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Made of canruohanxing

7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun

Period4(Integrated skills & Study skills)


1. 有很长的历史______________ 2. 在山东省______________________ 3. 从那时起______________ 4. 进行野餐______________________ 5. 在历史上______________ 6. 一项受欢迎的户外运动__________ 7. 因……出名______________ 8. 放风筝________________________ 二、单词拼写

1. This table is made of______(木材).1t can last for a long time. 2. Which______(时期)of history would you like to live in?

3. People's life in the 20th______(世纪)was very different from that in the 21 st. 4. I hear that she is an______(意大利的)woman.

5. I was so_______(激动的)when I saw our president Xi Jinping pass by. 6. Many Japanese came to China to learn Chinese in the Tang______(朝代). 三、单项选择

( ) 1. We're planning______ one-day trip. It'll be______ great day. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; / D. a; a ( ) 2. Jingdezhen is famous______ making china (瓷器). A. for B. at C. in D. of

( ) 3. If the word \ \

A. 945 B. 956 C. 976 D. 1007

( ) 4. -Millie, why______ you go camping with your classmates?

-I was too______ and I couldn't sleep all night. So I missed the bus this morning. A. did; exciting B. didn't; exciting C. did; excited D. didn't; excited ( ) 5. My mum said it was very dangerous______ with matches(火柴).______ , A. to play B. playing C. played D. of playing ( ) 6. Which word is before \ A. pretty B. protect C. photo D. quick ( ) 7. -Will you come to my birthday party next Friday? - _______. I will go to my grandparents'. A. I think so B. I'm afraid not C. I'd like to D. I agree with you 四、动词填空

1. -______ (be) she tired after studying so long? -No, she______ (not be). She was very happy.

2. Last Sunday I met a friend on the street, so I stopped______ (talk) with him. 3. -When______ you______ (write) this song? -I ______ (write) it last year.

4. Thank you for______ (invite) me to your party yesterday. We all (enjoy) it very much. 5. Our English teacher______ (work) in her office now. We can go and ask her for help.


Made of canruohanxing

6. Yesterday I -______ (search) the Internet (因特网) and______ (find) some interesting things. 7. -When_______ she______ (get) here? In three hours. 8. We usually______ (stay) at home on rainy nights. 五、完形填空

In a small town, there lived a potter (陶艺家). Every day his donkey(驴子) carried soil (泥土) from the field to his house. The potter often 1 under a tree on the way after he tied (系) his donkey nearby(附近).

One day, the potter 2 to take the rope (绳子). With it he

usually tied the donkey every day. When he reached the tree, he thought, \donkey today? He might run away 3 I sleep. \ Just then a man was passing by. The potter told him 4 the problem was, and the man said, \the donkey where you tie him every day. Pretend (假装) to tie him with an imaginary(想象的) rope. I am sure he won't 5 .\

He left the donkey and went to take a short sleep. When he 6 , to his surprise, he found the donkey standing in the 7 place.

Soon the potter began to leave for home. But the donkey did not 8 . \with this donkey?\

9 , the potter saw the man again. He told the man about what the donkey did. The man said \ 10 did you untie(解开)him?\pretended to untie the rope. Then the donkey was ready to leave for home. ( ) 1. A. worked B. rested C. read D. stood ( ) 2. A. remembered B. wanted C. forgot D. decided ( ) 3. A. how B. because C. or D. if ( ) 4. A. when B. while C. what D. how

( ) 5. A. run away B. lie down C. stand up D. take away ( ) 6. A. woke up B. stood up C. sat down D. looked down ( ) 7. A. different B. wrong C. right D. same ( ) 8. A. sleep B. stand C. eat D. move(移动) ( ) 9. A. Early B. Later C. After D. At times ( ) 10. A. and B. so C. as D. but 六、阅读理解

Mr. White was a very busy lawyer(律师). He always worked all day. Sometime he could not have a rest on Sundays. So he usually forgot the date.

Last Saturday he remembered it was his wife’s birthday. “I often forget her birthday”, he said to himself. “But not this time.” Then he went to a flower shop and bought some beautiful flowers on his way home. When Mr. White got home, he gave the flowers to Mrs. White and said “ Happy Birthday! January 15 is your birthday. I didn’t forget it.”

“Yes, but my birthday was yesterday. It’s January 16 today. But thank you all the same.” Said Mrs. White.

( ) 1. Mr White wasn’t a man, so he usually forget something.

A. good B. busy C. free D. happy


Made of canruohanxing

( ) 2. Mrs White’s birthday was on .

A. Tuesday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday

( ) 3. Mr White bought some flowers .

A. after he went home B. on Sunday C. before he went work D. before he got home

( ) 4. When Mr. White gave his wife the flowers, she .

A. was very happy because Mr. White remembered her birthday. B. was not happy because Mr White forgot her birthday C. thanked he husband for that D. said her husband did wrong

( ) 5. From the story we know Mr White .

A. remembered his wife’s birthday, but forgot the date B. forgot his wife’s birthday, but remembered the date C. remembered the date and his wife’s birthday D. forgot the date and his wife’s birthday


1. 潍坊,自那时起就因做风筝而有名。

____________________________________________________________________ 2. 记得要带上你的手机。

____________________________________________________________________ 3. Marco Polo告诉了西方的人们关于风筝的一切。

____________________________________________________________________ 4. 他发现了一种造纸的新方法。

____________________________________________________________________ 5. 他用木头造了一只鸟。

____________________________________________________________________ 6. 和蛇一起玩是危险的。



Made of canruohanxing


一. 1. have a long history 2. in Shandong Province 3. from then on 4. have a picnic 5. in history 6. a popular outdoor activity 7. be famous for 8. fly kites 二. 1. wood 2. period 3. century 4. Italian 5. excited 6. dynasty 三. DACDA CB

四. 1. Was, wasn't 2. to talk 3. did, write, wrote 4. inviting; enjoyed 6. searched, found 7. will, get 8. stay 五. BCDCA ADDBD 六.BCDDA

七. 1. Weifang has become famous for making kites from then on. 2. Remember to take your mobile phone.

3. Marco Polo told people in the west all about kites. 4. He found a new way to make paper. 5. He made a bird out of wood.

6. It's dangerous to play with snakes.


5. is working

