中考英语基础题型篇 情景交际(含答案)

更新时间:2023-04-19 05:31:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Maybe you could get a pa rt-time job in

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01 命题趋势 考标导向化

情景交际是中考的高频考点之一。近年来,全国大部分省、市越来越注重对情景交际的考查,侧重对情景会话能力的测试,考查学生在特定的对话情景中运用日常交际用语的能力。内容上侧重考查以打电话、购物、看病、约会等为主题的对话,辅以考查问候、介绍、告别、感谢、祝愿、请求、允许、表示同意等话题。预计2015年中考命题会加大对交际用语的考查力度,特别是交际用语中有关表达祝愿、赞美、感谢、道歉、征询意见或看法等的知识点将是考查热点。 02 方法归纳 能力提升化





4.问话或答语要遵循口语交际的特点,不能脱离具体的语境,不要照搬照套语法规则。英语中的情景交际回答时一般要遵循三个原则:礼貌原则、利他原则和英语文化习惯。单项选择型情景交际所给的选项语法本身无误,但是常存在省略现象,某些语义需要根据上下文来猜测,并且结合习惯用语进行选择。 03 整合集训 反馈层级化

( )1.(2014·徐州)—It’s so hot today. What about going swimming? —__________!

A.Never mind

B.Good idea

C.You’re welcome

D.Don’t worry

( )2.(2014·常州)—It’s reported

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that there will be a snowstorm this Sunday.

—______.We’re planning to go on a picnic that day.

A.I hope so

B.I hope not

C.I’m afraid so

D.I’m afraid not

( )3.(2014·曲靖)—Dad ,I’m afraid it’s too hard.

—__________! You can do it. A.Well done B .Come on C.Thanks D.You’re welcome

( )4.(2014·南宁)—Thank you for your help. —_________.

A.Good morning.

B.You’re welcome

C.Fine thank you.

D.Nice to meet you

( )5.(2014·十堰)—Would you like some juice?

—_______.I’d like something to eat.

A.Yes ,please.

B.No problem.

C.That’s OK.

D.No ,thanks.

( )6.(2014·山西)—__________? —Sorry.There is no one named Gary.You must have the wrong number. A.Can I help you B.What’s the matter C.Is that Gary speaking

( )7.(2014·达州)—Would you mind if I turn on the radio?

—_____.The baby is sleeping in the next room.

A.No ,I don’t mind

B.Not at all

C.Better not

D.That’s all right

( )8.(2014·梅州)—My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday. —________.

A.It doesn’t matter

B.I’m sorry to hear that

C.Don’t be silly

D.I’d love to

