高中英语语法词汇复习教学设计 - 图文

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词汇的学习并不是独立的,如果只是简单的重复,会使学生感到枯燥乏味,不断变换方式,将词汇学习融入到听说读写中,会使学生更有兴趣,记忆更深刻。《教学大纲》对单词的要求是不同的,因此我们在教学中就要采取不同的教学方法,达到不同的教学目的。 一、教学内容:复习Module 1 Book1语法词汇 二、教学目标: 1. 能力目标


1) 根据释义写出本单元所学的新词汇。

2) 在适当语境和情景下正确使用本单元的重点词汇和句型。 3) 选取本单元部分词汇编成小故事或小短文。 2.语言目标 重点词汇

Province, enthusiastic, amazing, embarrassed, instruction, attitude, behaviour, previous, description, impress 重点短语:

nothing like , have fun, by oneself, in other words, write a description of...,

look forward to, give an example of.., attitude to , be impressed with , be different from... 三、教学步骤: Step1 lead in

展示常用于生活的词汇teenager, move,disappointed,impress, describe,impress,province等让学生充分发挥想象力,随机编成一个个小故事。通过编故事,那些背起来无比枯燥的单词,在听说中被他们运用得熟练无比,完全达到了教与学的目的。 Step2 reading

阅读含有较复杂词汇的句子或段落,要求学生准确识别词汇含义。如:information, instruction, correction,comprehension等, 可采用分组比赛的方式,让学生争相挖掘其它相关联的“家族”成员,如,embarrassing,embarrass,embarrassment,在挖掘过程中可以不断地联系其它相似词汇,如encourage, amaze等,学生在分组讨论后,选派代表写在黑板上,其他学生可以争相进行补充,这样学生在比赛竞争中,不知不觉就拓展了词汇量。

Step3 practice

有些词汇是不仅要知其含义还要学会灵活运用的,即“四会”单词。这些单词也往往是高考最容易考查的,拼写正确首是首要的,还要通过练习让学生掌握其用法: 练习一:


(1)I was amazed to hear that Chris had won the first prize.

(2)It amazes me how you can put up with living in such a dirty house. (3)Hearing the news,we were filled with amazement.

(4)The new theatre is going to cost an amazing amount of money.


(1)We can only do the job effectively with this method. (2)They are trying to find ways to prevent the disease. (3)He climbed the tree by means of a ladder.

(4)The new teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves.

用puzzled, puzzling填空

He has a __________expression on his face and don?t know what to do. His expression is______ and we don?t know what he will tell us. 练习二:

1. — Does Lisa have a new hairstyle?

—Yes. In fact,it is quite similar yours.

A.as B.like C.to D.with 2. Despite such a big difference in towards what one eats,there is no

doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. A.point B.idea C.attitude D.sight 3. Teachers should the value of hard work on their students. A.remind B.inspire C.encourage D.impress 4. She looks forward every spring to the flowerlined garden. A.walking in B.walk in C.visit D.paying a visit

Like some of my classmates,I didn’t live up to my teachers’ expectations; ,I let them down.

A.in other words B.after all C.what’s more D.more or less 练习三:


His _____ was so bad that the teacher spoke to his parents.

I need to improve my ____ because I make a lot of mistakes when I write in English.



please introduce your first impression on your senior school to us. (try to use the words and phrases from what we have interviewed)

总之,词汇教学是一个长期积累的过程,需要教师不断更新更新教学理念,大胆地尝试新颖有效的教学方法,进行创新英语词汇教学, 将词汇教学置于听说读写的语境中,才能激发学生的学习兴趣和学习主动性,才能收到事半功倍的效果


历城洪家楼高级中学 吕萌 2011年7月20日 13:52

潘广东于11-7-20 14:33推荐吕老师的设计铺垫导入自然,师生互动,生生互动,突出语境,强调运用,操作性强,值得学习。

邵淑红于11-7-20 20:56推荐感动于吕老师的认真和专注。这是一份令人耳目一新的作业。您能够很好地理解本专题的内涵。您能够引导学生在情境中感知、复现、理解、内化和运用语言,这正是我们研修的主题--基于运用能力培养的复习教学方案。您的词汇情境复现、词汇及语法情境应用始终把学生放在主体地位,思维大碰撞和情境写作进一步提升锻炼了学生的综合运用能力。值得推荐。

邵淑红于11-7-20 20:56推荐为资源感动于吕老师的认真和专注。这是一份令人耳目一新的作业。您能够很好地理解本专题的内涵。您能够引导学生在情境中感知、复现、理解、内化和运用语言,这正是我们研修的主题--基于运用能力培养的复习教学方案。您的词汇情境复现、词汇及语法情境应用始终把学生放在主体地位,思维大碰撞和情境写作进一步提升锻炼了学生的综合运用能力。值得推荐。

跟着喜羊羊学英语,So easy



本文以新人教版必修五第四单元making the news为例,设计一节基于语用能力的词汇语法复习课。这一单元中心话题是“新闻媒体“,语法结构为部分倒装,与学生生活经验最为紧密的结合点是从事新闻记者的渴望与意愿。

●整体设计思路:将本单元的话题“新闻媒体”设计为教学的起点和终点,创设整体的、有情节的大情境,用喜洋洋与灰太狼竞争青青草原记者为主线,连接若干小情境;每个小情境各有侧重点,分别对应本单元的功能复习、词汇复习、句型复习、语法复习和话题写作练习,同时挖掘新闻记者的职业素养的表达,充实词汇库,培养情感;做到既利用课本资源,又延展课本资源,引导学生在情境中感知、复现、理解、内化和运用语言,开发潜能,收获成功的体验。 ●教学过程设计


?教师PPT出示喜羊羊图片,并让学生阅读喜羊羊的一段自述,并思考问题:”what job does Xi Yangyang want to do?”。

“ I run fast. I?m delighted to be your friend, who can assist you in solving problems. I?m optimistic. I?m so clever that I can assess when someone is using tricks. I

concentrate on one thing once it?s started. I?m a football amateur. As for my future profession, I?m eager to be a journalist because I think going out on a story is admirable and unusual.”



?教师进一步创设情境“One day, Xi Yangyang saw an “Wanted”(招聘启事)from Grass Land(青青草原)TV. Let?s help him read the information”。引导学生完成情境练习: A new __________(记者)is in d_________ for Grass Land TV. If

●you can work with your ________(同事) ●you can d_________ on yourself to face challenge

●you can c___________ on your job ●you can _____________(更新)skills to acquire information

●You can be brave to _________(say something has been done wrong) crime. Do you want to try? If that?s the c_____, ___________(递交)your application. Don?t miss the ___________(最后日期). We?ll _________(tell sb ) you of the interview date.



?教师言语表述环节过渡语“Do you hope Xi Yangyang realizes his dream?...but his old friend doesn?t think so. Do you know who he is?”


“I feel guilty because I ?m a failure as a wolf. I cover 100miles every day to catch sheep. But so clever are they that they always escape. I spend a lot inventing machines so I hardly cover living cost. Not once have I said” I?m sure to come back”. But I?m determined. Never will I give up. Only when I bring a sheep back home can my wife feel happy. I want to be a journalist to cover my story.”




1 “My wife is always angry. Not once ________(不止一次她说)“you fail again”. Not only _______________(她让我)me to do housework but she asks me to catch sheep.” 2 “So deeply __________(我深爱着) my wife that I’m willing to do anything for her. Nowhere else_____________(你能够找到) such a good husband like me. Don’t forget my words ‘I love the pan(平底锅)’”。

?侧重在情境中应用语法结构,比单纯进行汉英翻译单句练习更意义,不仅是在语法方面由理解层次上升至应用层次。学生阅读文段,准确应用部分倒装结构补全语境。 第五步:整体情境的第五个情节——思维大碰撞(话题语料库组建)

PK ?教师活动:引导学生小结情境:喜羊羊与灰太狼的梦想都是当记者,你支持谁? ?学生思考并讨论PPT上呈现的问题:

1)What qualities does a reporter need? 2)Based on what we know, who is more suitable for this position?

促发学生当堂生成。学生根据自己的经验作出支持谁的选择,并阐述理由。教师适时引导学生思考回顾新闻记者所应具有的素质,比如 Have a good nose for anything 等



?同时,在PPT上给出提示:1媒体(比如电视、网络)的作用2 媒体帮助我们聚焦重大事件。媒体告知我们最新信息。媒体谴责某些人的不良行为3 有人在媒体上暴漏别人隐私(privacy)。有人在媒体上提供虚假(false) 信息 4 我们应正确利用媒体,应协助政府建设好媒体。5 只有这样我们才能。。。。。。 ?学生限时写出小短文,交流评比。


参考习作:The media, such as the TV and Internet, plays a big part in daily life. The media can help us concentrate on the events, inform us of the latest information and accuse someone of his bad behavior.

However, every coin has two sides. Some expose others’ privacy to the public on the media. Some provide the false information.

We should make use of the media properly and assist the government in building the media. Only in this way can we lead a better life.


莱阳市第一中学 宫立梅 2011年7月20日 12:56

刘清玉于11-7-20 15:11推荐本课的成功之处在于将词汇的复习结合到语篇当中去,以语篇为依托,来复习话题词汇,这样的效果要比单纯的词汇课充实也高效得多。

徐汉东于11-7-20 23:18推荐宫老师很用心,很好地诠释了今天研修主题的内容。所设计的词汇教学方案能够结合时代性的话题“日本地震”入题,然后从词汇、短语、句型和篇章四个层面进行引导学生进行学习运用,篇章意识较强。最后的作业环节把重点词汇融合到一片小短文中,达到了学以致用的目的,难能可贵的是,她还进行了课后反思。值得探讨的是1.语言目标好像与本课主题不太符合。2.要点再现是如何进行教与学的双边活动的,体现的还不够。

赵松柏于11-7-21 08:08推荐设计合理,目标明确,方法可行,值得学习。

徐汉东于11-7-20 23:18推荐为资源宫老师很用心,很好地诠释了今天研修主题的内容。所设计的词汇教学方案能够结合时代性的话题“日本地震”入题,然后从词汇、短语、句型和篇章四个层面进行引导学生进行学习运用,篇章意识较强。最后的作业环节把重点词汇融合到一片小短文中,达到了学以致用的目的,难能可贵的是,她还进行了课后反思。值得探讨的是1.语言目标好像与本课主题不太符合。2.要点再现是如何进行教与学的双边活动的,体现的还不够。 学习内容: 词汇复习 学习目标:


能进一步强化词汇理解与运用能力。 二、语言知识目标


三、学习策略、文化意识、情感态度价值观目标 能进一步强化词汇学习的目标策略。 教学过程:

Teaching procedures Step 1: Lead-in

★Task 1: What happened in Japan on March 11 this year? A terrible _______ hit Japan on March 11, 2011.

【设计说明】已有据可依的语境导入,恰当引入本课主题。 Step 2: Topic vocabulary

★Task 2: How much do you remember about the reading passage? 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法

Before Tangshan earthquake, strange things happened. A (smell) gas came out from the cracks of wells and animals became (nerve). At 3:00 a.m., everything began to (摇晃). It seemed that the world was at end. In fifteen seconds, a large city lay in (废墟). Nearly everything was ________(毁坏). What was worse, another earthquake followed, and some of the ________(救援) workers and doctors were

________(被困) under the ruins. Water, food and _______ (electric) were cut off and the railway tracks became ________(use) steel. People wondered how long the

_______(灾难) would last. But all hope was ____ lost. The army were _______(震惊). They arrived soon to help the (survive). They ________ (organize) teams to _______(挖出) the _______(伤者) including many ________(矿工) and to _______(埋葬) the dead. Slowly, the city began to (呼吸) again. 词语派生

1. Alex?s mother ____________ her dissatisfaction with his room in which all windows and floor were covered with ______. (expression/dirty)

2. Fortunately, all miners trapped in the mines survived though some ___________ suffered minor __________. ( survive/injure)

3. The conditions there are ____________ difficult. Please take more equipment, which may be very_____________ for you. (extreme/ use) 短语填空

right away a great number of think little of in honor of

1. The monument was built _________________ those who died in the earthquake. 2. People________________ the strange things which happened in Hebei, and went to sleep

as usual that night. 3. Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it _____________.

4. In the disaster, such _______________people died because the quake happened while they

were sleeping. 【设计说明】通过语篇呈现出所有话题词汇,使学生从整体把握了相关词汇,形成词汇体系。为下一步要点再现做好准备。 要点再现

1. at an end 结束

【原句呈现】It seemed as if the world was at an end. 【词义拓展】

1. not exist any more

2. come to an end/ put an end to /bring sth to an end: finish 【经典背诵】

1. The story was ____ ______ ______, but we were still in it.

2. The party last night was a success; we sang and danced until it came _____ _____ ____ at twelve.

3. The government is determined to _____ ______ _______ to terrorism./bring terrorism _____ _____ ____.






2. ruin v.&n.毁灭,使破产,遗迹,废墟(名词时常用复数) 【原句呈现】In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 【词义拓展】

1. to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure etc.; to spoil sth 2. to make sb /sth lose all their money/position etc.

3. the state or process of being destroyed or severely damaged; the parts of a building

that remain after being destroyed 【经典背诵】

1. That mistake ________ his chances of getting the job. 2. If she loses the court case(败诉),it will ______ her.

3. Some of the rescueworkers and doctors were trapped under the _______. 4. Years of fighting have left the whole island _______ _________.

【小试牛刀】恶劣的天气破坏了我们的旅行。_________________________________ 那教堂已破败不堪。________________________________________________________ 【反思归纳】

______________________________________________________________ 想一想:damage, ruin, destroy有什么区别?

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. 部分否定

【原句呈现】All hope was not lost.= _____________________________ 【句子仿写】


【小试牛刀】All these books are not popular with people. 翻译:__________________ 【反思归纳】

_____________________________________________________________ 4. shock n. & vt. 震惊

【原句】People were shocked. 【词义拓展】

1. n. an unpleasant feeling as a result of sth bad happening; the event that causes this


2. vt. to surprise and upset sb 【经典背诵】

1. We were all ________ that such an attack could happen in Xinjian China. 2. The news of his death came as_____ _____ to us all. 3. It is __________ that they involved children in the war. 【小试牛刀】

听到他辞职的消息我深感意外。 ___________________________________________ 【反思归纳】____________________________________________________________ 联想:frighten 记者意识到女孩很害怕以至于不敢回答问题。

__________________________________________________________________ 5. injure v.

【原句呈现】Two- thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake. 【词义拓展】

1. to harm yourself or sb else physically in an accident

2. injured adj. Having an injury; the people injured in an accident 3. injury n. harm done to the body 【经典背诵】

1. Three people were killed and five _________ in the accident.

2. The ambulance arrived soon and took _______________ to a nearby hospital. 3. He applied pressure to the ______________ of her hands to stop the bleeding. 【小试牛刀】

The teacher asked more to be done to ____________________________(以免学生眼睛受伤害)。

【反思归纳】_____________________________________________________________ 区分:hurt, wound, injure

hurt 一般用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神和情感方面的伤害 injure 比hurt正式,一般指由于意外或事故而受伤

wound 指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤等,尤指在战争中受伤 【辨析】

1. The soldier was ______ in the war.

2. She was _______ slightly in an accident during the work. 3. I was very much _______ at his words. 【体验高考】

(上海2009模拟) So badly _____ in the accident that he was forced to stay in hospital for several weeks and stopped all kinds of physical exercise.

A. did he injure B. he did injure C. were he injured D. was he injured Step 3: Discussion

★Task 3: 试用话题词汇(30个以内)概括课文大意或翻译下面的句子,再比较答案 这篇文章描述了地震前的征兆和地震的过程以及唐山地震的后果。它显示出地震后的骇人情景和告诉我们如何进行及时的营救工作。

The article



【设计说明】让学生运用话题词汇概括课文大意,一方面进一步熟悉课文内容,另一方面检测学生对话题词汇的掌握运用情况。 Step 4: Topic writing—Homework

★Task 4: 从下面话题词汇中至少选择6个写一篇有关于地震的小短文,50-70词。 right away; dig out; think little/nothing/much/a lot/highly/well of; at an end; in honor of; destroy; ruin; smelly; dirty; useless; extreme; injure; shocked; frightening; rescue; trap; bury; express; judge; disaster; shake; survive; 部分否定 七、教学反思




博兴县第二中学 王素珍 2011年7月20日 12:34

张红玲于11-7-20 15:33推荐讲得精,练得全,运用多题型练习定语从句。不由得想起来昨天讲座里鲁老师的一句话,“写作里一个定语从句不止3、4分吧”。

陈景俊于11-7-20 17:03推荐运用多题型多角度设计定语从句练习,让语法不再枯燥,确实能全方位提炼学生的能力。这一语法巩固测试题设计体现了老师高超的学科素养,题型任我设,值得大家借鉴!

鲁子问于11-7-21 11:09推荐活动I,III,V的设计很有新意,彻底打破只从多项选择复习定语从句的习惯做法。这对于培养学生理解定语从句、运用定语从句是很好的尝试。




I Patterns transformation

1.This is the house in which I lived two years ago. ________________________________________

2.Do you remember the day on which you joined our club? ____________________________________

3.This is the reason why he was late for

school.______________________________________________ 4. you cannot be sure of something you might get in the future.


II. Fill in the blanks

1.The direction _______ a body can be changed.

2.The distance _____ light travels in one second is 300000 kilometers. 3.This is the silliest thing ______ I have ever heard of.

4.We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools _____t we had visited. 5.Don't cheat me. I'm no longer the boy ______I was three years ago. 6.She is the very thief______the policeman is looking for. III.Translation

1. Wind power is an ancient source of energy to which we may return in the near future.(2010上海卷38)

_______________________________________________________________ 2. The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister where she would

new phrases: the protection of his environment, be unlimited, too crowded, natural resources, dangerous chemicals survive…

Sentence structure:

If we do…., we will….

if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control




2 如果你坚持背单词,你会写出好文章的。


3. 如果我们都注意保护环境,我们会有一种幸福生活的。


Step 6. Writing






In modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment, because we is not clean as before. So many people now choose their house as to its environment but not its location and expenses to afford it.

As we all know, the environment pollution is more and more serious during these years, what we could do is to make great efforts in protecting environment gradually. Only in this way can we live a healthy life and have a better future.

Although we have managed to protect the environment to a certain extent. It is still a very long way to go.

纠错:is----are as to----according to

It is still a very long way to go. 也可改成:We still have a long way to go


胶州市第一中学 马文涛 2011年7月20日 11:56

孙立军于11-7-20 14:14推荐方案设计非常细致、完整。有很强的实用性。值得学习。 王志强于11-7-20 15:50推荐词、短语、句子、篇章,层层递进,到最后的写作输出,环环相扣,符合词汇学习的一般规律,有较强的实用性和实效性。


1.复习本模块的重点词汇:experience; likely; possibility; occur; warn; strike等 2. 语法:V-ing在句中作结果状语;

3. 学以致用,通过复习提高学生能运用本模块的重点词汇和句式进行写作的能力. 【教学策略】

将复习的重要内容以教案的形式打印给学生,先对其进行“小测”,而后以小组形式让学生自己进行改进,最后老师领其总结升华; 【教学步骤】


1. Experience 2.闪电 3.可能(性) 4.龙卷风(复数) 5.埋葬(p.p) 6. (一件)家具 7.火山(复

数) 8. 发生(p.p) ( ) 9. cause 10.损失;损害. 11.警告(n) 12.幸运地(2) 13.袭击(p.p) 【演练提升】

1.他在教学方面有经验。 He______ _________ ____ teaching. [n] =He ___ __________ ___teaching. [adj.]

2. 我们有可能要迟到。 There __ __ __________ _____ we will be late . =It __ _______ _____ we will be late.


4.我警告过他不要靠近火山。 I warned him ___ __ ___ _____ ___ __________.=I warned him _______ ______ _____ __ ________ . 5. [扩展/选学]

strike (struck; struck/stricken)

(1)strick him on the head. _____________ (2)An earthquake struck the area._______ (3)The clock has just struck six.________ (4)A good idea struck Tom._______ (5)strick the match________

(6)The workers are on strike. _______ 二、短语一搏[phrases]

1.放火烧 2.着火(动作) 3.着火(状态) 4.灭火 5.结束 6.左右摇摆 7.造成8人死亡7人受伤 8. 持续两天 9.足量的 10.可能/过去/好像有 12.占面积… 13.总共 14.成功做 ;设法做成 15..对…造成损害 16.使.某人无家可归 17.某人造成麻烦、问题 18.平均起来 19.一直以来/从古至今 20.继续 21. [扩展/选学]Pick up

(1)pick up the book on the floor---

(2)pick up the passengers--- (3)pick up the used stamps--- (4)pick up French in France--- (5)pick up the room--- (6)pick the speed up--- 三.重要语句语法

1. They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. 2. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. 3. The fires burned for three days, destroying a total of 25,000 buildings. 4. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injuried. 5. By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston, where he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane struck. 【专题练习】

1. 会议以演唱一首新歌的形式结束了. The meeting __________________singing a new song.

2. 他结果成了这家公司的CEO. He _________________ CEO of the company. 3. 当我陷于危险之中时,我突然想到一个好主意。(分别用 strike 和occur 来做)

When I was in danger, a good idea suddenly __________me.

4. Her husband?s behavior was very strange , ________(make)their marriage impossible. 5. His parents both died, _______(leave ) him an orphan.

6. Don?t leave the matches or cigarettes _______little children can reach them.(A. in

which B. to which C. that D. where)

7. Is _____ any possibility _____David can win the first prize in the match? (A. it ;

whether B. it ; that C. there ; whether D. there ; that)

8. Did the fire ______or was it _______? (A. go out ; go out B. go out; put out C.

put out ; go out D. put out ; put out )

9. The house was burnt to ______. (A. an ash B. the ash C. the ashes D. ashes) 10. When the factory closes, it will mean 500 people _____their jobs. (A. losing B. to

lose C. lost D. having lost) 四、写作:尽量使用我们所复习过的重点语词,句式等。 结合文章和复习材料,对日本地震海啸进行相关的描述。 提示信息:地震海啸现象;危害;应对措施


Try to recite what we have learned in this class ---vocabulary, phrases and grammar.


山东省茌平县第二中学 李新 2011年7月20日 11:12

刘曰红于11-7-20 12:41推荐教学过程紧紧围绕教学目标展开,并且充分调动学生积极去观察、发现、归纳,有利于各种能力的培养。导入部分再具体点就更好了。

徐汉东于11-7-20 14:43推荐李老师的语法复习课目标明确,方法得当,环节清楚。由单元相关的话题或热点话题导入,继而引导学生进行观察、思考,探究,验证。再辅以不同层次的练习进行巩固,特别是任务二,能以以语篇为单位训练学生的语法运用能力,有助于学生理解语法学习词不离句、句不离篇的特点,更值得学习。

刘伟于11-7-20 15:39推荐课堂步骤的设计很好的迎合了设计的学习的学习目标,教学过程课堂活动的设计也很灵活,向您学习。

学习内容:外研版第六册Module 2中的语法复习 学习目标:

语言知识目标:学习动词的-ing形式做状语的语法知识,完成改写句子、短文填空等练习 语言技能目标:能进一步强化语法的理解与运用能力

能熟练掌握动词的-ing 形式在句中做状语的运用 教学方法:情景教学法 教学过程:

一、 导入:运用单元相关的话题或热点话题导入,注重引起学生兴趣。

让学生阅读主课文The Cat That Vanished,找出含有动词的-ing形式作状语的句子。 例如:

1. Will, still watching, saw the cat behave curiously.

2. --- he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been

investigating. 二、 呈现。将本课时要复习的目标语法设计到不同形式的情境中。


1. Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand. 2. Will watched and saw the cat behave curiously.

3. He kept his eyes on the spot where the cat been investigating and crossed the

road. 4. He pushed his shopping bag through, and then scrambled through himself. (a) Putting down his shopping bag, Will held out his hand. (b) Will, still watching, saw the cat behave curiously.

(c) He crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been

investigating. (d) Pushing his shopping bag through, he scrambled through himself. 任务二、教师提供几个句子,根据所给动词的正确形式填空: think know sit see leave

1. On _____ her, the king immediately falls in love with her. 2. He marries her, not _____ who she really is. 3. Before ____ his kingdom, he calls his son to him.

4. After ______ about the situation, he decides to kill the witch himself. 5. While ____ by a pool, Ferdinand sees a frog.

三、 归纳。学生通过观察丰富的语言材料,发现、回忆相关语法现象,并通过同伴



(1) Which sentences describe two things that happen at the same time? (2) Which sentence describe one thing happening immediately after another? (3) Look at sentences (a) and (d ). Do the two parts of the sentences refer to the same person?






因为动词的-ing形式具有副词的功能,在句中可作时间状语: Walking in the street, I met a friend of mine. 作方式状语:He sat at the table, reading a magazine. 作结果状语:The boy fell of his bike, breaking his right arm. 作伴随状语:Laughing and talking, they went into the room. 作原因状语:Being ill, I stayed at home. 作条件状语:Working hard, you will succeed.

作补充说明:The plane leaves at six, arriving in Chicago at ten.


四、 运用:根据话题一致的原则,设置不同情境,从句到篇,由易到难,训练学生在真实生动的语境中达到活学活用目标语法的目的.

任务一:让学生把下列句子改写成含有动词-ing 形式的句子

1. When he saw the witch, the boy ran away.

2. Before he starts the war, the king speaks to the prince. 3. While he was fighting in the war, the prince learnt many things. 4. After he had spoken to his son, the king went to war.

5. Because he doesn?t know what to do, Ferdinand follows the frog?s advice.


After (1)____ the palace, the witch (2)______ immediately given her own rooms, (3) ____ looked out onto a beautiful garden. The king took her into (4) ____ garden, and (5) ____ walking around it, he said, “All this is yours now.” On (6) ____ these words, the witch turned away (7) ____ smiled, (8) ____ that she had won the king?s heart. “ (9) ____ you be my wife?” asked the king, (10) _______ into the witch?s beautiful green eyes. The witch turned (11)____ from him. “ I will,” she said, not (12)_____ at him, but looking down at the ground. Then she opened her

(13)____ green eyes wide and said, “ I am (14)_____ happiest woman in the world.” After (15)______ the witch , the king went to tell his people the good news. But the witch sat alone, with a wicked smile on her face.

以语篇为单位训练学生的语法运用能力,有助于学生理解语法学习词不离句、句不离篇的特点,也有助于培养学生的篇章意识即有意识地把单句放在语篇或上下文来理解,有意识地根据具体语境选用正确的语法形式。 五、 能力的提升


博兴县第二中学 王菲 2011年7月20日 11:17

张红玲于11-7-20 15:19推荐从高考中来,到高考中去,是师生必经之路。在一定基础上引导学生分析整理高考试题的试点,让学生在体会中学会总结,把握高考风向标。

陈景俊于11-7-20 16:36推荐语法词汇是高三复习的基础,也是高考的重点,怎样立足高考进行有效而又不是对高二高一内容的简单重复的复习,王老师给了我们一个很好的模式,值得借鉴。

鲁子问于11-7-21 10:57推荐从语义、语境、语用三个层次引导学生分析,可以有效培养学生的运用能力。


对于基础不太好的学生来说,语法和词汇是很多学生的薄弱环节。但是英语语法和词汇又恰恰是我们英语学习的基础,没有好的基础,再努力地去学习英语都是徒劳的,因此我们有必要单独拿出一节选修课来加强这一方面的指导。下面是我设计的的关于语法和词汇复习的一课时简案: 教学内容 时间分配 第1—5分钟 基本步骤 教学目的 语法 词汇 复习 教学方案 教师选择5个有代表性的选学习方案 学生尝试做完这5道高考单选题: 1. As an experienced doctor, he usually judges the patients? illness according to 学习资源 往年高考题 让学生明接触高考 白高考怎样考察语法和词汇 择题 the ______and gives them some medicines. A. signs B. symptoms C. signals D. marks 2. Mary made coffee ______ her guests were finishing their meal. (2010·全国卷I) A. so that B. although C. while D. as if 3. _____ some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others. (2010·北京卷) A. Whether B. What C. That D. How 4. Though ______ to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome.(2010·全国II卷) A. surprise B was surprised C. surprised D. being surprised 5. -----Why do you want to work for our company? (2010·重庆卷) -----This is the job that I_____ for. A. looked B. am to look C. had looked D. have been looking 学生按此来分类整理高考题 知道哪些是自己会第6—解析高考 的,哪些是10分钟 没有把握的 老师按照题型分析各个选择题, 比如:1.基本词义运用 2. 考查学生的阅读理解图式 3.考查基本语法运用能力 往年高考题 第11—做2011技巧运用 28分钟 年高考题 进一步指导学生做题 学生尝试做2011年高考题 2011年山东高考题 第29—学生讨论32分钟 答案 体验技巧 发现学生问题并且学生分组讨论出高考题的答案 进行指导 学生分组讨论,以此来找自己的不足: 同学互助 再次对本第33—节课探讨核对答案 35分钟 的方法进行巩固 切实指导方法运用 基本词义没掌握好? 基本语用不熟? 语境理解有偏差? 学生记录下出错点并且与小组内同学讨论下一步的解决方案: 2011年高考题 第36-43分钟 寻找解决方案 学生查找不足 教师引导学生分析出错点 1. 继续强化高考词汇的记忆。 2. 继续巩固基础语法,使之更加系统。 3. 构建理解的运用图示,切实解决实际交际问题。 学生互助 加深对于第44—语法词汇总结方法 45分钟 复习的理解 教师引领 学生总结技巧,指导下一步的备考,增强复习语法和词汇的信心。 学生总结


必须包含有关动词-ing形式的不同用法。 注重基础,精选试题,有效指导,提高能力 青岛十七中 李景新 2011年7月20日 11:03

王志强于11-7-20 14:50推荐李老师的作业设计优秀在于:一是符合今天的专业2的要求,二是比较用心,三是命题思路清晰,考查知识点导向明确。但也存在一定的问题,特别是要注意的是在设计选项时要保持各选项性质的统一,如第2题有三个选项是连词,而答案选项是介词,这是不符合一般的命题原则的。第五小题也存在这方面的问题,这也是老师们在日常选题和设计试题时容易出现的问题。

下面是我在本学期期中模块检测中设计的几道题目及其命题思路,请大家多指导。 1、A violent earthquake struck Japan on March 11, 2011. At least 13,498 people were reported ___, and many others missed.

A. to be killed B. to have killed C. being killed D. to have been killed 答案:D

命题思路:主要考察非谓语动词-不定时的时态及语态,让学生通过上下文分析判断不定时的用法。 【知识回顾】 不定式一般式 进行式 完成式 to do / to be done to be doing to have done / to have been done 2、I really like the houses ___ windows facing south . A. whose B. of which C. with D. where 答案:C

命题思路:主要考察介词with +宾语+宾补所构成的复合结构的用法。此题为with 复合结构在句中作后置定语。但学生极易误选A,把原题看做是whose 引导的定语从句而忽略了facing为非谓语形式。 【知识回顾】

with + 名词/代词+名词 with + 名词/代词+形容词 with + 名词/代词+副词 with + 名词/代词+介词短语

with + 名词/代词+ to do /doing /done

3、 Dannel would not be allowed ___ across the enemy line.

A. risking going B. to risk going C. for risk to go D. to risk to go


命题思路:主要考察动词allow的用法。学生容易粗心凭印象直接选择A,但此题为被动语态形式。 【知识回顾】

allow sb. to do sth.

Sb. be allowed to do sth . allow doing sth .

4、I got caught in the rain and my suit ___.

A. has ruined B. had ruinedC. has been ruined D. had been ruined 答案:C

命题思路:主要考察学生对现在完成时的理解与运用。学生容易根据第一句一般过去时而直接选择D, 所以对于时态问题教师一定要指导学生学会认真审题,在充分理解时态概念的前提下去选择。。 【知识回顾】

现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,对现在产生的影响或结果。 过去完成时则表示的是“过去的过去”。

5、Is this the only market ___ you can get such cheap goods ? A. the one B. that C. which D. where 答案:D

命题思路:主要考察学生对定语从句的理解与运用。学生容易根据the only把原题看做是that 引导的定语从句而直接选择B,但忽视了定语从句中谓语动词get为不及物动词。所以对于定语从句问题学生不能凭死记硬背去选择,而要在充分理解定语从句的条件下灵活运用。


如果定语从句的先行词是和时间、地点、原因相关的名词,那么在做题时应当仔细判断所用的关系词。如果定语从句中的谓语动词是及物的,那么应该用that, which; 如果是不及物的,则用when, why, where. 例如: The place _B__ I visited last year is Qingdao.

The place A___ I grow up is Qingdao. A. where B. which


山东省无棣第一中学 仝会娟 2011年7月20日 15:06

王旭元于11-7-20 15:40推荐以话题为线索,以词汇的熟知与运用为根本,从知识的复习巩固到能力的提升,环环相扣,堪称佳作。

王红妹于11-7-20 17:42推荐仝老师案例,利用视频,激活学生思维,回忆语境,从语境入手,复习有关自然灾害的词汇,并梳理成理解和运用两类,利于学生掌握。让学生设计多项选择题,培养学生显性的多项选择意识。教后反思阐明了让不同层次的学生回答不同问题,照顾到了差异性。商榷:一、教后记中指出,这篇文章比较简单,可以另选一篇相同话题的文章。二、建议分析自己所教学生的具体情况,结合学生需求设计更加个性化的针对性强的词汇案例。

外研版Book 3 Module 3 The violence Of Nature 词汇复习教学案例 学习内容:

外研版Book 3 Module 3 the violence Of Nature 词汇复习 学习目标:


能进一步强化词汇理解与运用能力。 二、语言知识目标

能进一步强化有关自然灾害描述的语词。 三、学习策略、文化意识、情感态度价值观目标 能进一步强化词汇学习的目标策略。 教学过程: Steps Leading in Planned Time 1-2 mins Teaching events Learning Events Show students a video about Watch a video about a a tornado tornado Read the text of the violence Of Nature .List the words for use and the words for comprehension. Set up a word map and try to listen and comprehend the words in a short passage. Reviewing Asking Ss to read the text of the violence Of Nature in Book 5-7 mins 3 and then list the words for use and the words for comprehension. Helping Ss to set up a word map Comprehending about “How to describe a the words in 6-8 mins disaster?”and then try to listen listening and comprehend the words in a short passage. Comprehending 8-10 the words in mins reading Using the words for writing Using the words for MC and Cloze Helping Ss to set up another word map with the rest of the words and try to read and comprehend the words in flash Set up another word map and try to read the words in flash and speak out their meanings Try to use the words for use to write some sentences about lightning Select potential words for MC and design some MC items for these words Reflection and summary: Helping Ss to use the words 5-7 mins for use to write some sentences about lightning 8-10 mins Helping Ss to select potential words for MC and design some MC items for these words Reflection and summary 2-3 mins Reflection and summary 1. Make sure which are for use and which are for comprehension 2. Learn to use the words for use 3. Comprehend the words for comprehension 教后札记:

因为这篇文章理解起来比较简单,所以我采用的是在阅读的基础上处理生词,做到词不离文,改变传统的脱离语境集中处理生词的做法,在训练过程中让不同层次的学生回答不同层次的问题,调动中下游学生的积极性,让不同层次的孩子们都有展示自我的机会。 写作是语言的输出过程,有助于扩展学生的能力,在写作的过程中,重点词汇再一次得到巩固和运用。

附:Samples: 学生们写的句子

1. There are many thunders and lightnings during the period, it is best not to ride bicycles and motorcycles.

2 You should close the electrical equipment and electronic communications equipment.

3. You can not touch metal objects.

4. We must not use mobile phones in the strong thunder lightning


长山中学 王胜华 2011年7月20日 15:21

李盛花于11-7-20 17:24推荐王老师的这一份教学设计用心良苦,在认真分析了学情后,为他们量身打造的这一套在各种活动中轻松复习词汇的方案一定能收到很好的效果的。

王红妹于11-7-20 20:03推荐同意李老师的点评,王老师分析了所教学生和学情,实使事求是的做出富有特色的高三复习设计,利用初中课本进行词汇梳理,设计丰富的学生活动,思考:词汇的记忆可以进行机械训练,但培养运用能力还是应该提供更多的语境,使学生在使用中掌握单词。供大家借鉴参考。






教学方法:归纳总结,做游戏,合作教学,小先生教学法和分层次教学,创设情境:用本课复习的词汇写一篇短文。 授课时间:45分钟 教学步骤:

步骤一: 教师先查阅高考大纲找出七册上下所需记忆的单词,提高学生的复习效率。然后让学生将需要记忆的单词进行归纳总结,将单词分为Family members , Clothes , Food, Furniture , Weather , Place , Career, Color , Month, Season , Direction 等11类(此部分工作已让学生在课下完成))

设计意图:此环节体现了学生的主体地位,由学生自己对所学知识进行梳理和总结的做法有很多好处,梳理和总结的过程本身就是一个记忆的过程。 步骤二:在活动中进一步加深对单词的记忆。

活动一:10? 看看谁的反应快(本活动大约涉及70-80个单词)



活动二:10? 我说你猜(本活动大约涉40个单词,本部分单词为四会单词需要同学们牢固掌握其音、形、性、义)训练学生的听力和正确书写能力,另外在表达的过程中注重了对单词的扩展如:所猜单词的同义词,反义词,……



活动三:10? 词汇“滚雪球”,找出可以联想到的所复习词汇进行造句。

活动方法:对涉及到的6个句子按难易程度进行分类,然后让不同层次的学生进行讲解。 设计意图:①词汇并不是孤立的,每一个词汇都属于相应的词汇群。因此我在此次复习课中尝试在词汇上添“枝”加“叶”,从而让学生进一步巩固词汇及其用法。②英语的造句能力很重要,如果学英语而不会造句子,那么英语水平就会停留在单词的级别上,永远也达不到出口成章,下笔成文的目的,不会造句,语言的学习就是单一的,片面的,缺乏综合运用语言能力的,而且造句是落实词汇知识的好方法。 活动四:speak and writing

1 speaking: 10?描述图片,用所复习词汇口头描述图片。

设计意图:学生用本课所复习单词来描述所看到的图片,完成了语言交际的目的 2 writing:10?写一篇日记(diary):简单描述所看到的图片,写出你最喜欢的相片, 设计意图:充分贯彻从音,形,性,义四方面掌握单词再由词到句,由句到文的原则。让学生的英语水平不再停留在单词的级别上,努力做到会造句,能成文。


