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The best bikes for the beginners

When it comes to purchasing your first bike, the choice is endless, making it tough to know what to go for. Here are the best buys on the market right now.

Boardman CX Comp

This is a cross-country bike, and it’s so versatile(多用途的)that you can handle any terrain(地势)on it, making it a great choice for those wanting to try various cycling subjects. If you leave on the thick tires it comes with, it can ride on various paths and can even handle some less demanding mountain bike routes. Alternatively, put on thin, slick tires and treat it as a road bike. It has basket and comes with Shimano Sora gears, which are outstanding for its price.

&650, Halfords Planet X RT-58 v2

Planet C is based in Yorkshire, which means you’d probably have to buy this bike without seeing it. But it’s worth it, because this is an excellent machine at a lower price. Planet X is a highly rated manufacture and this model comes with Shimano Sora gears.

&439, Planet X Specialized Allez ES

Specialized is one of the biggest and most popular brands in cycling, and this is its hugely popular primary road bike. It comes with solid components from front to back and you’ll look great out on the road.

&575, Evans Cycles

Boardman Road Team Carbon

If you can push budget further still, this bike is worth the extra investment. The frame is made entirely from carbon, which is lighter, faster and more comfortable than the composition

metal models above and gives you an all-round more enjoyable ride. It also means that if you get really serious about cycling, you don’t have to upgrade as quickly as you would with a cheaper bike.

&800, Halfords

1.Compared with other bikes, what is the strength of the Boardman CX Comp? A. Its outstanding price

B. Its Shimano Sora gears D. Putting on very firm tires

C. Dealing with any terrain

2.Which is suitable for you if you want to buy at an economical price but with Shimano Sora gears?

A. Planet X RT-58 v2 C. Boardman CX Comp

B. Specialized Allez ES D. Boardman Road Team Carbon

3.What can we know about the bikes mentioned in the text? A. The second has sold out so fast.

B. You should be careful when riding the third. C. The forth is very expensive but with special material. D. You can only ride the first on the mountainous road.

4.In which column does the text probably appear in the newspaper? A. Travel and culture. C. Health and medicine.


A little girl who battled against cancer received a special gift on her third birthday, thanks to a creative stranger from Idaho. Jessica Sebastian, owner of Sebastian Design, was contacted by Danielle Munger, whose daughter, Brynn, lost an eye because of cancer. Daniell asked Jessica if she could make a bunny doll with one eye.

?”I make dolls, which is not a heroic profession by any means. But recently I was asked to make a doll for a little girl who is a true superhero,” Jessica wrote.

“A mama contacted me and asked if I would make a bunny doll with one eye for her two0year-old daughter who loves animals and lost her left eye to cancer. The girl had started to notice that she was different and her sweet mama read articles about a doll which looks like a child can be helpful and therapeutic(有益健康). She wanted her daughter to have a doll that

B. Fashion and lifestyle D. Production and marketing.

looked like her and only had her right eye. Up to now, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked to create something so tender and meaningful.”

Brynn received the special gift on March 25 during her family birthday party.

“She smiled so big and then she could not open the rest of her presents until we got the bunny out of her box and she could show her off to all her cousins and family,” Danielle said.

That evening, Danielle snapped a photo of Brynn in her wonder woman pajamas looking at the bunny doll happily. She recalled her daughter saying, “She matches me!” “My favorite part of this photo is how she is wearing her wonder woman nightgown,” Jessica said. “It perfectly represents the strength and courage of this little superhero.

5.Why did Danielle ask Jessica to make a bunny doll with one eye? A. To sell it to a disabled girl B. To cure her daughter of cancer C. To meet the demand of her daughter

D. To free her daughter from the feeling of difference 6.What can we infer about Danielle from the passage? A. She is thoughtful mother.

B. She is good at making bunny dolls.

C. She believes in her daughter’s cure. D. She likes a bunny doll with one eye. 7.What did Brynn mean by saying “She matches me!”? A. Her mother was comforting her.

B. She was glad to receive the disabled bunny doll. C. She only deserved to own the disabled bunny doll. D. She felt down when she was the disabled bunny doll.


Over a hundred years ago in 1911, something strange was found in the glaciers of Antarctica. Grilffith Taylor—an Australian geologist, had discovered a blood red steam pouring out of the ice cascades(瀑布)of Talor Glacier! Popularly known as the Blood Falls, scientists had not been able to find the reason behind the blood red liquid flowing through the ice---until recently. The mystery of the Blood Falls had finally been solved.

When these falls were first discovered, scientists had believed that the red colour came from a large amount of red algae(海藻)concentrated in the water. Red algae contain a pigment(色素)which reflects red light, making the algae appear red.

This theory made sense, until it was later found that algae do not play a part in the red color of the flowing liquid at all. What really causes Talor Glacier’s waters appear blood red, is the presence of iron oxide in the liquid. The waters of the blood falls are rich in salt and iron content, and when this water comes in contact with the air, it turns red—just like rust! The water in these falls is often referred to as “brine” by scientists because of the high salt content in the water.

This reasoning behind the red colors of the falls was found back in 2003. However, the entire mystery had not yet been solved. How is it then, that the Blood Falls are not frozen?

Researchers at the University of Colorado and University of Alaska found that inside the glacier, there was a network of channels and reservoirs that move the water around. Salt water has a lower freezing temperature. In addition, when any substance undergoes a change in state, it gives off heat. Therefore, the brine actually warm itself up while it’s freezing! How this works, is that when the brine is flowing through the Talor Glacier, some of it does freeze. As a result of changing state from liquid to ice, the brine gives off heat. This heat is enough to keep the rest of the rest of the brine in liquid form, which is why it flows out of the glacier.

Incredible new chemistry facts found, any mystery solved!

8.According to the text, the red algae theory was once considered ________. A. ridiculous C. impractical

B. reasonable D. complex

9.Why does the Blood Falls look red in colour? A. Because there is too much salt and iron in its water. B. Because its liquid is rich in red algae.

C. Because the following liquid reflects and sunlight D. Because the air is thin and rare in Antarctica.

10.What is the main reason for the Blood Fall’s not freezing? A. The water continued flowing constantly. B. There is too much salt in the water.

C. The brine gives off heat while freezing

D. Temperatures aren’t high enough for flowing water. 11.What is the passage mainly about? A. The discovery of the blood glacier. B. The birth of the Talor Glacier. C. The flowing red water in Antarctica. D. The mystery of the Blood Falls.


If you are in a dilemma about being self-taught or getting formal education, you have come to the right webpage. In this article, we note the advantages of each of these to help you decide which one would be the best for you.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of being self-taught is that you are able to save a lot of money. With each passing year, the cost of getting a degree is on the rise. As a result, many students these days tend to graduate from college with a significant amount of debt. This makes it necessary for them to get a job as soon as possible, otherwise a number of serious issues may arise. Besides, it is possible to learn faster on your own, by focusing on only those areas that you are interested in. Finally, learning on your own can be a great confidence builder. You have to struggle to gain knowledge but once you clear the basics on your own, you will find yourself being much more confident about your abilities.

One of the biggest advantages of formal education is that you get a degree which is a mark of recognition that you have achieved a level of knowledge in that particular field. Many companies tend to prefer candidates who have a college degree. What’s more, though formal education lacks the convenience and flexibility of self-education, it offers you much more in terms of the actual structure of the learning process. Last, being formally educated means that you will enter a college or other similar educational institutions. There you will get the benefit of being taught and guided by learned teachers and other subject experts. This will be a big benefit as you will be able to take advantage of their experience and gain in-depth knowledge about the subject.

Thus, both formal education and self-education have their own sets of advantages. The choice between the two comes down to individual preferences as well as personal situations.

12.Which of the following is an advantage of self-education? A. A faster pace of learning B. Being guided by subject experts C. A wider range of ways to gain knowledge D. Having more chances of getting part-time jobs.

13.To get the benefit of being taught by learned experts, you should ________. A. choose self-education B. enter an educational institution C. work for learned teachers

D. make use of webpages about education

14.What is the most important factor in choosing the way of education? A. The reputation of educational institutions. B. The knowledge of teachers and experts. C. The opinions of relatives and friends. D. One’s preference and situations.

15.What is the author’s purpose of writing this text? A. To promote a webpage about education. B. To prove that self-education is the best choice. C. To help readers choose between two form of education. D. To prove that it’s difficult to decide on the proper education. 二、七选五

Runners need to move 15 per cent faster on a treadmill(跑步机)to burn the same number of calories as jogging outdoors, research reveals. Researchers found running on treadmills significantly reduces the amount of oxygen joggers use. 16.

The experiment procedure.

Researchers from Milan University analysed the difference between running outdoors and on a treadmill in 15 physically fit males with an average age of 21. 17. . And it was followed by 30 seconds of recovery for a total of 15 minutes both outdoors and on a treadmill. Oxygen use and exercise intensity were measured after both types of running.

The Results.

The results revealed that when on a treadmill, runners use significantly lower amounts of oxygen, suggesting less effort is required. 18.


A 15 per cent increase in running speed during a high intermittent(间歇的)intensity treadmill training session is the optimal solution to reach the same physiological responses as an outdoor training session.

Possible reasons for the difference.

20. But the previous research suggests the moving belt of a treadmill propels(推进)joggers forward, causing them to move faster. Exercising indoors also means gym-goers do not have to fight with steep hills or wind resistance. Michael Silverman, director of rehabilitation and wellness at Northern Westchester Hospital in New York, said, “Outdoors, you are changing surfaces constantly, fighting the wind, and making quick and sudden starts and stops, which will lead to increased caloric burn.”

A. The solution

B. The study suggested us to doing sports outdoors. C. The participants ran as fast as they can for 30 seconds. D. And that suggests running on treadmills requires less effort.

E. The study did not work out why treadmill running appears to be less strenuous.(费力的)

F. Why there is difference in calory burning between doing sports on a treadmill and jogging outdoors?

G. Therefore, runners must move faster on a treadmill to achieve the same results as exercising outdoors. 三、完形填空

At nine, I wanted very much to own a pogo stick(弹簧高跷). I’d learned to __21__ on a pair of stilts(高跷)my dad had __22___ for me, and if I also walked on the pogo stick, the circus would __23__ me.

When Christmas drew near, I told __24__ the only thing I wanted was a pogo stick. She said they were __25___ expensive and that we couldn’t __26___ one. On an afternoon before Christmas, Mom and Dad told me we needed to go to pay our __27___. While we were paying

