Analysis of the Main Characters in A Tale of Two Cities

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Abstract…….………………….... …................... ...................... ................... ...............2

Introduction ……………………….............................. ................................................3

I. The Character of Dr. Manette ........................ ......................... ....................…...3

A. His Spirit of Humanity………….…………………....…....…………....…....... ……..4

1. Kindness and Helpfulness……….……………………………….……..….….….……..4

2. Forgiveness………….……………………………….……..….….…..….…..…. …..….4

B. His Responsibility for His Daughter……………….……..….….…..….…..…..….….5

Ⅱ. The Character of Lucie Manette………….. .……..………..….….…...……....5

A. An Angel-like Woman…………....….. .……..……….. .……..………..……..……….5

B. A Filial Daughter ………...................... ..……….. .……..………........................... .... 6

C. A Virtuous Wife …………....….. .……..……….. .……..………..……..…….………..7

Ⅲ. The Character of Sydney Carton ……..……..…………. .……. …..…. ……7

A. His Self-sacrifice..….. .……..……….. .……..………..……..…….……………. …. .7

B. His View of Love.. .……..……….. .……..………..……..……. ..……..…….………8

Ⅳ. The Reasons of Character Formation……..……………..……….. ………9

A. External Reasons..……….. .……..………..……..……. .. …..……….. .……..……9

B. Internal Reasons….. .……..………..……..……. .. …..………..…… .…………..…10

C. Dickens’ Humanism….. .……..………..……..……. .…... …..……….. .…………..11

Conclusion…………..……. .. …..…………. .. ……..……..….. .………..………..…12

Notes ………………………….…….................................................................. ............13

Bibliography ………………………………………..……………….......................... 14

Acknowledgments ……………………………………………………………….…15

Abstract: Charles Dickens is one of the most outstanding realistic novelists in the 19th

century in Britain. A Tale of Two Cities is one of his masterpieces. It is different from other

historical fictions. Its characters and main plots are under the real background of the French

Revolution . The author makes the experience of the fictional character Dr. Manette as the

main clue. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the three main characters.The three

characters are Dr. Manette, Lucie Manette, and Sydney Carton in the novel. According to

analysis of the three main characters, we can have a better understanding of the French

Revolution and this novel.

Key Words: Charles Dickens;A Tale of Two Cities;character analysis

摘要 :查尔斯·狄更斯是英国19世纪最杰出的现实小说家之一,《双城记》是他的代





关键词 :查尔斯·狄更斯;双城记;性格分析

Analysis of the Main Characters in A Tale of Two Cities


Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is one of the most popular novelists of his time, and

remains one of the best known and most read of English authors. Charles Dickens,

Thackerary, and George Eliot are the three greatest novelists in the Victorian age, and

Dickens is the first one to achieve fame.

A Tale of Two Cities is his historical novel during the French Revolution. With over 200

million copies sold, it ranks among the most famous works in the history of fictional

literature. The story of redemption through devotion shows his ability at handling pure

narrative, and it has always been one of his most popular novels, although it lacks his

characteristic humor.

A Tale of Two Cities uses the French Revolution as its background. The novel depicts

the predicament of the French farmers oppressed by the French aristocracy in the years before

the revolution, the corresponding cruelty demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the

former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution, and many are similar to the life in

London during the same time period. It follows the lives of the main characters in the novel

through these events. Many of the characters in this novel are “flat”, not “round”. The “flat”

means roughly that they have only one mood. For example, Lucie is perfect with love. The

novel also reflects the author’s attitude to the revolution. Dickens discovers the serious social

problems in England and realizes the dangers of a rich-poor wealth gap. So he writes this

novel to warn people. He hopes people can realize the social problems and take measures to

solve them. In this novel, Dickens describes each character’s personality vividly and clearly.

The author also shows his great anger to aristocrats and his sympathy to the people who

suffer a lot. However, he opposes the violent revolution, and he advocates to solving

contradictions through the spirits of love and forgiveness. So we can see Charles Dickens is a

humanist and he advocates humanism in his life. We can draw these conclusions from the

different characters created by Dickens in the novel. In this novel, the author portrays some

typical characters to embody his view. On one hand, he portrays some good, kind, upright and

humane people, such as Dr. Manette, Lucie Manette, Sydney Carton, etc. On the other hand,

he also portrays some bad and cruel persons such as the Marquis of Evremonde Brothers, Mr.

and Mrs. Defarge. Dickens uses these persons’ words, behaviors and so on to express his

attitudes and views. However, this paper just analyzes the three main characters, Dr. Manette,

Lucie Manette, and Sydney Carton detailed.

I. The Character of Dr. Manette

A. His Spirit of Humanity

1. Kindness and Helpfulness

Dr. Manette is a kind and upright doctor. He not only tries his best to help his patients,

but also shows sympathy to others. Dr. Manette is also the typical humanitarian in this novel.

When he is young, he is put into the prison for 18 years because of his kindness and upright.

When he experiences the atrocity of the Marquis of Evremonde, he fells that it is a burden for

him to keep quiet on this thing, so he writes a letter to the Minister. Then he is put into the

prison for 18 years by the Marquis of Evremonde. Dr. Manette’s wife dies because of this. So

their daughter does not get parents’ love when she is young. His family is totally destroyed by

the family of Evremonde. The Marquis of Evremonde brothers are two cruel aristocrats. They

oppress the people severely. They have a luxurious life, but their people suffer hunger,

coldness, nakedness, etc. They don’t care about others but themselves. The two brothers see a

beautiful young woman in the village and the younger of the brothers wants her. In order to

get her, they make her husband work all night and then he dies. They take the women away

and this makes her father die of grief. At last, the women also dies. They destroy family and

kill people just as easily as they kill chickens. When the two brothers find that Dr. Manette

know their atrocity, they give him a bag of gold to keep a secret. His kindness gives shim

power to confront the Marquis of Evremonde, even though he knows it might make him in

trouble. Dr. Manette would not relieve “the burden of conscience” if he could do nothing

about the atrocity. He also wants to save the young woman’s life before she dies. So we can

conclude that Dr. Manette is very kind and helpful to others.

2. Forgiveness

After 18 years in the prison, Dr. Manette’s body and mind are seriously hurt. When he

gets out of the prison, he knows nothing and recognizes nobody. He just makes shoes all day

and night. He even does not stop his work when others talk to him. Luckily, owing to his

daughter’s love, he recovers. The most moving thing is that he hates the Marquis of

Evremonde, but when he knows his daughter falls in love with Charles Darnay, the nephew of

the Marquis of Evremonde, he constrains the great hatred and accepts Darnay. In order to

save his daughter’s happiness, he puts his hatred for the hateful family aside and pretends to

know nothing and accepts Charles Darnay. In this novel, we can’t see the sorrow Dr. Man

edette suffers obviously, but the author describes it indirectly. When Darnay expresses his

love for Lucie to Dr. Manette, there is a struggle on Dr. Manette’s face, which seems doubt

and dread. But Dr. Manette accepts Darnay finally, because he knows Darnay is a good man

who doesn’t like his cruel uncle and father. He believes Darnay and even forgives the family

of Evremonde. After the marriage, he relapses into confusion. He begins to make shoes again;

he remembers nothing and recognizes nobody. We can see he suffers a lot in his heart.

However, he endures the difficult time and his forgiveness also gets in return. Lucie and

Darnay love each other very much. They live happily and form a warm family. Both of them

are filial to Dr. Manette after marriage.

B. His Responsibility for His Daughter

After the French Revolution breaks out, Darnay is put into prison. Although it’s

dangerous to go to Paris, Dr. Manette brings her daughter Lucie to that place and tries his best

to rescue his son-in-law. He goes into the prison to watch over Darnay until the danger is over,

although the terrible sights in the prison may bring back his old illness. He thinks that he

should try his best to bring Lucie’s husband to her side, because it is Lucie who helps him get

out of illness. Then he uses his influence wisely and soon becomes the medical inspector of

three prisons. Thus, he is able to see Darnay every week and bring Darnay’s news to his

daughter. It’s the hardest time for his daughter, Lucie, when they are in Paris and wait for

Darnay’ trial coming. Whenever Luice expressed her dread and worries to him, he always

answered firmly that nothing can happen to Charles without his knowledge, and he believes

that he can save him. He always says such kind of words to comfort her daughter. He is really

a great and responsible father.

So we can draw a conclusion that Dr. Manette is a humanitarian, who is kind, upright

and helpful. He loves his relatives, and shows sympathy to the ordinary people.

II. The Character of Lucie Manette

A. An Angel-like Woman

Lucie is a kind and beautiful woman. She is an ideal pre-Victorian lady, perfect in

every way. She is loved by both Carton and Charles Darnay. Lucie and Mrs. Defarge have the

similar sufferings because their families are persecuted by the Marquis of Evremond and his

brother. But Lucie is like an angel while Mrs. Defarge is like a devil. Wang Shuang says that

Lucie is the gold thread of love and the two hateful families are linked together by her .1

She always shows great love and sympathy to other people. When she gives evidence on

the court where Darnay is on trial for the first time, Darnay is just a stranger to her, but Lucie

gives great love and sympathy to him. Her appearance completely proves this:

His daughter had one of her hands drawn through his arm, as she sat by him, and the other

pressed upon it. She had drawn closer to him, in her dread of the scene, and in her pity for

the prison. Her forehead had been strikingly expressive of an engrossing terror and

companion that saw nothing but the peril of the accused. This has been so very noticeable,

so very powerful and naturally shown, that starrers who had had no pity for were touched

by her. 2

And when she has to say something disadvantageous to Charles Darnay, she even bursts

into tears, although he is a stranger to her. She also hopes she may not repay him by doing

him harm. So from these we can see she is so kind. She is also a magical girl, because she has

great influence on others. We can see this characteristic of Lucie on her attitude to Sydney

Carton. Sydney Carton is a knowledgeable clerk but he is always dirty and careless in his

appearance because he is not happy in his inner world. Lucie knows this and she is very

surprised and feels sad about this. When Sydney Carton shows love to her, she can’t accept

him because she has fallen in love with Darnay. She feels so sorry to Carton and also weeps.

Then she shows great love and sympathy to him. When she married, she tells her husband to

help him. She says the following sentences to her husband:

“I think, Charles, Poor Mr. Carton deserves more consideration and respect than you

expressed for him, to-night.”

“I would ask you, dearest, to be very generous with him always and very lenient on his faults

when he is not by. I would ask you to believe that he has a heart he very seldom reveals, and

that there are deep wounds in it. My dear, I have seen it bleeding.”

“My husband, it is so. I fear he is not to be reclaimed; there is scarcely a hope that anything in

his character or fortunes is reparable now. But I’m sure that he is capable of good things,

gentle thing, even magnanimous things.” (A Tale of Two Cites 254-255)

So Lucie is just like an angel to love everyone. She also nearly ties every character in the

novel together. When she enjoys a happy life, she always thinks carefully about others’

sadness. She hopes everyone can live happily and everyone is kind-hearted.

B. A Filial Daughter

Lucie is a filial daughter. When she knows her father is still alive, she goes to Paris to see

her father. She loves her father so much even though they have not seen each other for a long

time. When she sees her father, she feels very surprised and sad. She wants to share his

sorrow and sufferings. At last her golden curly hair recalls her father’s memory. Lucie uses

her love to recall her father’s dead and hopeless heart, and under the delicate care of her, her

father recovers gradually. It’s Lucie to make her father forget his past sorrowful life in the

prison and live a common life again. Her father works as a doctor as before. After Lucie and

Darnay marry, both of them take good care of their father. They live a happy life in London

and form a family filled with love and warmth.

C. A Virtuous Wife

Lucie is a virtuous wife. When her husband, Darnay is put into prison, she goes to Paris

regardless of danger. She tries her best to save her husband, even she begs Mrs. Defarges to

have pity on her and help her husband. It’s a hard time for her in Paris because she worries

about her husband’s security all the time. However, she doesn’t despair and she fulfils her

duties. She still arranges the housework well at that hard time. She still takes care of her

father and her daughter as she has done in London. She teaches little Lucie her lessons just as

regularly as if they are safe at home in England. Lucie loves her husband so much. One day

her father says to her if she stands a certain place which he can show her, and Darnay might

see her in the street. “From that time, in all weathers, she waited for two hours at that place.

When the clock struck two, she was here; and at four she turned sadly away. In fine weather

she took little Lucie with her, in bad weather she waited alone; but she never missed a single

day.” (A Tale of Two Cites 116) Lucie is a great wife and mother. Her love to her family

members is so obvious.

III. The Character of Sydney Carton

A. His Self-sacrifice

Sydney Carton is the most dynamic character in A Tale of Two Cities. He is a clerk in the

law firm. He first appears as a lazy, alcoholic attorney who cannot master even the smallest

amount of interest in his own life. His attitude to life also makes us surprised. He says, “As

for myself, my great desire is to forget that belong to it. The world has no good in it for me,

and I am of no good to the world.” (A Tale of Two Cites 23) He also describes his existence

as a supreme waste of life and takes every opportunity to declare that he cares for nothing and

no one. However, he is very intelligent and has the spirit of self-sacrifice.

He always goes to Mr. Stryver’ room and helps him to deal with cases. He prepares the

papers for Mr. Stryver every time. Mr. Stryver is a successful lawyer but he never has a case

in his hand because he can win cases with the help of Carton. Carton also passes notes to him

when he needs help in the court. However, compared with Mr. Stryver, Carton is a loser. He

always serves Styver. Every day Carton goes to Stryver’ room to help him to collect the

information about cases and this always costs him a lot of time. So he has to work very late in

the evening sometimes. Dickens described that Mr. Stryver was a lion, and Cardon was s

jackal. If Carton does not help Stryver, Stryver could not have a successful career and the

current status. Even when Carton was at school he did exercises for the other boys instead of

his own. From these we can see Carton is a person with self-sacrifice.

When Darnay goes to Paris to save his old servant and is put into prison during the

French Revolution, Carton also goes to Paris to help Lucie’s family to save Darnay. When he

realizes that the only way to save Darnay is to sacrifice him, he decides to die instead of

Darnay. He is a brave man who is willing to lose his own life in order to save the life of a

friend. He tells his plan to Mr. Lorry, and arranges every step to help Darnay escape from the

prison. He also talkes with Mr. Lorry that Darnay’s fate is just the ending of him. At the end

of the novel, Carton goes to the guillotine instead of Darnay. After Carton dies, his face is the

most peaceful in all the dead there. So he is so brave to face his death. From these

descriptions of Sydney Carton, we can see that although he is a strange man, he is a kind and

greet man. Kalil Kris Marie said: “He represents the sacrificial hero who ritually slaughtered

off his own free will so that society might renew itself, a prospect he envisions before he

dies”.3 We also can see Dickens speaks highly of Sydney Carton’s sacrifice. He hopes

everyone can love each other and sacrifice for others in the world, especially in the violent


B. His View of Love

When Carton finds he falls in love with Lucie, he thinks that he is hopeless, and he has

no qualification to love her. So he decides to give her up. He tells Luice “Even if it were

possible, Miss Manette, for you to return my love, I should only bring you to misery and pull

you down with me. But I know very well that you can have no emotion for me; I ask for none;

I am even thankful that it cannot be.” (A Tale of Two Cites 53) He loves Lucie so much that

he is willing to do everything for her. He said to her, “For you, and for any dear to you, I

would do anything. If my career were of that better kind that there was any opportunity or

capacity of sacrifice in it, I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you. ”

(A Tale of Two Cites 184) When he knows that Lucie will marry Darnay, he doesn’t change

his love for her. He just loves her as before, and he also hopes Lucie can enjoy happiness. He

regards Lucie’s happiness as his own happiness. In order to save Lucie’ husband, Carton

sacrifices his life to replace him. His sacrifice helps Lucie’s family so much and expresses his

great love to Lucie. In Carton’s mind, to love someone does not mean to get her, but makes

her happy.

From all above, we can see Carton’s view of love is a kind of Christian love. This love is

so pure and great.

Ⅳ. The Reasons of Character Formation

A. External Reason

The special society is the important cause of these main characters in this novel. The

story happens in London and Paris, and it takes the French Revolution as its background. The

French Revolution was a series of upheavals that occurred in France between 1789 and 1799,

which overthrew not only the country’s power, but its whole social structure. There are three

main reasons of the revolution. First, France has a sharp class confrontation before the

revolution. Second, the development of capitalism and the contradictions in the feudal

autocratic rule are also the reason of the revolution. Third, the financial crisis has intensified.

The unstable society has a great influence on people’s life and their characters.

A Tale of Two Cities reveals Dickens’ attitude and ideas to the government, and social

reform during the French Revolution. Although the background of the novel is the French

Revolution, Dickens shows the reader that the poor were brutalized in France and England

alike. He wants people to be careful that the same damaged revolution in France will happen

in Britain, if the social problems can not be solved effectively. His warning is to both the

British lower classes and the aristocracy. If the aristocracy continues to plant the seeds of a

revolution by behaving unjustly and cruelly, they will certainly harvest that revolution in time.

However, he doesn’t advocate using violent revolution to solve social problems. The violence

only brings horrors and blood to people. The guillotine is a prim example of horrors

revolution brought. So it needs some kind, selfless, and brave people to use their love and

forgiveness to make the society become better.

The family of Dr. Manette is the victim of the society. Dr. Manette is put into prison

without any reasons just because the aristocrats have the power to do this. Even though he

suffers a lot, his noble qualities make him become a typical humanist. When the revolution

breaks out, Darnay, who is an innocent person, is sentenced to death for his family’s crimes.

Regardless of her own security, Lucie Manette travels to France in order to rescue him. Lucie’

behaviors and kindness shows she is an angel-like woman. Lucie’s character is also a sharp

contrast to the tiger-like Madame Defarge. Carton sacrifices himself to save his friend when

Paris becomes a horrible city. It is the time for him to become a great hero.

B. Internal Reason

Dr. Manette is a dedicated doctor, so he always tries his best to help others. When he

see others suffer, he feels sad in his heart. He makes his family get into trouble in order to

help a patient of him. He doesn’t think much and his mind makes him to do this. After he

goes out of the prison, his daughter’ love and care makes him recover. Thus, he always does

what he can do for Lucie. In order to make Lucie have a sweat marriage, he even forgives the

family of Evremonde and accepts the nephew of his enemy. When his son-in-law is put into

prison, Dr. Manette brings her daughter to Paris to save him.

Lucie’s kindness is inborn. She does not get love from her parents when she is young

because her father is put into prison and her mother dies. However, her misfortune doesn’t

change her good nature. Even though her family is destroyed by the Marquis of Evremonde,

she doesn’t become a woman who is filled with hatred. On the contrary, she always shows

great love and sympathy to others. She not only loves her relatives but also strangers. Her

father steps out of the shadows with her love. Others are influenced by her love. She brings

warmth and love to the special world.

Sydney Carton does whatever he wants to do, and regardless of how other people feel

about it. He does everything without any thought of reward, his character is selfless.

The first time Carton saw Lucie in court, he fell in love her. He was attracted by her

kindness and beauty. He expressed her love to Lucie, but Lucie did not accept him. When he

knew Lucie fell in Love with Danry and accepted Darnay’ love, he did not hate Lucie and

envy Darnay because of this. After Lucie marries Darnay, Carton still loves Lucie. He wants

to see her, but he knows he can not become her husband. So he thinks he can care her and

help her when she is in trouble. After the French Revolution breaks out, Lucie’ husband is put

into prison, Carton goes to Paris to help them. In order to save Darnay, he decides to sacrifice

himself with hesitation. In prison, Carton dictated a letter to Lucie and he asked Darnay to

write it down. “You remember the words that passed between us long ago. It is not in your

nature to forget them. I am thankful that the time has come when I can prove my words. That

I do so that is no cause for regret or sorrow.” (A Tale of Two Cites 167) Every word

expresses that what he does for Lucie and her husband is from his willingness, and every

word shows that he loves Lucie so much. Carton’s love for Lucie is from the bottom of his

heart. In his mind, the best way of love is not to own her, but to try his best to keep her happy.

So he is willing to sacrifice his life for love.

C. Dickens’ Humanism

Dickens was born in 1812 at Landport, a district of the city of Portsmouth, Hampshire.

His family was not rich, and his father was a Navy pay office clerk. His father continually

lived beyond his means and finally went to debtor’s prison. So he had to leave school and

began working. His education was occasional, but he supplemented it with constant reading,

particularly of the eighteenth century novels in his father’s small library. When he was twelve,

he found a job pasting labels on bottles in a blacking warehouse with the help of a relative.

“He was poorly clothed, ill fed, forced to live in the cheapest place to be found, and to

associate with the roughest kind of companions”.4 He lived a poor and miserable life when he

was young. After many years, when he was a happy and successful man, he still looked back

upon it with tears in his eyes. However, he did not complain about his misfortune. Instead, he

made good use of what he had seen and gone through. “He retained poignant memories of

childhood, helped by a near-photographic memory of people and events, which he used in his


Dickens was a champion of the abused poor because of his terrible experience when he

was forced to work in a factory when he was a child. His experience made him become a

typical humanist. He also expressed his humanism completely in some of his works, such as

A Tail of Two Cities. His humanism focused on morality and it is also based on morality. He

advocated people to be kind to others. In A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens showed great

sympathy to the people who suffer a lot. On the other hand, he criticized the feudal

aristocrats’ cruel behaviors. He thought revolution and violence wouldn't solve the social

problems. The best way to solve the contradiction between the aristocrats and the poor is the

great love of people. In his opinion, love is more powerful than resentment and revenge. So

he advocates humanism all his life.

The three main characters portrayed by Dickens in this novel are all kind people with

love in their heart. Dr. Manette, Lucie and Carton are all the ideal characters in Dickens’ mind.

He hopes people in the world can be like these characters to love each other. The world will

become better when everyone can love and forgive each other.


From Charles Dickens’ novel, we can see that he is not only an outstanding novelist but

also a humanitarian. For one thing, he advocates the kindness and love of the people and also

shows sympathy to the people who suffer a lot. For another, he criticizes the evil and

darkness in people’s heart. According to the analysis of the main characters in A Tale of Two

Cities, we can see that the author advocates humanitarianism. We also can learn a lesson from

the history and have a better understanding of the French Revolution. The author also

expresses his attitude by his description of characters in this novel. He speaks highly of love

and forgiveness. It is the most touching that Carton sacrifices himself because of his love to

Lucie. Dr. Manette forgives the Evremondes’ guilt and accepts Darnay in the end. Lucie

shows sympathy to others no matter who they are.

Dr. Manette, Lucie, and Carton are very successful characters created by Dickens in A

Tale of Two Cities. They are all the ideal persons in this novel. Dr. Manette’s humanist spirit

impresses us so much. The novel also follows the life of Dr. Manette and creates other

characters. Lucie is a perfect woman in this novel. She is beautiful both in appearance and

inner heart. Her love always gives hope and courage to others. Sydney Carton dies at the end

of novel, but his value of life has been affirmed. Though his life is over, his spirit exists

forever. Carton dies without any regret, and his affection influences us through his tragic life.

From these characters, we can know their value about life and learn something from them.

In a word, we can see the author's thoughts about the Revolution and the society in

England by analyzing the main characters in A Tale of Two Cities. He advocates love and

forgiveness in the unstable world. He opposes to use violence and revolution to solve social



1. 王爽,“谈狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思”,长春大学学报,2003(6),


2. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities (London: Oxford University Press Beijing:

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1994) 74. Subsequent documentation of

quotations from this novel will be in-text notes (title of the book followed by page number or

numbers) within parentheses.

3. Kris Marie Kalil, On Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities (New York: Wiley Publishing

Inc.2000) 98.

4. 吴伟仁,英国文学史及选读,(北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2011)156.

5. Peter Ackroyd, Dickens, (London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1990) 22.


Ackroyd, Peter. Dickens. London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1990.

Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. London: Oxford University Press Beijing: Foreign

Language Teaching and Research Press,1994. Foster, John. Life of Charles Dickens. London: Diderot publishing, 2012.

Kalil, Kris Marie. On Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities New York: Wiley Publishing Inc.,2000

狄更斯. 刘子宏(译),双城记,北京:中国书籍出版社,2005.

吴伟仁. 英国文学史及选读, 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2011.

王爽. “谈狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思”,长春大学学报,2003(6)103-105.

张玲. 英国伟大的小说家狄更斯. 北京:北京出版社,1983.

伊瓦肖娃. 狄更斯评传.广州:广州人民出版社,1983.



