语言学 句子功能前景 哥本哈根学派

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Functional Sentence Perspestive


Functional Sentence Pespective (FSP)


a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterences (or texts) in terms of the information they contain.


each utterence part is evaluated for its semantic contribution to the whole.


—Communicative Dynamism (交际力)

It is developed as an attempt to rate these different levels of contribution within a structure, particularly with reference

Functional Sentence Pespective (FSP)

originFunctional Sentence Perpective —to describe how information is distributed in sentences.e.g. (1) (2) S P P S

Theme Rheme Theme Rheme

Functional Sentence Pespective (FSP)

between the Grammatical Sentence Pattern(GSP). the Semantic Sentence Pattern(SSP), and the Communicative Sentence Pattern(CSP)

e.g. John was written a poem.

SSP: Agent-Action-Goal

GSP: Subject-Verb-Object

CSP: Theme-Transition-Rheme

there is a distinction between sentence and utterence.

Functional Sentence Pespective (FSP) communicative dynamism (CD)

—based on the fact that linguistic communication is not a static phenomenon, but a dynamic one—measure the amount of information an element carries in a sentence

—is the effect contributed by a

linguistic element, for it pushes the communication forward.

e.g. He was cross.

Functional Sentence Pespective (FSP)

communicative dynamism (CD)

(1) contextually dependent elements carry the lowest degree of CD

contextual dependence or independence is determined by the purpose of communication


Functional Sentence Pespective (FSP)

communicative dynamism (CD)

(2) the subject carries a lower degree of CD than the verb, object and adverbial when they are contextually independentIf the subject is accompanied by a verb expressing "existence or appearance on the sence" and is

contextually independent, then it will carry the highest degree of CDappeared in the waiting room at five o'clock.

Functional Sentence Pespective (FSP) Conclusion

Firbas defined FSP as "the distribution of various degree of CD"

rule: Theme-Transition-Rheme


The Copenhagen School

This school belongs to European structuralism and developed Saussure's structuralist theories.

main theory: Glossematics (语符学)

emphasises on the nature and status of linguistic theory and its relationship to description

develops a distinction between system and process representative:Louis Hjelmslev (1899-1965)Prolegomena to a Theory of Language (1943)

The Copenhagen School

Prolegomena to a Theory of Language (1943)

he put forward a number of criteria for linguistic theory and its resulting descriptions to meet

linguistic theory should be immanent

—it should analyse language as a self-sufficient structure and it should also be arbitrary and appropriate

—it should aim to provide a procedure for description and this description should be consistent, adequate and simple

he elaborated dual dichotomies between form and substance and expression and content which interlock in his theory of the linguistic sign

