
更新时间:2023-05-25 12:12:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





一、 概述



二、 特点及技术指标

1. 工作电压:DC24V(允许范围:DC18V~30V) 2. 工作电流:监视状态<50µA @ DC 24V

报警状态:1mA~10mA(与回路限流电阻有关)3. 工作指示:监视状态红色指示灯每3 ~ 6秒闪烁一次 报警状态红色指示灯常亮

4. 使用环境:温度:-10℃~55℃

相对湿度:≤95%(40℃±2℃ 无凝露)

图 1

5. 外形尺寸:如图1所示,Ø100mm×46mm(安装后,带底座高度为50mm) 6. 重 量:约100g 7. 执行标准:GB4715-2005

8. 安装高度:≤12m

9. 保护面积:参考国家标准GB50116-98《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》中的相关规定

A指示灯 旋盖

三、 安装与调试

按照国家标准GB50116-98中的相关规定和要求确定保护区域中探测器的安装位置、安装间距和数量。 探测器的安装需要使用配套底座。配套底座如图2所示,型号为DZ-F101,外型尺寸为Ø100mm×17mm(直径×厚度),固定孔直径为Ø4.5mm,固定孔间距为56mm~64mm。探测器与控制器相连接时,采用无极性二线制方式,需使用底座的3端和1端(或2端和1端,2端与3端在探测器内部是直接相连的);探测器与指示门灯连接时,门灯的负端接底座的4端,门灯的正端接控制器电源的+5V输出。


图 2


1. 按施工图纸,使用2枚M4螺钉,通过图2中所示的C、D固定孔,将配套底座固定在指定的



控制器 输入端口2


控制器 输入端口1


图 3

2. 切断控制器电源,按施工图纸,先将所有底座正确连接,再接入控制器相应的输入端口; 3. 确认探测器类型与施工图纸上所注类型相匹配;

4. 将探测器的指示灯(如图1中A处所示)与底座安装标识(如图2中B处所示)对准,再将探

测器插入底座,顺时针方向旋转探测器,直至探测器锁定到位; 5. 待全部探测器安装完毕,且确认无误后,接通控制器电源,探测器指示灯将每3~6秒闪烁一次,


6. 最后使用专用工具或直接吹烟的方式对探测器进行报警测试。探测器报警后指示灯将常亮,同


四、 注意事项

1. 探测器单独测试时,应在测试回路中串接3K的限流电阻。不允许将直流24V 直接接入探测器,


2. JTY-GD-F321型感烟火灾探测器通过JK-02B接入智能火灾自动报警控制系统时,级连数量应小

于15只; 3. 随探测器附带的防尘罩,在现场安装结束未开通使用前,请勿过早摘除,以免探测器受到污染; 4. 探测器安装应符合GB50166-92《火灾自动报警系统施工验收规范》中的规定。

五、 维护与保养

1. 按国家标准GB50166-92的要求,探测器每半年至少测试一次;已安装使用的探测器,建议每二年进行一次清洗、维护;

2. 工作环境的好坏对探测器的性能有很大的影响,对在容易产生灰尘、高风速等影响正常使用的


3. 从产品出厂之日起一年内,按规定要求正常使用的探测器,如因材料或制造工艺的缺陷而失效,



4. 本公司负责非保修范围内的产品的维修,如有需要返修,请联系我们。同时,我们很希望能得


六、 故障分析与排除

故障现象 上电后就报警


室内有较大烟尘或水蒸汽 内部电路损坏 供电电压不符

上电后不工作 测试不报火警

指示灯损坏或内部电路损坏 与底座接触不良等 内部电路损坏


待烟尘及水蒸汽消除后,重新上电 需返回厂家维修 检查供电电压 需返回厂家维修

检查重新安装或返回厂家维修 需返回厂家维修



地 址:广东省深圳市南山区南山大道光彩新天地公寓三层 邮 编:518054

电 话:0755-86226631 传 真:0755-26648172

网 址:



Instruction Manual of JTY-GD-F321 Spot-type Photoelectric

Smoke Detector

I. General

JTY-GD-F321 Spot-type photoelectric smoke detector (Detector hereunder) is a two-wire switch-type smoke-sensing detector. As a non-polar two-wire connection is adopted in the detector, it is compatible in conventional switch-type alarm control systems and monitoring alarm systems. The connection can also be connected with automatic fire alarm control systems via the interface module. The detector monitors smoke concentration in the workplace in real time. While monitoring, the red indicator blinks and the working current is low. When the work site smoke concentration has exceeded the preset alarm threshold, the alarm detectors and the red indicator remain on, while the loop current is increased. The detector’s alarm signal can be locked and is displayed by changes in the loop current. The alarm can only be reset by the instant power disconnection.

The detector is applicable in places where fire might generate volume smoke, i.e. in industrial and civil buildings such as in the restaurant, hotel, teaching building, office building, computer room, archives and stack room.

II. Features and technical parameters

1. Working voltage: DC24V (allowance: DC18V ~ 30V) 2. Working current: during monitoring <50µA @ DC 24V

In alarm mode 1mA~10mA (depends on the loop current limiting resistance)

3. Working indicator: during monitoring, the red indicator blinks once per 3~ 6s

In alarm mode: the red indicator remains on

4. Environment: temperature: -10℃~55℃

Relative humidity:≤95% (40℃±2℃ noncondensing)

5. Exterior size: as shown in figure 1, Ø100mm×46mm (its height with the seat is 50mm after installation) 6. Weight: 100g

7. Standard: GB4715-2005

8. Distance from floor: ≤12m

9. Areas covered: see the provisions in the GB50116-98 Fig. 1 Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System.

III. Installation and commissioning

Determine the location, mounting distance and numbers for mounting the detectors in the protection area in accordance to the relevant stipulations of GB50116-98.

A DZ-F101 seat shown in figure 2 is required for mounting the detector; its exterior size is Ø100mm×17mm, diameter of the fixing hole is 4.5mm and the distance between the holes is 56mm~64mm.

A non-polar two-wire system is used to connect the detector with the controller, and terminal 3 and terminal 1 shall be used (or terminal 2 and terminal 1, since terminal 2 and terminal 3 are connected directly inside the detector). When you connect the detector with the door lamp, the negative terminal of the door lamp shall be connected with terminal 4 on the seat while the positive terminal of the door lamp is connected with the +5V output of the controlling power supply.

For connecting multiple detectors, see figure 3. From the connection at this level we can find the failures caused by the connection loop open or caused by dismounting the detector. The terminal resistance depends on the controller; for details see instructions attached with the controller.

Input port 1

for controller

Input port 2

for controller

Fig. 3 Fig. 2


Terminal load

Details of the installation and commissioning are as following:

1. Prepare the shop drawing and fix the auxiliary seat onto the defined location with two 4M bolts installed

through the two fixing holes (C、D shown in figure 2).

2. Disconnect the power, connect all seats correctly as per the shop drawing, and then connect the

controllers to the corresponding input ports.

3. Make sure that all detector types correspond with the ones noted in the shop drawing.

4. Align the indicator of the detector (A shown in figure 1) to the mark of the seat (B shown in figure 2)

and insert the detector into the seat; turn the detector clockwise until it is locked.

5. Don’t power on the controller until all detectors have been mounted correctly; the red indicator of the

detector blinks once every 3~6s, which indicates that the detector has started working.

6. Alarm test of the detector is performed by special tool or puffing smoke directly. The indicator latches

on after the detector alarms. After testing reset the detector to monitoring state.

IV. Attention

1. When you test the detector separately, a 3K current limited resistance shall be connected to the test loop.

Don’t connect the 24V DC with the detector directly, otherwise, the alarm test will damage the detector. 2. The connected detectors shall be 15 units max when the JTY-GD-F321 photoelectric smoke detector is

connected with the automatic fire alarm control system via the JK-02B.

3. Don’t remove the dust preventive hood attached to the detector until it is completely mounted to prevent


4. The detector shall be mounted as per the provisions of the GB50166-92 Code for Construction and

Acceptance of Automatic Fire Alarm System

V. Maintenance

1. In according to the GB50166-92, detectors shall be tested every 6 months; for detectors that have been

mounted and are working, biennial cleaning and maintaining is recommended.

2. The working environment greatly influences the serviceability of the detector; when the detector is

mounted in a dust prone area, the detector maintenance shall be done in shorter intervals.

3. Failed detectors caused by material or defected processes will be repaired or replaced within one year

from the date delivered from this factory; as long as they were used for the designed purpose. Our warranty excludes detector failure caused by intentional damages; misuse, unauthorized adjustments, modifying or disassembling and we are not responsible for any consequences caused by above behaviors.

4. We are responsible for repairing the products that are not included in the warranty; we are always at

your service if you need. Meanwhile, we do hope to obtain some crucial information concerning the product you are going to repair, such as failure status and possible causes, so that we can find out the problem as quick as possible. It is also a reference for developing and improving our products.

VI. Troubleshooting

Failures Alarm when it is powered on Cannot work when it is powered on Cannot alarm during test


Address: 3F, Guangcai New World Building, Nanshan RD, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86-0755-86226631 Fax: +86-0755-26648172 Postcode: 518054


Internal circuit is broken Incompliant voltage

Bad contact to the seat Internal circuit is broken


Return to the manufacturer for repairs Check the voltage

manufacturer for repairs

Return to the manufacturer for repairs



