
更新时间:2024-07-01 06:57:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. 答案是C.

I. 1. Where is the man’s Maths book probably? A. In the drawer.

B. On his desk.

C. On his bed.

B. £9.18.

C. £9.15.

2. What happened when the woman got to the campus? A. The class was over. B. The bus left the station. C. Her books were lost.

3. What are the speakers talking about? A. When to go to Germany. B. What to do in Germany. C. How to go to Germany.

4. What did the woman probably do last night? A. She saw a film alone. B. She went shopping.

C. She watched a football match.

5. When is woman supposed to finish her essay? A. By this Saturday.

B. By next Monday.

C. By next Friday,



听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who was in the house that was on fire? A. A little boy.

B. A little girl.

7. Where is the man now? A. At home.

B. In his office.

听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What’s the woman doing? A. Giving a history lesson. B. Preparing a presentation. C. Working on a problem.

9. What will the speakers probably tally about next? A. When Columbus discovered America. B. What the New World stands for.

C. Who was the first European to discover America. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How did the man travel for the holiday? A. By bus.

B. By train.

11. What does the man think of his holiday? A. Quite satisfactory.

B. A little disappointing.

12. What’s the man saving up for`? A. His new car.

B. The holiday next year.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. When does the woman go to the restaurant` A. In the early morning. B. In the middle of the morning. C. At noon.

14. What does the woman like most about the restaurant`? A. The quiet environment.

B. The delicious food.

15. What does the man say about his favorite restaurant? A. It’s newly opened and clean. B. The food is delicious.

C. An old lady.

C. In a hospital.

C. By air.

C. Too long and costly. C. His new house.

C. The pop music.

C. A film actor eats there sometimes. 16. What does the man have for lunch? A. Pancakes.

B. Fish pie.

C. Sausages.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What time did the plane take off? A. At 3:00 pm.

B. At 6:00 pm.

C. At 9:00 pm.

18. What day was it in London when the speaker arrived in New York? A. Monday.

B. Saturday.

C. Sunday.

19. What surprised the speaker in the Fifth Avenue? A. The low .prices. B. The high-quality goods. C. The goad service.

20. Where is the speaker from? A. New York.

B. Los Angeles.

C. London.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Amsterdam is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world and famous for its, beautiful canals, top art museums, and cycling culture. It is the capital and most populous city in the Netherlands and often referred to as the “Venice of the North” because of its wide system of bridges and canals. Here are some of the key points to remember as you plan your trip to Amsterdam.

Must-See Attractions

Most visitors begin their Amsterdam adventure in the Old Centre, which is full of traditional architecture, shopping centers, and coffee shops. The top museums to visit are the Rijksmusuem, the Ann Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum. The Canal Ring is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was originally built to attract wealthy home owners and an area for celebrity spotting and nightlife today.


Travelers should be aware that Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the busiest airports in the world. This airport is located about 15 kilometers southwest of the city center. You can catch a train from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station, which has many connecting routes. It’s typically not a good idea to drive a car to the city center. Cycling is incredibly popular here, and it’s easy to find cheap bike rentals around the town. Amsterdam

has a flat terrain(地形)and it’s a good choice to explore the city on foot.

Money-saving Tips

●Look for accommodations in Amsterdam’s South District, where rates are generally cheaper than in the city center.

●Buy train tickets at the machine instead of the counter to save a bit of money.

●Instead of hiring a tour guide, jump onto a canal boat. They’re inexpensive and will give you a unique point of view of the city.

Check at http://www. save 70. com to view price comparisons for flights, hotels, and rental cars before you book.

21. What can visitors do in the Old Centre? A. Buy some clothes. B. Visit a museum. C. Run a coffee shop.

D. Come across many architects.

22. What suggestion does the author offer tourists in the text? A. Hiring a tour guide. B. Visiting the city on foot. C. Going to the city center by car. D. Buying tickets at the counter. 23. What is the purpose of the text? A. To encourage more overseas travelling. B. To compare some tourist attractions. C. To advertise travelling information. D. To promote some famous museums.


The castle had two floors. We were ten years old and sat around the coffee table, drinking from coffee cups filled with water. We talked about our future good friends, girls’dress, make-ups and well-behaved classmates at our daily meeting. We promised each other that this was how our lives would be.

Then we got a little older. I was graduating from the eighth grade. This time we were in a real coffee shop. We were growing up, drinking hot chocolate instead of water, but our conversation hadn’t changed. We were going to go to college together. Then we would open a business in the city. We promised each other this was how

it would be.

My interests and areas of study have changed many times. I’ve become involved in many activities that have opened my eyes to new possibilities. My friends are part of my life. I would do anything for them. I know they would do the same for me. In the case of a broken heart, a silly argument, or a difficult test, I am always the first to help. Being there for my friends comes first no matter what else I have to do.

I’m growing up fast. Junior year has almost finished. College is just around the corner, but our childish talks and plans don’t seem so long ago. In fact, we’re still having the same discussions. We probably won’t go to the same college but we could be in the same state. We will talk every day, meet on weekends and come home on holidays. This plan is just as good.

Now I am ready for college. I will meet new people, have new experiences in new surroundings and live on my own. But I will not leave my friends. I won’t see them on weekends, but maybe on holidays. I will be making new ones at college. I hope I will become as close with them as I am with those old friends. Maybe if I’m lucky I will meet a few with whom I can sit and share a cup of coffee. 24. What’s the text mainly about? A. The author’s dreams.

B. The author’s achievements. D. The author’s ideas of friendship.

C. The author’s experiences of her study.

25. What did the author and her friends often talk about when they were children? A. Their rapid progress.

B. Their childish plans. D. Their good living conditions.

C. Their great imagination.

26. What do we know about the author?

A. She is looking forward to her future college life. B. She plans to run a coffee bar when she begins to work. C. She took part in many activities in order to make new friends. D. She used to ask her friends to help with her difficult tests.

27. The author wants to make friends in the college with those who . A. like drinking coffee B. are from rich families C. can be as close as her old ones D. study the same major with her


Do you want to find a job that you just need to sit and sleep on a sofa? It is ridiculous, but it happens.

26-year-old Anna Cherdantseva, from the city of Ufa, is a full-time sofa tester, spending up to 10 hours every day trying out new sofas for comfort and safety.

Last month, Russian furniture giant MZ5 Group announced that it was taking application for a new position—full-time sofa tester. Although all new products are tested in a specialized laboratory, management decided that in order to better meet the needs of consumers it needed some feedback on real-life use of its sofas. In just a few days, MZ5 received over 5.000 job applications from people eager to spend most of their time sitting and lying on sofas.

“We were selecting candidates in several stages,” MZ5 Group spokesperson Anastasia Russkih said, “Initially we checked their resumes, and then we let them tell us why they wanted the job.” Eventually, the furniture company shortlisted just 7 candidates, among whom Anna Cherdantseva, a 26-year-old marketing expert, proved to be the most suitable for the job.

“I felt extreme competition, and it was a real fight for my dream job,” Anna said after getting selected. “I have a lot of ideas for improving the sofas, but I would prefer not to talk about them for now. I believe it will all work out between me and the sofas.”

Despite describing herself as an active person, Cherdantseva says that spending about 10 hours a day sitting on sofas doesn’t sound bad at all. “Of course I will spend a lot of time on new sofas The more time I spend on them, the better it will be for my work,” she told Sreporters.

Anna Cherdantseva is currently on a three-month probation(试用期)at MZ5, hut the company claims that as long as she proves to be up to the task, they plan on offering her a permanent position as a sofa tester. The young woman will receive a monthly salary of 56,000 rubles($ 1, 000) for the first three months. It’s not so bad about the job.

28. Why did MZS Group want a sofa tester? A. Because it wants to save money by doing that. B. Because it wants to satisfy its consumers belter. C. Because Anna Cherdantseva applied for the job. D. Because its products need to be tested.

29. What does the underlined word “feedback” in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Products.

B. Consumers.

C. Praise.

D. Response.

30. What docs Anna Cherdantseva think of getting the job? A. It was very easy.

B. It was controversial. D. It was interesting.

C. It was challenging.

31. What can be inferred from the text?

A. Anna Cherdantseva has the chance to work steadily for MZ5. B. The company found it difficult to find suitable employees. C. The company doesn’t give Anna Cherdantseva a good salary now. D. Anna Cherdantseva got the job because of her similar work experience.


Scientists say they discovered an earth-like planet orbiting the star closest to our planet other than the sun. It is the closest planet ever found outside our solar system that could support life as we know it. This planet is just 4. 2 light years away from us. It is so close that space scientists have compared it to a next door neighbor. They say it could be reached by an unmanned spacecraft before the end of the century. The newly-discovered planet is a little larger than the earth. Scientists have named it Proxima b. It orbits its sun, Proxima Centauri, once every 11 days.

Alan Boss is the Chairman of NASA’s advisory group for planet exploration. He told VOA that Proxima b not only confirms the discovery of a planet, but also increases the number of other possible “earths” by a huge amount. Boss said it is possible that most stars may have at least one earth-like planet orbiting them.

This makes the possibility of living organisms increasingly likely. Boss said he believes human beings will prove that there is life in places other than the earth in his lifetime. “I am 65,” he told VOA, “But I expect to still be alive when it happens.”

Paul Butler works at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. He told VOA that finding Proxima b “makes the case concrete” that there are other planets where life could exist. Paul Butler said the researchers used two telescopes in different countries to look for possible planets like the earth. Discovering Proxima b, he believes, changes the world.

“This work has resulted in the discovery of hundreds of planets around the nearest stars, and now a potentially habitable planet around the nearest star is in the sky,” Butler said. 32. Which of the following does the newly-discovered planet move around? A. The earth. C. Proxima b.

B. The sun. D. Proxima Centauri.

33. What view do both Alan Boss and Paul Butler hold?

A. It is most likely that life exists on other planets besides the earth. B. Proxima b can be used to help people find more earth-like planets. C. There is at least one earth-like planet orbiting each star. D. Discovering Proxima b will change the world.

34. What does the underlined part “This work” in the last paragraph refer to? A. Exploring another sun. B. Discovering Proxima b.

C. Using telescopes to find earth-like planets. D. Researching life on other planets. 35. What may be the best title for the text? A. Potentially Habitable Planets B. Planet Exploration in the Universe C. Stars with Earth-like Planets Orbiting D. A Neighboring Possible Earth-like Planet

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 As new car prices continue to climb, you can find reliable but cheap used cars for sale. Many are readily available online, but car lots and local auto auctions (拍卖)also provide excellent sources for inexpensive vehicles. Here are the tips.

Search online

36 , Some sites specialize in automotive sales and may contain hundreds of local lists. Private sellers may offer considerably lower prices for their cars than a dealer and be more receptive to negotiation. You will find dealer lists on these sites as well.

Visit local auctions

Though many car auctions take place online, you still can find a cheap used car at a specialized auto auction. These auctions, available in many bigger cities, are the same ones where local dealers purchase cars for sale. 37 , so check with your local auto auction center to confirm.

38 Many organizations that manage a fleet of vehicles sell their used cars when they remove them from active service. Car rental companies frequently sell late model, relatively low mileage former rental cars for well below the price a dealer would charge for a similar vehicle. For a very cheap used car, consider browning retired police cars and government surplus vehicles. 39 . Be prepared to negotiate

40 , you likely will have the opportunity to negotiate for a lower sales price. When

negotiating with a dealer, according to the financial magazine Forbes, you may be able to get the lowest

possible price on the last day of the month, a day with poor weather, or late at night on the weekend. Negotiations with o private seller often are more direct and consist of simply offering your ideal and reasonable price.

A. Consider retired vehicles B. Ask advice from local dealers C These cars will help you save a lot D. Unless you buy your used car in an auction E. Rules can vary significantly from auction to auction F. When you find a chance to ask about the local situation G. Many private individuals start with online classified websites 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Hearing my name called, I turned and found it was Carina. After three months, I was 41 with my guide. She was a twenty-two-year-old native New Yorker who had 42 me on a five-week trip to Spain to study Spanish and Economics.

Though our trip was my first experience of 43 and seeing the world, it was an eye-opening one that has left me thirsty for more 44 . Much of the change that the trip brought to me came from Carina because she inspired me to 45 myself while in Spain. She urged me to speak more Spanish and 46 more about Spam. We traveled around and 47 much about Spanish history and present situation, which helped me learn more about the rich Spanish 48 . Now that we were reunited in New York, oar conversation picked up again. 49 this time it was about our futures. 50 , this meeting was less of a reunion but more of a goodbye. She was 51 San Francisco the next day, packing her life into two suitcases and 52 to the other side of the country. “I am not staying here just because it’s too 53 to live here. Make sure that you do the same in your college life.” she urged me.

Carina’s 54 made me realize that the world is full of things to explore. I’ve lived in a small New England town my whole life without any adventure, so it’s time to 55 and go somewhere I can do something 56 . I see college as a chance to take a risk and discover new things. I want a place to test new 57 . Whether it’s helping people as a doctor, or performing research for a field study, I want to do something like Carina and do not fear trying something 58 . She introduced me to the world of 59 , and now that I’ve gotten a taste, I’m going to 60 for more. 41. A. acquainted

B. satisfied

C. reunited

D. delighted

42. A. led

B. joined

C. followed C. playing C. talent C. relax C. dream C. talked

D. prevented D. working D. adventure D. congratulate D. complain D. quarreled D. opportunity D. for

D. Unfortunately D. leaving for D. attending D. impossible D. intentions D. recommend D. extraordinary D. relationship D. thrilling D. enterprise D. struggle

43. A. studying 44. A. wealth 45. A. push 46. A. worry 47. A. did

B. traveling B. freedom B. enjoy B. know

B. brought B. culture B. so

48. A. resource 49. A. or

C. experience C. but

50. A. Interestingly 51. A. keeping off 52. A. moving 53. A. strict 54. A. words 55. A. work 56. A. proper 57. A. property 58. A. new

B. Surprisingly B. dealing with B. replying B. easy

C. Naturally

C. talking about C. referring

C. inconvenient C. promises C. leave

B. changes B. practice B. complex B. quality B. safe

C. common C. knowledge C. amazing C. creativity C. apply

59. A. imagination 60. A. account

B. braveness B. wait

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


A few months ago, my office security guard was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had a tough time. I was really concerned about his health and the mental 61 (suffer) he was facing. I 62 (pray) for him and sent a request to all my co-workers for some 63 (contribution) for his hospitalization expenses.

A few colleagues were quite generous and contributed for him. He was on chemo (化疗) and had only one chemo 64 (leave), and the hospital asked him to pay around 20 thousand. Only working 65 a security guard, of course he did not have that money.

I promised 66 (I) to help him during this difficult time. I got my salary today with some increment (加薪)and I sent the increment amount 67 (meet) his last chemo expense.

What I’ve learned from life is that we can earn more money 68 the opportunities to help others are few. Having a kind heart can save a human life. People were so kind to me when I was facing one of the 69 (tough)

