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检索课题:姓 名:班 级:工程地质授课教师:于 苏里格气井生产动态研究 ※※※ 2012级工程硕士 澄 洁



英文题名:Sulige gas well production performance 中文关键词:苏里格 气井 生产动态

英文关键词:Sulige gas well production performance


气井生产动态研究是选择气井生产方式、进行技术经济评价的依据。文章在分析了定产量和定压力两种生产方式的特征、实现方法及其适用范围基础上 ,给出了定产量和定压力两种方式下气井生产动态的预测模型 ,可以预测出气井在稳产期、递减期和增压期的产量、采收率、井口压力、井底压力和地层压力等重要生产数据随时间的变化规律 ;为了在递减期任何时间步长下获得精确的生产动态预测结果 ,将物质平衡与递减规律相结合 ,使这一问题得到解决 ;预测方法不但能预测气井生产经历的稳产、递减和增压三个完整时期的生产动态 ,而且还可扩展到预测多层、多井气藏的生产动态。 更多还原。


(http://www.cnki.net) 1. 榆林气田S井区气井生产动态分析

【作者】 王坤; 陈明强; 曹宝格; 王焰东; 史玉成;

【机构】 西安石油大学石油工程学院; 西安石油大学石油工程学院 陕西西安710065; 陕西西安710065;

【摘要】 本文通过分析S井区气井压力、产量的变化,研究了储层对生产动态的影响,把26口生产井分成了高产稳产型气井,中产稳产型气井和低产稳产型气井等3类。研究得出:气井产能的大小与气井所处的砂体位置及砂体的厚度有关,位于主砂带内部或有效厚度大的气井,生产能力和生产稳定性较好;位于主砂带边部或有效厚度小、渗透性较差的气井生产能力和生产稳定性差。根据井区实际生产情况和储层特征,利用生产指示曲线确定出该井区合理产量。 更多还原

【Abstract】 The variation of pressure and production is analyzed for the gas wells in the block S.The influence of the reservoir on the production performance is

studied.The 26 wells are divided into 3 types including the wells which productivity is higher;the wells which productivity is middle and the wells which productivity is

lower.The study result s show the productivity of gas wells is relative with the location and thickness of the sand body where the gas well lies at.The gas wells that lie within th... 更多还原

【关键词】 气井; 生产能力; 动态分析;


【Key words】 Gas well; Productivity; Performance analysis 2. 裂缝性油藏压裂水平井生产动态模拟研究

【作者】 罗志锋; 赵立强; 刘平礼; 李年银; 王静波;

【Author】 LUO Zhi-feng1,ZHAO Li-qiang1,LIU Ping-li1,LI Nian-yin1,WANG Jing-bo2(1.State Key Lab of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu Sichuan

610500,China;2.Drilling and Production Technology Research Institute,Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.Ltd.,CNPC,Guanghan Sichuan 618300,China)

【机构】 \油气藏地质及开发工程\国家重点实验室·西南石油大学; 中国石油川庆钻探钻采工艺技术研究院;

【摘要】 研究的低渗裂缝性油藏包括基质、天然裂缝及人工裂缝,根据压裂后流体在各系统的渗流特征,建立了考虑高速非达西、启动压力梯度、毛管压力、重力作用的三重介质三维油水两相渗流数值模型,给出了其数值解法。利用研制的低渗裂缝性油藏压裂水平井生产动态模拟器分析了裂缝及储层参数对生产动态的影响。模拟结果表明,基质中启动压力梯度、人工裂缝中导流能力随时间的递减、高速非达西系数、天然裂缝渗透率、裂缝条数及裂缝长度等对压裂水平井生产动态有很大影响。要准确评价水平井压裂效果,在此类油藏压后生产动态模拟时应该考虑这些因素的影响。 更多还原

【Abstract】 The fractured reservoir we studied includes matrix,natural fracture and hydraulic fracture and according to the flow characteristic in these system after fracturing,this paper establishes the triple-medium,three-dimension,oil-water

two-phase flow numerical simulation model,taking into consideration the high-speed non-Darcy,the threshold pressure gradient,capillary pressure and also gravitation effect,and then obtains the numeric solution.Using the self-developed low permeable fractured reservoir...

【关键词】 数值模拟; 生产动态; 人工裂缝; 高速非达西; 启动压力梯度; 【Key words】 numerical simulation; production performance; created fracture; high-speed non-Darcy; threshold pressure gradient;

四.中国专利文献数据库(http://www.sipo.gov.cn/zljs/ 或http://search.cnipr.com/)


申 请 号:

名 称: 公 开 (公告) 号:

主 分 类 号: 号:

92106091.2 1992.03.12

一种油气井灭火制喷方法及装置 CN1065317 1992.10.14 E21B35/00

分案原申请公开(公告)日:申 请 日:


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辽河石油勘探局兴隆台采油厂; 沈阳新光动力机械公司职工大学 124010辽宁省盘锦市兴隆台

蒋运韬; 张化圣; 金成镐; 蒋风; 齐志杰; 王军荣; 孙永泽; 张宏昌; 刘殿玺 国 际 申


代 理 人:


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1.气井生产动态预测方法研究 (Missing); 【刊名】:石油化工应用 【出版年】:2011 【卷】:030 【期】:008 【起页】:29 【止页】:64 【总页数】:3 【馆藏号】:0120111213365600 【分类号】:TE331.2 【关键词】:气井生产方式;生产动态预测;稳产时间;经济极限产量; 【语种】:汉语 【文摘】:


2. 气井生产实时分析设计专家系统GES的研制 (Missing); 【刊名】:中国石油和化工 【出版年】:2011 【卷】:000 【期】:005 【起页】:53 【止页】:52


【总页数】:3 【馆藏号】:0120111213797960 【分类号】:TP274 【关键词】:气井;自动化;实时采集;视频监控;实时诊断;优化设计;远程调控; 【语种】:汉语 【文摘】:



1. Integrating Neural Network and Numerical Simulation for Production Performance Prediction of Low

Permeability Reservoir

Qingjun Yang;Shulin Zhang;Qi Fei; 【作者单位】:Petroleum Department, Faculty of Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei, China and School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 【刊名】:Petroleum Science and Technology 【ISSN】:1091-6466 【出版年】:2005 【卷】:23 【期】:5/6 【起页】:579 【止页】:590 【总页数】:12 【馆藏号】:T15 【分类号】:TE6

【关键词】:Low permeability;Neural network;Numerical simulation;Production performance prediction;Reservoir; 【语种】:英语 【文摘】:

It is difficult to predict the production performance of low permeability fractured oil reservoirs. This is because complicated factors such as geological and engineering factors affect well production performance. This paper presents a methodology to predict well production performance in the Hanq oil field, which is a low permeability fractured reservoir. Integration of neural network with numerical simulation is employed. First we study the regularity of fluid flow and oil displacement mechanism by injection well group numerical simulation and analysis of production performance. Then we form the \knowledge\affecting production performance. The neural networks based on expert knowledge are trained using production data. This method will play an important role in future waterflood management and the design of recovery strategy for the Hanq oil field

2. QGC's Berwyndale South gasfield has outstanding well production performance 【刊名】:HUNTER VALLEY COAL REPORT 【ISSN】:1036-7454


【出版年】:2006 【卷】:0 【期】:25 【起页】:5 【止页】:6 【总页数】:2 【分类号】:TD 【语种】:英语 【文摘】:

QGC has announced two wells at the Berwyndale South Gasfield development, are effectively now each producing around 2,500,000 cubic feet per day (cfd). During the week ending 18 June, the combined production of wells #60 and #9 was 5 million cfd equivalent to an annualised rate of 1.9 petajoules per year. \production, these two wells will have paid for their drilling and completion costs by August this year\said Richard Cottee, Managing Director.


1. Reconciling longwall gob gas reservoirs and venthole productionperformances using multiple rate drawdown well test analysis C. ?zgen Karacan


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, Pittsburgh 15236, PA, USA

Received 2 June 2009. Revised 21 September 2009. Accepted 29 September 2009. Available online 8 October 2009.

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2009.09.006, How to Cite or Link Using DOI Cited by in Scopus (4) Permissions & Reprints Abstract

Longwall mining is an underground mining method during which a mechanical shearer progressively mines a large block of coal, called a panel, in an extensive area. During this operation the roof of the coal seam is supported only temporarily with hydraulic supports that protect the workers and the equipment on the coal face. As the coal is extracted, the supports


automatically advance and the roof strata cave behind the supports. Caving results in fracturing and relaxation of the overlying strata, which is called “gob.” Due its highly fractured nature, gob contains many flow paths for gas migration. Thus, if the overlying strata contain gassy sandstones or sandstone channels, gas shales or thinner coal seams which are not suitable for mining, then the mining-induced changes can cause unexpected or uncontrolled gas migration into the underground workplace. Vertical gob gas ventholes (GGV) are drilled into each longwall panel to capture the methane within the overlying fractured strata before it enters the work environment. Thus, it is important, first to understand the properties of the gas reservoir created by mining disturbances and, second, to optimize the well parameters and placement accordingly.

In this paper, the production rate-pressure behaviors of six GGVs drilled over three adjacent panels were analyzed by using conventional multi-rate drawdown analysis techniques. The analyses were performed for infinite acting and pseudo-steady state flow models, which may be applicable during panel mining (DM) and after mining (AM) production periods of GGVs. These phases were analyzed separately since the reservoir properties, due to dynamic subsidence, boundary conditions and gas capacity of the gob reservoir may change between these two stages. The results suggest that conventional well test analysis techniques can be applicable to highly complex gob reservoirs and GGVs to determine parameters such as skin, permeability, radius of investigation, flow efficiency and damage ratio. The insights obtained from well test analyses can be used for a better understanding of the gob and for designing more effective gob gas venthole systems. Keywords

Well testing; Drawdown test; Multi-rate test; Longwall mining; Gob gas ventholes

2. Productionperformance of hydraulic fractures in tight gas sands, a numerical

simulation approach J. Ostojic, Rezaee, H. Bahrami

Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University, Australia

Received 8 June 2011. Accepted 25 November 2011. Available online 13 December 2011.


http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2011.11.002, How to Cite or Link Using DOI Permissions & Reprints Abstract Hydraulically fractured tight gas reservoirs are one of the most common unconventional gas sources being produced today, and will be a regular source of gas in the future. The extremely low permeability of tight gas sands leads to inaccuracy of conventional build-up and draw-down well test results. This is primarily due to the increased time required for transient flow in tight gas sands to reach pseudo-steady state condition. To increase accuracy, well tests for tight gas reservoirs must be run for longer periods of time which is in most cases not economically viable. The large amount of downtime required to conduct well tests in tight sands makes them far less economical than conventional reservoirs, which leads to the need for accurate simulation of tight gas reservoir well tests. This paper presents simulation results of a 3-D hydraulically fractured tight gas model created using Eclipse software. The key aims are to analyze the effect of differing fracture orientation, number and length. The focus of the simulation runs will be on the effect of hydraulic fracture orientation and length. The results will be compared to simulation runs without the abovementioned factors to determine their effects on production rates and wellperformance analysis. All results are plotted alongside an un-fractured tight gas scenario in order to put the hydraulic fracture performance in perspective. Key findings from this work include an approximately linear relationship between initial gas rate and the number of hydraulic fractures intersecting the wellbore. In addition, fracture length is found to have less of an impact on initial gas rate compared to number of fractures intersecting the wellbore, for comparable total fracture volumes. Highlights ? Well test and production data simulated for early time fracture productivity. ? Fracture size, number and orientation sensitivities modelled. ? Early production rate and productivity comparison of different fracture scenarios. Keywords 7

Productionperformance; Hydraulic fractures; Tight gas sands; Numerical simulation approach 八.石油工程专业学员检索《美国石油工程师学会(SPE)会议论文数据库》(https://www.onepetro.org/)



Publisher Content Type Title

Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal Paper

Language DOI



Document ID 138843-PA

Impacts of the Number of Perforation Clusters and Cluster Spacing on

Production Performance of Horizontal Shale-Gas Wells

Authors Journal Volume Date Copyright Discipline Categories 6.9.2 Shale Gas

6.7.5 Economic Evaluations 3.7.2 Unconventional Resources Keywords

Shale gas, Horizontal well, Perforation cluster, Production performance, Economic evaluation 6.10 Management of Challenging Reservoirs

6.9 Unconventional Hydrocarbon Recovery

Y. Cheng, SPE, West Virginia University SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Volume 15, Number 1 February 2012

2012. Society of Petroleum Engineers

Pages ISSN

pp. 31-40 1094-6470

Preview Summary

Multistage hydraulic fracturing has become the key technology to complete horizontal wells in shale-gas reservoirs. In each stage, multiple perforation clusters are used to create multiple transverse fractures. How these clusters are placed significantly affects both the short-term and long-term production performance of horizontal shale-gas wells. The author's previous work has demonstrated that when more than two fractures are created, mechanical interaction among fractures creates strong stress concentrations around the inner fractures. As a result, the fractures between two edge fractures (i.e., subcenter and center fractures) experience only limited dilation, and their widths are much smaller than the edge-fractures' width.

In this paper, reservoir-simulation models were constructed by quantitatively incorporating the findings of the author's previous work to investigate the impacts of the number of perforation clusters and cluster spacing on production performance of horizontal shale-gas wells. The paper illustrates that with the same cluster spacing, the


scenarios with more clusters have lower ultimate gas recovery because of the increased number of less-effective inner fractures. Given the same lateral length of a horizontal well, although reducing cluster spacing increases the total number of fractures, smaller cluster spacing does not necessarily improve well performance. Inadequate small cluster spacing can actually lead to a greater number of less-effective or ineffective fractures, and, therefore, lower gas rate and ultimate recovery. 2. Publisher Content Type Title

Society of Petroleum Engineers Conference Paper

Language DOI



Document ID 136532-MS

Stress Anisotropy, Long-Term Reservoir Flow Regimes and Production

Performance in Tight Gas Reservoirs

Authors Source ISBN Copyright Discipline Categories

1.3.1 Wellbore Integrity/Geomechanics

6.6.3 Pressure Transient Testing

1.2.4 Trajectory Design, Survey Calculation, Collision Checking 1.5.2 Perforating Preview Abstract

Tight gas reservoirs normally have production problems due to very low matrix permeability and different damage mechanisms during drilling, completion and stimulation. Tight reservoirs need advanced drilling and completion techniques to efficiently connect wellbore to the formation open natural fractures and produce gas at commercial rates.

Stress regimes have significant influence on tight gas reservoirs production performance. The stress regimes cause wellbore instability issues while drilling, which can result in large wellbore breakouts. The stress regimes can also control the well long-term production performance, since they affect permeability anisotropy. The preferred horizontal flow direction is expected to be parallel to the maximum in situ horizontal stress. The production and welltest data in non-fractured as well as hydraulically fractured wells in tight reservoirs have indicated the presence of a long-term linear flow regime due to the well and reservoir geometry and also as a result of the permeability anisotropy.

The stress anisotropy leads to different permeabilities in different directions, and the natural fractures that are aligned with maximum horizontal stress; they might have larger aperture and greater permeability. Due to the more

Hassan Bahrami, M. Reza Rezaee, M. Sadegh Asadi / Curtin University, Australia SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, 12-14 October 2010, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA 978-1-55563-310-3

2010. Society of Petroleum Engineers


