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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料
Task 1
The line graph below shows the land used for organic cropsin two countries between 1985 and 2010.
The line graph compares the areas of land for growing
organic crops in two different countries during the period from1985 to 2010.
In 1985,the areas of land for organic crops in country A and
B were both 25 thousand hectares. In the following five
years,the figures experienced a slight increase and reached 60and 30 thousand hectares in 1990,after which they speeded upand rose to 160 and 140 thousand hectares respectively.
From 1995 on,the figure for country B continued to growand peaked at 280 thousand hectares in 2000. After remainingstable for five years, the area dropped dramatically to less than150 thousand hectares. By contrast, there was a small increase inthe figure for country A from 1995 to 2000. After that, the areadeclined,although it still outnumbered that for country B in2010.
Overall, in the first 15 years,the areas of land for organiccrops increased in these two countries, while the figures dropped
in the next 10 years.
Task 2
Some people think people working in creative arts should befinancially supported by government. Others think they shouldfind financial support from other resources. Discuss both sidesand give your opinion.
The realization of basic human needs such as enough
clothing and food makes it necessary for a more advanced
spiritual enjoyment from art. For those who devote themselves tocreating aesthetic works and pleasure, I think they should besupported by both government and other resources.
The government, as the central power that can accumulate awealth of resources and execute them more systematically,should take the main responsibility to fund the artists. Most ofthe museums and art galleries are run and managed bygovernments and artists can be financially supported if thegovernment makes it more accessible for artists to have theirworks of art exhibited. The authority can also issue some policiesor regulations favoring the creation of innovative works of art,such as the reduction of tax levied on the artists and more
subsidies for the encouragement of their contribution.
It is also true that the financial support from governmentsalone can hardly guarantee a decent pay or income for theartists. Funding from governments sometimes has to be
allocated to the areas that are more concerned with the welfareof most of the citizens, such as health insurance and governmentloans for the students from disadvantaged families. In this case,the financial support from other sectors such as big companiesor some non-governmental organisations can fit in. Somecompanies can carry out a series of exhibitions to raise morefunds for artists and it is advisable for them to help publicise theworks of artists on some media.
To sum up,if joint efforts from both governments and otherresources are made to fund those who are engaged in the fieldof arts,chances are that the artists will be better-off and createmore valuable masterpieces that can elevate people’s spiritualworld.
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