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Ultrasonic testing of steel flat products of thickness equal or greater than 6 mm (reflection method) 厚度等于或大于6毫米的钢板产品超声检验规程(反射法)

DIN EN 10160: 1999


Foreword 前言 .................................................................................................................................................. 1

1 Scope 第一章 适用范围 ............................................................................................................................... 2

2 Normative references 第二章 相关标准 ...................................................................................................... 2

3 Terms and definitions 第三章 术语和定义 .................................................................................................. 3

4 Principle 第四章 检测原理 .......................................................................................................................... 4

5 Personnel 第五章 探伤人员资格 ................................................................................................................. 4

6 Apparatus 第六章 仪 器 .............................................................................................................................. 4 7 Coupling conditions - Surface condition of the flat product 第七章 耦合状态——钢板表面条件 6

8 Scanning plan 第八章 扫描方案 .................................................................................................................. 7

9 Procedure 第九章 程序 ................................................................................................................................ 7

10 Acceptance criteria 第十章 接受标准 ...................................................................................................... 10

在订购协议框架内,(供应商)可提供不同质量等级的钢板/或棱边产品。 ........................................... 10

11 Test report 第十一章 检验报告 ............................................................................................................... 10

Annex A ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

图一、代表性用语示意图 ............................................................................................................................. 13

Foreword 前言

This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 1 "Steel Physic-chemical and non-destructive testing", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

本欧洲标准由ECISS/TC 1*) “钢材理化和非破坏性试验”技术协会起草,该技术协会的秘书由法国标准化协会(AFNOR)派遣。

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2000, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 2000.


According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


根据欧洲标准化协会/欧洲电工标准化委员会(CEN/ CENELEC)的内部规定,下列国家的国家标准化组织有义务采用本欧洲标准:奥地利、比利时、捷克共和国、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、瑞士、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、挪威、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士和英国。

1 Scope 第一章 适用范围

This European Standard describes a method for the ultrasonic testing of uncoated flat steel product for internal discontinuities. It is applicable to flat product in nominal thickness range of 6 mm to 200 mm of non-alloyed or alloyed steel, excluding austenitic or austenoferritic steels. However, this standard may be applied to the latter types of steels provided that the difference between the amplitude of the noise signal and that of the echo detection threshold is sufficient for the limit fixed.


This standard also defines four quality classes for the flat product body (classes S0, S1, S2 and S3) and 5 c1asses (E0, E1, E2, E3, E4) for the edges in accordance with the criteria specified in clause 9.

本标准同时为钢板规定了四个质量等级(S0, S1, S2 和 S3级)并根据第九章的质量条款为棱边规定了五个质量等级(E0, E1, E2, E3, E4)。

Other methods of testing (e.g. by transmission) or other test equipments may be used at the manufacturer's discretion provided that they give identical results to those obtained under the conditions of this standard. In the event of a dispute, only the method defined in this standard shall prevail.


Testing of flat product of thickness less than 6 mm may be the subject of special agreements between the parties concerned.


The inspection is normally carried out in the place of production or on the premises of the supplier. If specified on the order, the inspection may take place in the presence of the purchaser or his representative 1) 。



A list of equivalent terms in several European languages is given in annex A.

附件 A给出了相同术语的几种欧洲语言表达形式。

2 Normative references 第二章 相关标准

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.




EN 473, Qualification and certification of NDT personnel - General principles

EN 473 无损探伤(NDT)人员的资格和证书——一般原则

pr EN 1330-4, Non destructive testing - Terminology - Part 4 : Terms used in ultrasoning testing

pr EN 1330-4,无损探伤术语——第四部分:用于超声检验的术语

3 Terms and definitions 第三章 术语和定义

For the purposes of this European Standard, the definitions given in pr EN 1330-4 and the following definitions apply:

为了确切地理解本标准,本欧洲标准采用下列术语定义和pr EN 1330-4定义的术语:

3.1 internal discontinuity 内部裂纹

any imperfection lying within the thickness of the flat product, e.g. planar or laminar imperfection, single-plane or multi-plane inclusion bands or clusters

任何存在于钢板产品厚度内的缺陷,例如平面或薄片状的缺陷,单层的或多层的,无论带状还是丛生状。 NOTE It is referred in the text as discontinuity. 说明 标准中称为裂纹。

3.2 defect 缺陷

unacceptable internal discontinuity, i.e. exceeding the specified maximum size or population density limits 不可接受的内部裂纹,也就是裂纹尺寸超出了规定的最大限度或密度分布超出了极限数量。

3.3 Population density 分布密度

the number of individual internal discontinuities of a size greater than a specified minimum size and less than a specified maximum size per specified area of body or length of edge zone


3.4 manual and assisted manual testing 手动检测和辅助手动检测

testing by an operator applying an ultrasonic probe, or probes, to the flat product surface, manually executing the appropriate scanning pattern on the flat product surface and visually assessing ultrasonic signal indications on the electronic equipment screen either by direct viewing or by built-in signal amplitude alarm devices


3.5 automatic and semi-automatic testing 自动或半自动检测

testing using a mechanized means of applying the ultrasonic probe or probes to, and executing the appropriate scanning pattern on the flat product surface, together with ultrasonic signal indication evaluation by electronic means. Such testing can be either fully automatic with no operator involvement or semi-automatic when the operator performs basic equipment operation functions




4 Principle 第四章 检测原理

The method used is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves (generally longitudinal), the mean direction of which is perpendicular to the surface of the product. The examination consists of :


a) locating any discontinuity by comparing the amplitude of the discontinuity echo with the amplitude of the echo of a flat-bottomed hole of a given diameter and located at the same depth as the discontinuity.


NOTE Only those discontinuities giving an echo at least equivalent in amplitude to that of the echo obtained with the reference flat-bottomed hole are taken into consideration ;

说明 只有那些至少与来自与平底孔的回声振幅相同的从被测试区反射回的回声才纳入考虑范围;

b) then determining its area, the contour of the discontinuity being defined by the positions of the centre of the probe corresponding to a echo amplitude of half the maximum amplitude of the discontinuity under consideration (6 dB method).


The examination is carried out during the first ultrasonic scan for all the flat product thicknesses and from one side only.


5 Personnel 第五章 探伤人员资格

Testing is carried out by qualified personnel under the responsibility of a level 3 individual certified in accordance with EN 473.


6 Apparatus 第六章 仪 器

6.1 Description 关于仪器

The detection apparatus shall be equipped with an oscilloscope screen allowing the path of the ultrasonic waves in the flat product to be followed. The oscillograms shall be c1early visible, the peaks corresponding to the successive echoes being sharp and very clear; the apparatus shall be suitably calibrated and shall be equipped with an amplifier marked in decibels.


Both ultrasonic testing apparatus with display monitor and amplifier control graduated in dB, or apparatus without display monitor can be used. Apparatus without display monitor shall be able to carry out automatic amplitude testing and evaluation and their unit of measurement shall be calibrated in dB.



It shall be possible to regulate amplification, power and time base.


The apparatus includes at least one probe which may be either a probe with a single transducer serving for both emission and reception (single probe) or a double transducer probe (separate emission-reception transducers). The mean direction of the waves emitted and received shall be perpendicular to the surface of the product.


The probe shall have a frequency and dimensions such that the required sensitivity can be guaranteed throughout the extent of the test field.


The single probes shall be such that their dead zone is as small as possible, i.e. 15 % of the flat product thickness or 15 mm whichever is the smaller. The focusing zone of the double transducer probes shall be adapted to the thickness of the flat product.

单探头,应使他们的探测死角尽可能小,譬如15 %的钢板厚度或15毫米,看两者哪一个更小。双传感器探头的聚焦区应适应钢板的厚度。

The main dimensions of probes are 10 mm to 25 mm in diameter and the probes shall have a nominal frequency in the range of 2 MHz to 5 MHz. Probes of larger dimension and of a nominal frequency that is outside the range of 2 MHz to 5 MHz may be used for automatic or semi-automatic testing and/or when the flat product exhibits high attenuation provided that the main requirements of this standard are met.

探头的直径一般在10毫米至25毫米;探头的公称频率范围在2 至5兆赫。大规格和公称频率在2 至5兆赫范围以外的探头可用于自动或半自动测试和/或用于产品满足了这个标准的主要要求,而高衰减现象出现的情况下。

The type of the probe depends on the thickness of the flat product as given in table 1:


Table 1 - Type of probe 表一、探头的型号

sufficiently low for the discontinuities to be easily located taking into account the display delay of the screen, or fitted with a device which indicates the discontinuity.



When double transducer probes are used, the orientation of the barrier separating the two transducers shall be perpendicular to the scanning direction.


The verification of the apparatus shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant national standards. 仪器的检定(校准)应按有关国家标准执行。

6.2 Adjustment of the apparatus 仪器的调校

Adjustment of the apparatus for use particularly requires that the time base, power and amplification be determined.


The time base is adjusted to a value at which the distance, on the oscilloscope screen, between the emission echo and back-wall echo is sufficient to allow a defect echo to be clearly detected between them.


At least, two back-wall echoes should be displayed. 最起码,两个背面的回声应从示波器屏幕上显示出来。 The power and amplification are adjusted in conjunction on a sound area which does not give any discontinuity echo. The first back-wall echo shall then be brought up to the maximum amplitude compatible with the height of the screen in the field of Linearity of the apparatus (generally between 80 % and 100 % full screen height).

功率和放大(倍数)的调校需要一个没有任何裂纹(缺陷)回声的区域。第一个背面回声应在仪器的线性区域内达到与屏幕高度相匹配的最大振幅(一般在屏幕高度的80 %和100 %之间)。

The system shall be checked at least once every 8 h. 每工作8小时,至少要检查一次系统。

7 Coupling conditions - Surface condition of the flat product

第七章 耦合状态——钢板表面条件

The coupling medium shall ensure an adequate contact between the probe and the surface of the flat product. Water is normally used but other coupling media (e.g. oil, paste) may be used at the discretion of the supplier. 耦合剂应确保探头和钢板表面的充分接触。通常采用清水但也可以使用供货商推荐的其它的介质(例如油、糊状物等)。

The surface condition shall permit at least two successive back-wall echoes to be distinguished when the probe is placed on any area free from internal discontinuities. The flat products are normally examined without any special preparation of the surface.



8 Scanning plan 第八章 扫描方案

8.1 General 总则

For the flat product body, the testing is based on statistical methods, unless otherwise specified in the order. 除非另有约定,钢板产品的检验基于统计学方法。

According to the quality class, scanning of the flat product shall be carried out in accordance with 8.2 and/or 8.3. 根据质量等级,钢板产品的扫描按8.2和/或8.3节的要求进行。

By agreement at the time of order, a scanning with a defined scan coverage or a scanning of all body part of the flat product may be provided, the operating conditions being included in the agreement.


8.2 Testing of the flat product body 钢板主体检验

8.2.1 Class S0 and S1 flat product S0 级和 S1级钢板产品

Scanning comprises continuous examination along the lines of a grid made of a 200 mm square parallel to the edges of the flat product, or along parallel or oscillating lines distributed uniformly over the area, giving the same degree of control.


8.2.2 Class S2 and S3 flat product S2 级和 S3级钢板产品

Scanning comprises continuous examination along the lines of a grid made of a 100 mm square parallel to the edges of the flat product, or along parallel or oscillating lines distributed uniformly over the area, giving the same degree of control.


8.3 Testing of the f1at product edges 钢板产品棱边的检验

Scanning comprises a full examination of a zone in accordance with table 2 over the four edges of the flat product. 根据表二所列区域执行钢板产品四个棱边的全面检验。

Table 2 - Zone width for flat product edges 表二、钢板产品棱边的区域宽度

9 Procedure 第九章 程序

9.1 Sensitivity and range setting 灵敏度及其应用范围设定

For each type of probe, curves shall be used giving : 对每种型号的探头,其工作曲线应当满足下列功能要求:


a) the change in the amplitude of the back-wall echo as a function of the thickness of the flat product ; 能根据钢板厚度调节背面回声振幅。

b) the change in the amplitude of the echo of the flat-bottomed hole as a function of its depth, for holes of diameter: 能根据钢板平底孔的深度和大小调节回声振幅。孔的直径大小为:

—11 mm for classes S0, S1, E0 and E1; ——S0, S1, E0 和 E1级:11毫米;

—8 mm for classes S2, E2 and E3; ——S2, E2 和 E3级:8毫米;

—5 mm for classes S3 and E4 ——S3 和 E4级:5毫米;

The bottom of the hole shall be as flat as practicable, parallel to the ultrasound entry surface and free from pits or score markes that significantly degrade its ultrasonic reflectivity. The tolerance on the diameter of the flat bottomed hole or width of recess shall be + 5 %.

孔的底面,在实际操作中应视为一个平面,这个平面平行于超声波输入表面,没有任何坑点和划痕,能显著地降低其超声波反射率。平底孔直径的允差或者说凹槽的宽度应为+ 5 %。

The use of rectangular recesses is permitted provided that the length and width of the recess are chosen to provide an ultrasonic signal response essentially equivalent to that obtained from the stipulated flat bottomed hole using the same equipment/transducer type combination.


When testing with a double-transducer probe, only the 5 mm diameter hole is used for all the qualities as the characteristic curves corresponding to the 8 mm and 11 mm diameter holes become confused with the curve of the back-wall echo.


These curves shall be determined using blocks (graduated block for the curve showing the variation in the amplitude of the back-wall echo and blocks comprising the flat-bottomed holes at different depths for the characteristic curves for 11 mm, 8 mm and 5 mm diameters). The blocks are made of carbon steel with a homogenous structure and each curve shall be determined from at least five points distributed over the entire field of use of the probe. All these curves can be supplied by the manufacturer of the probe.

工作曲线用试块(分等级/刻度的试块和校对试块,通过比较不同深度平底孔背面回声的振幅变化为11毫米、8毫米和5毫米直径的孔建立特性曲线)定义。试块由碳钢材料制造,质地结构均匀。每个特性曲线须由至少5个来自遍布整个探头使用区域的点的参数来定义。所有这些特性曲线都能从探头制造商那里获取。 Thus, for a flat product of given thickness, the method consists of adjusting the amplitude of the back-wall echo to the value given by the curve for the variation of the back-wall echo amplitude and comparing the amplitude of the discontinuity echo with the characteristics curves (for 11 mm, 8 mm and 5 mm diameters) in accordance with the class selected. Only discontinuities for which the amplitude of the echo is greater than that of the characteristic curve shall be taken into account.



9.2 Determination of the area of discontinuities 裂纹区域的确定

9.2.1 Testing the flat product body 钢板主体的检测 Testing with double transducer probes 使用双传感器探头检测

The area of all the discontinuities giving responses that exceeded the characteristic curve shall be determined using the 6 dB technique, i.e. the contour of the discontinuity being defined as the positions of the centre of the probe when the response from the discontinuity is equal to half the maximum amplitude. A rectangle that encompasses the whole of the discontinuity is then determined, the major dimension of which is called the length of the discontinuity and the minor dimension the width of the discontinuity. The area of the rectangle is also calculated.


The area of the rectangle defines the area S of the discontinuity. Two nearby discontinuities shall be considered to represent a single discontinuity, the area being equal to the sum of the two if the distance between them is less than or equal to the length of the smaller of the two.

该矩形面积称之为裂纹面积S。如果相邻两个裂纹区域之间的距离小于或等于其中小的一个裂纹区域中的长度,则应将两个裂纹区域认同为一个。 Testing with single probes使用单传感器探头检测

The test consists of : 检测包括:

a) for class S0 and S1 flat product : determination of the area in accordance with the method defined in ; 对于S0 和 S1级钢板产品:根据8.2.1.1章节设定的方法确定区域。

b) for class S2 and S3 flat product : simply counting of the discontinuities which can be done when they are detected using the characteristic curves for 5 mm, 8 mm and 11 mm diameter holes.

对于S2 和 S3级钢板产品:当使用5毫米、8毫米和11毫米直径的孔之特性曲线发觉裂纹时,简单计数。

The following is thus determined: 然后确定下列各项:

—for class S2 : the number of discontinuities giving echoes with an amplitude greater than the 11 mm diameter curve and the number N2 of discontinuities (Table 4) giving echoes with an amplitude between characteristic curves for the 8 mm and 11 mm diameter holes;


—for class S3 : the number of discontinuities giving echoes with an amplitude greater than the 8 mm diameter curve and the number N3 of discontinuities (Table 4) giving echoes with an amplitude between characteristic curves for the 5 mm and 8 mm diameter holes.


9.2.2 Testing the edges 棱边的检测


The test consists of scanning the total area of the edges (or areas to be welded according to sketches) where discontinuities were located defined in 8.3 under the same conditions as for flat product body (9.2.1).


The following are determined: 确定下列各项:

—The maximum dimension (Lmax) and minimum dimension (Lmin) of the discontinuity in the direction parallel to the edge of the flat product;


—The area (S) of the discontinuity; 裂纹的面积;

—The number of discontinuities smaller than the maximum area (Smax) and longer than minimum dimension (Lmin) per 1 m length. 在一米棱边长度内小于最大面积(Smax)和大于最小长度的裂纹(Lmin)的个数。 —The determination of these properties of the discontinuity is obtained using the 6 dB method.


10 Acceptance criteria 第十章 接受标准

Tables 3 and 4 give the acceptance criteria for the four quality classes (S0, S1, S2, S3) for the flat product body, depending on the type of probe used and the table 5 for the five edge classes (E0, E1, E2, E3, E4) (see figure 1). 表三和表四为钢板产品列出了四个质量等级(S0, S1, S2, S3)的接受标准,依据使用探头规格的不同,表五列出了五个棱边等级(E0, E1, E2, E3, E4)(见图一)。

Subject to agreement on ordering, the flat product may be supplied with different quality classes for flat product body and/or edges.


11 Test report 第十一章 检验报告

When requested, the manufacturer shall submit a test report which shall include at least the following points: 根据要求,制造商应提供起码包括下列各点的检测报告:

a) reference to the present European Standard; 相关的现行欧洲标准;

b) reference data of the flat product examined (identification of the grade. heat treatment condition, surface condition, dimensions) ; 钢材产品的检测日期(载明等级、热处理条件、表面状况、规格尺寸); c) the characteristics of the ultrasonic probe (type,dimensions, frequency) and of the apparatus ;


d) the operation conditions (coupling medium, scanning, method of area determination used, setting of the apparatus) ; 操作条件(耦合剂、扫描、使用的确定面积的方法、仪器设置);

e) the test results ; 检测结果;

f) a list of special points which have been the subject of special agreement; 协议规定的特别条款清单; g) date of test report. 报告日期。


Table 3 - Acceptance criteria for testing with double transducer probes for the body of flat products for

thicknesses < 60 mm


Table 4: Acceptance criteria for testing with normal probes for the body of flat products



Table 5 - Acceptance criteria for flat product edge zone testing


NOTE For product with thickness≥60 mm, a counting of the discontinuities is carried out using the

characteristics curves for the 11 mm, 8 mm and 5 mm diameters holes:



— E3 number of discontinuities giving echos with an amplitude between characteristic curves for the 8

mm and 11 mm diameter holes: 3 ;

— 对E3级,回声振幅在8毫米和11毫米直径的孔的特性曲线之间的裂纹个数限定为:3。

— E4 number of discontinuities giving echos with an amplitude between characteristic curves for the 5

mm and 8 mm diameter holes: 2.

— 对E4级,回声振幅在5毫米和8毫米直径的孔的特性曲线之间的裂纹个数限定为:2。

Annex A


Table A.1 List of equivalent terms in several European languages


*) 其它资料显示应为ECISS/TC 2


1 See table 2 for the value of the edge zone width 棱边区宽度值见表二 2 Scan line 扫描线

3 Edge zone 棱边区

4 Principal rolling direction 主轧制方向

5 Flat product 钢板产品

6 Width 宽度

7 Length 长度

Figure 1 – Schematic representation of term used


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