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浙江师范大学2012年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题(A卷) 科目代码: 851 科目名称: 英语写作
050211外国语言学及应用语言学、045108学科教学(英语)适用专业: 050201英语语言文学、
I. Summary writing (40 marks).
Bernstein regards language as something which both influences culture and is in turn influenced by culture. A child growing up in a particular linguistic environment and culture learns the language of that environment and that culture and then
proceeds to pass on that learning to the next generation. Bernstein believes that there is a direct and reciprocal relationship between a particular kind of social structure, in both its establishment and its maintenance, and the way people in that social structure use language. Moreover, this relationship is a continuing one in that it is handed down from generation to generation. For Bernstein, a particular kind of social structure leads to a particular kind of linguistic behavior and this behavior in turn reproduces the original social structure. Consequently, a cycle exists in which certain social patterns produce certain linguistic patterns, which in turn reproduce the social patterns, and so on.
Individuals also learn their social roles through the process of communication. This process differs from social group to social group, and, because it is different in each social group, existing role differences are perpetuated in society. What is of particular concern to Bernstein, therefore, are the quite different types of language that different social groups employ. He claims that there are two quite distinct varieties of language in use in society. He calls one variety elaborated code
(originally formal code) and the other variety restricted code (originally public code). According to Bernstein, these codes have very different characteristics. For example, elaborated code makes use of accurate – in the sense of standard – grammatical order and syntax to regulate what is said; uses complex sentences that employ a range of devices for conjunction and subordination; employs prepositions to show relationships of both a temporal and logical nature; shows frequent use of the
pronoun I; uses with care a wide range of adjectives and adverbs; allows for remarks to be qualified; and, according to Bernstein (1961, p. 169), ‘is a language use which
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传播学概论试题 A110-31
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