解剖重点1 单词版

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椎体 椎弓 棘突 横突 关节突 横突孔 寰椎 枢椎 齿突 肋凹 横突肋凹 岬 骶前孔 骶管裂孔 骶正中嵴 骶角 胸骨 胸骨柄 胸骨角 颈静脉切迹 胸骨体 剑突 肋骨 肋头 肋颈 肋结节 肋角 肋体 肋软骨 下颌骨 下颌头 髁突 冠突 下颌支 下颌角 下颌体 髁孔 下颌孔 鸡冠 鞍背 眶上裂 圆孔 卵圆孔 棘孔 内耳门 蝶骨小翼 视神经管 垂体窝 vertebral body vertebral arch spinous process transverse process articular process transverse foramen atlas axis odontoid process (dens) costal fovea transverse costal fovea promontory anterior sacral foramina sacral hiatus mediansacral crest sacral cornu sternum Manubrium sterni sternal angle jugular notch body of sternum xiphoid process costal bone costal head costal neck costal tubercle costal angle shaft of rib costal cartilage mandible head of mandible condylar process coronoid process ranmus of mandible angle of mandible body of mandible mental foramen mandibular foramen crista galli dorsum sellae supraorbital fissure foramen rotundum foramen ovale foramen spinosum internal acoustic pore lesser wing optical canal hypophysial fossa 破裂孔 枕内隆突 乙状窦沟 横窦沟 茎突 乳突 枕外隆突 胸骨端 肩峰端 肩胛冈 肩峰 喙突 下角 关节盂 盂上结节 盂下结节 肱骨头 大结节 小结节 外科颈 桡神经沟 三角肌粗隆 肱骨滑车 外上髁 内上髁 尺神经沟 桡骨头 桡骨粗隆 桡骨颈 桡骨茎突 滑车切迹 鹰嘴 冠突 尺骨粗隆 尺骨头 尺骨茎突 手舟骨 豌豆骨 钩骨 髂嵴 髂前上棘 髂后上棘 髂结节 髂窝 坐骨棘 坐骨结节 耻骨结节 髋臼 foramen lacerum internal occipital protuberance sulcus for sigmoid sinus sulcus for transverse sinus styloid process mastoid process external occipital protuberance sternal end acromial end spine of scapular acromion coracoid process inferior angle glenoid cavity supraglenoid tubercle infraglenoid tubercle head of Humerus greater tubercle lesser tubercle surgical neck sulcus for radial nerve deltoid tuberosity trochlea of Humerus lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle sulcus for ulnar nerve head of radius radial tuberosity neck of radius styloid process trochlear notch olecranon coronoid process ulnar tuberosity head of ulna styloid process scaphoid bone pisifrom bone hamate bone iliac crest anterior superior iliac spine posterior superior iliac spine tubercle of iliac crest iliac fossa ischial spine ischial tuberosity pubic tubercle acetabulum 股骨头 股骨颈 大转子 小转子 粗线 内侧髁 外侧髁 髁间窝 收肌结节 髁间隆起 胫骨粗隆 内踝 腓骨头 腓骨颈 外踝 距骨 跟骨 椎间盘 髓核 纤维环 前纵韧带 后纵韧带 黄韧带 棘间韧带 棘上韧带 关节突关节 下颌窝 关节结节 关节盘 喙肩韧带 盂唇 桡侧副韧带 尺侧副韧带 桡骨环状韧带 前臂骨间膜 骶结节韧带 骶棘韧带 坐骨大孔 坐骨小孔 耻骨联合 髋臼唇 髂股韧带 股骨头韧带 膑韧带 腓侧副韧带 胫侧副韧带 前交叉韧带 femoral head neck of femur greater trochanter lesser trochanter linea aspera medial condyle lateral condyle intercondylar fossa adductor tubercle intercondylar eminence tibial tuberosity medial malleolus fibular head neck of fibular lateral malleolus talus calcaneus intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus annulus fibersus anterior longitudinal ligament posterior longitudinal ligament ligamenta flava interspinal ligament superspinal ligament zygapophyseal joint mandibular fossa articular tubercle articular disc coracoacromial ligament glenoid labrum radial collateral ligament ulnar collateral ligament annular ligament of radius interosseous membrane of forearm sacrotuberous ligament scarospinous ligament greater sciatic foramen lesser sciatic foramen pubic symphysis acetabular labrum iliofemoral ligament ligament of the head of the femur patellar ligament fibular collateral ligament tibial collateral ligament anterior cruciate ligament 肱二头肌长头腱 tendon of long head of biceps brachii 后交叉韧带 内侧半月板 外侧半月板 内侧韧带 眼轮匝肌 口轮匝肌 咬肌 颞肌 翼内肌 翼外肌 胸锁乳突肌 二腹肌 前斜角肌 中斜角肌 斜角肌间隙 斜方肌 背阔肌 肩胛提肌 菱形肌 胸腰筋膜 竖脊肌 胸大肌 胸小肌 前锯肌 主动脉裂孔 食管裂孔 腔静脉孔 腹外斜肌 腹股沟韧带 腹内斜肌 腹直肌 腱划 腹直肌鞘 腰方肌 三角肌 冈上肌 冈下肌 小圆肌 大圆肌 肩胛下肌 肱二头肌 喙肱肌 肱肌 肱三头肌 肱三头肌长头 肱桡肌 旋前圆肌 桡侧腕屈肌 posterior cruciate ligament medial meniscus medial meniscus medial ligament orbicularis oculi orbicularis oris masseter temporalis medial pterygoid lateral pterygoid sternocleidomastoid digastric scalenus anterior saclenus medius scalene fissure trapezius latissimus dorsi levator scapulae rhomboideus thoracolumbar fascia erector spinae pectoralis major pectoralis minor serratus anterior aortic hiatus esophageal hiatus vena caval foramen obliquus externus abdominis inguinal ligament obliquus internus abdominis rectus abdominis tendinous intersection sheath of rectus abdominis quadratus lumborum deltoid supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor teres major subscapularis biceps brachii coracobrachialis brachalis triceps brachii long head of triceps brachii brachioradialis pronator teres flexor carpi radialis 掌长肌 尺侧腕屈肌 桡侧腕长伸肌 桡侧腕短伸肌 指伸肌 小指伸肌 尺侧腕伸肌 髂腰肌 髂肌 腰大肌 臀中肌 臀小肌 梨状肌 闭孔内肌腱 缝匠肌 股四头肌 长收肌 短收肌 股二头肌 股二头肌长头 股二头肌短头 半腱肌 半膜肌 胫骨前肌 趾长伸肌 长伸肌 腓骨长肌 腓骨短肌 小腿三头肌 腓肠肌 比目鱼肌 跟腱 趾长屈肌 长屈肌 胫骨后肌 界沟 舌盲孔 颏舌肌 腮腺 腮腺管 下颌下腺 舌下腺 咽鼓管咽口 咽鼓管圆枕 咽隐窝 腭扁桃体 梨状隐窝 幽门 palmaris longus flexor carpiulnaris extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor digitorum extensor digiti minimi extensor carpi ulnaris iliopsoas iliacus psoas major gluteus medius gluteus minimus piriformis tendon of obturator internus sartorius quadriceps femoris adductor longus adductor brevis biceps femoris long head of biceps femoris short head of biceps femoris semitendinosus semimembranosus tibialis anterior extensor digitorum longus extensor hallucis longus peroneus longus peroneus brevis triceps surae gastrocnemius soleus tendo calcaneus flexor digitorum longus flexor hallucis longus tibialis posterior terminal sulcus foramen cecum of tongue genioglossus parotid gland parotid duct submandibular gland sublingual gland pharyngeal opening of auditory tube tubal torus pharyngeal recess palatine tonsil piriform recess pylorus

幽门部 幽门窦 pyloric part pyloric antrum 十二指肠大乳头 major duodenal papilla 结肠带 colic bands 结肠袋 haustra of colon 肠脂垂 epiploicae appendices 回盲瓣 ileocecal valve 阑尾 vermiform appendix 直肠横襞 Houston valve 肛柱 anal columns 肛瓣 anal valves 肛窦 anal sinuses 齿状线 dentate line 镰状韧带 falciform ligament 三角韧带 triangular ligament 肝圆韧带 ligamentum teres hepatic 胆囊底 fundus of gallbladder 胆囊体 body of gallbladder 胆囊颈 neck of gallbladder 胆囊管 cystic duct 肝总管 common hepatic duct 胆总管 common bile duct 胰头 head of pancreas 钩突 uncinate process 胰颈 neck of pancreas 胰体 body of pancreas 胰尾 tail of pancreas 鼻中隔 nasal septum 鼻甲 nasal concha 额窦 frontal sinus 蝶窦 sphenoid sinus 上颌窦 maxillary sinus 甲状软骨 thyroid cartilage 喉结 laryngeal prominence 环状软骨 cricoid cartilage 环状软骨弓 cricoid arch 环状软骨板 cricoid lamina 会厌软骨 epiglottic cartilage 杓状软骨 arytenoids cartilage 甲状舌骨膜 thyrohyroid membrane 弹性圆锥 conus elasticus 声韧带 vocal ligament 环甲正中韧带 median cricothyroid ligament 环甲肌 cricothyroid muscle 前庭襞 vestibular fold 声襞 vocal fold 气管杈 bifurcation of trachea 气管隆嵴 carina of trachea 右主支气管 左主支气管 肺小叶 肺根 心切迹 左肺小舌 斜裂 右肺水平裂 肾蒂 肾皮质 肾椎体 肾乳头 肾柱 肾小盏 肾大盏 肾盂 输尿管 输尿管口 尿道内口 膀胱三角 输尿管间襞 女性尿道 睾丸 附睾 输精管 输精管壶腹 精囊 前列腺 阴茎海绵体 阴茎脚 尿道海绵体 阴茎头 尿道球 前列腺部 膜部 海绵体部 舟状窝 卵巢悬韧带 卵巢固有韧带 输卵管子宫部 输卵管峡 输卵管壶腹 输卵管漏斗 子宫体 子宫颈 子宫颈阴道部 right principal bronchus left principal bronchus pulmonary lobule cardiac notch lingula of left lung oblique fissure horizontal fissure of right lung renal pedicle renal cortex renal pyramid renal papilla renal column minor renal calices major renal calices renal pelvis ureter ureteric orifice internal orifice of urethra trigone of bladder interureteric fold female urethra testis epididymis ductus deferens ampulla ductus deferens seminal vesicle prostate cavernous body of penis crus penis cavernous body of urethra glands penis bulb of urethra prostatic part membranous part cavernous part navicular fossa of urethra suspensory ligament of ovary proper ligament of ovary uterine part of uterine tube isthmus of uterine tube ampulla of uterine tube infundibulum of uterine tube fundus of uterus neck of uterus vaginal part of cervix 子宫颈阴道上部 supravaginal part of cervix 子宫腔 cavity of uterus 子宫颈管 子宫阔韧带 子宫圆韧带 前庭球 前庭大腺 心尖 心底 胸肋面 膈面 下缘 左缘 右缘 心尖切迹 房室交点 卵圆窝 室上嵴 前乳头肌 后乳头肌 隔侧乳头肌 隔缘肉柱 后尖 前尖 隔侧尖 肺动脉瓣 左心耳 前乳头肌 后乳头肌 前尖 后尖 腱索 左冠状动脉 前室间支 旋支 左缘支 右冠状动脉 右缘支 后室间支 冠状窦 心大静脉 心中静脉 心小静脉 心包 心包横窦 肺动脉干 左肺动脉 右肺动脉 动脉韧带 头臂干 canal of cervix of uterus broad ligament of uterus round ligament of uterus bulb of vestibule greater vestibular gland cardiac apex cardiac base sternocostal (anterior) surface diaphragmatic (inferior)surface sharp edge obtuse edge right border cardiac apical incisure crux fossa ovalis supraventricular crest anterior papillary muscle posterior papillary muscle septal papillary muscle septomarginal trabecula anterior cusp of tricuspid valve posterior cusp of tricuspid valve septal cusp of tricuspid valve pulmonary valve left auricle anterior papillary muscle posterior papillary muscle anterior cusp of bicuspid valve posterior cusp of bicuspid valve chordae tendineae left coronary artery anterior interventricular branch circumflex branch left marginal branch right coronary artery right marginal branch posterior interventricular branch coronary sinus greater cardiac vein middle cardiac vein small cardiac vein pericardium transverse pericardial sinus pulmonary trunk right pulmonary artery left pulmonary artery arterial ligament brachiocephalic trunk 左颈总动脉 左锁骨下动脉 右颈总动脉 右锁骨下动脉 颈外动脉 颈内动脉 甲状腺上动脉 舌动脉 面动脉 上颌动脉 脑膜中动脉 下牙槽动脉 颞浅动脉 椎动脉 甲状颈干 甲状腺下动脉 肩胛上动脉 胸廓内动脉 颈横动脉 胸肩峰动脉 胸外侧动脉 肩胛下动脉 旋肱后动脉 旋肩胛动脉 胸背动脉 肱动脉 桡动脉 尺动脉 掌浅弓 腰动脉 肾动脉 腹腔干 胃左动脉 肝总动脉 肝固有动脉 胆囊动脉 胃右动脉 胃十二指肠动脉 left common carotid artery left subclavian artery right common carotid artery right subclavian artery external carotid artery internal carotid artery superior thyroid lingual artery facial artery maxillary artery middle meningeal artery inferior alveolar artery superficial temporal artery vertebral artery thyrocervical trunk inferior thyroid artery suprascapular artery internal thoracic artery transverse cervical artery thoracoacromial artery lateral thoracic artery subscapular artery posterior circumflex humeral artery 胃网膜右动脉 脾动脉 胃网膜左动脉 肠系膜上动脉 回结肠动脉 阑尾动脉 右结肠动脉 中结肠动脉 肠系膜下动脉 左结肠动脉 circumflex scapular artery thoracodorsal artery brachial artery radial artery ulnar artery superficial palmar arch lumbar artery renal artery celiac trunk left gastric artery common hepatic artery proper hepatic artery cystic artery right gastric artery gastroduodenal artery right gastroepiploic artery splenic artery left gastroepiploic artery superior mesenteric artery ileocolic artery appendicular artery right colic artery middle colic artery inferior mesenteric artery left colic artery 直肠上动脉 闭孔动脉 臀上动脉 臀下动脉 脐动脉 子宫动脉 阴部内动脉 腹壁下动脉 股深动脉 旋股内侧动脉 旋股外侧动脉 腘动脉 胫后动脉 腓动脉 胫前动脉 足背动脉 颈外静脉 颈内静脉 锁骨下静脉 头静脉 贵要静脉 肘正中静脉 头臂静脉 上腔静脉 奇静脉 小隐静脉 大隐静脉 股内侧静脉 股外侧静脉 阴部外静脉 腹壁浅静脉 旋髂浅静脉 左睾丸静脉 肝门静脉 脾静脉 肠系膜上静脉 肠系膜下静脉 胸导管

superior rectal artery obturator artery superior gluteal artery inferior gluteal artery umbilical artery uterine artery internal pudendal artery inferior epigastric artery deep femoral artery medial femoral circumflex artery lateral femoral circumflex artery popliteal artery posterior tibial artery peroneal artery anterior tibial artery dorsal artery of foot external jugular vein internal jugular vein subclavian vein cephalic vein basilic vein median cubital vein brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava azygos vein small saphenous vein great saphenous vein medial femoral circumflex vein lateral femoral circumflex vein external pudendal vein superficial epigastric vein superficial iliac circumflex vein left testicular vein hepatic portal vein splenic vein superior mesenteric vein inferior mesenteric vein thoracic duct

