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第一节 名词的理解与运用


① Prices range from $ 6 to $ 19 for a dozen short or long roses.

② Nothing says love like a dozen long-stemmed roses on Valentine’s Day.

③ It’s going to remain the most popular flower because love never goes out of style. ④ This is a private firm that studies the flower industry. ⑤ The modern white furniture and wall-to-wall mirrors give the store an expensive look. ⑥ We consider it a good opportunity to study abroad. ⑦ Some women are normally inactive but then all of a sudden start a program of intense training, an action which violates the laws of sports science. 二.常用的后缀

①.表示―人‖意义的名词后缀 -Ant----

immigrant(移民) applicant(申请人) assistant(助手) descendant(后代) pollutant(污染物) inhabitant(居民) -An –ian----人

Arabian(阿拉伯人) Asian(亚洲人) Australian(澳大利亚人) Italian(意大利人) musician(音乐家) librarian(图书管理员) physician(内科医生) politician(政治家) technician(技术工) historian(历史学家) magician(魔术师) comedian(喜剧家) -Ee----人(被动)

employee(雇员) refugee(难民) payee(收款人) absentee(缺席者) examinee(考生) trainee(受训者) -Er/-eer/-or 人

Daughter/owner, lawyer, trainer(教练) barber(理发师) butcher(屠户) carrier(运输者) /ancestor(祖先) bachelor(单身汉) conductor(指挥者) director(主任) senator(议员) operator(操作者) sponsor(赞助者) worshipper(崇拜者) mountaineer(登山人) profiteer(投机倒把者) sightseers(观光者) volunteer(志愿者) pioneer(先驱) -Ent 人

correspondent(记者) client(客户) parent, resident(居民) patient(病人) agent(代理人,中介) patent(专利) -ist 人,主义者 Scientist linguist(语言学家) therapist(治疗家) controversialist(好争论者) activist(活动家) novelist(小说家) nationalist(民族主义者) physicist(物理学家) psychologist(心理学家)



tourist(游客) geneticist(基因学家) motorist(汽车司机) ②.表示―关系、特征‖等意义的名词后缀 -ship 状态,性质

friendship(友谊) hardship(困境) leadership(领导身份) membership(会员资格) ownership(所有关系) relationship(关系) scholarship(学者身份) comradeship(同志身份) professorship(教授身份) -hood 身份,性质,时代 childhood(儿童时代) neighborhood(邻里) likelihood(可能性) livelihood(生计) boyhood(男孩时代) -ance / -ence 性质,状态 acceptance acquaintance(熟识) advance(进步) allowance(补贴) appearance(出现,外表) appliance(器具) conscience(良知) resistance(阻挡) insurance(保险)

nuisance(讨厌) performance(表现) resemblance(相似性) -cion -sion –tion 动作,状态 consumption(消费) assimilation(吸收、同化) comprehension(理解) depression(沮丧,萧条) desperation(绝望) invention(发明) invasion(侵略) modernization(现代化) permission(容许) possession(拥有) suspicion(怀疑) tension(紧张) transmission(输送,传递) industrialization(工业化) notification(通知) -ism---- 主义Americanism(美国主义)heroism(英雄主义) consumerism -mania---- 反常行为或狂热 soccer mania=soccer-mad -holic----痴迷者,疯狂者 workaholic(工作狂) -ment 运动

agreement(协议) appointment(约定,任命) argument(观点) arrangement(安排) monument(纪念碑) movement(运动) parliament(议会) payment(支付) replacement(替换) requirement(要求) settlement(解决) treatment(治疗,待遇) -ness 性质, 状态

casualness(随意) illness(疾病) carelessness(粗心) sleeplessness(失眠) awareness(意识) richness(富裕) friendliness(友好) greatness(伟大) happiness -cide — suicide(自杀) insecticide(杀虫剂) pesticide(杀虫剂) -cy----

literacy(识字) accuracy(准确性) tendency(倾向) policy(政策) emergency(紧急情况) intimacy(亲密) efficiency(效率) sufficiency(足够) dependency(依赖) -Ery----

fishery(渔业) machinery(机械) misery(痛苦) mystery(神秘性) discovery(发现) delivery(送,发表演说)。 --ry---- poetry(诗歌) citizenry(公民) entry(加入,进入) -age 状态,集合 表示行为、状态 voyage(航海) advantage(好处) baggage(行李) courage(勇气) garbage(垃圾) storage(储存) luggage(行李) beverage(饮料) damage(破坏,损害) -al -----approval(赞成、批准) arrival(到达) interval(间隔)removal(搬,移走) -ing----行动,行业,的 being(生命体) beginning(开始) ending(结束)。 -ity-----

uniformity(统一, 一致) curiosity(好奇性) personality(个性)



reality(现实) publicity(宣传) similarity(个性) -ics /-ology 学科

psychology(心理学) technology(技术) ideology(思想体系) anthropology(人类学) geology(地质学) physics(物理学) -th----结果,过程 warmth(温暖) truth(真理,真实性) width(宽度) -ty ----

liberty(自由) specialty(专长,特长) anxiety(焦虑) advisability(可行性) unpredictability(不可预测性) -phobia----- 对…过度恐惧 claustrophobia(幽闭恐怖症)


Last night, I had words with Mr. Bob, the group leader, for a long time. We had very good words. In shorts, I was touched by his confidences and I was very satisfied with the last words said by Mr. Bob about the possibility of our project.

类似的词还有:affairs(事物,事情), airs(气氛), arms(武器), ages(很长一段时间), authorities(当局,政府), brains(智力), clothes, celebrities( 名人), customs(海关), drinks( 饮料), experiences(经历), goods, greens(绿叶,植物), grounds(理由), lessons(教训), manners(礼貌,规矩,风格), means(方法,手段), minutes(会议记录), news, pains(努力,辛苦), peoples(种族,民族), papers(报纸、考卷、论文、文件), quarters(住所,住处), sands(沙滩), spirits(情绪), sights(景观), times, terms(条件、术语), works(作品)。

名词中还有些仅以复数形式出现,如:spectacles(眼镜),trousers(裤子),findings(调查结果), savings(储金), belongings(所有物,财产), surroundings(环境),teachings(教导 ), earnings(薪水),remains(遗物), thanks(感谢),regards(问候)。

三.主题名词的重复、指代和替换 Do we need laws that prevent us from running risks with our lives? If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting (禁止)the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic(烈性)drinks. Both products have been known to kill people. The hazards(危险)of drinking too much alcohol are as bad as or worse than the hazards of smoking too many cigarettes. All right then, let’s pass a law closing the liquor stores and bars in this country. Let’s put an end forever to the dangerous disease from which as many as 10 million Americans now suffer ---- alcoholism(酗酒).


4.1 Repetition--- repetition of the same words or word groups Paragraph 1

Specialization can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge. By splitting up the subject matter into smaller units, one man could continue to handle the information and use it as the basis for further research. But specialization was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity. (01) 1. The direct reason for specialization is _______ [A] the development in communication. [B] the growth of professionalisation. [C] the expansion of scientific knowledge. [D] the splitting up of academic societies.

4.2 主题名词定词义

Paragraph 2

There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to universalize access---after all, the more people online, the more potential customers there are. More and more governments,



afraid their countries will be left behind, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be netted together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we’ve ever had.

2. Governments attach importance to the Internet because it _____. [A] offers economic potentials [B] can bring foreign funds

[C] can soon wipe out world poverty [D] connects people all over the world 4.3 上下义词解题(考研真题多次出现)

Paragraph 3

A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.

Few would dispute that the term applies to the Unabomber, whose manifesto, published in 1995, scorns science and longs for return to a pre-technological utopia. But surely that does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled industrial growth are anti-science, as an essay in US News & World Report last May seemed to suggest.

3. Which of the following is true according to the passage? [A] Environmentalists were blamed for anti-science in an essay. [B] Politicians are not subject to the labeling of anti-science. [C] The government officers tend to tag others as anti-science. [D] All organizations are justifiable in tagging themselves as ―anti-science‖ . 五.名词中同义词和近形词

1.表示―能力‖意思的词语:Ability, capability, competency, faculty, capacity, gift, talent 2.表示―目的、目标‖意思的词语:Aim, purpose, aim, intent, intention, goal, objective, end. 3.表示―关系、联系‖意思的词语:Ties, bonds, connection, association, relations, combination, relationship, interrelations, relevance, interrelations. 4.表示―差别‖意思的词语:Difference, distinction, differentiation 5.表示―资本、资金‖意思的词语:Capital, fund, money, 6.表示―个人‖意思的词语:Person, people, folks, individuals 7.表示―意义、含义‖意思的词语:Meaning, significance, implication, connotation, 8.表示―部分、成分‖意思的词语:Part, element, ingredient, component, factor, section, fragment 9.表示―不平等、歧视‖意思的词语:Inequality, bias, prejudice, discrimination

10.表示―对手、支持者‖意思的词语:Opponent, rivals, enemy, proponent, advocates 11.表示―商品‖意思的词语:Commodity, goods, 12.表示―将来‖意思的词语:Future, prospect, 13.表示―理由‖意思的词语:Reason, ground, cause.

14.表示―后代、子孙‖意思的词语:Offspring, descendant, posterity, children 15.表示―错误‖意思的词语:Blunder, error, mistake, fault。 16.表示―基础‖意思的词语:Basis, foundation, ground。

17.表示―会议‖意思的词语:Assembly, conference, congress, seminar, session, summit,

symposium, meeting, gathering, party。

18.字形相似的词:welfare(福利), warfare(战争), farewell(告别)

19.字形相似的词:attitude(态度), altitude(海拔,高度), magnitude(数量), multitude(多数), aptitude(天资,天赋), latitude(纬度, 地区, gratitude(感谢)

20.字形相似的词:convention(习俗,传统), conversion(变化,转换), conviction(坚定的

信念或看法), conservation(保存,保持), conversation(交谈) 六.名词与介词的搭配

1. He gained advantage over other boys. / take advantage of the opportunity. 鲤鱼网——成功在于执着


/What's your impression of her? / His speech made an impression on the audience. /There is a great need for international understanding. / in need of something. /He has a preference for (喜欢 )foreign movies. /I should choose tea in preference to coffee.

I have made a search for the missing paper. We are still in search of the missing boy. /I have got confidence _ you. I am confident ______ your success in English exams. She took great pride ___ her unique beauty. /She is proud _____ her own beauty. He prides himself _____ his independent voice.

Comprehension Exercise

1. The improvement, invention and use of a series of instruments 2. The notion of not discriminating on the basis of inborn talent

3. A study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia

4. The selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual 5. Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water ____________________________________________________________________________.

第二节 动词的理解与运用

一. 动词的分类及用法

根据意义和句法功能,动词可分类为:实义动词,系动词,情态动词,助动词。 实义动词指有实在的意义,能独立做谓语的动词,如mean, study, love等。

系动词是联系主语和表语,说明其关系并与表语一起构成名词性复合谓语的动词。除be之外主要的系动词还有:remain, stay, keep(保持);become, get, go, grow, turn, come,(变得);look, sound, seem, taste, smell, feel, hold。

情态动词有一定的意义但不完整,仅表示说话人之―情态‖,和原形动词构成动词性复合谓语。Can/could; may/ might; must/ ought to/ need; dare; shall/will; should/would;

助动词be, have, do无实在意义,只帮助中心动词构成不同的时态、语态、语气等。 短语动词主要有以下几种构成方式:

不及物动词+副词,如:stay up(熬夜), look out(小心), break out(爆发), go up(上升,爆炸), take after(像), die out(灭绝,消亡), set out(出发).

不及物动词+介词,如:break into(闯入), go after(追求), go through(经历), pass on(传递), run into(碰上), sit for(参与), stand for(代表).

及物动词+副词, 如:give up, see …off, show… around, hand …over, put …off, pick… up 不及物动词+副词+介词,如:put up with, stand up to, do away with, fall back on, live up to. 及物动词+名词+介词, 如:make fun of, take care of, pay attention to, catch sight of. 动词+动词+介词, 如:make do with(将就用), let go of(臵之不理) 动词阅读练习(注意动词短语的搭配)

1. This turned shopping into a public and democratic act. 这样一来,购物就成了公众的一项民主活动。 2. Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted. 美国人不再把繁荣看成是理所当然的事。

3. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. 一般情况下,这些猴子很乐意用石块来换黄瓜片。

4. Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster’s dream.

Straitford公司的总裁George Friedman说,他把在线世界看作是一种信息收集和发布的互动工具,是间谍头子的理想世界。

5. He dismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants as mere rubbish — ―the worst sort of ambulance-cashing.‖

Question: Which of the following statements is True according to the sentence? [A] He thinks highly of the work of consultants.



[B] The consultants are offering considerable help in money matters. [C] The consultants are a bunch of good-for-nothing. [D] The consultants are dealing with emergencies.

他对重组顾问们做的大量工作不屑一顾,因为那些完全是垃圾——典型的―劳而无获‖。 6. NBAC members also indicated that they will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. NBAC委员们表示:他们将呼吁由私人赞助的研究人员和机构不要试图通过人体细胞核移植技术来克隆人。

7. I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of ―having it all‖, preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the page of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything. 我已从一个―获得(拥有)一切‖哲学(琳达·凯茜过去七年中在《她》这本杂志所宣扬的)的积极倡导者,变成了一个乐于接受任何东西只要一丁点的女人。

8. While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress test-taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expression. Question: Which of the following statements is True according to the sentence? [A] Foreigners put emphasis on the basics.

[B] Japanese education is characterized by mechanical learning as well as creativity. [C] More stress should be placed on the cultivation of creativity. [D] Test-taking is more important than self-expression. 尽管日本因强调基础知识而受到外国人的称赞,但是其教育往往强调应试和机械性学习而忽视了创造性及表现个性。

9. The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel's report: ―Science never has all the answers. But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions. 但科学可以为我们提供面向未来的最好的指引,我国和全世界都要根据科学对于我们目前行动给未来造成的影响所做的最佳判断来制定重要政策,这是十分重要的。

Question: According to Bruce Alberts, science can serve as _____. [A] a protector [B] a judge [C] a critic [D] a guide

10. The report identifies the under-treatment of pain and the aggressive use of ―ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying\problems of end-of-life care. Question: According to the report, one of the problems in end-of-life care is ______. [A] prolonged medical procedures [B] inadequate treatment of pain [C] systematic drug abuse [D] insufficient hospital care 二.英语中的名词和动词是同一词形的单词及某些名词去掉后缀变动词 account (for)解释 advocate(倡导者) decline(下降,衰退) control(控制) view(观点,看法)desire(理想) exchange(交换) fear(畏惧) end(目的) cause(事业) guide(领导者) base(基础) value(价值) place(放) hand(交) preserve(专利) stem(来自) class(种类,分类) force(力量) note(注意到) play(戏剧) share(一份) cost(代价) half(是一半) record(记录) return(回报) trap(陷、卡住) hook(钩住) key in(嵌入) post(刊登) match(匹配) arm(武装) conversation---- converse(交谈) computer(计算机)— compute resident —reside(居住) president ----- preside over(主持) chairman ----- chair(主持) excellent----excel(擅长) 三.常用的动词同义词归纳

1.表示―导致‖意思的词语:Lead to, give rise to, give birth to, contribute to, cause to, result in,



result from, 2.表示―面对、偶遇‖意思的词语:Confront, be confronted with, face, be faced with, meet with, encounter,

3.表示―集中于‖意思的词语:Center on, focus on, concentrate on

4.表示―对付、处理‖意思的词语:Deal with, cope with, handle, tackle 5.表示―消失‖意思的词语:Disappear, vanish, perish

6.表示―减少、增加‖意思的词语:Diminish, lessen, decrease, drop, reduce, fall, /accumulate, increase, rise, soar, rocket

7.表示―依靠、依赖‖意思的词语:Rely on(upon), depend on(upon), count on(upon), rest on(upon)

8.表示―变化‖意思的词语:Change, turn, vary/range, alter, transform, shift, 9.表示―指控‖意思的词语:Charge with, accuse of, sue for

10.表示―克服、战胜‖意思的词语:Overcome, conquer, defeat, 11.表示―获得、得到‖意思的词语:Achieve, obtain, get, accomplish, earn, attain, secure, acquire,


12.表示―抓住‖意思的词语:Catch, seize, capture, catch hold of, grab 13.表示―限制‖意思的词语:Limit, confine, restrict

14.表示―强迫‖意思的词语:compel, constrain, force, oblige 15.表示―责怪‖意思的词语:blame, condemn, reproach, scold 16.表示―困惑、迷惑‖意思的词语:bewilder, puzzle, confuse, embarrass, perplex 17.表示―赞扬、称赞‖意思的词语:applaud, clap, commend, praise 18.表示―扩大、加强‖意思的词语:amplify, enlarge, stretch, magnify, reinforce, expand 19.表示―声称‖意思的词语:affirm, assert, allege, claim, announce, proclaim 20.表示―调整、改变‖意思的词语:adjust, regulate, rectify, amend, convert, alter, modify, transform, vary。 四.动词后缀

-en-----, -em 使成为 enable(使能够) encourage(鼓励) enforce(实施) enlarge(扩大) entitle(有权利做) empower(授权) endanger(危害) enjoy(喜欢) enrich(变富,使丰富) ensure(确保) enact(执行) enclose(密封、关) encounter(遭遇) engage(从事、忙于) enhance(促进) enlighten(启发) embarrass(使尴尬) enlist(招收) enroll(登记、招收) embark(开始) -en 做,使变成… fasten(系好) harden(使坚固) lengthen(加长) threaten(威胁) loosen(放松,松弛) widen(拓宽) weaken(削弱) strengthen(加强) hasten(急忙,赶快) shorten(缩短) brighten broaden -ify …化,使成为…,变成… beautify(美化) intensify(加剧) horrify(使恐怖) clarify(澄清) identify(辨认,识别) justify(认为合理) specify(指定,详述) solidify(巩固) purify(洁净,净化) qualify(胜任, 有资格)classify exemplify -ize …化,照…样子做 apologize(道歉) maximize(最大化) organize(组织) utilize(使用) mobilize(动员) criticize(批评) publicize(宣传) visualize(想象) democratize(民主化) characterize(概括) specialize(专攻) realize(实现) industrialize(工业化) revolutionize(彻底改革) recognize(认出) civilize(使文明) 第三节 形容词的理解与运用


形容词: 1)形容词的认知能力和辨别能力;2)词形及词义相近的形容词的区分;3)形容词和介词的搭配。



1. 词形相近的形容词。如:sensible, sensitive, sensational; respectable, respectful, respective 2. 同义词和反义词。如wonderful 的同义词有:marvelous, excellent, extraordinary(不寻常的), remarkable(非凡的)等。如generous 的反义词有mean, stingy, selfish 等。

3. 形容词和动词的转换。如:indicate ---- be indicative of(说明); support----be supportive of, receive ---be receptive to(乐于接受的); inquire --- be inquisitive about(咨询的)等。 4. 名词和形容词的转换。如: defect ---defective(有缺陷的), intention --- intentional等。 5. 以 -ly 结尾的单词的词性。 名词加 -ly 多构成形容词。如:friendly, likely, sunny, womanly, worldly 等。

6. 不规则形容词的比较级和最高级的变化形式。如:原级 比较级 最高级 bad worse worst good better best, little, less (lesser) least, far farther(further) farthest (furthest)

7. 含有绝对概念或无最高级的词: most, uttermost, foremost, least, first, last, all, every, any, each, none, absolute, entire, whole, total, perfect, excellent, thorough, complete(ly), certainly, sure(ly), necessary, essential, indispensable 8. 表示极限、主次、等级的有:maximum, minimum, utmost, main, major, chief,minor, superior, inferior, senior, junior, super, favorite, ultimate, final, just, very

9. 唯一性only, sole(ly), unique(ly), exclusive(ly), mere(ly), simply, alone

二.副词的用法: 1) 修饰形容词:The flower is very beautiful. 2) 修饰动词:He studies hard. 3) 修饰其他副词:He works very hard. 4) 修饰名词词组:Even a child can do it. 5) 修饰全句:Probably he will come back. 副词在阅读中的作用,放在句(段)首的副词作用极为重要,它通常对后面的内容有制约作用。尤其是转折副词。 1. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining(相邻的)cages, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behavior became markedly different.

2. Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention. But it's obvious that a majority of the president's advisers still don't take global warming seriously. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research. 三.形容词和副词同义词归纳 1.表示―与……有关/联系‖意思的词组 :Be relevant to, be related to, be tied to, be linked to, be associated with, be connected with, be combined with, be bound up with.

2.表示―好‖意思的词语:wonderful, excellent, good, super, superb, magnificent, first-class, remarkable, fantastic, outstanding, cool, splendid.

3.表示―充足‖意思的词语:sufficient, enough, adequate, rich, abundant, plentiful 4.表示―不足‖意思的词语:lack, be short of, for want of, for lack of,

5.表示―可怕、有害‖意思的词语:dreadful, terrible, frightening, horrible, awful, harmful, bad, detrimental, adverse, unfavorable, negative.

6.表示―有能力做‖意思的词语:be competent in/as/to do , be capable of , be qualified for/as, be able to 7.表示―传统、习惯 ‖等有关的词语:traditional, conventional, customary, habitual, social, global 8.表示―许多、大量 ‖意思的词语:many/much, a lot of/lots of/, a large number of, a large amount of, plenty of , plentiful, considerable, ample, numerous, countless,

9.表示―合不合适‖意思的词语:right, proper, suitable, appropriate, fit, improper, unsuitable, inappropriate, unfit

10.表示―效果、效率‖意思的词语:effective, effectual, efficient, sufficient

11.表示―合不合理 ‖的词语:logical, reasonable, sensible, rational, /illogical, unreasonable,




12.表示―倾向于‖意思的词语:be likely to, be liable to, be inclined to, be apt to, tend to

13.表示―意不意识到‖的词语:be aware of, be conscious of, be unaware of, be unconscious of,


14.表示―简短‖意思的词语:brief, concise, in brief, in short

15.表示―合不合法‖意思的词语:legitimate, lawful, legal, illegal, 16.表示―精确、准确‖意思的词语:accurate, precise, exact,

17.表示与―身体‖有关意思的词语:bodily, physical, mental, spiritual, materialistic, 18.表示―态度‖意思的词语:optimistic, pessimistic, objective, subjective, impartial, 19.表示与―谨慎、小心‖有关意思的词语:careful, cautious, prudent, careless, carefree 20.表示―虚弱‖意思的词语:weak, fragile, frail, invalid, feeble, vulnerable 21.表示―基本‖意思的词语:basic, elementary, fundamental, primary 22.表示―天生‖意思的词语:inborn, innate, inherent, gifted, talented

23.表示―普遍、一般‖意思的词语:average, common, general, universal, usual 24.表示―明显的,清楚的‖意思的词语:apparent, evident, self-evident, manifest, obvious, distinct,

clear/ ambiguous, obscure, unclear

25.表示―严重的、紧急的‖意思的词语:acute, critical, crucial, urgent, serious, emergent 26.表示―愚蠢,可笑‖的词语:absurd, ridiculous, silly, foolish, stupid, ironic, funny 27.表示―节约, 奢侈 ‖的词语:economic(经济的), economical(节约的), thrifty(节省

的), simple, luxurious, extravagant(浪费的), generous(大方的) 28.表示―富裕‖意思的词语:rich, wealthy, affluent 29.表示―仅仅,唯一,就是‖意思的词语:only, just, merely, solely, simply, uniquely, alone 30.表示―可能的‖意思的词语:possible, likely, probable, presumable 31.表示―有决心的,坚定的‖意思的词语:determined, resolute, firm, decisive 32.表示―不断的,不停的‖意思的词语:continual, continuous, uninterrupted, successive, eternal, endless, successful(成功的), succession(连续不断) 33.表示―永久的, 永恒的‖意思的词语:lasting, ever-lasting, permanent, perpetual, temporary(暂时的)

34.表示―致命的,要死的 ‖意思的词语:deadly, fatal, mortal, 35.表示―重要的,必要的,关键的‖意思的词语:important, significant, vital, critical, crucial, necessary, essential, indispensable 四.形容词后缀

-able, -ible, -ble 能够…,值得… knowledgeable(知识渊博的) sustainable(可持续的) acceptable available(可以得到的) comparable(可比的) favorable(有利的) honorable(可敬的,光荣的) liable(倾向于,有责任的) noticeable(注意到的) reliable(可靠的) unbelievable (难以相信的) responsible -al …的,行为,人,物 skeptical(怀疑的) perpetual(永恒的) commercial(商业的) annual(每年的) casual(随意的) classical(古典式的) continual(不断的) conventional(传统的) experimental(实验的) identical(相同的) optional(选择的) detrimental(有害的) critical(关键的,批评的) original(原始的,原创的) -ate ----- affectionate(亲爱的) passionate(热情的,多情的) -ed …的

accustomed(习惯的) advanced(先进的) ashamed(羞愧的) beloved(敬爱的) complicated(复杂的) crowded(拥挤的) learned(有学问的) limited(有限的) naked(裸露的) puzzled(困惑的) amazed(吃惊的)



-en 做,使,…的,人 golden(金色的), wooden(木制的), woolen(羊毛的) -ent---- proficient(熟练的), turbulent (动荡不安的), persistent(坚持的) -ful …的

powerful(强大的) doubtful(怀疑的) colorful(五颜六色的) faithful(忠诚的) fearful(畏惧的) fruitful(有成效的) grateful(感谢的) hopeful(有希望的) peaceful(和平的) plentiful(大量的) thoughtful(善于思考的,体贴的) -Fold ---- 倍数tenfold(十倍的) hundredfold -ic,ical …的,人,…学 optimistic(乐观的) dynamic(有活力的) academic(学术的,学业的) artistic(艺术的,高尚的) economic(经济的) electronic(电子的) heroic(英勇的) organic(有机的) systematic(系统的) practical(实际的) statistical(统计的) -ish …的,有…性质的 selfish(自私的), British(英国的) -sive ---- divisive(分裂的), aggressive(挑衅的,好斗的) -tive …的,人,物

assimilative(同化的) conservative(保守的) active(积极的) comparative(比较的) collective(集体的) creative(有创造力的) relative(相关的) protective(保护的) -less 无…的,不…的 endless(无穷的) careless(粗心的) helpless(无助的) hopeless(没希望的) restless(不安的) worthless(无价值的) -like 如…的 childlike(像孩子一样的), godlike(神似的)

-ly …的,…地 deadly(致命的), elderly(上了年纪的), monthly, weekly, yearly -ous,-ious …的

ambitious(有抱负的) anxious(着急的) cautious(小心的) curious(好奇的) dangerous(危险的) delicious(美味的) famous(著名的) glorious(光荣的) religious(宗教的) suspicious(怀疑的) insidious(隐蔽的) -some---

handsome(英俊的) burdensome(有负担的) troublesome(麻烦的) tiresome(讨厌的) quarrelsome(好争吵的) -y …的,人,物

rainy(下雨的) noisy(嘈杂的) dirty greedy(贪婪的) sunny/rainy/cloudy/stormy wealthy(富裕的) slippery(滑的)

-ory---- compulsory(强迫的,义务的) illusory(欺骗的, 虚幻的)

Comprehension Exercise

1. But Farmer is very concerned about the need to alert the public to poor security and, so far, events have proved him right. SATAN has done more to alert people to the risks than cause new disorder. Question: The author's attitude toward SATAN is _____.

[A] enthusiastic [B] critical [C] positive [D] indifferent

2. During these procedures -- operations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered -- surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view. And they are commanding robot surgeons to cut away tissue more accurately than human surgeons can.

Question: Virtual reality operations are an improvement on conventional surgery in that they .

[A] cause less pain to the wounded



[B] allow the patient to recover more quickly [C] will make human surgeons' work less tedious [D] are done by robot surgeons with greater precision

3. In the world of entertainment, TV talk shows have undoubtedly flooded every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one varies in style and format. But no two shows are more profoundly opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.

Question: Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey are _____.

[A] more family-oriented [C] more profound [B] unusually popular [D] relatively formal 五.副词后缀 -ly

Generally hardly highly increasingly largely Mainly merely mostly namely naturally Nearly necessarily normally obviously particularly partly, possibly practically presently probably rarely readily really repeatedly respectively scarcely shortly simply specifically virtually -wise otherwise, likewise


1.表示―否定‖的前缀 Un ----

Unprecedented(史无前例的) uninformed(不知晓的) unchallenged(无异议的) unreliable(不可靠的) unanswered(不能回答的) unconscious(无意识的) uncertainties(不确定性) unmistakable(正确的) unaware(不知道的) unimaginable(难以想象的) unforced, unbelieving unsurpassed(不能胜过的) Non ---- nonstandard(非标准的) nonsmoker(不吸烟者) nonsense(胡说) In ----

Inefficient(无效率的) incompetently(不称职地)insecurity(不安全) Inevitable(不可避免的) insensitive(不敏感的) inability(无法,不能够) Ineffectual(无效的) incomplete(不完整的) indefinitely(无限地) Dis -----

Disintegrate(分解,死亡) disadvantage(不利) discrimination(歧视) Disorganized(无组织的) dishonor(不尊重) disappear(消失) Discharge(丢掉,扔掉) discount(忽视) discourage(泄气) Mis ----

Misinformation(错误信息) misplace(误放) misfortunes(不幸) Misunderstand(误解) mislead(误导) misuse (误用) De ---- Degrade(降级,堕落) depart(告别) deforest(毁林) Depopulate(人口减少) defrost(除霜) deformity(畸形)

Im ---- impractical(不切实际的), immature(不成熟的), immeasurable(无法测量的), immoral(不道德的), immortal(不朽的)

Il ---- illiterate(不识字的), illicit=illegal, illogical, illegible(unclear) Ir----

Irresponsible(不负责任的) irrelevant(不相关的) irrational(不合理的) Irreparable(无法修复的) irreplaceable(不能替换的)irresistible(难以抗拒的) Ab ---- abnormal(不正常的) absent(缺席的) abuse(滥用的) 2.表示―缩小‖、―不够‖、―向下‖和―扩大‖、―过多‖、―向上‖



Down ---- downscaling =downsizing(缩小规模), downshifting(减慢生活节奏), download Under----在…下,次 underlie(是基础) underlying(内在的) underestimate(低估) under funding(资金投入不够) undergo(经历) understatement(低调阐述), undermanned(人员配备不足) underground(地下) undergraduate(本科生) Up---- upgrade(升级), upper, update(更新)

Over----过度,太;外 overestimate(高估), overstatement(夸张), overcharged(要价过高), over- funding, overflow(溢出), overcoat(大衣), overwork, oversleep, overexcited semi---- semiconductor, semi-conscious,

mono单一 monologue(独白), monotonous(单调的), monopoly(垄断) Uni---- 相同 uniform(制服), unisex(同性)

bi/di双---- Bicycle, bilingual, bimonthly, dilemma(两难境地) triangular(三角形的), tripling(三倍), triple, tricycle quadrupled(四倍), quarter(四分之一) Milli---- millimeter(毫米)

Mini---- 小minimum(最小值), minimize, miniskirt, miniature, minority Maxi----maximum(最大值) , maximize,

multi---- 多 multiple, multiply(乘,繁殖), multi-national(s), multi -troops 3.表示― 反抗、反对 ‖的前缀

Anti---- anti-war, anti-bacteria, anti-happy, anti-social, anti-intellectualism(反才智), anti-smoking, anti-competitive(反竞争的), anti-consumerism(反消费主义) Counter---- counterbalance(平衡力)counter-culture(反主流文化)counterpart Contra----contradict(矛盾), contrary, contrast 4.表示―先(前)后‖意义的前缀

Pre---- 先于 prehistoric(史前的), predict(预言), preschool(学前), pre-liberation(解放前), predecessor(先辈,前辈)precaution prejudice prevail Ex---- 以前ex-wife, ex-president, ex-chairman Fore----预先,在前面的forefather(祖先), forecast(预报), foreword(前言), foreleg, foretell(预言), foreground(前景) Post----- 后于 postgraduate(研究生), postwar, posterity(后代) Mid----- 中 midday, midnight Ante---- 先于,在前面的 ante-nuptial(婚前的),antecedent(先例,经历) 5.表示其它意义的前缀

Auto--- 自 Automobile(汽车), automatic(自动的) automation Bio---- 生命,生物 Biology, biomass(生物数量), biomedical, biography Co-, col-, com-, con-, cor 共同 cooperate(合作), cooperative, coincidence(巧合), coordinate(协调), colleague(同事), corporation, cohabit(同居)

Ex---- 向外 exchange(交换), exclaim(呼喊), exclude(排除), express, extract(拔出), export(出口)

Extra----- 外 extraordinary(极不寻常的), extramarital(婚外的),

Homo----相同 homogeneous(同化), homosexual(同性恋), homogeneity(同类,同质)

Hyper----非常 hyperactive, hypercritical(非常批评的), hypersensitive(过度敏感的) Super----上,超级 supermarket, superpower, superman, super nature , superpower, supernatural, inter----相互 interact(互动), interactive, interaction, intermarriage(联姻), interview(面试,接见,采访), Internet, international, interrelations(相互关系) kilo----- 千 kilogram, kilometer Re----- 再 , recurring(再现的), react(反应), reaction, recall(回忆), recover(恢复), recycle(回收), reform(改革), refresh(提神), repay(偿还), renew(更新,更换), replace(替代), reserve(保留,预定), restore(恢复), rewrite, revive, reinforce, remedy



Sub- ---下,次 subsequent(后面的), subtitle(副标题), substitute(代替), subway(地铁) Subconscious, submerge(下沉), submit, suburb(郊区), subscribe(订阅) Tele---- 远 telegram, telephone, telescope, television, telecommunication

Thermo---与热、温度有关的thermostat(恒温计), thermometer(温度计)

Trans---- 横贯,转移 transform(改变), transmit(传递,传播,传染), transport(运输), transportation, trans-continent, transaction(交易) Vice---- 副 vice-president , vice-chairman Neo---- 新neoclassical

-Pro---- 亲、支持pro-social, pro-revolutionary

-Sym, Syn---- 相同sympathy, synonym, synonymous

第四节 词汇特点与词义引申 词汇是考研阅读的基础,主要难点在于一词多义与一词多性。一词多义是指一个普通的词有多个意义,困难在于对该词词义的精确把握,而考试时测试的往往是考生忽略或没有记住的意义。例如,check的常见意思是―检查‖,而考研阅读中常见到―限制、控制‖这一意思。比如:I advise you to keep a check on (= control) your temper. I advise you to keep your temper in check. 一词多性指的是一个单词有几个词性,且每个词性有不同的词义,比如,present有三个词性(在场的,现在的; 出席; 礼物)等等, 对它的精确理解甚至影响答案的选择,另外,一些词汇表示态度倾向,如果对其意义进行褒贬判断可加深句子的理解。例如,sensational(轰动一时的)。所以,复习词汇时要注意到以上三点。


1.一词多性是指一个词通常有几个词性,且存在意思不同的情况,这些词性常包括名词、形容词和动词,如:light: 1. n. 灯光,2. adj. 轻的,轻松的;3. vt. 照亮、点燃

Paragraph 1 First, in any approach to a problem and in any negotiations in Japan, there is the ―you to you ‖ approach, as distinguished from the Western ―I to you ‖ approach. The difference is this: in ―I to you‖, both sides present their arguments openly from their own points of view --- they state what they want and what they expect to get. A confrontation situation is thereby set up, and Westerners are very skillful in dealing with this. The Japanese business person works to achieve harmony, even if the deal falls through, and will spend whatever time is necessary to determine a ―you to you ‖ approach. 真题阅读

1. Everyone loves a fat pay rise. 2. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the site’s ―personal search agent‖. It’s an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database.

3. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise.

4. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names.

5. At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape.

6. Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.

7. Leaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research because it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care research. 8. Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect.

9. Among the firms achieving the greatest success in the new world is Straitford, Inc, a private intelligence-analysis firm based in Austin, Texas.

10. Shortlists for job interviews, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.



11. If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.

2.一词多义。英语中的单词词义多变,通常需要依据上下文语境来确定词义。我们应从不同角度来确定词义,比如, 从法律学角度、医学角度、社会学角度、经济学角度等来确定词义。例如:find somebody guilty,(判某人有罪),develop consumption(得肺结核),acquisitiveness(占有欲),operationally excellent companies(经营出色的公司)等。

Paragraph 2

Take the case of public education alone. The principal difficulty faced by the schools has been the tremendous increase in the number of pupils. This has been caused by the advance of the legal age for going into industry and the impossibility of finding a job even when the legal age has been reached. In view of the technological improvements in the last few years, business will require in the future proportionately fewer workers than ever before. The result will be still further raising of the legal age for going into employment, and still further difficulty in finding employment when that age has been attained. If we cannot put our children to work, we must put them in school.

We may also be quite confident that the present trend toward a shorter day and a shorter week will be maintained. We have developed and shall continue to have a new leisure class.

Paragraph 3

More recently, this traditional view has begun to be questioned. One reason for this change was the increasing emphasis given to the historical approach to man. An examination of the history of humanity suggested that man in our epoch is so different from man in previous times that it seemed unrealistic to assume that men in every age have had in common something that can be called \nature.\by studies in the field of cultural anthropology (人类学). The study of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of customs, values, feelings, and thoughts that many anthropologists arrived at the concept that man is born as a blank sheet of paper on which each culture writes its text.


1. If the moderate end of the legal community has its way(得以实现), the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability.

2. They come entirely for the plays, not the sights.

3. Congress should help to begin fashioning conversation measures.

4. Our country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. 5. On the day after we send our messages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic.

6. But although a search agent worked for Redmon, career experts see drawbacks. Narrowing your criteria, for example, may work against you.

7. From the beginning of our history, says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism.

8. Among the firms making the biggest splash in the new world is Straitford, Inc, a private intelligence-analysis firm based in Austin, Taxas.

9. One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out their use in research.

10. Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long

run it reduces everyone’s cost. If railroad charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line.

11. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortunes, still does not earn enough to

cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. Yet railroads



continue to borrow billions to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on.

12. Americans’ life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Failing hips can be

replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure.

13. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent (因素)of evolution has gone.

14. This, though it fulfils the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as


15. At the same time, the American Law Institute —a group of judges, lawyers, and academics

whose recommendations carry substantial weight---- issued new guidelines for the law. 3.同义词和近义词特别多,英语词汇浩瀚如大海,其中一个特点就是同义词和近义词多,而且英语文章中尽量避免简单的词汇重复,这样就造成了同(近)义词的广泛使用。比如:忍受:bear, endure, stand, tolerate, live with, put up with; 关系,联系:tie, bond, link, relation, relevance, relationship, connection, association, combination等等。

It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints ( 约束 ) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise (you feel you deserve) are less if you don't at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases.

4.阅读时对所读到的生词,做―褒贬‖或―正反‖两方面的判断。 16 If you are part of the group, which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems, which are common to all of you and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties. With other audiences you mustn’t attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman. You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats(替罪羊)like the Post Office or the telephone system.(02) 16. It can be inferred from the text that public services . [A] have benefited many people. [B] are the focus of public attention. [C] are an inappropriate subject for humor. [D] have often been the laughing stock. 17 No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. ―Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers?‖ Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last week. ―You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?‖ At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. It's a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom line. (00)

17. Senator Robert Dole criticized Time Warner for _____. [A] its raising of the corporate stock price [B]its self-examination of soul

[C] its neglect of social responsibility [D] its emphasis on creative freedom

5.阅读时常需根据上下文作词义的引申(包括比喻义、象征义) 预读练习

18. Parents may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions. 19. If they refuse a request, they feel a wave of regret for having been so strict or ungenerous. 20. It also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of 鲤鱼网——成功在于执着


some of the happiness and mutual respect that is present in healthy families.

21. Enrollment in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who pursued a business career could do without one. The growth was fueled by a backlash(反冲)against the anti-business values of the 1960s and by the women's movement. 22. A pen is mightier than a sword. 23. Now the tide appears to be turning.

24. America’s machine tool industry was on the ropes.

25. American industry has changed its structure, has gone on a diet, and has learnt to be more quick-witted.


The humiliation continues. At university graduation ceremonies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the time they reach the Zysmans most people are literally having a ZZZ. Shortlists(名单)for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them(费劲地).(2004)

26. What does the author mean by \[A] They are getting impatient. [B] They are noisily dozing off. [C] They are feeling humiliated. [D] They are busy with word puzzles. 27

When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn't biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist(美甲师) isn't cutting, filling(锉磨) or polishing as many nails as she'd like to, either. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up. Spero blames the softening(疲软的)economy. \a good economic indicator,\she says. \provide a service that people can do without when they're concerned about saving some dollars.\So Spero is downscaling(节约开支), shopping at middlebrow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus. \(04)

27. By \ . [A] Spero can hardly maintain her business. [B] Spero is too much engaged in her work. [C] Spero has grown out of her bad habit. [D] Spero is not in a desperate situation.


(But they were divided on whether to go further by calling for a federal law that would impose a complete ban on human cloning.) Shapiro and most members favored an appeal for such legislation, but in a phone interview, he said this issue was still ―up in the air.‖ 28. It can be inferred that ________

[A] some NBAC members hesitate to ban human cloning completely. [B] a law banning human cloning is to be passed in no time.

[C] privately funded researchers will respond positively to NBAC’s appeal. [D] the issue of human cloning will soon be settled.

第五节 词义理解的方法

英语的理解和运用,并不总是在于词汇量的大小,而跟基本词汇的灵活运用息息相关。从语言学的角度看:No context, no words, thus no meaning。也就是说,脱离上下文,就不能断然说一个词是什么意义,只有结合语境,才能确定在此时此地词义是什么。非要拿所背的一个词义去死套句子,违反语言本身的规律,会在考研英语中碰得头破血流。例如:

The rats developed bacterial infections of the blood, as if their immune systems had crashed. 考研英语复习,一定要培养通过语境猜测词义的意识和习惯。个别词不认识并无大碍,有时遇到生词还要学会跳过去。根据上下文这一线索努力寻找词与词之间的某种联系或关系不失为一个很有效的方法。比如:释义、同义、反义关系等。

一.Finding out Word Meanings

Most experienced readers try to guess or make out the meaning of unfamiliar(不熟悉的)words



through Context clues(上下文提示). In order to make meaning clear, good writers often provide or give such clues for readers. It is always a good idea to learn the different kinds of clues you might come across in your reading.

Here are some of the context clues that people can often find in their reading.

1. Some sentences set off the definition(释义)for a difficult word by using punctuation.(标点


2. Sometimes helping words, along with punctuation, provide important clues.

3. Some sentences tell the opposite of what a new word means. From its opposite, you can figure

out the meaning of the word.

4. Sometimes you can use your own experiences to figure out the definition of a word.

5. Sentences before or after a sentence that has a difficult word sometimes explain the meaning

of the word.

6. Some sentences are written just to give the definitions of the difficult words--- words that

readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading.

7. Because some sentences give examples for a new word, you can build a definition. 8. Some sentences use a word you do know to help explain a word you don’t know.

9. Word part clues---- stems (词干)and affixes(词缀)also help to find out word meaning. 运用Context Clues方法来猜测下面的划线部分的生词。 1. Definition (常用某些提示词、破折号、括号) Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind. 2. Restatement(重述) Carbon monoxide (Co) is a noxious gas which can cause death. I’m a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won’t give it up easily. 3. General knowledge(常识) The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. Fresh roses are sprayed with water to keep them moist and flown to company stores three times a week.

4. Related information(相关信息) Timken was now angry. Once again he flew into a rage. 5. Examples(举例) Select any of these periodicals: Time Magazine, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest or the New Yorker. 6. Comparison (比较)or synonyms(同义) The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers. 7. Contrast(对比)or antonyms(反义) Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented. Peter was not frugal since he spent money so freely. 模拟题练习

1.All these are beneficial, not detrimental, to consumers. As productivity grows, the world’s wealth increases.

A. good B. harmful C. profitable D. positive 2. The nasty language of local officials makes them seem very ignorant and rude. A. artificial B. indecent C. humorous D. lively

3. Silk, although it is considered a delicate fabric, is in fact very strong, but it is adversely affected by sunlight. A. soft B. sheer C. fragile D. refined

4. Nearly eleven thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading. A. criticizing B. neglecting C. blaming D. disclosing

5. Despite the dangers and difficulties in fighting with the terrorists, the soldiers were resolute. A. defensive B. aggressive C. stubborn D. firm 6. I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the host. A. increase B. prolong C. intensify D. express 7. Chinese farmers are mostly living a simple and thrifty life as it is today. A. miserable B. economical C. luxurious D. sensible



8. Many of the local residents left homes to ward off the danger of flooding. A. overcome B. enclose C. encounter D. avoid 9. The patient’s condition has deteriorated since he had a heart attack. A. improved a little B. remained the same C. become worse D. changed a lot

10. Because of adverse weather condition, the travelers stopped to camp. A. local B. unfamiliar C. good D. unfavorable Key to 1—5 BBCBD 6—10 DBDCD 真题阅读猜词义 1. 并列同义关系

1. And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. 2. Mr. McWhorter’s academic specialty(特长,专长) is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of ―whom‖, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings(尾格)of Old English. 3. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, per formative(有表现力的) genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness(活力).

4. He is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. 5. Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal. But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabet-ism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet. 6. But it’s not as if earlier times didn’t know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. 7. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in monkeys and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question. 2. 反义关系 8. Two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining cages. 9. In spite of ―endless talk of difference,‖ American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people. (0621) Question: The word ―homogenizing‖ most probably means _____. [A] identifying [B] associating [C] assimilating [D] monopolizing 3. 修饰关系(包括定语、补语、状语等) 10. Although a lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career, I covered my exit by claiming ―I want to spend more time with my family‖. 一次平级调动伤害了我的自尊心,而且阻碍了我事业的发展,这就促使我放弃我那相对来说众人瞩目的职业,然而,我却宣称―我想多陪陪家人‖,以此来掩盖我辞职的真正原因。 二、记忆方法——唐僧式重复记忆法

众所周知, Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧)那么怎样才能达到这种境界呢?就要不断repeat(重复)。大学里背单词已经不能像中学那样一天背十个忘九个,有效的记忆单词的方法就是不断重复,每天背大量单词(例如200-300个,视个人能力),然后不断循环重复,才能达到有效的记忆。 单词记忆方法:

1. 通过阅读记单词 2. 通过做练习题记单词

3. 通过联想方式记单词: 邻近联想: lightening---thunder---storm; winter--freeze-, snow--frost; spring----blossom----awake; 类比联想: result--effect--impact; because of, on account of, due to; 对比联想: stupid---clever---smart; advance----backward等。 4. 分类记忆单词:根据单词的词性、词义、读音等方式将单词分类。如按意义分类:vehicle, truck, jeep, car, taxi 等。按单词词性分类:reduce, decline, decrease, fall, drop等。 5. 掌握构词法:如,前缀、后缀、词根。




