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2002年江西省专升本英语统一考试试题 Part I Listening comprehension (20 points) Part II Reading Comprehension (30 Points)

Directions: In this section there are four passages. Each of them is folded by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

America put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its history. That started a debate over the wisdom of spending billons of dollars to keep nearly 2 million people locked up. According to statistics, the United States ends 1999 with 1,983,084 men and women in prisons. That shows an increase nearly 840,000 prisoners during the 1990s and makes the United States the country with the highest prison population in the world. With the cost of housing a prisoner at about $20,000 a year, the cost in 1999 keeping all these prisoners behind bar is about $39 billion.

Some experts argue that the money is well spent, saying the cost of keeping prisoners behind back doesn’t seem much in comparison to the cost of crime to society. They also point out that the rise in the prisoner population in the 1990s coincided with (与??相一致) a steady drop in the US crime rates. It is reported that serious crime has decreased for seven years continuously. “There are a noticeable number of people who don’t do crimes because they don’t want to go to prison,” they say.

21. There is a heated debate among American experts because _______. A) America has put 2million people in prison. B) the cost for housing a prisoner keeps rising C) billions of dollars has been spent on prisoners D) the prisoner population is the largest in the world 22. From the first paragraph, we learn that ______. A) the number of prisoners in America is increasing B) America has the largest prison in the world C) crime in America is getting much more serious D) it is easy for a person to be locked up in America

23. In 1999 the government spent about $39 billion to __________. A) improve the prison conditions B) keep men and women in prison C) build houses for prisoners D) maintain the prisons

24. Some experts argue that it is necessary to spend the money because ______. A) crime will cost even more money to society B) the government can well afford the money C) the number of prisoners is not really large D) prisoner population decreased in the 1990s

25. The author’s attitude towards the government’s policy is ______.

A) negative B) positive C) doubtful D) unknown Questions 26-30 are based on the following passage.

8848. net is a company that focuses heavily on e-commerce. Enter the homepage (主页) of 8848. net, and you can purchase your various goods via the Internet.

The sales of 8848. net last month were 12.5 million yuan, equal to the turnover (营业额) of a middle-sized supermarket. The success of 8848.net indicates that e-commerce is reaching the public, challenging traditional shopping malls. Convenience has become the most important element in any commercial interaction. That's what online shopping offers.

What 8848. net offers are 120 000 online goods, including books, software, computers, and electrical appliances. A Wangfujing department store in Beijing doesn't have so many items. What's more, there are about 4 million Internet fans in China. That means 8848. net is running 4 million chain stores. Traditional huge warehouses and personnel no longer seem to be necessary. More products and better services are provided, along with lower prices. It is said that 8848.net is now preparing to offer more up-to-date consumer goods, such as digital cameras, MP3 devices and IT (Information Technology) household appliances.

8848’s product information is the most complete available on China's e-commerce networks. There are 200 000 pages of information on the firm's goods. Compared to the customers who sometimes find it impossible to choose among products because of the lack of information about online goods, the customers of 8848. net are satisfied. If a customer wants to purchase a book, he can easily find more than 20 related book reviews by experts and ordinary readers. That helps the customer to make a decision.

26. From the passage, we can learn that e-commerce (Line1, Para.1) means_____. A) making use of a supermarket B) buying and selling on the Internet C) communication through 8848.net

D) purchasing goods in a department store

27. The successful sales of 8848. net show that_________ .

A) commercial interaction is becoming more and more important B) the net company is turning into a middle-sized supermarket C) online shopping has replaced the traditional shopping D) people are starting to like online shopping

28. The biggest advantage of online shopping lies in its________. A) price B) variety C) convenience D) size 29. 8848.net works best in helping customers to________. A) complain about bad services B) bargain for a lower price C) select fashionable products D) make purchasing decision 30. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to_______. A) advertise 8848.net B) describe e-commerce

C) attract advertisers for 8848.net D) compare online and traditional shopping Questions 31-35 are based on the following passage.

Why is it that the most connected we get, the most disconnected we felt? Every advance in communications technology is a setback (挫折) to the intimacy of human interaction. With email and instant, messaging all over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reading

anyone. If my mother has a question, I just leave the answer on her phone.

As almost every contact between human beings gets automated (自动的), the more people feel they are strangers to each other. You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person anywhere. Telephone assistance is almost always fully automated.

Buying gasoline at the station? Why say good morning to the attendant when you can pay with your credit card and save yourself the bother of human contact?

Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your credit card into the automatic contact?

Pretty soon you won’t have the burden of making eye contact at the food store. Some chain stores are using a self-canner so you can check yourself out, avoiding those cold clerks who look at you and ask how you are doing,

31. The first sentence of the passage shows that toady _________. A) people do not stay in one place all the time. B) people do not like to be familiar with others. C) people feel much more lonely than before. D) people have less time to enjoy themselves.

32. The word “intimacy” in line 2, Para 1, most probably means _______. A) closeness B) tendency C) curiosity D) happiness

33. If you ask somebody to give the telephone number of another person, you ___. A) can easily have it correctly. B) may fail to get the answer. C) are likely to be laughed at. D) have to send him an email.

34. This passage seems to tell us that ________. A) buying things in a chain store is pleasant. B) most chain stores will not have clerks.

C) chain stores are more convenient than other shops. D) clerks in chain stores are not friendly.

35. From this passage we can see that the writer _______. A) thinks that we should be familiar with modern technology.

B) holds a negative attitude towards today’s communications technology. C) believes that people are more concerned with themselves now. D) welcomes the influence of modern communications on our lives. Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: In this section there are 45 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 36. He is going to ____ a new course this semester.

A) pick up B) keep up C) take up D) put up 37. The ship is making ____ the port as fast as it can. A) to B) for C) up D) out

38. He’s been studying here for three years and by next July he____. A) will have graduated B) will be graduated C) will be graduating D) will graduate

39. Mary is a very active girl, ____ John is a young man of few words. A) when B) while C) as D) though

40. There are _____similarities between the two cases although they look quite different. A) plainly B) primarily C) dominantly D) actually

41. The little boy is only two years old. He is too young to ______himself. A) put on B) wear C) have on D) cover 42. There was an accident on the railway and trains were_______. A) held on B) held back C) held up D) held out 43. This dance used to be very popular, but now it is out of _____. A) place B) date C) practice D) control 44. The eastern part of China is _____in climate to the western part. A) productive B) superior C) prosperous D) splendid

45. The new manager’s job is to _____the company to its former state. A) remove B) return C) recover D) restore 46. It’s the duty of the police to _____public order.

A) maintain B) prevent C) provide D) propose 47. I didn’t know whether some books or a dictionary_______.

A) is wanted B) was wanted C) are wanted D) were wanted

48. _____a cold afternoon in December, I saw a man walking around the house. A) On B) At C) In D) For

49. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the U.S. _____they are in other parts of the world.

A) than B) so C) and D) as 50. ______ there is life on another planet is almost impossible. A) How B) Whether C) Why D) That

51. My grandfather takes a ______ interest in all his grandson’s doings. A) sharp B) keen C) big D) lovely

52. Jane says that we ________ not touch the snake as it is very dangerous. A) need B) can C) must D) would 53. I wouldn’t object to _____ some questions after the lecture. A) be asked B) be asking C) ask D) being asked

54. You are eighteen years old now, and it is time you ___ your own decisions. A) make B) have made C) made D) will make

55. He said he couldn’t ____ to retire from work and live only on his savings. A) accept B) afford C) depend D) complete 56. The colors of the coat and the hat don’t _____.

A) match B) mix C) suit D) imitate 57. They want to make their products _______ to a wider market. A) adequate B) advisable C) available D) adoptive 58. The teacher is ill. We’d better go and _____ a doctor.

A) call in B) call for C) call on D) call off

59. When our team had ____the other team by 3 to 1, we jumped with joy. A) attacked B) beaten C) hit D) struck 60. She is ___ to visit us if she knows the house where we are living.

A) likely B) possible C) probable D) alike 61. ______ that it was going to rain, he hurried home.

A) To see B) Seen C) Seeing D) Having seen 62. I prefer watching TV____ going to the cinema A) by B) on C) to D) for 63. The reason _____ I can’t come is that I have to work late. A) when B) why C) where D) how 64. He lifted a rock only ____ it on his own foot. A) to drop B) dropping C) having dropped D) drop 65. Can you ___ me a few minutes? I need to talk with you. A) spare B) offer C) grant D) share

66. In summer, the temperature in Nanking sometimes ___ to as high as 39°C. A) lifts B) rises C) raises D) shots 67. The headmaster came and informed us ______ the news. A) on B) for C) with D) of 68. His thick hair and blue eyes________ me of his father. A) remind B) resemble C) reflect D) reveal

69. As a basketball player, he reached the ____of his career in his early 20s. A) extreme B) tip C) summit D) peak 70. His carelessness has resulted ___a serious mistake. A) from B)by C) in D) to 71. Busy _____ she is, she still reads a lot of books after work. A) however B) as C) although D) since

72. The writer and his books ___are known to us all are welcome here. A) that B) such C) who D) what

73. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn ______help. A) to B) with C) from D) for

74. Police are investigating how $10 million was illegally ___ out of the bank. A) transferred B) transformed C) transmitted D) translated 75. John felt ____when his classmates laughed at him.

A) wounded B) injured C) hurt D) harmed

76. The experiment _______, they decided to go on holiday for a week. A) to be finished B) be finished

C) been finished D) having been finished

77. We have to attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon, ______? A) don’t we B) won’t we C) haven’t we D) needn’t we

78. She has a large collection of books, many ___which are written in Japanese. A) among B) in C) from D) of

79. The sales manager is doing his best to ______ the new product. A) promote B) lift C) move D) advance 80. He was _____ of stealing the jewels.

A) scolded B) charged C) accused D) punished Part Ⅳ Cloze (20 points)

Directions: In this part there is a passage with 20 blanks in it. On the right side of each blank

there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You are required to identify to the ONE choice that best fits into the blank. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

We are all busy talking about and using the Internet (互联网), but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised 81 they find that the Internet was_ 82 _up in the 1960s. 83 that time, computers were 84 and expensive. Computer networks didn't work well. 85 one computer in the network 86 down, then the whole network stopped. 87 a new network 88 had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many 89 computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be 90 through another part. In this 91, a computer network system would keep 92 working all the time.

At first the Internet was 93 used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were 94 to use it too. However, computers were still very 95 and the Internet was difficult to use. 96 the beginning of the 1990s, computers had become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also 97 software that made \漫游) the Internet 98 convenient. Today it is easy to get online(上网)and it is 99 that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.

The Internet has now become one of the most 100 parts of people’s life. 81. A) as B) when C) if D) so

82. A) set B) put C) took D) made 83. A) For B) By C) At D) On

84. A) large B) bright C) usual D) common 85. A) Unless B) If C) Until D) So

86. A) went B) turned C) broke D) got 87. A) Moreover B) So C) Furthermore D) Besides 88. A) form B) function C) effect D) system 89. A) different B) various C) similar D) same 90. A) pushed B) sent C) switched D) thrown 91. A) means B) method C) way D) side 92. A) on B) in C) up D) from 93. A) even B) already C) only D) really

94. A) allowed B) ordered C) promised D) required 95. A) cheap B) hard C) expensive D) easy 96. A) At B) In C) With D) By

97. A) constructed B) developed C) charged D) discovered 98. A) more B) most C) so D) ever 99. A) talked B) said C) spoken D) told

100. A) advanced B) successful C) principal D) significant Part Ⅴ Writing

