剑桥国际少儿英语KB3 5-8单元听力文本

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Unit 5 Page 44 2. Listen and check.

AUNT MAY: Good morning. How are you today, Stella? STELLA: Oh, I'm not very well. I've got a cold.

AUNT MAY: And you've got a cough. Have you got a headache?

STELLA: Oh, yes. My head hurts a lot, and I'm very hot. AUNT MAY: OK. Put this under your arm.Oh, yes. 39 degrees. You've got a temperature. So you must drink lots of water and orange juice. Now, what's the matter with you, Simon?

SIMON: My stomach hurts a lot and I don't want to eat. AUNT MAY: Have you got a toothache? SIMON: No.

AUNT MAY: I see, so . . . you've got a stomach-ache. Well, go to bed and don't eat any cake, sweets or chocolate today. SIMON: Oh, I think I'm OK now. Can I go and play? AUNT MAY: Hmm ...

Unit 5 Page 44 3. Listen and do the actions. You've got a headache. You've got a temperature. You've got a toothache. You've got a stomach-ache. You've got a cough. You've got a cold.


Unit 5 Page 45 4.

Listen and say the letter. GIRL: What's the matter? BOY: Oh, I've got a headache. BOY: What's the matter with you? TWO GIRLS: We've got colds. MAN: What's the matter with him? GIRL: He's got a cough.

MAN: What's the matter with them? GIRL: They've got a temperature.

WOMAN: What's the matter with your grandfather? BOY: He's got a backache.

WOMAN: What's the matter with your dad? BOY: He's got a toothache.

MAN: What's the matter with your grandmother? GIRL: She's got a stomach-ache.

WOMAN: What's the matter with your sister? BOY: She's got an earache.


Unit 5Page 46 8.

Listen and check.

GRANDPA: Oh, dear. What's the matter with Stella? MRS STAR: Hmm. She's got a temperature.Look, 39 degrees!

STELLA: Can I go to school, Mum? MRS STAR: No, you can't go to school today. GRANDPA: Go to school! She mustn't go out! STELLA: Can I get up?

MRS STAR: No, sorry, Stella. You mustn't get up.

GRANDPA: You must stay in bed and put this blanket on you.

STELLA: Can I read?

MRS STAR: Yes, you can read. And you must take this. GRANDPA: Oh, how often must she take it?

MRS STAR: She must take it after every meal for a week. STELLA: A week? ... Oh, no!


Unit 6 Page 52 2.

Listen and check.

MR STAR: Look at this map of the countryside. Let's go there for a picnic on Sunday. We can take a big blanket and have our lunch on the ground.

GRANDPA: That's a good idea. I like picnics. Ooh, there's a river here. I'd like to go fishing.

SIMON: And I'd like to go swimming.There's a lake next to the river.

MR STAR: OK, so you need to take a towel.

STELLA: Oh, look! Here's a big forest. I want to look at some plants and draw their leaves. SUZY: Is there any grass to play on, Dad?

MR STAR: Yes, Suzy. Look at the map.These green parts are fields. There's a lot of grass.

GRANDPA: Hmm, lots of grass and a blanket ... That's great ... for a nice sleep after lunch. Hmm.


Unit 6 Page 54 7. Listen and check. 1.

MR STAR: OK. Now, where shall I put the picnic table? MRS STAR: Put it over there under that tree, please. SIMON: I can't do this!

STELLA: Shall I help you put the blanket on the grass, Simon?

SIMON: Yes, please! 2. Later.

NARRATOR: Simon's cold and hungry. He wants to eat. Suzy's hot and thirsty. She wants a drink.

Grandpa Star is catching a big fat fish. He's very strong. Grandma Star's near the cows in the field.She's very quiet. She's drawing a baby cow.It's got thin legs and it's very weak.

Stella isn't happy because her drawing's bad.

Mr Star's listening to the radio. His music is very loud. Oh, yes! And finally, Mrs Star. She's sleeping because she's very tired.


Unit 8 Page 73 9. Read and complete. Then listen and check. Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... It was grey and cloudy, There wasn't any sun,

There weren't many children, it wasn't much fun. Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... There wasn't a rainbow, There wasn't any snow,

Grandpa and I were ready to go. Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Back at home, It was much better,

With a hot drink, and my big red sweater. Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,

It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Windy in the park ... Windy in the park ... Windy in the park ...


Page 79

2. Listen and match.

Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. Hello. What are you all doing today? We're playing in the park.

What's that boy's name? I don't know him. That's Jack.

Why's he jumping on one leg?

Oh, he's hopping because he's playing a game. 1.

What's Mary doing?

Mary? She's over there. She's skipping with Sally.

Oh, yes. I can see her. She's wearing a long purple scarf. That's right, and the one with the big green sweater is Sally. 2.

Look at Daisy. She's having fun. She's flying her kite. Yes, but it's very windy and her hair's in her eyes. 3.

Who's climbing the tree?

That's Fred. He's better at climbing than me. 4.

What's the matter with that little boy in the red sweater? He's crying because he can't catch his balloon. Do you know him?

Yes, he's Jack's younger brother. His name's John. Let's go and say hello. OK.


