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regular hours 正常工作时间 flexible hours 弹性工作时间 freelance n. 自由职业 teleworking n. 电子办公 job-share n&vi 工作分担制;分担工作 job-sharing n. 分担工作 shift work 轮班工作,倒班制 part-time n.&adj. 兼职

temping n. 当临时工 eonsultancy n. 咨询、顾问公司,提供咨询服务 specialist advice 专业咨询 flexitime n. 弹性工作时间 hotdesking n. 办公桌轮用 office gossip 办公室小道消息 office news 办公室新闻 credit n. 赞扬,功劳 managing director 总裁,总经理 brainpower n. 智能 worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的 scenario n. 事态,局面 full-time adj. 全日制的 delegate v. 授权,分派工作 availability n. 利用可能性,可利用的人或物,人员物资保证

job-sharer 与人分担工作的人 parental leave 父母假,育儿假 distractions 让人注意力分散的 contact 人脉,有用的社会关系 case-load 工作量 daily log 日志

voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件 self-organisation 自我组织能力 disruptive adj. 造成混乱的 trade fair event 商品交易会 coffee break 工间咖啡休息时间 drinks evening 晚间酒会 coaching event 专项体验训练活动 network 建立关系网络

maximise vt. 最大限度的使用、发挥 socializing n. 参与社交,交际 corporate world 商界 useful contacts 有用的人脉关系 co-chair 联合总裁,主席 ?networking? event 联谊活动 be spread out 分散在各地 internal communications 内部交流 post-it note 便条 pre-work adj. 尚未工作的 in-work 在职的 business degree 商业学位 catering n. 餐饮,餐饮业 professional skill 职业技能

envision v. 想象,展望 direct mail 直接邮寄广告推销法 planner 策划机构,公司 wedding planner 婚庆策划公司 caterer 餐饮公司 financial planner 理财公司 coupon n. 赠券,优惠券



Routine type of person 按部就班的人

Have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作 Get support from each other 相互支持 Co-operate with each other 相互合作

Share ideas 交流想法

Learn from other people?s strang point 学习他人所长

Working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficient.

在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往能力,不一定就效率搞。 Can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office 在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率 Have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度 Feel more relaxed 感觉更放松

An independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself 性格独立,喜欢自己做决定

Don?t want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作 (工作分担制)

Have more time with children 有更多的时间与孩子共处 With less work stress 工作压力小

Can have more free time 有更多的自由支配时间

Can have someone to share credit and blame 可以有人与自己分担成绩和过失

Two people doing one job means twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energy. 两个人一起工作意味着双倍的经验,双倍的技能,双倍的智能和精力。 (工作职责)

The ability to build a network 建立关系网的能力 Build and maintain a network 创建和保持关系网

Networking allows you to be in a position to win. 关系网能助你赢在职场。 (开始交谈)

In china, family and children is a common topic to talk about. 在中国,讨论家庭和孩子司空见惯。

Good topics for networking with western business people include weather, work and language. 谈论天气,工作和语言是与西方人建立关系网络的好话题。 Safe to talk about hobbies, travel, arts, sport, and fashion 安全话题包括个人爱好,旅游,艺术,运动和时尚 Avoid politics and religion in the conversation 政治宗教的话题要避而不谈

Subject like social conditions, regional conflicts, sex, and race should be avoided, 像社会状况,宗教冲突,性和种族的话题也要避免 It may be an intrusion of privacy to ask about personal finance 打听个人资金状况会被视为侵犯个人隐私

Uncivilized to talk about eating pets such as dog, rabbit, bird, turtle, and monkey 谈论食用狗,兔,禽鸟,乌龟,猴子等宠物,会被视为野蛮和缺乏教养


Dou you two known each other already? Have you always lived in …? How do you do? How do you known him? I deal with… I specialise in..

I usually report to … I work for …

I?d like to introduce you to …

I?m in charge of … I?m involved in … I?m responsible for ….

Is that something you might be interested in …? Is this your first time at …? May I join you ? Nice to meet you ..

Pleased to meet you too. So have you enjoyed…?

We were both at [name of company] together. We?ve spoken in the phone a few times. Would you like a …?

Yes, it was very interesting. You?re a colleague of…,aren?t you?

Memorandum (Memo) memoranda To: all staff From: Date: 25 July Subject: parental Leave

Further to our previous meeting, I am pleased to confirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks. The new system will come into operation as from 25th September. May I remind you that your managers will require one month?s notice?



benefits 福利 incentive 奖励

job title 职位,头衔 traning and staff development 培训和员工发展 good salary 可观的收入 pension 养老金

flexible working hours 弹性工作时间 opportunities for promotion 升至提拔机会 days off 几天短假 company car 公司配车

too good to be true 好的令人难以置信 client service executive 客户服务主管 take….with a pinch of salt 对。。将信将疑 old and established 历史悠久

human resources director 人力资源部经理 qualification 资格

temp 临时工 incumbent programme 员工在职培训课程 promote from within 提拔内部员工 take on 接受,招聘

intake 从外部吸纳招收的员工 project manager 项目经理 grow and maintain customer relationship 发展和维护客户关系

canteen 食堂,餐厅 head office总部,总公司 brainstorming 自由讨论,头脑风暴 breakout 突破


encompass v. 包括,包含 sales and marketing 销售和市场营销

research and development and manufacturing 研发和生产

perk 好处,额外津贴,外快 final salary pension scheme 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划 budget 预算 non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖励 once-in-a-lifetime 千载难逢的 career goal 职业目标 senior management 高层管理人员 distribution centre 配送中心 warehouse 仓库 holding company 控股公司 call centre 呼叫中心,电话中心 plant 工厂,成套设备、机械 headquarter 总部 subsidiary 子公司 branch 分公司 corporation 公司,法人 division 部门分支 turnover 营业额,销售量

document management 资料管理,文档管理 innovative technology 创新技术 chart 图表 revenue 收入,收益

research and development (R&D研发 mission statement 宗旨宣言,目标宣言 fact sheet 情况说明书 profile 简介,情况介绍

commercial post 商务职位 CEO( chief executive officer ) 首席执行官 supply 供给,供应 trading 贸易,买卖 alternative energy 替代能源 low carbon 低碳的

low carbon energy 低碳能源 millennium 一千年,千禧年 health care 医疗保健 net income 净收入


new-hire training 新员工培训

orientation 新员工培训,迎新会

vocational training/professional training 职业培训 management training 管理培训

develop a good training programme to keep the staff motivated 通过开发良好的培训计划来提高员工的工作热情

a reasonable salary 合理的工资

high salary leads to high motivation 高收入使得工作热情高涨 part-time jobs make flexible lifestyle possible 兼职工作使得多样的生活方式成为可能

With flexible work hour, I can choose to work anytime. I can work from home and avoid traffic jam, and what?s more important, I will improve my work efficiency.


After a paid holiday, people will be physically and psychologically relaxed, and be energetic, fresh and more prepared for the challenge of their work.

带薪度假之后,人们会感到身心放松,精力充沛,神清气爽的投入到有挑战性的工作当中。 Promotion brings higher salary, sense of fulfillment, more opportunity and more responsibility. 升职带来更高的薪水,成就感,更多的机会和责任。

A parental leave is a good policy to encourage women to the work place.


If a sales representative is provided with a company car, he will surely improve his work efficiency.


(关于take的词组搭配) Take after 与。。。相像 take down 记下

To be taken for 被误认为 take off 打折

Take on 承担 take for granted 认为。。。理所当然

(求职信的结构) 1 beginning

2 introducing oneself: about age and experience 3 about personal ability 4 aboout enclosure 5 about salary

6 reasons for leaving

7 ending:request for an interview


Introduction报告介绍 Findings调查结果 Conclusion结论


(adding ideas contrasting ideas making comparisons linking cause and effect)



sole trader 独立法人,独立经销店 partnership 合伙经营

franchise 连锁店,特许经营 entrepreneurial spirit 企业家精神,进取精神 Granting of a licence 同意发给许可证 franchisor 授予特许者 franchisee 特许经营者,加盟者 trademark 商标

Ludicrous 荒谬的,可笑的 charge one?s own price 自行定价收费 menu content 菜单的内容 Solicitor 律师

profit margin 利润率,利差 branch out 使。。分支出来,拓展业务 launch 开办(新企业) Invest 投资 venture 投机活动,商业冒险,风险公司 fee 费用

run a company/business 经营、管理公司 Luggage 行李

online database 网上数据库 subscription 订购,订阅 schedule 时间表,计划 Shuttle bus 班车,机场班车

buffet 冷餐,自助餐 credit rating 信用度,信用评级 franchise agreement 特许协议 well-established 公认的,知名的

brand name 品牌名称 financial assistance 金融支持 sandwich shop 三明治店 courier service 速递服务公司 estate agent?s 房产经纪公司 beauty salon 美容院

bed and breakfast 含早餐的简易旅管 gardening services 园艺服务公司 dating agency 婚姻介绍所 double-booked 重复预定的 open university 开放大学 accountancy 会计学

invigilator 监考人 additional cost 额外的费用 workshop 研讨会,讲习班 spreadsheet 电子表格,数据表 courier 快递员 dorp out 服务公司 chamber of commerce 商会 basic accounting 会计基础 apologetic 充满歉意的,道歉的



As a franchise, your promotional activities, financial records, hiring, service procedure, ect. , are not in complete control of your own.

作为被特许经营者,你无法完全掌控促销活动,财务记录,员工雇佣,产品服务等环节。 Franchisees have to pay franchise fees and they lose some independence. 加盟者必须支付特许证费而且会丧失一定的独立性。

Franchisors can provide a brand name, products ot services, and financial assistance. 特许企业可以提供品牌、产品或服务,甚至金融支持。

(口语测试——PART TWO)

1回答必须包括题目中实心原点表明的两个要点 2除了题目给的要点外,加上自己的观点

3使用连接过渡词,如,however, although, besides, because, finally 4当另一位考生陈述时,要思考如何针对其话题进行提问 5准备好开头和结尾的措辞



用于1允诺行动 2预测未来 3宣布临时决定 To be going to + 动词原形

用于1宣布预先计划好的决定 2说明意图

(电话留言) A 电话留言的格式:

1发话者(from) 2收话者(to) 3日期(date) 4时间(time) 5留言内容(message) B 电话留言的特点:

言简意赅,切忌冗长,行文简明扼要,通俗易懂,将发话者的意思明确的表达出来。 C 留言的7个步骤:

1告诉对方信息是留给谁的 2告诉对方你是谁 3说明来电的理由 4拼写所有复杂的难词 5要求回电 6留下你的具体联系方式 7告诉对方你什么时候有空

D 常用句型:

Just a minute. I will get a pen.

I will let him know, Mr. Brown. 我会转告他的,布朗先生。

No. I really need to talk to him personally. 不,我真的需要亲自和他说。 Would you like to leave a message on his voicemail, then?

Hold on and I?ll transfer you. 稍后,我会帮您转接过去。

I?m not avilable to take your call, but please leave your name, number and a brief message. Please call me at 556-3234 when you get back. 你回来时请拨打。。。。找我。 E 常用表达法: 核对细节:let me check. So that is …. I see. Was that A as in Amsterdam? 是Amsterdam中的A吗? Can I just check I?ve got that? 我能确认一下是否记录无误吗? 确认行动:

I?ll have to check …. Then call you back. I?ll call you back in an hour. I can confirm that…..

I just want to confirm… 进一步询问信息:

Could you give me your… 你可以把你的。。。告诉我吗? I?d like to know… can I have …. Would you mind telling me …? 你介意把。。。告诉我吗?



word of mouth 口碑,口头广告 mailshot 邮寄广告

TV commercial 电视广告 billboard 布告栏,广告牌 spam 滥发邮件,垃圾邮件 banner 横幅广告,标语广告 search engine 搜索引擎 link 连接,联系

objective 目标,目的 expectation 预期,期望值 brochure 小册子,宣传手册 case study 案例研究 ringtone 手机铃声 in small print 用小字 graphic 图形,插图 animation 动画,卡通制作 in bold 用粗体字 subscription 订购,订阅

subscription fee 入网费,开通服务费 launch a formal investigation 展开正式调查 target audience 目标观众 organic 有机的,天然的 yoghurt 酸奶 shape yoghurt 塑身酸奶 fat-free 脱脂的,不含脂肪的 artificial sweetener 人工甜味剂 preservative 保鲜剂 colorant 色素

additive 添加剂 ingredients list 成分清单、列表 online complaints form 网上的投诉表 promotional gift 用于促销的赠品 delegate 托付,分派 delegator 托付者,分派者 tailor 修改,使合适 positive 肯定的,积极的 expectation 期待,期望 brief 向。。。介绍基本情况

let go 放开,放手 bits and pieces 零碎

ownership 所有权 psychological 心理上的,精神上的 specify 明确说明,详细说明 feedback 反馈,反馈意见 constructive 建设性的 criticism 批评,评论

stationery 文具 confidential 保密的,秘密的 bad-time-keeper 不守时的人 local council 市政委员会,市议会 rota 值班名册,值班表 notice board 布告栏

post information 发布信息 questionnaire 调查表,调查问卷 dress code 着装要求,着装规定 take over 接管

stand 货摊,摊位 trade fair 贸易会,交易博览会


(撰写报告) 格式构架:

Introduction 报告介绍

This report sets out to…. 该报告的目的是….

The purpose of this report is to …. 该报告的目的是…. Findings 调查发现 In addition to …. 除了。。。之外

Alternatively … 作为选择,另一种方式是,也许。。。 As a result of… 由于。。。。,作为。。。的结果 This means…. 这意味着。。。 It was found that … 据发现。。。。 Recommendations 建议 In conclusion … 结论是。。。。

I would propose/ suggest that … 我建议。。。。

The findings clearly show that we should … 调查结果表明我们应该。。。




窍门四:在调查结果部分阐述事实和信息。避免在这一阶段发表意见。 窍门五:在最后一部分,在调查结果的基础上提出建议和具体行动。


run a promotion 举办一个促销活动

we would be delighted if … 如果。。。我们将非常高兴 please find enclosed…. 请查找书信的附件内容

if you require further information…如果你想取得进一步的信息(请联系我) please do not hesitate to … 不要犹豫;及时;尽管 refundable 可以退款



attend a meeting 参加会议,出席会议 hold a meeting 举办会议,开会 reach an agreement 达成一份协议 to source art 选择艺术装饰品 to commission art 定制艺术品 regeneration 重建,再生 sector 部门,领域,行业 installation 安装 presentation 陈述,介绍 run a meeting 开会

healthcare 保健 referral 推荐人,保荐人 specialist knowledge 专业知识 expertlise 专家意见 make an appointment 预约,约会 gallery 美术馆,画廊 visual 视觉的,可视的 reference database 参考数据库 premise 楼宇,单位,处所 direct speech 直接引语 anecdotal things 闲闻轶事 social norm 社会规范 questionnaire 调查问卷 goal-oriented 目标明确的 interaction 交际 office decoration 办公室装饰 training budget 培训预算 exhibitor 参展商 accommodation 住宿 sponsor 主办方

evening buffet 自助晚餐 chairperson 主席(兼指男性或女性) minutes 会议记录 minutes of a meeting 会议的记录 take the minutes 作会议记录 agenda 议事日程

set the agenda 制定议程 move on (to the next point) 进入(下一点) see somebody?s point 明白某人的观点

go along (with somebody) on the point 同意某人的某个观点

head of a coin 硬币的正面 tail of a coin 硬币的反面 counter 筹码 decoration 装饰,装潢

abstract art 抽象艺术品 public relations 公关,公共关系 environmental pressure group 环保组织 joint company 联合、合资、合作公司 sponsor 赞助人 environmentalist 环保主义者 joint committee 联合委员会 local press 当地媒体 固定搭配

range from…to… 从。。。到。。。范围内变动

a unique combination 独一无二的组合

repeat business or referrals 老客户或回头客 hold a brief meeting 开个短会 run the meeting 主持会议 see your point 明白你的观点 give a short presentation 做一个简短发言


宣布会议开始 let?s call the meeting to order. well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin.

all right, I think it?s about time we get started/going.

提示讨论要点 let me bring your attention to (what I see as ) the main issues. let me tell you what I believe to be the main issues. allow me to set out the main issues for you.

请专人发言 to address this issue, I?d like to call on….

to shed some light on this, I?d like to call on….

to provide us with more detail, I?d like to call on …. 开会时尽量选择靠老板的位置坐;开会时避免选择靠门的位置;开会时应避免选择靠窗的位置,同样的,美景如画的窗口、名画或令人感兴趣的物品旁边,皆不是好位子,宜避而远之。 会议流程

发表意见:it seems to me that… 在我开来,似乎。。。 提出新看法:I?d like to suggest that we … 我想建议我们。。。。 不同意刚才的意见:

I?m sorry, but I just can?t agree with you there. 对不起,但我不同意你那个观点 询问意见:how do you feel about that idea? 你对那个观点有何看法? 同意刚才的意见:I?d go along with you there. 我同意你的那个观点。

进入下一个议程:I suggest we move on to the next item… 我提议我们进入下一个议程。 不理解刚才的观点:

sorry, but I don?t quite follow you. 对不起,但我没有完全明白你的观点。 要求进一步理解:

would you mind telling us a little more about….? 你介意再告诉我们。。。的一些情况吗? 询问是否全都同意:have we reached an agreement on this? 我们对此达成共识了吗?


starting your presentation 开始陈述

when…it?s important to … 当。。。时,。。。是很重要的。 The first thing when…is to … 当。。。时,最重要的是。。。。 there are a number of point to consider when… 当。。。时,有几点要考虑。 mentioning and sequencing the points 提及观点和依次提出观点

first of all, there?s…. 首先,。。。 for example…

secondly/ the second point to remember is … 其二/要考虑的第二点是。。。

something else is… 其他还有 the final point is … 最后一点是。。。 adding information 补充信息 it?s also important to say… 。。。也很重要 in addition to that… 除此之外。。。。

you also need to consider… 你还需要考虑。。。 口语第二部分陈述质量标准 你是否:

花时间准备并做了笔记? 介绍了话题?

提到所给的两个要点? 加上了自己的观点?

把时间控制在一分钟内? 回答另一个考生的问题?



Minutes of the meeting to discuss plans for sesttle conference

Participants: Robert Samuelson(chair), Dahlia Zille, Hugo Sata.


Date: 27 November

RS opened the meeting and suggested that someone should arrive two days early to set up. HS disagreed and suggested that one day was enough time. DZ agreed to arrive on the 7 .

DZ confirmed that she had alresdy booled a hotel and would book the flights.

RS wanted to discuss the issue of sponsoring an event for delegates. HS suggested that a lunchtime event might attract more visitors to the exhibition stand. Everone agreed and RS said he would give HS a budget.

DZ raised the issue of the incorrect price lists. It was agreed that RS would make new price lists and include some offers.



migraine 偏头疼 arrange an interview 安排会面 voicemail 语音信箱 automated message 自动信息 lottery 彩票 win lottery 中彩票,中奖 car plant 汽车制造厂 pay off 还清欠款,取得成功 mortgage 抵押,按揭 cutback 削减,减少 disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序 carry out 执行,实行 take someone on 录用某人 hire 雇用

recruit 招聘,招募 employ 雇用 dismiss 解雇 sack 解雇

fire 解雇 lay off (临时解雇)

make redundant 裁员 give notice 预先通知(解雇,辞职等) walk out 罢工 resign 辞职

take voluntary redundancy 自愿接受裁退 unethical 不道德的 qualifications 资格,任职条件 cultural issue 文化问题 make a final decision 做出最终决定 the person in question 有关人员 potential problem 潜在问题 take action 采取行动 reasonable period 合理的期限 depend upon 取决于

level of the post 职位的高低 notice period 通知期限

reference 推荐人 character and personality 性格,品格 reasonable ground 合理的理由 verbal warning 口头警告 written warning 书面警告 sexual harassment 性骚扰 be honest with somebody 对某人诚信 appropriate 合适的,恰当的 recipient 收件人 CC the email 转发邮件

email addict 电子邮件狂 save emails 保存电子邮件


file emails 给电子邮件归档 subject line 主题栏 charity 慈善机构 tribunal 法庭

compensation 赔偿,补偿 in the loop 在圈内

fire off 发送 with regard to… 关于,至于 lorry 卡车,运输卡车 stock 现货,存货

pick up 拾起(某物),车辆(中途)载人 safety regulation 安全守则 restructure 重组 overseas office 海外办事处 clothing chain 服装连锁店 cruise 乘船游览 provisional booking 临时预定 tour operator 旅行社 coach party 巴士旅行团 stress out 担忧 workaholics 工作狂 joining fee 入会费 requirement for membership 成为会员的要求


should not have 本不该

without proper procedure 没有正确的程序 without pre-warning 没有预先警告 If I were him…. I would not have…. 如果我是他。。。,我不会。。。。

early retirement 提早退休 good for one?s health 对某人的身体健康有益 in the case of 就。。。来说,至于 in case of 假使,以防万一 project development officer 项目开发执行官 to gossip about someone 说某人的闲话

log on to 登录,进入

it oceurs to me 我(突然)想到。。。 get a kick out of 从。。。中得到快感

burn out 累垮 a barrier to success 成功的障碍


使用条件:1动作的执行者不明确 2动作的执行者不言自明或者无关紧要 构成:to be + 实义动词的过去分词

常见用法:1用于描述过程 2用来转述正式的决定和结果 The college was originally founded by …. 学校最早是由。。。创立的。 I?ve recently been taught by…. 最近我的老师是。。。。

Currently, the most popular course being applied for is … 目前最受欢迎的课程是。。。。 Exams need to be taken…(when?) 考试将于、、、(时候)举行。





fighter pilot 战斗机飞行员 shake off 摆脱,甩掉

unglamorous image 单调的形象 association with 与。。。的联系

jolly 痛快,刺激 door-to-door 挨家挨户的,走家串户的 gamble 投机,赌博 pay off 还清(债),获得成功 tangible 有形的,具体的 buzz 极度兴奋,微醉 commercial director 销售总监 pitch 程度,水平

sales pitch 推销商品的口才 a firm of architects 建筑设计公司 call centre 呼叫中心,客服中心 driving lesson 驾驶课 conveyor belt 传送带,输送带 replace A with B 用B代替A cold calling 无约电话 outnumber 数量上超过

deal with health 与健康有关 excellent health 非常健康的身体 more tedious 更单调乏味 sales quota 销售定额 sales representative 销售代表 well-paid 报酬高的

job description 职务说明,工作说明 distrust 不信任

stuff 材料,原料,产品 product specification 产品规格 dimensions 尺寸 website 网址

personality type 性格类型 turn down 拒绝 knockback 拒绝,打击 stationery 文具,信笺信封 home improvement 重新装修,居家装修 insulation 绝缘,绝热,隔离 office space 写字楼,办公室 alternative 选择

a prompt decision 快速决定 warehouse 仓库

lot 地,地段 day-to-day administration 日常管理 client complains 客户投诉 quality of service 服务质量 public image 公众形象 computer program 电脑程序 glamorous 耀眼的,令人羡慕的 customer service 客户服务 software developer 软件开发工程师 travel agent 旅行社代理 golf club 高尔夫球棒 encyclopaedia 百科全书 on-line course 网络课程 kitchen knife 厨房用刀 leather briefcase 皮箱 automatic translator 自动翻译机 portable 便携的,手提的 ear plug 耳塞 etiquette 礼仪,礼节


more challenging and dangerous 更有挑战性,危险性更大

Both face the public and should be eloquent. 二者都要面对公众,都需要有雄辩的口才。 Botn need good public relation skill. 二者都需要良好的公关技巧。

help buyers satisfy their wants and needs 帮助顾客满足他们的需要


1单音节形容词+er或est 2多音节词前在形容词前加more/most或less/least


Thank you for your order…. 感性您。。。的订单。 Further to your request… 关于您。。。的要求,。。。

I?d like to mention that I can also…. 我想提的是我还可以。。。 please note… 请注意。。。 As an interesting alternative, you might wish to consider…. 还有个有意思的选择,您也许可以考虑。。。

It has the following features… 它有下列特点。。。

Please consider this possibility and note… 请考虑这种可能性并注意。。。 I would suggest a prompt decision… 我想建议您尽快做决定。。。 I look forward to heating from you. 盼早日回复。 I know it?s proved much more popular than…. I?d like to mention that I can also…

Is there anything I can help you with at the moment? It?s a huge improvement on… perhaps…could be useful?

So is … something you might be interested in? What did you have in mind exactly?



facilities 设施,设备 approach 方法,途径 extras 额外的好处 comfort 使舒服的物品 distance learning 远程教育 unit 下属单位

VAT(value-added tax) 增值税 organization 企业,组织,机构 argument 理论,论据,论点 excursion 远足

hustle 忙碌 bustle 喧闹

prosper v.成功,繁荣 relaxation 放松,休息

self-disciplined 有自制力的,自律的 self-motivated 自身有动力的 differentitate 区别,鉴别 presentation 展示会,报告会 cross-cultural awareness 跨文化意识 spreadsheet 表格,空白表格程序 leading a project 领导一个项目 effective selling 成功销售 presentation skills 演示技巧 negotiating by phone 电话谈判 cross-cultural awareness 跨文化意识 team building 团队建设 spreadsheets and databases 表格和数据 relevant 相关的 distraction 分心,注意力分散 compromise 妥协,让步 coach 指导 reserve 推迟做出,暂时不做 interruption 打断 formulate 系统的阐述 coffee maker 咖啡机 purchase 购买的东西 halve 把。。。减半 job losses 失业

atmosphere 气氛 intranet 公司内部网

line manager 部门经理 misleading information 误导的信息 legal action 法律诉讼 replacement 替代物,接替者

discovery approach 发现式教学模式 room service 酒店客房送餐服务 swap 交换 reception 接待处,前台 sentiment 情感色彩 voucher 优惠奖券

replacement trainer 代课培训老师 a discovery approach 发现法 housekeeping 客房服务 receptionist 接待员

reputation 声誉 technician 技术员

socialise 社交,交际 global director 总监,环球业务总监 trainer 培训教师 satisfactory 令人满意的 refund 退款 office block 办公大楼 brand new 崭新的 disastrous 惨败的 excessive 多余的 visual aids 直观教具 pointless 无意义的,没意思的 trainee 培训班学员 critical 吹毛求疵的,挑剔的 strike 罢工

simplify 简化 complicated 复杂,复杂化 facilitate 帮助,促进 strength 优点,长处

weakness 缺点,短处 body language 身体语言 character 性格,文字 potential 潜在能力,潜力 site manager 工地负责人,工地经理 overdraft 透支,透支额 facility 便利,方便,容易 overdraft facility 透支服务 online bank 网上银行 online account 网上账户



有8个答案选项;8个答案均为同一主题,如:职位,地点,目的等;其中3个选项多余。 务必考虑以下几点:

1说话者的目的是什么?她针对什么? 2说话者的角色(工作、职务)是什么? 3她表达了什么观点?


online training 网络培训

relaxed and more comfortable 更放松,舒适

more flexible, may do it any time and anywhere 更有弹性,任何时候,任何时间都可以学

face-to-face training 面对面培训

more personal and interactive 更亲近,互动更好 more direct, closer, hearing the voice of other person in real time 更直接,更靠近,能即时直接听到另一个人的声音 more natural, feel better 更自然,感觉更好

for 赞同

achieve a better balance between work and life 取得工作和生活的更好平衡 can have more time for further education and learning new skills 有更多的时间进修,学习新的技能

Job today require a working knowledge of certain computer skills.


against 反对

Weekend is the time for relaxation after a week?s work, not a time for work. 周末是工作一周后的休息时间,不是工作时间。

Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between work time and private time. 有时候很难区分工作时间和私人时间。

can be hard to stay motivated without the support of colleague 缺乏同时的支持,很难保持动力

Compared to computer skill, English is more important for a company in international trade. 与电脑技能相比,英语对从事国际贸易的公司更为重要。

English is useful in doing business with foreign client since it is a commonly used language. 在与国外客户打交道时,英语很有好处,因为他是通用语言。

动词ing形式和不定式 在动词+介词后使用-ing;

在一些固定动词后使用-ing形式,这些动词包括consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, mind, postpone, practise, recommend, suggest等;

一些动词只跟不定式,包括:afford, arrange, decide, manage, want等;

一些动词可以跟-ing也可以跟不定式,advise, propose, begin, continue, like, prefer.


a pretty good listener 善于倾听的人

look like he cares about my remarks 看上去他像是在乎我说的话 ask relevant questions 问相关的问题 with direct eye-contact and an attentive expression 目光接触,带着专心听的表情

without any look of distractions 看上去全神贯注


连接词 因果:

beacause of+名词和动名词 因为

as a result of +名词和动名词 由于,作为。。。的结果 due to + 名词 由于 following + 名称 接着 转折:

even so 即便如此 despite + 名词 尽管 in spite of +名词和动名词 不管,不顾 nevertheless 然而,不过


moreover 而且,加之,此外 furthermore 而且,此外 in addition to +名词和动名词 加上




aroma 香味 fragrance 芳香,花香 odour 气味 paper strip 小纸条

brand identity 品牌识别特性 marketing tool 营销工具

slogan 广告语,口号 jingle (简明易记的)广告歌 vanilla 香草 mandarin 柑橘

whiff 一阵,一吹 chocolate chip cookies 巧克力碎饼 custom 定制的 typically 典型的,一般的 quadruple 成为四倍 liquid aroma 芳香剂

marketer 商家,专营特定商品的公司 cartridge 芯式容器,套筒 dial 调节控制器 refill 重新装满,替换装,置换物 out-of-the-way 偏僻的,不为人知的 lavender 薰衣草

jumble 打乱,使混乱 controlling share 占主要股份 stake 股份,利害关系,经济利益 subsidiary 子公司 incidentally 偶然的,顺便提一句 multinational 跨国公司

euro 欧元 biggest seller 卖的最多的产品 in-tray 收文篮 luxury brand 高档品牌,奢侈品 top brand 顶级品牌 boutique 专卖店

collections 收藏品,收集的东西 refit 重修,改装

Louis Vuitton 路易威登 Gucci 古奇皮草饰品公司 Burberry 巴宝莉 text message 短信

lunch break 午休时间 option 提供的选择

quality assurance 质量保证 speech recognition technology 语音识别技术 subject line 主题句 statement 清单

repayment 偿还 account number 帐号 particle 小品词,语助词 email marketing 邮件营销 online marketer 网络营销商 junk email 垃圾邮件 newsletter 通讯 entrepreneur 企业家

infopreneur 信息企业家 italics 斜体字,夸张的语调 shout 引人注目,触目 paediatric 儿科的,而科学的 expertise 技能 earnings 收入 testimonial advertising (利用名人)推荐广告 folder 文件夹

brand development 品牌开发 budget airline 低票价航空公司 news story 新闻报道 environmental image 环境形象 airline industry 航空业 chief executive 总裁,总经理

positive effect 正面效应 access fee 使用费

executive departure lounge 贵宾候机室 commercial director 商务总监/主管 communications director 公共关系总监 loyalty card 积分卡

air miles 里程将 package holiday 包价旅游

priority boarding 优先登机服务 on-board 机上的,车上的,船上的 complementary 互补的 complimentary 免费赠送的

car insurance 汽车保险 premium (投保人支付的)保险费 policy 保险单 policy number 保单号 bank account 银行账户 overdraw 透支

flat rate 统一价格 technical support desk 技术支持桌面软件 scenario (未来可能发生的)局面,情况 visual 形象化的,直观的 subheading 小标题 register 语域,使用域 focus group 专题调查小组 diet drink 低热量健怡饮料 diet version 低热量型 artificial taste 味道不够天然 preference 喜好,偏爱 medium preference 喜好程度一般




pay off part of my loan 还清部分贷款

can you bear with me for a second ? 你能耐心等一会吗? please bear with me while I point out a mistake you have made . 请耐心听我说你犯的一个错误。

I?m just going to put you on hold. 请稍候。


please don?t put down the phone!

let me call you back later. 我过会给你回电话

let me read that back to you. 让我把你说的话重复一遍

I?m just looking up his number on the computer. 我正在电脑上查他的号

Do you mind if we put the meeting back to Tuesday? 我们把会议延迟到周二开可以吗? We?ll bring the schedule forward by a week. 我们会在本周内提出时间表供讨论。 Hold on a moment. 别挂机,请稍等。

Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run out. 对不起,我手机快没电了 Sorry, he?s tied up with something at the moment. Can I help? 对不起,他这会手头正忙。我能帮什么忙吗? I?m just putting you on hold for a moment. 请稍后。


open them:

may have something I?ve been looking for 也许有我一直在寻找的东西

may have useful information 可能会有有用的信息 curious about what they may contain 好奇里面会有什么内容 delete them:

unwanted emails 不想要的邮件 may contain a virus 可能携带病毒

They?re junk mails and I don?t want to waste my time to open them. 都是垃圾邮件,不想浪费时间打开它们。

工作中使用电子邮件注意事项 1检查写好的邮件,看拼写是否正确

2切勿使用大写字母,别人会以为你在哗众取宠 3切勿打开滥发的电子邮件通讯

4不要给所有的电子邮件都标上“急”“重要”的字样 5使用简明扼要、内容具体的主题句


7给不认识的人写邮件,要使用Dear…. I am writing to … I look forward to …等正式语 8把邮件整理到文件夹


10只有在确实必要时才将邮件cc(抄送carbon copy)给另外一个人


是否使用了这类文体的正确格式,例如:带邮编的书信,带标题的报告 是否使用了固定表达

是否使用了不同的衔接手段和连接词来组织行文 是否写了120——140个单词

是否使用了得体的语域,如:正式或非正式用语 是否用上了画面或手写笔记中所有的关键信息 是否使用了小标题和段落 是否在最后仔细核查过错误


Report on …….. Introduction

The aim of this report is to make recommendations based on findings from ….。 Findings Firstly,…..

On the other hand, …. Finally, …. Recommendations

Based on these findings, I would recommend that …



music industry 唱片业,音乐业 dimension 方面,部分

vision 远见,梦想,设想 focus group 专题调研会,小组座谈会 vocals 声乐作品,演唱 dance floor 舞池

music company 唱片公司 social norms 社会准则

renewal 更新,重新开始 reinvention 彻底改造,干一件完全不同的工作 merchandise 吹捧,宣扬;宣传品 lesser-known 不为人所知的 megaband 超级乐队 merchandising 宣传品,销售计划 gig 特约演出 fan club 歌、影迷俱乐部 studio album 唱片专辑 fan base 歌、影迷群体

music review 音乐评论 record label 唱片制作公司名称

star rating 评分等级,星级评分 phenomenal 显著的,不寻常的,现象的 core fans 铁杆歌、影迷 funk 乡土爵士乐

funk guitar 放克吉他 product placement 产品置入(式广告) prop 特色产品 venue 地点,举办场所

commercial 商业广告 aftershave (剃须后用)润肤水 high school 中学 junior high school 初中

senior high school 高中 DJ(disc jockey) 唱片骑师

team up (使)结成一队,合作,配合 work to your strengths 扬长避短 message pad 便签 manufacturing fault 生产制作中的错误 flowchart 流程图 redo 重新做

specification 规格,规定,说明 option 可供选择的方案

go-ahead 许可,放行信号,进取心 structural issues 结构上的问题 office furniture 办公家具 recruitment agency 职业介绍所 Gantt Chart 甘特图(水平方向的进度条状图) concert venue 演出场地 badge 徽章 tour 巡回演出

basic package 基本组合 merchandise budget 宣传品预算 architect 建筑师 career progression 职业提升 freelance HR consultant 个体人力资源顾问 workmate 工作伙伴 dynamics 动力,动态 moan 不满,牢骚

mentor 导师,指导 golden rule 准则,指导原则

keen 精明,渴望,热心 professional development 专业发展,职业发展 peer 同事,同辈 frustrated 挫败的,失望的,失意的 delegate 分工 build relationships 建立关系 monitor performance 监督员工表现 strategic 战略层面的 hands-on 亲身实践的,事必躬亲的 clone 克隆 personal strength 个人的长处,强项


Change is the secret of Madonna?s success. If she fails to recreate her image over and over again, she would not have been successful.


She?s always reinventing. 她总是在开拓新领域。

Madonna may not be the most konwledgeable, the most competent and the most talented in the industry to be successful, but she knows how to maximize her performance.



not to let the opportunity to praise a piece of good work go by 不要错过表扬员工出色工作的机会

show people that you are willing to listen to what they have to say 让员工看到你愿意倾听

Communicate clearly, and ask if people have understood what you are asking for. 意思要表达清楚,询问别人是否明白你的要求。 show people that they are important and worthy of your time 让员工看到你重视并且珍惜他们


普遍真理:if + 一般现在时 ---- (从句)一般现在时 if you work hard in this business, you succeed. 表示存在可能:if + 一般现在时 ----- will + 动词原形

if you leave now, you?ll probably make it on time. 给予忠告:if + 一般过去时 ------ would + 动词原形

谈论过去未发生的事情:if + 过去完成时 ------ would + 现在完成时 与情态动词连用:

If you listen to people around you, you can learn a great deal.

产品置入(product placement) 通常指在电影、电视节目或音乐录影带中使用品牌产品,进行产品特色宣传。也是一种广告,其范围包括了广播节目、流行歌曲、电视游戏、舞台剧、小说等,几乎所有的媒体形式都能成为其所应用的范围。广告商常常利用这种营销方法,让消费者在欣赏节目或收看新闻的同时接受商品信息。

会议情况报告 写作步骤

1先安排好报告内容,考虑需要写几个部分?给各个部分写上标题。 2然后考虑用于各部分的主要词语和词组。

3确认作文中包含题目要求的5个要点,然后开始写。 4写好后要核对一下内容:






They?d be fine if it wasn?t for the fact that … 都挺好的,只是。。。 We can?t afford any more mistake. 我们担当不起再多的差错了。 sixteen weeks is ages 十六周太长了 follow on from 中止后再继续 a concert tour 巡回演唱会

the main problem is …. 主要问题是。。。 We can worry about … later. 等以后再考虑

The main thing is to find a solution. 当务之急是找到一个解决办法。 What are our option? 有哪些可供选择的方案? One solution would be to …. 一种解决办法是。。。。 If we do … it will ….. 如果我们这么做,会。。。。 The disadvantage might be … 不利因素在于 I don?t think it?ll work. 我觉得不起作用



visual aids 视觉设备 deluxe 高级的,豪华的 cappuccino 卡布奇诺咖啡 caffein 咖啡因

addiction 嗜好,入迷,瘾 disparity 悬殊,差异

coffee shop chains 咖啡连锁店 gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值 staple crop 主要作物 mark-up 涨价,标高售价 importer 进口商 service charge 服务费

outgoings 支出,开销 precinct 区域,管辖区,分区 staffing cost 雇员的开支,劳工成本 overheads 日常开支

factor in 把。。作为因素计入 factor out 把。。作为因素排除 added cost 附加成本 irrespective 不考虑的,不问的

market rates 市场价格 middleman 中间商

certification 认证 marketing initiative 营销倡议

certified 证明合格的,持有证件的 international certification mark 国际认证标志 catalyst 催化剂,刺激因素 agricultural commodity 农业商品

minimum guaranteed price 最低保证价 social conscience 社会道德心,社会责任感 break-even 收支平衡,盈亏平衡 change hands 转手(买卖) that said 尽管如此,尽管这样 supplier 供应商

G8(group of eight) countries 八国集团 finance director 财务部主任

certified producers 注册生产商 alternative energy sources 可替代能源 wind power 风力,风能 solar panel 太阳能电池板 initial cost 最初成本 Bio fuel 生物燃料 residue 残留物,残渣 petrol fuels 石油燃料 reserves 储量 wave power 波力,波能 pros 赞成票(者) cons 反对票(者) nuclear power 核能 private sector 私有企业 profit-driven 受利益驱动的 solution 解决措施 carbon emission 二氧化碳排放 big-name 有名的

e-business stock 电子商务股 earnings (股票)收益 peak (达到)顶峰 crash 暴跌,崩盘;倒闭 ascend v上升,上涨 ascent n上升,上涨 descend v下跌,衰退 descent n下跌,衰退

fluctuate 波动 well-founded 有充分事实根据的 government subsidies 政府补贴 tax credit 抵税金额 residential energy 住宅建筑所需能源 level out 持平 eco-investment craze 生态投资热 revival 复苏

solar cell 太阳能电池 average price 平均价格 kilowatt-hour 千瓦小时 residential electricity 住宅用电 runaway 失控的 procedure 程序,传统的做法 medical care 医疗 health care 保健

wind farm 风力发电场 invest in 投资某方面

the private sector 私有企业 do one?s bit 尽职,尽本分 step in 介入,参与 Uncle Sam 山姆大叔 as from 自。。。起 corporate profile 公司简介 innovative and original product 创新产品 commodity 商品 farm labourer 农场工人 initiative 倡议 ethically-traded 合乎道德进行贸易的 opening 开张

store openings 开店数量 Netherlands 荷兰

covering letter 求职信,介绍信 firm handshake 有力的握手

operations manager 运营部经理 employment consultancy 就业咨询公司 optional extra 可有可无的多余东西 exaggerate 使扩大,使增长,夸大,夸张 anonymous 无名的,匿名的 shortlist 初选

punchy 简洁,简练 subject line 主题,标题

speculative 冒险性的,不确定的 speculative application 自荐求职信 networking event 联谊活动 recruiter 用人单位

follow-up 补充性的,增补的 shortcut 捷径

guideline 指导方针,准则 impressive 给人以印象深刻的 CV curriculum vitae 履历表,个人简历 legible 清楚的,易读的

follow-up call 后续电话 set the scene 描述实况,叙述背景 keep….on file 把。。。记录下来备查


If these trends continue there could be serious social unrest. 如果这种状况继续下去,可能会引发严重的社会不安。 implement and sustain equitable policies 实施并保持平等的政策

Among biggest charities in China are China Charity Federation, Red Cross Society of China, Chinese Red Cross Foundation, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, Project Hope, to mention a few.


Important products and services for china?s GDP include coal, power, steel, household appliances, financing, catering and tourism.



定冠词 THE 用于1 某些国名 2 形容词最高级 3 独一无二的事物 4 之前提到过的人或事物

不定冠词 a, an 用于1 工作 2 单数名词 3 一些数字 以下场合不用冠词 1 城市,乡镇及大多数国名 2 复数名词


protect poor farmers and their rights 保护贫穷农户,维护他们的权利

positive image of being friendly to environment and coffee growers 能够树立环保、爱护咖啡种植户的正面形象 give one a sense of doing something for poor farmers 让人感觉为贫穷农户做了一些事 buy with a clear conscience 买的安心


傲慢 pride 、暴怒 wrath 、懒惰 sloth 、贪婪 greed 、嫉妒 envy 、饕餮 gluttony 、 淫欲 lust.


peak 达到顶峰,顶峰 crash 暴跌,崩盘,倒闭 increase/ soar/ rise/ go up/ ascend/ ascent 上升 level out/ remain stable 持平

decrease/ decline/ fall/ drop/ do down/ descend/ descent 下降 fluctuate/ fluctuation 波动


Houding prices keep soaring because growing urban popolation has boosted demand. 由于城市人口不断增长推动需求,房价不断上涨。

The number keeps incrasing as a result of China?s family planning policy and the improvement of medical care.


The number of younger members of the population has declined as a result of the “only-child” policy.


Results in schools are rising in China because they are developing more and more talented youngsters.

在中国,学校的成就呈上升趋势,因为它们培养出了越来越多有才华的年轻人。 Unemployment is going down as a result of government effort. 由于政府的努力,失业现象呈下降趋势。

Internet rates in China are rising as a result of preventing a runaway economy. 为了防止经济失控,中国的利率还会提高。

撰写建议书 引出建议:

In response to your enquiry about …. 就你询问的关于。。。的情况,。。。 At present the company seems to be performing (well/ badly)… 目前,该公司看来经营的不错/很差 比较利弊:

On the one hand… but on the other … 一方面。。。另一方面。。。 One advantage/ disadvantage is that … 优点是/缺点是。。。 One other thing to consider is … 还有一点要考虑的是。。。


Despite … I would still suggest that … 尽管。。。我还是建议你。。。 Overall, I would strongly recommend that…. 综上所述,我强烈推荐。。。 The fact that … makes this a good/ poor investment opportunity. 由于。。。这是一个很好/不好的投资机会



case 案例 court 法院

defence 辩护 prosecute 起诉,告发,对。。。提起起诉 judge 法官 lawyer 律师

rights (常作复)权利 logo 标识

operator 运营商,企业经营者,操作员 brand image 品牌形象 commercial 商业广告 sales staff 销售人员 legal proceedings 诉讼,诉讼程序 telecoms firm 电讯公司 trademark 商标 trade law 商标法

infringe 侵权,侵害 marketplace 市场,(思想的)交流场所 turquoise 青绿色 premises 经营场地,办公场所,生产场地 litigation 诉讼 sue 对。。。起诉,起诉,控告 corporate colour 公司使用的颜色 legal firm 律师事务所 generic verb 普通动词 patrol station (英)加油站 values (复)加油站 service station 加油站 counter 筹码,柜台,硬币 dice 骰子

leaflet 传单,散页印刷品 word-of-mouth 口头的 dress code 着装要求 partner with… 是。。。的合伙人

get to court 上法庭 pay cheque 支付工资的支票,薪金,工资 faulty 缺损的,有毛病的 faulty product 瑕疵品

public relations manager 公共关系部经理 press conference 记者招待会 refund 退款 overtime 加班

recall 召回(产品) customer service 客户服务(中心)

homeowner 私房房主 call centre 呼叫中心,电话中心 PR representative 公关代表 pharmaceutical company 制药公司 skincare 皮肤护理 skincare product 护肤产品 roleplay 角色扮演 press release 通讯稿,新闻稿 submit 提交 academic success 学术成就 notable event 重大活动 slant 侧重,方面,观点,态度 hot topic 热点话题 publicity 宣传(无负面含义) free publicity 免费宣传 company announcement 公司公告 concern 关注的问题 reusable 可以多次使用的 success story 成功的故事 furnishings 家具,室内陈设 clockwise 顺时针方向的 anticlockwise 逆时针方向的

complicated 难懂的,复杂的 complicate 使复杂化,使恶化,使卷入 go global 打入国际市场 take over 接管,收购 downsize 缩小规模 local council 市政会

have Internet access 可以上网 propaganda 宣传,散布(贬义)

pick up 重新恢复,重新鼓起勇气,好转,改进,提高,获得,找到,收集,整理,采用 personality 名人,名流 business personality 商界名流 scandal 丑闻 prompt 提示词

muti-national 跨国公司 corporate law 公司法

investigation 调查 plc. public limited company 股份有限公司 redundant 被解雇的,下岗的 copyright 版权

violation 侵权 manufacturing company 制造公司 planning 规划部 revolutionary 完全创新的,划时代的 stationery 文具 endorsement 赞同,支持

celebrity endorsement 名人广告 basic starting salary 基本起始工资 perks 好处,特权,外快 online training 网上培训

distance training 远程培训 workout facilities 健身器材,运动器材 sport club 健身馆 venue 地点,举办场所

catering culture 饮食文化 interpersonal skill 人际交往技能 tactfull 机敏的,圆通的,乖巧的 discreet 谨慎的,慎重的

stock option 优先认股权,股票期权 policy 保险单

country club 乡村俱乐部 membership 会员资格,会员身份 life insurance 人寿保险 medical in surance 医疗保险 insurance cover 投保范围 company car 公司配车 point-of-sale display 售卖点展示 eye-catching 吸引人的

promotional gift 宣传小礼品 visual presentation 直观展示 credibility 可信度 car pool 拼车

car sharing 拼车 green office 绿色办公室 refill 替换笔芯 disposables 一次性物品

rechargeable battery 充电电池 printer cartridge 打印机墨盒

recyclable 可回收的;可回收物品 energy efficient light bulb 节能电灯泡 public transport 公共交通工具 enhancer 追求上进的人 career enhancers 追求事业进步的人 commitment 介入,投身 physically 实际上,真正的 simulated 模拟的

interaction 互动 professional network 职业关系网,交往面 networking opportunities 人际交往机会 Dubai 迪拜



will it attract many people? ------ Do you think it will attract many people? what do you think is the reason?---- I was wondering what you think the reason is. why did you leave your last job?---- Can you tell me why you left your last job? 人们通常使用反意疑问句来证实或核实信息。 陈述句+反问句 前一部分如用肯定式,第二部分就用否定式;前用否定,后用肯定。 Good marketing is more important than a good product, isn?t it?

In the future people will reduce how much they travel by plane, won?t they?

情态动词could 可用来表示主动提供帮助或提出建议,或用于问句中表示礼貌的请求,或请求许可做某事。有时可用couldn?t 替代could 表明自己清楚自己的请求可能遭拒。 Couldn?t I watch you do it? 可以看你做吗?

I wonder 可用来表示礼貌地要求某人做某事,或者是向某人咨询某些信息或意见,通常用 I was wondering….的形式。 Sentence

A website can be an important way to compete for customers, including potential customers from oversease, to become more involved and proactive in gaining web competitive edge. 网站是争取客户的重要渠道,包括海外潜在客户。网站使公司在网络竞争力方面更加积极主动。

A good sense of humor can make the presenter pleasant to listen to. 良好的幽默感可以使发言人的讲话内容吸引听众。 A good central leadership leads a team to success. 出色的核心领导能够带领团队走向成功。

Emailing is simple; saves cost for long-distance calls; connects people more easily… 发邮件更简单便捷,节省长途电话的费用,更有助于人们相互联系。。。 A well thought-out business plan will help you focus on your goals and be successful. 静心思考做出的企业规划能够帮助你目标明确,获得成功。

Word-of-mouth advertising is a very low key campaign but is persuasive. 依靠顾客口头宣传产品是低调的推销,但具有说服力。

at the front of everyone?s minds 摆在大家心中最前面的位置 refer to a “ hot topic ” 围绕一个“热点话题”展开

is about a major concern while at the same time promotes the company 在宣传公司的同时,触及大家关注的问题

enhance awareness of environmental protection 提高环境保护意识 reusable shopping bags 可多次使用的购物袋


Sorry, I didn?t quite catch you. Could you say that again? 对不起,我没听清楚,能再说一遍吗

Sorry, I don?t follow you. Could you repeat it?

Sorry, could you explain what you mean?

Sorry, I couldn?t give you a definite answer at the moment. 对不起,这会儿我无法给你一个确定的回答。

Sorry, I can?t really commet on that at the moment. 对不起,对此我真的无以奉告。 That?s a great question.

Thank you for asking that.

I just need to check with my boss first. 我得先请示上级。

I?ll be back right away./ I?d like to come back to that point later. 待会我再谈这个问题。 We?re looking into the problem and trying to find out. 我们正在调查此事,寻找原因。



围绕题卡的内容和所列要点展开讨论;倾听对方说话,作出回应; 如果可能,与对方达成一致意见并得出结论。

