M3 Unit 1 The world of our senses教案

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Unit 1 The world of our senses

Period 1 Welcome to the unit

Teaching goals

Enable the students to talk about the functions of people?s five senses and give example of any people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses. Help the students learn how to describe the functions of the people?s five senses and give example of any people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses with the target language in this unit. Teaching important points

Talk about the functions of people?s five senses and the relations between them. Teaching difficult points

How to describe people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses. Teaching methods

Discussion, listening and speaking. Teaching aids

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer. Teaching procedures and ways



Unit 1 The world of our senses

Period two Reading

Teaching goals

Enable the students read a story about a woman lost in the fog.

Help the students learn how to analyze the elements of a story and learn the reading strategy of a story.

Teaching important points

Help the students to read a story about a woman lost in the fog. Teaching difficult point

How to identify the elements of a story. Teaching methods

Listening, skimming, scanning and discussion.

Teaching aids A tape recorder, a projector and a computer. Teaching procedure and ways Step1 self-study 自主学习:

一、词汇认知:预习教材第2—3页,在文中找出下列单词和短语,并写出他们的中文意思。 1.mist(L2)______________ 2.forecast(L3)_______________ 3.once(L7)________________ 4.fare(L8)___________ 5.observe(L14)____________ 6.rest(L16、51)______________ 7.narrow(L21)_________ 8.approach(L22)___________ 9.beat(L25)__________________ 10.still(L29)___________ 11.stare(L33)______________ 12.rare(L53)________________ 13.that far(L11)___________________ 14.in sight(L20)____________________ 15.wish for(L28)___________________ 16.watch out for(L37)__________________ 17.come to one?s aid(L50)_________________ 18.in relief(L50)_______________________ 二、fast read

1. What is the story about? A young _____________ lost in the _____ 2. Where did Polly live? At _______ _______ Street 3. Who helped Polly?_________________________________

Step2 groupor pair work 合作探究:

Reading Strategy

1.a plot 2.main characters 3.a certain time period 4.a place 5.a problem to be solved 6.a climax or a surprising ending ___ Listening and rading “Fog”,(T or F): ( )1.The fog was very thick in the morning.

( )2.When Polly got to Green Park, the weather turned out to be fine. ( )3. Polly got to Green Park by train.

( )4. The old man carried an umbrella in his hand.


( )5. After arriving at home, Polly invited the old man to her home for a rest and he agreed. Reading 3

( )1. The man who helped Polly out of trouble was_____.

A. an old man who always gets lost in the heavy fog. B. the man who watched Polly on the train C. a man who would do something bad to her. D. a blind man who?s tall, helpful and grateful. ( )2. When did Polly?s experience happen?

A. In the early morning when it was still dark outside. B. In the afternoon when Polly was on her way back home. C. On a foggy night when everybody had to take a train. D. At lunch time when Polly was out buying some lunch.

( )3. The writer mentioned the two unnamed men in order to show that ______. A. Polly was in danger. B. they wanted to help her. C. they would do something bad to her. D. Polly was too nervous. ( )4. The story is mainly developed_______.

A. in spatial(空间的) order. B. in time order.

C. from least to most important. D. from most to least important.

Stpe3 presentation

Ask some members of some groups to give their answers to the class.The others or the teacher gives some comments.

Step 4 practice 达标练习:课文回归

When Polly left home that morning, the city was already covered in a grey mist. After work, she (1)s_____________out into the fog and wanted to take her usual bus. But the fog is too thick for the _____that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she (5)g _____ at the faces around her. The tall man was (6)n _____ to be seen. When Polly got out of the station, the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud. There was no one in (7)s _____ . As she walked along, she heard the sound of footsteps, but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were (8)g ______ . Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her face and she heard a man?s voice in her ear saying ?Sorry?. She could feel her heart (9)b _______ with fear. To her surprise, the man (10)t______________out to be a kind blind man who wanted to help people in the fog.

bus to run (2)____________far. As Polly (3)o____________the passengers on the train, she (4)s

Step 5 Homework


2.完成学案导练P53 的练习题.



Unit 1 The world of our senses Period three Reading (2)

Teaching goals:

Help students understand fully of the text.

Deal with some difficult sentences and useful language points

Teaching important and difficult points:

mastering the use of some of language points: in sight, wish for, reach out, watch out for, pay back, be frozen with, be related to, be linked to, make sense, make the most of, can?t help doing,

Teaching methods reading,practice Teaching aids

Multi media and blackboard. Teaching procedure and ways: Step 1 check the answers

Ask some students to write the answers of their homework on the BB. Check their answers with the class as a whole, discuss the hard ones.. Step 2 self-study 自主学习:

一. 在课文第一段(1---5行)中找到下列单词或短语,并译成中文。

1.fog warning(L1) ___________ 2. left home(L2) ___________ _ 3.covered in a grey mist(L2)___________ _ 4. at lunch(L3) 5.forcast(L3)__________ _ 6.a thick fog(L3)__________ __ 7. left work(L4)________ 8. stepped out into __________ 9.wondered ____________ _ 10.running___________ 2. Ask the students to read aloud the first and two paragraphs by themselves.

Step 3 group work language points:

1.【原句】(L2)When Polly left home that morning, the city was already covered in a grey mist. 波莉离开家的那天早晨,这座城市已笼罩在灰白色的雾气中。 cover用法探究:

①She covered her face with her hands. 她用她的双手 __ 她的脸。

②It took them four days to cover 150 miles. 花了他们四天时间才 _____ 150 英里。 ③How many pages have you covered? 你已经 ___ 多少页? 【归纳小结】

cover 的意思分别是:① ; ② ; ③ .

2.【原句】(L5) she wondered if the buses would still be running wonder译为___________________________,后常接宾语从句。

① I wonder who she is. 我 她是谁。


②.I wonder(that)she has won the race. 我 她已经赢得了那次比赛。 ③ She wondered whether you were free that morning. 她想知道 你那天早上有空。 ④ I wonder if he will succeed. 我想知道 他将会成功。

no wonder ...


wonder后面接if 或whether引导从句时,if 或whether的中文意思是: 。

step4 practice (每空一个单词)

When Polly 1 home that morning, the city was already 2 in a grey mist. At lunch, the radio 3 that the mist would become a thick 4 in the afternoon. At four o?clock, Polly left work and 5 out into the fog. She 6 if the buses would still be 7 .

Step 5 Discussion

Ask the students to discuss their answers. Step 6 presentation and explanation

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 7 Homework


2.完成学案导练P54 的练习题..



Unit 1 The world of our senses Period four Reading (2)

Teaching goals:

Help students understand fully of the text.

Deal with some difficult sentences and useful language points

Teaching important and difficult points:

mastering the use of some of language points: in sight, wish for, reach out, watch out for, pay back, be frozen with, be related to, be linked to, make sense, make the most of, can?t help doing,

Teaching methods reading,practice Teaching aids

Multi media and blackboard. Teaching procedure and ways: Step1 self-study自主学习:

Ask the students to read the text paragraph2-4,find the following words, and write out their Chinese meaning.

2.Ask the Ss ti read the text aloud after the Mp3,or by themselves.

Step 2 group work合作探究:language points

1. (L7) Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 一来到大街上,她就很快地朝往常乘车的车站走去。

Once out in the street 相当于 Once (_she_ __was_ )out in the street。once引导 状语从句。在从句主语与主句主语一致时,从句可省略 ___ 。如:

Once __________ (see), it will never be forgotten.

Once (work out), the plan must be carried out. First aid, if properly__________ (do), can save a person?s life. I won?t go to the party unless (I am)__________ (invite).

2.(L7) The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.事实上是雾太浓了,车不能开那么远。 这个句子中的两个that 用法是不同的。

(1) 句中第一个that引导的是 __ 从句。如:

The reason he did not come is that he was ill. 他没有来的原因是_________________________ (2) 第二个that (或this) 在此处等于so,译为“___________”。如: Can hard work change a person that much?


You see, a fog ___________ bad is rare.(Page3 Line53)


3.(L14--15) As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.当波莉打量地铁车厢里的乘客时,她感到正在被一位穿着黑色大衣



observe用法: observe sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事。 observe sb do sth 看到某人做了某事

4.(L16) While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her. rest用法探究:

①The doctor told her to get/have a week?s rest. 医生告诉她需要一个星期的 。

②We eat some of the bread and keep the rest for lunch. 我们吃掉一些面包,并把____________留作中餐。

rest的意思分别是:①n. ,②vt. ,③n. , Practice: 用be动词填空。

⑴ The rest of his life ________ spent in prison. 他的余生在狱中度过。 ⑵ The rest of the books__________on the shelf. 剩余的那些书在架子上。 the rest vof+n. 作主语时,谓语动词由_______________决定

Step3 practice达标练习:

1. _____ you have got used to it, you?ll like it.

A. While B. On the condition C. Once D. Unless 2. The reason why he was late for school was his bike was broken on the road. A. that B. which C. when D. how 3. The stranger was observed the store last night.

A. to enter B. enter C. entered D. entering 4. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _____ in two days? A. the rest B. the other

C. another

D. the others

5. The dictionary is to be found.

A. anywhere B. everywhere C. nowhere D. wherever

Step 4 discussion

Ask the students to discuss their answers. Step 5 presentation

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Homework


2.完成Wb P90 的练习题A1..



Unit 1 The world of our senses Period five Reading (3)

Teaching goals:

Help students understand fully of the text.

Deal with some difficult sentences and useful language points

Teaching important and difficult points:

mastering the use of some of language points: in sight, wish for, reach out, watch out for, pay back, be frozen with, be related to, be linked to, make sense, make the most of, can?t help doing,

Teaching methods reading,practice Teaching aids

Multi media and blackboard. Teaching procedure and ways: Step1 self-study自主学习:

Ask the Ss to read the text ,find out the meaning of the following words and phrases,try to remember them.

Ask the students to read the text aloud(from L19-31)

Step 2 group work合作探究:language points

1. (L22)but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone. 当她到达街道拐角处的时候,脚步声消失了。

句中短语by the time 的意思是 , 相当于 _____ ①当他们到达这里的时候,我们将已经完成那份工作。

By the time they get here, we'll _____________ ____________ (finish) the work. by the time + 一般现在时从句,主句用将来完成时,表示主句动作将先发生。 ②当我到达车站时,火车早已经开走了。

By the time l got to the station,the train ___________ already ___________(go). by the time + 一般过去时,主句用过去完成时,表示主句动作发生在从句动作之前。 ③当我吃完饭的时候,他已经睡着了。

By the time I finished eating, he ___________(be)already asleep. 当主句的谓语有表状态的be动词时,主句通常不用完成时态。

2.(L25) She could feel her heart beating with fear. 她能感到由于害怕自己的心在砰砰乱跳。 ① 句中With的中文意思是____________; 如:冷得发抖 tremble cold/horror “with” means “because of” Her face turned red anger.

② beat v. 跳动;击打;拍打;打败 过去式 _______,过去分词 ______n.心跳节拍 翻译下列句子:

(1)He?s still alive—I can feel his heart beating. ______________ (2)He beat me at chess. ______________


(3)The rain is beating at the window. ______________

3.(L28---29)Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still. 现在她想到的是跑掉,但是恐惧使她一动也不能动。

① hold vt. 使保持特定位置或状况

___________ your head ____________ (抬起你的头来) for three minutes. The man ____________ the door _________ (让门敞开). ②翻译下列句子:

(1)The sea was calm and still.. ______________ (2)The room was still at the end of the speech. ______________ 4.glance at stare at glare at It is rude to _______ people like that. He ________ the clock and hurried away. 5. in sight out of sight 6.set off

7. narrow narrow-minded 8. approach to

“方法”: “way”of / to do ;“method”of;“means” of/ to do

Step3 practice达标练习:


1. He got to the station early, _____ missing his train. A. in search of

B. instead of

C. for fear of

D. in case

2. If you wish _____ peace, be prepared _____ war. A. at; with B. for; at A. beat; beat

C. for; for

D. with ; at

D. won; beat

3. Your football team _____ ours last Sunday, but we _____ the game yesterday.

B. beat; won C. won; won

4.By the time you come back from America, we our school. A. leave B. left C. have left D. will have left

Step 4 discussion

Ask the students to discuss their answers. Step 5 presentation and explanation

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Homework


2.完成学案导练P55-56 的练习题V.



Unit 1 The world of our senses Period 6 Language Points (4)

Teaching goals:

Help students understand fully of the text.

Deal with some difficult sentences and useful language points

Teaching important and difficult points:

mastering the use of some of language points: in sight, wish for, reach out, watch out for, pay back, be frozen with, be related to, be linked to, make sense, make the most of, can?t help doing,

Teaching methods reading,practice Teaching aids

Multi media and blackboard. Teaching procedure and ways: Step1 self-study自主学习:

Ask the Ss to read the text (L32-L55),remember the following words and phrases. Ask the students to read aloud this part of the text by themselves or after the Mp3.

Step 2 group work合作探究:language points

1.(L32) a hand reach out and grasped her arm. 一只手伸出来抓住她的手臂。 reach用法探究:翻译下列句子中的reach:

(1)Suddenly the man reached for the knife. ______________ (2)We can?t reach the apples on the top of the tree. ______________ (3)You can reach Tom at home on 9885274. ______________ (4)You can reach there in half an hour. ______________ within one?s reach 在某人够得着的范围之内 out of / beyond one?s reach 超出某人够得着的范围之外 2.(L37)watch out for the step here. 留心这里的台阶。

(2) Watch out ! There's a danger ahead. 小心! 前面有危险。

watch out for 是“留意某物”,后接____________词作宾语。

watch out 是“当心”,是一个简短的祈使句。可以独立使用,后不接任何成分。 3.(L40) I can't see your face, but you sound young. 我看不见你的脸,但你的声音听上去很年轻。 sound n.声音; vt.& vi. (使)发出声响;

系动词:听起来,此时后常接 ____ 词作表语。如:

That music sounds beautiful. 那音乐听起来很优美。

4.(L40).It gives me a chance to pay back the help that people give me when it?s sunny. 这给了我一个机会,我可以 在晴天里人们所给与我的帮助了。 pay for 负担/支付……的费用 pay off

pay back 回报



5.(L54---55)A blind person like me can?t get across the road without help, except in a fog like this. 像我这样的瞎子没人帮助是没有办法穿过街道,除非是在这样的大雾里。 翻译下列句子中的get across:

⑴ The explanation did not get across to the class. 这个解释没有被全班同学_____________ ⑵ He didn?t get his explanation across to the class. 他没有向全班同学___ 他的解释。 6.the darkness n. 黑暗;阴郁;模糊;无知

dark adj, 黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;无知的;忧郁的 7.hesitate to do sth.

hesitation without hesitation 8. Come to one?s aid 9. In relief 10. Be off 11. Except

besides: 除??之外,尚有或者还有?? except for: 整体中的部分;性质不同 except that clause

Step3 practice达标练习:一、单项选择题

1. I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children?s . (2004,天津) A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place 2. ----How are you managing to do your work without an assistant? ----Well, I some how. (2006重庆,No.28)

A. get along B. come on C. watch out D. set off 3. Let the children go away. They?re making too much here.(辽宁) A. noise B. voice C. sounds D. noisy 4. He all the debts on time.

A. paid back B. paid for C. paid in D. paid off 5. Did your speech ____ the audience?

A. get through to B. get across to C. get through D. get across

Step 4 discussion

Ask the students to discuss their answers. Step 5 presentation and explanation

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Homework


2.完成Wb P90 的练习题A1. 3. 准备默写课文中的单词和短语。.


Unit 1 The world of our senses Period 7 Word power

Teaching aims:

1. Get to know different parts of speech of words. 2. Learn words and expressions related to weather.

3. Encourage students to learn to remember and practise what they learn by listening and


Teaching important points

Help the students to know a word have different part of speech and meanings.. Teaching difficult point

How to help Ss remember the part of speech and meanings of the words.. Teaching methods

Reading ,practice, and discussion. Teaching aids

A multimedia and Bb.

Teaching procedure and ways Step1 self-study 自主学习: Task 1: Parts of speech (词性)

1 Read the following sentences from the READING part and tell the part of

speech(词性) and meaning of the underlined words..

◆ 1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. L7 2. Here we are, King Street.? he stopped. L49

◆ 3. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her. L16

4. Would you like to come and rest for a while? L 50—51 ◆ 5. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. L7 6. I was young once. L 42

◆ 7. Polly left work and stepped out into the fog. L4 8. Now we are at the crossroads. Turn left here. L43 ◆ 9. She wondered if the bus would still be running. L4—5 10. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still. L28

Step 2 Finish partA Part B on Page 6 Task 2 Describing the weather

1: Read the dialogue in Part A with your partner.

2: Read the weather report for today in Part B and the symbols below it, using

dictionary to help you find out the meaning of each word used to describe weather.


cloudy_____________ shower_____________ fine _____________ mist_____________ thunder/lightning_____________hurricane_____________ storm_____________

3: Complete the weather forecast for tomorrow with the help of the symbols and

the three pictures below. (the short passage in Part B)

Step3 practice Target detection (目标检测)

Use the words below and the correct part of speech to complete the sentences below.


1. It?ll take you a long ____to learn English well.

2. I have seen the movie three_____. present

1. The _______situation in Middle East is very dangerous. 2. The chairman himself _________the first winner the prize. 3. The child received a lot of _________in the Spring Festival. cause

1. That accident was _________by carelessness. 2. He _________a lot of trouble to his parents. 3. The drought _________ the plants to die.

4. Drunken driving is often the _________ of accidents. increase

1. _________ in population caused a shortage of food. 2. Traffic accidents in New York are on the _________.

3. The library has _________ its collection(收藏) of books ________ one million.4. The population of this town _________ _________ five percent last year. Step 4 discussion

Ask the students to discuss their answers. Step 5 presentation and explanation

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Homework:

Preview grammar---noun clauses.



Unit 1 The world of our senses Period 8 Grammar and usage (1)

Teaching aims:

1. Make sure the students understand what the noun clauses are. 2. Students should know the different use of noun clauses. 3. Learn to use conjunctions: that, if/whether. Teaching important point The usage of noun clauses. Teaching difficult point

How to teach students to use noun clauses. Teaching methods

Question-and-answer method, pair work and group work. Teaching aids

A multimedia and Bb.

Teaching procedure and ways Step1 reading before class 课前读

Ask the students to read the words or sentences in the part of word power. Step2. Making the study goals clear 明确目标 Learn something about the noun clauses.

Step3 self-study 自主学习:Introduction to noun clauses What is noun? What is the use of noun?

What is noun clause?(by reading some sentences):

At lunch, the radio forecast that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.

? She wondered if the buses would still be running.

? The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.

? What surprised me most was that the old man couldn’t see anything.

1. Ask students to read Part 1 on page8 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used as the subject of a sentence.

2. Ask students to read Parts 2 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used either as the object of a verb or a preposition in a sentence.

Ask students to read the two sentences in which it is used as an preparatory object.

3. Ask students to read Part 3 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used as the predicative after the link verb be.

4. Explain to students what apposition means. Then have the students read Part 4.

Bob is our monitor. What we need is more money 作主语的可以是_______词,也可以是__________ I don?t know the answer. I don?t know what the answer is . 作宾语的可以是_______词,也可以是__________ The answer is right.


The truth is that the fog is too thick. 作表语的可以是_______词,也可以是__________ Lu Xun, a famous writer, is well known for his novels. The news that he couldn?t come made us upset. 作同位语的可以是_______词,也可以是________

Step4. group work 合作交流

你能总结出什么叫名词性从句和它的种类吗? 一、名词性从句简介

1.定义 在句子中起________作用的从句称为名词性从句.

2.它包括_____________ _____________ _____________和________________。 二、名词性从句的引导词

A、连接代词:_______ _______ _______ _______ ______ B、连接副词:_______ _______ _______ ________ C、连接词: _______ _______ Practice and discussion 达标练习

A. 判断下面各句中含有什么从句,并用括号括出从句。

1.She believed that he had not told her the truth 2. I hope that Polly will be OK. 3. Why he left wasn?t important.

4. My question is whether Polly can find her way home. 5. Where he has been is still a puzzle.

6. She had a feeling that she was being watched. 7. This is why he loves sports. 8. I am interested in what he is doing.

9. The news whether our team has won is unknown. 10.What my father offers to me is great help.

B. Ask the students to read the article on page 9 and to describe the main idea in their own words. Make sure that they know what they need to do and that they can identify all the noun clauses.Ask the students to discuss their answers. Step5 presentation and explanation 展示点评

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Assignments:

Read the article pleasant smells reduce pain? Underline all the noun clauses you can find.


Unit 1 The world of our senses

Period 9 Grammar and usage (2)

Teaching aims:

1. Make sure the students understand what the noun clauses are. 2. Students should know the different use of noun clauses. 3. Learn to use conjunctions: that, if/whether. Teaching important point The usage of noun clauses. Teaching difficult point

How to teach students to use noun clauses. Teaching methods

Question-and-answer method, pair work and group work. Teaching aids

A multimedia and Bb.

Teaching procedure and ways Step1 reading before class 课前读

Ask the students to read the words or sentences in the part of word power. Step2. Making the study goals clear 明确目标 Learn something about the noun clauses.

Step3 self-study 自主学习:practice on noun clauses

(1). 1.______ the baby could speak made his parents very happy. A. That B. What C. Why D. If 2. I wonder ____ you will go shopping or stay at home. A. that B. when C. whether D. what 3. This is _____ he was often late for school.

A. what B. that C. why D. whether 4. We all know the truth ____ the earth ____ around the sun.

A. if; moved B. that; moves C. why; move D. whether; move

(2). Noun clauses beginning with that or if/whether. P10---part3

1. Ask the students to read Part 1, which is about using that to introduce a noun clause. 2. Have students read Part 2, which is about using if or whether to introduce a noun clause.

(3). 1. Ask students to finish exercises on page11.


2. Do some exercises. 用whether 还是if 呢?

1. I asked her __________ she had a bike. 2. We?re worried about _______ he is safe. 3. I don?t know _________ he is well or not. 4. I don?t know ___________ or not he is well. 5. The question is ____________ he should do it. 6. I don?t know ___________ to go.

7. I wonder ______________ the news is true. 8. He was not sure __________ it was right.

9. We haven?t decided _________ to attend the meeting or not. 10. I don?t know ____________ or not he finally found his missing bike. 11. The question is _________ the film is worth seeing. 12. It all depends on ___________ he will support us. 13. Please let me know ___________ you like it.

Step4. group work and discussion 合作交流 Ask the students to discuss their answers.

Step 5 presentation and explanation 展示点评

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Assignments:

Finish exercises of Part A and Part B on P11 and C1 on wb P92


Unit 1 The world of our senses

Period 10 Grammar and usage (3)

Teaching aims:

1. Make sure the students understand what the noun clauses are. 2. Students should know the different use of noun clauses. 3. Learn to use conjunctions: that, if/whether. Teaching important point The usage of noun clauses. Teaching difficult point

How to teach students to use noun clauses. Teaching methods

Question-and-answer method, pair work and group work. Teaching aids

A multimedia and Bb.

Teaching procedure and ways Step1 reading before class 课前读

Ask the students to read the sentences in the part of grammar on P8. Step2. Making the study goals clear 明确目标 Learn something about the noun clauses.

Step3 self-study 自主学习:practice on noun clauses

引导词 that 的省略

①.that 引导宾语从句时,可以省略; ②. 介词后的宾语从句中的that 不可省略;

③. 引导同位语从句的连词that 在句中不充当成分,没有具体意思,不可省略。 ④.It 作形式主语,that从句作真正的主语时,that不可省略

练一练,下列that可以省略吗? 1. I don?t think that she is coming.

2. It is a pity that he has made such a mistake. 3. The reason is that he is careless .

4.The news that our team won the match inspired us. 5. He told me that his father had died

Step4. group work and discussion 合作交流


同位语从句:从句与其前面的名词是同位关系,这些名词仅限于抽象名词:fact,idea,news, suggestion, 等。that 起引导作用, 不作成分,无义,不省。


定语从句:从句与先行词的关系是修饰与被修饰的关系,先行词可为名词或代词;that 起引导作用,作成分,作宾语时可省。


判断下列从句是定语从句,还是同位语从句 并译出句子汉语意思

1. We expressed(表达) the hope that they had expressed. ( ) 2. We expressed the hope that they would come to China again. ( )

3. The information has been announced(宣布) that more middle school graduates will have chance to go to university. ( )

4. The information that he revealed(泄露)at the meeting is of great value. ( )

Ask the students to discuss their answers.

Step 5 presentation and explanation 展示点评

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Assignments:

Finish exercises of Part A and Part B on P11 and C1 on wb P92


Unit 1 The world of our senses

Period 11 Grammar and usage (4)

Teaching aims:

1. Make sure the students understand what the noun clauses are. 2. Students should know the different use of noun clauses. 3. Learn to use conjunctions: that, if/whether. Teaching important point The usage of noun clauses. Teaching difficult point

How to teach students to use noun clauses. Teaching methods

Question-and-answer method, pair work and group work. Teaching aids

A multimedia and Bb.

Teaching procedure and ways Step1 reading before class 课前读

Ask the students to read the sentences in the part of grammar on P10. Step2. Making the study goals clear 明确目标 Learn something about the noun clauses.

Step3 self-study 自主学习:practice on noun clauses

一、名词性从句的语序 名词性从句要求使用陈述句语序

How was he successful is still a puzzle. (×) How he was successful is still a puzzle. (√) Could you tell me where he lives? ( ) Could you tell me where does he live? ( )

二、名词性从句连接词的选用 (1) that 和what 的选用

that 和 what 都可引导所有的名词从句。但是,

what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、或表语。that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用。 1. __________ he wants is a book.

2. _________ he wants to go there is obvious. 3. The result is ________ we won the game. 4. This is _________ we want to know. 5. Is _________ he told us true ?


6. We should pay attention to __________ the teacher is saying. 7. I have no doubt _________ he will come.

8. I have no idea _________ he did that afternoon.(2) if 和whether 的选用 if 和whether都有“是否”的意思,但有时只能用whether 只能用whether的情况:

1)与or not直接连用时, 只能用whether(即whether or not), 而不能用if (即if or not); 2) 引导表语从句和同位语从句时; 3) 引导主语从句,且位于句首时; 4) 引导介词后的宾语从句时; 5) 后面直接跟动词不定式时; 6) if引起歧义时。

1. I asked her __________ she had a bike. 2. We?re worried about _______ he is safe. 3. I don?t know _________ he is well or not. 4. I don?t know ___________ or not he is well. 5. The question is ____________ he should do it. 6. I don?t know ___________ to go.

7. I wonder ______________ the news is true. 8. He was not sure __________ it was right.

9. We haven?t decided _________ to attend the meeting or not. 10. I don?t know ____________ or not he finally found his missing bike. 11. The question is _________ the film is worth seeing. 12. It all depends on ___________ he will support us. 13. Please let me know ___________ you like it.

Ask the students to discuss their answers.

Step 5 presentation and explanation 展示点评

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. Step 6 Assignments:

.完成《步步高导练》 P597-58 单项填空


Unit 1 The world of our senses

Period 12 task

Teaching aims:

1. Make students know the chain of a story.

2. Train students? ability of telling a story effectively by using pictures with speech bubbles. 3.Improve students? ability of writing a story by using adjectives and adverbs. Teaching important point

Get the students to learn how to plot a story, how to identify different elements of a comic strip and how to use adjectives and adverbs properly in writing stories. Teaching difficult point

Get the students to learn how to plot a story. Teaching methods

Question-and-answer method, pair work and group work. Teaching aids

A multimedia and Bb.

Teaching procedure and ways Step1 reading before class 课前读

Ask the students to read the sentences in the part of task on P12. Step2. Making the study goals clear 明确目标 Learn something about plotting a story. Step3 self-study 自主学习: Check homework.

Suggested answers to Exercise C2 on wb page 92.

Step4. group work and discussion 合作交流 Plotting a story (Skills building 1)

Ask students to read the story on page 12 and finish the exercise of part A and B.


Ask students to do exercise of step 1. completing a checklist

1. Listen to the tape and work out the main information in each part.

recognizing different elements of a comic strip (Skills building 2)

2. In pairs, ask students to work out a surprise ending from the five pictures given in Part A. They should draw a picture, write a caption and add thought, speech or sound bubbles where necessary.

Step 5 presentation and explanation 展示点评

Ask some groups to give their answers to the class. Discuss the difficult ones. A sample ending: Sandy?s mom came. Sandy told her mom about what happened. Her mother said, “My dear. You must be dreaming just now. It?s late, let?s go home.” The girl felt a little disappointed. She looked at the painting again. She found Mona Lisa was smiling to her as if she were saying goodbye to her. Step 6 Assignments:

1. Review what we have learnt today.

2.完成《步步高导练》 P59 基础落实:I 单词检测 II短语检测

3.Preview Skill building 3.


Unit 1 The world of our senses

Period 13 task

Teaching aims:

1. Improve students? ability of writing a story by using adjectives and adverbs. 2. Telling a story after learning the three skills. Teaching important point

Get the students to learn how to use adjectives and adverbs properly in writing stories. Teaching difficult point

Get the students to learn how to plot a story. Teaching methods

Question-and-answer method, pair work and group work. Teaching aids

A multimedia and Bb.

Teaching procedure and ways Step1 reading before class 课前读

Ask the students to read the sentences in the part of task on P162. Step2. Making the study goals clear 明确目标

Read and find out adjectives and adverbs properly in writing stories. Step3 self-study 自主学习:


