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Ⅰ.Translate following terms into English.
印刷术 printing 火药 gunpowder
指南针 compass/magnetism
中国的社会结构 structure of Chinese society
雕版印刷 block printing 佛经 Buddhist text
儒家经典著作 Classical Books of Confucius 活字印刷 moveable type 磁力罗盘 magnetic compass
指南勺 south-controlling spoon 磁偏角 magnetic declination 磁的二极性(磁极性) magnetic polarity
Ⅱ.Translate sentences 1, 2, 5 in exerciseⅡinto Chinese.
1、Until relativeiy recently the general belief in the West was that the science and technology which had existed in traditional China was of relatively little importance compared with that of Europe.
Tr: 直到不久以前,西方普遍认为,与欧洲相比,古代中国的科学技术微不足道。
2、These three discoveries——printing,gunpowder and magnetism——were all made much earlier in China than in Europe but, unlike in Europe, these discoveries were not followed by major changes in the structure of Chinese society.
Tr: 印刷术、火药、指南针这三大发明都先出现在中国,大大早于欧洲。但这三大发明并没有随之引起中国社会结构的重大改变,这与欧洲不同。
5、It seems likely that these magnetic compasses were used in navigation as early as the 10th century,and there is some evidece that the Chinese knew of magnetic declination——the fact that compasses do not point exactly North——South and that the difference varies with time——before Europeans knew of magnetic.
Tr: 看来,中国人很可能早在10世纪就将磁罗盘用于航海。有证据表明,早在欧洲人了解磁极性之前,中国人就懂得了磁偏角,即罗盘并不指向正南方和正北方,而且磁偏角会随时间而变。
Ⅲ.Translate following sentences into English.
Tr: Moveable type was not introduced in Europe until 400 years later, when Gutenberg printed his Latin Bible in 1456.
Tr: The spoon itself was carved from lodestone and, when placed on a highly polished bronze plate, always rotated until it pointed south.
Ⅰ.Translate following terms into English.
生物学家 biologist
文艺复兴 the Renaissance 显微镜 microscope
放大镜 magnifying lenses 显微镜学家 microscopist 通称 general name
属名 the name of genus or group 种名 specific name
物种名称或品种名称 the name of the species, or kind 对科学做出贡献 make contributions to science
Ⅱ.Translate sentences 1, 2, 4, 5 in exerciseⅡinto Chinese.
1、Contributions to the development of biology have come from all over the world.Three groups of biologists,working in the years since the Renaissance,will be studied here.
Tr: 世界各地为生物学的发展都做出了种种贡献。本文将研究文艺复兴以来的三类生物学家。 2、By looking through the lenses,van Leeuwenhoek realized that there was a whole world filled with microscopic living things.
Tr: 通过放大镜,范·拉乌文胡克认识到,整个世界都充满了微生物。
4、When he returned to England, Darwin wrote a book called Origin of Species, which was about evolution.His theory of evolution was developed as a result of his observations during his trip on the Beagle.
Tr: 回到英格兰后,达尔文写了一本关于进化的书,名为《物种起源》。他的进化论就是基于随“小猎兔犬”号旅行期间的考察结果而成的。
5、Van Leeuwenhoek, Linnaeus, and Darwin are three very important men in the history of biol- -ogy. Each is one of a group of people who made a significant contribution to science. These three men have made important contributions to science, but they are only a few of the important people in the history of biology.
Tr: 范·拉乌文胡克、林奈乌斯和达尔文三人在生物学史上举足轻重。每一位都代表了一类为科学做出重大贡献的生物学家。他们三人都为科学做出了重大贡献,但他们仅仅是生物学史上重要人物中的几位而已。
Ⅲ.Translate following sentences into English.
1. 本文研究的第一类生物学家是17世纪的显微镜学家。他们也是最早的生物学家。
Tr: The first group of biologists, and the earliest group to be studied here, are the microscopists of the 17th century. (p 89-90)
2. 林奈乌斯的分类法沿用至今,有时称为双名法。
Tr: Linnaeus’s system, which is still used today, is sometimes referred to as a system of binomial nomenclature.
Ⅰ.Translate following terms into English.
火箭运载工具 rocket vehicle 人造卫星 artificial satellite X射线 X-ray
无线电波 radio wave
深空探测器 deep space probe 月球探测器 lunar probe 探空火箭 sounding rocket 椭圆轨道 elliptical path 紫外线 ultra-violet light 红外线 infrared ray
Ⅱ.Translate sentences 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 in exercise Ⅱ into Chinese.
1、Since the War, and particularly during the last few years, a rapidly growing amount of effort has been devoted to the use of high-power rockets to carry instruments up to great heights above the Earth ,to lanuch artificial satellites and deep space probes.
Tr: 二战以来,特别是近年来,人类频频使用大功率火箭,以将各种仪器送入远离地球的高空、发射人造卫星、发射深空探测器。
3、When they will record,we do not know——if we did, it would not be worth going to all this trouble——but there is scope here for astronomical studies for generations to come.
Tr: 我们不知道这些仪器会记录下什么。如果知道,也就不值得这么大费周章了。但这个天文学领域还有待未来数代人进行研究。
5、If the satellite orbit is very elongated,so that it passes out to distsances several times the earth’s radius(4,000 miles), we have a deep space probe.
Tr: 如果卫星轨道特别长,长度数倍于地球半径(4000英里),这就是(第三种运载工具——)深空探测器。 6、The avaiIabiIity of artificiaI sateIIites does not make verticaI sounding rockets obsoIete and this is even more true of deep space and Iunar probes in reIation to artificiaI sateIIites.
Tr: 垂直探空火箭并没有因人造卫星的出现而过时。人造卫星更没有因深空探测器、月球探测器的出现而过时。
7、Nor is he concerned with putting men in the vehicle, for the instruments can be made to operate automatically and to send back their readings to earth——even over distances of millions of miles——as coded radio signals.
Tr: 科学家也不关心这些运载工具能否载人。因为可以制造自动运行的仪器,哪怕远隔数百万英里,它们也能以编码无线电信号的方式,把采集的数据传回地球。
Ⅲ.Translate following sentences into English.
1、主要原因之一就是大气层。总的来说,大气层有益于生命,但它也使我们无法看清宇宙。 Tr: One of the main reasons is that our atmosphere, while beneficial for life in general, prevents us from seeing the universe.
2、火箭运载工具的发展为科学研究开辟了新的研究途径。Tr: These are new possibilities for scientific research which are opened up by the development of rocket vehicles.
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