英语 必修4 unit1 导学案

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Unit 1 Women of achievement

学案一 Warming up and reading

一 课前预习


n.成就;功绩 vt.完成;达到) n.条件;状况 n.福利;福利事业 n.连接;关系;亲戚

n.组织;机构 n.运动;战役;活动vi.作战;参加运动

vt.投入于;献身 举止;举动;行为表现 ( n.) 重点短语

把…献给;把…用在… 与其;而非

意味着干某事 ( 打算、想要去做某事)

为……辩护 ( 与……争论; )

离开,启程,出发 过着…的生活 二 课中探讨

Step1. Warming up

1. Can you tell some great and successful women around the world or in the history?

2. What do you think is needed in order to be a great woman?

3. I will introduce some great women who are very famous to you.

Joan of Arc(1412-1432), France Elizabeth Fry(1780-1845), Britain

Song Qingling (1893-1981), China Lin Qiaozhi(1901-1983) , China

Jane Goodall (1934- ), Britain Jody Williams(1950- ), USA Step2. Predicting: After a glance of the title, what do you think the passage is about?

Step3. Scanning

1. Who is the protector?

3. When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she?

4. What was the purpose of her study of the chimps? Step4. Read the passage and write down the main ideas of the four paragraphs.

Step5. Close reading: Finish the following tasks one by one.

1. The first paragraph

3. The third paragraph:True or false.

(1)She hopes that chimps can be left in the forest.

(2)She supposes that people should not use chimps for entertainment.

(3)She has spent more than forty years helping people understand her work.

(4)She has built many special places for the wild animals to live in.

4. The fourth paragraph。

(2)True (T) or False (F).

1). In order to study chimps, we have to stay in the forest for the whole night.

2). In 1960, most people understood chimp behaviour and their daily activities.

3). It was not until Jane s mother helped her that she was allowed to begin her project.

4). Jane has suggested that wild animals should lead a busy life.

5). Jane devoted most of her life to the study of animals.

Step6. Summarizing

The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodall worked with ________________________ and

help people _________________________ of these animals.

Step7. Homework

1. Surf the Internet to find more information about great women and you are expected to present it to your peer in the next class.

2. Write two short passages about the two women (about 100 words using the past tense form.)

三 课后反思

学案二 Language points

一 课前预习


值得做的;值得出力的 vt.&n.尊重;尊敬;敬意

观察;观测 ( vt.观察;观测;遵守)

争论;辩论;vt.争论;说服 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演

鼓舞;感动;激发;启示 vt.&n.支持;拥护


藐视;瞧不起 制定出

(想法,问题等)涌上心头 关心,关怀

与…交流 建立

肢体语言 对自己说,自言自语

二 课中探讨

Language points

achieve: v 完成,实现,达到

eg. I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.

concern…with: 关心,关怀

eg. We must concern ourselves with current affair 我们必须关心时事

concerning=about 关于 eg. This is a book concerning science.




devote vt. to use all or most of your time, effort, etc. 献身;致力于;专心于

devoted adj. [to] loyal; caring a great deal; fond of 忠诚的;挚爱的


be devoted to sth. / doing sth.

be devoted to sb. 对某人忠诚/喜爱某人

eg. Song Chingling devoted all her life to the Chinese revolution and construction.


a devoted wife / friend / father 忠诚的妻子/忠实的朋友/关怀备至的父亲

4. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand behave (well/ badly) to /towards sb. 对某人态度、举止(好/不好)

(1) vi. to act; bear oneself 行为, 举止, 表现

eg. 她表现出了很大的勇气。She behaved with great courage.

他对顾客的态度不好。He ____________ to (towards) the customers.

你应该学会举止得体。You should ______________.

(2) vt. 举止适当或有礼 Eg. Please behave (yourselves), children.

(3) vi. (of things) to act in a particular way (指事物) 有某种作用

我的摄像机自从修好后一直很正常。My camera ____________________ since it was repaired. behaviour n. 行为;举止;态度

eg. Their behaviour towards me shows that they don t like me.

She was ashamed of her child s behaviour.

a family of chimps wake up is our….. 观察黑猩猩一家如何醒来是我们......

动名词作主语, 主语是由不定式、动名词、从句构成的,谓语动词采用单数。


(1) mean doing sth. 意味着 mean to do sth. 计划做,故意做

eg. ______________________________________. 帮助他们就是帮助你自己。

She means to make everything clear to you. 她想把一切向你说清楚。

Sorry, ________________________________.对不起,我没有想对你不礼貌。

(2) leave sth. +动词的ing形式 让…处于某种状态 leave sth.+ 形容词 让…处于某种状态

Eg. Don t leave my son playing near the river. It s too dangerous.

Don t leave your students standing outside the classroom for too long.

Earthquakes left many people homeless. Many people were left homeless in the war.


不要让孩子在靠近水的地方玩. ________________________________________.

一个人被留在家里,他很害怕。He was very afraid when he _____________ at home.



be worthwhile doing / to do; It is worthwhile to do sth.做……是值得的

eg. a worthwhile experiment/job.

The experiment is worthwhile.

It didn t seem worthwhile writing it all out again.

It might be worthwhile to reconsider your attitude to the new policy.

比较: be (well) worth (doing) sth.

be worthy of being done / sth

be worthy to be done…

eg. The book is _________________ reading the book. = It is worthwhile to read the book.

= The book is

in the tree 指树本身以外的事物或人附着在树上, 如鸟等动物;

on the tree 指树本身生长出来的东西, 如果实, 花等。 (1) spend

你暑假怎么打发? How will __________________________?

他把钱都花光了。He has spent all his money.

1) spend sth (on sth)/ (in) doing sth用(钱);花(钱)

他将全部积蓄花在一辆新车上。He spent all his savings on a new car.

2) 花费 spend sb spend … on sth in (doing) sth

pay sb pay some money for sth

cost sth cost sb some money

take It takes sb … to do sth

eg. He _____ about a third of his salary in drinking.

She ____ 3000 dollars for the dress.

The DVD ____ her 150 yuan.

It ____ him ten days to finished the work.

(2) observe (n. observation) vi.&vt. to notice/ watch carefully 观察,注意到。

observe + n./pron./sb. doing/do sth/that-cl

eg. The scientist has observed the stars all his life.

I observed a stranger go/going into the office.

Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ____ the traditional customs.

A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support

her project. 在她母亲头几个月来帮忙后,她才得以开始自己的计划。



(1) only+状语“+部分倒装

只有这样,我们才能学好英语。 Only in this way_______________________.

到那时我才意识到我的错误。 Only then _______________________.

(2) 但Only +主语时不倒装

只有你了解我。Only you _______________.

1). 只有当你明白我的意思了, 你才能认识到你的错误。

Only when you understand what I mean, 2). 只有当战争结束之后, 他才重新回来工作。


3). 只有用这种方法, 我们才能按时完成任务。Only in this way [拓展] ①具有否定含义的词或短语如never, nor, neither, seldom, rarely, hardly, not until等位于句首时,句子全部或部分倒装。如:Never will I forget the day.

② 由not only ... but also连接的并列句,前句需部分倒装。如:

Not only does he like music, but also he likes dancing.

③ 以here, there, now, then, down, up等引起的句子中,谓语动词常为be, come, go等,句子需全部倒装。如:Down came the rain.

[仿写 (只有当孩子长大时,才会理解父母的意图。)

[真题再现] 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

①______ you eat the correct foods ______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Only if; will you B. Only if; you will C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will

②Only when I left my parents for Italy ______ how much I loved them. (重庆 2008)

A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize

11. …her study of their body language helped her (1). I can t (理解,说出) 发展,进行) 算出) 制定,拟订) 它之后可以接不可数名词或可数名词,但要注意含义, 以便决定后面动词的单复数形式。 e.g 。 尊敬,尊重


常用搭配:have respect for sb s opinion 尊重某人的意见

词汇拓展:self-respect 自尊 win/earn/gain respect获得尊敬

with respect 尊敬地

respected adj. 尊重的 respectful adj. 恭敬的 respectable adj. 可敬的

14. She has that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for

entertainment or advertisements.

(1) argue (vi.) +with sb. about/over sth. 同某人辩论某事

eg. 他们正在和同学争论这个问题的解决方法。

They are arguing with their classmates about the solution to the problem.

(2) argue (vt.) + n. /clause(从句)/sb. to be…

Eg. 我们据理力争我们应该得到更高的薪水。We argued that we should be paid more.

他花钱的方式说明他很富有。The way he spends money argues him to be rich.

(3) argue for / against为……而辩护/为反对……而辩论

Eg. 工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。The workers argued for the right to strike.

一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。 Some people argue against free trade.


(1) [点拨] 此句是一个主从复合句结构。主句是由and连接的两个并列分句;从句是once

引导的时间状语从句,即:Once I stop。在主句中crowding in是动词-ing短语作状语修饰comes。once用作连词时,意为“一旦……就……”,用于连接时间状语从句。如:

Eg. Once water begins to boil, its temperature no longer rises. 水一开始沸腾,温度就不再升高。 Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten. 见一次就永远不会忘记。

[仿写] 1) 一旦你开始读, 你就会喜欢它。

2) 一旦你开始了,就不要放弃。

3) 一旦染上坏习惯,想改掉就难了。

(2) “涌入”crowd in / into

[点拨] crowd in / into 涌入, 挤进;(想法、问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海。如:

Students managed to crowd into the bus.学生们设法挤上了公交车。

The memories of the childhood crowded into my mind / crowded in on me.

[拓展] crowd ... into ... 使……挤进…… ,勉强塞入……。如:

Mother crowded all her child s toys into the box.


[小试] 翻译下列句子。

1). 人们涌入那个新超市。

2). 往事一起涌上她的心头。vt. 促成;赋予灵感 inspired adj. 有灵感的 inspiring adj. 激励人心的

inspire sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事

Eg. His speech inspired us greatly. The teacher inspired us to make greater efforts.

The memory of his childhood inspired his first novel.

[寓词于境] 阅读下列句子,注意support在句中的词性和意思。

1). If you bring it up at the meeting, I ll “支持、拥护” “养活”

3). The chair won t “支撑”


[拓展] supporter n. 支持者、拥护者 in support of 支持、证明。如:

He even made some experiments in support of his idea. 他甚至做了一些实验来证明他的观点。

[即学即练] 用support的适当形式填空。

1). The president had lots of ______.

2). He ______ the government in its plan to build more railway lines at the meeting yesterday.

3). He is in trouble. He needs our ______.

三 课后反思

学案三 Grammar(主语和谓语动词的一致)






Serving the people is my great happiness. 为人民服务是我最大的幸福。

Whether we ll go depends on the weather. 我们是否去要取决于天气的好赖。

What I think and what I seek have been fairly reflected in my paper.


2、由as well as, with, along with, like, together with, rather than, except, but, including, accompanied by, plus, besides, in addition to, no less than 等引起的结构跟在主语后面,不能看作是并列主语,该主语不受这些词组引导的插入语的影响,主语如是单数,其谓语动词仍然用单数形式。例如:

The reading course book, plus its reference books, is helpful to college students.


The man together with his wife and children sits on the sofa watching TV.

3、有些代词只能指单数可数名词,当它们在句子中作主语时,尽管在意义上是多数,谓语动词仍要用单数形式。这类代词有either, neither, each, one, the other, another, somebody, someone, something, anyone, anything, anybody, everyone, everything, everybody, no one, nothing, nobody等。例如:

Neither likes the friends of the other. Everything around us is matter.


例如:The bread and butter is served for breakfast. 早饭供应黄油面包。

The bread and the butter are on sale. 正在出售黄油和面包。

5、当one of, a portion of, a series of, a species of, a chain of 结构作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:

One of those students has passed the examination. 这些学生只有一个考试及格了。

A series of pre-recorded tapes has been prepared for language laboratory use.


6、由one and a half + 复数名词或the majority of + 名词作作主语时,谓语动词视名词的单复数形式而定。例如:

The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 大部分的损坏品都容易修理。

7、plenty of, half of, a lot of, lots of, heaps of, loads of, scads of等 + 可数与不可数名词作主语时,不可数名词的谓语只用单数,可数名词的谓语视可数名词的单复数而定。例如:

There is plenty of water in the pail. 桶里还有好多水。

There are plenty of eggs in the box. 箱子里有好多鸡蛋。

8、由more than one (或more than one + 单数名词),many a + 单数名词作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:

More than one student has passed the examination. 不止一个学生通过了这次考试。

Many a boy learns to swim before he can read. 许多孩子在认字前就学会了游泳。

9、如果名词词组中心词是“分数或百分数 + of + 名词”,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于of后的名词或代词的单、复数形式。例如:

Over three-quarters of the land has been reclaimed. 四分之三多的土地已经收回了。

Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan. 到场的三分之二的人都反对这个计划。


He is one of the men who were chosen to represent the group.

“Keep cool” is the first of the rules that are to be remembered in an accident.



1、有些集合名词如crowd, family, team, orchestra(管弦乐队), group, government, committee, class, school, union, firm, staff, public等,它们作主语时,谓语动词的数要根据语言内容而定。如果它们作为一个集体单位时,动词用单数形式,如就其中的各个成员来说,则谓语用复数形式。例如:

His family is going to move. 他准备搬家。 His family are very well. 他家人身体都好。

2、有些表示总体意义的名词,形式上是单数,而意义上却是复数,谓语动词要用复数形式,如people, police, militia, cattle, poultry(家禽)等。例如:

The police are searching for a tall dark man with a beard.

3、有些名词形式上是复数,而意义上却是单数。如news, means, works.还有许多以ics结尾的学科名称,如economics, physics, mechanics, politics等,它们作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:

Politics is a complicated business. 政治学是一门复杂的东西。

Here is the news. 下面播送新闻。

4、用and连接的单数主语,前面有each, every, many a, no等修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。复数主语与each连用时,应不受each的影响,谓语动词仍用复数形式。例如:

Every boy and girl is treated in the same way. 每个男孩、女孩都是以同样的方式对待的。

Many a boy and many a girl has seen it. 很多姑娘小伙子都见过。

The old workers and the young each have their own tools.青老年工人都各自有自己的工具。


Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 二十里地可是个不近的路程。

Three pints isn t enough to get me drunk. 三品脱还不至于把我灌醉。

the +形容词作主语时,如主语指的是一类人,谓语动词用复数形式;如果指的是单个人或抽象概念,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

The departed was a good friend of his. 死者是他的一位好友。


1、由连词or, neither…or, either…or, not only … also, nor等连接的并列主语,谓语动词的单复数形式按毗邻一致的原则,与贴近它的主语一致。例如:

Either you or he is no telling the truth. 不是你就是他没讲真话。

Not only the switches but also the old wiring has been changed.


2、在there be 的结构中,谓语动词的单复数形式一般也采取就近原则。例如:

There is a desk and four benches in the office. 办公室有一张桌子,四条长凳。

There are two chairs and a desk in the office. 办公室有两把椅子一张桌子。



1、当everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody等作主语时,相应的代词一般采用单数形式。例如:

If anyone calls, tell him I ll be back later. 如果有人找我,就说我一会回来。

Everyone thinks he is the center of universe. 每个人都认为自己是宇宙的中心。

2、由neither … nor, not only … but also, either … or, not … but, or等连结的并列主语,其后的附加疑问部分主语用复数代词。例如:

Neither you nor I am wrong, are we? 你我都没错,对吧?

Both Tom and Jack came, didn t they? 汤姆和杰克都来了,对不对?

3、当句子的主语是one, 并要在句子中多次出现时,一般用第三人称单数代词来代替后面将出现的one或one’s;当one在句子中泛指人时,在反意疑问句中也可用you来代替。例如: One should never blame his friends even his friends committed some careless mistakes.


One can t be too careful, can you (one)?一个人无论怎么样小心都不为过,对不对?


1.Three______ died in the terrible fire in Luo yang last winter.

A. hundreds people B. hundred people C. hundreds peoples D. hundred peoples

2. Either you or the president _______ the prizes to these gifted winners at the meeting.

A. is handing out B. are to hand out C. are handing out D. is to hand out

3. I, who ______ your close friend, will try my best to help you out of trouble.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

4. The Olympic Games in the year 2008 _____ in Beijing of China, which _____ known to us all.

A. is to hold; is B. is to be held; was C. are to hold; is D. are to be held; is

5. There _____ a lot of rubbish on the floor so I asked Mary to sweep _____ up.

A. were; it B. are; them C. was; it D. is; them

6. Three million tons of coal ______ every year in the city.

A. is exploited B. are exploited C. had exploited D. have exploited

7. Stories of the Long March _______ popular with the young people now.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

8. Mathematics _______ the language of science.

A. are B. are going to be C. is D. is to be

9. Both rice and wheat _____ grown in our country.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

10. ________ either of your parents come to see you recently?

A. Have B. Had C. Has D. Is

11. What the children in the mountain village need ________ good books.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

12. The whole family _______ TV attentively.

A. are watching B. is watching C. is seeing D. are seeing

13. Nothing but several glasses ________ bought by my father the day before yesterday.

A. was B. were C. have been D. would be

14. At the bus stop ______ a soldier and two young people on their way to the village.

A. were B. was C. is D. sits

15. If law and order ______, neither the citizen nor his family is safe.

A. are not preserved B. is not preserved C. were preserved D. have not been preserved

16. There ______ little change in that middle school.

A. have B. had C. have been D. has been

17. What such a sunset is ______ strange to us all.

A. going to be B. / C. is D. that

18. Seventy-five percent of the earth s surface ______ with water.

A. is covered B. is covering C. were covered D. are covered

19. The following ______ some other mental diseases.

A. being B. are C. was D. were

20. Not only you but also I ______ able to help him out.

A. are B. is C. am D. were

21.“ The Kites” ______ us a story of the kite s history.

A. have told B. tells C. were told D. was told

22. You and I _____ twin sisters.

A. were B. are C. is D. am

23. A teacher of English and class teacher _______ us something about volunteer workers.

A are telling B. is telling C. are given D. were given

24. Thousands of tons of rubbish ________ over a large period of time.

A. rots away B. rot away C. has rotted away D. are rotted away

25. Mayor as well as volunteer workers _______ the newly-built stadium.

A. is cleaning B. are cleaning C. were cleaning D. have cleaned

26. Many a student ______ something about Abraham Lincoln.

A. have known B. knows C. is known D. are known

27. The defence works ______ built long ago to keep the enemy away.

A. were B. has been C. had been D. was .

28.“ Have you all studied the passage Using the Mind against Disease ?” “______ .”

A. Nobody of us has B. Nobody of us have C. None of us has D. None of us did

29. A group of Italian soldiers ______ quickly towards their position.

A. were advancing B. were advanced C. was advancing D. advancing

30. Everyone, men and women, old and young ______ sports and games.

A. is enjoy B. were enjoying C. enjoys D. enjoy


学案四 Using language ( reading and language points.)

一 课前预习


vt.解释;说明 ( n. ) adj.医学的

n.考虑;体谅 ( vt.考虑 adj.考虑周到的vt.递送;生(小孩儿);发表(演说等) adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的 重点短语





二 课中探讨

Step1. Scanning Answer the following the questions:

1. Who is the main character in the text?

Step2. Close reading

Step3. Retell the story. Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book for _______ in the _______ who were ____ get

to a hospital easily. It was to help them to _______ their babies properly.

Qiaozhi lived in the early ________ ______. It was not ____ for women to get ____________ at that time. Education was for men ___ and women ______. She chose to study at medical college because she wanted ______ other women.

I think Lin Qiaozhi is a good doctor and _____ .

Step4. Language points

1. “提到” (reference n. 参考)

[观察]阅读下列各句,并观察refer to 在句中的用法。


2). If you don t know what this means, 参考,查阅

把……称作, 常和as连用


[小试] 1). I had forgotten the date of the battle so I ______ a history book.

A. brought up B. referred to C. looked at D. looked in

2). Do you know the person ______ at the meeting?

A. refer to B. refers to C. referring to D. referred to

3). I agree never to ______ the matter again.

A. refer to B. speak to C. talk to D. contribute to

4). I didn t know the word. I had to ______ a dictionary.

A. look up B. look at C. refer to D. go over

5). He is referred to ______ a bookworm.

A. to B. as C. on D. in

n./ v. (in, into, on ) 研究

Eg. I m researching in Chinese history.

Will they publish the results of their research / researches?他们将会发表己自的研究成果吗? do some research (on / for)

eg. They are doing research on the effects of cigarette smoking.

3. I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.

[考点] by chance碰巧、凑巧。 [考例] We hadn t planned to meet. We met ______ chance. (2005 全国卷Ⅱ)

A. of B. in C. for D. by

Lin Qiaozhi had been very busy in her chosen career…

= Lin Qiaozhi seemed to have been very busy in her chosen career…

It seems / seemed that…是主语从句, it是形式主语, 真正的主语是that从句。

eg. It seemed that it was going to rain in the afternoon. 看起来下午好像要下雨。

= It seemed to rain in the afternoon.

catch one s eye 引起某人的注意,相当于 catch/attract one s attention

eg. When I entered his new house, a beautiful picture caught my eye. explain后接名词、代词、从句、wh-+to do作宾语。

Eg. He explained to us how to use the computer.

【注意】explain不能跟双宾语结构, 不能说explain sb. sth. 而只能说explain sth. to sb.或explain to sb. sth. vt/n. 计划,打算

be intended for “为……而准备, 预定” intend to do /doing sth. “打算做….”

eg. What do you intend to do /doing next? Our dictionary is intended for the students. 在本句中it作形式主语,how引导的句子作真正的主语。It hits me ...意为“我突然想到……”。 类似的句型还有:It happens that ...,碰巧……;It occurs to sb. ...,突然想到……;It strikes sb. ...,突然感(想)到……等。如:

It happened that they spent their childhood in the same village.

It struck me that nobody was in favour of the change.

It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday. as well后接as, 连接两个同类项, 表示“不但, 而且, 和跟”等意思, 强调as well前面的人或事物。(注意其与not only…but also…的区别)

eg. He came as well as his brother. 不仅他哥哥来了, 而且他也来了。 接生 deliver a speech 发表讲话 送到,传送 接生

be delivered of a baby: 生孩子

eg. She was delivered of a healthy boy. 她生下一个健康的男孩儿。

can t wait to do sth. 迫不及待要做某事

As he s got the first place in the English contest, John can t wait to tell his mother the good news. 把……献给

Eg. He devoted his life to promoting/ the promotion of the world peace.

他所有的余闲都花在学英语上. He devotes all his spare time to learning English.

13. : belonging to oneself and no one else 属于自己的

eg. Children need toy of their own. 孩子们需要属于自己的玩具。 (1) Why not do sth用来提出意见, 解释为“为什么不……” e.g Why not ask her?

(2) carry on (with) sth. carry on doing sth. “进行……继续进行……”

e.g Carry on with your work while I m away. Carry on working while I m away.

三 课后反思

参考答案 学案一

一、单词:achievement; achieve; condition; welfare; connection; organization; campaign; devote; behave; behavior

短语:devote … to; rather than; man doing; mean to do; argue for; argue with; argue against; move off; lead a … life

二、step3. 1. Jane Goodall. 2. Chimps. 3. She arrived in Gombe in 1960 when she was26.

4. Her purpose was to help the rest of the world to understand and respect the life of the chimps.

Step4. 1. How our group studied chimps in the forest.

2.What Jane discovered about chimps.

3. How Jane tries to protect the lives of chimps in the natural habitat.

4. Jane’s achievements.

Step5. 1.Watching a family of chimps wake up.

We follow as they wander into the forest.

The mother chimp and her babies play in the tree.

Go to sleep together in their nest for the night.

2.She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat.

She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.

She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other.

3. T T T T 4. move off; feed; play; nest; band; observing; monkey; communicate; work out; respect; argued; entertainment; set up; environment; forest 5. F F T F T

Step6. chimps in their environment; understand and respect the life


一、单词: worthwhile; respect; observation; observe; argue; entertainment; inspire; support

短语: look down upon/on; work out; crowd in; concern oneself with; communicate with; set up; body language; say to oneself

二、2. Your parents always concern with your studying.

As a teacher, I always concern with the education.

4. behaved badly; learn to behave; has been behaving well

6. Helping them means helping yourself. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Don’t leave your son playing near the water. was left alone

7. worth; worthy of being read/ worthy to be read.

9. you spend your summer holiday; spent; paid; cost; took; C

10. can we learn English well; did I realize my mistakes; understand me; can you realize your mistake; did he come back to work; can we finish the task in time; Only when a child grows up does he understand his parents’ intentions. A D

15. Once you begin to read it, you will like it.

Once you start; never give it up.

Once you get into a bad habit, it is hard to get out of it.

People crowded into the new supermarket.

Memories came crowding into her mind/ crowded in on her.

17. supporters; supported; support 学案三、BDADC AACBC BAAAB DCABC BBBBA BDCAC 学案四

单词: explain; explanation; medical; consideration; consider; considerate; modest; deliver

短语: catch one’s eyes; deliver a baby; be intended for; by chance; come across; carry on; can’t wait to do sth; refer to

二、step1. 1. Lin Qiaozhi. 2. From 1901 to 1983. 3.a specialist in women’s disease.

4. Women in the countryside. 5. Medicine.

Step2.She got a medical training for her career.

She became a specialist in women’s diseases.

She had made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered.

Step3. Mothers; countryside; not able to; look after; twentieth century; medical education; first; second; to help; a great woman

Step4. 1. B D A C B 3. D


