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天津新东方 马天艺

一.TEM-4 试卷概况 Time : 2012-4-21 (SAT) 听力30%

语法词汇&完型25% 阅读20% 写作25%

二.听力考题宏观分析 1.分值分析

Full Dictation 15% Long Conversation 5% Passage 5% News Broadcast 5% 2.题型分析

Full Dictation: 150 words, 4 times 第一遍了解主题 第二遍、第三遍书写 第四遍核对

section A: 3 Long Conversations, Q1-Q10, 200 words, 1 times section B: 3 Passages, Q11-Q20, 200 words, 1 time section C: News Broadcast, Q21-Q30, 1 time 3.语音,语速分析 110-120 words/min

Mixture语音、语调混合: 英美音并存

三.提高听力水平建议 影响听力的因素: 1.发音精确性(语音)


提升建议 1.跟读、模仿

以句子为主,单词为辅 以TEM-4原文为主 每周至少三次 2.加强听的效率

泛听extensive listening 精听intensive listening 以精听为主,以泛听为辅 以TEM-4原文为主 三遍写原文



四.语言现象 连读现象

1.前方单词以辅音结尾,后方单词以元音开头,形成连读连音 2.前方单词以[d]结尾,后方单词以[j]开头,读[dV] 3.前方单词以[t]结尾,后方单词以[j]开头,连读 [tF]



2.前方单词以爆破音结尾,后方单词以[tF]、[dV]、[W] 、[T] 开头,前方爆破音失去爆破;3.前方单词以[t]、[d]结尾,后方单词以[m]、[n]、[l]、[s] 开头,前方爆破音失去爆破。

五.必备方法 预览选项 1.目的



听力选项中遇到不熟悉的单词怎么办??? ——根据单词的拼写猜测单词的发音 eg. 2010年Q14

14.Which job will involve supervising workers using dangerous equipment?

A. Assistant site manager网站经理助理 B. Carpenter supervisor工匠监督人

C. Assembly supervisor 装配线监督人

D. Automobile service station manager自动化服务站经理

原文:Assembly supervisors oversee workers who put together products by using power tools eg. 2010年Q16

16. Who may also do some of the work he supervises? A. Assistant site manager B. Airlines' flight service manager

C. Assembly supervisor D. Carpenter supervisor

原文:Carpenter supervisors?also perform some of the carpentry duties if time permits



①.找出相反选项 ②.找出相近选项 ③.找出无关选项 ④.找出对话大意


Full Dictation 55s Long Conversations 50s Passage 30s

News Broadcast 30s


Long Conversation


1. 俗套对话


2. 挫折原则


3. 光明原则

过程虽然有挫折发生,但是最终结果总是会向积极光明的方向发展。 ① 事情总向积极的方向发展 ② 正确选项积极向上

4. 边听边做原则

5. 顺序做题原则



6. 主题原则

①. 对话只有一个主题

②. 主题往往在开头的问侯之后

7. 重复、重音原则

8. 视听一致原则 ①. 听到什么选什么 eg. 2006年Q4

4. What did Steve originally plan to do ?

A) To go to a park near the beach B) To stay at home C) To see a new film D) To do some study 原文:to do a bit of study (=to do some study) ②. 注意选项的同意替换词和场景词 eg. 2007年Q3

3. What did Mark Adams do the day after tomorrow ? A) To come to the office again B) To wait for the phone call

C) To call the office D) To write to the office

原文:drop in (=come to, visit) the office

9. but、however等转折词之后是答案;because、in that同理 before 2004 but I ……

after 2004 but I ……(but+以爆破音开头的单词)

10. 细节否定性(题型)

识别标准:题干中含有“except”,“not mentioned”字样 解题策略:除已读,确定未读 eg. 2006年Q2

2. Mark used to wear all the following except A) short hair B) glasses C) moustache D) beard

原文:What happened to your beard and moustache? And you are not wearing glasses eg. 2006年Q7

7. The following details are true about the new device Except A) it has color B) it has a moving image C) it costs less money D) it is not on the market

原文:Is it on the market yet?.......This one is special because its color and the images are moving. eg. 2006年Q19

19. Parents who abuse their children tend to have the following problems EXCEPT A) religious problems B) emotional problems C) financial problems D) marriage problems

原文:have other problems such as marriage problems or financial problems. ………

but many of them have emotional problems eg. 2007年Q1

1. Which of the following is NOT needed for the Lost Property Form A) Name B) Nationality C) Address D) Phone number

原文:Can you tell me your name?...Ok ,your address… Do you want phone number eg. 2007年Q19

19. Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci worked as all the following EXCEPT A) a painter B) an engineer C) an architect D) a builder

原文:after he had been working as an architect and an engineer to the French king Louis XII,he devoted himself to painting again and procedure two great works ST. Anne Mary and Child&St John

eg. 2008年Q12

12. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as part of hotel facilities for guests A) Restaurants B) Cinemas C) Swimming pools D) Bars

原文:Things like a bar ,a good quality restaurant, preferably offering local food, and fitness and sports centers.

11. 反问句往往是解题的关键 ①. 表建议时常用的习语 why don’t you why not do sth won’t you do

wouldn’t … be wiser let’s do sth I wish=if only I wonder if

If I were you , I would

you had better do sth =you’d better do sth ②.对建议表同意时的常用习语 why not

a good idea/a smart idea

I can’t help waiting for this/I can’t wait it is considerate of you doing so no better choice that sounds great

if you don’t mind waiting

③.对建议表拒绝时的常用习语 next time/let’s postpone(延期) it I’m having my hands full(我正忙) I’d love to but no thanks

I don’t think it necessary ④.对请求表同意时的常用习语 with pleasure out of question no problem

you can count on me(我同意) it’s no better to me

⑤.对请求表拒绝时的常用习语 no way

out of the question

12. 关键词原则

关键词:解题信息引导词 ①. 逻辑关系词汇

