7A Unit 6 Reading(1) 学案 (牛津译林版七年级上册)

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7A Unit 6 Reading(1) 学案 (牛津译林版七年级上册)


7A Unit 6 Reading(1)

知识目标 学习目标 能力目标 情感目标 学习重点 学习难点

掌握生词,理解文章大意 练习快速阅读了解总体大意,快速浏览查找细节的 阅读技巧 在活动过程中培养同学们的竞争意识和团队意识

通过阅读理解文章大意 良好的饮食习惯和生活方式 课前自学

一、读课文,完成下列任务: 1.参照单词表音标,认读 Reading 部分的单词,并完成 B1 2.读 Kitty 文章,填空: Kitty is 12_____old, She ____to be a ________. Every day she dances ____ two hours. A ______ ________is very ______ for a ________ and it’s also important to keep ________. She needs a lot of ______ to dance. But she _________eats sweet snacks because there is too much ________ in them. 3.阅读 Daniel 的文章,判断正误并在原句上改正 T /F (a.) Daniel plans to eat hamburgers for lunch every day.( ) (b.) Daniel likes chatting with friends on the internet.( ) (c.) Daniel often does exercise after school.( ) (d.) Daniel can run very fast .( ) (e.) Daniel wants to change his lifestyle.( ) 二、 再读课文,在文中找出这些短语,并把它们和下面的汉语对应起来。 1.想成为__________________2.一个尖子生__________________ 3.一个健康的饮食和生活习惯____________________________________ 4.对……重要__________________5.对……来说容易__________________ 6.变得疲劳__________________7.保持健康__________________ 8.给某人能量__________________9.早餐吃一个苹果__________________ 10.在网上和某人聊天____________________________________ 11.计划做某事__________________12.喜欢玩电脑游戏__________________ 三、自主学习检测 提示:want to be 1.Kitty 想成为一个优秀的学生 ________________________________________________ 2.当我长大后,我要成为一个舞蹈家。 ________________________________________________ 提示:It’s +形容词+for sb. to do sth (形容词如:easy, important, good, bad, interesting…) 3.对 kitty 来说,保持健康太重要了

7A Unit 6 Reading(1) 学案 (牛津译林版七年级上册)

________________________________________________ 4.看电视太多,对我们来说是不健康的 ________________________________________________ 四、读课文总结每一段的中心意思(用英语): (1)________________________________________________ (2)________________________________________________ (3)________________________________________________ (4)________________________________________________ (5)________________________________________________ 五、读课文,回答这些问题: What doesn’t Kitty eat between meals any more?_______________________ What did Kitty like to eat before?_________________________________ Why did she change her diet?_________________________________ How long does Daniel exercise every day?_______________________ What does Daniel usually eat now? Why?_______________________ What does Daniel like to do

now?_________________________________ 六、读课文,完成 C1. 课堂交流展示 一、单词认读检测纠正,核对 B1 的答案 二、听录音,回答问题: (1) What are the names of the two students?_______________________ (2) How old is the girl?________________________________ (3) Does the boy like playing computer?______________________________ 三、小组合作: a.板书出各段的关键词(写出最能帮助回忆各个段落的那些词): (1.)________________________________________ (2.)________________________________________ (3.)_______________________________________ (4.)_______________________________________ (5.)_______________________________________ 四、总结课文各段大意。 五、各组展示交流“课前自学五”中的问题 六、交流展示“课前自学一”和 C1 练习。 课堂达标检测 一、根据汉语写单词。 跳舞者____________ 重要的____________ 疲劳的____________ 很少____________ 甜的____________ 在…之间____________ 糖____________ 水果____________ 肉____________ 拔尖的____________ 果汁____________ 改变____________ 二、选词填空. exercise, energy, seldom, because, chatting, milk, meals, healthy, plan ,dancer 1、Kitty wants to be a ___________.

7A Unit 6 Reading(1) 学案 (牛津译林版七年级上册)



2. years, wants ,dancer ,for , healthy diet ,dancer, fit/ healthy

Energy, seldom ,sugar

二、 再读课文,在文中找出这些短语,并把它们和下面的汉语对应起来。

1. want to be 2. a top student 3. a healthy diet and lifestyle

4. it’s important to …5. it’s easy to… 6. get tired

7. keep fit/ healthy 8. give sb. energy 9.have an apple for breakfast

10. chat with sb. on the internet 11. plan to do sth.

12. like playing computer games


1. Kitty wants to be an excellent student

2. I want to be a dancer when I grow up

3.It’s important for Kitty to keep healthy

4. It’s unhealthy for us to watch too much TV


(1) Millie’s information

(2) Millie’s diet

(3) Why Millie wants to change her diet

(4) Daniel’s information

(5) Daniel’s diet and lifestyle


1. Because there is too much sugar in them

2. Because she needs lots of energy to dance

