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摘 要:国际金融机构基于自身的发展战略考虑,往往会借助并购方式实现这些战略目标,而富国银行具有丰富并购经验,并借助并购成功地实现了自身的快速发展。因此,本文从并购动机,基于主成分分析法的并购绩效评估方面对起最近的收购即2008年并购美联银行进行分析。最后给出借鉴意义和启示,即跨国银行机构应基于自身实际情况选择并购时机,并且在选择对象上实现强强联合。



国际金融机构基于自身的发展战略考虑,如扩大业务范围,配合重大战略转移,加快国际化进程等,往往会借助并购方式实现这些战略目标。并购是否成功的关键在于并购方自身是否具有丰富的并购经验.是否选择了正确的并购时机,是否能够结合自身实际情况实施针对性的并购 。本文以富国银行收购美联银行为研究对象,是考虑到并购活动在富国银行的发展过程中起到了举足轻重的作用,该行的经营并没有像其他机构那样因为并购而出现长期亏损的负面影响.特别是在美国金融危机中富国银行并购的卓越表现赢得了市场认可。




1995~1996年,这家超级地区零售银行开始起步启动增长。 富国银行收购了加利福尼亚的竞争对手,第一洲际银行集团。 1997年,富国银行的收益为67亿美元,资产为975亿美元。1998年6月,富国宣布与NORWEST进行340亿美元的等量合并,组成美国第七大银行,资产达1910亿美元,又一次将银行原有资产翻了一番。


2008年至2011年三年,富国银行完成了对美联银行(Wachovia)的收购。在这之前富国银行从2001年到2007年的每股收益分别如下:1.02,1.62,I.85。2.07,2.27,2.49,2.38(美元)。通过计算可知,富国银行每年以15.4%的年组合比率增长。盈利能力强,保持一贯性,并呈上升的趋势。从2001年到2007年,富国银行的股本回报率分别如下:12.79%,18.66%,19.36%,19.56%,19.57%,19.52%,17.12%。这七年的平均股本回报率为l 8.08%。远高于美国公司的平均股本回报率12%。 批准美联银行收购业务的同时,在泡沫时期富国银行也否决了很多其他业务。从2003年到2006年,富国银行不断抛出高风险的次级贷款,结果其市场占有率从11.9%下降到了10.2%。2006年,首席风险执行官迈克尔-鲁格林和掌管260亿美元自动贷款项目的主管发生了争执,后者认为垃圾级别的审核标准是可以接受的。鲁格林将这个事拿到了董事会上讨论,最后他成功了,整个自动贷款项目都被取消了。鲁格林说:“富国银行有三个工作:照顾好现有的客户,吸引新客户,最后控制他们的风险。我们不谈盈利或者市场份额。”他没有明说的是牺牲短期的市场份额换取长期的利益。现在富国银行在抵押贷款业的市场份额是26%,它的丧失抵押品赎回权率和拖欠率为7.6%,而花旗银行是8.3%,摩根大通是11.5%,美洲银行则为13.5%。





富国银行2011年报:董事长致股东函(2012-11-25 18:34:07)


标签: 分类: 投资


New opportunities. Unchanging vision.


―The reason we wake up in the morning is to help our customers succeed financially and to satisfy all their financial needs. The result is we make money because of our focus on serving customers, not the other way around. This time-tested vision will forever be what matters to Wells Fargo. We’ll never put the stage coach ahead of the horses.‖

——John G. Stumpf, Chairman, President

and Chief Executive Officer



To our owners,

Our more than 270,000 talented team members — whom we believe to be the best team in the business — pulled together for our customers as never before in 2011. They were guided, as always, by our unchanging vision: to satisfy all our customers’

financial needs and help them succeed financially. They were guided by our values, and what we stand for: honoring and supporting our people, striving for the highest ethical standards, doing what’s right for our customers, learning from diversity, and calling on everyone to be leaders.



Outstanding results 出色的成果

The results were outstanding. Wells Fargo achieved record net income for the third consecutive year, up 28 percent to $15.9 billion. Diluted earnings per common share rose 28 percent to $2.82. Our customers entrusted us with even more of their business. Total deposits grew 9 percent to $920.1 billion. Total loans grew 2 percent to $769.6 billion. Many of our businesses had double-digit revenue growth. As a result of our performance, we were rewarded with a higher value in the market. We were ranked No. 1 in the U.S. banking industry in total market value of our company, even though we’re the fourth largest by assets.

经营成果相当出色。富国的净利润(net income)连续三年创造记录,今年增长28%至159亿美元。摊薄后每股收益提升28%至2.82美元。总存款增长9%至9201亿美元。总贷款增长2%至7696亿美元。我们很多业务都获得了两位数的收益增长率。作为绩效的一个结果,我们在市场上赢得了较高价值的回报。在全美银行业中,我们的公司市场价值排名第一,尽管按资产排名我们是第四。

Our team achieved all this while successfully executing the largest, most complex bank merger in our nation’s history. We began our integration with Wachovia at the beginning of 2009. We completed it on schedule and under budget early in the first quarter of 2012. All of our more than 6,200 retail banking stores are now on one system so our customers can do their banking business when, where, and how they want to do it, coast to coast. Your hometown Wells Fargo bank is wherever you happen to be.


Guided by our time-tested Vision & Values, we also have more opportunities than ever before to serve our customers and communities, and help our country grow. We’re fortunate to have the most extensive U.S. financial services store network. We’re in more communities and closer to more customers than anyone else. We serve one of every three U.S. households. We originate one of every four home mortgages. We service more home loans than anyone else. We’re the nation’s No. 1 small

business lender in dollars and the No. 1 middle-market commercial lender. We’re first or second in home loans, car loans, student loans, and business loans.


Betting on America 押注美国

Wells Fargo employs one of every 500 working adults in America, making us the nation’s 12th largest private employer. Chances are you know someone who works for Wells Fargo, or someone who knows someone who does. Thirty-seven percent of our team is racially and ethnically diverse. This is slightly more than the U.S. population, which is 36 percent diverse. This diversity should enable us to better understand and respond to the financial needs of our customers and communities. 美国每500个有工作的成年人就有一个受雇于富国,这使我们成为全国第12个最大的私人雇主。机会在于你认识某个富国职员,或认识某个认识富国职员的人。我们团队占37%比例是不同人种和种族,略高于美国总人口中的同类比例(36%)。这种多样性使我们能较好理解我们客户和社区的金融需求并作出响应。

Our reach is global, but at our heart we’re a hometown American company. Ninety seven percent of our assets and 98 percent of our team members are based in the U.S. This makes us different from our large peers. Our roots are American roots, and we’ve grown as they’ve spread wide and deep in American soil. Since 1852, we’ve been betting on America. We liked our bet then, and we like it even more now. We’re confident in the ingenuity, resourcefulness, work ethic, and can-do attitude of Americans and our Wells Fargo team. Together, we’re focused on the tremendous opportunities we now have ahead of us and on the responsibilities we have to help our customers, communities, and country succeed.


We’re focused on providing you, our shareholders, with sustainable, long-term

success. We returned more capital to shareholders in 2011 by increasing our quarterly common stock dividend by 140 percent, to 48 cents for the year. We also resumed there purchase of our common stock.


Earning trust 赢得信赖

The U.S. economy’s recovery remained sluggish and continued to deliver

disappointing results. Millions of Americans struggled with unemployment and under employment despite slight improvements in the job market. The lack of jobs led to a decline in first-time home sales, even with historic low interest rates and

bargain-basement prices. A stagnant housing market placed a drag on the economy. 美国经济复苏仍然缓慢,持续传递出令人失望的结果。数以百万计的美国人挣扎在失业和低水平就业的状况中,尽管就业市场有了轻微的好转。工作岗位缺乏,导致一手住宅销售下滑,甚至还伴随着历史最低利率和消费品低价。不景气的房产市场拖累了经济。

Consumers spent less and paid down their debt, including mortgages, credit cards, and auto loans. This made sense for consumers who wanted to regain control of their financial situation, but less spending didn’t help the recovery. By year’s end, credit balances and spending began trending upward again, but balances were often paid in full each month. Consumers were not alone. Businesses also faced significant

obstacles. Our quarterly surveys of small business owners showed their deep concerns about economic and credit market outlooks, along with pending regulatory reforms, and their potential effect on sales and operating costs.



Many Americans remained frustrated with the slow, uneven economic recovery and the lack of job opportunities. As a result, they have lost faith in many large companies and institutions. We understand their concerns.

We’re listening to our customers every day and helping them address their financial needs in any way we can. We’re contributing to communities across the country, helping them find local solutions for local problems. We’re also at the table in

Washington, D.C., discussing the merits of proposed reforms for the financial services industry. We want to be a partner for thoughtful change, and we share our

government’s desire to do what’s right for consumers and businesses.


We don’t take trust for granted. We know we have to earn it every day in our conversations and actions with our customers. Here’s how we try to do that.


Helping our mortgage customers 帮助我们的按揭客户

First, no financial product is more important to Americans, more interwoven with their financial security, than their home mortgage. Other financial services companies are backing away from this business because of what they perceive to be its high costs and its risks. Not Wells Fargo. Here’s why: Two-thirds of all Americans are in the mortgage business. They have mortgages on their homes. We want to be there to satisfy not just their mortgage needs, but all their other financial needs that connect to their mortgage. We believe we have the right products to offer mortgage customers and the right underwriting principles to make sure their loans are good loans. As a result, more than 92 percent of our mortgage customers were current on their

payments and fewer than 2 percent of our owner-occupied home mortgages proceeded to a foreclosure sale.


