e5方指南12版本 - 语法SC部分详细解析(中文) - 图文

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GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 OG12-SC总结 句子 具体考点 1.主动语态和被动语态 本题体现 A/B使用被动结构,而且跟在另一被动结构后,啰嗦 正确句子 OG所列考点 词汇 The Glass House Mountains in A当中的its和E当中的it无法指代复数主语名词the Quensland,Austra2.代词指代 lia,were sighted glass house mountains 1. The Glass House Mountains B当中缺少表示因果关系的连接词,无法解释Why JC gave in 1770 by the in Queensland, Australia, 3.缺少连接词 English navigator the mountains' name were sighted in 1770 by the Captain James English navigator Captain Cook, who so named James Cook, by whom they them supportly were named supposedly 4.修饰对象的C当中JC无法作介词since的宾语,同时无法做从句的because their because its sheer wet rocks 合理性 主语,naming无法修饰JC。since是连词,但是无法取sheer wet rocks glistened like glass. glistened like since/because 代because表示强烈的因果关系 glass. 定语从句修饰JC,because表因果 1.单复数一致 2.动词时态 2. Although a surge in retail sales have raised hopes that there is a 3.简明扼要 recovery finally under way, many economists say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might 4.无意义 not last. A当中的have和单数主语a surge前后不一致 C当中的had没有明显的时间标志用过去完成时 A当中there is?finally underway × B当中for there being × C当中for?being × sheer adj.陡峭的,垂修辞结构 直的 前后一致 glisten v.湿物闪耀,闪亮 E当中的for a recovery finally × 而且无意义 Although a surge in retail sales has raised hopes that a recovery is finally under way, many 修辞结构 economists say 前后一致 that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last. 1

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 1.修饰歧义 3. Although various 2.动词时态 eighteenth- and nighteenth-century American poets had 3.简明扼要 professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, until almost 1900,scholars and critics did not begin 4.无意义 seriously to study traditional Native American poetry in native languages. Although various A当中的until almost 1900,前后都用逗号隔开,修饰eighteenth- and 的对象模糊,可能是前半句,也有可能是后半句。 nighteenth-century American poets 前半句(粗体)可判断动词时态为过去完成时,而时间标had professed an 志until almost 1900表明后半句用一般过去时,B当中interest in 使用了过去完成时,错误 Native American C当中的to begin seriously to study × 不定式重叠 poetry and had pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, it was not until almost 1900 that scholars and D当中的not almost until是无意义的修饰语 critics seriously began studying traditional Native American poetry in native languages. it做形式主语 Of all the vast tides of 由题目中粗体的brought可知句子应该用过去时态。A当migration that 中none is错,B当中none is错,C当中it is错 have swept through history, 在标准书面语中,perhaps优于maybe perhaps none was C/D当中的it is none that is(was)more?中的it不是more concentrated than the wave that 形式主语,无指代对象 A/B当中more?as错误,应为more?than 动词形式 修辞结构 4.Of all the vast tides of migration that have swept through history, maybe none is more concentrated as the wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto American shores in little more than three decades.

1.比较的表达方法 2.动词时态 3.标准书面语原则 4.代词指代不清 2

习惯搭配 动词形式 GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 5.简明扼要 brought 12 million immigrants onto B当中it may be that? × C/D当中it is none that American shores is(was)more? × in little more than three decades. B当中的rank、D当中的are?causes、E当中的have been Diabetes,(togethranked?causes(时态错误)都和单数主语diabetes前后er with its 不一致, serious complications,)rB/C/E中,only放在了surpass前面,根据语义,only应该修饰介词短语by heart disease and cancer,而不anks as the nation's third 是修饰动词surpass leading cause of death, surpassed only by the heart C当中的has the rank of不简洁而且不符合常用习惯 disease and cancer.分词短语作伴随状语 A/B当中的due to在修饰游客呼吸和关闭博物馆之间的因果关系上不严密 In late 1997,the chambers inside A/B当中的its和主语the chambers前后不一致 the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure 句子当中的salt?was crystallizing和fungus was at Giza were growing平行,同为humidity影响的结果,B当中closed to crystallize与未划线部分的growing形式不一样,无法visitors for 平行;C当中的crystallize与未划线部分的growing形cleaning and 式不一样,无法平行;D当中的crystallize与未划线部repair because 分的growing形式不一样,无法平行 1.单复数一致 5.Diabetes,together with its serious complications, 2.副词的位置 ranks as the nation's third leading cause of death, surpassed only by the heart disease and cancer. 3.简明扼要 diabetes n. 前后一致 糖尿病 逻辑表达 surpass v. 超过,凌驾 6.In late 1997,the chambers 1.修饰歧义 inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza 2.单复数一致 were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its 3.平行结构 humidity to such level so that salt from the stone was chamber n.房间;会所 exhale 前后一致 vt./vi.呼出,平行结构 发散出 fungus n.真菌,霉,霉菌 3

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls. 4.代词指代 C/D当中的them在语法上指代tourists,但是无意义 5.简明扼要 C句子完全啰嗦 moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls. As its sales of computer products have surpassed those of measuring instruments, the company has become increasely willing to compete for the mass market sales it would in the past have conceded to rivals. The widely accepted big bang theory holds that the universe 1.单复数一致 7.As its sales of computer 2.简明扼要 products have surpassed 3.动词时态 those of measuring instruments, the company has become increasely willing to compete for the mass market sales they would in the past have conceded to 4.指代不清 rivals. 整句当中的主语为the company,A当中的they,B当中的they\\their和主语前后不一致 C/D当中的previously在语义上和in the past重复,不简洁 C当中用被动语态容易引起歧义,主动优先 前后一致 concede v.承修辞结构 认;出让,允许 D当中的介词短语in the past放在结尾,分不清是修饰would have conceded,还是rivals. 8.The widely accepted big bang theory holds that the 1.动词时态 universe began in an explosive instant ten to

由句中的时间标志ten to twenty billion years和ever since可知句子应该用一般过去时和现在完成进行时,B当中时态错误,没有明显的时间标志表明句子可以使用过去完成时和过去完成进行时 ever since 从逻辑表达 那时到现在;自动词形式 从, 从?起 instant n.片4

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 twenty billion years ago and has been expanding ever since. 2.修饰对象 在原句中,划线部分的宾语从句表达的意思为the universe began in an explosive?and has been expanding?,C当中的定语从句that has expanded跳过时间名词修饰instant,原句意思改变;D当中的定语从句that is expanding修饰the beginning,原句意思改变。 D当中的the beginning of the universe to have been?不简洁,因为beginning是动作性名词,直接用动词begin表示更为简洁。 began in an explosive instant 刻,顷刻,刹那,瞬间;某一时刻 ten to twenty billion years ago and has been expanding ever since. Holds引导的宾语从句中,the universe是主语,动词began和has been expanding并列解释说明宇宙的形成,两个时间标志表明两个动词用不一样的形式 Like the Brontes and Brownings, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are often subjected to the kind of veneration that 逻辑表达 blurs the distinction between the artist and the human being. like比较B and B和JJ and VF 3.简明扼要 4.平行结构 E当中的to have begun和has been expanding都修饰universe,但是结构不一致,无法平行 1.like和as的9.Like the idolization 用法 accorded the Brontes and Brownings,James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are often subjected to the kind of veneration that blurs the 2.代词使用 distinction between the artist and the human being. 3.简明扼要 like(介词) + 名词\\名词短语,表示比较;as(连词) + 主谓结构,表示比较,强调动作的相似性;as(介词) + 名词,表示作为。A当中的like比较名词idolization和James Joyce and Virginia Woolf,比较对象不一样,无法比较;B当中的as加名词看做是介词,表示作为,原句意思改变。C当中的like比较that和JJ and VF,比较对象不一样,无法比较;D当中as加主谓结构,比较it和JJ and VF,比较对象不一样,无法比较 C当中的that含糊不清,指代对象不明;D当中的it含糊不清,指代对象不明 veneration n.尊敬 idolization n.偶像化,盲目的崇拜 blur n.模糊,模糊之物;v.变模糊,使难以区分 D当中的as it is of 不作为通常使用,累赘 5

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 1.句子结构 21.Neuroscientist,having 2.修饰对象 amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain 3.非谓语动词 and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquire 4.动词时态 language. Neuroscientist, having amassed a wealth of B当中的介词短语over the past twenty years就近修knowledge over 饰adulthood,修饰对象不合理;D当中的未划线部分修the past twenty 饰adulthood,修饰对象不合理 years about the C当中的amassing和having amassed功能相同,修饰主brain and its 语Neuroscientist development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid D/E当中前半句使用的是现在完成时,后半句使用一般进conclusions about 行时,时态前后不符 how the human brain grows and how babies acquire language. B/C当中的and are取代are,把句子变成了并列结构,而且在第一句当中没有谓语动词,句子结构不完整 None of the attempts to specify the cause of crime explains 句子中是两个群体的比较,由于and和conversely的存why most of the 在,要使用平行结构,exposed后的动词形式应该和上一people exposed to 个对等,而且commit crimes可以省略。A当中的have、the alleged B当中的has、C当中的shall、E当中的could都无法和causes do not do not commit crimes对等 commit crimes and,conversely,why so many of those not so exposed do. neuroscientist n.神经科学语法结构 家 amass 逻辑表达 v.(尤指大量)积累,积聚 22.None of the attempts to specify the cause of crime explains why most of the people exposed to the alleged causes do not 1.平行结构 commit crimes and,conversely,why so many of those not so exposed have. expose v.暴露,显露;揭穿 语法结构 allege vt.断平行结构 言,宣称,辩解 commit crimes 犯罪 11

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 1.动词时态 23.In a previous design, the weight of the discus used in track competition is concentrated in a metal 2.代词指代 center, but now it is linked with lead around the perimeter, thereby improving stability in flight and resulting in 3.句子结构 longer throws. 两个句子并列,做比较。But前一句有明显的时间词previous,故应该用一般过去时,but一句有明显的时间词now,故应该用一般现在时。A当中的is concentrated,时态不符; but后一句当中的it在语法结构上指代the weight,但是the weight is linked with lead逻辑意思错误,A当中的it、B当中的it均指代错误 D选项由于没有逻辑谓语,造成了句子成分缺失,句子结构不完整;E当中的后半句没有主要的动词,was once designed必须和is now lined平行,E当中没有is Once designed with its weight concentrated in a metal center, the discus used in track competition is now linked with lead around the perimeter, thereby improving stability in flight and resulting in longer throws. concentrate v.专心于,注动词形式 意,集中 语法结构 discus n.铁逻辑表达 饼 lead v.铅 24.In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that 1.简明扼要 are the organism's trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it. In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin 动词的-ing形式可以用作名词,但是在书面语中,特别induces the 是在所有格形式中不倾向这样使用,A/B当中的tryingproduction of 有名词形式attempt,所以倾向于使用attempt;C/D当enzymes that are 中的attempt to try名词重复,结构繁冗;B当中的trying the organism's that it metabolize不符合语法习惯 attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant. 过去分词短语在句首,修饰主语scholars,A当中based Using accounts of on?短语修饰scholars无法表达任何意义,错 various ancient induce vt.导致;引导;催生 enzyme n. 酶 metabolize 措辞 vt.使发生新陈修辞结构 代谢 render v.使,致使 irritant n.刺激物 25.Based on accounts of various ancient writers,

1.修饰对象 逻辑结构 sketchy adj.修辞结构 概要的,忽略的 12

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 scholars have painted a 2.代词指代 sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C.,worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea,\ 3.简明扼要 B当中的it没有明确的指代对象,代词指代不清 C/D两个选项都比较口语化,在语法上不常使用 writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C.,worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea,\goddess\ Emily Dickinson's letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson, which were written over a period beginning a few years before Susan's marriage to Emily's brother and ending shortly before Emily's death in 1886,outnumber her letters to cult n.迷信;崇拜 worship v.崇拜;尊崇 1.简明扼要 26.Emily Dickinson's 2.平行结构 letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson were written over a period beginning a few years before Susan's marriage to Emily's brother and ending shortly before Emily's death in 3.句子结构 1886,outnumbering her letters to anyone else. A选项过于冗长,outnumbering修饰对象不清楚 B当中的begins和ended动词时态不一致,无法平行;C当中的beginning和that ends动词时态不一致,无法平行 outnumber v.平行结构 数量多于,比?语法结构 多 C/D当中缺少谓语动词修饰letters,句子结构不完整 13

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 anyone else. Paleontologists believe that fragment of a primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated to be 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led to human beings. Building on civilizations that preceded them in coastal Peru, the Mochica developed their own elaborate society, based on the cultivation of such crops as corn and beans, the harvesting of fish and seafood, 1.常用搭配 estimate?to be,A当中的estimate at,错,at一般修饰地点;B当中的as being错; B/C/E当中的谓语动词provides无法修饰复数名词fragments 27.Paleontologists believe 2.单复数一致 that fragment of a primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of a crucial step along the evolutionary path 3.句子结构 that led to human beings. Paleontologis习惯搭配 t n.古生物学前后一致 者 primate n.灵长类动物 C当中that it is?从句无语法意义,结构错误 1.常用搭配 28.Building on civilizations that preceded 2.句子结构 them in coastal Peru, the Mochica developed their own elaborate society, based on 3.平行结构 cultivating such crops like corn and beans, the harvesting of fish and shellfish, and exploiting 4.简明扼要 other wild and domestic resources.

such?as表示举例,A/E当中的such?like,错 C当中的and basing it on和后面的句子无法构成一个完整的主谓结构 句子当中,cultivating,harvesting,exploiting必须并列,符合原句意思,或动词形式并列,或名词并列。A当中的exploiting是动词,而其他两项cultivating和harvesting是名词;D当中的三项不平行 exploitation 措辞 n.开发,开采;平行结构 利用 E当中的based it on their cultivating such crops?不符合常用表达 14

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 and the exploitation of other wild and domestic resources. 1.平行结构 A当中的excited,B当中的it excited,D当中的would excite,E当中的it had excited都与并列的receiving和fetching在结构上不平行 D/E当中出现代词it,没有明确的指代对象 The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and exciting enormous interest whenever they were put on show. For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military 29.The end of the eighteenth 2.代词指代 century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and excited enormous interest whenever they were put on 3.简明扼要 show. 平行结构 D/E当中it引导的新句子在结构上复杂繁冗,引起第一句的错误 fetch v.售得 enormous adj.巨大的,极大的 30.For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, 1.简明扼要 animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to 2.非谓语动词 protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

A当中的a method to protect,B当中的as a method protecting,D当中的as a protection of都是复杂繁冗的结构,A/B当中的method和D中的protection都不能很好的诠释items这个词,而且单复数不一致 E当中,如果military equipment后面没有逗号,那么直接加上不定式to protect表示动作的目的完全可以,但是逗号的存在不可以将to protect不定式用作非限定性的形容词短语来修饰名词items。 逻辑结构 spear n.修辞结构 矛,枪 15

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 equipment, protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears. Even though many of her colleagues A当中用the conviction和Brabara McClintock比较,were convinced 两事物不是同类,无法比较; that genes were relatively simple and static,Brabara McClintock adhered to her own more complicated ideas about how genes might operate, and in 1983,at the age of B当中were of the conviction of genes being繁冗;81,was awarded a C当中contrary to many of her colleagues being Nobel Prize for convinced繁冗;E当中even with many of her her discovery colleagues?繁冗 that the genes in corn are capable of moving from one chromosomal site to another. even though引导让步状语从句+BM(主语) adhered 1.比较结构 31.Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were relatively simple and static,Brabara McClintock adhered to her own more complicated ideas about how genes might operate, and in 1983,at the age of 81,was awarded a Nobel Prize for 2.简明扼要 her discovery that the genes in corn are capable of moving from one chromosomal site to another convince v.使相信,使明白;说服static 修辞结构 adj.静止的,不习惯搭配 变化的 逻辑结构 adhere v.坚持;黏附 chromosomal adj.染色体的 16

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 to...,and... 1.比较结构 32.Galileo was convinced that natural phenomena, as 2.标点符号 manifestations of the laws of physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly and uniformly through the water as a 3.代词指代 person standing on land. Galileo was convinced that natural 分号前后必须使用完整的主谓结构,即句子1;句子2。phenomena, as C/E当中的分号出现,改变了句子结构,分号后的半句话manifestations of the laws of 不是完整的主谓结构 physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly D当中的it无法指代复数名词phenomena and uniformly through the water as to a person standing on land. 句子结构为a phenomenon appears the same to X(someone)as to Y(a person)。A当中as后缺少to,不平行,C当中的惯用搭配错误,不平行 B当中由which引导的非限定性定语从句修饰prices,which后面的is和修饰对象的数不一致 Because an oversupply① of 题目当中表述的是,由于电脑芯片的过量供应,使得芯片computer chips 的价钱骤降,所以才导致制造商做出某种决定。最清晰,has sent price 最有效的表达因果关系的方式就是按着它们发生的时间plunging②,the 顺序来表达,才不会引起歧义;C当中的事情顺序改变,manufacturer has 造成意思不清楚;D当中的倒叙不符合常用表达习惯,而announced ③that it will cut 且意思不清楚 phenomena n.phenomenon习惯搭配 的复数形式,现平行结构 象 manifestation n.显示,表明 33.Because an oversupply of 1.单复数一致 computer chips has sent price plunging, the manufacturer has announced that it will cut production 2.句子歧义 by closing its factories for two days a month.

前后一致 plunge v.颠修辞结构 簸;暴跌,骤降 17

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 3.简明扼要 E选项当中的due to和with the result表达繁冗,意思重叠 production by closing its factories for two days a month. 因果关系看①②③,表达明确 Beyond the immediate cash flaw crisis that the museum faces, its survival depends on whether it can broaden its membership and can leave its cramped quarters for a site where it can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts. Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday,the strong retail sales figures released today seem to indicate 1.常用搭配 34.Beyond the immediate cash flaw crisis that the museum faces, its survival depends on if it can broaden its membership and leave its cramped quarters for a site where it can store and 3.简明扼要 exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts depend on后面应该跟whether,而不是if. whether是一个疑问从句跟在介词on的后面,if只能表示“如果”,不能表示“是否”,whether表示“是否”,whether or not一般不在书面语中使用。A当中使用if,错;ability to do sth.,D当中its ability for,错 C当中的it has the capability是一个不需要存在的语法结构,繁冗;E当中的the ability for it to broaden繁冗,无语法意义。 crisis n.危机;关键阶段 survival n.幸存,生存 习惯搭配 broaden v.动词形式 使?变宽;拓展;增长 cramped adj.狭窄的;麻痹的 35.Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday,the strong retail sales figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy,although growing slowly,is not nearing a

1.常用搭配 2.代词指代 3.句子结构 seem to do? A当中seem like?不符合常用搭配 A当中的it无法指代复数主语sales figures D当中的indicative of无法引导从句;E当中的an indication of无法引导从句 B当中的seem as if在某些文章中可以使用,但是在本句当中不符合逻辑意义;E当中的an indication of用名词取代动词,繁冗 语法结构 recession n.前后一致 经济萎缩;后退 4.简明扼要 18

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 recession that the economy,although growing slowly,is not nearing a recession. while引导的时间状语从句一般倾向与表达主从句动作同时发生,B当中的while being说明injured和discharged是同时发生的,不符合句意; Dressed as a man and using the name Robert Shurtleff,Deborah Sampson,the first woman to draw a soldier's pension,joined the Continental Army in 1782 at the age of 22,was injured three times,and was discharged in 1783 because she had become too ill to serve. 1.常用搭配 36.Dressed as a man and using the name Robert Shurtleff,Deborah Sampson,the first woman to draw a soldier's pension,joined the Continental Army in 1782 at the age of 22,was injured 2.动词时态 three times,and was discharged in 1783 because she had become too ill to serve. C当中的discharged应该使用被动语态,因为discharge这个动作不是Sampson自己发出的;D当中的injured同样也应该使用被动语态;E当中的having been injured时态不正确 平行结构 逻辑结构 1.常用搭配 37.Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal,it is so 2.词义改变 debilitating that it has become an economic drain on many developing countries. 3.简明扼要

Although schistosomiasis is not often B/D/E中的economic被economical替换,词语意思不一fatal,it is so 样,无法替换。Economic 经济上的;有利可图的 debilitating that economical 节俭的,节省的 it has become an B/D/E中的debilitation是名词,改变了原句的意思,economic drain on 而且在句子结构上繁冗。D当中such引导页造成了繁冗 many developing so X that Y,B/D当中的从句缺少that连接,C当中的so X as to Y,是错误搭配 习惯搭配 schistosomiasis n.血吸虫病 fatal adj.致命的;重大的 debilitate vt.使(人或身体)非常衰弱 drain n./v. 19

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 countries. It指代schistosomiasis A当中的published her Discourse?arguing in a treatise,表达繁冗不严密,B当中的arguing in a treatise表达繁冗,是因为之前一句话已经说明LM出版了一本专著D,后面就没有必要再说arguing in a treatise了,明显繁冗,把D和a treatise表达成两个好像没有关系的事物 C当中的advocates和D当中的advocating不能和下文的for changes平行,而且advocate是及物动词,前半句没错,但是and 后的for无法和前半句平行。 X happened so that Y could happen,So that状语从句,句子中如果出现情态动词,so that表示目的;无情态动词,so that表示结果,A当中的so as to marry不符合常用习惯;E当中的would marry表达的是虚拟语气,但是前面没有if条件从句 In 1850,Lucretia Mott published her Discourse on Women,a treatise that argued for 消耗,耗费 38.In 1850,Lucretia Mott published her Discourse on 1.简明扼要 Women,arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights and for changes in the married women's property 2.平行结构 laws. equal political and legal rights for women and for changes in the married women's property laws. 平行结构 treatise n.修辞结构 专题,专著 1.常用搭配 39.In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage 2.句子逻辑 to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn. 3.句子结构 In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine B当中的and so could be married to表达了一种错误annulled so that 的逻辑意义,Henry废除婚约是为了?而不是说henry寻he could marry Anne Boleyn.So 找废令,所以不结婚 that状语从句,句子中如果出现情态that表示A中的so as to marry没有代词出现,不知道谁要结婚 动词,so 目的;无情态动词,so that表示结果 adj修饰n./pron. Adv.修饰adj./v./另一个Dr.Tonegawa won adv.,unlimited是形容词,所以需要seemingly这个副the Nobel Prize 词来修饰,A/B/C当中的seeming都应该改为seemingly;for discovering 语法结构 annul vt.取习惯搭配 消,废除 40.Dr.Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for discovering 1.常用搭配 how the body can constantly

constantly 措辞 adv. 不断地,习惯搭配 时常地 20

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 change its genes to fashion a seeming unlimited number of antibodies,each specifically targeted at an invading microbe or foreign substance. target?at为常用搭配,B/D当中的target?to不是最优搭配 2.单复数一致 how the body can constantly change its genes to fashion a seemingly unlimited number of each和未划线部分的an invading microbe or foreign antibodies,each substance单复数一致,C/E当中的all of them不能和targeted specifically at 未划线部分单复数一致 an invading microbe or foreign substance. more than比较的是现有的知识和条件当中的知识,知识和知识做比较。A/E当中把knowledge和time(now)作比较,比较对象不一致; To develop more accurate population forecasts,demographers would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic determinants of fertility. antibody n.抗体 substance n.物质;实质 1.比较对象 41.To develop more accurate population forecasts,demographers have to know a great deal more than now about the 2.词义改变 social and economic determinants of fertility. 动词形式 fertility 逻辑表达 n.肥沃;繁殖力 B/C当中的economical错误取代economic,意思错误 21

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 42.Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth,a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest. 1.句子结构 Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth,a giant extending现在分词和spawned过去分词并列,因为句中fungus that is an 有明显的时间状语.B当中的extends和spawned不平行,interwoven 而且是除了is以外的又一个谓语动词,造成句意改变,filigree of 表达不清;C当中的extended虽然和spawned平行,但mushrooms and 是spawned表达的是过去已经发生过的事情,而extendedrootlike 只能表明发生在过去,而fungus到现在为止还生存在世tentacles spawned 界上,所以extended不合适;D当中的it extended和by a single spawned不平行;E当中的is extending和spawned不平fertilized spore 行 some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest. a giant dungus...做同位语 句子当中比较的是the land area of Laos和the land Laos has a land area of Great Britain,A/B当中的the land area of Laosarea comparable to that of Great 和Great Britain比较,比较对象不对等,错 Britain but a A当中的where不能指代上文的population; population of interweave v.与??交织 filigree n.精致物品 平行结构 spawn 动词形式 v.大量生产 fertilize v.施肥;受精 spore n.孢子 43.Laos has a land area about the same as Great 1.比较结构 Britain but only four million in population,where 2.指代对象 many are members of hill ensconce vt.舒服地坐逻辑表达 (躺着) 语法结构 virtually adv. 实际上, 22

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north. 3.简明扼要 B当中的there is结构繁冗;C当中的many of them,them指代不清,而且句子结构繁冗 4.句子结构 D当中的and改变了原句的合理重心 only four million people,many of whom are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north. The land area of Laos和that of Great Britain比较,whom指代上文的people The plot of the Bostonians centers on the rivalry that develops between Olive Chancellor,an active feminist,and Basil Ransom,her charming and cynical cousin,when they find themselves drawn to the same radiant young 事实上 44.The plot of the Bostonians centers on the rivalry between Olive Chancellor,an active feminist,with her charming and cynical cousin,Basil Ransom,when they find themselves drawn to the same radiant young woman whose 2.句子结构 talent for public speaking has won her an ardent following. 1.常用搭配 between X and Y或X and Y;A/D当中的between?with?错;B当中的X against Y错 E当中随意改变句子成分位置,造成表达不清 plot n.计划;密谋 feminist n.女权扩张论者 cynical adj.习惯搭配 愤世嫉俗的 修辞结构 radiant adj.喜悦的;灿烂的 ardent adj.热心的,热情的,热烈的 23

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 woman whose talent for public speaking has won her an ardent following. Quasars,at billions of light-years from Earth the most distant 原句当中缺少谓语动词,所以A错;C当中的some believe observable them to be同样没有提供一个谓语动词来完成句子结构;objects in the D当中的some believe they are和E当中的it is 语法结构 universe,are believed that they are都对前面Quasars从句无法构believed to be the 成完整结构 cores of galaxies in an early stage of development. 主语+插入语+are believed... In ancient Thailand,much of A当中的and when和上文不平行;C当中的constructingthe local 和creation/decoration不平行; artisans' creative energy A当中的they指代对象不清 was expended on the creation of D当中的and also把一个句子分成两个,而Buddha images and creating/construcing/decorating是一起修饰energy的,故不简洁;E选项的整个结构出现多余和无用的词,on construction and decoration of 而且改变句意。 the temples in expended on 花费,用光 A当中的expend for错 45.Quasars,at billions of light-years from Earth the most distant observable objects in the 1.句子结构 universe,believed to be the cores of galaxies in an early stage of development. Quasar n.类星体 galaxy n.星系;银河 1.常用搭配 46.In ancient Thailand,much 2.平行结构 of the local artisans' creative energy was 3.代词指代 expended for the creation of Buddha images and when they constructed and decorated the temples that 4.句子结构 enshrined them. enshrine vt.习惯搭配 保存或放置某平行结构 物于?;作为神修辞结构 龛以保护某物 24

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 which they were enshrined. Bringing在句子中做伴随状语,表示伴随着主句中left的发生,说明了当这5只鹰把它们的巢落在S时,数量已经到了34了。B/C/D/E选项都改变了句子结构,E选项当中的and brought如果和第一句并列,那么bring动作的发起者应该也是这5只鹰,但是句中表达的意思是,这5只鹰把巢落在S,bringing to 34,bringing是伴随状语 Five fledgling sea eagles left their nests in western Scotland this summer,bringing to 34 the number of wild birds successfully B当中的brings,C/D当中的it都无法指代上文中的five raised since eagles,单复数不一致 transplants from Norway began in 1975. A当中的a work that缺少谓语动词构成完成的句子结构;D/E当中的a work就近修饰Iliad,错误,应该修饰的是Pope's translation.E当中的连词and改变了原句的重心 In 1713,Alexander Pope began his translation of the Iliad,a work that took him seven years until complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson,Pope's contemporary,pronounced the greatest translation in 47.Five fledgling sea 1.句子结构 eagles left their nests in western Scotland this summer,bringing to 34 the number of wild birds successfully raised since transplants from Norway 2.单复数一致 began in 1975. 动词形式 语法结构 1.句子结构 48.In 1713,Alexander Pope began his translation of the Iliad,a work that,taking him seven years until completion,and that literary critic Samuel Johnson,Pope's 2.代词指代 contemporary,pronounced the greatest translation in any language. 逻辑表达 critic n.评语法结构 论家;批评家 C当中的it指代a work,但是在句子中已经有that来指代a work了,所以这个结构繁冗 25

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 条件,would never be为主句的形式 A当中的that were cut和that were arising繁冗,把句子结构复杂化,导致句意不明;B当中的that were引导了一个不必要的从句;C当中的having been cut造成繁冗; B/D当中的yields和复数主语trenches单复数不一致 The first trenches cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar,Syria,have yielded strong evidence that centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East arose simultaneously with but independently of the more celebrated city-states of southern Mesopotamia,in what is now southern Iraq. Once they had seen the report from the medical examiner,the investigators had 1.简明扼要 68.The first trenches that 2.单复数一致 were cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar,Syria,have yielded strong evidence for centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East that were arising simultaneously with but independently of the 3.句子结构 more celebrated city-states of southern Mesopotamia,in what is now southern Iraq. trench n.深修辞结构 沟;战壕 前后一致 yield v.生语法结构 产;屈服,放弃 C当中的arising simultaneously后面应该加介词with构成合理的句子意义;D当中的also在句子中没有意义 69.Once they had seen the report from the medical examiner,the investigators 1.动词时态 did not doubt whether the body recovered from the

Once引导的时间状语从句用过去完成时表达一种过去已经完成的状态,在一般过去时之前,所以主句应该使用一般过去时,Once引导的从句时态总比主句时态往前一个。B当中的had,C当中的had not doubt,D当中的have均不符合时态要求 措辞 动词形式 36

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 river was the man who had attempted to escape from the 2.句子结构 state prison. 3.常用搭配 A/B/C当中的the body was the man不对,应该是the body no doubt that the body recovered is that of the man. from the river was doubt一般用在否定结构中,后面跟that,常用结构为that of the man there is no doubt或he does not doubt A当中not doubt who had attempted to escape from the whether,错;B当中的no doubt whether,错 state prison. His studies of 在这句当中in which和when可以互换,所以不存在太大ice-polished 问题;E选项当中的now是副词,后面不能跟that从句 rocks in his Alpine 用一般过去时表示过去某一时间所存在的状态,A/D当中homeland,far 的had existed,时态不符 outside the range of present-day glaciers,led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose now和currently意思重叠,所以A繁冗;C当中的where the concept of an there were areas now temperate繁冗 age in which great ice sheets existed in what are temperate areas. 1.句子结构 70.His studies of ice-polished rocks in his 2.动词时态 Alpine homeland,far outside the range of present-day glaciers,led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose the concept of an age in which great ice sheets had existed 3.简明扼要 in now currently temperate areas. glacier 动词形式 n.冰河,冰川 修辞结构 temperate adj.温和的 37

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 71.Unlike the original National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy,where the models are encased in glass or operated only by staff members,the Virtual Leonardo Project,an 1.句子结构 online version of the museum,encourages visitors to \exhibit,which thereby activates the animated functions of the piece. Unlike the original National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy,where the models are encased in glass or operated only which引导的定语从句先行词应该是visitors,可是by staff which定语从句就近修饰exhibit,所以A/E选项错误;Bmembers,the 选项当中的in turn an activation of是一个名词短语Virtual Leonardo 应该引起一个新的句子,但是新句子当中没有谓语动词,Project,an online 是不完整的句子结构;C当中的it也是无先行词,it无version of the 指代对象,touch为动词 museum,encourages visitors to \ each exhibit and thereby (to) activate the animated functions of the piece. as a means to,当做达到??的手段。用to不定式表明stressing the arts是greater economic development的一种方法。C/D当中的as a means of和E中的as a means for不符合常用表达习惯 C/D当中的invest和stressing不平行;E当中的the investment of和stressing不平行 More and more in recent years,cities are stressing the arts as a means to greater economic development and encase vt.把?装入盒内 activate 语法结构 vt.使活动,启逻辑表达 动;触发 animate v.激励;驱动 adj.有生气的 72.More and more in recent years,cities are stressing 1.常用搭配 the arts as a means to greater economic development and investing millions of dollars in 2.平行结构 cultural

stress v.强调 strain v.措辞 拉紧;尽全力 平行结构 municipal adj.市政的,地方政府的 38

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 activities,despite strained municipal budgets and fading federal support. 3.词语使用 B/D当中的economically是副词,改变原有的economic形容词,句子意思改变 investing millions of dollars in cultural activities,despite strained municipal budgets and fading federal support. Combining enormous physical strength with higher intelligence,the Neanderthals appear to have been equipped to face any obstacle the environment could put in their path,but their relatively sudden disappearance during the Paleolithic era indicates that an inability to adapt to some environmental change led to fade v.衰退,衰落;逐渐消逝 1.动词时态 73.Combining enormous physical strength with higher intelligence,the Neanderthals appear as equipped for facing any obstacle the environment could put in their path,but their relatively sudden disappearance during the Paleolithic era indicates that an inability to adapt 2.单复数一致 to some environmental change led to their extinction. 因为the Neanderthals已经灭绝,那么表达他们的能力不应该用一般过去时,而应该使用现在完成时。所以A/C当中的as equipped不符合时态要求;D/E当中的appeared没有和后文中but引导的并列句中的indicates时态一致。Equipped to face比equipped for facing更清楚、更直接表达目的性,所以A/E当中的for facing排除。 根据句意表达,Neanderthals作为个体可能有不同的途径,但是在文章中Neanderthals被看做是一个种族,应该用单数path。所以C/D当中的paths不符合单复数一致 enormous adj.大量的 动词形式 Neanderthals 措辞 尼安德特人 obstacle n.障碍物,妨碍 39

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 their extinction. 1.动词时态 74.A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that 2.简明扼要 municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes. 3.句子结构 主句当中使用的是reduced一般过去式,自治区被允许投放的磷酸盐的量减少发生在agreement颁布以后,所以从句的时态应该用are allowed表明这个结果到现在还存在着,或者用were allowed表明这个结果在这个句子之前已经停止作用了。A当中的had been allowed时态不正确;C当中的reduces,have been allowed时态不正确;E当中的reduces时态不正确 4.所有格形式 A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of E当中的allowed for dumping by municipalities繁冗,phosphates that 而且allow for不属于常用搭配,allow to do... municipalities are allowed to B当中的实意动词allow被随意拿掉,改变句子意思 dump into the 无生命事物的所有格形式优先使用n. of n.的结构,较Great Lakes. 少使用n.’s 结构,B/C当中的the phosphate amount不符合所有格形式 A proposal has A/D当中的and see不能表达目的,应该为will continue been made to trim to visit to see以表达一种目的 the horns from 客人去参观的动作应该发生在犀牛角修剪之前,那么在rhinoceroses to after之后的动词形式应该用现在完成时have been discourage trimmed,而不是一般过去时are trimmed,前者在逻辑poachers;the 上更能符合句意。A/B/C当中的are都应该改为have question is been. whether tourists will continue to A当中的their指代对象不明,可能指tourists,也有可visit game parks 能指rhinoceroses;B/E当中的one多余,而且theirto see 明显指代句中的复数名词tourists,指代对象错误; rhinoceroses once phosphate n.磷酸盐 动词形式 municipality 习惯搭配 n.自治市,自治区 1.句子结构 75.A proposal has been made to trim the horns from rhinoceroses to discourage poachers;the question is 2.动词时态 whether tourists will continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses after their horns are trimmed. 3.简明扼要 trim v./n.修剪;整修 horn 逻辑表达 n.角,触角 措辞 rhinoceros 动词形式 n.犀牛 poacher n.偷猎者 40

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 the animals' horns have been trimmed. Retailers 在句子当中隐藏着一个平行结构as much because X as reported moderate because Y,A结构不平行;C/E当中的结构造成了之前的gains in their sales和shopper的策略比较,比较对象不对等; November sales,as much because their sales a year 1.平行结构 76.Retailers reported moderate gains in their November sales,as much because of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that shoppers were getting a 2.简明扼要 head start on buying their holiday gifts. A当中的being so bad?繁冗;B当中的because of短语分割句子,造成繁冗;C结构繁冗 earlier had been(时态) so bad as because shoppers were getting a head start on buying their holiday gifts. moderate 修辞结构 adj.中等的,适平行结构 度的 1.平行结构 77.The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather 2.单复数一致 returns. 平行结构要求词语的同样形式在句子中起同样的作用,is在句中连接了两个不定式。B/C/D当中的if?/for?都不能满足平行结构 citrus是单数名词,A/B/C/D中的they,them都不能指代citrus,单复数不一致 The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to have salvage v.it quickly 回收利用,抢救 processed into 平行结构 citrus n.juice concentrate 前后一致 柑橘属果树 before warmer rot weather returns n./v.腐烂 and rot the fruit. 用before更能体现因果关系 Fossils of the arm 前后一致 fossil 41

78.Fossils of the arm of a 1.简明扼要

C当中的that was繁冗 GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 sloth found in Puerto Rico 2.单复数一致 in 1991,and dated at 34 million years old,made it the earliest known mammal of the Greater Antilles Islands. 3.句子结构 B当中的has been?,C/E当中的was无法和复数主语一致; of a sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991,have been dated at 34 million years A当中的Fossils是句子的主语,所以it无意义上的先old,making the 行词,在A当中,made的主语应该是fossils,但是句中sloth the 无意义说fossils made it the earliest known earliest known mammals.B当中的they无指代对象,造成句子意思混乱; mammal on the Greater Antilles Islands. Defense attorneys attribute X(an effect)to Y(a cause)(主动);X(the have occasionally argued that their effect)is attributed to Y(the cause)(被动) D/E都client's 没有正确使用常用搭配。 misconduct stemmed from a reaction to something ingested,but if criminal or delinquent 作为but引导的并列句当中第二句的主语perpetrators,behavior is 应该是A选项中in attributing的修饰对象,但是in attributed to an attributing的修饰对象是defense attorneys,A选项allergy to some 的修饰语位置不对;同理,C/E选项的修饰语位置也不对; food,the perpetrators are in effect told that they are not responsible for 逻辑表达 n.化石 sloth n.树懒 1.常用搭配 79.Defense attorneys have occasionally argued that their client's misconduct stemmed from a reaction to something ingested,but in attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to some food allergy, the perpetrators are in effect 2.句子结构 told that they are not responsible for their action. defense n.国防部 vt.谋划抵御 attorney n.代理人;律师 occasionally adv.偶尔,间或 misconduct 逻辑表达 n.不当行为 习惯搭配 stem v.遏制,阻止 ingest v.获取;吞 delinquent adj.有过失的 perpetrator n.做坏事者,犯罪者 42

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 their action. 1.常用搭配 much一般修饰不可数名词,many一般修饰可数名词。A/B/C当中的much都不能指代可数名词dioxins,故应替换成many; 80.A report by the American 2.单复数一致 Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the 3.简明扼要 incineration of wastes. A report by the American Academy for the A/C当中的comes和前面的many of dioxins复数主语不Advancement of Science has 一致 concluded that many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which C/D当中的that are繁冗 North Americans are exposed come from the incineration of wastes. 名词的否定形式not A,but B;not A,but rather B;A,rather than B;A,not B;not?rather...比not?but?语气强烈。句子的结构应该为cause not by?but by?;A/D/E当中的but后应该加by,排除;B当中的but are中的are不需要重复 D/E当中三个元素最后用and连接,表明三种造成胃溃疡的原因构成一个组合,所以在这个句子当中,or表示的是三个不一样的原因,所以,or比and要更合适一些 Recently physicians have determined that stomach ulcers are caused not by stress,alcohol,or rich foods,but by a bacterium that dwells in the mucous lining of 措辞 incineration 前后一致 n.焚化,烧毁 81.Recently physicians have 1.平行结构 determined that stomach ulcers are not caused by stress,alcohol,or rich foods,but a bacterium that dwells in the mucous lining 2.措辞 of the stomach. physician n.内科医生 ulcer n.溃疡;v.使腐平行结构 败 措辞 bacterium n.细菌 dwell v.居住,住 mucous 43

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 the stomach. adj.黏液的,黏液覆盖的 82.According to a recent poll,owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of 1.平行结构 a majority of young adults,like that of earlier generations. 作为一个从句,like比较从句的后面应该有完整的主谓结构,而且比较从句和主句的结构应该平行。A/B当中没有完整的主谓结构,而且和主句不平行;C当中有完整的主谓结构,但是和主句不平行;D和主句不平行 According to a recent poll,owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults,as it was of earlier generations. 平行结构 poll n.民意调查 83.In 2000,a mere two dozen products accounted for half 1.平行结构 the increase in spending on prescription drugs,a phenomenon that is explained not just because of more expensive drugs but by the fact that doctors are 2.简明扼要 writing many more prescriptions for higher-cost drugs. In 2000,a mere two dozen products accounted for A/D/E当中的not?but?结构不平行 half the increase in spending on prescription drugs,a phenomenon that A当中的explained?because of繁冗;C当中的drugs is explained not that are becoming和doctors having also written繁just by the fact that drugs are 冗,而且语义不明,而且C/E当中also的位置不对 becoming more expensive but also by the fact account for 修辞结构 说明??的原习惯搭配 因 44

GMAT 官方指南 语法解析1 that doctors are writing many more prescriptions for higher-cost drugs. 要注意not only...but also的变体形式 1.常用搭配 84.Often visible as smog,ozone is formed in the atmosphere from hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides,two major pollutants emitted by 2.句子结构 automobiles,react with sunlight. Often visible as Ozone is formed when X and Y react,当X和Y作用时,smog,ozone is ozone形成了;A/D当中的fromed from不符合常用搭配 formed in the atmosphere when hydrocarbons and nitrogen C当中的and when扭曲了句子原意,and使前后两个句子oxides,two major 并列,ozone的形成原因变成了两个,所以排除;D/E当pollutants 中都没有谓语动词,句子结构不完整。 emitted by automobiles,react with sunlight. 原句当中使用一般过去时flourished表明在过去的某一点civilization是同时存在的,B当中的had flourished时态不正确,因为两者没有明显的先后关系;C当中的had,时态也不对; C/D/E当中的those不能指代上文中的单数名词civilization,故those缺少指代对象 Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destory the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan,the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in hydrocarbon n.碳氢化合物 语法结构 nitrogen 习惯搭配 oxides n.氧化氮 85.Salt deposits and moisture threaten to 1.动词时态 destory the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan,the site of an ancient 2.单复数一致 civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile Delta and the river 3.简明扼要 valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

B/C当中的had,D当中的did,E当中的were都是无意义的句子成分,多余;C当中缺少连词as deposit n.沉淀,沉积,矿藏 动词形式 excavation 前后一致 n.古迹,出土文物 flourish v.茂盛,繁荣 45

