Landsat TM 遥感影像中厚云和阴影如何去除

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Landsat TM 遥感影像中厚云和阴影如何去除

1007-4619 (2010) 03-534-12Journal of Remote Sensing遥感学报Cloud and shadow removal from Landsat TM dataRI Pyongsop1, 2, MA Zhangbao1, QI Qingwen1, LIU Gaohuan11. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 2. Institute of Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of KoreaAbstract: Cloud removal is an important step in remote sensing image process. In this paper, the author proposed a new algorithm for cloud removal using multi-temporal Landsat TM image data based on spectral characteristics analysis. Through the spectral characteristics analysis of the thick cloud region and its shadow region, the thick cloud and its shadow identification models were designed. Using image regression, unsupervised classification and pixel replacing techniques as well as these models, the influence of thick clouds and its shadows can be eliminated or reduced in the Landsat TM images. The result shows that the algorithm can eliminate or significantly reduce the cloud influence from Landsat TM image data. Key words: Landsat TM, image data, cloud and shadow, spectral analysis, cloud removal CLC number: TP751.1 Document code: ACitation format: RI Pyongsop, Ma Z B, Qi Q W and Liu G H. 2010. Cloud and shadow removal from LANDSAT TM data. Journal of Remote Sensing. 14(3): 534—5451INTRODUCTIONThe earth observing satellite Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing image data, have been widely used as the main data source for the study of spatial/ temporal land use/cover change due to its enhanced spectral characteristics, short data acquisition cycle, wide survey field, data usability and other properties (Li et al., 1997). It has been used as an ideal remote sensing image data source for the research of regional-scale natural resource and environment. However, due to climate reasons, it is difficult to obtain completely cloud free remote sensing image data. Most of the remote sensing image data include, more or less, clouds and their shadows projected on the ground. These give some trouble to a number of users of remote sensing image data. It becomes often the most important issue how to remove the influence of clouds from the remote sensing image data (Song et al., 2006). So, cloud removal is an essential step in the image pre-processing process (Song et al., 2003). A great number of work has been carried out on the cloud detection and removal research such as dynamic filtering method (Zhao, 1996; Wu, 2003), multi-spectral synthesis method, light temperature value difference method, the index method (Song et al., 2003), cloud processing algorithms based on remote sensing image classification results and the cloud detection results (Song et al., 2006), image fusion method based on neural network and wavelet transform (Tapasmini et al., 2008), cloud detection method based on the texture analysis and neural network (Song et al., 2004).The conventional c

Landsat TM 遥感影像中厚云和阴影如何去除

loud processing algorithms differ depending on the cloud status. Dynamic filtering method is suitable for the case that there exists relatively wide range of cloud in the image. Dynamic filtering method, combining the frequency filtering and gray value change, separates cloud and background features, and finally removes the cloud influence from the remote sensing image. Because this approach relates to the frequency filters and needs the choice of cutoff frequency, the useful information sometimes is lost in the filtering process. Moreover this approach can not be used for the thick cloud. For the local cloud distribution regions, the time average method is generally used. This algorithm can only be used in the region in which the surface feature change along the time is very small. For the dense vegetation cover region, due to vegetation growth is closely related with time, vegetation indices of different time are significantly different from each other. Therefore, such a simple substitution algorithm can not be used in this case. To solve the above problem, in this paper, the author suggests a new cloud removal method that uses the Landsat TM image data of the same region at different time. It uses the TM remote sensing image data of the same period, or nearly the same season in different years. Based on each band’s relative change of spectral characteristics, an enhancement model of thick cloud and its shadow is designed. In conjunction with these models and conventional unsupervised automatic classification method, image matching technique using linear regression analysis and pixel replacing operation, the cloud influenceReceived: 2009-06-12; Accepted: 2009-09-25 Foundation: Study on Methodologies in Geography (No. 2007FY140800). First author biography: RI Pyongsop (1970— ), male, doctor student. He graduated in 1993 from Kim Chaek University of Technology, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. His research interest is remotely sensed imagery. E-mail: pyongsop@ RI Pyongsop et al.: Cloud and shadow removal from Landsat TM data535can be eliminated or reduced from the Landsat TM remote sensing image data. The result shows that the algorithm can eliminate or reduce the cloud influence from the Landsat TM image data22.1STUDY AREA AND DATA SOURCEBrief description of the study areaThe study area is located in the central and western region of Korean Peninsula ranging from 125° 00 'E to 126° 10'E and from 38° 15 'N to 39° 30'N. The distance of a straight line between eastern and western end is about 105.84km, the distance of a straight line between north and south end is about 137.46km. The study area is about 14000km2. The region contains a variety of terrains including mountains, plains, sea, and so on. It contains a variety of land use/cover types including woodland, grassland, paddy fields, dry fields, salt, urban and industrial land, bare soil, reservoirs, lakes, canals, and tideland and so on. The spatial dis

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tribution structure of the land use/ cover is very complex and the block is relatively small in the region. This kind of region is helpful to the researchers who study the effect of the cloud influence removal from Landsat TM image data under the different terrain conditions and different land use/cover types.Fig. 1The color image of Landsat TM (red-band 5, green-band 4, blue-band 3) on August 22, 20072.2Data sourceTwo Landsat TM images of the study area were taken in August of 2006 and 2007 in Landsat 117-33 orbit. These Landsat TM image data were obtained through the network. The remote sensing image data used in this paper were shown in Table 1.Table 1No. 1 2 Satellite Landsat 5 Landsat 5List of used dataDate 2006-08-19 2007-08-22 Sensor TM TMAmong the two remote sensing image data, the one in August 2007 includes relatively large area of locally distributed thick cloud and its shadow regions. Another one in August 2006 includes small area of cloud and its shadow regions. The main purpose of this study is to remove the thick cloud and its shadow. So we use the remote sensing image data in August 2007 as the main data, the remote sensing image data in august 2006 as the auxiliary data. The color composite image of the Landsat TM remote sensing image data in the study area is shown in Fig. 1.Fig. 2 Data preprocessing diagram33.1METHODData pre-processingThe data pre-processing procedure is shown in Fig 2. First, using AutoSync module in ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2, image reg-istration was carried out between the two Landsat TM image data (Dang et al., 2007). Then for the two Landsat TM image data, image match was performed between each corresponding bands. First, the naked eye visual interpretation method is used to select the cloud free region ROI in the two Landsat TM image data. In these regions, for each corresponding bands of the two Landsat TM image data, linear regression analysis was performed. Using linear regression model, each band of the auxiliary data was matched to the corresponding band of the main data. The linear regression model is described as follow. 536Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报2010, 14(3)Yi = aiXi + bi (1) where Xi: the i band’s gray value of the auxiliary data; Yi: the i band’s transformed gray value; i: the band number. Table 2 shows that the correlation between each corresponding bands of the two Landsat TM image data is very high. In particular, the pairs of band 4 and band 5 have the maximum value respectively.Table 2Band 1 2 3 4 5 7Linear regression resultsa 0.86 0.86 0.82 0.92 0.94 0.86 b 7.75 3.53 3.51 0.52 0.02 1.70 R 0.90 0.87 0.87 0.96 0.96 0.933.2Cloud and shadow enhancement model3.2.1 Spectral characteristics of the thick cloud region To extract the thick cloud and its shadow region, the comparison analysis of the spectral characteristics between cloud free region and cloud region was performed in this paper. Fig. 3 is the 5, 4, 3 bands color composite image

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of the Landsat TM image data on August 22, 2007 (a) and spatial profile curve (b). In Fig. 3(a), the straight line lies across the region which includes vegetation, water, thick cloud and its shadows. In the color composite image, the white region is the thick cloud region and the black part beside it is its shadow region. From Fig. 3, the spectral characteristics of cloud and its shadow region are as follows: (1) In all bands, the spectral reflectance value in thick cloud region is significantly higher than cloud free region (The difference is over 150). (2) In water bodies and cloud shadow regions, the spectral reflectance value of band 4, 5 and 7 is significantly reduced.(3) In cloud shadow regions, the spectral reflectance value of band 1, 2 and 3 is reduced a little. But in water bodies, the spectral reflectance value of band 1, 2 and 3 is increased. Although the variation amount of the spectral characteristics is not the same with the difference of cloud thickness, but such variation trend caused by thick cloud and its shadow is the same. 3.2.2 Cloud enhancement model Based on the analysis result above, we proposed the cloud and its shadow region enhancement model. The change content of the spectral characteristics between two TM image data includes the change part caused by cloud and the change part caused by land use/cover change. So, in order to extract cloud and its shadow region, first of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the change part of the spectral characteristics caused by cloud and the one caused by land use/cover change. Firstly, the thick cloud enhancement model is designed in this paper. From Fig. 3, the differences between the change of the spectral characteristics caused by thick cloud and the one caused by the land use/cover change are as follows: First: the change of the spectral characteristics caused by thick cloud is very great. The variation of the spectral reflectance values of each band is more than 150. Second: the change trend of the spectral characteristics of each band is the same, which is increased. Based on the above two features, thick cloud enhancement model is designed as follow. CAEM = MD×CDF (2)∑ BRefi BAuxiMD =ni =1nn(3) (4)CDF=Sign[ ∑ Sign( BRefi BAuxi ) n + 1 ]i =1where BRefi: the i band’s gray value of the main data; BAuxi: the i band’s gray value of the auxiliary data In this paper, the Landsat TM image data on August 22, 2007 was used as main data and the one at August 19, 2006 which was transformed by linear regression model was used as auxiliary data. CAEM: Cloud area enhancement model; MD: Mean absolute difference; CDF: Cloud discriminate function; n: the number of bands. If the gray value of all bands of the main TM data is greater than the one of the auxiliary data, CDF = 1; otherwise, CDF≤0. In the region in which there is a great change of the spectral characteristics, MD value is high, but in the region in which there is no change of the sp

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ectral characteristics, MD value is low. Among the region in which MD value is high, if CDF = 1, this region is just the cloud region. In order to reduce the influence of the variation of sun’s position, different atmospheric conditions and a number of otherFig. 3 Spectral characteristics of cloud region(a) Color image of band 5, 4, 3; (b) Profile curves of the interest region RI Pyongsop et al.: Cloud and shadow removal from Landsat TM data537reasons, the auxiliary data was matched to the main TM image data. For each corresponding band of the two TM image data, the linear regression analysis was performed in the cloud-free region. Using this linear regression model, the auxiliary TM image data was transformed. Fig. 4 is the cloud region enhancement result calculated by the above model. Fig. 4 shows that the difference between thick cloud region and other region is very clear. Using a simple threshold, we can distinguish thick cloud regions and other regions; moreover the range of the usable thresholds is relatively big.shadow regions in Landsat TM image data are similar. So, in order to extract cloud shadow regions, firstly water region must be extracted. Based on the above change features of the spectral characteristics, the cloud shadow enhancement model is designed. SAEM = SDF×[(BAux5 BRef5)+(BAux7 BRef7)]/2 SDF=Sign(1 Sign(∑ Sign( BRefi BAuxi ) 2))i =1 3(5) (6)where BRef i: the i band’s gray value of the main data; BAuxi:: the i band’s gray value of the auxiliary data; SAEM: Shadow area enhancement model; SDF: Shadow discriminate function; Sign(): the sign function which extracts the sign of a real number. If the values of the band 1, 2 and 3 of the main TM data are higher than the one of the auxiliary data, SDF = 0 (it is water region); otherwise, SDF≥1 (it is not water region). Among the region in which the reflectance values of the band 5 and band 7 of the main TM data are reduced, if it is not water region (SDF≥1), SAEM value would be high. The cloud shadow enhancement image calculated using the above model also contains the spectral characteristics change region caused by land use/cover change. In Fig. 5, the pink regions are thick cloud regions and the green regions are likely cloud shadow regions. In order to distinguish between cloud shadow regions and the spectral characteristics change regions caused by land use/cover change, this paper used unsupervised automatic classification method. For the result image calculated using the SAEM model, the threshold operation was performed and as a result, the likelyFig. 4 Enhancement result of cloud regionsIn this paper, two threshold values of 30 and 50 were used to compare the two result images and analyze the influence of selection of different threshold value. The analysis result shows that the change between two result images is less than 0.05% of the entire image area. Cloud shadow extraction method is more complex than the thick cloud ext

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raction method. Because the change of the spectral characteristics caused by cloud shadow is very little, sometimes it is confused with the change caused by land use/cover change. So this paper suggests the combined method of cloud shadow enhancement model and conventional unsupervised classification method to extract cloud shadows. From Fig. 3, the differences between the changes of the spectral characteristics caused by cloud shadows and the other changes in the cloud free region are as follows: First: the reflectance values of the band 4, 5 and 7 are significantly reduced. Second: In cloud shadow regions, the reflectance value of the band 1 is reduced, but in water regions, the reflectance value of the band 1, 2 and 3 is increased. The spectral characteristics of water regions and cloudFig. 5 Enhancement result of cloud and shadow region in August 22, 2007 538Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报2010, 14(3)cloud shadow regions were extracted. For these result regions, unsupervised classification was performed using Landsat TM original image data. Because each band’s spectral characteristics in the cloud shadow regions are different from the one of vegetation, bare soil and other types of land use/cover category, the cloud shadow regions can be separated from the other land use/cover change regions by using conventional unsupervised classification method. For different cloud thickness, different land use/cover types and different atmospheric conditions, although the extent of such change in spectral characteristics may not be the same, but such change tendency always exists and in the images obtained under better atmospheric conditions, such tendency is more pronounced. Based on this principle, it is possible to obtain cloud free or cloud influence minimized Landsat TM image data using two or more Landsat TM image data of the same period or the same season in different years.And then using the newly calculated auxiliary TM image data which is matched with the main TM image data and cloud and its shadow region enhancement image, pixel replacing process is performed in the cloud influence regions. As a result, the new TM remote sensing image data in which the cloud influence is removed or reduced is obtained. This process is shown in Fig. 6.4RESULTS AND ANALYSISUsing the cloud influence enhancement model CAEM and SAEM described in part 3.2, through the cloud removal process described in part 3.3, the cloud free Landsat TM image data was obtained from the August 22, 2007 Landsat TM image data. Fig. 7 shows the band 5, 4 and 3 color composite image of the result image data. The result shows that cloud and its shadow was removed. Fig.8 is the entire reswlt of the study area.3.3Automatic cloud removal processThe overall process of cloud influence removal or reduction is shown in Fig. 6. For two Landsat TM image data of the same period or the same season in different years, the image registration and image matching operation

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is performed. In the cloud free regions, for each pair of the corresponding bands of two Landsat TM image data (one is a main data and another one is an auxiliary data), linear regression analysis is performed and as a result, the new auxiliary TM image data matched with main data is obtained. It can reduce the influence caused by different sun position, different atmospheric conditions and some other conditions. Using the above cloud enhancement model (CAEM) and cloud shadow enhancement model (SAEM), using unsuper-vised classification method and using the Modeler module, the programming Model Maker, in ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2, the cloud and its shadow region enhancement image can be calculated from the original TM image dataFig. 7 Cloud free TM image Fig. 6 Diagram of automatic cloud removal(a) Cloud and shadow region; (b) Cloud free image RI Pyongsop et al.: Cloud and shadow removal from Landsat TM data539The content of the non-shadow region among the shadow enhancement image calculated using SAEM model is as follows: (1) paddy regions, specifically, in the 2006 year TM data (auxiliary data), rice was already planted, but in the 2007 year TM data (main data) rice was not planted yet in paddy fields. It is similar to a paddy in water region. Such effect is rather good for the automatic classification of paddy fields because its nature is not water, just paddy; (2) tideland region and water bodies; depending on the water elevation change, some regions may be enhanced as shadow. Through unsupervised classification, such regions can be distinguished with shadow regions.the Korean Peninsula. The result shows that: The above method can effectively remove or weaken the cloud influence and the process is relatively simple. Moreover, in the process, it does not need any strict threshold value adjustment. It needs only the spectral characteristics of the Landsat TM image data. It does not need any other information. So, for another regions, another times Landsat TM image data, the above-mentioned process can be automatically applied. Although this study used only two Landsat TM image data to remove cloud influence, but in order to obtain better result, it can be used more than two Landsat TM image data. Above-mentioned operation is performed in each pixel as a unit, the requirement of an image registration is very strict and in order to obtain better result, it needs high-precision topographic correction, atmospheric correction and image matching operation.REFERENCESDang A R, Wang X D, Chen X F and Zhang J B. 2007. ERDAS IMAGINE remote sensing image processing methods. Beijing: Qinghua University Press Li X and Ye J A. 1997. The accuracy improvement of the land use change monitoring based on remote sensing using principal component analysis. Journal of Remote Sensing, 1(4): 282—288 Song X N and Zhao Y S. 2003. Cloud detection and analysis in MODIS images. Chinese Journal of Image and Graphics, 8(9): 1079— 1083 Song X Y, Liu L Y, Li C J, Wang

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述的问题, 在本文中, 作者利用同一 地域不同时相的 Landsat TM 影像, 采用同周期近时 相或不同年份同一季节的 TM 遥感影像数据,根据每 个波段的光谱特征的相对变化, 设计了厚云及其阴 影地域增强模型, 结合该模型和常规的非监督自动 分类模型, 采用线性回归分析的图像匹配法和像元 替换运算, 提出了消除或者减小 Landsat TM 遥感影 像数据中的云影响的步骤。 研究结果表明, 该算法能由于陆地观测卫星 Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像 数据具有光谱特征强、数据获取周期短、覆盖面积 广、数据利用性强等特点, 所以被广泛地作为土地 利用/土地覆被时空变化研究的基本数据来源(黎夏 等, 1997)。它是当前进行区域尺度资源环境遥感监 测较为理想的数据源。 不过, 由于气候的原因, 很难 获取完全无云的遥感影像, 大部分遥感影像在获取 时会或多或少地受到云以及云在地面投射的阴影的 影响。这给许多遥感影像的应用者带来了麻烦, 如 何从遥感影像数据中去除云的影响, 往往是许多应 用者所面临的首要问题(宋晓宇等, 2006)。所以, 去 云处理也是图像预处理中的一个必要环节(宋小宁 等, 2003)。 目前有许多对影像云检测和处理的研究, 如同 态滤波去云法(赵忠明等, 1996; 吴为禄, 2003)、 多光 谱综合法、亮温差值法、指数法(宋小宁等, 2003)、 基于遥感影像分类结果及云检测结果的去云处理算 法(宋晓宇等, 2006)、基于神经网络和小波变换的图 像融合法(Tapasmini & Suprava 等, 2008)、基于空间收稿日期: 2009-06-12; 修订日期: 2009-09-25 基金项目: 科技基础性工作专项项目(编号: 2007FY140800)。第一作者简介: 李炳燮(1970— ), 男, 朝鲜平壤, 博士研究生, 1993 年毕业于朝鲜 Kim Cheak 大学自动化系。目前主要从事遥感影像信息处理方面 研究。E-mail: pyongsop@。 李炳燮等: Landsat TM 遥感影像中厚云和阴影去除541消除或者弱化云对 Landsat TM 影像数据的影响。22.1研究区概况及数据来源研究区概况 研究区位于朝鲜半岛中西部。地理坐标处在东经 125°00′—126°10′, 北纬 38°15′—39°30′之间, 东西 端 直 线 距 离 约 105.84km, 南 北 端 直 线 距 离 约 该地区覆盖山地、 137.46km。 地上面积约 1.4 万 km2。 平原、 海洋等各种不同的地形特征, 覆盖多种土地利 用/土地覆被类型, 包含林地、草地、水田、旱地、 盐田、城镇以及工业用地、裸地、水库、湖泊、河 渠、 海涂等。 这些用地的空间分布复杂, 地块比较小。 这样的区域有助于研究在不同的地形条件下、不同 的土地利用类型条件下, 对去除云的影响效果。 2.2 数据来源 本文利用 2006 年和 2007 年的 8 月的 Landsat 117-33 轨道 覆盖的 TM 遥感

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影像数据。 这些 Landsat 遥感影像数据是通过网络获取的。研究区遥感影像 数据如表 1。表1编号 1 2 卫星 Landsat5 Landsat5图12007-08-22 Landsat TM 5, 4, 3 波段的彩色合成图像数据目录数据获取时间 2006-08-19 2007-08-22 传感器 TM TM两个时期遥感影像数据中,2007-08-22 的遥感影像数据包含比较多的局部分布的厚云及其阴影地 域, 2006-08-19 的遥感影像中, 云及其阴影地域很 小。本研究的主要目的就是去除厚云及其阴影, 因 此以 2007-08-22 的遥感影像数据为基本目标数据, 2006-08-19 的遥感影像数据利用为辅助数据。研究 区 Landsat TM 遥感影像数据的彩色合成图如图 1。图2 数据预处理过程每个对应波段进行线性回归分析。采用线性回归分 析结果, 以 2007-08-22 的 TM 数据为基准, 进行 2006-08-19 TM 数据每个波段的匹配处理。 两个 TM 数据中每个对应波段之间的线性回归 方程如式(1)。 (1) Yi = aiXi + bi 式中 Xi 为 2006-08-19 TM 数据 i 波段的光谱反 射值; Y i 为以 2007-08-22 TM 数据为基准变换的 2006-08-19 TM 数据 i 波段的光谱反射值; i 为波段 号码。 从表 2 看出, 两个时期 TM 遥感影像数据中每 个对应波段之间的相关性较高。特别是, 波段 4、533.1研究方法数据预处理 数据预处理的流程如图 2。首先利用 ERDASIMAGINE 9.2 中的 AutoSync 模块进行两个时期 Landsat TM 遥感影像数据之间的图像配准处理(党 安荣等, 2007), 然后对于它们中每个对应波段进行 匹配处理。为了匹配处理, 选择数据均无云地域。 本文采用人工目视判读的方法选出两个时期均无云 地域 ROI。在这个地域, 对于两个时期 TM 数据中 542Journal of Remote Sensing遥感学报2010, 14(3)的两个时期对应波段之间的相关性最高。表2波段 1 2 3 4 5 7 a 0.86 0.86 0.82 0.92 0.94 0.863.2.2线性回归分析结果b 7.75 3.53 3.51 0.52 0.02 1.70 相关系数 0.90 0.87 0.87 0.96 0.96 0.93云地域增强模型 根据上述研究内容, 提出了云地域和云阴影地 两个时期 TM 遥感影像数据之间的光谱特征变域增强模型。 化包括云导致的变化和土地利用/土地覆被变化导 致的光谱特征变化。为提取云及其阴影地域, 首先 应该区分云导致的光谱特征变化与土地利用/土地 覆被变化导致的光谱特征变化。 本文首先设计了厚云地域增强模型。 从图 3, 厚云导致的光谱特征变化跟土地利用/ 土地覆被变化导致的光谱特征变化的差异如下: 第一, 厚云导致的光谱特征的变化量很大, 每 个波段的光谱反射值变化量在 150 以上; 第二, 每个波段的光谱特征变化趋势一样, 都 增高。 根据上述的两个特征, 提出了厚云地域增强 模型。 CAEM = MD×CDF (2) (3) (4)3.2 3.2.1厚云及其阴影地域增强模型 云地域光谱特

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征分析 为提取厚云及其阴影地域, 首先进行了云地域 图 3 是 2007-08-22 的 Landsat TM 遥感影像数据跟无云地域间的光谱特征对比分析。 中云地域的 5, 4, 3 波段彩色合成图像和空间剖面曲 线图。图 3(a)中直线经过的区域有植被、水体、云 的阴影、厚云。 彩色合成图像中白色区域就是厚云地域, 它旁 边的黑色部分是它的阴影。 分析图 3, 得出云地域及其阴影地域的光谱特 征如下: (1) 每个波段的光谱反射值在厚云地域比无云 地域明显增高(变化值 150 以上); (2) 波段 4, 5, 7 的光谱反射值在水体和云的阴 影地域明显减小。 (3) 在云的阴影地域中, 波段 1, 2, 3 的光谱反 射值略有减小, 在水体地域中波段反射值增高。 虽然随云层厚度的变化, 其相应的光谱特征变 化量不一样, 但是上述的厚云及其阴影导致的光谱 特征变化的趋势不变。∑ BRefi -BAuxiMD =ni =1nnCDF=Sign[ ∑ Sign( BRefi BAuxi ) n + 1 ]i =1式中, BRefi 为基准时期 TM 数据波段 i 的反射值; BAuxi 为辅助时期 TM 数据波段 i 的反射值; 本文利用 2007-08-22 图像为基准数据, 以 2006-08-19 图像经 过线性变换后的图像为辅助数据; CAEM 为云地域 增强模型(cloud area enhancement model); MD 为两 个时期 TM 数据每个波段之间差的平均绝对值图像 (mean difference); CDF 为云地域判别函数(cloud discriminate function); n 为波段数。 如果基准时期 TM 数据的每个波段值都增高则 CDF=1, 否则 CDF≤0 在光谱特征变化大的地域中 MD 值增高, 在没 变化的地域中 MD 值减低。 在 MD 值高的地域中 CDF=1 的就是云地域。 为减少不同太阳位置、不同大气条件等一些原 因的影响, 本文利用与基准 TM 影像数据匹配的辅 助 TM 影像数据。对于无云地域, 对两个 TM 影像 数据各个对应波段进行线性回归分析。以 2007-0822 的 TM 影像数据为基准, 进行辅助 TM 影像数据 的线性变换。 图 4 是采用上述的模型计算得到的云地域增强图3云地域光谱特征空间剖面曲线结果图像。从图 4 看出, 厚云地域跟其他地域差别 明显。用一个单纯的阈值能区别厚云地域和其他地 域, 并且选择阈值的范围比较宽。本文采用 30 和(a) 波段 5, 4, 3 彩色合成图像 (b) 在(a)中切线处的 李炳燮等: Landsat TM 遥感影像中厚云和阴影去除543如果基准时期 TM 数据的 1, 2, 3 波段值增高则 SDF=0(水体地域), 否则 SDF≥0(非水体地域)。 基准时期 TM 数据的波段 5 和波段 7 的反射值 降低的地域中非水体地域的(SDF≥0 的)SAEM 的值 增高。 通过上述模型计算得到的云阴影地域增强图像 中也包含一些因土地利用/土地覆被变化导致的光 谱特征变化的地域。在图 5 中紫色的地域是厚云地 域, 绿色地域可能是云的阴影的地

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域。 为区别云导致的阴影地域跟土地利用/土地覆 被变化导致的光谱特征变化地域, 本文采用非监督 自动分类模型。对于采用 SAEM 计算得到的图像, 进行阈值处理, 提取可能是云阴影的地域。对于结 果部分地域, 利用 Landsat TM 源数据, 进行非监督 分类。因为云阴影地域的每个波段的光谱特征跟植 被、裸土地等其他土地类型的光谱特征不一样, 采 用常规的非监督自动分类模型能区别云的阴影地域图4 2007-08-22 云地域增强图像跟其他土地利用/土地覆被变化地域。 对于不同厚度的云、不同土地类型的地域、不 同大气条件下的影像, 虽然上述的光谱特征变化程 度可能不一样, 但是这种变化特征一直存在, 在大 气条件较好的图像中更明显。依据这一原理, 利用 一定周期内的或者不同年份同一季节的几幅 Landsat TM 影 像 数 据 能 得 到 没 有 云 影 响 或 者 影 响 最 小 的 Landsat TM 影像数据。50 两个阈值对两个结果图像进行对比分析。 分析结 果说明两个图像之间的变化部分是整个图像面积的 0.05%以下。 云的阴影地域提取方法比厚云地域提取方法复 杂, 因为云阴影导致的光谱特征变化程度不大, 有 时跟土地利用/土地覆被变化导致的光谱特征变化混 淆。 因此, 本文提出了一个云阴影地域增强模型与常 规的非监督分类模型相结合的方法提取云阴影。 从图 3 看出, 云阴影导致的光谱特征变化跟其 他无云地域的光谱特征变化的差异如下: 第一, 波段 4, 5, 7 的反射值明显减低; 第二, 在 云阴影地域波段 1 的反射值减低, 但在水体地域波 段 1, 2, 3 的反射值增高。 Landsat TM 遥感影像数据中水体跟云阴影地域 的光谱特征相似。因此, 为提取云阴影地域首先提 取水体地域。根据上述的光谱特征变化特点, 提出 了云阴影增强模型。 SAEM = SDF×[(BAux5 BRef5)+(BAux7 BRef7)]/2 (5)SDF=Sign(1 Sign( ∑ Sign ( B Refi B Auxi ) 2))i =1 3(6)式中, BRef i 为基准时期 TM 数据波段 i 的反射值; BAuxi 为辅助时期 TM 数据波段 i 的反射值; SAEM 为 云 影 地 域 增 强 模 型 (Shadow Area Enhancement Model); SDF 为云影地域判别函数(Shadow Discriminate Function); Sign()为符号函数, 选择 1, 0, 1 中的 一个值。图5 2007-08-22 云及其阴影地域增强图像 544Journal of Remote Sensing遥感学报2010, 14(3)3.3自动消除或者减少云影响过程 消除或者减少云影响的总体流程如图 6。图6自动消除或者减少云影响流程图对一定周期内或者不同年份同一季节的两个时 期 Landsat TM 遥感影像数据, 进行配准和匹配处 理。 对于无云地域, 进行两个 Landsat TM 源数据 (一个基准 TM 影像数据和另外一个辅助 TM 影像数 据)中每个相应波段之间的线性回

