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Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics

Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions.

Woman 1: I've got good news (1) for you! Woman 2: Oh, yes? Woman 1: I'm getting married.

Man: Well, well! (2) Who's the lucky man? Do we know him? Woman 1: Of course you (3) know him! It's David! Woman 2: (4) That's wonderful news! Man: I'm sure (5) you'll be very happy. Woman 2: (6) When's the wedding? Woman 1: Next June. (7) We're going to have a big June wedding! Woman 2: Are we invited?

Woman 1: Of course! I hope you (8) can all come.

Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Telephone rings for a long time.

Operator: Redman Electronics. Can I help you? Voice: At last! Why don't you answer the phone? Operator: I'm sorry. I was downstairs. Voice: Well, can I speak to Mr. Redman please?

Operator: I'm afraid he isn't here at the moment. He's on holiday. He's in the South of France. Voice: What about Mr. Gray — extension 322. Operator: Mr. Gray's at home.

Voice: Well, may I speak to Mr. Redman's secretary? Operator: She isn't in today. She's at her sister's. Voice: I see. Then I'd like to speak to Mr. Gray's secretary. Operator: Miss Jones? Voice: That's right.

Operator: Sorry. She isn't in. She's gone to the hairdresser's. Voice: Who is in today?

Operator: Well, I am. But I'm going home soon. Who is it please?

Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes. Exercise B: Complete the following sentences. Where are they?

Mr. Redman is on holiday in the South of France. Mr. Gray is at home. Mr. Redman's secretary is at her sister's. Mr. Gray's secretary, Miss Jones, is at the hairdresser's.

Section Two Listening Comprehension

Part 1 Dialogue Dialogue 1 Hello

Woman 1 : Professor Andrews, this is Dr. Baxter. Woman 2: How do you do? Man: How do you do?

Man l: Hello, Al. How are you?

Man 2: Fine, thanks, Eric. Nice to see you again.

Woman I: Sally, do you know Steve? Woman 2: No, how do you do?

Man: Hello, Sally. I'm glad to meet you.

Man l: Tony, I'd like to introduce ny friend Mary Parker. Man 2: Oh, hello. I've heard so much about you. Woman: Hello.

Woman: May I introduce myself? My name is Susan Roper. Man: Oh, hello. I'm John Lee. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.

Exercise: Listen to some people talking at a party. Who is talking to whom? Who has known whom before? Complete the following sentences. Names in the box are for your reference.

1. Professor Andrews is talking to Dr. Baxter.

2. A1 is talking to Eric.(个人认为答案不对,应该是Eric先向Al打招呼)

3. Sally is talking to Steve.

4. Tony is talking to Maw Parker. 5. Susan Roper is talking to John Lee.

6. Al and Eric have known each other before. 7. Tony has known Mary Parker before.

Dialogue 2 Welcome to Bristol Etienne has just arrived in England,

Etienne: Hello, Are you Mrs. Baker? I'm Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland. Mrs. Baker: Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol. Etienne: Hello. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Baker.

Mrs. Baker: Oh, call me Nicola. And this is my husband, Nigel. Mr. Baker: How was your trip? No hijacks?

Etienne: No, it was all right, thank you. But the plane was late and the airport was crowded Mr. Baker: Well, it's the holiday season. You expect it at this time of the year. Here, let me take your bags upstairs.

Etienne: Oh, that's all right. I'll take this one. it's heavy.

Mr. Baker: Well. Here's your room. I hope it's big enough for you and not too cold. We do have central heating but it doesn't work very well. There are extra blankets in the cupboard, I think. Oh, well ???

Nicola, where are the blankets? Let's go down and meet the rest of the family.

Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F in the space provided. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.

T 1. Etienne Bertrand is from Switzerland. (I'm Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.)

T 2. The Bakers are expecting Mr. Bertrand. (Mrs. Baker says\Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol.\

T 3. There have probably been hijacks in recent days. (Mr. Baker says \hijacks?\and Etienne answers \it was all fight, thank you.\We may infer there were hijacks recently. )

个人认为这题是错的,因为听到他们的笑声,应该是在开玩笑。 F 4. the plane was late because there had been a hijack attempt. (The plane was late probably because it was the holiday season.)

T 5. The airport is usually crowded at this time of the year. (It is the holiday season.)

T 6. It is probably still cold. (Mr. Baker mentions central heating and tells Etienne to use extra blankets if he feels too cold.)

F 7. The central heating doesn't work. (It doesn't work very well.)

T 8. Mr. Baker can't find the blankets. (Mr. Baker asks Mrs. Baker where the blankets are.)

Part 2 Passages

A young waiter

The most interesting part of the little town was the market square, which was surrounded by cafes, restaurants and small shops full of all kinds of cheap goods likely to attract tourists. At this time of the year it was not very crowded. It was a lovely day with only a few little white clouds, like puffs* of smoke, in the sky. It was not too hot, as it sometimes was during the summer, but pleasantly warm.

Edward and Ann sat down at a table outside one of the cafes. After they had been sitting there enjoying the sunshine for a few minutes, a young waiter, not much more than a boy, came to take their order. He spoke no English, but after a lot of laughter and pointing at the menu, they thought they had managed to make him understand that all they wanted was ice cream. There were several flavors*, lemon, chocolate, coffee, orange and vanilla* and they both chose coffee, \

After a little while the waiter returned. He was carrying a big tray, which he set down very carefully on the table in front of Edward and Ann. There were two cups of coffee and two plain ice creams on the tray.

\be able to understand simple English.\

The waiter smiled and looked pleased.


Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1-4: BCDB 5-8: CCDA

Part 3 News News Item 1

In Houston Texas, a federal investigating jury has charged the Arthur Andersen Company with blocking efforts to seek justice in the Enron case. Arthur Andersen employees kept financial records and provided advice to the failed energy company Enron. The charges say Arthur Andersen destroyed tons of documents while an investigation was taking place after Enron's failure. The Arthur Andersen Company condemned the charges as a serious misuse of government power.

A: Arthur Andersen Company is charged with blocking investigation in the Enron case.


News Item 2

NATO Secretary General George Robertson has arrived in Moscow for talks aimed at calming Russian fears about NATO’s future plans. He is expected to meet with President Vladimir Putin and other officials. Mr Robertson says NATO’S expansion to the east will not harm the balance in Europe. Russia strongly opposes NATO membership for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. A Defense Ministry spokesman reportedly said the entry of these countries would threaten Russia’s security interests. He says Russia will take extra security measures if they join the alliance. NATO will consider their membership next year.

NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织

A: This item is about NATO Secretary General’s visit to Moscow for talks aimed at calming Russian fears about NATO’s future plans.

