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? 8,666 ? 57thousand ? 801thousand ? 363 million ? 945 billion
? 12.5 million 1.03 trillion, 15.28 billion ? 6万 3.5万 ? 35万 5.45万 ? 278万 3679万 ? 5000万 489.46万 ? 4亿7千万 31.87亿 ? 61亿 1050.8亿 ? 201亿 3.9亿 ? 5万亿 50.2万亿 ? 45万亿 四千三百八十六 二百七十四点九 五万五千九百三十二 十一万零八百四十一 五十四万九千六百三十八 二百七十四万三千六百九十四 八千八百五十九万七千三百二十 二亿三千七百一十五万零二百三十六 十六亿八千九百九十万三千七百五十四 七百零四亿九千三百五十七万九千零四十八
One hundred and thirteen point eight four Six thousand four hundred and thirty-one Seventy hundred and forty-two
by Jim 1
Eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and five Nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-seven
Four million eight hundred and three thousand seven hundred and twelve Ninety-four million two hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and twenty-six
Five hundred and thirty million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-seven
Two billion five hundred and thirty-three million eight hundred and five thousand one hundred and one
Thirty-seven billion nine hundred and twenty-five million four hundred and forty-one and thirty-eight
练习: 英汉数字转换 1. 8,666 2. 801,806 3. 2,009,005 4. 363,605,401 5. 45,060,130 6. 945,063,505 7. 1,278,865,000 8. 12.5million 9. 15.28 billion 10. 1.03 trillion 汉英数字转换
到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右。 By 2020, China's GDP will quadruple that of 2000 to approximately USD 4 trillion.
1. 203.7亿 2. 1.306万 3. 123.45公顷 4. 42.192公里 5. 60.25公斤 6. 600.53亿美元 7. 5.8万元 8. 166.68万吨 9. 866.9万人次 10. 436.75万名新生
by Jim 2
· 一成即10%,60%即六成。“2成3”表达的意思是“23 %”,例如: 今年的粮食产量比去年增长2成3。
The output of grain this year has increased by 23% over last year. 单句练习:
1. 全年工业增加值为62,815亿元,比上年增长11.5%。
2. 全年粮食产量为46,947万吨,比上年增加3,877万吨,增长9.1%。 3. 全年进出口总额达11,548亿美元,比上年增长35.7%。
4. 全年合同外资金额为1,535亿美元,增长33.4%;实际使用外资606亿美元,增长13.3%。
5. 全年入境旅游人数10,904万人次,国际旅游外汇收入257亿美元,增长47.9%。 6. Last year the unemployment rate in the US was nearly 5%.
7. European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of 2005. 8. The volume of freight handled by ports throughout the country totaled 4 billion tons, up 21.3 percent over the previous year.
9. The total number of privately-owned vehicles was 13.65 million, up 12.0 percent. 10. The year 2004 saw 1.1 billion domestic tourists, up 26.6 percent. Revenue from domestic tourism totaled 471.1 billion yuan, up 36.9 percent.
英汉数字转换: 6,389,219 4,304,000 5,428 39,674 592,936 34.56million 汉英数字转换: 单句练习:
1. 2000年人口普查反映出我国人口年龄结构发生了较大变化。0-14岁人口占总人口的比重为22.89%,比1990年人口普查下降了4.8个百分点,65岁及
3.4837亿 58亿 238万 468.8万 1100万 934亿 76万
by Jim 3
以上人口占总人口的比重为6.96%,比1990年人口普查下降了1.39个百分点。 2. 在过去50年里,尤其是1978年改革开发以来,宁夏回族自治区(Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region)在政治、经济、社会、文化各方面都有很大发展。1958年自治区的国内生产总值GDP只有7亿多一点,到1997年猛增到了210亿。 3. 拉萨Lhasa第一小学是在1952年建立的。学校占地15,000平方米,建筑面积(floor space / area )8,100平方米。学校有41个班,2400名学生,其中西藏班28个,有学生1700人,占总数的70.3%。教师和行政人员中73.3%是西藏人。
4. 中华人民共和国建国五十多年以来,有1.1亿文盲妇女学了文化,使女性文盲比例从1949年的90%下降到2000年的18.47%。
5. The total number of accidents fluctuated quite a lot during the period of 1982 – 1997.
6. If you look at the table, you can see that in 1982 the figure was 360,000, while in 1997, it had fallen to 313,000, a drop of 47,000.
7. The best year in the period of 1982 – 1997 was 1984 when it stood at 332,000, after which it rose to a new peak of slightly under 360,000 in 1988.
8. We can see that from 1988 to 1992 there was a steady fall in the number of road accidents.
9. In China, Buddhism has a history of 2,000 years, Taoism over 1,700 years, and Islam over 1,300 years, while Catholicism and Protestantism became widespread in China primarily after the Opium War.
10. At present, China has over 10 million Muslims, about 4 million Catholics and over 10 million Protestants. In regions inhabited by some minority people, such as the Tibetans, the Mongolians / Mongols and the Dai, Buddhism (which includes Lamaism) is the prevailing faith for almost the entire population, while among the Han people, Buddhism and Taoism have remained influential.
11. Statistics show that there are over 200,000 Buddhist monks, nuns and lamas, 25,000 Taoist priests and nuns, 4,000 Catholic priests and 18,000 ministers working for the Protestant Church. There are 8 national patriotic religious organizations and a number of local ones and 75 seminaries / colleges for the
by Jim
by Jim 5
training of clergy.
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