黄桥中学2013-2014学年高一下学期第一次月考试题 英语

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英 语

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19. 15. B. £9. 15. C. £9. 18. 答案是B。

1. When does this conversation most probably take place? A. June. B. July. C. August. 2. What do you know about the woman? A. She is very busy. B. She prefers lunch at desk. C. She doesn?t want lunch.

3. Why can?t the man take exercise? A. He gets up too late.

B. He has to rush to work early. C. He can?t spare enough time.

4. What makes the woman mad sometimes? A. The young stars had a fight.

B. People said they didn?t get along well. C. The young stars didn?t have a great time. 5. What do you learn from the conversation? A. The man is being interviewed by the woman.

B. The man once worked in an international company. C. The man is looking for a new job.



听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. What is the woman invited to do? A. To give a talk. B. To give a concert.

C. To teach in her mother school.

7. What can we learn about the woman? A. She is a pop star now. B. She is a teacher now. C. She is a famous actress now.


8. Why does the woman decide to go to her mother school? A. Because she used to be a good student. B. Because she likes her teachers very much.

C. Because she doesn?t want to let the students down. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. Why did the woman start swimming? A. Her husband persuaded her to do so. B. She wanted to get fit again. C. She had nothing to do.

10. How long has the woman been taking swimming seriously? A. For about three years. B. For about two years.

C. Since her youngest child was born.

11. What do you know about the woman?s husband? A. He gives all-out support to her.

B. He wants her to do more housework. C. He hopes she can practice more often. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。

12. Why does the woman come to talk with the man? A. Because she wants to use the computer.

B. Because there?s some trouble with her computer.

C. Because she had made a plan for the use of computers.

13. How do the students feel about the present plan for the use of computers? A. The time is too changeable. B. The time is too limited.

C. The machines are hard to use.

14. What do the speakers plan to do tomorrow? A. Forbid students to use the computers. B. Prepare a notice to solve the problem.

C. Allow students to use the computers for longer hours. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. What is the man doing? A. Studying in a university. B. Preparing for a party. C. Asking for advice.

16. What?s the first thing that the man considers in choosing a college? A. Better parties. B. Great traditions. C. Longer history.

17. What do you know about Southeastern University? A. It has a lot of parties.

B. It?s no older than Granton.

C. It has tough admission requirements. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。


18. Why does the girl come to the man?s house? A. To ask for help. B. To borrow money. C. To be a babysitter.

19. Who is Kelly?s financial advisor?

A. Mrs. Adams. B. Her mother. C. Her father. 20. What are the two speakers probably talking about? A. Money. B. Courses. C. Housework.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

21. She may have missed the train, ______ she won?t arrive in another hour. A. in that case B. in her case C. in any case D. in which case

22. Considering his health, I advise him to ______ an hour or two each day to work out.

A. set about B. set off C. set up D. set aside

23. There has been no ______ evidence to prove the ______ of life on other planets. A. convincing; existence B. convinced; existence C. convinced; exist D. convincing; exist 24. It was in the Great Hall of the People ______ the 18th National Congress was held ______ the newly-elected top CPC leaders met the press at home and abroad. A. that; that B. where; where C. where; that D. that; where 25. —Why do you want to work for our company? —This is the job that I ______ for. A. looked B. am to look C. had looked D. have been looking 26. —What is the price of petrol these days? —Oh, it ______ sharply since last month. A. is raised B. has risen C. has arisen D. is increased

27. The increase in home computers means that families have much easier ______ to information. A. measure B. access C. way D. method

28. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly ______ size and shape. A. on B. from C. by D. in

29. ______ China and South Korea planned is to speed up the free Trade Area talks as soon as possible. A. It B. That C. What D. No matter what

30. The growth of GDP in China will be largely slowed down in the next few years ______ it mainly relies on the exploration of the resources available.


A. for B. due to C. thanks to D. in that 31. —Now that you like iPhones, why not buy one? —Well, I can?t afford ______ cellphone. A. that expensive a B. a that expensive C. so an expensive D. an expensive that

32. We are at your service. Don?t ______ to turn to us if you have any further problems. A. avoid B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 33. She observed a man ______ on the opposite side of the way, and recognized it was Charlie. A. walked B. walks C. walk D. walking

34. The Smiths can afford a large house with a garage ______. A. to attach B. attaching C. attached D. attach

35. One way to avoid ______ by sharks is to keep calm and ______. A. attacks; don?t be afraid B. bites; don?t be frightened C. being bitten; not be scared D. being attacked; not to panic

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, accept these failures as a 36 part of the course of learning. But as parents or teachers, we often don?t allow the same 37 to our children.

When I see a child suffering 38 this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie.

Donnie was my youngest third grader. His 39 of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He 40 answered questions—he might be wrong. I tried my best to build his self-confidence but 41 changed until midterm, when Mary Anne, a student teacher, was assigned(安排)to our classroom.

She was very young and pretty, and she loved all the children. My pupils, Donnie included, 42 her.

One morning, we were 43 math problems at the chalkboard. Donnie had copied the problems with painstaking neatness. Pleased with his progress, I 44 the children with Mary Anne and went for art materials. When I returned, Donnie was in 45 . He?d missed the third problem.

My student teacher looked at me in despair. Suddenly her face 46 . From the desk we shared, she got a container filled with pencils.

“Look, Donnie, ” she said, kneeling beside him and gently 47 the tear-stained face from his arms. “I?ve got something to 48 you. ” She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.

“See these 49 , Donnie, ” she continued, “They belong to Mrs. Lindstrom and me. See how the erasers are 50 ? That?s because we make mistakes, too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. That?s 51 you must learn to do, too. ”


She kissed him and stood up. “Here, ” she said, “I?ll leave one of these pencils on 52 desk so you?ll remember that everybody makes mistakes, 53 teachers. ” Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and a smile.

The pencil became Donnie?s 54 thing. That, together with Mary Anne?s frequent encouragement, gradually 55 him that it?s all right to make mistakes as long as you erase them and try again. 36. A. small B. basic C. necessary D. large 37. A. way B. right C. time D. fall 38. A. above B. beyond C. through D. from 39. A. fear B. lesson C. chance D. sense 40. A. always B. often C. usually D. seldom 41. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 42. A. respected B. disliked C. avoided D. understood 43. A. liking B. working C. watching D. painting 44. A. left B. offered C. missed D. parted 45. A. surprise B. astonishment C. anger D. tears 46. A. darkened B. brightened C. pulled D. loosened 47. A. lifting B. picking C. holding D. pushing 48. A. help B. show C. reward D. promise 49. A. pencils B. mistakes C. marks D. containers

50. A. brought B. built C. worn D. damaged 51. A. that B. what C. why D. how 52. A. my B. someone?s C. the teacher?s D. your 53. A. still B. seldom C. even D. not 54. A. favourite B. worst C. better D. more 55. A. warned B. informed C. convinced D. reminded

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)



(原创)BEIJING—Mo Yan?s winning of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature shows the world?s recognition of China?s contemporary literature, according to the China Writers Association.

It also represents the attention drawn to Chinese writers and the international influences of Chinese literature, said an official statement from the organization on Thursday evening.

Mo is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. In the statement, the association congratulated Mo Yan


on his success and spoke highly of his “outstanding achievements”.

Mo had effectively extended the boundaries of imagination, the depth of thoughts and the state of arts of Chinese literature by focusing on lives in the countryside with a unique national style, said the statement.

He Jianming, vice president of the association, said in a separate interview, “It is not only a joyous occasion for Mo, but also a dream coming true for generations of Chinese writers. ”

“The prize also shows recognition in realism writing coming from traditional Chinese literature, ” said He.

He cited Mo?s latest novel, Frog, which was published in China in 2010, as an example of Mo?s focus on realism. The book focuses on the influence of China?s “one child” policy in the countryside.

“Mo?s works are among the best when it comes to Chinese contemporary literature. ”He said, “Adding the award is significant for the development of Chinese literature and will boost confidence in the country?s cultural creativity. ”

Mo Yan, a pen name for Guan Moye, was born in 1955 and grew up in Gaomi in east China?s Shandong Province.

Mo is one of the most widely translated Chinese writers. His best-known work is Red Sorghum, which was made into a film by the director Zhang Yimou. 56. Which is the main idea of the passage? A. 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature.

B. Mo Yan?s success represents recognition of Chinese literature. C. The success in Chinese literature. D. A great Chinese writer.

57. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. Mo Yan and Guan Moye refer to the same person. B. Mo?s works are the best in China.

C. Mo Yan is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. D. The film Red Sorghum directed by Zhang Yimou was written by Mo Yan. 58. Mo Yan?s works focus on ______. A. lives in the countryside B. city lives

C. China?s “one child” policy

D. the international influences of Chinese literature


You?ve probably grown accustomed to texting in the glow of a mobile phone screen. Well, there?s some good and bad news coming for those of you who spend hours speedily tapping messages to one another.

The good news is that the hours you spend face-to-phone are paying off. You may have become fluent in a second language.

The bad news, however, is that this language is texting. Worse still, there isn?t yet a texting section in your school exams, so you?ll need to work harder to recover the grammar skills you might be killing with every LOL and BRB (Be right back).


A new study confirms what many parents suspect. The more kids send and receive texts, the poorer their grammar skills become.

With “the culture of mobile communication—quick back and forth (来回), there are compromises on traditional, cultural writing”, said S. Shyam Sundar, professor of Pennsylvania State University, which conducted the study.

“Techspeak”, as Sundar and his research partner Drew P. Cingel call it, has become so prevalent (普遍的) among young users that it?s changing their foundation of basic grammar.

“Routine use of textual (原文的) adaptations by current and future generations of 13-to-17-year-olds may serve to create the impression that this is normal and accepted use of the language, ”they said in their published findings.

It seems teenagers are unable to “code switch-shift” between standard grammar and the abbreviations (缩写) used in text messages, Sundar said. These abbreviations have become the real words for them now.

However, linguists (语言学家) aren?t particularly disturbed by the trend, Sundar added. “The linguists will tell you the language is very dynamic. ”

Still, students have exams to worry about. Here?s a sample(范例) of the questions, so you can test yourself to see how texting has affected your grammar: ·During the flood, we (dranked, drank, drunk, drunked) bottled water.

·Fortunately, Jim?s name was (accepted, excepted) from the list of those who would have to clean bathrooms because he was supposed to go downtown to (accept, except) a reward for the German Club.

·The dress is so large that it is (lose, loose) on me when I wear it! 59. What is the main point of the article?

A. To report the popularity of texting among teens. B. To introduce the effects of texting on grammar.

C. To inform us that texting is likely to become a second language for teens. D. To analyze how texting influences the culture of mobile communication. 60. According to the new study, the more you text, ______. A. the faster you may learn a second language

B. the poorer your communication skills might become in real life

C. the more it could affect your ability to write using traditional language

D. the better you will become at shifting between standard grammar and abbreviations 61. What do linguists think about Sundar?s new finding according to the article? A. Worried. B. Supportive. C. Critical. D. Doubtful.

62. With the sample of the questions at the end of the article, the author intends to ______.

A. get teens to attach more importance to grammar exams B. give some useful tips on how to pass a grammar exam

C. get teens to find out how much texting has affected their use of language

D. prove that teens? routine of texting is changing their understanding of basic grammar



The Vienna-based researchers showed that dogs doing a simple task when not rewarded if another dog, which continues to be rewarded, is present.

The experiment consisted of taking pairs of dogs and getting them to present a paw for a reward. On giving the “handshake” the dogs received a piece of food. One of the dogs was then asked to shake hands, but received no food. The other dog continued to get the food when it was asked to perform.

The dog without the reward quickly stopped doing the task, and showed signs of anger or stress when its partner was rewarded.

To make sure that the experiment was really showing the interaction between the dogs rather than just the frustration of not being rewarded, a similar experiment was conducted where the dogs performed the task without the partner. Here they continued to present the paw for much longer.

Dr. Frederike Range from the University of Vienna says this shows that it was the presence of the rewarded partner that was the greater influence on their behavior.

“The only difference is that one gets food and the other doesn?t. They are responding to being unequally rewarded. ” she says.

The researchers say this kind of behavior, where one animal gets frustrated with what is happening with another, has only been observed in primates(灵长类) before.

Studies with various types of monkeys and chimpanzees show they react not only to seeing their partners receiving rewards when they are not, but also to the type of reward.

The dog study also looked at whether the type of reward made a difference. Dogs were given either bread or sausage, but seemed to react equally to either. Dr. Range says this may be because they have been trained.

63. The dogs refused to give the paw when they ______. A. found another dog was given nothing B. felt they were not treated equally C. were aware they received less food D. were given too much reward

64. What would a dog do if it presented its paw alone? A. It would go on with the performance much longer. B. It would be too shy to present its paw. C. It would miss its partner.

D. It would compare what it got with that of another.

65. According to the passage, compared with dogs, monkeys and chimpanzees ______.

A. pay no attention to the type of reward B. only like to play interesting games

C. pay attention to the type of reward as well as whether they are rewarded D. care more about how they are rewarded

66. Which of the following can best summarize the passage? A. Animals? various ways to show anger


B. Dogs are more envious than human beings

C. Most animals want to be rewarded for their work D. Animals also have a sense of fairness


Christmas is still a few weeks away. But in Holland, Germany and other parts of central Europe, a man dressed in red with a big white beard will already be flying from house to house with a big sack (麻袋) and presents for children. “Sinterklaas komt! ” as Dutch children say—Saint Nicholas is coming!

It?s obvious from the name that “Santa Claus” comes from “Sinterklaas”. Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6, but there are many things about the saint and his festival that are similar to Christmas. Just as Santa has reindeer (驯鹿), so Sinterklaas has a white horse. Dutch and German children put their shoes out in front of the chimney just like children hang up their stockings on Christmas Eve,

hoping that in the morning they will be full of presents. With Sinterklaas, however, you?re also expected to put a carrot in your shoe as a present to his horse.

Like Santa, Sinterklaas also judges whether children have been “naughty or nice”in the past year to help him decide whether they deserve presents. But while good children get sweets, the consequences of being bad are far worse than they are with Father Christmas. Naughty children are given a stick so their parents can beat them. If you are really, really bad, Sinterklaas will put you into a sack and take you away.

In parts of Germany and Austria, people also celebrate December 5—but it is a celebration of naughtiness rather than niceness. On “Krampus Day”, bizarre (奇特的), horned demons (长着角的怪物) (or rather boys dressed in costumes) run around causing havoc (浩劫) and hitting girls with sticks. Authorities have struggled for years to ban the tradition, but have not been successful. Luckily Saint Nicholas always comes next day to put things right.

67. What is the main focus of the article? A. The history of Christmas Day.

B. The traditions of Saint Nicholas Day.

C. The similarities between Christmas Day and Saint Nicholas Day. D. The connection between Saint Nicholas Day and Krampus Day. 68. Which of the following statements about Saint Nicholas is TRUE? A. The festival falls on December 5 in most European countries. B. On the eve of Saint Nicholas Day, people usually eat carrots.

C. In Germany, children expect to get gifts in their shoes on Saint Nicholas Day. D. Like Santa, Sinterklaas is believed to ride his reindeer from house to house to give


gifts to children.

69. What can we conclude from Paragraph 3?

A. Naughty children don?t get anything from Sinterklaas. B. As well as children, Sinterklaas also brings gifts for adults. C. Sinterklaas is more generous than Father Christmas.

D. Sinterklaas treats good children better than naughty children.

70. What is the attitude of authorities towards Krampus Day traditions, according to the article?

A. They have tried in vain to get rid of some of the traditions. B. They organize various activities to entertain people. C. They respect the way people celebrate it.

D. They regard it as an important tradition and try to promote it.

第四部分 任务型阅读 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)

请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。


Did you know that falling down is the leading cause of injury death for Americans aged 65 and older?

Each year 35 to 40 percent of older adult Americans fall at least once.

Falling down is not just the result of getting older. Falling can be caused by a variety of circumstances, and many falls can be prevented.

Here are 4 simple steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk of injury from falling down.

Improve Your Body Balance with Exercise to Prevent Falling.

·If you don?t have a regular exercise program, start one. Lack of exercise leads to weakness, and that increases your chances of falling.

·Exercise can improve your body balance and flexibility at any age. Try exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi.

·If you are over 50 and haven?t exercised regularly, check with your health care provider about the best type of exercise program for you.

Increase Your Home?s Accessibility and Safety to Reduce Falling Risks

About half of all falls happen at home. To increase accessibility and make your home safer:

·Remove items you might trip over from stairs and places where you walk. ·Remove small throw rugs(易滑地垫)or use double-sided tape to keep the rugs from slipping.

·Have grab bars installed next to your toilet, and install grab bars in your tub or shower.

·Improve the lighting in your home.

·Make sure all stairways have handrails and sufficient lighting. ·Wear shoes that give good support and have thin non-slip soles.


You might also consider avoiding lightweight slippers(especially backless styles), which can reduce your feeling of control.

Prevent Falling: Watch Out for Medication Side Effects

Age can affect the way some medications work in your body, so if you have been taking any over-the-counter medications for a while, it?s important to tell your health care provider. He or she will be able to tell you if they are still safe for you to take.

·Look out for drugs that have side effects including drowsiness(困倦). These side effects can increase your risk of falling. This is especially important with over-the-counter cold and flu medications, which can often increase drowsiness.

·And don?t forget herbal remedies(草药). Some remedies increase sleepiness and many react with other types of medication, which could increase your risk of falling down. Be sure to check with your health care provider before trying new medication.

Want to Prevent Falling? Have Your Vision Checked Regularly Vision problems can increase your chances of falling.

·You may be wearing the wrong glasses that cause vision problems or limit your vision.

·To reduce your risk of falling, have your vision checked by an eye doctor every year for early detection and correction of vision problems. If you can?t see something, it?s harder to avoid it, and this increases your risk of falling.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury from Falling (71) ______ Make your body (72) ______ better with exercise Increase your home?s accessibility and safety Be(76) ______ of medication side effects Protect your vision carefully Detailed suggestions ·Try exercises (73) ______ like Yoga and Tai Chi ·Make clear which is the best type of exercise program for you in advance ·Remove items that might cause you to (74) ______ ·(75) ______ items that will support you when needed ·Improve the lighting in and out of your room ·Wear non-slip shoes ·Do check with your health care provider to ensure your (77) ______ of taking any over-the-counter medications, (78) ______ you have taken them or not ·Don?t(79) ______ the wrong glasses that damage your vision ·Have your vision checked regularly to detect and correct your (80) ______ vision problems

第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)

如图所示, 这幅漫画反映了国庆长假期间城市停车难的情



你的短文应包含以下内容: 1. 简要描述漫画内容; 2. 谈谈你的感想;

3. 如何改善停车难的状况。

注意: 1. 可根据下面文章开头所给提示, 发挥必要的想象。 2. 词数150个左右。开头已经写好, 不计入总词数。

The eight-day holiday has become a peak traveling season and a time of traffic jams and complaints. With self-driving tours becoming more fashionable, car parking has become one of the most complained topics of all.



【听力材料】 Text 1

M: How terrible the heat we are having now is!

W: Generally speaking, ①July is the hottest month of the year in Hangzhou. I don?t think the heat will be relieved before August. Text 2

M: Are you going to join us for lunch, or are you going to eat at your desk again?

W: ②I’m afraid I have to stay at my desk. I am up to my neck in work.


Text 3

M: I want to exercise, but never seem to find time. W: Why not do it first in the morning?

M: ③But I often get up at seven, have a quick breakfast, and then have to rush to the office by car. Text 4

M: What would it be like working with those young stars?

W: It was a great group. ④I always got mad when people said that we didn’t get along well, just because we were girls. There was never a fight. We had a great time. Text 5

W: Look. ⑤ Here’s a job that might interest you.

M: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me off to was a disaster.

W: Well, look. It says they want a sales manager. It?s a big international company. That would be good. Text 6

W: When I got home last night I found a letter from the school I used to study in. ⑥ The students there want me to go back and talk to them.

M: Oh, really? And are you going?

W: I don?t know. I used to hate school, so I don?t feel like going back.


M: But it?s different now.

W: Yes, I know. But it?s still a difficult situation. You see, when I was at school I used to be bad at studies and none of the teachers liked me. M: Well, I think you should go. ⑦When I was younger, I used to dream about meeting a famous pop star. ⑧You can’t let them down. W: Maybe you are right. OK. I?ll go. Text 7

M: Mrs. Williams, I?d be grateful if you could just tell me a bit about yourself. Have you been swimming long?

W: No, not long at all. ⑨I started originally to get fit again after my youngest child was born. And I didn?t take it seriously at first; I only started practicing properly when I realized how much I was enjoying it. M: So when did you start taking it seriously?

W: ⑩I suppose I started taking it seriously about three years ago. I joined the swimming club then, which really made me work at it. M: And now, how often do you practice?

W: Every day. But I can?t go at a regular time, as I have to make arrangements for the children to be looked after. M: And what does your husband think about it? W: Oh,


he thinks it’s wonderful, and he’s proud of me for getting

onto the national team and winning prizes. M: And how many prizes have you won?


W: Two so far. One was an individual medal and the other was a team cup.

M: Well, Thank you very much, Mrs. Williams. Text 8

W: Hi, Tommy, got a minute?

M: Sure, come in. What?s on your mind? W: Oh,


it’s the plan for the students about the use of computers.

M: What?s the trouble?

W: The students are supposed to use the computers for only one hour a day because so many students need to use them every day. M: I can see that. W: Well,


now it seems that some of the students aren’t willing to

give up their machines when the hour is over.

M: I suppose they feel that it doesn?t matter very much to keep them a few minutes more.

W: Yes, but this makes it hard for those who are waiting to use the machines. M: You are right.


Let’s prepare a notice right now. Then we can pass it

out tomorrow to clear up the problem. Text 9 W: M:


Do you need some help?

I guess so. I’m just checking these college rankings. I want to find


out which schools are the most popular.

W: Well, Southeastern has the most students, if that?s what you mean. M: I don’t know. I want to know which school is the most fun. do they have the best parties?

W: Hmm. . . I?m not sure I can help you there.

M: No? What about Granton College? This magazine says it?s the “good time” school. Everybody who goes there has a lot of fun. W: I?ve heard that it?s popular with students. M: What was the other school you mentioned? W: Southeastern? M: Yeah, what?s it like?

W: Well, it?s a very old, well-established school. Students who are looking for a party should probably look somewhere else. M: Oh, really? Why?s that? Is it hard to get into? W: Yes.




The admission requirements are tough, a lot tougher than


M: And you said it?s really old?

W: It is an old school, established in 1854. M: Wow! It must have some great party traditions. Text 10

W: Hi, Mr. Adams?

M: Ah, yes. You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming.


W: Here is my card. M: Oh, W:



it is hard to find a good babysitter on a Friday night.

Well, I like watching kids, and I need the extra money.

M: Well, I heard you were one of the best babysitters in the area, and. . . W: Uh, well, I?d like to talk to you about my new rate increases. M: Rate increases? W: You see, Mr. Adams. M: What? W:



I’ve consulted with my financial advisor.

Uh, my mother, and she says I should charge more per child since I

do cook and clean your house while you’re away. M: Oh, I see. So, what do you have in mind? W: Well, as I see it,


I’d like to ask a dollar more per child per hour,

and overtime after midnight. Based on my calculations, that’s only 10. 23% above the going market, and I’m now a certified babysitter with training.

M: Oh, I never knew there were courses and certifications in babysitting. W: Times are changing, Mr. Adams.


I have to figure in expenses for a

benefit package to cover college tuition, retirement, and so on. Well, I will tell my mother what to do. 答案:1~5. BACBC 11~15. ACBBC 单选题




21. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意:她可能错过了火车。要是那样的话,再过一个小时她也到不了。which指代前边主句的内容,in this/that case在这种/那种情况下。

22. 【解析】选D。考查短语动词辨析。句意:考虑到他的健康状况,我建议他每天抽出一到两个小时来锻炼。set about着手,开始;set off出发,动身;set up成立,建立; set aside留出,暂时不考虑。 23. 【解析】选A。句意:还没有令人信服的证据来证明其他行星上存在生命。第一空表示“令人信服的证据”,第二空意思是指“生命的存在”,由此可以确定答案为A。

24. 【解析】选C。考查强调句型。句意:正是在人民大会堂,即中国共产党第十八次代表大会召开的地方,新当选的党的领导人接见了中外媒体。第一个空的单词引导定语从句,where在定语从句中作地点状语;第二个空为强调句型,应该用that, 故选C。

25. 【解析】选D。考查时态。由答语句意“这就是我一直寻找的工作”可知用现在完成进行时,表示从过去某个时刻发生的动作一直持续到现在,并且有可能持续下去。

26【解析】选B。考查时态和词语的用法。根据题意可知应用现在完成时,主语the price与rise之间是主动关系,故选B。arise出现,语意不恰当。

27 【解析】选B。句意:家用电脑的增长意味着家庭获取信息更容易了。have access to有……的可能/机会等。 【变式备选】


According to a UN report, one third of the world population have no ______ to clean drinking water and health care. A. means

B. approach

C. channel

D. access

【解析】选D。句意:根据联合国的一项报告,世界上三分之一的人口得不到洁净的饮用水和医疗保健。access接近,使用; means方法; approach方法; channel频道,通道。

28. 【解析】选D。句意:在所有种类的树木上都会找到叶子,但是它们在大小形状上却大不同。固定短语differ in在……方面不同。 29. 【解析】选C。考查主语从句。句意:中国和韩国计划的是尽快加速自由贸易区谈判进程。句子的主语为一个主语从句,主语从句中缺少planned的宾语,因此排除it和that,而no matter what只能引导状语从句,而不能引导名词性从句,故选C。

30 【解析】选D。in that由于,与句意相符。for 因为,前面应加逗号。due to 与thanks to都表示原因,但to 为介词,后不能跟从句。 31. 【解析】选A。考查副词。句意:——既然你喜欢iPhone手机,为什么不买一个?——哎,我买不起那么贵的手机。that此处为副词, 相当于so。根据结构“that+adj. +a/an+单数可数名词”可知, 应选A项。 32. 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:我们很乐意帮助你。如果还有什么问题尽管找我们帮忙。hesitate犹豫,踌躇, hesitate to do sth. 做某事犹豫不决;avoid避免,避开;desire渴望,希望;seek寻求,试图。

33. 【解析】选D。考查“observe +宾语+宾语补足语”的用法。句意:


她注意到一个人正从对面走来,认出是查理。observe sb. doing sth. “观察某人正在做某事”,walking符合句意,故选项D正确。

34. 【解析】选C。句意:史密斯家能买得起带车库的大房子。在“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,当宾语和宾语补足语之间存在被动关系时,用过去分词,故选项C正确。

35. 【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意:避免被鲨鱼攻击的一个方法就是保持冷静,不要惊慌。avoid接动词作宾语需用-ing形式;and是并列连词,连接两个不定式短语作表语,故选项D正确。



36. 【解析】选C。失败应该是我们学习过程中一个必不可少的部分。 37. 【解析】选B。父母和老师往往不能接受孩子同样有失败的权利。 38. 【解析】选D。suffer from意思是“遭受……的折磨”。

39. 【解析】选A。害怕学习的失败让Donnie很压抑,不愿参加其他同学都很喜欢的活动。

40. 【解析】选D。由于怕出错,Donnie很少回答问题。

41. 【解析】选C。作者努力要帮助Donnie建立自信心,但是没有什么改变。but和上文的tried my best形成转折,因此排除其他三项。 42. 【解析】选A。新来的实习老师爱所有的学生,学生也很尊敬她。


43. 【解析】选B。我们正在黑板上演算数学题。此处work是及物动词,意思是“计算,算出”。work math problems 解数学题,符合语境。

44. 【解析】选A。leave. . . with“把……交给,委托”。作者要去取一些材料,把学生们委托给Mary Anne。

45. 【解析】选D。从下文“the tear-stained face”可知,Donnie因为漏做了第三道题而哭了起来,in tears意思是“流着泪”。

46. 【解析】选B。Mary Anne因为突然想起一个好主意而兴奋起来。brighten意思是“发光,发亮”。darken“(使)暗淡”;pull“拉下,拖”;loosen“解开,放松”,均不合语境。suddenly 后,意味着前面情况的改变,故选B。

47. 【解析】选A。lift one?s face是固定搭配,原意是“为某人整容”,此处指Mary Anne给Donnie轻轻地擦去脸上的泪痕。

48. 【解析】选B。从上下文信息中可知,此处是指Mary Anne把那包铅笔拿给Donnie看。

49. 【解析】选A。Mary Anne把铅笔一支一支地拿出来,放在他桌上。

50. 【解析】选C。Mary Anne把她和作者用过的铅笔拿给Donnie看,告诉她铅笔上的橡皮都被磨损了,因为她和作者做题时也经常出错,要用橡皮擦去错误。worn是wear的过去分词,意思是“磨损”。 51. 【解析】选B。这正是你要学会做的事情。what引导表语从句,作do的宾语。


52. 【解析】选D。把铅笔放在Donnie的课桌上。选your与后边的“you?ll remember”一致。

53. 【解析】选C。Mary Anne把其中的一支铅笔放在Donnie的课桌上,让他知道每个人都会犯错误,即使是老师也不例外。

54. 【解析】选A。这支铅笔是Mary Anne送给Donnie的,成了他“最喜爱的”东西。

55. 【解析】选C。这支铅笔,加上Mary Anne不断地鼓励,使Donnie相信犯错误是正常的——只要你纠正错误并不断尝试。convince意思是“(使)相信”。 阅读理解

56. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。纵观全文可知文章讲的是莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖代表着世界对中国文学的认可,故选B。

57. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知A项正确;根据倒数第三段第一句话可知B项错误;根据第三段第一句话可知C项正确;根据最后一段第二句话可知D项正确。只有B项符合题目要求,故选B。

58. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“by focusing on lives in the countryside”可知应选A。


59. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是青少年用英语发短信过多会影响他们的英语语法技能,所以答案为B。

60. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第四段的“The more kids send and receive texts, the poorer their grammar skills become. ”以及第五段的


“With ?the culture of mobile communication—quick back and forth, there are compromises on traditional, cultural writing, ?”可知收发短信过多,学生的语法就变得越来越差,同时也影响他们传统的书写,所以答案为C。其他选项无中生有。

61. 【解析】选D。观点态度题。第4~8段提到了Sundar的新发现:收发短信越多,青少年的英语语法技能越差。而第九段However, linguists aren?t particularly disturbed by the trend, Sundar added. “The linguists will tell you the language is very dynamic. ”可知语言学家对这一趋势并不担心,因为他们认为语言是动态发展的,所以可以推知语言学家对Sundar的新发现尚持怀疑态度,故选D。

62. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由倒数第四段“Still, students have exams to worry about. Here?s a sample of the questions, so you can test yourself to see how texting has affected your grammar”可以推知,作者设计这些问题就是为了让青少年看看收发短信对于他们的语法技能影响有多大,所以答案为C。


63. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。由文章内容可知,当一只狗看见同伴得到奖赏而自己没有时,它就不愿意继续和人握手。由此推断,狗也有公平意识和嫉妒心理。

64. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。第四段讲在另外一个试验中,当狗独自进行和人握手的动作而没有得到任何奖赏时,其行为持续的时间


长得多。由此判断选A,没有了不公平感,它们就会继续这样做。 65. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。从第七至第九段可知,与狗比较起来,猴子和猩猩不仅关注是否得到奖赏,也关注奖赏的种类。 66. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。试验表明动物和人一样,也有公平意识, 它们 “不患寡,患不均”,一旦受到不公平的待遇就会消极怠工。

文章主要讲述了在欧洲一些国家流行的Saint Nicholas Day的风俗习惯。

67. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了在欧洲一些国家流行的Saint Nicholas Day的风俗习惯,所以答案为B。

68. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第二段“Dutch and German children put their shoes out in front of the chimney just like children hang up their stockings on Christmas Eve, hoping that in the morning they will be full of presents. ”可知C项正确。由第一、二段可知主要是荷兰、德国以及中欧一些国家过Saint Nicholas Day,节日日期是December 6,所以A项不对;由第二段最后一句可知B项不对;由第二段“Sinterklaas has a white horse”可知D项不对。

69. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。由第三段可知,Sinterklaas对待乖孩子和顽皮孩子的态度不同,给乖孩子礼物,给顽皮孩子棍子或者把他们放在麻袋里带走,所以D项正确。

70. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。由最后一段“Authorities have struggled for years to ban the tradition, but have not been successful. ”可知A项正确。


答案:71. Measures/Steps/Ways 74. fall/slip 78. whether 书面表达 【参考范文】

75. Install 79. wear

72. balance

73. regularly

76. careful 80. potential

77. safety

The eight-day holiday has become a peak traveling season and a time of traffic jams and complaints. With self-driving tours becoming more fashionable, car parking has become one of the most complained topics of all.

As can be seen from the cartoon, a driver becomes annoyed when seeing the notice saying “No vacancy”. There is no doubt that it’s very convenient for people to travel everywhere in their cars. However, many people just want to enjoy a happy holiday, ignoring many potential problems, including the car parking problem. Despite the advantages cars have, when they appear on the road or in a tourist spot at the same time, they will have more trouble parking their cars.

So it is time that we solved the car parking problem. In my view, first of all, more parking lots should be constructed. Besides, people should be encouraged to travel by means of public transport, which can help reduce the pressure of car parking. Most importantly, people should learn to reschedule their holiday trips in a less busy travel season, thus


car parking problem can be lessened even if we can’t avoid them completely.


