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Unit 1


go on vacation去度假 stay at home待在家里 go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 take photos照相

go shopping去购物 go to summer camp去参观夏令营 walk around四处走走 have fun/a good time玩得高兴 something special 特别的事 one bowl of… 一碗…… quite a few相当多 up and down上上下下 most of the time大部分时间 the next day第二天

feel like 感受到 taste good尝起来很好吃 in the past在过去 of course当然 drink tea喝茶 study for为…而学习 find out找出;查明 come up出来 because of因为 go out出去 go on 继续 2、句型集萃

taste + adj. 尝起来…… look+adj. 看起来…… try doing sth. 尝试做某事 try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth. 忘记做某事

Why not do. sth.? 为什么不做……呢? Why don’t you do sth? 为什么不.......呢? seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…… buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 keep doing sth.继续做某事

arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点 到达某地 tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 decide to do sth. 决定去做某事 start to do/doing sth. 开始做某事

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 want to do sth. 想去做某事

stop doing sth. 停止做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事

so+adj.+that 如此……以至于……

Unit 2


help with housework 帮助做家务 on/surf the Internet 在网上/上网 go to the movies 去看电影 go to bed early 早点睡觉

in one’s free time 在某人的业余时间 be good/bad for 对……有好处/坏处 have dance and piano lessons 上舞蹈课和钢琴课 on weekends 在周末 old habits die hard 积习难改 go to the dentist 去看牙医 the most popular 最受欢迎的 three or four times a week 一周三到四次 the most popular 最受欢迎的 stay up late 熬夜;睡得很晚 how often 多久一次 hardly ever 几乎从不 once a week 每周一次 twice a month 每月两次 go camping 去野营 not…at all 一点儿也不…… be free 有空 swing dance 摇摆舞 play tennis 打网球 be free 闲着,有空 such as 比如;诸如 quite full 很忙,相当忙 more than 多于;超过 less than 少于 at least 至少 junk food 垃圾食品 drink milk 喝牛奶 play sports 做运动 2、句型集萃

help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 How/What about doing sth. 做......怎么样? want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 spend time with sb. 和某人一起度过时光 It’s+ adj.+ to do sth. 做某事是……的 ask sb. about sth. 向某人询问某事 by doing sth. 通过做某事

What’s your favorite……? 你最喜爱的…是什么? the best way to do sth. 做某事的最好方式 use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事 be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事

spend time/money ( in) doing sth. 花费时间或金钱做某事 spend time/money on sth. 在......上花费时间或金钱

be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事

