(2013春)七年级报纸电子版·牛津深圳版(第07期) - 图文

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I.听录音,选出你听到的句子。每小题念两遍。(共5个小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. A. Tara is funny and has long hair. B. Tara is funny and has short hair. C. Tara is quiet and has short hair. ( ) 2. A. Paul is thin and likes to wear T-shirts. B. Paul is fat and likes to wear jackets. C. Paul is thin and likes to wear jackets. ( ) 3. A. My father usually watches TV in the evening. B. My father usually reads a newspaper in the evening. C. My father usually watches movies in the evening. ( ) 4. A. Yesterday the late bus took me to the supermarket. B. Yesterday the early bus took me to the school. C. Yesterday the early bus took me to the supermarket. ( ) 5. A. I usually have nothing to do on weekends. B. I usually have too much homework on weekends. C. I usually have too much housework on weekends.

II. 听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。每小题念两遍。(共5个小题,每小题1分)

( ) 6. A. Yes, you may.

B. Yes, I am.

C. Yes, this is Mr Smith. ( ) 7. A. Thank you.

B. You're welcome. C. The same to you. ( ) 8. A. Have a nice trip.

B. See you then. C. Have a sweet dream. ( ) 9. A. I'm not nervous.

B. Nice to meet you. C. You're very kind. ( ) 10. A. Here it is. B. I'd like to help you. C. You can go there by bus.


( ) 11. How long is the library open? A. For 7 hours.

B. For 8 hours. C. For 9 hours. ( ) 12. What's the girl's pet? A. A rabbit.

B. A dog. C. A cat.

( ) 13. Why doesn't the girl go to the movies? A. Because she is tired. B. Because she is busy. C. Because she is ill.

( ) 14. What's the weather like in the girl's home town? A. It's hot.

B. It's never rainy. C. It's often rainy.

( ) 15. What will the boy give Linda for her birthday'? A. A CD.

B. A book. C. A toy.


( ) 16. What will the students watch this Sunday? A. A fashion show.

B. A flower show.

C. A dolphin show.

( ) 17. What time will the students start? A. At 7:00 am.

B. At 8:00 am. C. At 9:00 am.

( ) 18. Where will the students have lunch? A. On the bus. B. Near the school gate. C. Near the park gate.

( ) 19. What will the students do after lunch? A. Plant some flowers. B. Climb a hill. C. Listen to a report.

( ) 20. How will the students go home?

A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By train.




( ) 1. My father is a cheerful man. He is always kind to us. A. sad

B. happy C. big

D. tired

( ) 2. My mother is sick at home. I have to take care of her today. A. take up

B. look for C. look after

D. take away

( ) 3. Shenzhen is famous for its beautiful sea and modern buildings. A. is used for

B. is interested in C. is well-known for

D. is good for

( ) 4. Mr Green is a blind man. He always goes everywhere with a guide dog. A. can't hear

B. can't smell C. can't see

D. can't walk

( ) 5. We will discuss this problem in the next class meeting. A. talk about

B. talk with C. take in

D. take with


( ) 6. ---- What sport do you like best?

---- I prefer playing ________ football. What about you? A. the

B. / C. a D. some

( ) 7. My father bought a bike for me yesterday. ________ bike is blue.

A. A

B. The C. / D. An

( ) 8. ----I like our English teacher very much. ---- Me too. She is very patient ________US. A. to

B. on C. with D. in

( ) 9. ---- Look! Those flowers are so nice. ---- That is true. They also smell ________. A. good

B. well C. bad D. sick

( ) 10. The plane will arrive ________ the airport in Shenzhen tomorrow. Tim will

go to the airport to meet his uncle ________.

A. in; himself

B. at; him

C. in; him

D. at; himself

( ) 11. Hangzhou is famous ________ the West Lake. Every year lots of visitors go

there for a visit.

A. as

B. on C. in D. for

( ) 12. ---- It is going to rain. Please don't forget _______ your raincoat. ---- Thank you! I will ________ that.

A. taking; remember B. to take; to remember C. taking; remembering D. to take; remember

( ) 13. ---- Miss Li is very strict ________ our study. ---- But she always encourages us ________ our best. A. about; to trying

B. with; trying

C. about; to try

D. with; to try

( ) 14. His mother is very strict with him. She doesn't ________ him ________ out

at night.

A. pay; to go

B. care; going C. allow; to go

D. worry; going

( ) 15. He was very tired after a long walk, so he ________ soon after he got home. A. fall asleep

B. fell sleepy C. fell asleep D. fall sleepy

( ) 16. ---- Can you tell me where the post office is?

---- Go along the road for about two hundred meters, and you will find it

________ the bank.

A. next to

B. with C. under D. in

( ) 17. ---- The cup is very beautiful. Where does it ________ from? ---- It is made in China. It is made ________ glass.

A. come; from

B. came; from

C. came; of

D. come; of

( ) 18. There are ________ people going to the beach for fun every summer. A. thousand of

B. two thousands

C. thousands of

D. thousands

( ) 19. He is ________ English in the classroom. It is good ________ his spoken


A. reading; at

B. read; for

C. reading; for

D. read; at

( ) 20. ---- It is so hot today! Why not go swimming with me?

---- Sorry! ________ A. I'm sorry to hear that. B. I'm very busy today. C. How about this afternoon? D. Good idea.



It was a Sunday morning. Tom went out for fun ____21____ his friends. They wanted to go to the beach. ____22____ they arrived at the beach, they felt very excited. They liked the beach very much. One of Tom's friends planned to play ___23___ volleyball on the beach. All the boys agreed. But Mike didn't want to ____24____ them, because he didn't know how to play Volleyball. Tom ____25____ Mike to have a try. Then they began to play Volleyball together. After a while, Mike learned to play it with the

____26____ of his friends. He was really a ____27____ boy. After two hours, they felt ____28____ and stopped to have a rest. They had some food. Tom preferred to eat the hamburger. After that they began to ____29____ in the sea. They really enjoyed ____30____ on the weekend. ( ) 21. A. on

B. in C. with D. for

( ) 22. A. When

B. Before C. Because D. If

( ) 23. A. a

B. the C. / D. an

( ) 24. A. take part

B. join

C. practice

D. learn

( ) 25. A. liked

B. gave

C. provided

D. asked

( ) 26. A. interest

B. help

C. hobby

D. success

( ) 27. A. silly

B. kind

C. smart D. bad

( ) 28. A. tired

B. happy

C. strange

D. interested

( ) 29. A. run

B. jump C. walk D. swim

( ) 30. A. them

B. themselves

C. they

D. theirs




This year, many students went to China for a visit. They went to several places. The following are the notes they took when they visited the places.

Tim: My father and I arrived in Beijing on July 8. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. Then we ate the famous food – Beijing Duck there. And we went shopping in Wangfujing. Kevin: We flew to Sichuan on January 10. In Sichuan, we went to climb Mount Emei. The mountain is very high and beautiful. I saw some beautiful monkeys there. May: On January 13, we went to Yunnan by train. I saw many wonderful lakes there. The water in the lake was so blue and clean. And we also saw many different kinds of flowers. I couldn't name them. Judy: On February 10, we flew to Hainan. The sea in Hainan is very beautiful and clear. The beach is very large and clean. Many people liked to stay on the beach to enjoy the warm sunshine. We drank a lot of coconut (椰子) juice there. ( ) 31. Who went to Beijing with his or her father? A. Tim.

B. Kevin. C. May. D. Judy.

( ) 32. Where did Kevin see some beautiful monkeys? A. In Yunnan.

B. In Sichuan.

C. In Guangdong.

D. In Hainan.

( ) 33. How did May go to Yunnan? A. By bus.

B. By car.

C. By plane.

D. By train.

( ) 34. When did Judy went to Hainan? A. On February 10.

B. On January 13.

C. On January 10.

D. On July 8.

( ) 35. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. May saw beautiful lakes in Hainan.

B. Kevin drank a lot of coconut juice during his trip. C. Tim visited the Palace Museum with his father. D. Judy went to Sichuan by plane.


Our English teacher was very good, and he was from Australia. We called him Mr Smith. He often explained to us that English is very useful in the world. So he asked us to learn English well. In class, he gave us much time to practice speaking English. At first I could hardly understand a word and I could not talk in English at all. But soon I found English was not so hard and I could talk to my friends and classmates in English.

Now Mr Smith has left our school. This year we have a new teacher, Mrs Black. She also teaches us very carefully. She often asks us to recite (背诵) the texts and play games. With the help of the two foreign teachers, we all have made great progress. Now I read English for at least two hours every day. Sometimes I watch English TV programmes at home. I like singing English songs as well. These ways can help me speak English better.

( ) 36. Where did Mr Smith come from? A. Britain.

B. America.

C. Australia.

D. Germany.

( ) 37. Why did Mr Smith ask the writer to learn English well? A. English is very useful.

B. The writer failed in the English exam. C. The writer didn't like English. D. The writer couldn't speak English well.

( ) 38. What does Mrs Black ask them to do to learn English?

A. Watch TV and read books. B. Recite the texts and play games. C. Copy the texts and watch TV. D. Listen to some English songs.

( ) 39. How long does the writer read English every day now? A. For at least one hour. B. For more than three hours. C. For at least two hours. D. For half an hour.

( ) 40. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Mr Smith gave the students little time to practice speaking English in


B. Mrs Black is the writer's new English teacher now.

C. With the help of Mr Smith and Mrs Black, the writer have made great


D. Watching English TV programmes helps the writer speak English better.


It is the last weekend of August again and it's carnival (狂欢节) time in Notting Hill in London. Every year this carnival takes place on the street - a huge, exciting and noisy street party. Two million people come here every year for this wonderful carnival. Musicians, dancers, pop singers, and rock bands come from all over the world. All the people here are really cheerful for the carnival.

About 45 different groups of musicians play loud music. People listen, sing and dance here. There are over 400 food stalls here, hot and spicy! People eat and drink together, and they talk with their friends. There are also clothes stalls here, with colorful carnival T-shirts and sweat-shirts, baseball caps and bags. Many dancers wear colorful costumes (服装) - red, yellow, green and other colors. They want to win the Carnival Costume Competition!

( ) 41. When does the carnival take place? A. On the first weekend of August.

B. On the last weekend of August. C. On the second weekend of August. D. On the last day of August.

( ) 42. How many people come to the carnival every year? A. Two million.

B. Two hundred. C. Two thousand.

D. Twenty million.

( ) 43. What does the underlined word “stalls” mean in Chinese? A. 摊位

B. 商店 C. 超市 D. 食品店

( ) 44. What kind of stalls are there in the carnival? A. Food and books.

B. Food and clothes.

C. Clothes and toys.

D. Books and bags.

( ) 45. Why do many dancers wear the colorful clothes? A. They like to wear colorful clothes.

B. They have to wear colorful clothes in the carnival. C. They want to show their beauty in the carnival. D. They want to win the Carnival Costume Competition.


Handball (手球) is a fast-paced ball game. There are two teams in the game. Each team has seven players. The players can pass, throw, catch and dribble (运球) the small ball with their hands to try to get goals. Each game lasts for 70 minutes. Thirty minutes for a half, and there is a 10 minutes' break after the first thirty minutes. In the game, the players are allowed to throw, catch, stop, push or hit the ball by using hands, arms, head, torso, thighs and knees. Each time the players can only hold

the ball for three seconds. And the players can move with the ball within three seconds, too.

The court (球场) for the handball game is 40 meters long and 20 meters wide. A center line makes it into two equal parts with a goal area. The ball is made of leather outside. It is about 425 to 475 grams for men, and 325 to 375 grams for women. ( ) 46. How many players are there in a team in the handball game? A. Seven.

B. Fourteen.

C. Eight.

D. Twelve.

( ) 47. The underlined word \ A. 目标

B. 得分

C. 速度

D. 传球

( ) 48. How long can the players take a break in the handball game? A. For five minutes. B. For ten minutes. C. For twenty minutes. D. For thirty minutes.

( ) 49. The players aren't allowed to ________ in the game. A. throw the ball

B. catch the ball

C. hit the ball

D. kick the ball

( ) 50. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The players can hold the ball for four seconds. B. The players can't use their arms to keep the ball. C. The court for the handball game is 40 meters long.

D. The ball is made of plastic (塑料).

B)从所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话。(共5小题,每小题1分)。 A. give B. from C. support D. strict E. into F. full A: Who teaches you English? B: Miss Green.

A: Where is she (51) ________?

B: She is an Australian. She is very (52) ________ with us.

A: How are her English classes? Do you like having English classes?

B: Great like her English classes very much. Her classes are (53) ________of fun. A: Does she always encourage you and give you (54) ________? B: Yes, she always tells us not to (55) ________ up learning English, C)从所给的六个句子中选出五个补全对话。(共5小题,每小题1分) A. I went to Thailand, Malaysia and Korea. B. Yes, of course. C. I took a lot of photos. D. The food there was very nice, and there was a lot of fruit. E. I went to a lot of places. F. Where did you take them? A: How was your winter holiday, Tim? B: It was great. (56) ________ A: Oh, can you tell me where you went? B: (57) ________

A: Did you go to Mankok (曼谷)? I hear that it is very beautiful. B: Yes, I went there. (58) ________ A: Did you take your camera?

B: Yes, a camera is very helpful in a trip. (59) ________ A: Can you show me your photos?

B. (60) ________ Would you like to come to my home after work? A: OK.

IV.用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(共10小题,每小题1分) 61. Mike wants to ________ (apology) for his mistakes. 62. The book makes him ________ (success).

63. There are two ________ (France) students in my class this term. 64. Computers are very ________ (help) in our daily life. 65. He worked so hard that he passed the exam ________ (final). 66. Reading in bed is ________ (harm) to your eyes.

67.The factory ________ (produce) many products (产品) last year. 68. He finished his homework by ________ (him) last night.

69. I will never give up ________ (learn) English, because it is very useful. 70. When the dog barked last night, I ________ (wake) up. V.书面表达。(10分)

请你根据下面的内容提示写一篇介绍你朋友的文章。词数70左右。 Judy: 12 years old; tall and thin; be good at cooking Favorite subject: Art

Character: hard-working; cheerful Country: America Hobby: table tennis

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B版

词语狙击 Vocabulary

综合知识专练(一) (For Units 1 -4)


根据句意及汉语提示填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 1. Every ________ (人) has the right to get educated.

2. To be a good teacher, you should be ________ (耐心的) enough.

3. Linda is a(n) ________ (成员) of the music club. 4. Thank you very much for your ________ (支持).

5. We can usually get the main idea of a passage from the first ________ (段落). 6. The dog ________ (犬叫) loudly because it saw a thief. 7. I want to keep a dog as my ________ (宠物).

8. I waited for him the whole evening and he ________ (出现) at last. 9. My hobby is ________ (攀登) mountains. 10. I like watching all the ________ (节目) on CCTV.


根据句意及首字母提示填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 11. The story was very funny, and the boy l ________. 12. Tom is a s ________ boy and he can answer all the questions. 13. My father is h ________ and he always tries his best to do his job well. 14. My parents always e ________ me to deal with all the problems by myself. 15. The girl cannot go anywhere by herself because she is b ________. 16. We should get to the a ________ 45 minutes early before the plane takes off. 17. It was d ________ inside, so we had to turn on the lights. 18. The room is empty and there is n ________ in it. 19. Our school doesn't a ________ students to smoke. 20. I need a t ________, because I want to wash my face.


用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。 21. The little girl looked ________ (cheer) when she saw her father. 22. Linda didn't go to school today. She was ________ (probable) ill. 23. I think Lang Lang is a ________ (success) pianist.

24. The dictionary is very ________ (help) and I always look up new words in it. 25. You should ________ (apology) to Terry because you made him angry. 26. ________ (final), I finished the task by myself.

27. The man shook (摇动) his head. He ________ (mean) that he didn't agree with you.

28. The dog ________ (lead) the man to the supermarket yesterday. 29. I ________ (forget) to close the door when I left just now.

30. After leaving home, the boy ________ (miss) his family very much.



as well; take care of; tell jokes; make fun of; be strict about; give up; go to work; all day and all night; arrive at; by oneself; lead (sb) to; fall asleep; wake up; get down; fire engine 31. 迈克很擅长讲笑话。

Mike is good at ________ ________. 32. 当我今天早上醒来的时候,已经十点了。

It was already ten o'clock when I ________ ________ this morning. 33. 这栋建筑物着火了。很快,消防车来了。

The building was on fire. Seconds later, the ________ ________ came. 34. 我喜欢阅读,同时我也喜欢写作。

I enjoy reading and I like writing ________ ________. 35. 我很爱我的妈妈,因为她总是很细心地照顾我。

I love my mother very much because she always ________ ________ ________ me carefully.

36. 我今天上学迟到了,因为路上塞车。

I ________ ________ school late today because of the traffic jams. 37. 李老师对我们的书写要求严格。

Miss Li ________ ________ ________ our handwriting. 38. 这个调皮的孩子经常喜欢嘲弄别人。

The naughty boy likes ________ ________ ________ others. 39. 无论什么时候,你都不要放弃你的希望。 Don't ________ ________ your hope at any time. 40. 这位科学家夜以继日地进行科学研究。

The scientist spent ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ doing

scientific researches.

41. 外面很吵闹,我现在睡不着觉。

It's noisy outside. I can't ________ ________ now. 42. 你应该学会自己处理问题。

You should learn to deal with problems ________ ________. 43. 我今晚要早点睡觉,因为明天要上班。

I should go to bed early tonight because I have to ________ ________ ________


44. 这位服务员把我们领进了大厅。

The waiter ________ us ________ the hall. 45. 听到声音,他吓得蹲下了。

He was afraid and ________ ________ when he heard the sound. 句型演练 Sentences


同义句转换。每空一词。 1. I hope we can still be friends. I hope we can ________ friends.

2. Sam didn't remember Alice's address. Sam ________ Alice's address.

3. I sit beside Lily. We get on well with each other.

I sit ________ ________ Lily. We get on well with each other. 4. It is sunny today. Why don't you go out with me? It is sunny today. ________ ________ go out with me? 5. How do you think about your new classmate, Lily?

________ do you ________ ________ your new classmate, Lily? 6. I can't go to any places because I have many things to do now. I ________ go ________ because I have many things to do now. 7. Mike said sorry to Jessica because he broke her glasses. Mike ________ ________ Jessica because he broke her glasses. 8. Her spoken English is better than that of any other students in her class.

Her spoken English is ________ ________ in her class. 9. To be a nurse, you should take care of the sick well. To be a nurse, you should ________ ________ the sick well. 10. I can speak English well and I can speak French well, too. I can speak ________ English ________ French well.


根据汉语提示补全句子。每空一词。 11. 李老师的课总是能使我们学到许多东西。

Miss Li's classes can always ________ ________ ________a lot of things. 12. 我的生活总是充满了欢乐。

My life is always ________ ________ fun. 13. 我的奶奶八年前去世了。

My grandma ________ eight years ________. 14. 她是一个漂亮的女人,有着长长的头发。

She is a beautiful lady ________ ________ hair. 15. 在我有困难的时候,班主任总是给我支持。

My class teacher always ________ ________ ________ when I am in trouble. 16. 露西总是帮助她妈妈做家务。

Lucy always ________ her mother ________ housework. 17. 他们俩人都很友好。

They are ________ ________. 18.看到这条蛇的时候,我非常地害怕。

When I saw the snake, I ________ very ________. 19. 我一见到她,就告诉了她这个好消息。

I told her the good news ________ ________ ________ I saw her. 20. 莉莉,记得明天和我去购物。

Lily, ________ _______ ________ shopping with me tomorrow. 玩转语法 Grammar


Ⅰ. 从下列所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. ---- Who's the woman standing ________ Mrs Green and Mrs Smith? ---- She's my class teacher. A. between

B. with

C. above

D. on

( ) 2. ---- Where is your house, Tom? I can't see it. ---- Oh, it is over there, ________ the white house. A. between

B. behind

C. and

D. next

( ) 3. Don't put too many things ________ your desk. You'd better keep it clean. A. from

B. at

C. on D. with

( ) 4. There are lots of trees ________ our classroom. We can always see birds there. A. in the front of

B. in front of

C. between

D. above

( ) 5. There is a new hospital ________ the post office. A. under

B. next C. besides D. beside

( ) 6. ---- Can you see the plane flying ________ the clouds? ---- No, I can't.

A. at

B. behind

C. between

D. above

( ) 7. The little cat is sleeping ________ the desk, so we can't see it. A. under B. on

C. between D. above

( ) 8. My home is ________ my school, so it takes me a short time to get to school

every day.

A. after B. next to

C. above D. between

( ) 9. Can you say this word ________ English? A. of B. on

C. in D. with

( ) 10. In this book, the writer talks ________ his childhood.

A. about B. with C. to D. for

II.用适当的定冠词或不定冠词填空,如不需要填写则用“/”代替。 11. I often go to play ________ basketball with my friends after school. 12. What a good day today! ________ sun is shining brightly. 13. I saw a tall man standing there. ________ man is Lily's father. 14. Look at ________ sky. Can you see the bird flying?

15. ________ apple a day keeps the doctor away. 16. May I have ________ look at your new clothes? 17. I like music. My hobby is playing ________ piano. 18. The girl in ________ red dress is my sister. 19. I read ________ interesting story today.

20. We had ________ good time in the park last weekend. III.用括号中代词的适当形式填空。

21. Sherry often makes breakfast by ________ (she).

22. I hope you can enjoy ________ (you) in this trip, ladies and gentlemen. 23. Lang Lang plays the piano very well. We are all proud of ________ (he). 24. Jim, please help ________ (you) to some cake.

25. We can't only think of ________ (we). We should think of others.

26. My father never buys ________ (he) anything. He always buys things for me. 27. I want to work out the problem by ________ (me). 28. They enjoyed ________ (them) in Disneyland last week. 29. Would you please show ________ (I) your new book?

30. The woman is hungry. I want to give ________ (she) a piece of cake. 阅读训练营

Reading comprehension

A Journey Route

Li Yong traveled to the USA with his friends. They arrived on 19th, July for Beijing Time. The following is their schedule (行程表).

Date Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 ? Day 10 Route (路线) Flying from Shanghai to New York Traveling around New York Washington (华盛顿) (visiting the White House) Enjoying Niagara Falls (尼亚加拉瀑布) Flying to Boston for visiting Harvard University Going to San Francisco for visiting China Town ? Back to Shanghai from New York 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( ) 1. On which day could they have a chance (机会) to meet the US president


A. On the first day. B. On the third day. C. On the fourth day.

D. On the fifth clay.

( ) 2. What did they do on the 4th day? A. They went to visit the White House. B. They went to visit China Town. C. They went to enjoy Niagara Falls. D. They went to visit Harvard University. ( ) 3. How did Li Yong and his friends go to Boston? A. By train.

B. By ship.

C. By plane.

D. By bus.

( ) 4. Where could they enjoy the Chinese culture? A. New York.

B. Boston.

C. Washington.

D. San Francisco.

( ) 5. When did they go back to Shanghai? A. On 19th, July for Beijing Time. B. On 26th, July for Beijing Time. C. On 28th, July for Beijing Time. D. On 29th, July for Beijing Time.


Bicycle Journey

Wang Ming and Leo are two students of Guangzhou. Last summer holiday they went to Beijing from Guangzhou by bike. They spent nearly two months on the bicycle traveling. They took a map, enough food, water and some medicine with them. The journey (旅行) was hard, but they felt happy.

They didn't have much money with them. They went through many cities and countrysides during the traveling. When they were hungry, they had cheap meals. When they were tired, they stayed in the farmers' houses. Sometimes they stayed on the street overnight. They never stayed in a hotel. When it was rainy, they stopped for a while and went on with their traveling.

At the end of August, they got to Beijing successfully. They visited a lot of places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian'anmen Square and so on. They had a fun time in Beijing for ten days. At last, they had to return to Guangzhou by train because the new term began in September. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( ) 6. What didn't Wang Ming and Leo take on their bicycle traveling?

A. A map.

B. Enough food and water. C. Some medicine. D. Some clothes.

( ) 7. During the journey, they ________. A. went through many cities and countrysides B. had expensive meals when they were hungry C. stayed in a hotel when they were tired D. never stopped for a while when it was rainy

( ) 8. What is the meaning of the underlined word \ A. 成功地

B. 失败地 C. 快乐地 D. 悲伤地

( ) 9. Why did they go back by train?

A. They didn't want to ride their bikes back. B. Their parents asked them to go back. C. Their new term began in September. D. They wanted to take a train journey. ( ) 10. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Only two boys joined the journey. B. They took much money with them. C. They visited Beijing at last. D. They had great fun in Beijing. 完形小测 Cloze test

There was a boy. He looked thin, but he carried a large basket of roses. He sold ____1____ on the street every day. Every time Mrs Brown went out, she would ____2____ two pennies buying ____3____ rose from the boy.

Years later, Mrs Brown was ____4____ old to walk easily. One evening, Mrs

Brown cooked something but she ____5____ it. The house caught fire. At that time, Mrs Brown was in her bedroom. She wanted to make a phone call ____6____ asked for help. But she was not able to get away from the ____7____. When the firemen arrived, the fire became wild (猛烈). One of the firemen found Mrs Brown in ____8____ bedroom and saved her from the fire. ____9____, Mrs Brown didn't get hurt in the fire. She said to the fireman, \first,\the fireman answered. \you remember the boy selling roses on the street years ____10____? I am that boy.\( ) 1. A. apples

B. roses

C. clothes

D. tulips ( ) 2. A. spend

B. pay C. take D. cost ( ) 3. A. a

B. an C. the D. /

( ) 4. A. so

B. also C. too D. as

( ) 5. A. remembered

B. forgot

C. pointed

D. took

( ) 6. A. or

B. so

C. but D. and.

( ) 7. A. water

B. air C. fire D. land

( ) 8. A. his

B. her C. its D. their

( ) 9. A. Luckily

B. Easily

C. Sadly D. Early ( ) 10. A. after

B. ago

C. in D. on

