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/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / _/ _/_ _/__题号 班答 _ __要__ _ __不_ 名 姓内 __线__ _ _级封 班 密/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /常德市2017年上学期职三年级联合考


第一部分 听力理解(30分,每小题1.5分)

第一节 有5段对话。


1.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A A book. B A writer. C A bookstore. 2.Who will probably get the stamps?

A The woman. B The man’s classmate. C The woman’s sister. 3.What has the director done?

A He has made a film that is quite true to the important points of the issue.

B He has hit the nail with a hammer.

C He has shown that he doesn’t really understand the issue. 4.When will the man arrive at home?

A At 10:10. B At 11:00. C At 12:00. 5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A An actor. B A film. C A book. 第二节 有5段对话或独白。



6. What does the woman ask the man to send?

A A report. B An e-mail. C A letter.

7.For whom will the man reserve a room in the Garden Hotel?

A For the woman. B For Mr. Benson. C For Mr. Black.


8. Where is the hotel located?

A Out of the city. B Near the harbor. C In the center of the city. 9.When will the speakers meet?

A On Friday. B On Sunday. C On Saturday.

听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

10. What do we know about the man’s parents?

A They had a lot in common.

B They had a concert in the living room. C They both loved him and his sister.. 11. Who bought a movie camera?

A The man. B The man’s mother. C The man’s father. 12. When did the man own his office?

A When he was only 12 years old. B When he was only 17 years old. C When he found it was not useful.


13. What is the man looking for?

A A monument. B A pub. C A hall. 14.What is the Mond?

A A road. B A hill. C A monument. 15. How will the man get there probably?

A By bus. B By taxi. C On foot. 16. What do you think of the woman?

A She is helpful. B She is impatient. C She is so rude.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Why is Lily sitting in the trolley(手推车)?

A She is too heavy for her mother to carry. B Her mother wants to talk to Mrs. Bell. C Her mother has bought too many things.

18.What is Lily doing while Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Young are talking?

A She hides a bottle of wine in Mrs. Young’s handbag.


/ / / B She is playing with a bottle of whiskey.

C She is playing with things her mother has bought. 19. What can we learn from the speech?

A Mrs. Bell steals a bottle of whiskey.

B The detective finds the whiskey in Mrs. Bell’s handbag. C Mrs. Young asks her daughter to steal a bottle of whiskey. 20.What does the speech tell us?

A Lily is a shy girl.

B Mrs. Bell is a forgetful person.

C People sometimes can hardly explain themselves.

第二部分知识运用(共三节 40分)


21.Houses in Wenchuan____ badly ____ in the earthquake.

A is , damaged B are, damaged C /,damaged D were, damaged 22.______people are involved in Ma Yun’s business.

A Thousand of B Thousand C Thousands of D Thousands 23.He ____in the army since I met him three years ago.

A is B was C has joined D has been 24.It is _____ only giving students answers.

A use B useful C useless D function

25.Their company needs three _____ and two _____ with a good commandof Germany.

A man drivers,German B men drivers, Germen C men drivers, Germans D man drivers, Germans 26.___he is, he often helps others in need.

A Poor as B As poor C Though poor D Rich as

27.In our life , we have a/an _____ to challenge ourselves at any time. A change B charge C chance D choice 28.The book sounds _____ and sells _______.

A good, good B well, well C well, good D good, well

29.He has a collection of English novels, some of _____ were written by a famous


A who B that C whose D which 30.He often works at home and he _____goes out.

A hard B hardly C always D usually 第二节交际用语(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

(一)选择:看下面10组小对话。根据文字提供的信息,从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的最佳选项。 31. ---What’s your major? ---___________.

A I’m majoring in Business English. B I’m hard-working

C I graduated from a vocational school D I once worked as a waiter 32---I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble. ---________________

A Excuse me B All right C You are right D Never mind.

33---Would you like me to give you a hand? ---_____________.

A Yes, but I can do it B Help me right now

C No, thanks. I can manage it myself. D Yes, I can manage it myself 34. --Excuse me, can you spare me a few minutes? --______. But I’ll be free in half an hour.

A Yes, of course B No, I can’t C Yes, with pleasure D I’m afraid not

35.---Can I get you a cup of tea? ---_______.

A That’s very nice of you B With pleasure

C You can, please D Thank you for the tea 36---Why not go to have a cup of tea? ---_______.

A Yes, I think so B No, I don’t think so C Good idea D Yes, we had 37. --Have you got any work experience? --______________.

A Yes, I want to talk to the boss. B Yes, I once worked in a large company


C Yes, I saw your ad. D Yes, I can use a computer 38. --Show me your ticket, please. --___________.

A OK. Here you are B Thank you C You are kind D Sure , bye 39. ---How about seeing the new movie tonight?

---_____, but I’m going to prepare for tomorrow’s exam.

A All right B I can’t C No, I’m sorry D Sounds great 40. --I wonder if I could use your car next weekend? --____. I’m not using it anyhow.

A Sure, go ahead B I don’t know C Yes, indeed D I can’t care (二)补全对话:根据下面一段对话,从A.B.C.D.E.F六个选项中选出五个选项补全空缺处,使对话完整,符合情景和含义. A: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Green? B: Speaking.

A: 41 . This is Liu Wei from the Traveling Agency. B: Good evening, Mr.Liu.

A: I wish to tell you that a visit to Zhangjiajie has been arranged. 42 . B: Certainly, I’ve been looking forward to it. 43 . A: Tomorrow morning at 7:30. 44 at twenty past seven. Please try to be ready before that time.

B:I will. Thank you. Is that all? A: 45 . Good bye. B: Good bye.

A Yes, that’s all. B Good evening, Mr. Green. C We’ll gather at the gate of the hotel. D I wonder if you’d like to go. E What time are we leaving? F Anything do you want to know? G. You’re welcome. (三)匹配题;将下列各小题中的英文与相对应的标识或中文表达进行匹配。(共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 46. 症状 A High Volt

47. 高血压 B High Blood Pressure 48. 厨师 C Symptoms


49. 自由女神像 D Prescription 50. 电视主持人 E Chef F TV Host

G The Statue of Liberty 第三节完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


Bing Xin, one of the most popular and famous writers of the 20th century Chinese

Literature(文学). She was born 51 1900 in Fujian Province. She 52 the Chinese classical books and began writing traditional Chinese 53 when she was only a child. Her first piece of writing 54 in 1919.

Bing Xin’s works were many. She wrote novels, poems and so on, 55 the most famous works were her works for children. She loved children so much and wrote many gentle and 56 poems for them. We found that her best works Letter to Younger Readers can’t be forgotten 57 . Bing Xin was an important person in the early history of woman literature in China, too. Many of her works were about 58 problems. She believed mother’s love is the greatest love in the world. She thought mothers 59 an important role in our 60 and society. The great woman died at the age of 99, leaving her works lighting our hearts.

51. A on B in C at D of

52. A studied B worked C found D drew 53. A movies B dramas C stories D plays 54. A came out B came in C came over D came on 55. A or B so C off D but 56. A boring B wise C scary D tiring

57. A early B slowly C easily D carefully 58. A children’s B men’s C women’s D parents’ 59. A played B took C treated D made 60. A country B family C school D company 第三部分阅读理解(共三节,满分30)

每一节选择(本节共1 5小题;每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文?从各题所给的A、B.C、I)四个选项中,选出可填人空白处的最佳选项.

Passage 1

Everyone hopes to have a happy marriage. But not everyone can have a happy marriage. Do you know that unhappy marriages are bad for our health? A study shows an unhappy marriage is harmful to our hearts. A person who has an unhappy marriage risks having a heart attack. A bad marriage is even worse for older women. Compared with men , women have more heart problems because they usually care more.

Researchers studied 1,200 married people . They asked questions about their marriage, like whether they spent free time with their spouse and whether they trusted their spouse or not. Different people give the researchers different answers. Researchers collected their answers and got the result. While happy marriages are good for our health, unhappy marriages are bad for our health. Doctors said the quality of marriage changed people’s health. People in bad marriages had more heart attacks. Besides, unhappy marriages are also bad for blood pressure. For example, if you argue with your spouse, you may have higher blood pressure.

So, if you want to have a healthy body, try to have a happy marriage. 61.A bad marriage is even worse for ______.

A younger men B younger women C older men D older women

62. Women have more heart problems because____________.

A they usually care more B they usually care less C they are in poor health D they are not strong enough

63. After reading the passage, we know “ spouse” means “_________”. A 朋友 B配偶 C同事 D同学 64.From the passage , we can know__________. A when the researchers got the result B how many people had heart problems

C how long the research lasted D how many married people researchers studied 65.What does the writer want to tell us ?

A Take exercise to stay healthy

B Try to have a happy marriage

C Try some ways to deal with heart problems D Find out what unhappy marriages are like

Passage 2

Some people think only school children have a communication problem with their parents. However, it is not true.

Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don’t worry about it. The following suggestions may help you. Don’t argue with your parents.

Don’t argue with your parents when you are angry. You can’t express yourself well when you are angry. Go to some place to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.

Try to reach a compromise(和解)

Sometimes you and your parents disagree on something. Your parents might refuse to compromise on it. In this situation, it’s important to show love and respect to them, and this will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values.

Your parents’ values are probably different from yours. Tell your parents what you care about and why. Knowing your values might help them understand you better.

A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It’s good for you to have a try.

66. At first the passage tells us that_____have a communication problem. A parents and teachers B parents and children of all ages C Only school children and parents D children and teachers

67. The underlined phrase “cool off” in the passage means__________. A have a good rest B make yourself brave C get yourself quiet and relaxed D make yourself different 68.If you want your parents to understand you better,you’d better____. A not argue with them B show love and respect to them C let them know about your values D argue with them 69.How many suggestions are mentioned in the passage?


A Three B Four C Five D Six 70. The passage mainly talks about _____. A some serious problems in families today

B the relationship between parents and their children

C some good ways to help children communicate well with their parents D the problems between parents and their children

Passage 3

A new film, Under the Dome, is very popular.Lots of people have watched the film on the Internet. It is not a science fiction. It’s a documentary about the pollution in China.

As a smog documentary, Under the Dome explains the dangers of pollution, what causes pollution and what should be done to solve the problem. Now, more and more people are worried about air pollution. So they are more interested in the film, Under the Dome. Since the film was released (发行,发表)online, it has already been watched by 100 million people within one week. The film was made by Chai Jing, who is a former CCTV reporter. She made the film with her own money. Chai Jing wanted to make such a film because the pollution problem in China has become a personal issue with her. Chai’s daughter was born with a tumor(肿瘤) . She believes that her daughter’s illness is related to Beijing’s bad air. She also worries about millions of other children’s health problems.

Everyone knows that pollution is a big problem and the government has made the fight against pollution a priority(优先考虑的事) . Chai Jing hopes that her film will encourage people to join together to solve China’s pollution problems.

71 . What kind of film is Under the Dome?

A Science fiction B Documentary C Action movie D Beijing Opera

72.The film , Under the Dome explains some things Except ______. A the dangers of pollution B what causes pollution

C how the government support Chai D what should be done to solve the problem

73. In Chai Jing’s opinion, her daughter’s illness has something


A Beijing’s bad air B Beijing’s water pollution C the doctor’s mistake D her carelessness 74. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A Under the Dome is a science fiction.

B Under the Dome hasn’t been released yet.

C Chai Jing used her own money to make the film. D Chai’s daughter was born with a heart disease. 75. What’s the best title for the passage?

A Chai Jing and Her Film B Chai Jing’s Daughter C China’s Pollution Problems D Chai Jing and Her Papers 第二节 判断(本节共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)


Passage 4

In China, everyone seems to know about antibiotics(抗生素). When you have a cold, you go to see a doctor. The doctor may give you some antibiotics. It’s true that antibiotics can cure your disease, but too many antibiotics are not good for your body.

Antibiotics were first used in 1940s . They worked well and were called “the wonder drug”. But now , antibiotics have become a threat to human lives, said a report by the UK government. Our bodies are developing a resistance(抵抗) to antibiotics, and 10 million people across the world will die of this by 2025, said the report.

How come the wonder drugs are now killers? In our bodies, there are two types of bacteria. Some are good for our health and others cause diseases. Antibiotics are used to destroy the bad ones.But it’s usually a long battle.Antibiotics may win this time, but bacteria don’t give up. They soon learn new skills to fight back. Then our body needs more antibiotics to win. And the battle goes on. As a result, we’re seeing more “superbugs”, or bacteria that can’t be killed by antibiotics. In China , patients use too many antibiotics. Antibiotics make up 70percent of the country’s drug production. Sometimes, patients don’t need to use antibiotics. If patients take too many antibiotics, there will be more “superbugs”. So, do not take antibiotics for some common diseases, for example, colds and flu.


