外研版小学英语第三册Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing说课稿

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Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing ?教学设计

一、 教学内容

本课是外研版三年级起点第三册第四模块的第一单元,主要教学内容是延续Module 3继续学习现在进行时态。本课讲到英国小朋友Amy 和中国小朋友Daming 去公园逛,于是Amy不知道公园里的人们在做些什么,于是就用句型What are they doing ?与Daming进行问答。

二、 教学目标


语句:What are they doing ?They are ….

单词:let’t、 interesting、 thing 、people、 park、 lake、 row 、boat、 men、 chess、 drink、 hungry

短语:get on 、lots of 、look at 2、能力目标

能够运用所学句型和短语描述人们正在进行的动作。 3、情感目标


三、 教学重难点


1、学说问句What are they doing ?及答They are ….

2、掌握句型They are 动词+ing 〔+宾语〕


四、 教具:卡片、录音机 五、 教学过程

Step 1 热身 (1)Greetings

T: Class begins. Good morning boys and girls. Ss: Good morning Ms Guo. T: How are you?

Ss: Fine , thank you , and you? T: I’m fine , too.

(2) Sing a song “I am listening to music.”鼓励学生根据歌词内容做出相应的动作。

(设计意图:教师热情地和学生打招呼,通过歌唱,融洽的师生关系,并激发学生的学习兴趣,同时活跃课堂气氛。) Step 2 复习引入新课

复习上一模块所学的语言。①、以单词卡出示单词take a picture, read a book ,write a letter ,listen to music, talk to a friend ,play with dolls等,请学生说出单词并演动作。②、出示图画卡片,问What is he/she doing ?请单个学生回答,进行充分的练习后,请较好的学生当小老师,向其他同学提问。③、出示一张多人的动作情景图,引出句型What are they doing ?并引导学生回答They

are ….接着板书课题Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing ?


Step 3授新课

①、老师以卡片出示课文故事中出现的各种活动进行讲解:“ In the park ,we can see lots of people and interesting things. ”出示单人打太极拳的图片问:“Look at this man .What is he doing?”引导学生回答:“He is doing taijiquan.”在黑板的一侧板书文字“doing taijiquan”,带领学生朗读:“doing taijiquan—He is doing taijiquan.”出示多人打太极拳的图片问:“Look at the people in the park .What are they doing?”引学生回答:“They are doing taijiquan.”并进行反复的操练。

用同样的方法教授“lake、 row 、boat、 men、 chess、 drink、 hungry”等单词。

②、老师出示多个人进行以上活动的图片,请几名学生上前模仿动作,然后使用“What are they doing? ”向全班提问,引导他们回答。

③、播放第一遍课文录音,要求学生合着书听,并要找到两个问题“What are they doing?和What are they drinking?”播放第二遍录音,请学生试着找出上述问题的答

案“They are doing taijiquan. They are rowing a dragon boat. They are playing chess. They are drinking soybean milk.” “taijiquan和soybean milk”不要求学生能掌握,只需听懂会说即可。

④、请学生自己看课文,并找出介词短语“In the park. On the lake. Under the tree.”老师教读这些短语。


⑥、老师快速出示各种图画与学生进行对话练习。 T:Look at the people in the park. What are they doing ?

Ss: They are doing taijiquan .

T: Look at the people on the lake. What are they doing ?

Ss: They are rowing a dragon boat.

T: Look at the men under the tree. What are they doing ?

Ss: They are playing chess.

T: Look at the girls. What are they drinking ? Ss: They are drinking soybean milk. ⑦、课的拓展。

请几个学生上台做以前学过的一些动作,让其他学生进行对话练习,要求要用到句型“What are they doing ?及They are ….”


学生齐读黑板上的句子和短语。 ⑨、布置作业

学生回家指着课本上的图用英语告诉家人“They are ….”

(设计意图:由“感知—学习—练习—运用”这么一个清晰的教学流程,最终让学生抛开书本,能够运用所学句型和短语描述人们正在进行的动作,从而达到学以致用的效果。) 六、板书设计

Module 4

Unit 1 What are they doing ?

doing taijiquan —They are doing taijiquan.

rowing a dragon boat —They are rowing a dragon boat.

playing chess —They are playing chess.

drinking soybean milk —They are drinking soybean milk.


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