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? 第一部分选择词汇 ......................................................................................................1

一.汉语和英语词汇之间的关系 ........................................................................................1 二.根据上下文准确理解原文词义.....................................................................................2 三.区别词语,正确选词...................................................................................................4 四、词的搭配..................................................................................................................6 五、符合英语惯用法 .......................................................................................................8

第二部分 调整语序 ................................................................................................. 10

一.调整定语位置 ........................................................................................................... 10 二.调整状语位置 ........................................................................................................... 13 三.调整并列成分位置 .................................................................................................... 14 四.调整句子成分位置以表示强调................................................................................... 14 五.调整句子重心 ........................................................................................................... 15

第三部分 句子翻译 .................................................................................................... 16

一.汉英句式对比 ........................................................................................................... 16 二.主语翻译 .................................................................................................................. 16 三、谓语翻译................................................................................................................ 20 四、 句子翻译的基本方法 ............................................................................................ 22

1.换序译法 ............................................................................................................. 22 2. 合句译法 ........................................................................................................... 22

第四部分主动与被动 ................................................................................................. 23

一、汉英语言的被动语态比较 ....................................................................................... 24 二、汉语主动句的英译.................................................................................................. 24 三、英译汉语被动句 ..................................................................................................... 27 四、确定语态时应注意之处........................................................................................... 28

第五部分 篇 章 翻 译 ............................................................................................. 29

? ? ?

一、连接................................................................................................................ 30 二、连贯................................................................................................................ 30 三、对策和方法 ..................................................................................................... 31

? ? ? ? ?


英语修辞格的理解与翻译 ....................................................................................... 34 移就格的翻译方法 ................................................................................................... 41 分译............................................................................................................................ 41 直译............................................................................................................................ 42 意译法........................................................................................................................ 46 ? Antithesis 对偶 ................................................................................................. 46 ? Anastrophe 倒装............................................................................................... 52 弥补法........................................................................................................................ 53






? 汉英两种语言尽管分属不同的语系,但都是对客观事物的反映。因此,两种语言之间存在着


?拖拉机 tractor 欧姆定律 Ohm‘s law

维生素 vitamin 台风 typhoon

?大骨节病 Kaschin - Beck disease ?马克思主义 Marxism


? 汉语中有的词,在英语中可以找到多个近义词来翻译,而这些近义词本身的意义不尽相同。


?笑: smile,1augh,giggle,chuckle,sneer … ?走: go, walk, saunter, trot …


? 汉语中的一些词,可以在英语中找到多个同义词来翻译。例如 ?人: man, person, human being, people...

?犬: dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever


? 在这种情况下,一个词根据不同的上下文和不同的搭配,可以选择不同的英文词语来翻译。


?说:say,speak,talk,tell ? 讲:speak,say,talk,tell ? 谈:talk,speak,say,tell


? 汉语中有些词在英语里无法找到对等词,例如妯娌,连襟,亲家,休妻等。

二.根据上下文准确理解原文词义 1. “书 ”

? ―书‖这个词在汉语中是一


? 一本书 ?a book

?申请书 ?Letter of Application

?协议书 ?Agreement

?家书 ? a letter from home ? (使用)说明书 ? Directions

? 成交确认书 ? Sales Confirmation

? 情书 ? a love letter

? 国书 ? credentials ? 议定书 ? protocol

? 证书 ?certificate

?书报亭 ? news-stand

? 书画 ?painting and calligraphy ?书房 ? study


?书记 ?secretary

?书生 ?ntellectual ?参考书目 ? bibliography

2.“信 ”

? to break promise ?信口开河

? ―信‖这个词在汉也十分常?信守诺言 ?to talk irresponsibly 用,它跟不同的字词搭配也

? to keep one's promise ?信笔


?信以为真 ? to write freely 着不同的含义。翻译时,我

们也应该正确理解词义,选? to accept sth. as true ?信步 用恰当的英语词语来翻译:

?信不信 ?to stroll idly

?一封信 ?to believe it or not


?a letter ?信佛 ? faithfulness ?去取信 ? to profess Buddhism


? to fetch mail ?取信于民 ? devout men and women ?失信 ? to win people's confidence ?


这个词的意义与英语里的circumstances,condition, situation等词语相近。但是在实际中应该如何理解与翻译,我们必须根据上下文来决定。


?under such circumstances / such being the case ?这种情况必须改变 。

?This state of affairs must change. ?现在情况不同了。

?Now things are different. ?情况怎么样?

?How do matters stand?


?We should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. ?他问起了她的健康情况。 ?He inquired after her health. ?前线有什么情况?

?How is the situation at the front?

? 4. “近” ?近在咫尺

?be close at hand ?近几年来

?in recent years / over the years ?近百年史

?the history of the last hundred years ?年近六十


?approaching sixty; getting on for sixty ?这两家走得挺近。

5. “事 ”

?The two families are on intimate terms.

? ―事‖这个词,在通常情况下的对应词是thing,但是在不同的上下文中它的意义也会发生改变。



?to turn a bad thing into a good one ?the Lugouqiao Incident ?公事 ?平安无事。 ? public affairs ?All is well. ?出事 ?还有些未完成的事要处理。 ? to have an accident ?There is still some unfinished business to




? to make trouble

?We have consulted him about the matter.



? to be engaged in

? We should all share the work.



? heroic deeds

?Please go back, there is nothing of your


concern now.

?to get half the results with double the effort ?卢沟桥事变



三.区别词语,正确选词 1.词的广义与狭义

? ―文化‖在汉语中经常为人们所使用,它可以和不同的词语搭配,从而产生不同的词语,其意


?西方文化 ? western culture(civilization) ?文化界 ? cultural circle

?文化人 ? intellectuals

?文化程度 ?schooling

? 文化用品


? stationery


?―文化‖在―西方文化‖中是广义,而在―文化用品‖中则是狭义,应该正确区分, 加以选择。又?农业是国民经济的基础。(学生先试译)

?Agriculture is the foundation of our national economy. (广义)


?Over the years,corresponding developments have been made in our farming, forestry, animal

husbandry and fishery. (狭义)


?在翻译的过程中,还应注意词义的强弱,如: ?法西斯的暴行激起了全世界人民极大的愤怒。

?The atrocities of the fascists roused the people in the world to

great indignation.

?这里的‖ 愤怒‖含义强烈,因此在译文中选用了indignation,而不用anger。 ?他吓得魂不附体。

?He was terrified out of his senses.

?原文如果译成was very afraid或 was very frightened都不能准确地表达出―魂不附体‖的含义。


? 英语和汉语的词语都有褒义和贬义之分,翻译时我们应该注意。

? ―死‖这个词在汉语里的褒义词有:长眠、牺牲、献身、与世长辞、仙逝等。如: pass ?away,go to glory, rest in peace, return to the earth等; ? 贬义词有: 一命呜呼、见阎王、毙命等。 如: end one‘s days, kick off, commit suicide,

meet one‘s death, kick the bucket, turn up one‘s toe等。

?他那九十岁高龄的父亲已于上周去世了。(学生先试译) ?His father passed away at an advanced age of ninety last week. ?臭名昭著的希特勒终于一命呜呼了。

?Notorious Hitler did kick the bucket at long last.




? 以其人之道,还治其人之身。

?A.Pay him in his own coin.

?B,Do unto them what they do unto us.


? A,B两种译文都译出了原文的含义,但译文A在语体上较为随便,有口语色彩,而B句中



?Gambling is prohibited.

?原文―禁止‖的语体色彩较为正式,故译作prohibited。 ?坚决打击经济犯罪活动。

?Combat Economic Crime.



? 这小伙子干活真冲!

?This young fellow does his work with vim and vigor.

? ―真冲‖是口语体,因此翻译时相应地使用了口语词vim and vigor。


?香港特别行政区将保持自由和独立关税地区的地位。 (学生笔头试译)

? The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will retain the status of a free port and a

separate (而不是independent) customs territory.

? 如果把独立关税地区译成an independent customs territory,就容易被理解成香港特别行政区

是一个独立于中国的政治实体,这样就会造成很不好的政治影响。用separate来代替independent则清楚地表达了原文的意思。 ? 中国的经济是一个大问题。(口头试译)

?China‘s economy is a major issue / question.

? 这句话的原意是中国的经济是一个很重要的问题。如果用problem来代替issue / question,那

就是说中国经济是一个老大难,因为problem在英语中的含义是a difficulty that needs attention and thought。这样翻译,好像中国经济真的出了问题。



?应译为mainland of China,或China‘s mainland,而不能译成the mainland China (大陆中国),这

样译意味着还有一个island China,即―两个中国‖,是完全错误的。同样,―中国台北‖怎么翻译? ?应译成Taipei,China或Chinese Taipei,如果译成Taipei (China)则表示―台北即中国‖,是错误的。


? 汉语和英语在长期使用过程中形成了各自的固定词组和搭配用法。因此翻译时除了要正确理


解和选词之外,还要注意词的搭配,必须注意英语和汉语在搭配上的不同,切不能生搬硬套。有时虽然选词正确但是搭配错误,也无法准确表达原文的意义。词语搭配主要有以下几种情况: 1.定语和中心词的搭配

? (1)―大‖在汉语里是一个很普通也很常用的字它可以和很多词语搭配。翻译时应该选用不同的英语词语来表达:

a Chinese cabbage

?大城市 ? strong wind

?大病 ? a big city ?大地震

? serious illness

?大厦 ? violent (great)

?大科学家 earthquake ? a large building

? an outstanding scientist

?大会堂 ? 大路

?大人物 ? main road ? a great hall

? an important person

?大雨 ? 大手术

?大款 ? major operation ? heavy rain

? millionaire ?大哥 ?大雾

? eldest brother ? thick fog

?大白菜 / 青菜 ?大风

(2)―老‖也是一个常用字, 它也可以和其他名词搭配。

?老妪 ? old woman

?老毛病 ? a chronic ailment

?老部下 ?老式样 老菠菜

overgrown spinach

? a former subordinate ? old-fashioned


?老工人 ? 老规矩 the youngest son ? a veteran worker ? traditional rules



? 汉译英时还应注意动词和宾语的搭配,如―打‖的搭配: ?打钟 ?打官司 ?打灯笼 ?to ring the bell ? to go to law (against sb. ) ?to carry a lantern

?打鼓 ?打交道 ?打起精神 ?to beat drums ? to deal with ? to raise one's spirits ?打仗 ?打毛衣 ?打伞 ? to fight a battle ? to knit a sweater ? to hold up an umbrell

打井 ?

to dig a well


?练习:翻译下列句子,注意 ―抓‖ 字词义的确定 。(学生笔头翻译,做在作业本上)


?2. 主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。 ?3. 我们应该抓产品质量。 ?4.这项工作由他抓。



?1.他抓住了我的手臂。 ?He grabbed me by the arm.

?2.主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。 ?The host seized my hand and shook it heartily. ?3.我们应该抓产品质量。

?We should emphasize the quality of the products. ?4.这项工作由他抓。

?He is in charge of this work. ?5.他的演讲抓住了听众。

?He attracts listener's attention with his speech.


?to grasp manure

? 这个译法有问题,应该译成to pay close attention to or attend to the question of manure 等。产

生这样错误,是因为没有注意词语的搭配而逐字死译。同样,―学习知识‖ 怎么翻译?

?应译成to acquire knowledge 而不是to learn knowledge; ―把中国建设成为……‖ 怎么翻译?

?应译成to turn or transform China into... 而不是to build China into...等等。


? 翻译时还应考虑译文是否符合英语的惯用法,是否属地道的英语。

? ―要‖在汉语里可以出现在不同的句式里面,表达的意义和包含的语气都不相同。翻译时不能


?各国人民都要和平。 (希望得到) ?A1l nations want peace.

?她要我陪你去。 (请求) ?She asked me to go with you.

?他要学法语。 (意志) ?He wants to learn French.

?我们要相信群众。 (应该) ?We must have faith in the masses.


?天要黑了。 (将要) ?It is going to be dark soon。

?要不是他指引,我们就迷路了。 (如果)

?If it weren‘t for him,we would have gone astray. ?今天要比昨天冷。 (比较) ?It‘s colder today than yesterday. ?在以上的七个句子中,―要‖字表达了不同的含义,因此译文用了不同的词语和不同的句式、语气,



?翻译下列各句,注意划线词语的确定:(原文见发放资料) ?1.我最终认识到这件事为何非做不可。 ?2.看来他还未认识到有危险。

?3.他讲的是一套,做的是另一套。 ?4.讲干劲,她比谁都足。

?5.他把他的全部书籍都献给了图书馆。 ?6.教师应当献身于教育事业。 ?7.我要忘了,就请提醒我一下。 ?8.诗人应该具有丰富的想像力。 ?9.真遗憾,你的想像力太丰富了。 ?10.好人相逢,恶人远离。 ?11.他总是当老好人。

?12.不许他给我们集体脸上抹黑。 ?13.争取运动成绩与精神文明双丰收! ?14.你把自行车借给我骑一下好吗? ?15.火借风势,越烧越旺。



?1.I came to realize in the end why it must be done. ?2.It seems that she is still not aware of the danger. ?3.He said one thing and did another.

?4.When it comes to drive, she ?s got more than any one of us. ?5. He presented all his book to the library

?6. A teacher should devote himself to the cause of education. ?7. In case I forget, please remind me about it. ?8. A poet should have rich imagination.

?9. What a pity! You‘ ve got into wild flights of fancy. ?10. When good folks meet, evil men keep their distance. ?11. He always tries to get along with persons.


?12. We are not going to let him do a shame for the collective. ?13. For better athletic records and sportsmanship. (已省略) ?14. Could you lend me your bicycle?

?15. Fanned by the wind, the fire burned more and more furiously.

第二部分 调整语序




? 汉译英时,根据英语的表达习惯,单词作定语时通常放在名词之前,例如: ?他的奇怪行为把与会者打入闷葫芦里了。

?His queer behavior threw those who had been attending the meeting into bewilderment. ?沿着荷塘是一条曲折的小煤屑路。(朱自清:《荷塘月色》)

?Alongside the Lotus pond runs a small cinder footpath.(Tr. Zhu Chunshen)

? 但在一些特殊情况下,单词作定语可以或者是必须放在所修饰的词之后。

?(1)单词定语修饰的词为some, any , no , every等构成的复合代词时,定语可后置。例如: ?报纸上没有什么有趣的新闻。

?There is nothing interesting in the newspaper. ?几乎所有重要的问题在会议上讨论过了。

?Almost everything important has been covered in the meeting. ?除了山姆没有别人看到这起事故。 ?No one else but Sam saw the accident.

?(2) 某些以-ible或-able结尾的形容词作定语,尤其与every, the only,或形容词最高级连用来



?Chinese commodities available for export are varied. ?这是惟一能想出的解决办法。 ?This is the only solution imaginable.

? 这是现在能找到的最早的版本。 ?This is the earliest edition obtainable. ?

?(3)通常作表语用的形容词在作定语时,习惯后置。例如: ?他是当今最伟大的哲学家之一。

?He is one of the greatest philosophers alive. ?只有这把钥匙能开这个门。


? The key alone will open the door. ?那是今天该付的账单。 ? That is a bill due today.

(4) 某些分词作定语时常后置。例如:


? the authorities concerned ?涉及的利益 ? the interests involved ?说话的人 ? the man speaking ?被调查的妇女 ? those women surveyed

?(5) 某些表示位置、方向的副词作定语时,往往后置。例如:?海外市场 ? market abroad ?附近所有的房子

?all the buildings around ?天上的云 ? the clouds above ?惟一的出路 ? the only way out ?

?(6) 有些固定词组,其形容词修饰语放在名词之后。例如: ?秘书长 ? secretary general

?总额 ?sum total

?总领事馆 ? consulate general ?(法)当然继承人 ? heir apparent

?军事法庭 ? Court Martial ? 激战 ? battles royal ? 善良而正直的人


?a man good and true

?再如,介词 to 表示?°隶属?±?°归属?±关系时,强调相互之间的关系。 ?学生试译下列词组(做在作业本上,不许查词典! )。 ?问题的答案 经理的秘书 ?北大附中 中国驻日大使 ?练习题的答案 词典的附录 ?课文注释 大厅的入口 ?人民英雄纪念碑

?参考译文: ?问题的答案

?answers to the questions ?经理的秘书

? a secretary to the manager ?北大附中

?the middle school to Beijing University ?中国驻日大使

?the Chinese Ambassador to Japan ?练习题的答案

?keys to the exercises ? 词典的附录

?an appendix to a dictionary ?课文注释 ?一片白色孤帆 ?notes to the text ?a lonely white sail ? 大厅的入口 ?勤劳勇敢的中国人 ?the entrance to the hall ?the brave hard-working Chinese people ?人民英雄纪念碑 ?国际经济新秩序 ?the monument to the people‘s heroes ?a new international economic order ?一张木头小圆桌 ?a small round wooden table

2. 短语定语的位置





?He witnessed the first post-war economic crisis of serious consequences prevailed in various fields in the U.S.


?As is shown by statistics, every day tourists coming to visit the Dunhuang murals amount to



?On the top of the hill stands a pagoda about a hundred feet high.


?Facts listed above clearly indicate that China plays an increasing important role in world affairs.

3. 定语从句的位置

? 汉语中的某些词组作定语,在翻译成英文时可借助定语从句进行转换,置于被修饰的名词之



?A new Chinese-English phrases dictionary (that)I brought here yesterday and placed on the shelf is

very helpful for translation.


?The old house our clan had lived in for so many years has already been sold. ?这就是我少年时生活过的地方。(学生试译) ?This is the place where I spent my childhood.

二.调整状语位置 1.副词状语的位置


?I almost forget about the whole thing. ?她上班很少迟到。

?She is seldom late for work.

?有时出于强调的目的,这种状语可放在助动词或动词前面。例如: ?我的确该走了。

? I really must be going now. ?

?他从来就不是一个会说话的人。 ?He never was a good speaker.




?They gladly accepted the invitation. 或者:They accepted the invitation gladly. ?一切进行得很顺利。


?Everything goes on smoothly.

?2. 一系列表示时间、地点、方式的状语的位置




?He was born in a small village near Shaoxing. ?中国于2003年10月成功地发射了第一艘载人航天飞船。(学生试译) ?China successfully launched its first manned space ship in October 2003.

?(2) 当表示时间、地点、方式的状语同时出现在一个句子中时,汉语状语的语序是;时间状语、



?We ate to our heart’s content at his home last Sunday. ?他们昨天下午在会议室里热烈地讨论这个计划。

?They discussed the plan animatedly in the meeting room yesterday afternoon.

?3. 状语的位置

?汉译英时有时为了强调,把译文中的状语前置,放在句首。例如: ?落潮在向后退,退入海中。

?Back to its depths went the ebbing tide.


?Day and night, frontier guards defend our motherland‘s border areas. ?史密斯先生多次在紧急时刻助我一臂之力。

?Many a time has Mr. Smith given me a hand in emergency.



?quick of eye and deft of hand ?转战南北

? fight north and south ?血肉相连

?as close as flesh and blood ?水火不容

?as incompatible as fire and water ?不论天晴下雨,我们明天非去不可。 ?Rain or shine, we‘ll have to go tomorrow.



? 我们决不应当盲从。

?On no account should we follow blindly. ?他激动不已,不禁流下了热泪。

?To such an extent was he excited that he could not hold back his tears. ?种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

?As men sow, so will they also reap. ?让大雨冲洗出个干净清凉的世界。

?May the thunderstorm sluice the world, making it clean and cool!


? 在汉语中,句子的次要部分往往放在句首,而将重心放在句末;英语往往将句子的重心放在



?It was a great disappointment to me that I had intended to pay a visit to America in February but then

I had to postpone it.


?it’s quite fair that we bring nothing with us when we‘re born and take nothing with us when we die. ?驾车经过这一地区,真是太危险了。 ?It is dangerous to drive through this area.



?1.There is nothing unexpected about it. ?2.All that glitters is not gold.

?3. I am very pleased to see you happy, healthy and wealthy.

?4. The three counties underwent the fourth most serious natural disaster that plagued several

provinces in China in the 1970s.

?5. We must have a clear idea of all the problems involved. ?6. My uncle passed away at 1:20 a.m. on October 3, 2000 .

7. The middle-aged woman holding a baby in her arms is waiting to see the doctor. 8. We occasionally saw him walking along the river bank.

?9. Look right and left while crossing the street. ?10. It is not your fault that this has happened. ?11.门口蹲着两个大石狮子,严峻冷漠。

?Two stone lions, cold and aloof, stand beside in front of the gate. ?12.这么慢吞吞地,咱们啥时能走到? ?When shall we get there at such a pace?


?The paraders marched through Tian An Men Square with flowers and banners in their hands.



?They sat there with their feet on the fender, talking about things gone and things coming. ? 15.老人也好,年轻人也好,都应定期检查身体,以了解自己的健康状况。

?People, young or old, ought to take physical examinations at regular intervals so as to know their

own health.

第三部分 句子翻译


?汉语:(他)经常迟到早退,(他)还不虚心接受大家的批评。 ?英语:Things are invented when the need is great enough. ?There were not many influential guests at the party.




?认真开展―三讲‖教育! ?完了吗?完了。 ?累死我了。



?这项试验他做了三年。(两个主语:这项试验,他) ?电子游戏孩子们都喜欢。(两个主语:电子游戏,孩子们)

?(3)汉语词语无形态变化,也无形式标志,所以主语可以由任何词类和短语充当。 ?快乐是他人生的惟一目标。

?快乐地工作和生活是他人生的惟一目标。 ?唱歌跳舞多热闹呀!





?A sound knowledge of grammar is one aid to good writing.

?The new gas stove in the kitchen which I bought last week has a very efficient oven.

?In Africa I met a boy , who was crying as if his heart would break and said ,when I spoke to him, that


he was hungry because he had had no food for two days.



?He has to accept the fact. ?Three is not enough.

?To be calm is so important.

?Making good grades is only one of our goals.

?2. 主语的确定与转换

? 因为汉英语言在结构上存在较大差异。汉语的主语不明显,主语的句法功能弱。作翻译时,


?(1) 保留原主语

?保留原主语就是原文的主语在译文中保持不变,例如: ?我知道他完全够条件。

?I understand that he is well qualified. ?(2)调整语序,改变主语

? 确定主语的方法就是调整语序,并且改变原文的主语。一个汉语句子里的主语,翻译成英语



?National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct. 1 by the Chinese people of all nationalities every


? 原句中的主语是―我国各族人民‖,但这句话的真正强调的是国庆节。仔细理解原句后,翻译



?In the future, computers would be developed which would be small enough to carry in the pocket.

? 细读原文可以知道原文的重点是说一种计算机。虽然原句的?计算机‘被放在句末,但是我们



? 汉语句子中的主语不仅句法功能弱,而且有时会有多个主语,在翻译时通常可通过合并来确



? There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.

?原句中由两个主语,―我,‖‖事儿‖. 通过合并,确定了―事儿‖为译文的主语。这样的译文句子结




?The days we spent together in childhood as well as later in the Soviet capital, however, are still as

fresh as ever in my memory.


? 原句中的主语为―我们‖(隐含)和―往事‖。译文将主语和并成―The days‖, 因而十分流畅,自



?After going through untold hardships during which countless revolutionaries unflinchingly laid down their lives , the Kuomindang founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen finally overthrew the monarchy and established the republic.

? (张培基―廖承志致蒋经国信‖,载《英译中国现代散文选》)



?(4)其他成分转化成主语 ?河畔长着青草。

?The grass and trees are green by the riverside.

? 原句中的主语―河畔‖在译文中转换成表示地点的状语,而原句中的宾语则转换成了主语。


?The product is characterized by unique design, high quality and great capacity. ? 原句中的定语―本产品‖转换成了主语。这样表达更加地道。 ?她对他们越来越憎恨。

? Her hatred for them grew more.



?The past year has witnessed fairly good results in the large-scale struggle to severely crack down on

criminal activities.



?Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic state policy of family planning.


为,因而加上了一个主语 efforts.汉语中有很多这类无主句,翻译这类句子时应首先考虑增补主语。又如:


?China plans to open further and expand the level of opening to the outside world.


?下雨了。 ? It‘s raining .

? 几点了?十点了。 ? What time is it? it‘s ten.

? 汉语中有很多表示天气、时间的句子,通常都没有主语,译成英语时要加上一个主语―it‖。这



?The students often surpass their teacher.

? 这句成语用来表示学生的学识或技能已经超过了老师。因此通过意译而且补充了主语―the

students ‖来使译文的意义更加清楚、易懂。汉语中的很多习语翻译时常常要补充主语。


? Man proposes, heaven disposes. ?4.一些特殊句式主语的处理

?汉语的特殊句式,除了上述无主语句,还有泛指主语句、―把‖字句,―是‖字句,―there be‖或形



?The old professor was seen making an experiment late at night. ?大家认为,他对做这项工作很满意。

?He was considered quite satisfied with the job.

?这些泛指主语句的主语都有可以略去,把原句的宾语用作译文的主语。 ?真把我饿死了!

?I‘m nearly starved to death.

? 这个把字句中的主语都有可以略去了,因此动作的接收对象―我‖就可用作主语。 ?是小王打开的窗户。(学生先做)

?It was Xiao Wang who opened the window.

? 这类句型都可采用―it is…who/that…‖的句型,主语不是动作的发出者。 ?这个班有五十个学生。

?There are fifty students in this class.

?5.采用无灵主语 (inanimate subjects)

? 汉译英时, 为了使译文更加地道,还可采用无灵主语来作译文的主语。 ?一看到那棵树,我就会想起童年的情景。(学生先做)

?The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood. ?他们派来的工程师迅速到达,并检查了所有的设备,工厂很快恢复生产。

?The quick arrival of the engineers sent by them and their careful examination of all facilities brought

about the very speedy restoration of the factory‘ s production.


? 这两例中的主语都是无灵主语,系由原句中的动词转换而来。这种译文适合书面语,且符合



1. 汉英谓语对比


? 根据英语的五个基本句型,其主干是主语加谓语,而谓语必须与主语一致。英语句法是围绕



? 汉语的谓语可以有多个,即成为连动式谓语或兼语式谓语。汉语的谓语可以不和主语一起出



?(1) 将表示先后关系的连动式谓语译成并列句

? 对于有些连动式谓语动词,如果他们表示的动作先后关系,则按动作发生的先后,译成几个并列的动词谓语,既并列句。常用并列连词and或标点符号等连接。


?She took the photo and laid it on the coffee table.


?We must strictly require, manage and supervise Party members, especially leading cadres. (学生先


? 我们知道英语的分词结构也可以用来表示先后顺序,因此我们还可将表示先后顺序的连动式谓语中的一个作为核心谓语,另一个动词转换成分词结构。


?Having finished her homework, she began to play the piano. ?她打开橱柜拿出一个茶壶。

?Opening the cupboard she took out a teapot.


?我们要采取更加有利的措施使社会治安状况得到改善。 ?We shall take stronger measures to improve public security. ?一定要吸取这次失败的教训,避免重犯此类错误。


?Be sure to learn from the failure to avoid similar mistakes.

?她上楼去拿大衣。 (学生先做) ?She went upstairs for her overcoat. ?我伸手去接包袱。

?I reached out my hand for the bundle. ?人民起来反抗压迫。

?The people rose against oppression.



?He left for Shanghai by plane last night. ?她光着脚走进了房间。(学生先做)

?She came into the room with no shoes on. ?不久,他抱着一个大西瓜回来了。

?Soon he came back, holding a big watermelon in his arms.




?He taught me to play basketball. ?我们极力阻止他投资这个项目。

?We tried to prevent him from investing this project.


?He asked his students to think for themselves. ?他们强迫这个孩子去行窃。 ?They forced the child into theft. ?(2)利用英语中的某些及物动词来翻译



?这道题让所有的学生都很困惑。 ?This problem confused all the students. ?他的行为令我们十分震惊。 ?His behavior shocked us a lot.

?(3) 作为句子的一个成分时,可将兼语式谓语转换成名词性短语。



?The teacher‘s praise for his hard working displeased many students. ?他反对我们进行调查说明他卷入了这起丑闻中。

?His objection for our investigation indicates that he has been involved in this scandal.

四、 句子翻译的基本方法


?他按响汽车喇叭,前门应声而开。 ?The front door opened to his hoot.

? 调整语序后的翻译更为简洁、通顺,突出了原文的主要意义 。

2. 合句译法



?The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded

by the paucity of the information media.

?3. 转句译法

? 将汉语短语转换成英语句子。例如:


?Sickly and weak the girl is, she wrote one inspiring novel after another with her strong will.

?4. 拆句译法

? 把较长且结构较为复杂的句子拆分成几个英语句子。例如:



?Deed and word must match and theory and practice must be closely integrated. We must reject

flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated.

? 原句较长并且缺乏内在联系,可以将其拆译为几个短句 。

?5. 转态译法

? 汉语多用主动语态,而英语里的被动语态却比较多见,常将汉语的主动语态译成英语的被动



?Bankrupt enterprises shall be closed and no enterprises shall be allowed to evade payment of debts

through declaring bankruptcy.


?6. 正反译法

? 将汉语中一些否定句译成英语的肯定句,而汉语中一些肯定句译成英语的否定句。例如: ?油漆未干。 ?The paint is wet.

?不要客气。 / 别见外。 ?Just make yourself at home.


?Admission by invitation only! ?他无权签订这个合同。

? It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. ?我的猜测并不比你高明。 ?My guess is as good as yours.


?Don‘t leave the door open. ?他给我的印象很坏。(我对他的印象很坏) ?I have no opinion of him.

练习题 参考译文:

?1. This project will have been completed by the end of next year.

?2. It does not alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay. ?3. On weekends we go to the concert, visit museum or watch ball games. ?4. Hugging her son, she broke down completely.

?5. She ordered me to set off at six o‘clock early next morning. ?6. Today‘s training exhausted all of us.

?7. His support for his wife‘s resign disappointed his friends. ?8. The usher took him to his seat.

?9. She was determined to study abroad despite expense.

?10. You have made good progress in teaching and researching, but you should not get conceited and


?11. To advance our cause into the 21st century in all-round way requires us to seize opportunities

without fail, and blaze new trails instead of following the beaten track.






?In the end he got invited.

?Will this question be discussed tomorrow morning?


?Another college has been set up in this city.

?This proposal was generally considered as not very practical.


?Telephone was invented by Graham Bell. ?The flowers were destroyed by the rain.


2. 表达方式比较

?In competition,either you defeat him or are defeated by him.

?The little boy tried to get out of his mother‘s sight,but he was too late,and he was caught. ?(1)汉语的被动语态有两种表达方式:





1. 汉语主动句译成英语主动句


?We discussed the matter over a bottle of wine. ?老师演的那个节目的确很精彩。

?That performance of the teacher was really wonderful. ?请把昨天收到的那封信给我。

?Please give me the letter you received yesterday.

? 汉语中有些句子可以用主动语态表示被动意义,英语中也有类似的情况。如: ?这门锁不上。

?The door won‘t lock.


?After a rest, the meeting resumed. ?这本小说比较容易读。

?This novel is comparatively easy to read.


2. 汉语主动句译成英语被动句

? 汉语多主动,英语多被动。所以,除了译为主动句之外,汉语的主动句在很多情况下要译成

英语的被动句。有以下几种常见情况。 ?1)保留原文中的主语,强调被动者。


?Rice is chiefly grown in the South.


?After9 P. m., long-distance telephone rate will be cut by half.


?We are rather disappointed that he failed to win the gold medal. ?露西两个星期前重新开始训练,有望参加下个赛季的比赛。

?Lucy resumed practicing two weeks ago and is expected to participate in the next season‘s games.


?I must have been cheated again. ?我使别人听懂我用英语说的话。

?I will make myself understood in English. ?他得了重感冒。

?He was hard hit by the flu. ?布莱克先生得了头奖。

?Mr. Black was given the first prize.

?(2)突出原文的宾语,将宾语置于主语的位置,动词用被动语态。 ?如果有人问你私事,你尽可以不答。

?If you are asked personal questions ,you need not answer them. ?现代工业需要大量蒸汽。

?Large quantities of steam are required by modern industry. ?政府授权工商部门严厉取缔投机倒把活动。

?Departments in charge of industry and commerce are authorized by the government to ban

speculation and profiteering.




?Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. ?没有爱心,就无法了解人生。

?Life cannot be understood without much charity.




?It would be appreciated if samples and brochure could be soon forwarded to us. ?通知学校全体教师下午聚会。

?The university‘s faculty shall be told to attend the gathering this afternoon.



?It is known that there are plenty of natural resources in that areas. ?自1983年以来,已经建立了一百多个这样的组织。

?There have been established more than one hundred organizations of such kind since 1983. ?据统计每天前来游览敦煌壁画的游客数以千计。

?As is shown by statistics, every day tourists coming to visit Dunhuang Murals amount to thousands.


语作主语的被动句或―it‖为形式主语的被动句。 ?在记者招会上,人们问了他许多问题。

?He was asked a lot of question at the press conference. ?长期以来,大家知道心脏和肝脏的关系是最主要的。

?It has long been known that there is a first relationship between heart and liver.


?It is said that the coming Band 4 English Examination is to be rather difficult, so we are supposed to get fully prepared for it.



?You are requested to give a performance. ?希望你们能按时完成作业。

?It is expected that you will finish your assignments on time. ?今天下午有一场英语讲座,全体研究生请务必参加。

?There will be an English lecture this afternoon .All the graduates are expected to attend.

?(6)某些汉语句子可借助于英语的一些固定搭配或词组来表达。 ?我面临着最难解决的困难。

?I am confronted with a difficulty of difficulties.


?Professor Wang, who has a good command of several foreign languages, is qualified to be an

interpreter on that occasion. ?


?China,which abounds in material and cultural resources,is destined to play a decisive role in

international affairs.



1. 汉语被动名译为英语主动句

?(1)为了符合英语的表达习惯 ?他被吓得坐起来。 ?He started to sit up. ?玛丽被雨淋感冒了。

?Mary caught cold because of the rain.




?They will smash all the trammels that bind them and rush forward along the road to liberation。They

will sweep all the imperials,warlords,corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry into their graves.


? 以―受‖、―挨‖、―遭‖、―让‖、―蒙受‖、―遭受‖等而下之为谓语动词的句子,主语处于被动地



?We are heartened to hear the reports of Olympics medallists. ?事实可以通过报纸的渠道让大家知道。

?The facts can be made known through the medium of the press.


?There stands so many big factories nearby that air is seriously polluted by smoke. ?因为违章开车,他遭永远吊销了驾驶执照。

?His driving license has been revoked once and for all because of his violation of traffic regulations. ? 汉语中一些特殊的词组(―加以‖、―得到‖等)可以用来表示被动意义,汉译英时也可



?All the above aspects should be improved in the future.


?After the earthquake,the people there were offered some aid and help by the people all over the


? 如果句子中出现―为…所…‖、―…是…的‖时,则是有标志的汉语被动句,英译汉时往往可以用被动语态的形式作谓语。

?The whole area is covered by tropical as well as subtropical forest and has unique climate.



?The program was designed by ourselves.

? 此句中,―…是…的‖的意思与表示判断或强调意义的―…是…的‖不同,翻译时应区别对待。

如―这个计划是可行的‖(This plan is feasible),―我是去年毕业的‖(It was in the last year that I graduated)。



?This problem has to be solved immediately, or it will delay the schedule. ?河上又架起了一座桥。

?Another bridge has been built across the river. ?明年将出版更多的书籍。

?A great number of new books will be published next year.

? 在后两个句子中,汉语以―时间‖和―地点‖做主语,谓语为及物动词。英译时常译为被动句。



?(1)deserve, require, want, need等这类被有些语法家划为带有被动含义的动词。例如: ?这个计划需要进一步讨论。

?The plan requires further discussing. ?好的品质值得表扬。

?The fine qualities deserved praising. ?房间需要打扫一下。 ?The room needs cleaning.



?这酒口感不错,与价格相称。 ?This wine drinks well for its price. ?这篇文章读起来像小说。 ?This paper reads like a novel. ?湿衣服易烫平。

?Damp clothes iron easily.



?晚饭正在做呢。 ?The dinner is cooking.



?The film is showing in town. ?她的眼里盈满了泪水。

?Her eyes were filling with tears.






?1. It‘s easier said than done.

?2. It was yesterday that we held a meeting in the club. ?3. The English Evening has been put off till Saturday.

?4. The compass was invented in China four thousand years ago. ?5. The value of true friendship is seldom known until it is lost. ?6. It is said that Tom‘s wisdom is the envy of a lot of people. ?7. It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.

?8. They can hardly be said to have discovered this phenomenon. ?9. It is universally known that the world is made of matter. ?10. His entire life was devoted to learning.

?11. The examination being over, I feel greatly relieved. ?12. The avenue is lined with neatly-spaced plane trees.

?13. A special committee has been formed to direct the campaign. ?14. No defects have been found in these documents.


?(见教案3 P23)

第五部分 篇 章 翻 译

? 篇章(discourse),不论是口头形式还是形式,都是一些意义相关的句子通过一定的承接手段合乎逻辑地组织起来的语义整体。一般说来,篇章由一个以上的话段或句子构成,它具有句法上的组织性和交际上的独立性。

? 篇章翻译是指高于句子层次或句子以上的语言单位的翻译,篇章翻译与句子翻译的主








? 连接(cohesion)体现在篇章的表层结构上,主要通过语法手段(如照应、替代省略等)和


? 由于汉英两种语言表达方式存在差异,如在句型结构方面:汉语中主语可省略,诸多

无主句并列在一起,而英语句子结构多以主语+谓语的形式出现;在照应方面:汉语无定冠词,英语中有定冠词,英语人称代词及其相应的限定词的使用率也大大高于汉语;在句内词语关系方面:汉语常常不用关联词,而依靠句内各部分之间内在的逻辑关系达到连接的目的,而英语中的逻辑联系词使用频繁。在汉译英时,往往需要增补, 在译文中增加主语、冠词人称代词、介词、和逻辑联系词等。把原文中内在的、隐性的联系表达出来,避免英语句子结构松散或脱节的现象。例如:

?1. 我的最大爱好是沉思默想。我可以一个人长时间的独处而感到愉快。独享欢乐是 一种愉


?①My greatest avocation is musing. ②I can stay by myself for a long time without feeling

disconsolate in the least. ③Happiness enjoyed alone is a pleasure, so is sorrow tasted privately. ④In solitude, the mind is not a complete blank; it remains a rich and colourful world. ⑤Solitude often induces ecstasy or anguish, and allows thinking to wander in a random way. ⑥She inspires the mood for poems, passionate or pathetic. ⑦She also enables people to think further and deeper and to have a more thorough understanding and examination of themselves and their environment.

?2. 一边走着,似乎道旁有一个孩子,抱着一堆灿白的东西。驴儿过去了,无意中回头一看——他抱着花儿,赤着脚儿,向我微微的笑。 (冰心: 《笑》)

?As I passed along, I somewhat sensed the presence of a child by the roadside carrying something

snow white in his arms. After the donkey had gone by, I happened to look back and saw the child, who was barefoot, looking at me smilingly with a bunch of flowers in his arms. (Tr. Zhang Peiji)


? 连贯(coherence)指篇章中语义的关联,连贯存在于篇章的底层。篇章的连贯性一方


? 在汉语篇章中,各句之间,分句之间少有连接词,多是并列展开,不分主从,隐含其




是不行的。 (《毛泽东选集》)

?First, we must make an adequate assessment of our achievements. In our revolution and construction,

the achievements are primary, though there are shortcomings and mistakes. Our achievements, however many, must not be exaggerated.




?1. 学生判断(讨论与分析):

?原文主要隐含什么逻辑关系?哪几句? ?原文主要隐含转折关系和因果关系。 ?2. 笔头作业

?I caught sight of several vendors waiting for customers outside the railings beyond a platform. But to

reach that platform would require crossing the railway track and doing some climbing up and down. That would be a strenuous job for father who was fat. I wanted to do all that myself, but he stopped me, so I could do nothing but let him go.



? 由于汉英篇章之间的共性和差异,在汉译英时,译者面临两方面的任务:第一,将汉


?1. 分切(分译法)



?庞贝城现在成了举世闻名的游览地,/ 人们可以在这里赞赏自然界的伟力与人类的创造才能,发出繁华如过眼云烟之类的种种感慨,/ 享受地中海的太阳与和风。

?Pompeii has now become a world renowned tourist spot. People visiting this place can admire the ?(2) 比较复杂的分切涉及句法结构的改变、搭配的拆合以及重新构建等。例如:

power of nature, the creativity of man or sigh with emotion that glory and prosperity are as transient as fleeting clouds. They can also enjoy the sunshine and the soft breeze of the Mediterranean.

?那件案子使他付出的代价是体重从160斤下降到了120斤, 看起来起码老了十岁,连讲话也


?那件案子使他付出的代价 / 是体重从160斤下降到了120斤,/ 看起来起码老了十岁,连讲话


?The stress of the case took its toll on him. His weight fell from 80 kg to 60 kg. He looked at least ten


years older and his voice grew very weak.



? 酒店濒临海湾,环境憩静。供家庭式度假小住有一厅二房;供团体入住有一厅六房;/ 更有


?The hotel lies on a cove in a peaceful environment. It provides two-room apartment for a whole

family to spend their vacation, and six-room apartment for group of tourists. In addition, there are 60 luxury double rooms. With modern facilities and excellent services, guests will feel completely at home. ?

? 2. 合并(合译法)

? 汉语篇章的特点是―形散而神聚‖,而英语篇章具有比较严谨的形式组织要求,因而在

汉译英时应注意化―流散‖为―聚集‖,同时,注意主次和先后顺序。 ?(1) 将汉语的隐性连接转换为英语的显性连接。例如:



? Although she was both shot and slender, she had a dignified and elegant countenance, a fine nose and shinny hair.


?燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 (朱自


?Swallows may have gone, but there‘s a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there‘s a time of regreening ; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again. (Tr. Zhu Chunshen)



?2.1 运用英语连接词。例如:


帮我建起房子来。 (鲁彦:《父亲》)

?When I heard his dying groans and sigh , I believed they were caused not by physical pain, but regret

for not being able to live a few years more to help me with the new house. (Tr. Zhang Peiji)

?2.2 运用英语分词结构。例如:



?Spring is more than half over, yet it is still cold, and sitting alone late at night after a whole day of

rain I find the continuous patter of raindrops depressing… (Tr. Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang)

?2.3 运用英语介词短语。例如:




?Qin Shi Huang‘s Mausoleum is a great tomb which the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty spent over

30 years building for himself, with about 8,000 lifesize figures of soldiers and horses buried here to protect the emperor after his death.


?With the sun right overhead now, the field, the clumps of trees and the huts were all picked out

clearly on a vast, flat surface, brilliantly lit and still.



?1. 有人说自信是成就伟大事业的基础。整个下午我一直在想这个问题,这是对的。我发现许


?2. 早听说香山红叶是北京最浓最浓的秋色,能去看看,自然乐意。我去的那日,天也作美,明净高爽,好得不能再好了;人也凑巧,居然找着一位老向导。这位老向导就住在西山脚下,早年做过四十年的向导,胡子都白了,还是腰板挺直,硬朗得很。 (杨朔:《香山红叶》)

?3. 北京是中国的文化中心。这里有五十多所高等院校,还有许多全国性的研究所和艺术科学


?4. 几件小摆设,每一件都代表着一个故事,珍藏着它们就像珍藏着一份份美好的回忆。

?5. 北京是中国的政治、文化中心。在那里你可以游览万里长城的一段——八达岭;

?明、清两代皇室居住的地方——故宫; … …

?参 考 译 文

?1. Self-confidence, someone said, is the foundation of doing great things. I have been thinking about

this the whole afternoon. I guess it‘s true. I find that so many people fail to realize their potential. This is such a pity.


?2. I heard long that the leaves on Xiangshan (Fragrance Hill) display the best reds of autumn in the

whole of Beijing. Of course I was only too happy to go and have a look. Luckily, on the day I went the weather could not have been better — bright, clear and dry — and we were just as lucky to find a guide. The old man lived right at the foot of the Western Hills. After working as a guide for over forty years till his whiskers turned white, he still held himself straight, altogether looking quite fit.

?3. As the cultural center of the country, Beijing has more than 50 institutions of higher learning, not

to mention the many national research institutes and art and science academies established in the capital.

?4. There are several small souvenirs, each with a story behind it, which I treasure as so many happy


?5. Beijing is the political and cultural center where you can visit Badaling, part of the Great Wall; the


Imperial Palace, imperial families of the Ming and the Qing dynasties, …


?1. 有谣言说,明年年初要实行价格改革。 ?2. 明年将出版更多的儿童读物。

?3. 热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此建立和发展贸易关系。 ?4. 大多数高校已将权利下放给系主任。


?1. Rumor has it that a price reform will be instituted at the beginning of next year. ?2. More books for children will be published next year.

?3. Customs all over the world are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts with


?4. In most colleges and universities, the decision-making rights have been given to the department



?陈宏薇.《汉英翻译基础》,上海外语教育出版社,1998 ?冯庆华.《英汉互译实用翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社,1997



? 居祖纯.《汉英语篇翻译》,清华大学出版社,1998 ? 吕瑞昌、喻云根等.《汉英翻译教程》,陕西人民出版社,1983

?牛双虹. 汉译英:英语定语从句的使用. 中国科技翻译. Vol.17, No.3. 2004, 2

?英语修辞格的理解与翻译 ?英语修辞格的分类 ?英语修辞格的翻译 ?英语修辞的分类










?英语修辞的翻译 ?直译法







?英语修辞的翻译 ?直译法







?Simile 明喻

?在本体和喻体之间出现明显的喻词,英语中用like, as, as if, as though,汉语中用―像‖、―好象‖、

―比如‖、―仿佛‖、―好比‖、―像……一样‖、―如……一样‖ –He drove as if possessed by the devil. ?他着魔似的驾车狂奔。

–与汉语的习惯表达相似:as cold as ice, as hot as fire, as hard as a rock, as white as snow –直译:as busy as a bee, as cheerful as a lark, as blind as a bat

–语义双关者无法直译,译出实际意思即可:as cool as a cucumber, as sharp as a needle, as tight as a drum

–It was like an electric current running through her body, as if the expectation of the audience was charging her with energy.

–His expression was that of a man whose parachute has failed to open in the midair.

–The difference between ―involvement‖ and ―commitment‖ is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the

chicken was ―involved‖ – the pig was ―committed.‖

–I was uneasily conscious that friendship with Mr. Vane was like owning a dog that bites. –Reason is to faith as the eye to the telescope.

–Just as a parent must learn to explain things to a child on a basic level, so too systems people are faced with having to gear their language to people who are unfamiliar with computers and perhaps even computer-phobic.

–Mother was short and plump and pretty. Her eyes were blue, and her brown hair was like a bird‘s smooth wings… (Wilder)

–Habit may be likened to a cable; every day we weave a thread, and soon we cannot break it. –So compared with any ordinary beam of light, the laser beam is a very orderly affair indeed. It‘s like a military march – everyone in step. In an ordinary beam, the waves are like the people in a crowd going to a football match, justling and bumping into one another.

?Metaphor 暗喻

?不露痕迹的比喻,把甲直接说成―是‖乙或―变成了‖乙,英语里常用be作喻词,也用become, turn


into等,汉语里用―是‖、―变成‖、―变为‖、―成为‖、―成了‖、―当作‖等。 –Money is the lens in a camera. (J. T. Adams)

–Jane‘s uncle is an old fox, up to all kinds of evils. ?简的叔叔是个老狐狸,什么坏事都干得出来。 –After that long talk, Jim became the sun in her heart. ?那次长谈之后,吉姆成了她心中的太阳。

–―All the world is a stage.‖

–The 19-year-old Elvis Presley cut the record ―That‘s All Right, Mama,‖ and rocketed to instant fame.

–My boss‘ view of life was essentially a one-way street in which all the traffic moved in the direction he wanted it to go. –From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.

-- Winston Churchill

?Personification 拟人



–The interview was over. Mary Thompson said good-bye to the manager, turned back and stepped out merrily and light-heartedly. The gate smiled after her and the sun stretched out her arms to greet her. (J. Wooten)

–The wind laughed at their attempts to catch the flying papers. –The willow tree danced seductively in the wind. Reliable Nature brought her promise of spring.

–England expects every man to do his duty. – Lord Nelson

–China stands tall among nations. –How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!

(John Milton)


–―Don‘t talk to me about no opportunity any more. Opportunity‘s knocking down every door in the country, trying to get in. when I was young, a man had to go out and find opportunity and drag it home by the ears.‖(Kurt Vonegut: Tom Edison’s Shaggy Dog)

?―休说什么机会难逢。机会正在国内每家每户敲门,想要进去呢。我年轻那会儿,人们得出门去寻找机会,揪着耳朵把它拖回来。‖ ?……挨家挨户……

?Hyperbole 夸张



–She is the prettiest girl in the world. ?她是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。


–For she was beautiful – her beauty made

The bright world dim, and everything beside Seemed like the fleeting image of a shade. (Shelly)

–I have told you a thousand times not to play with matches. –Women never have young minds. They are born three thousand years old. –I ate enough water melons tonight to last me a lifetime. –He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop. ?他在林荫道上跑着,发出的声音就像十匹马在奔腾。

?Euphemism 讳饰


–Thousands of people flocked to the hospitals to pay their respects to the remains of the great film star.


–His daughter is rather weak in the head. ?他的女儿脑子不太好使。

?Metonymy 转喻


–He must have been spoilt from the cradle. –What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.

–= Things learned in childhood will not be forgotten till death. –Having finished the law school, he was called to the bar. –=…he became a lawyer (AmE)/ a barrister (Br E). –Down Under


–British Lion

?England/the English government

–John Bull

?England/the English people


?The Russian people

–Uncle Sam

?The USA

–Capitol Hill

?The legislative Branch of the U.S ?

–Downing Street

?The British government/cabinet


?American film-making industry

–Fleet Street


?The British press

–Foggy Bottom

?U.S. State Department

–Madison Avenue

?American advertising industry

–The Pentagon

?The U.S. military establishment

–Wall Street

?U.S. financial circles

–The White House

?The U.S. President/administration


?Wisdom, intelligence, reason


?Feelings, emotions






?Beautiful woman



–The bar

?The legal profession

–The bench

?Position (or office) of judge/magistrate

–The press

?News reporters, journalists, newspapers

–His wife spent all her life on the stage.


–Paper and ink cut the throats of men, and the sound of a breath may shake the world. ?纸墨能割断人的喉管,嗓音能震动整个世界。

–Great minds think alike. ?英雄所见略同。

–Gray hair should be respected.

–=The old/aged should be respected.


?Ellipsis 省略



–―When did he say this?‖

―At the playground. And walking home. Yesterday.‖

= ―He said this at the playground when he was walking home yesterday.‖ (John Cheever: The Season of Divorce)




–He has provided the poor with jobs, with opportunity, with self-respect.


–They smiled, shook hands, parted.


–pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardships, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival of and the success of liberty.

– John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Speech

–But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. – Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

?Periphrasis 折绕

–Her olfactory system was suffering from a temporary inconvenience.

=Her nose was blocked.


–His brother is a disturber of the piano keys.



?Hypallage 移就

?transferred epithet转移修饰法


份错位或临时组合。(美国语言学者David Grambs,1990)



–After a happy day, she had a sleepless night. ?她在度过欢乐一天之后,却又熬过一个不眠之夜。

–In the examination, the boy threw a nervous glance at the teacher, who was obviously suspicious of his cheating.



?转移形容词 + 中心语。




–I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water. ?和煦的微风吹拂着我的肌肤,凉爽的海水托浮着我的身体。我享受着那种纯粹的飘飘欲仙的感觉。


–But he just looked at her with his crying face.



–People listened with open-mouthed astonishment while the shocking news sank in. ?当这条令人震惊的消息传来时,人们听后都惊得张大了嘴巴。



–The anguished dignity she brought to that part made it the best performance of her career. ?那个尽管痛苦却不失尊严的角色是她演艺生涯中塑造得最成功的一个。 –表示让步。

–The sky was overcast, and poured down onto the dirt crossroads a very discouraging light. ?阴沉沉的天空使这片泥土地的十字路口呈现出一片令人沮丧的色调。 –表示作用和影响。

–All the time the creeping fear that he would never come back to her grew strong within her. ?一直令她揪心的那种毛骨悚然的恐惧愈来愈强烈——她感到他将永远离她而去。




–He occasionally even engages in electronic conversations with Apple users around the country. ?他甚至偶尔跟全国各地的苹果电脑用户通过电脑连线交谈。 –比较:conversations on the Internet.


–And, as if to emphasize the difficulties that any prevention program has to face, you had only to

walk through any exit to find little groups enjoying a quiet cigarette. ?而且,像是为了强调任何预防措施都必定会面临的那些困难,你必须穿行于所有的出口,搜索那些正在偷偷过烟瘾的三三两两的人们。

?Parenthetically, let me admit that it isn‘t easy to resist cracking all those nut jokes. But resist I will. You‘ll get no cheap laughs from this article.


–Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995) Crack a joke: (infml) to tell a joke. –e.g. He kept cracking jokes about my appearance.




?移就格的翻译方法 ?变偏正结构为主述结构 ?位置还原法 ?分译 ?直译 ?意译


– ―An expensive failure can be made into an asset if you‘ve learnt from it, but Monsanto still has

some learning to do.‖

?―失败的代价虽然昂贵,然而只要你能从中吸取教训,它也能化为一笔财富。不过,曼山托公司仍然需要总结教训。 –―失败‖不能与―昂贵‖搭配,译者用了增词法,让―代价‖与―昂贵‖构成符合汉语逻辑的主述结构。 –增词增的不错,只是原文中的an expensive failure,原意为有些失败需要付出昂贵的代价,而在译文中有些走样,―失败的代价虽然昂贵‖,仿佛所有的失败都要付出昂贵的代价。 –―然而只要你能从中吸取教训,它也能化为一笔财富。‖不够精炼。


–These twin discoveries were a fitting reward for more than 800 lonely hours of patient patrolling of the skies over six years.


–因前面有数词,hours不能译作―时光‖。从逻辑上来看,lonely非谓语动词patrolling,译时将错位的lonely还原,与patient一起说明patrolling。 –―巡天‖由―巡逻‖而来,是一个聪明的新造词。







?They (African elephants and Indian elephants) represent a pitiful remnant of a group that once

included some 30 kinds of animals large enough to make the ground tremble beneath their step.


–原语的修辞手法不宜照搬到译入语中。将pitiful remnant分开来译,把pitiful放于句首,译文更浅白自然些。







–Brutal plan cuts off researchers in their prime. ?残酷的计划裁减了一批年富力强的研究人员。

–According to some sources, financiers are keeping a cool eye on the superconductor industry. ?根据某些资料,金融家们目前对超导产业采取一种冷眼旁观的态度。

–One of the painful prices human beings have paid for their predilection for starchy and sugary foods has been the premature decay and loss of teeth.



? 有时,言内言外转移形容词都没有逻辑修饰对象。此时,它可能相当于一个代词,暗


?Bullock‘s report says companies that emerge from such university environment follow a distinctive pattern of development. They start as technical consultancies, then move toward the development of a specific product. These ―soft companies‖ are easy to start because they need little in the way of capital or staff, and they are less prone to failure than companies oriented toward ―hard‖ products.


?Apostrophe 呼告


–Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour:

England hath need of thee!…(W. Wordsworth) ?弥尔顿,你现在该活在人世, 英格兰多么地需要你啊!……

–England! awake! awake! awake! Jerusalem thy sister calls! (W. Blake) ?英格兰!醒来!醒来!醒来吧! 你的姐姐耶路撒冷在呼唤着你!

?Climax 递升

? 把事物按由小到大、由轻到重等次序说下去,使要表达的思想逐步加深、感情逐步强



–Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

(Francis Bacon)

–I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plains, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. (Martin Luther King)

It is an outrage to bind a Roman citizen; to scourge him is a crime; to put him to death is almost parricide. (Cicero)


–Threaten him, imprison him, torture him, kill him: you will not induce him to betray his country. ?威胁他,监禁他,拷打他,处死他:这些都不能使他背叛自己的国家。

?Bathos; Anti-climax 突降


–As a serious young man, I loved Beethoven, Keats, and hot dogs. –For God, for American, and for Yale.

–She had a warm and sympathetic personality, a quick and perceptive intelligence, beautiful features, and real skill at bowling. (William R. Ebbitt and David R. Ebbitt) –Religion, credit and the eye are not to be touched. ?宗教、荣誉和眼珠,三者都不能亵渎。

–You manage a business, stocks, bonds, people. And now you can manage your hair. ?你能管理公司、股票、债券、人员,现在也能管好你的头发了。

–How haughtily he cocks his nose,

To tell what every schoolboy knows. (J. Swift) ?他昂首挺胸,趾高气扬,傲慢无比, 讲开了每个小学生都知道的东西。

–The explosion completely destroyed a church, two houses, and a flowerpot. ?这起事故彻底毁坏了一个教堂、两所房屋和一个花盆。

?Irony 反语


–When the doctors came, they said she had died of heart disease – of joy that kills.

–Kate Chopin: The Story of an Hour

–…a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome

food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout.

–Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal

–What a noble illustration of the tender laws of his favored country! – they let the paupers go to sleep! (Charles Dickens)


–―The boy has broken another glass,‖ said the mother.


―A fine thing!‖ the father replied.

?母亲说:―小家伙又打碎了一个杯子。‖ 父亲回答说:―好得很!‖ ?

?Aposiopesis 跳脱


–Four hours ago the child was alive and well, but now…!

?四个小时以前,这孩子还好好的活着,一点都没事,可现在却…… ?四个小时前,这孩子还活蹦乱跳的,现在却…… ?……还生龙活虎的……

–―Well, I did think of one thing…rather odd…of a girl at Cambridge that I might have…you know.‖ (J. Galsworrthy: The Apple Tree)


?Parallelism; Parataxis 排比


–We can gain knowledge, by reading, by reflection, by observation or by practice. (parallelism)

?求知门径颇多,或阅读,或思考,或观察,或实践。 –I came, I saw, I conquered. (parataxis)


–We laughed, we sang, we danced. (parataxis)


?Question and Answer 设问


–Why, having own her, do I woo?

Because her spirit‘s vestal grace Provokes me always to pursue,

But, spirit-like, eludes embrace. (C. Patmore) ?既已赢得她,为何还求爱? 因为她心灵的贞静、美好 总引起我把她追求,但是, 又像个精灵,总回避拥抱。

–Shall I compare thee to a summer‘s day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate. (Shakespeare) ?我能不能拿夏天来同你相比? 你呀比夏天来得可爱和温煦。

?Rhetorical Question 反问


–Then who will cheer my bonny bride

Whey they have slain her lover? (Thomas Campbell) ?杀了这漂亮新娘的爱人,



–O, if you felt that pain I feel!

But O, who ever felt as I? (W.S. Landor) ?啊,要是你能体会这痛苦! 唉,可谁的感觉像我一样?

?White Lie 谲词


–A lad got on a bus to travel up to the West End. He offered the conductor 2 pence. ―You can‘t travel

for 2 pence if you are over 14,‖ said the conductor. ―That‘s right, mate,‖ said the boy. ―I‘m only 13.‖ ―Oh, yes? And when will you be 14?‖

―As soon as I get off the bus.‖ (300 Western Humorous Stories)

?一个男孩走上公共汽车,到伦敦市西区去。他拿出两个便士向售票员买票。售票员说:―如果你超过十四岁,就不能只花两便士乘车了。‖ 男孩说:―对了,老兄,我才十三岁呢。‖

售票员问:―哦,是吗?那你什么时候才十四岁呢?‖ 男孩回答说:―一下车就是了。‖

?A young girl entered a hospital to see her boyfriend. She walked boldly up to a woman whom she

took to be a nurse there. ―May I see Mr. Jackson, please?‖ She said politely. ―Certainly,‖ said the woman. ―By the way, may I ask who you are?‖ ―I‘m his sister,‖ calmly replied the girl.

―Well, well!‖ chuckled the woman. ―I‘m so glad to meet you, honey. I‘m his mother.‖

?一位年轻的姑娘走进医院探望男朋友。有一位妇女在那里,姑娘以为她是医院里的护士,壮着胆子走上前去。姑娘彬彬有礼地问:―请问,我可以探望杰克逊先生吗?‖ 妇女回答说:―当然可以啦。顺便问一声,你是什么人?‖ 姑娘镇定地回答:―我是他的妹妹。‖


Periodic sentence 圆周句





–And at last, as a due and fitting climax to the shameless persecution that party rancor had inflicted upon me, nine little toddling children, of all shades of color and degree of raggedness, were taught to rush onto the platform at a public meeting, and clasp me around the leg and call me PA! ?Mark Twain: Running for Governor

–Just before I went away to college, my father took me aside, as I had expected, and said, as I had not expected, ―Now, Son, if a strange woman comes up to you on a street corner and offers to take your watch around the corner and have it engraved, don‘t do it.‖




–Always obey your parents — when they are present. –When your parents are present, always obey them.




?It is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a

wife. (Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice)


–读者看到It is universally acknowledged的时候,会以为作者要郑重其事的宣告一个举世公认的真理。而读完最后一个词会有―大上其当‖的感觉,而又不得不佩服作者匠心独具。 –作者以庄重高雅的形式把读者的期待引向高峰,而最后一个词所代表的庸俗内容却又将读者的期待降到谷底,所以产生了强烈的讽刺效果,耐人寻味,因此使人难忘。

?Opposing players laughed at the puny boy with green eyes and tousled brown hair on their base —

until they discovered they couldn't hit a ball past me.


On the morning of a fine June day, my first bonny little nursling, and the last of the ancient Earnshaw stock, was born. (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights, Ch. 8, V.I)


?六月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,我要抚养的第一个小宝宝,也是古老的 厄恩肖家族的最后一根苗,出世了。


?拟声;对偶;断取;脚韵 ?析数;同字;双关;顶真 ?统括;列锦;拈连;精警 ?借代;倒装;摹形;反复

?Onomatopoeia 拟声



–A hammering clatter of hoofs beating the hard road.


–White jagged lightning, followed by the brazen clash and deep rumble of thunder.


?Antithesis 对偶



–Small sorrows speak; great sorrows are silent.

–What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. (Samuel Johnson)

–The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did

here. (Abraham Lincoln)

–It will not be easy. It will require sacrifice. But it can be done and done fairly. No choosing sacrifice for its own sake, but for our own sake. (Bill Clinton)

–Beauty, strength, youth, are flowers but fading seen;

Duty, faith, love, are roots, and every green. ?美貌、体力、年轻,就像花朵,终将衰尽; 义务、信念、爱情,就像树根,万古长青。

–When all the bravest spoke of surrender,

He, the coward, insisted on continuing the defense. ?勇士们一个个主张投降, 他这个懦夫却坚持抵抗。

?Rhyme 脚韵

–When the cat‘s away, the mice will play.


–Health and wealth


–Fair and square


–High flyer


–Low blow


?Pun 双关

?Joel Sherzer: A pun is a form of speech play in which a word or phrase unexpectedly and

simultaneously combines two unrelated meanings. 乙,言此意彼,或两义兼顾。


–语音双关(谐音双关) –语义双关


–Then there was the man in the restaurant.

―You‘re not eating your fish,‖ the waitress said to him. ―Anything wrong with it?‖ ―Long time no sea.‖ the man replied.

–When a woman complained to her butcher that his sausages tasted like meat at one end, but like bread at the other, he replied: ―Madam, in times like these no butcher can make both ends meat.‖


–Drunk drivers put the quart before the hearse.

?Put cart before the horse

–― Mine is a long and a sad tale!‖ said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing.

―It is a long tail, certainly,‖ said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse‘s tail, ―but why do you call it sad?‖

?Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland


–A Farewell to Arms

?永别了,武器 ?战地春梦

–Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers? Because they lie first on one side, and then on the other, and

remain wide awake all the time.

–The professor rapped on his desk and shouted: ―Gentlemen, order!‖ – The entire class yelled: ―Beer!‖

–I finally figured out how government works. The Senate gets the bill from the House, the President gets the bill from the Senate, and we get the bill for everything.

–―Fourth floor,‖ shouted the passenger to the elevator. ―Here you are, son.‖

―How dare you call me ?son‘?‖

―Sir, I called, or whatever. I‘ve brought you up, anyway.‖ –Second to None

–―My Faith is gone!‖ cried he, after one stupefied moment. (Hauthorne)

–―Give me a sentence about a public servant,‖said the teacher.

A small boy replied, ―The policemen came down the ladder pregnant.‖

The teacher took the lad aside to correct him, ―Don‘t you know what ?pregnant‘ means?‖ ―Sure, ‖answered the boy confidently. ―It means ?carrying a child‘.‖ –Try our sweet corn. You‘ll smile from ear to ear.

–Professor of Physics: What is matter? Student: Never mind.

Professor: Then what is mind? Student: It doesn‘t matter. ?物理老师:何谓物? 学生:不关心。 物理老师:何谓心? 学生:不关物事。

–(A college professor was one day nearing the close of a history lecture and was indulging in one of those rhetorical climaxes in which he delighted when the hour struck. The students immediately began to slam down the movable arms of their lecture chairs and to prepare to leave. The professor, annoyed at the interruption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand: ) ―Wait just one minute, gentlemen. I have a few more pearls to cast. ‖



–We must indeed all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.


?如果我们不拧成一股绳,就会吊死在不同的绳子上。 ?我们要共赴沙场,不然会分赴刑场。

?King‘s English

–My first teaching job was at a high school in Georgia. Having been born and raised in the North, I

had some initial difficulty understanding my students‘ accents. Jokingly, I said to one girl, ―I do wish you Southerners would speak English!‖ ―We do.‖ She replied.

―Well, it‘s not the King‘s English,‖ I protested.

―Sure it is,‖ she said. ―Remember, Elvis was a Southerner.‖



―我知道,可那不是标准的英语。‖我对她的话表示异议。 ―那是的,‖她说―别忘了,Elvis可是南方人。‖ ?……―可那不是纯正英语。‖


–She explained that Rastus was very dear to her. Considering the amount she paid, he was dear in more than one way!


–Context: 一位有钱的老太太心爱的猫儿Rastus被坏人―绑架‖,花了一大笔赎金才失而复得。 –因为原文中dear in more than one way的dear语带双关,而汉语是没有类似的词,所以只好把隐含的意思明朗化,算是一种妥协。

–When a woman dresses to kill, the victim‘s apt to be time. ?*当女人梳妆打扮的时候,时间就成了她的牺牲品了。 ?女人梳妆打扮时,时间就成了受害者。 –dressed to kill

Definition: Wearing fashionable clothing; dressed in one's most stylish and sophisticated apparel. Examples: 1) Holly is really dressed to kill -- everyone in the room is looking at her! 2) Tina was dressed to kill for her date on Saturday night.

–Etymology: The idea is that your appearance could be so strong and powerful that you would 'kill' (dominate, defeat, knock over) anyone who sees you.

?Anadiplosis 顶真


–Still he sought for fame…fame, that last infirmity of noble mind.


–He gave his life; life was all he could gave.






–The gray sea and the long black land;

And the yellow half-moon large and low. (Robert Browning) ?灰蒙蒙的大海,黑幽幽的长岸; 刚升起的半个月亮又大又黄。 –Honour, anger, valour, fire; A love that life could never tire, Death quench or evil stir, The mighty master

Gave to her. (R. L. Stevenson) ?坚贞、义愤、英勇、热烈, 她的那种情爱,生活难以煎枯, 邪恶无从诱惑,死亡不能扑灭—— 这是全能的主 授予她的禀赋。

?Zeugma 轭式修辞法




–I got up yesterday and managed to catch a bus and a cold.

–She looked at the faded photo with suspicion and a magnifying glass. –We sell clothes that fit the figures and the times. –




–I used to organize my father‘s tools, my mother‘s kitchen utensils, my sister‘s boyfriends.



–She braved it for a moment or two with an eye full of love and stubbornness, and murmured a phrase or two vaguely of Gen. Pinkney; but at length down went her head and out came the truth and tears. (O. Henry)

–The blood stained her honor and her new brocade. ? 血迹玷污了她的新装,也玷污了她的名誉 。 –She lost her heart and necklace at a ball.

? 在一次舞会上,她丢了魂,也丢了项链 。




