by people who have the means and opportunity to exploit professional situations.

It is impossible to say that one type of crime is worse than the other, for both have serious and lasting effects for the victims. Blue-collar crime gets more consistent exposure in the media, so we usually hear more about it on a regular basis. However, even though we might not hear many news stories about white-collar crime, it still occurs every day. The increase in computer crime and rising instances of identify theft are testament to that. 41. Which of the following would make the best title for this article? A. White-Collar Crime: A Victimless Crime.

B. A History of Blue-Collar and White-Collar Workers.

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C. Blue-Collar Crime Versus White-Collar Crime: An Explanation. D. An Examination into Blue-Collar Crime.

42. With which of the following statements would the author likely agree? A. Identity theft is an example of blue-collar crime. B. All crime is equally bad for the victims.

C. Many white-collar criminals have good jobs. D. Incidents of blue-collar crime are decreasing. 43. The writer suggests that _______.

A. blue-collar crime is heavily covered by the news media B. white-collar crime is heavily covered by the news media C. both types of crime are heavily covered by the news media D. crime is not heavily covered by the news media

44. Which paragraph provides a historical context for modern-day blue-collar and white-collar? A. Paragraph 2. B. Paragraph 3. C. Paragraph 4. D. Paragraph 5.

45. Which of the following would be an example of white-collar crime? A. Burglary. B. Rape.

C. Kidnapping. D. Forgery.

41~45: CBAAD

Unit test 4

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

1. Thomas is a journalist and will go to Russia next week on __ for a new story. survey/assignment

2. China's victory in the World Cup semifinals was so___ that people were up all night celebrating. unexpected 3. The city newspaper conducted a(n) ___of residents to see what they thought of the new law. survey

4. The election of US President Obama had such ____importance that it will be taught in classrooms for years to come. Correct answer historical

5. Newspaper journalists must follow a set of established ____when they write their articles. guidelines 6. I couldn't believe that the politician had the nerve to__those comments! Correct answer deny 7. People all over the country were ____ dissatisfied with the election. Correct answer similarly 8.It was hard to trust Bill's ___after he was caught lying and cheating.Correct answer integrity

9. That editorial was about the government's responsibility to help people who are unemployed and living in___ . Correct answer poverty

10. The recovery of the missing girl and the____ of her kidnappers made headlines for a week. capture Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

11. Your statement had a _______ that I don't think you intended to make—do you really think he should go to jail? A. denotation B. connotation C. commotion D. proliferation

12. Tony tends to _______ a lot of his stories; you shouldn't believe absolutely everything he says. A. exaggerate

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B. exaggeration C. implicate D. implication

13. Politicians need to be careful what they do or they will damage their public _______. A. picture B. illustration C. depiction D. image

14. I don't agree with a lot of what he says; _______, I still think he's a good prime minister. A. nevertheless B. although C. while D. whereas

15. Newspaper journalists are not required to reveal their _______ if it might get that person in trouble. A. source B. editor C. writer D. resource

16. In the courtroom, the suspect's _______ to the lawyer's questions was enough for the jury to know he was guilty. A. action B. reaction C. reactionary D. actionable

17. Before the meeting began, the secretary tried to _______ the ground rules and guidelines. A. estimate B. devastate C. establish D. deconstruct

18. I enjoy reading the _______ essays in the newspaper every morning since they aren't as impartial as the articles. A. viewpoint B. editorial C. perspective D. belief

19. She took many _______ classes in school to prepare for a life reporting the news around the world. A. journal B. journalist C. journey D. journalism

20. The police won't comment on an _______ investigation since they still don't have all the answers. A. oncoming B. online C. ongoing D. onward

11~15: BADAA 16~20: BCBDC

Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

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21. Do you think twenty-four-hour news channels will ever run out __ things to report about? of 22. The local newspaper decided to lead__ the story about the election results. Correct answer with 23. Unfortunately, many people believe that if it's ____print, then it must be true. Correct answer in 24. In the United States, more than seven___ of every ten people own a computer. Correct answer out 25. The music was____ loud that I asked Carl to turn it down. Correct answer so 26. I generally don't believe something unless I can see it ____ my own eyes. with

27. Eventually, the killer was caught____ the police, but it wasn't soon enough. Correct answer by

28. I read an article that newspapers and magazines will disappear_____ the future and everything will be online. Correct answer in

29. When I lived abroad, I was forced to turn _____the Internet to stay current with the news. to

30. It's nice to know that people still read real books in spite ______ new technology like e-books and digital downloads. Correct answer of Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

I've found that I can make a pretty good living as an online journalist. I submit articles to several different (31)____ and I also write regular updates to my own (32)___. In China alone, that's more than one (33)___ potential readers!

I carry my (34)___ computer with me wherever I go, just in case something happens and I need to report on it. Many days I just write about minor events, but you never know when something truly (35)____ will happen. (36)_____, when something big does happen, you need to be quick and get the story in first. Other reporters can sometimes be (37)_____ and try to steal the big stories. If you're too slow, you'll definitely miss out.

For example, I was drinking coffee one morning at a local café when I saw a police (38)____ speed down the street. The reporter in me got curious, so I quickly hopped in my car to follow the police. Was I ever (39)____ to find out that the person the police were chasing was a famous movie star! I was the first person to report the arrest and it really helped my career. Reader (40)____ on my blog was overwhelmingly positive and I almost doubled the number of people visiting my site!

(31) websites(32)blog (33)billion(34) laptop (3) momentous (36) moreover (37) ferocious (38) chase (39) startled (40) feedback

Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

One of the most memorable days of James's life began as a bright and beautiful morning. In fact, it was one of the most beautiful days James could ever remember. He went to work as usual in downtown Washington, DC and everything seemed normal. However, during his 9:00 meeting, something strange happened. The world as he knew it changed forever.

Shortly after 9:30, the entire building shook. James and his coworkers all looked around at each other in nervous wonder. Instantly, the sirens began—police cars, ambulances, fire engines. It seemed to be a never-ending parade of emergency vehicles speeding by his building. You see, James works less than a mile from the Pentagon and the day was September 11, 2001.

Once he found out what happened, James left the building and went out to the streets, along with the rest of the city. Thousands of people were walking through the streets in a haze of disbelief and fear. By this point, everyone had also heard about the World Trade Center in New York and there was a rumor of yet another missing airplane that was headed to Washington. James looked right and saw the Capitol Building. He looked left and saw the Washington Monument and the White House. No place seemed safe.

The subway stopped running and automobile traffic was at a total standstill. There was essentially no way out of the city. In addition, it was difficult to get a working cell phone signal since everyone was trying to make a call at the same time. The bright and beautiful September morning had suddenly and unexpectedly turned into a scene of horror and panic.

James decided that the best thing to do was to walk away from all the famous government buildings and monuments and

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to find someplace safe to sit and wait. He would eventually find a way home, but he felt the most important thing to do at that moment was to find safety, contact his family, and get more information about what just happened. 41. This style of writing would best be described as _______. A. expository B. argumentative C. narrative D. descriptive

42. Which of the following would make the best title for this story? A. The Day the Subway Stopped Running. B. The Day the World Changed. C. The Day the City Seemed Safe. D. The Day the Streets Closed Down.

43. James felt that no place was safe because _______ and there was still a missing plane. A. there were many emergency vehicles B. the buildings were shaking

C. he couldn't get a cell phone signal

D. he was surrounded by famous buildings

44. Which of the following words best describes the context of this story? A. Historical. B. Sensational. C. Odd.

D. Ferocious.

45. In the above context, what is meant by \ A. Distinct emotions experienced by only a few people. B. Emotions shared by everyone. C. Unique emotions felt by James.

D. Emotions that seemed impossible at the time.

41~45: CBDAB

Unit test5

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

1. There is a(n)___ need for relief aid to victims of the earthquake.Correct answer immediate 2. I felt that he didn't get the ____ he deserved for his role in the peace treaty.

Correct answer recognition

3. During times of great uncertainty and struggle, many people appreciate a few moments of true___ relief. comic 4. All wars create a(n) ____amount of damage in the affected countries. Correct answer considerable 5. The atomic bomb has the ability to destroy all of____ if we're not careful. Correct answer humanity 6. World War II began in 1939 when the German military ___ Poland. Correct answerinvaded

7. The government has threatened to take ____ action if the rebels do not withdraw from the area. military 8. My grandfather never ____ any emotion when he spoke of his experience during the war. displayed

9. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the many ____ troops who fought and died with bravery during World War II. Correct answer combat

10. \childish

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11. If you___ the truth, your trial will be difficult; it's best to just honestly answer all questions. conceal 12. There is a(n) ____ in her contract which specifies when she will be paid. clause 13. Freedom of speech is the ____ of a solid democracy. Correct answer foundation

14. The ceremony was held to honor war veterans who displayed amazingly____ deeds on the battlefield. heroic 15. The ____ made by American colonists in 1776 ultimately led to their independence from Great Britain.declaration 16. Unfortunately, we don't live in a(n) ____ world, so there will always be disagreements and conflict. ideal 17. The general went on a top secret ____ into enemy territory. Correct answer mission 18. Could you please ____which date you will visit the museum?specify

19. Sadly, there was only one____ from the plane crash. Correct answer survivor

20. The crisis in that country is having an effect on neighbouring countries because _____ are crossing the borders in huge numbers. Correct answer refugees

Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. Jeffrey is a good man ____ heart; he just has difficulty expressing himself. at 22. Children must be supervised ____ all times while in the park. Correct answer at 23. As the Nazis' power grew, more and more Jewish people went ___ hiding. into

24. Captain White was awarded the Medal of Honor in recognition ____ his service to the nation. of 25. I was cleaning out the attic and I came ____ my grandparents' old letters to each other. across 26. It's sometimes hard to believe, but many wars actually change the world _____the better. for 27. My grandfather considers his war wound to be a badge __ honor.

Correct answer of

28. He was presented with a gold watch ___recognition of his service in the company. in

29. The news this morning reported that the refugees were crossing the border ____ droves. in 30. I promise to contact you as soon __ I get to Japan. Correct answer as Part II: Banked Cloze

I recently found several of the diaries my great-grandfather kept while he was fighting abroad during the war. He starts out very full of (31)___ and hope. He believes that they will make a difference and are fighting a truly (32)____ enemy—one who doesn't care at all for fellow human beings.

As the days pass and he comes face to face with the (33)____ of war, his tone changes. He was only 17 years old when the war began, so he was completely unprepared for the (34)___ he would see on the battlefield. It was sometimes so bloody that he had terrible nightmares. His diary entries successfully (35)_____ his thoughts, which go from hope to depression in only a few weeks.

My great-grandfather, always (36)_____ of his superiors, wrote a lot about the (37)r____of his squad and the difficult situations he faced every day. For example, during one particularly intense battle, (38)___40 per cent of the soldiers in his squad were killed. My great-grandfather wrote that most soldiers thought it was their (39___ to die in battle. I'm not sure I could handle that. It seems to me that it's enough to make anyone go (40)___!

(31) optimism (32) evil (33) cruelty (34) bloodshed (35) reveal (36) respectful (37) commander (38) roughly (39) fate (40) insane

Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage. 8, May, 2010

I visited the Auschwitz concentration camp today. I don't know if I have the words to describe it, but I'll try. The modern camp site is really just a collection of barracks that have been slightly reconfigured to present the history of the camp. Each building focused on a separate theme, such as \Life of the Prisoner,\\and Sanitary Conditions,\and \Certain barracks also had themed exhibits for individual countries that had a significant number of citizens sent to the concentration camp.

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In addition to these museum-style exhibits, Auschwitz also has the very famous entrance gate which has been included in many films, documentaries, and books. However, on the whole, Auschwitz seemed to be nothing more than a very powerful museum about the Holocaust. Birkenau, on the other hand, was more powerful and horrifying than I had imagined it would be.

I walked three kilometers between the camps and soon arrived at the famous \tracks leading through. What struck me immediately about the camp was its size. It's monstrously huge! For me, the most disturbing aspect of the camp is that visitors are allowed to wander around the grounds freely. Nothing is off limits.

I must say, it felt wrong to be walking around the scenes of so much pain, bloodshed, and cruelty. Still, there were many tourists doing just that. In the farthest reaches of the camp—the places most distant from the entrance—it felt almost scary in its silence, emptiness, and loneliness. Surrounded by the relative tranquillity of the modern world, it is hard to believe that this place was the scene of so much evil.

Places like Auschwitz and Birkenau are constant reminders of the inhumanity people are capable of. However, they're also a helpful reminder that life goes on—and so must we—yet our continuing lives must always include memory. 41. This passage is best described as _______. A. narrative fiction B. editorial nonfiction C. first-person history D. personal memoir

42. According to the passage, the author found his visit to the concentration camps _______. A. fun and lighthearted B. sad and depressing

C. emotional and enlightening D. boring and unremarkable

43. Which of the following quotes best represents the author's final thought? A. Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. B. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. C. Only the dead have seen the end of war.

D. Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.

44. With which of these statements would the author of this passage probably agree? A. Important historical sites should be preserved as museums for future generations. B. Historical sites related to wars should be destroyed because they are depressing. C. It is unimportant to remember terrible things that happened in the past. D. Tourism to historical sites tends to erode that place's integrity.

45. Which paragraph describes the author's emotions and those evoked by the concentration camp? A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 3. D. Paragraph 4.

41~45: DCBAD

Unit test 6

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

1.After playing football all afternoon, Philip felt complete and total__.Correct answer exhaustion 2. \ Correct answer priority

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3. Alex Helena's____ aching back. Correct answer massage

4. The physical and emotional _____ of training for a marathon can be too much for any athlete. Correct answer


5. Kevin was embarrassed because his team placed last in the ____.

Correct answer tournament

6. Many runners describe an amazing ____ peace that comes with long hours running alone and in silence. Correct answer inner

7. Mike Tyson was a very famous boxer because he could often knock out his opponent with only one ____. Correct answer punch

8. Stadiums filled with thousands of screaming fans is a perfect___ of why I want to be a football superstar. Correct answer illustration

9. If you want to be rich and famous, you might want to consider becoming a(n)____ athlete. Correct answer


10. He got out of bed and had a(n) . Correct answer stretch

11. Boxing is a sport that doesn't seem to have much_____ ; two guys just hit each other until one falls down. Correct answer strategy

12. The tournament was filled with incredible _____ once the favourite team was knocked out of competition. Correct answer suspense

13. I enjoy watching rugby but I don't understand the rules and have no ____ what's happening. Correct answer


14. His constant ____ is that no one understands him. Correct answer moan 15. Rules should be very straightforward; there should be no room for____ .

Correct answer interpretation

16. Sheila eats an energy bar every afternoon to give her an extra ___ to help her get through the day. Correct answer boost

17. Popular NBA players are often greeted on the court with a(n) ____ of cheers and applause. Correct answer


18. Golf is a sport that focuses on technical ___ rather than physical ability. Correct answer precision

19. To many people unfamiliar with the game, baseball is a complete___ .

Correct answer mystery

20. Police believe that the same man is _____ for three other murders in the area. Correct answer


Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. The baseball player wants to play for a different team, but he decided to wait and hold ___ for a better offer. Correct answer out

22. I once met Michael Jordan, ____ chance, in a hotel lobby. Correct answer by

23. At the Olympics, we were lost in a sea ___ spectators trying to watch the event. Correct answer of

24. Patty decided to do the right thing and blow the whistle ____ the students who were cheating. Correct answer on

25. About halfway through the race, my adrenaline took ___ and helped me keep going. Correct answer over 26. He was so sweaty after the game that he literally had to peel___ his shirt.

Correct answer off

27. You've got to bear ____ mind that he's been training for three years for this moment. Correct answer in

28. The basketball player had to shut ____ all the surrounding lights and noise if he wanted to win the game.

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Correct answer out

29. Nina, as Richard's coach and trainer, took the credit ___ his victory. Correct answer for 30. Even though she's twice my age, I find it difficult to keep ____ with her.

Correct answer up Part II: Banked Cloze

Here's a good example of why ice hockey is such a dangerous sport. Hockey is one of the few team sports where fighting is literally part of the game. Indeed, the (31_____ will often watch the players to make sure they fight \

During an ice hockey match last year, one of the players hit the puck very hard and sent it (32)_____ all the way to the other team's net. I was too busy watching the puck fly through the air to see what happened next, but I sure heard the (33-___ of the crowd! I looked back to the player who hit the puck, who was now (34)_____ punching another player! He even threw his face mask (35)____ so he could see the other player better.

Apparently, the two players (36_____ ran into each other but one of them then (37)____ into the wall. It seemed like a very (38)_____ accident, but these two players were fighting very seriously! Both players' (39)____ continued to play and stayed away from the fight. They didn't also want to get a penalty. How easy it must be to (40)____ the anger of an ice hockey player!

Correct answer (31) referee (32) soaring (33)roar (34) madly (35)aloft (36) accidentally (37 Collided (38) random (39) teammates (40) incur Part III: Reading Comprehension

In this age of increased academic pressure and decreased institutional budgets, do high-profile, big-budget college athletics programs still make sense? In order to make an informed decision, you must weigh the advantages and disadvantages. In other words, what are the positive things that college sports offer and what are the associated negative things?

First of all, college athletics offer excellent public relations with the college community, increase the college's national and international exposure, and provide wonderful fundraising opportunities. At the same time, sports programs provide education and training to potential future professional athletes—many of whom might not have received a quality education without the benefit of a sports scholarship.

For a long time, college athletes attended school on a full or partial sports scholarship. This meant that things like tuition, room, and board were paid by the college in return for that student agreeing to attend the school and play on its team. However, in recent years, it has become common for these students to receive additional pay. This has become considerably controversial since many people view this as an unfair situation where certain students, because of their athletic ability, receive benefits that other students do not.

Does financial compensation compromise academic and institutional integrity? I don't think so. For one thing, without these college athletes, the schools would not enjoy a majority of the revenue they receive from athletic departments. Student athletes are entitled to some form of compensation, and, since the demands of the sport often occupy most of their time, they are unable to keep other jobs. In addition, if college athletes are paid, it might stop many of them from going pro before they graduate. It would encourage students to complete their education before joining a professional team.

What are the opposing arguments? Many people claim that schools with wealthy and successful sports departments devalue the academic environment in favor of athletic competition. The claim has also been made that certain sports, by sheer nature of their popularity, receive less attention and money and, therefore, the athletes are also treated less well. Unfortunately, this is also true with most female sports teams. However, it seems to me that, in most cases, these negatives are not a result of college athletics alone. Institutional commitment to all teams—popular and unpopular, male and female—would considerably help this situation.

The ultimate question is whether colleges and universities should be the training grounds for future professional sports careers. College should be the place where young people go to learn about the world, develop their skills, and discover their passion. Why shouldn't this also be true for sports?

17/ 40

41. The author of this passage is _______. A. telling a story

B. describing a process C. making an argument D. persuading the reader

42. With which of the following statements would the author likely NOT agree? A. College athletes make a lot of money for their schools.

B. Colleges currently give equal attention and money to all sports teams.

C. Women's basketball teams receive less money than men's basketball teams. D. College should be a place for all students to develop professional skills. 43. Which paragraph presents the disadvantages of college athletics? A. Paragraph 2. B. Paragraph 3. C. Paragraph 4. D. Paragraph 5.

44. The author is _______ college sports and paying student athletes. A. against

B. undecided on

C. for and against different aspects of D. in favor of

45. Which of the following would make the LEAST appropriate title? A. College: No Professionals Allowed. B. College Athletics: Pros and Cons.

C. College Athletes: Are They Worth the Money? D. Do College Sports Still Make Sense?

41~45: CBDDA

Unit test 7

1. Dogs share many of the same _______ as humans and can easily show emotion. A. attributes B. distributes C. tributes D. reattributes

2. Compared to my pet frog, that horse seemed like a _______ animal. A. miniature B. typical C. giant D. short

3. It might be hard to believe but some ants are _______ of carrying more than ten times their body weight! A. capable B. capability C. able D. ability

4. Over millions of years, animals on Earth _______ and adapted to many different environments. A. grew B. involved

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C. developed D. evolved

5. Polar bears are able to stay warm in such cold places because they have a thick _______ of fat beneath their fur. A. layer B. coat C. sheet D. stack

6. Many animals, like chipmunks, live underground in vast networks of _______ that they dig. A. holes B. tunnels C. openings D. caves

7. Elephants are often called _______ animals because of their size, beauty, and elegance. A. enormous B. magnificent C. interesting D. compelling

8. Scientists have been studying DNA for years but they've only _______ a fraction of the information it contains. A. covered B. recovered C. discovered D. uncovered

9. Charles Darwin suggested that humans and apes, such as chimpanzees, shared a similar _______ from a common ancestor.

A. descent B. ascent

C. descendent D. descendant

10. There is a famous story about a lion that had a thorn stuck in its _______. A. hand B. paw C. hoof D. flipper

11. When he wants to go outside, my dog will _______ bark at the front door until someone opens it. A. unreliably B. previously C. distractedly D. repeatedly

12. Penguins may look a little silly walking on land, but they _______ through water beautifully. A. leap B. glide C. squirm D. drape

13. When a tiger shows its teeth, that's an _______ that it is about to attack. A. indicate B. indicative

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C. indication D. indicating

14. Many fish swim with a gentle side-to-side _______ of the fins and tail. A. motion B. motive C. motor D. motel

15. I could see a subtle _______ of sadness on the face of my cat when I left for work this morning. A. clue B. motion C. hint D. gust

16. Parrots have the ability to _______ the sounds they hear around them. A. produce B. reproduce C. pronounce D. mispronounce

17. Some species of birds can fly for miles simply by gliding on a _______ of wind. A. breeze B. motion C. gust D. hint

18. The sign said that the _______ age of Mildred, the zoo's oldest gorilla, is around 45. A. exact B. exactly

C. approximately D. approximate

19. She divided the dog food _______ among all the puppies. A. evening B. eventually C. even D. evenly

20. I wore a sweater and a jacket, but the cold wind still managed to _______ to my skin! A. uncover B. filter

C. penetrate D. navigate

1~5: ACADA 6~10: BBDAB 11~15: DBCAC 16~20: BCDDC

Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. His son decided to go back to school to work ____ animal behaviour research. Correct answer on 22. Our cats are just ____ the same age. Correct answer about

23. Polar bears are sometimes forced to go ___the ice to find food. Correct answer under 24. Her research brings ____ many interesting questions. Correct answer up

25. Learning about animals alive during the time of the dinosaurs is difficult, but scientists are, bit ____bit, making progress. Correct answerby

26. Many dog owners project all human emotions ____ their pets, even when it's ridiculous to do so. Correct

20/ 40

answer onto

27. Don't hang___ the phone. I want to talk to Thomas too. Correct answer up

28. Marilyn has so many pets that I find it hard to keep track ___ them all. Correct answer of

29. My cat has been acting slow and tired, but I put that down____ the recent heat and humidity. Correct answer to 30. It's amazing, Patty's dog has begun watching ____the baby like it was its own puppy! Correct answer over Part II: Banked Cloze

My neighbour, Mrs. Noyes, told me that a (31)___ tried to break into her house last weekend. Can you believe that there was almost a (32)___ in our neighbourhood? Mrs. Noyes told me that this person approached her back door, broke the glass, and tried to open the door.

However, before he could get the door open, he heard a low growl and heavy (33)___. Apparently, that was all the warning he needed because the person ran away! Mrs. Noyes still called the police who came right away to (34)___. The police told her that there was no (35)___ that the person would return. It was probably a random event. Still, they suggested that she install an alarm system if it would make her feel safer. Old-fashioned door locks like she has are usually (36)_____ and can break easily.

After Mrs. Noyes finished telling me the story of the unwelcome (37___, I asked her what it was that scared the man away. She laughed and said it was Charlie, her new (38)____! Just after she said this, a little dog came running out of her house, jumped into my arms with a (39)____, and began to (40)____ my face.

\is Charlie,\Mrs. Noyes laughed, \little Charlie scared that man away! Isn't that funny?\ answer (31)

burglar (32) robbery (33) panting (34) investigate(35) indication (36) unreliable (37) intrusion (38) puppy (39) leap (40) lick

Part III: Reading Comprehension

At the beginning of summer, Rebecca was both excited and nervous. She was excited because she was going to spend five weeks helping biologists from the university perform research on animal behaviour. However, she was also nervous because she would travel with the scientists to Central America, and she had never been that far from home before. She knew that this was an amazing opportunity, though, and tried not to let her nervousness take control.

Rebecca was chosen from among many students who were all competing for a spot on the research team. Rebecca had the best grades and a reputation for being reliable in her work. She also demonstrated creative thinking and showed the most promise in the field of biology. All in all, she was a very talented young woman. Most of her classmates were jealous, but they all still wished her luck and eagerly anticipated many great stories after she returned home at the end of the summer. The first couple of weeks in the field, Rebecca was limited to assisting the scientists. Most of her time was spent categorizing data. It was not the most glamorous work in the world, but she learned a lot and asked many questions. The rest of the research team realized how valuable Rebecca was, and she started to get her own assignments. Bit by bit, she was assigned more work and, by the end of the summer, she became a full-fledged member of the team!

The team was researching the behaviour of Central American mammals, particularly the relationship between predator and prey. Rebecca spent most of her time in the forest observing a family of sloths and trying to stay as quiet as possible. After a few days of this, she discovered that a naturalist's work is often very dirty and involves many long, hot hours where not much happens. It's easy to get very bored when you spend all day watching a sleeping animal.

However, Rebecca took very detailed notes and did her best to impress the scientists. At the end of the summer, the entire team had magnificent things to say about Rebecca. They were so happy with her and her work that they asked her to return the following summer! She couldn't wait to tell her friends — they were sure to be even more jealous of her good fortune!

41. This style of writing would best be described as _______. A. expository B. argumentative C. narrative

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D. descriptive

42. Which of the following words best describes Rebecca's character? A. Unreliable. B. Capable. C. Fearless. D. Modest.

43. Rebecca _______ received more important responsibilities in order to become a full member of the research team. A. never B. slowly C. quickly

D. immediately

44. Which paragraph describes the reality of scientific investigation as experienced by Rebecca? A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 3. D. Paragraph 4.

45. What is meant by the phrase, \ A. She couldn't do anything except help the scientists. B. She could do anything but help the scientists.

C. She could do many things in addition to helping the scientists. D. She couldn't do anything but observe the scientists.

41~45: CBBDA

Unit test8


For me, television is just a(n)

diversion, but some people consider it a full-time activity.


Snorkeling and scuba diving are great pastimes, but they also have dangerous.


When I move to a new house, I think I'll need a(n)

risks that make them additionalroom for all of my hobbies.

with other people.


John plays team sports in his free time because he appreciates the 5.

My current job involves a lot of

manuallabor, so I'd prefer that my next job be at a desk.


Any hobby can take over your life if you spend a(n) 7.

I have to write an essay about what I like to do in my

amount of time doing it. time.

leisure22/ 40

8. The

outlookfor the sports industry looks great; more and more people are trying to stay healthy through sports.


Most people don't see much

excitementin stamp collecting, but I really enjoy it.

hobby, but I find it interesting and it makes me happy. 10.

My friends all think magic is a(n)

peculiarSection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

11. My little sister has an _______ spirit—she likes to explore everyplace she goes.

A. adventurous B. advantageous C. adventure D. advantage

12. Clive would often get into trouble because he _______ expressed his thoughts and opinions.

A. swiftly B. frantically C. badly D. perfectly

13. For many people, learning to speak Chinese is a _______ effort because it is so difficult.

A. futile B. rewarding C. peculiar D. worthwhile

14. The _______ of the large tree from our backyard freed up space where we could play football.

A. remove B. removal

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C. removing D. removes

15. Don't _______ me! Of course I know how to play chess!

A. insult B. rude C. offense D. abuse

16. Enjoyable activities such as painting, photography, and light exercise help older people maintain a

A. grips B. gripping C. gripper D. grip

17. Completing crossword puzzles usually _______ me since many of the words are so uncommon.

A. aggravate B. aggravates C. aggravating D. aggravation

18. Some games, like chess, have an _______ set of rules, while others are relatively simple.

A. excellent B. expensive C. exact D. extensive

19. Many young people practically live in the _______ world of video games.

A. genuine B. virtual C. true

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D. false

20. By definition, a hobby is something you do for fun and for which don't receive any _______.

A. excitement B. leisure C. compensation D. gratification

Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.


Please sit

downand watch this short film before the meeting.


Stephen has taken an interest 23.

When she got older, Sally took 24.

Once I catch hold ofpoetry, so I bought him a book of famous poems. photography as a full-time hobby.

an idea, I have to follow through until it's complete.


Not many paintings are worthy 26.


forthe word masterpiece, but the Louvre Museum in

the younger generation, I think they're more interested in video games than at27.

A painter must have every color of paint

hand and available at all times.


After reading that book, Charlie found it difficult to move 29.

When the weekend comes around, I'm usually so tired 30.

She just got back

fromand read more about the from the week that I just school, so she hasn't had time to finish her homework yet.

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Doris spends almost all of her free time in her backyard garden. Her hobby is (31)

gardening because Doris loves working with the earth and making things grow. Many

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