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本独家业务合作及服务协议(以下简称“本协议”)由以下各方于 2015 年 8 月 31 日在深圳市签署:

This Exclusive Business Cooperation and Service Agreement (this \Agreement\following parties:



Cash River Information Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd. XXXXXX


Party A: 地址: Address:


Party B: ANY8 Ltd. 地址: XXX





1. 甲方是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业,拥有提供与乙方经营业务有关的服


Party A is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise established in China, and has the necessary resources to provide services in relation to the principal business; 2. 乙方是一家在中国注册的内资公司,经营过程中需要甲方为其提供与其经营


Party B is a company with purely domestic capital registered in China and needs Party A’s services in relation to the principal business during the course of its business.


Exclusive Technical Consultation and Service Agreement


NOW THEREFORE, through friendly consultation, Party A and Party B hereby agree to enter into and perform this Agreement. 第一条 服务提供



按照本协议条款和条件,乙方在此委任甲方在本协议期间作为乙方 的独家业务合作及服务提供者向乙方提供全面的技术支持、业务支 持和相关咨询服务,具体内容包括所有在乙方主营业务范围内由甲 方不时决定必要的服务,包括但不限于以下内容:

Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B's exclusive business cooperation and services provider to provide Party B with complete technical support, business support and related consulting services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Such services may include all necessary services within the scope of the Principal Business of Party B as may be determined from time to time by Party A, including but not limited the followings:


提供乙方业务所需要的其他相关的技术咨询与技术服务,包 括但不限于业务咨询、资产设备租赁、市场咨询、系统集成、 产品研发和系统维护等。

Party A shall be responsible for providing any other technical consultancy and technical services required by Party B for its business,including but not limited to technical services, business consultations, equipment or property leasing, marketing consultancy, system integration, product research and development, and system maintenance.


按照乙方的业务需求对相关软件、技术进行研究和开发,并 授权乙方对相关软件和技术的使用;

Party A shall conduct research and development of the relevant software and technology according to the business need of Party B and shall license Party B the right to use such software and technology;


负责乙方计算机网络设备、网页的研发设计、监控、调试与 故障排除;


Exclusive Technical Consultation and Service Agreement

Party A shall be responsible for the development, design, monitor, testing and removal of breakdown in connection with the computer network equipment and web page of Party B;

(4) 为乙方员工提供技术培训及支持;

Party A shall be responsible for providing technical training and technical support to the staff of Party B;

(5) 提供乙方业务所需要的其他相关的业务合作及服务。

Party A shall be responsible for providing any other business cooperation services required by Party B for its business.

2. 乙方应当为甲方完成前述工作提供适当的配合,包括但不限于负责


Party B shall provide appropriate collaboration to Party A for it to complete the above assignments, including but not limited to providing the relevant data and necessary technical requirements and description. 3. 本协议有效期限为二十年。双方同意,在本协议期满前,甲方有权


The term of this Agreement shall be twenty (20) years. The Parties agree that upon the expiration of the term of this Agreement, Party A shall be entitled to extend the validity of this Agreement by giving written notice to Party B.

4. 甲方是向乙方提供本协议项下服务的独家提供者;除非甲方事先书

面同意,乙方不得接受任何第三方提供的与甲方服务相同或相类似 的其他服务。双方同意,甲方可以指定其他方为乙方提供本协议约 定的服务和/或支持。

Party A shall be the exclusive provider of the services hereunder for Party B. In no circumstance shall Party B accept any services from any third party which are same as or similar to the services provided by Party A hereunder without the prior written consent of Party A. The Parties agree that Party A may appoint other parties, to provide Party B with the consultations and/or services under this Agreement.

5. 除非双方另行书面约定,甲方对履行本协议而产生的任何知识产权

包括但不限于著作权、专利权、技术秘密、商业机密及其他,无论 是由甲方还是由乙方开发的,均享有独占的和排他的权利和利益。


Exclusive Technical Consultation and Service Agreement

乙方须签署所有适当的文件,采取所有适当的行动,递交所有的文 件和/或申请,提供所有适当的协助,以及做出所有其他依据甲方的 自行决定认为是必要的行为,以将任何对该等知识产权的所有权、 权利和权益赋予甲方,和/或完善对甲方此等知识产权权利的保护。 双方同意,不论本协议是否变更、解除或终止,本条款将持续有效。

Unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing, Party A shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all rights and interest to any and all intellectual property rights arising from the performance of this Agreement, including without limitation any copyrights, patents, know-how, trade secrets and otherwise, irrespective of whether developed by Party A or Party B. Party B shall execute all appropriate documents, take all appropriate actions, submit all filings and/or applications, render all appropriate assistance and otherwise conduct whatever is necessary as deemed by Party A in its sole discretion for the purposes of vesting any ownership, right or interest of any such intellectual property rights in Party A, and/or perfecting the protections for any such intellectual property rights in Party A. The Parties agree that this Section shall survive any changes to, or rescission or termination of, this Agreement. 6.

乙方特此向甲方授予一项不可撤销的排他性的购买权,根据该购买 权,甲方可在中国法律法规允许的范围内,由甲方自行选择,向乙 方购买任何部分或全部资产和业务,作价为中国法律允许的最低价 格。届时双方将另行签订资产或业务转让合同,对该资产转让的条 款和条件进行约定。

Party B hereby grants to Party A an irrevocable and exclusive option to purchase from Party B, at Party A’s sole discretion, any or all of the assets and business of Party B, to the extent permitted under PRC law, at the lowest purchase price permitted by PRC law. The Parties shall then enter into a separate assets or business transfer agreement, specifying the terms and conditions of the transfer of the assets.

第二条 服务费


甲乙双方同意,作为本协议第一条第 1 款项下甲方向乙方提供的服务 的对价,乙方应向甲方支付服务费,服务费的数额及支付方式详见本 协议附件。该附件可根据双方商议并根据实施情况进行修改。

The Parties agree that in consideration of the services provided by Party A to Party B under Sub-section 1 above, Party B shall pay a service fee to Party A which shall be determined according to the provisions of


Exclusive Technical Consultation and Service Agreement

