华为MA5616 全局操作命令

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--------------------------------------------- Command of config Mode:


aaa AAA(Authentication,Authorization,Accounting) view acl Specify ACL configuration information adsl adsl command group ancp ancp command group arp arp command group auto-backup Auto backup bind board btv cfm clear clip command config configuration cos-queue-map cpe-management cpu-overload-control debugging default defaultvlan device-template dhcp dhcp-option82 dns dsp dsp-para-template dtmf e2etrace emu encapsulation esl fax fax-modem firewall frame h248statistics hwtacacs-server igmp interface

Bind IP

board command group Broadband TV

Continuity Fault Managment Clear line test data

Clip parameters confiuration

Modify command level parameters System config

Configure the function of controlling the display format of the file

802.1p priority and queue map

cpe-management command group cpu-overload-control command group Enable system debugging functions Configure default MAC pool Configure default VLAN type Device template command

DHCP option82 global configuration Dhcp-option82

Specify domain name system DSP attributer configure

DSP parameters template configuration DTMF parameter configure End to end signalling trace

EMU command group Set encapsulation type

Enter ESL(Ethernet Subscriber Line) user command mode FAX parameter configure

Fax and modem parameter confiuration firewall command group Set frame attribute H248 message statistic Set HWTACACS server IGMP command group

interface command group

io-packetfile Activate the patch file of the board software packet ip ip command group ipoa IPoA config

lacp Configure LACP Protocol license License command group

line-rate Limit the rate of the outbound packets of the interface link-aggregation Operate link aggregation group linktrap Link trap switch of the port loop Loop back port loopback mac-address mac-count-zero mac-pool mmi-mode modem multi-service-port multicast-unknown multicast-vlan narrow ntp-service oversea packet packet-filter paste-mode pitp port pppoa protocol protocol-8021p-pri pstnport qos queue-buffer queue-scheduler queue-shaping quit rack radius-server raio raio-anid raio-anip raio-format raio-mode reset

Loopback test

mac-address command group

Maxmum MAC address learning number is zero Configure/display MAC pool

Activating the machine-machine mode MODEM parameter configure Add multi-service-port

Multicast-unknown keyword Setup and enter mvlan mode

Enter into the narrow resource mode

Specify NTP(Network Time Protocol) configuration information

Oversea parameters Packet

Filter packets based on acl Enter the pasting mode

pitp command group port command group pppoa command group System Support Protocol

802.1p priority of L3 protocol packet on this VLAN Enter pstnport command mode MG QoS threshold

CoS queue buffer size ratio CoS queue scheduling mode Queue SHAPING configuration

Exit from current mode and enter prior mode Set Rack description attribute Add or delete radius-server template Relay Agent Information Options Config ANID Config ANIP

Set user-defined RAIO format string Set relay agent info option mode reset command group

return Enter the privileged mode

ring Configure/display ring check information route-policy Route-policy

router Configure router information

rsa Specify RSA module configuration information security security command group service-num Service number configuration service-port Service port

shutdown Deactivate the port on the standby board sigtran Into sigtran module

snmp-agent Specify SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol) configuration information

ssh Specify SSH (secure shell) configuration information stacking VLAN stacking

stp Spanning tree protocol

syslog Specify syslog configuration information sysman Operation on firewall

system system command group

tcp Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) configuration information

temperature Set the temperature threshold of the system terminal terminal command group test Enter test mode tid-template TID template time Set system time

time-range Specify time-range configuration information traffic Configure traffic table traffic-limit Limit the rate of the packets traffic-mirror Mirror the packets

traffic-priority Specify new priority of the packets traffic-redirect Redirect the packets traffic-statistic Count the packets

undo Negate a command or set its defaults upward-bandwidth Set upward bandwidth parameters user User define ring vdsl VDSL

vlan vlan command group

vmac Configure/display VMAC information voip Enter voip mode xdsl XDSL --------------------------------------------- Command of privilege Mode:


active Enable configuration

alarm alarm command group alarm-event Alarm and event

autosave autosave command group backup backup command group baudrate Set serial baudrate

cfm Continuity Fault Managment

clear Clear the current login failure information in the system client Users information

debugging debugging command group diagnose Change into diagnose mode

disable Turn off privileged mode commands display Display information erase Erase command

event event command group file-server File server information

ftp FTP user and password configuration load load command group log Modify log configuration

loghost Log server configuration operation monitor Change into monitor mode patch Patch operation ping Ping function

quit Exit from current mode and enter prior mode reboot Reboot system,active board or standy board reset reset command group

resource System resources(mem,message,cpu) rollback Active mainboard rollback command save The command of saving immediately search Search command

serial-mode Set access-mode: console/CQT/112/SPL set Set the operative time of rollback function

ssh Specify SSH (secure shell) configuration information syslog syslog command group

sysman Configuration of the management channel sysname Set system network name

terminal terminal command group time time command group timezone Set time zone

tracert Trace route function

trap trap command group trap-sync Set trap synchronization switch

undo Negate a command or set its defaults vlan VLAN ---------------------------------------------

Command of user Mode:

--------------------------------------------- cls Clear screen

display Display information

help Description of the interactive help system

history-command Enable and control the command history function idle-timeout Display interval of terminal timeout

interactive Enable or disable command execute confirm function ping Check network connectivity or whether the host is quit scroll smart switch telnet terminal tracert undo


Exit from current mode and enter prior mode Set auto or manual scroll function Enable or disable smart function Switch language mode Open a telnet connection Operation of config terminal Trace route to destination

Negate a command or set its defaults

