06级新视野大学英语第二册 unit 3教案

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Unit 3

Period 1,2

Part I. Teaching Objectives

1.Speaking and listening

--listening skills: Identifying people's professions

--functions: Comforting people: expressing worries, conceding a point --theme: love

2. Reading

--Reading skills: recognizing differences between facts and opinions

3. Writing

--Writing skill: a paragraph of denial of some opinions followed by some other opinions

--Write a short paragraph (80 words) on the topic “Pollution Is Inevitable”

4.Translation skill

--Inversion ( 词序调整 )

II. Teaching Arrangements

1. In Speaking and listening Class The first meeting will cover:

Unit Three Every John has his Jill Lead-in, Listening Skills, Listening In and Speaking out

In class activities: retelling—Task 2 The wedding vows


1). Making dialogues according to the three models (P 38, 39, 40) 2) Answer the questions on P. 33 The second meeting will cover:

Unit Three Every John has his Jill Let's talk, Further listening and speaking

Assignments : talk something about your family, anything special in your family.

2. In Reading and writing class

Section A Marriage Across the Nations

Warming up activities

Martin Luther King, Jr. and his famous speech “ I have a dream ”

Some celebrities with cross-nation marriage, for example: Zhang Manyu, Jiang Wen, Wei Wei and San Mao

The Movie: Guess who's coming for dinner

Questions about the test:

1) For what two reasons did Gail and Mark live together? They wanted to marry for the right reasons.

2) How did Gail's father and mother react to the news about the wedding plans?

Gail's mother supported her. But her father thought Mark might be using this marriage to obtain United States citizenship.

3) In what ways are Gail's and her father's views different?

His strong-willed daughter thought doubt meant no action; she would rather act now and worry later. Her father reminded her it was never too late to change her mind.

Text Structure

Text explanation

Words and expressions


After reading activities

Summarize the passage using the tips below. 1. experiencing

2. ups and downs of a couple 3. avoid the mistake

4. tolerance, compromise

5. despite their racial and cultural difference 6. supportive

7. suspect that…obtain…citizenship 8. illustrate…divorce rates 9. rushing into marriage

Mark, a Black, and his girlfriend Gail decided to marry him after being together for two years, experiencing the usual ups and downs of a couple, learning to know, understand and respect each other. They tried to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons, only to learn more about tolerance, compromise and being open with each other despite their racial and cultural

However, Gail ' s mother, who had all along supportive of their relationship, counseled Gail to be really certain she was doing the right thing. Gail ' s father even went so far as to suspect that Mark might be using this marriage to obtain United States citizenship. He quoted statistics and gave examples to illustrate the higher

divorce rates and possible problems existing in mixed couples to warn Gail that she was rushing into marriage without thinking carefully about it.

Translation Skill


Amplification: supplying necessary words in translation on the basis of an accurate comprehension of the original.


对意义的增补 : 补充概括词、补充原文暗含的词、补充注释性词语、数词、量词等 Example

China, England, France and the United States 中英法美四国 a full moon 一轮满月

Facts are to the scientists as words are to the poets. 事实对于科学家如同文字对于诗人一样重要。

对语法结构的增补 : 为保证译文语法结构的完整进行的增补:增加代词、连接词、介词、句子中的省略部分等。 Example

What a day! 多好的天气啊!

He slipped on a banana skin. 他踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。 Example


I have admired his exceptional intellectual qualities and experience. 我佩服他那超人的才智和丰富的阅历。

He had the patience and determination that kept him at things longer than most others. 他有耐心和毅力,使他做事时坚持的时间比其他大多数人都长。

... and Zewail would hear from the world. Two thousand e-mails would zoom his way within a few days ...

扎威尔将收到世界各地的来信。短短几天时间里 2,000 封电子邮件接踵而至。 But first, the 53-year-old scientist would share the news with his family. 但是,这位 53 岁的科学家将首先与家人共享这个消息带来的快乐。 Gail and I imagined a quiet wedding. (L.1)

我和盖尔计划 ( 举行 ) 一个不事张扬的婚礼。

During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. ( L.1 ) 在一起(相处)的两年中,我们经历了一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重 中 时常(出现)的磕磕碰碰。

He basically asked the same questions as Gail's mother: … ( L. 44 ) 他问的问题基本上和盖尔的母亲 ( 问题 ) 相同。

Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other. ( L. 5 )

我们 ( 之间 ) 的种族及文化差异 ( 不但 ) 增强了我们的关系 , ( 而且 ) 教会



After class reading Unit Section C

After class learning Unit III Section B reading skills

After class exercises Exercise III, IV, V, IX, XIV. XVII, XVIII, XIX Writing: “Traffic Problems in Big Cities”(problem-solution pattern)


Section B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in law

Warming up activities

Reading techniques: Recognizing differences between facts and opinions Expressions Patterns

Enjoy a humor

Elizabeth was a very pretty girl, and her parents were rich. Quite a lot of the young men in the town wanted to marry her, but she was not satisfied with any of them. One evening, one of the handsomest of the young men who wanted to marry Elizabeth came to visit her in her parents' house and asked her to become his wife. She answered, \I won't marry you. I want to marry a man who is famous, who can play music, sing and dance very well, who can tell really interesting stories, who does not smoke or drink, who stays at home in the evenings and who stops talking when I'm tired of listening.\the door, but before he left the house, he turned and said to Elizabeth: Can you guess what the young man said? He said:

\ It's a television set.\

III. Teaching materials

Section A


1. imagine vt. 1) plan to have, think about having… 2) to form ( a picture or idea ) in the mind Imagine+ wh - clause/ that clause/ v - ing


We imagine a quiet holiday at home for this summer after a busy year. 试想像一下你孤身一人在一个荒岛上。

Try to imagine that you ' re all alone on a desert island. imaginary / imaginable / imaginative All the characters in this book are .

Up to now, she has been the most suitable person . An set designer can always enhance the play.

2. ups and downs: a mix of good experiences and bad experiences Life is full of ups and downs. 人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。

He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relations between the two countries.


3. character n.

1) [C] mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, nation, etc., different from others

2) [C] all those qualities that make a thing, a place, an event, etc., what it is and different from others

What does her handwriting tell you about her character? 根据她所写的字你觉得她有什么样的性格?

4. tolerance n. [U] willingness or ability to accept sth 容忍,宽容 [U] the ability to bear sth. unpleasant, or to

continue existing in spite of bad conditions 忍耐力

It ' s a culture in which there is absolutely no tolerance of disagreement. 在这种文化里,持有异议是绝对不容许的。

Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold. 许多老人的耐寒能力十分有限。

5 . be ( get ) involved with 专心于某事 He was involved with working out a plan. 他专心致志地制订计划。 Cf. be ( get ) involved in

If I were you, I wouldn ' t get involved in their problems. 我要是你,就不去介入他们的问题。

6 . subtle a. 1) Not easy to tell or describe;fine; slight 难于觉察或描述的;巧妙的 2) secret; tricky 诡秘的;狡诈的

? Her whole attitude had had a subtle change.

? There are subtle differences in meaning between these two words. 3 ) I fall for that subtle plot every time!

4 ) An artist has subtler awareness of color values than an ordinary person.

5 ) The old craftsman has subtle fingers.

7 . mutual a. 1) (of feeling or an action) felt or done by each to the other 2) shared by two or more people

Their working well together was based on mutual respect, trust and understanding. 他们的合作是建立在互相尊重、信任和理解基础上的。 Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend. 林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。

8 . overlook a. 1) fail to see or notice sth.; miss 2) pretend not to notice; forgive

3) have or give a view of (a place) from above He overlooked a spelling mistake on the first page. 他没有注意到第一页上的一处拼写错误。

She overlooked his offensiveness and tried to pretend nothing had happened. 她没有计较他的无礼,并尽量装作没事的样子。 Her bedroom has large windows overlooking a lake. 她的卧室有几扇对着湖面的大窗子。

9 . expectation n. 1) [U] firm belief that sth. will happen; 2) [pl.] confident feelings (about sth.)

Considering the problems he ' s had, there can be little expectation of his winning the match.

考虑到他最近所遇到的问题,几乎无法期望他能在这场比赛中获胜。 People had great expectations of him. 人们对他的期望值很高。 in expectation of 预料到 ······

beyond one ' s expectation 超出了(某人)的预料 against / contrary to (all) expectation (s) 与 ······ 预期的相反 expectation of life 预期寿命, 平均寿命

10 . work out : 1) develop in a certain way; turn out 2) find by reasoning or figuring

Things worked out quite well. 事情的结局相当不错。

She had worked out that it would cost over 100 dollars. 她已经算出来那要花 100 多元。


The police couldn't work out how the thieves had entered the building.

11. at a time 每次 ahead of time 提前 at all times 随时;总是 behind the times 过时

at one time 从不;决不 at times 有时;间或

for the time being 眼下;暂时 take one's time 不着急;不慌忙

12. meet with encounter sth.; experience sth. She met with heavy traffic jam on her way back. 她在回来的路上遇到了严重的交通阻塞。 They ' d never met with such poor service before. 他们以前从未遇到过这么糟糕的服务。 上网时,我遇到了一些困难。

I met with some difficulties in surfing the Net.

13. resistance n. 1) [U] being against sth.

2) [U] (sing.)(action of) using force to be against sth. / sb. The idea met with some resistance. 那个意见遭到了某种形式的反对。 They put up a passive resistance. 他们进行着消极的抵抗。


There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.

14. congratulation n.

1) (pl.) words that show pleasure about one ' s good fortune or success

2) praising sb. and saying that you are pleased about a special or unusual success He sent her a note of congratulation on her passing the exam. 他给她寄去了贺信,祝贺她通过了考试。 Cf. congratulate vt. 我祝贺他的成功。

I gave him my congratulations on his success. I congratulated him on his success.

I offered my congratulations on his success.

15. counsel vt.

advise, give advice and support to [U] advice; ideas

The school is now providing a service to counsel students. 学校向学生提供咨询服务。 counsel counselor 顾问 council councilor 议员

15. subsequently adv. after that, afterwards

They subsequently heard he had left the country.



The old school was sold and subsequently turned into a private house.

The bank refused to help the company; consequently, it went out of business. ( as a result, therefore )

16. harbor vt.

1. keep (sth.) secretly in one's mind 2. give shelter to (a criminal, etc.);

Tiffany ? s been harboring spite against our boss ever since her transfer was refused. 自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们的老板一直怀恨在心。 那女孩依然抱着出国的念头。

The girl still harbored the idea of going abroad. All the ships stayed in the harbor during the storm. 在风暴期间所有的船只都停泊在港湾里。

There are some of the best natural harbors in the world. 那里有几个世界上最好的天然港。

17. When we met I saw him as my beloved, intelligent, charming, and caring.

--When we met I regarded him as the one I loved because he was smart, attractive and caring.

His father saw him as a man who could not make a living for himself. 他父亲把他看作是个连自己也养不活的人。 Cf.

regard … as … consider … as … look … as … think of … as …

18. on the surface-- when not observed, thought about, etc. deeply 他外表上相当腼腆,但你了解他之后就知道他完全不是这样。

He seems rather shy on the surface, but he ' s quite different when you get to know him.

19. confirm n.

1) prove (a report, an opinion, etc.) true or correct

2) make (a plan or meeting) certain, often by telephone or writing 我想确认一下预订 7 月 1 日一间双人房。

I ' d like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July.

20. suspect vt.

1) have an idea of the existence or truth of (sth.); believe 2) feel doubt about (sth.); mistrust He suspected a plot against his wife.

他怀疑有人要谋害他的妻子。 I suspect the truth of her statement. 我怀疑她的陈述的真实性。 Correct :

We doubt the dog is lost; it always returns home on time. We suspect the dog is lost; it always returns home on time.

21. Buy time, buy time.

She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talking. 她企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。

22. proceed vt.

1) go to a further or the next stage; go on 2) make one ' s way; go 现在讨论下一个问题。

Let ' s proceed to the next question. 23. Suffix

-ist 表示 “ 人 ” 的名词字尾 -ic 形容词字尾 Root -ist real realist ideal idealist

material materialist Root -ic

athlete athletic diploma diplomatic patriot patriotic giant giantic


1. I sometimes wonder why… 2. upon/on + doing/noun

3. to find sb./sth. + doing/ adjective 4. make it clear that… 5. If 引导的虚拟语气。

Section B

Expressions 1. cube vt.

cut sth. into cube-shaped pieces Cube the vegetables.


The beets we had for supper were cubed instead of sliced. 我们晚餐吃的甜菜是切成立方块,而不是切成片。

2. slice vt.

cut into thin wide flat pieces I sliced the bread. 我把面包切成片。

sliced the meat instead of cubing it 把肉切成薄片而不是切成丁儿 3. chop vt.

cut (sth.) into pieces with a knife or other sharp instruments n. [C] a small piece of meat with bone still in it

Most of the diseased trees were chopped down last year. 大多数的病树在去年给砍倒了。 a pork chop 一块猪排 Cf.

chop 剁(成碎末状) slice 切(成片状) dice 切(成丁状) mince 剁碎(成末状) shred 切(成条状) peel 削皮

4. anticipate vt.

1) see (what is going to happen or what needs to be done) and then act 2) expect (sth.)


Do you anticipate meeting any trouble? Ex.

? The doctors don ' t that he will live longer.

? He ______ having a good time on the weekend. ? I didn ' t ____ meeting any objection. ? Nobody __ the strike to succeed. ? She __ to be home after lunch.

5. compel vt.

make sb. do sth.; force

We cannot compel you to do it, but we think you should. 我们不能强迫你做这件事,可是我们认为你应该做。 I felt morally compelled to help. 我觉得在道义上我应该帮忙。

6. behalf n. [U] interest; side

on someone ' s behalf 代表 , 为 ······ 的利益

On behalf of my husband and myself I thank you. 我代表我的丈夫和我本人向您表示感谢。

7. innocent a. harmless

b. not guilty of wrongdoing

It was an innocent question. Why get so worked up about it? 这是个毫无冒犯之意的问题,为什么要这么激动?

A man should be supposed innocent of crime until he is proved guilty. 一个人在被证明有罪之前应被认为是无罪的。

Multiple Choice

1. Have you ever imagined ___________ in the air? A. to fly B. flying C. having flown D. fly

2. Our racial and cultural difference _________ our friendship and taught us a great deal about life.

A. enhanced B. demoted C. eliminated D. updated

3. A good dictionary can tell the _______ distinctions between meanings of synonyms.

A. clear B. subtle C. acute D. sharp

4. Television sometimes has a negative ______ on children. A. affect B. effect C. perfect D. defect

5. _______ groups were sent into Iraq before the war was launched ten months later. A. Emergence B. Intelligence C. Negligence D. Diligence

6. It is not allowed to ______ the forbidden area. A. interchange B. adjacent C. approach D. decorate

7. A young mother was shouting to his son in a _______ voice. A. dash B. harsh C. crash D. rush

8. The interview ______ in a most friendly atmosphere. A. processed B. precised C. proceeded D. preceded

9. He is a/an _______ husband. A. contributed B. attributed C. devoted D. demoted

10. The soloist gave a/an ______ performance and won a loud applause from his


A. brilliant B. bright C. awful D. notorious

11. If he had worked harder last year, he ____ admitted to a better university. A. will be B. would be

C. would have been D. were

12. A. Have you ever tried ____ smoking ?

B. No, I never tried ____ smoking, but I ever tried ____ a pipe. A. to give up/to give up/smoking B. giving up/to give up/smoking C. to give up/giving up/to smoke D. giving up/to give up/to smoke

13. You are so kind a person. I really appreciate _______. A. you B. what you have done for me C. for your help D. all of you

14. Do you know VCD stands for Video _____ disc? And VCR stands for Video Cassette Recorder?

A. compatible B. compress C. compact D. contract

15. It is one of the duties of police to _______ the public order. A. deserve B. conserve C. reserve D. preserve

16. The ringing bells _____ the news of the birth of the prince. A. claimed B. proclaimed C. released D. published

Part IV Tests

1. 人生的沉浮起落 the ups and downs in one's life

2 (勇敢地)面对自己性格中的弱点 confront the weaknesses in one's characters. 3. 微妙的差别 subtle difference

4. 相互尊重和信任 mutual respect and trust

5. 对 … 抱有错觉(幻想) have illusion about 6. 饱经苦难 go through hardships

7. 对 … 持保留看法 harbour reservations 8. 不着急 buy time

9. 解除偏见 to resolve the prejudice 10. 从头到脚 from head to toe

11. 以校长的名义 on behalf of the principle 12. 屏息 hold one's breath

13. 争得别人的支持 win sb over

14. 想出答案 come up with an answer 15. 在表面上 on the surface

Part V Retrospect

? I have developed the multi-medium courseware, which has become much better. ? 413 , 414 did excellently on the assignment and in class activities

? 412 has improved a bit, there is still part of the students not working hard enough. ? All the three classes didn't do a good job in phrases tests

Period 5 Class Planning:

1. Teaching Material : Unit 3, Listening book

2.Teaching Objectives: try to improve students? listening

3.Teaching Focus : understanding conversations and passages

4.Teaching Methods

1) Interactive Teaching 2) Communicative Teaching

5.Teaching Aids

Teaching notes prepared by the teacher

6. Procedure

Step 1 Listening skills presentation and new words explanation

Step 2 Listening to understanding sentences and passages. Listening Task 1 on listening book Listening Task 2 on listening book

Step 3 Explanation the difficult listening materials

Step 4 Assignment

Listening to the tape repeatedly and listen to the program of BBC

and VOA

