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一、单项选择题 (共60题、总分60分、得分60分)

1.The company is( ) steps to improve the bus service at night.

A、going B、setting C、putting D、taking 2.You’d better not( ) every word in the dictionary while you are reading the articles. A、look for B、look out 3.The reason for all the changes being made( ) to us.


C、look alike

D、look up

B、had explained D、were explained

C、was explained 4.This furniture is different from( ) .

A、ones B、that C、one that 5.I can’t( ) her endless complaint noise a moment longer.

D、the other

A、endure B、hear C、share D、quarrel 6.There can be no doubt( )it was Keats that-composed the poems recited at the English evening. A、who B、that C、as to 7.It( ) twelve o’clock now; there is nobody in the street.

D、about whom

A、can be B、will be C、should be D、must be 8.I’ll never get married—I don’t want to spend my life surrounded by dirty washing and ().

A、children screaming

B、screaming children

C、screamed children D、children screamed 9.They said they were happy they had put their trust( ) me.

A、in B、on C、on 10.I'll never forget () the Alps for the first time. The sight was impressive. A、see B、to see 11.At an( ) moment I’ll offer the visitors some coffee. A、appreciate B、acknowledged 12.His brother is fond of music( ) he is keen on sports.


D、to with D、seeing D、appropriate D、just as


A、just like B、just the same C、just so 13.It is really difficult for Jack to( ) with the other members in the company.

A、remind of

B、relate to

C、lead to D、bond together

14.He had dreamed of winning the championship for years in the Olympics but( ) as a third prize winner A、ended with B、ended in C、ended at 15.“I’ll buy this car,\( ) check for the money.\

D、ended up

A、accept B、take C、have D、receive

16.I asked my daughter to live on her own,( ) because I don’t love her,( ) because I love her even more.

A、not only?but also

B、would rather? than

C、not? but rather D、either?or 17.All the doctors hold the view that plenty of fresh air( ) to good health. A、contributes B、attributes 18.I wonder what( )at this time tomorrow morning.

A、he has done

C、distributes B、he will do


C、he would do 19.I have been trying to contact her( ) the past week.



D、he will be doing C、till



20.Albert( ) his homework yesterday, so he couldn''t come to the party. A、must do B、may have done 21.She could not move with her shirt( ) on a nail.

A、was caught

C、ought to do B、to be caught

D、had to do

C、caught D、have been caught 22.We can( )William to carry out the task, for his judgment is always reliable. A、lay on B、let on C、rest on 23.If you want to say you love someone, it’s best to do this( ).

D、lie on D、to person D、like D、try in D、suggested

A、in private B、in person C、to private 24.Jack is mad about rock music, while his sister seems( ) on classical music A、interested B、keen C、delighted 25.It’s a good idea to( ) a new pair of shoes before you buy them. A、try to B、try on 26.We( ) that it was a trick to get our money.

C、try at

A、surprised B、suspected C、surveyed 27.Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as () other musicians.

A、superior to

B、more superior than

C、more superior to D、superior than 28.\

A、telling her

B、being told

C、to tell her D、having told her 29.Her husband is about the most( ) person I’ve ever met.

A、boring B、bored C、born 30.“How many books does Prof. Black have?” “He possesses( ) books.” A、very much B、a great deal of 31.Poultry( ) expensive in this city.

D、birth D、plenty of D、has been D、but for

C、an amount of C、was

A、is B、are 32.The house the Smiths bought is anything( ) cheap.

A、besides B、except for C、but 33.I’ve( ) for another job. Maybe I will move to another city soon.

A、claimed B、competed C、applied D、qualified 34.We( ) our email addresses before saying good-bye so that we could write letters to each other. A、obtained B、exchanged C、shifted 35.Joy, grief, fear, hate, love, rage, and excitement are( ).




C、emotions 36.He spoke less and less at the( ) of the exam.


D、approaching D、independent D、are D、to

A、near B、around C、approach 37.He is too young and inexperienced to be( ) of handling such a complex situation. A、responsible B、aware C、capable 38.I shall show you my photographs as soon as they( ) ready. A、will be B、will have been 39.The skyscraper stands out( )the blue sky.

C、have been

A、in B、against C、under 40.The students( ) to the President about the bad food in the canteen.


A、contributed B、indicated 41.He is not( ) he used to be.

A、what B、that 42.Some hotel staff speak( ) English.

C、submitted C、when

D、complained D、like D、many

A、few B、small C、little

43.Mary( ) be in Paris because I saw her in town only an hour ago.

A、mustn''t B、can''t C、isn''t D、may not 44.The professor has given the students a list of articles( ) the topic under discussion.

A、relevant to

B、related with D、associated to C、swimming

D、floating D、variously D、exactly D、claim D、attention

C、associated with 45.The piece of wood was( ) down the river.

A、falling B、drifting

46.The company offers a great( ) of services to students.

A、variety B、vary C、various 47.I could( ) understand my roommate’s jokes but I laughed anyhow. A、really B、absolutely C、barely 48.If you think you can do the work you should( ) for the job,

A、demand B、apply C、request 49.The doctor told penny that too much () to the sun is bad for the skin. A、exposure B、addition 50.He looked at the magician''s tricks in( ).


A、improvement B、amazement C、acknowledgement D、refreshment 51.The politician waited for the applause to die down(消失) and then( ) with his speech. A、presented B、processed 52.Nobody says a word about the incident,( ) ?


D、progressed D、don't they D、those ones D、will do

A、does he B、doesn't he C、do they 53.The furniture in her room is quite different from( ) in the exhibition hail. A、that B、one that C、ones 54.We’re working hard, so the job( ) by tomorrow evening.

A、has done B、has been done C、will have be done 55.His application for the executive position in that world-famous corporation has been turned down () inadequate experience in management.

A、in the name of

B、on the grounds of D、for the purpose of

C、in the light of 56.It was in Germany( )Einstein spent his childhood.

A、where B、which C、that 57.She was, he thought, the best () novelist in england.

A、lively B、living C、alive 58.Helen has a good imagination; she can make up( ) stories. A、elegance B、marvelous 59.They knew that( ) the war would come to an end soon. A、somewhat B、sometimes 60.Anything that he( ) is worth listening to

D、there D、live D、adventurous D、somewhere D、says

C、tremendous C、somehow C、had said

A、said B、was saying 二、阅读理解单项选择题 (共4题、总分40分、得分40分)


1.How can English teachers accelerate the language learning of their students? One way is to teach students how to learn more effectively and efficiently. Learning strategies are \that learners can use to facilitate a learning task.\

strategies can help them become better learners. In addition, skill in using learning strategies assists students in becoming independent, confident learners. Finally, students become more motivated as they begin to understand the relationship between their use of strategies and success in learning English. Students need to develop an awareness of the learning process and strategies that lead to success. Students who reflect on their own thinking are more likely to engage in planning how to proceed with a learning task, monitoring their own performance on an ongoing basis, finding solutions to problems encountered, and evaluating themselves upon task completion. These activities may be difficult for students accustomed to having a teacher who solves all their learning problems and is the sole judge of their progress. Teachers need to encourage students to rely more on themselves. Because learning strategies are mental processes with few observable manifestations, teachers need to find ways to make the strategies as concrete as possible. When students are able to use the strategies their teachers have taught them, and to do so without prompting, then they need to explore new strategies, new applications, and new opportunities for self-regulated learning.(本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。)

(1).Better learning strategies can make language learning more( ).

A、fun B、interesting C、efficient (2).Students who reflect on their own( )will be more successful in learning. A、thinking B、evaluation (3).Teachers should encourage students to rely more on( )

D、exciting D、activities


A、books B、notes C、tutors D、themselves (4).Learning strategies are unobservable mental processes, so teachers should make them( )


B、more familiar D、more applicable

C、more concrete (5).Which of the following statements is true?( )

A、Students learn learning strategies from the teachers only. B、Learning strategies are completely unobservable.

C、Students need to explore new learning strategies for themselves.

D、Teachers are the sole judges of students’ progress.

2.Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in long-term maintenance of body weight. Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would rather try switching to “light” beer and low-calorie bread than increase physical exertion. Doctors found that less than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to reduce weight said they were combining exercise with their diet.

Still, exercise’s supporting role in weight reduction is necessary. A study confirmed that those who dieted without exercise regained almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine maintained their new weight.

If you have been sedentary and decide to start walking one mile a day, the added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year’ time, assuming no increase in food intake, you could lost ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually and making other dietary adjustments, you may lose even more weight.(本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。)

(1).According to the passage, what is the advantage of exercise mentioned by the author?( )

A、It can help you keep good health.

B、It can help you maintain body weight.

C、It can help you get rid of illness. D、It can help you find a good job. (2).When American people decided to lose their weight, what would they rather try?( )

A、To do exercise.

B、To try some “light” beer. D、To try both A and C.

C、To try some “light” beer and low-calorie bread. (3).The following statements are true except( ).

A、If people try some special food such as “light” beer when they want to lose weight, they would not regain their old weight.


B、Both the diet and exercise play an important role in losing weight.

C、Few American people who were trying to reduce weight would do exercise with their diet.

D、If people walk one mile daily, and keep doing so for one year with diet, he would lost ten pounds. (4).The word “reduce”(Para. 1 ) probably means( ). A、decrease B、lose (5).This passage is mainly about( ).

A、the meaning of exercise B、the way to reduce weight

C、the relation between lose weight and exercise

D、the importance of losing weight

3.Although the practice of the old Roman religion disappeared many centuries ago, some traces of the Roman gods are still present in our daily vocabulary. The names of the Roman sun god, Sol, and the moon goddess, Luna, are used frequently in our language

The word solar describes anything pertaining to the sun, and lunar anything pertaining to the moon. For example, the sun and the planets circling it are called the solar system. The period of time in which the earth circles the sun once is a solar year. The moon takes one lunar month to circle the earth. A lunar year of twelve lunar months is eleven days shorter than a solar year.

In some cases our language shows how these heavenly bodies affect us directly. A room or place for sunbathing is often called a solarium. We get our word parasol from the Italian word meaning \against the sun.\For this reason persons who were mentally ill were often referred to as lunatics.(本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。)

(1).In comparison with the solar year, the lunar year is__

A、twice as long

B、the same length D、a few days longer

B、protect us from the sun^ rays D、view the sun during the day B、the home of the moon goddess D、a guard against the moon


D、cut down

C、shorter (2).A parasol is used to __

A、measure solar time

C、protect us from the gods (3).The word lunatic originally meant___

A、twelve lunar months

C、a person on whom the moon had a bad effect (4).Implied but not stated______

A、A solar year lasts about 354 days. B、Sol was the Roman sun god.

C、Our calendar is based on the movements of the moon. D、Mental illness really has nothing to do with the moon. (5).The best title for this selection is:

A、The Gods of Rome.

B、The Rhythm of the Universe.

C、Ancient Beliefs. D、Gods in Our Words.

4.Bill Gates, the head of the world’s biggest computer software company, the Microsoft Corporation, has a mission: “to put a computer on every office desk and in every home”. Bill Gates has had this mission since he was a university student years ago. This deep personal interest, together with his

technical skills and his business marketing skills helped him to create a giant computer company and to make him wealthy.

Although he is so wealthy, Bill Gates does not want to give up. He is still very interested in his vision and he travels the globe, making quick stops in cities to sell the new software products of his company.


The central vision of Bill Gates is the “information highway”. This is a network for computers that will link every home, office and shop in the future. This computer network system will have an effect on business, shopping and education. Bill Gates says that the main use of this new technology will be in communication. It will be a way to find people with common interests and to share opinions with them.

But is this communication by computer along the “information highway” really a good thing? Won’t we be sitting at home, only “socializing” with our computer, paying big companies money so that we can

receive information that some large communication corporation somewhere had decided is “acceptable” for us to read? No, says Bill Gates, he thinks that the phrase “information highway” is a terrible phrase. It makes people think that we are all going down the same road, he says. In fact, the computer network will let us choose our own intellectual direction. It will give us freedom. It will also bring good to society, because it will allow for the spread of education. When more and more people receive education, the gap between the rich and the poor will narrow.

In the meantime, however, the gap between the rich and the poor is still there. To be added to this now is the gap between those with computers and those without.(本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。) (1).Ever since he was a college student, Bill Gates has ________.

A、become very interested in the computer B、set up a goal to popularize the computer

C、discovered great potentials in computer business

D、dreamed of having a giant computer company

(2).Bill Gates’ success depends on the following except__________

A、his vision and his travel over the globe

B、his technical skills and business marketing skills C、his deep personal interest in developing computer science D、his strong desire to make big money

(3).The word “vision”( para.3) probably means________.

A、Sight B、idea C、effort

(4).The “information highway” will mainly be used _______

A、in human communication

B、to help link every home, office and shop C、in business, shopping and education

D、to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor (5).The best title for this passage is probably _________

A、Bill Gates, his Vision and Mission B、Computer and Information

C、Advantages of the Computer Network D、One of the World’s Computer Giants



The central vision of Bill Gates is the “information highway”. This is a network for computers that will link every home, office and shop in the future. This computer network system will have an effect on business, shopping and education. Bill Gates says that the main use of this new technology will be in communication. It will be a way to find people with common interests and to share opinions with them.

But is this communication by computer along the “information highway” really a good thing? Won’t we be sitting at home, only “socializing” with our computer, paying big companies money so that we can

receive information that some large communication corporation somewhere had decided is “acceptable” for us to read? No, says Bill Gates, he thinks that the phrase “information highway” is a terrible phrase. It makes people think that we are all going down the same road, he says. In fact, the computer network will let us choose our own intellectual direction. It will give us freedom. It will also bring good to society, because it will allow for the spread of education. When more and more people receive education, the gap between the rich and the poor will narrow.

In the meantime, however, the gap between the rich and the poor is still there. To be added to this now is the gap between those with computers and those without.(本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。) (1).Ever since he was a college student, Bill Gates has ________.

A、become very interested in the computer B、set up a goal to popularize the computer

C、discovered great potentials in computer business

D、dreamed of having a giant computer company

(2).Bill Gates’ success depends on the following except__________

A、his vision and his travel over the globe

B、his technical skills and business marketing skills C、his deep personal interest in developing computer science D、his strong desire to make big money

(3).The word “vision”( para.3) probably means________.

A、Sight B、idea C、effort

(4).The “information highway” will mainly be used _______

A、in human communication

B、to help link every home, office and shop C、in business, shopping and education

D、to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor (5).The best title for this passage is probably _________

A、Bill Gates, his Vision and Mission B、Computer and Information

C、Advantages of the Computer Network D、One of the World’s Computer Giants



