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Cambridge Young Learners English

Pre-Starters A

Unitl Greetings

I .Teaching Aims and Demands

I? knowledge objects

(1)Key vocabulary: hello/ hi, good , morning, panda, monkey, dog, cat,?

(2)Target language: Hello! /Hi! /Good moming!/Good noon! /Good afternoon! / Good evening! / Good night! / How do you do! / How are you! / Tm fine/ rm OK./ Fili not fine.AVhaf s your name?/ My name is XXX./I am XXX./ Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!, too./ Glad to meet you!/ Glad to meet you!, too. How are you?, Pm fine/ Ok, rm not fine/ OK.

2. Ability Objects

Recognizing skill

Speaking skills

II.Teaching Key Points

The greeting expression.

III.Teaching Difficult Point

How are you!

Whafs your name? / My name is XXX/ I am XXX.

Nice to meet you!/ Glad to meet you, too.

IV.Teaching Methods

Task-based teaching method

Recognizing method

Listening method

V.Teaching Aids

Multi-media and blackboard

VI.leaching Procedures

Step I ? Greeting and introduce myself.

Step II .Lead in

1). Ask all students" names and greeting them with "Hello! XXX / Hi, XXX”. And teach students answer: Hello/ Hi, Doris/Ms Fu.

2)Ask students make new friends with Whafs your name?. V m XXX, My. name is XXX. And other students say Hello/Hi. XXX.(点同学到前面来介绍自己的姓名Hello, everyone, my name is XXX 然后全班同学say : Hello! XXX)

3)Ask all students say Hello / Hi with each othe匚Let everyone take part in this activity. Make sure everyone speak. And then pairwork?

Step III. Presentation and Practice.

Present some pictures about monkey, panda, teddy bear, dog, cat and say hello/hi lo (hem.

More the expression of greeting , say Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening. Good night(用图片展示早上,中午,下午,晩上,晚安).

Step IV. Rhythm practice.

Teach twice and sing with students, and then ask each student to sing once? Who sing the best in them will win a star.

Have a break!

Step V. Let' chant and sing

Hello! Hello! Hello!……(变成学生自己的名字)

Step VIE Review

Review the greeting expression what we have learnt last class?

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night!(通过图片展示时间)

StepVTH Pairwork & Group work (Draw the sun)

1.Draw the sun


Teacher presents some pictures about morning/noon/afternoon/evening/night and ask students lo guess whaCs time? And then say good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night and then ask students to practice the greeting with good moming/noon/ afternoon/ evening/ night and then greet each other with their own names.

Ask some pairs of students to present this conversation. (Everyone has a partner) 3?Group work

My name is XXX, good morning ,everyone?

Good morning, XXX.

Everyone will come to the front of the classroom and speak loudly.

Step IX New expression

1). Ask students to greeting again, use How do you do?/How do you do?

or Nice/Glad to meet you! /Nice/ Glad to meet you , loo./How are you?, rni(noi)


2). Ask students practice these conversations.

StepX Summary

Review what we have learnt loday. Check them if they master these sample conversations.


