Alcatel OXE 4400R软体安装

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4400 新版軟體安裝

1. 連接Ethernet及Terminal

2. 設定PC的IP為191.254.1.1

▽開始→設定→控制台→網路→TCP/IP→內容→IP位址: 3. 設定PC電腦名成為a4740

4. 執行CD D:\\bootnet\\bin\\bootpd.exe (PC出現 RCATD,BOOTPD,TFTPD三個視窗) 5. 系統開啟電源,CPU Power Switch切至ON位置 6. 當出現Analyzing the input file

----- Auto boot in 5 s’並開始倒數計時,按Enter 出現以下選單

Monitor Main Menu :

1 - Display Test Results 2 - Flash Programming 3 - Boot

4 - CMOS Management 5 - Data & Time 6 - Trap Test 7 - NMI Test 8 - FPU Test

9 - Command Interpreter 10 - Exit application

選擇3 Boot

Boot Menu :

1 - Booting From Floppy #0 2 - Booting From Floppy #1 3 - Booting From Hard Disk #0 4 - Booting From Hard Disk #1 5 - Booting From Ethernet Network

6 - Default Boot SequenceBoot or install from

7. 選擇5 Booting From Ethernet Network 8. Standard Installation ? (y/n, default is y) ? : y 9. TEL version ? :( for 4.1)

( for 4.2)【d:\\dhs3mgr】 for 5.0

10. New Internet Address : Enter

11. Name of new BOOTP/TFTP server : Enter



12. New loaded file : (#16.75 for 4.1)CPU3:#16.71 CPU5以後:#16.75

(#17.05 for 4.2)【d:\\bootp】

#18.15 for 5.0


開始安裝第一階段軟體程式 (因為軟體版本及CPU的不同,其安裝時間也不同) 直到出現:

End of standard installation

重新開機後 【-i】 繼續安裝第二階段




安裝第二階段(Static Path)

1. 由Terminal Log-in 更改Host name及 IP 1.Console Login: mtcl 2.Password:mtcl

3.(E)xa000000> netadmin

4.Do you want to erase the existing setup (y/n default is 'n') ? y

5.Do you intend to use IP/X25 on your system (y/n default is 'n') ? n 6.Enter local CPU position (a or b) for duplicated configuration or n for single CPU (default is 'n') ? n 7.CPU name (default is xa000000) ? a4400a

8.The name you gave isn't in our hosts database. Do you want to add it and so give the corresponding address (y/n default is 'n') ? y 9.CPU address ?

Please wait, working ...

The setup has been correctly achieved.

2. (E)xa000000> netadmin -m (到4400 IP管理選單)


Alcatel 4400 IP Network Administration ====================================== 1. Installation

2. Show current configuration 3. Local Ethernet interface

4. Crystal link/CPU redundancy 5. Role addressing

6. Serial links (SLIP/PPP) 7. Tunnel

8. Routing

9. Host names and addresses 10. Copy setup 11. Security

12. DHCP configuration 13. History of last actions 14. Apply modifications 0. Quit



3. What is your choice ? 9 (到Host names and addresses選單)

9.Host names and addresses ========================== 1. Host database update 2. Aliases

0. Previous menu

4. What is your choice ? 1 (到Host database update選單) 9.1.Host database update ======================== 1. View 2. Add/Update 3. Delete

0. Previous menu

5. What is your choice ? 2 (更改Host資料)

Host database update ==================== 8.1Host name ? a4740 輸入電腦的名稱

8.2Host address (default is ? 輸入電腦的IP Address 8.3The name you gave adm000000_1 is already used for IP address do you really want to update the address for this name (y/n default is 'n') ? y 9.1.Host database update

======================== 1. View 2. Add/Update 3. Delete 0. Previous menu

6. What is your choice ? 0 (回前一選單)

9.Host names and addresses

========================== 1. Host database update 2. Aliases

0. Previous menu



7. What is your choice ? 0 (回Alcatel 4400 IP Network Administration選單)

Alcatel 4400 IP Network Administration

====================================== 1. Installation

2. Show current configuration 3. Local Ethernet interface 4. Crystal link/CPU redundancy 5. Role addressing

6. Serial links (SLIP/PPP) 7. Tunnel 8. Routing

9. Host names and addresses 10. Copy setup 11. Security

12. DHCP configuration 13. History of last actions 14. Apply modifications 0. Quit

8. What is your choice ? 14 (輸入14使用更改的資料)

Please wait, working ...

Alcatel 4400 IP Network Administration ====================================== 1. Installation

2. Show current configuration 3. Local Ethernet interface

4. Crystal link/CPU redundancy 5. Role addressing 6. Serial links (SLIP/PPP) 7. Tunnel 8. Routing

9. Host names and addresses 10. Copy setup 11. Security

12. DHCP configuration 13. History of last actions 14. Apply modifications 0. Quit


