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专 业 汉语言文学 院 系 文学与对外汉语学院 学 号 1101020626 姓 名 杨云南 指 导 教 师 何忠盛 副教授 成 绩

题 目 论三曹文学与建安风骨




学 生:杨云南 指导老师:何忠盛

摘 要:儒家正统思想的统治地位在东汉末年轰然倒塌,人民的思维方式及思考问题层面,文学士人在积极进取、建功立业的同时亦反映了时代精神,使得建安 文学(诗歌)繁荣发展并取得突出成就。建安文学的代表人物即“三曹”和“建安七子”,而以三曹为核心。曹操父子皆有高度的文学修养,由于他们的提倡,使得诗、赋、文创作皆有新的突破,特别是诗歌,富有时代精神,内容充实,感情真切风格明朗刚健,记述了乱动、人民疾苦和诗人愿望、心情及抱负。曹操爱好文学,诗歌风格悲凉慷慨,大胆直率,常用诗歌来表达对现实的态度,抒写他的政治抱负,体现他宏伟理想和壮志胸襟。曹丕诗歌题材较狭隘,思想感情消沉

颓败,多以歌咏男女爱情和离愁别怨,抒写人生无常的感慨。曹植前期写的诗歌 基调开朗豪迈,充满昂扬精神,后期理想得不到实现,内心充满悲愤和痛苦。由此,以三曹父子为中心的文人集团所表现出的共同的文学倾向,他们高扬政治理想,展示强烈个性,具有浓郁的悲剧色彩,展现了东汉末年动荡的时代,形成了慷慨激昂、刚健有力的诗歌风格,称为“建安风骨”。

关键词:建安文学 建安风骨 三曹 原因 成就



Theory of three Cao Wenxue and sussing out of


Undergraduate:Yang yunnan Supervisor:He zhongsheng

Abstract:The Confucianist legitimate thought rule last years loudly collapses in the Eastern Han Dynasty, people's thinking mode and the ponder question stratification plane, the B.A. degree person while which positive enterprising, performed merit riou s deeds had also reflected the spirit of the age, caused the Jian an literature (poetry) to prosper develops and obtains the prominent achievement. Jian an literature representative personage namely “three Cao” and “Jian an seven”, but take three Cao as the core. The Cao Cao fathers and sons all have the high literature tutelage, as a result of theirs advocate, enables the poem, the tax, the article creation all to have the new breakthrough. Specially the poetry, has inherited \tradition, rich spirit of the age, substantial in content, sentimental clear style bright vigorous, recorded randomly has moved, the people's hardship and the poet desire, the mood and the aspiration. Cao Cao likes the literature dismal, the poetry style generous, bold frank, the commonly used poetry expresses to the reality the manner, expresses in writing his political aspiration, manifests his grand principle to want with the determination mind. The Cao Pi poetry theme is narrow, the thoughts and feelings depressed decadent, many do not complain by the sing men and women love and the sorrow of parting, express in writing the life variable feeling. Cao plants the poetry main key which the earlier period writes open and bright heroic, the fill spirited fine god, later period ideally cannot obtain the realization, the innermost feelings fill grief and indignation and the pain. From this, by three Cao fathers and sons the common literature tendency which displays for the central article person group, they raise high politics to be ideal, demonstrated the intense individuality, has the rich tragedy color, has unfolded the Eastern Han Dynasty last years the turbulent time, has formed fervently, the vigorous powerful poetry wind standard, is called “the Jianan character”.



Key words: Jianan literature ;Jianan character ;three Cao; reason; characteristic; success




中文摘要 ....................................................................................................................... 1 英文摘要 ....................................................................................................................... 2 目录 ............................................................................................................................... 4 前言 ............................................................................................................................... 5 一、建安文学繁荣发展原因 ....................................................................................... 5 二、“三曹”的文学成就 ................................................................................................ 6 (一)、曹操的文坛领袖地位...................................................................................... 6 (二)、曹丕文学成就.................................................................................................. 7 (三)、曹植的诗歌才华.............................................................................................. 8 三、“三曹”对建安风骨的影响 .................................................................................... 9 结语................................................................................................................................ 9 参考文献 ..................................................................................................................... 11 致 谢 ......................................................................................................................... 12


