同轴波导转换器的设计 - 图文

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同轴——波导转换器的设计 Design of coaxial to waveguide transducer

作者姓名: 指导教师: 学 科: 研究方向: 电磁场与微波技术 所在学院: 信息科学与工程学院



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摘 要

同轴—波导转换器是微波系统中非常重要的元器件。基于脊波导和波导阶梯对导播系统中电磁波传播性能的影响,本文探讨了这两种结构应用在 8-18GHz的宽带同轴—波导转换器设计中的情况。通过同轴—脊波导—矩形波导转换,并在脊波导上加载阶梯,很好地改善了阻抗匹配效果,提高了同轴—波导转换器的传输性能。阻抗变换是为了消除带内不良反射,以获得良好匹配的一种微波器件,广泛用于微波电路和天线馈电系统中。其结构上大致分为阶梯式和渐变式。前者能够比后者获得更好的带内波纹系数和更短的长度。对阶梯阻抗变换器的设计,主要分为传统设计方法和优化设计方法。本文的仿真结果证明脊波导和波导阶梯在设计同轴—波导转换器中的有效性,在8-18GHz的倍频程带宽内驻波小于1.25,产生的高次模非常小。

关键词:同轴—波导转换 脊波导 波导阶梯阻抗变换




Coaxial-waveguide transition plays an important role in microwave system.Based on the influence of ridge waveguide and waveguide ladder exerted on transmission performance of electromagnetic wave in guided wave system, this paper discussed the situations of these two structures applied in the 8-18GHz broadband coaxial-waveguide converter designation. Through the conversion of coaxial-ridge waveguide-rectangular waveguide, and ladder loading of ridge waveguide, the effectiveness of impedance matching is well improved,and the transmission of coaxial-waveguide converter is highly advanced. Impedance transformation is to eliminate in-band bad reflection, in order to obtain a good matching microwave devices, widely used in microwave circuit and antenna feed system. Its structure is largely divided into stepwise and gradual type. The former can be better than the latter in-band ripple coefficient and the shorter length. The design of stepped impedance converter, mainly divides into the traditional design method and optimization design method.Simulation results proved the effectiveness of ridge waveguide and waveguide ladder in designing coaxial- waveguide converters.The VSWR of coaxial-waveguide transition designed in this paper is less than 1.25 in the 8-18 GHz octave bandwidth, and the high modulus produced is very small.

Key words:Coaxial-waveguide transition Ridge waveguide Waveguide ladder impedance transformation



目 录

摘 要 .............................................................. I Abstract ............................................................ II 第1章 绪论 ......................................................... 1 1.1 同轴—波导转换器的设计背景 .................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究动态 ................................................ 2 1.3 论文的研究内容和创新 .......................................... 3 1.3.1 论文的研究目地和意义 ...................................... 3 1.3.2 论文的主要工作和创新 ...................................... 3 第2章 同轴—波导转换器理论分析 ..................................... 4 2.1 同轴—波导转换器的介绍 ........................................ 4 2.2 同轴—波导转换器的原理 ........................................ 4 2.2.1 波导的设计原理 ............................................ 4 2.2.2 脊型波导器件的设计原理与优势 ............................. 10 2.2.3 阶梯阻抗变换基本原理 ..................................... 14 2.3 同轴—波导转换器的性能参数介绍 ............................... 17 2.3.1 输入驻波比 ............................................... 17 2.3.2 频率范围 ................................................. 17 2.3.3 插入损耗 ................................................. 17 2.3.4 S参数 ................................................... 17 2.3.5 电压驻波比 ............................................... 18 第3章 同轴—波导转换器的仿真设计 .................................. 19 3.1 HFSS 软件的介绍 .............................................. 19 3.2 设计指标 ..................................................... 20 3.3 各类同轴—波导转换器的优化设计 ............................... 20 3.3.1 普通同轴-波导转换器 ..................................... 20 3.3.2 宽带同轴-脊波导转换器 ................................... 24 3.3.3 优化后的同轴-脊波导转换器 ............................... 26



3.4各类同轴—波导转换器的性能比较 ................................ 28 第4章 总结 ......................................................... 35 参考文献 ............................................................ 36 致 谢 .............................................................. 38 附录 ................................................................ 39


第1章 绪论

第1章 绪论

1.1 同轴—波导转换器的设计背景




公式。如今,双锥天线和它的变形天线如圆锥形天线、蝶形天线等仍然被广泛应用到UWB系统中。1947年,在哈佛大学的美国辐射科学实验室正式规定了UWB天线的定义及概念。这期间也提出了许多UWB天线,例如水滴形天线、套筒天线、梯形天线等。50年代,提出了典型的非频变天线——螺旋天线。其中等角螺旋天线和阿基米德螺旋天线是最著名的两种螺旋天线。1979年,Gibson提出了一种按指数规律渐变的槽线天线,它是一些具有非周期结构连续逐渐变化的天线。理论上,它有较大的带宽,这种天线是一种高增益、线极化,是具有随频率变化恒定增益的天线。1982年,R. H. Duhamel发明了正弦天线,它结构紧凑、低轮廓而且频带宽。它比螺旋天线要复杂,但它却可以提供相互正交的双线性极化。所以,它可以作为极化分集天线或同时进行发送/接收操作天线。自1992以来,发明了许多种单极子盘片天线。盘片的形状有圆形、椭圆形和梯形等,他们用简单的结构提供了非常宽的带宽。辐射单元被固定在一个矩形的接地板上,并且用同轴线馈电源。单极子盘片天线是UWB天线中比较满意的天线。1999年,发明了四面天线。尽管它可能没有其他天线那么宽的带宽,但却有单向辐射、双线性极化和低轮廓等独特的优点。国内大学在超宽带天线设计和理论研究领域中也作出了许多的贡献。

1.2 国内外研究动态




第1章 绪论


1.3 论文的研究内容和创新

1.3.1 论文的研究目地和意义

本文详细阐述了多过渡段结构宽带同轴-波导转换器的研制,在8~18GHz上插入损耗小于1dB,回波损耗小于-15dB,个别频率点以及边界频率附近损耗稍大,但可满足一般宽带测试的要求。该同轴-波导转换器结构简单,机械加工要求不高,可用于高频宽带器件及天线的测试及馈电。 1.3.2 论文的主要工作和创新




第2章 同轴—波导转换器理论分析

2.1 同轴—波导转换器的介绍

同轴—矩形波导转换器是同轴线(TEM模)到矩形波导(TE模)的转换器。它的常用方法是接换接头。同轴线的外导体与矩形波导的宽壁连在一起,内导体的延伸部分(探针)插入波导中,形成一个小辐射天线,在波导中激励出TE模式的电磁波。为了改善匹配性能,可适当调节探针的插入深度,和探针的放置位置。或者可以将探针用介质套筒套起来,对于这种情况,目前尚无完整的定量分析, 但可定性地说,介质套降低了波导的等效阻抗,减少了阻抗对频率变化的敏感性,从而展宽了频带。采用这种装置,在一定的工作频带内,驻波比可小于1.25。但是,加了介质套筒后,会降低转换器的功率容量,因此这种装置多用于功率较低的情况。


2.2 同轴—波导转换器的原理

2.2.1 波导的设计原理










10因此,TE10模是TE模的基模,它也是矩形波导的基模。 在给定的工作频率f下,只有













2.2.2 脊型波导器件的设计原理与优势



第2章 同轴-波导转换器理论分析


假定脊形波导中传输的是TE波,利用等效横向传输线法,把截止时电磁波在二窄边之间来回反射,看作是电磁波在横向传输线产生振荡。若脊形波导的长度远大于工作波长,则横向来回振荡的电磁波就可认为是TEM 波。从振荡条件导出的谐振波长,就是脊形波导的截止波长?c。

图2.2.1 双脊波导及其等效电路

以此理论来分析双脊波导,可以把它看作横向谐振线。由于谐振时传输线任何参考面总的电纳应该为零,以不连续处 T 作为参考面,研究其谐振条件。此处的总电纳由三部分构成:第一,等效导纳为 Y0,长度为(a-a’)/2 的终端短路传输线的输入电纳;第二,T 参考面左面的复合传输线输入电纳;第三,参考面T处由于不连续性产生的电纳。在计算第二部分的电纳时,作如下简化:从 TE波的电场分布来看,对奇模(n=奇数),波导宽边的中点是电波腹,即等效电压的波腹,从中点向左看,相当于开路,因此,参考面 T 左面的复合传输线输入纳就是等效导纳为Y’0长度为a’/2 的终端开路传输线的输入导纳;对偶模(n=偶数),波导宽边中点是电场和等效电压的波节,因此参考面T左面复合传输线的输入电纳是等效阻抗为 Y’0长度为 a’/2的终端短路传输线的输入导纳。图2.2.2 给出了 TE10、TE20和 TE30波在波导截面上的电场分布以及相应的等效电路,其横向谐振条件如下:




(a?a')?0?c其中,Y’0/Y0 =b/b’,B/Y0是突变面 T 处的归一化电纳,它可由脊形波导横截面尺寸决定。可以利用MATLAB 来求解上述超越方程,表2.2.1给出了 TE10在 b/a=0.5 的双脊波导中的截止波长。表中λc/a 值作为 a’/a 值的函数列出,而 b’/b 作为参数。

图2.2.2 TE10、TE20、TE30场分布及等效电路

表2.2.1 TE10在 b/a=0.5 的双脊波导中的截止波长

从表2.2.1 可以看出,对主模 TE10波,λc/a 值均大于2。而同样尺寸矩形波导 TE10波的λc/a=2,因此脊形波导的截止波长一般比同样的矩形波导的大,


第2章 同轴-波导转换器理论分析






a1是脊形波导的等效宽边,λc>2a 是脊形波导的截止波长。这说明脊形波导(对TE10波而言)的等效阻抗降低。同时由于脊形波导的等效窄边也比对应的矩形波导的窄边小,这也使等效阻抗变小。由以上分析可知脊波导与相同尺寸的矩形波导相比主要有以下优点:第一,主模 TE10波的截止波长较长,因此如果工作波长相同,波导尺寸可以缩小;第二,TE10波和其他高次模截止波长相隔较远,因此单模工作频带较宽;第三,等效阻抗较低,因此易与低阻抗的同轴线及微带线匹配。脊波导到矩形波导的转换,可以选择阶梯过渡、直线式过渡和指数式过渡,其目的是减少回波反射,使驻波减小。


然而可进行超宽带滤波的脊型波导器件较可进行超宽带滤波的矩形波导器 件的功率容量小,更为重要的是,衰减较大,如何尽量的减小衰减取得更好的驻波就成为了脊波导滤波器件设计过程当中的重要一环。阻抗渐变线的加入对于脊 波导滤波器件的阻抗匹配至关重要。



2.2.3 阶梯阻抗变换基本原理

在宽带同轴波导转换器的设计中, 阻抗变换技术的选择非常重要。阻抗变换是射频与微波器件设计的基本组成部分。阻抗变换可以在以下几个方面获得好处:

(a)从源到器件、从器件到负载或器件之间功率传输最大。 (b)提高接收机灵敏度。


(d)获得放大器理想的增益、输出功率、效率和动态范围。 (e)减小馈线中的功率损耗。


阻抗变换按应用可分为窄带阻抗变换和宽带阻抗变换。窄带阻抗变换技术在点频上提供了完美的阻抗匹配,基于偏离设计频率容许的反射系数,定义匹配网络的带宽。 宽带阻抗变换技术多采用少量级联网络实现阻抗渐变变换。 此类阻抗变换器一般分为多阶梯阻抗变换器均匀阻抗变换器)和渐变线阻抗变换器 (非均匀阻抗变换器)。 因为适当的分段阶梯阻抗变换器比之同长度的线 性的渐变过渡或其它形状的渐变过渡器具有较好的匹配性能。 所以,本文采用了切比雪夫式阶梯变换形式。

图2.2.3 阶梯型阻抗变换器

由于适当的分段阶梯型阻抗变换器,比之同长度的线性的渐变过渡或其它形状的渐变变换器具有较好的匹配性能,因此阻抗变换器采用阶梯变换形式。 图2.2.4示出均匀阻抗变换器及其输入端的电压驻波比的变化曲线。


第2章 同轴-波导转换器理论分析

图2.2.4 均匀阻抗变换器的频率特性曲线

取波导波长的倒数 1/ λg作为自变数, 工作频率从 f1到 f2,f1和 f2则分别是 λg= λg1和 λg2时的频率。现定义四分之一波长变换器的相对带宽为:


其中λg1及λg2分别时最长和最短的工作波长,此变换器每节的长度 L 则取中心频率时的波导波长的四分之一。 即


工作频率的中心频率被定义为波导波长为λg0时的工作频率。 对于无色散线,则 λg=λ,即波导波长与工作波长相同。


现引入介入功率损耗比 P0/PL,则







Ln 是等长的传输线的节的数目

Tn(x)是 n 阶的切比雪夫第一种多项式 插入损耗:





根据预给的阻抗比 R 及所要达到反射系数的指标可计算所需的切比雪夫切比雪夫变换中每一阶特性阻抗的计算,可通过对每一阶反射系数的求解来获得,当每个阻抗跳跃处的两边阻抗相差不大时,则






第2章 同轴-波导转换器理论分析

2.3 同轴—波导转换器的性能参数介绍

2.3.1 输入驻波比

驻波:终端不匹配的传输线上各点的电压和电流由入射波和反射波叠加而形成驻波。传输线上波腹处电压振幅和波节点电压振幅之比为电压驻波比,用 ρ表示,输入驻波比越小越好。


2.3.2 频率范围

这是各种射频/微波电路的工作前提,功分器的设计结构与工作频率密切相 关,必须首先明确分配器的工作频率,才能进行设计。 2.3.3 插入损耗


(dB)?10lg(2.3.4 S参数

1) NS 参数是与电压驻波比(VSWR)直接相关的反射系数。传输系数通常用来表示增益或衰减。S 参数从功率的角度表达电路的输入和输出,因此可以用来度量沿50欧姆传输线电路元件的传输功率和反射功率。S 参数通过将电路端接系统的实际线阻来测量,它是一个具有幅度和相位信息的矢量。S11 、S22 为反射功率和入射功率之比,两者同反射系数?一样,在 Smith 圆图中得到广泛应用,因此,任意两端口器件的输入、输出参数及其对的特征阻抗可以从极坐标图中提取。常见的S 参数以dB表达,见下表:



表2.3.1 S参数

S参数 描述 输入反射系数,回波损耗 正向传输系数、插入损耗 输出反射系数 反向传输系数 S11 S21 S22 S 122.3.5 电压驻波比

驻波比(SWR)又称电压驻波比(VSWR)波传递从甲介质传导到乙介质,会由于介质不同,波的能量会有一部分被反射。这种被反射的波与入射波叠加的后形成的波称为驻波,这是基本的物理原理。在电磁波有同样的特性,电波在甲组件传导到乙组件,由于阻抗特性的不同,一部分电磁波的能量被反射回来,我们常称此现象为阻抗不匹配。驻波比,一般指的就是电压驻波比,是指驻波的电压峰值与电压谷值之比。理想的比例为 1:1 ,即输入阻抗等于传输线的特性阻抗,但几乎不可能达到。

VSWR 1.25:1 反射功率1.14 % VSWR 1.5:1 反射功率4.06 % VSWR 1.75:1 反射功率7.53 %



第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计

第3章 同轴—波导转换器的仿真设计

3.1 HFSS 软件的介绍

HFSS(High Frequency Simulator Structure)是美国Ansoft公司开发的全波三维电磁仿真软件,该软件采用有限元法,计算结果准确可靠,是业界公认的三维电磁场设计和分析的工业标准。HFSS 采用标准的 Windows 图形用户界面,简洁直观;自动化的设计流程,易学易用;稳重成熟的自适应网格剖分技术,结果准确。使用 HFSS,用户只需要创建或导入设计模型,指定模型材料属性,正确分配模型的边界条件和激励,准确定义求解设置,软件便可以计算输出用户需要的设计结果。HFSS 具有准确的场仿真器,强大的电性能分析能力和后处理功能可以用于分析、计算并显示下列参数:S、Y、Z 等参数矩阵;电压驻波比)VSWR ;端口阻抗和传播常数;电磁场分布和电流分布;谐振频率、品质系数 Q;天线辐射方向图和各种天线参数,如增益、方向性、波束宽度等;比收收率(SAR);雷达反射截面(RCS)。

经过二十多年的发展,现今 HFSS 以其无与伦比的仿真精度和可靠性、快捷的仿真速度、方便易用的操作界面、稳定成熟的自适应网格剖分技术,已经成为三维电磁仿真设计的首选工具和行业标准,被广泛地应用于航空、航天、电子、半导体、计算机、通信等多个领域,帮助工程师高效,地设计各种微波/高频无源器件。借助于 HFSS,能够有效地降低设计成本,缩短设计周期,增强企业的竞争力。HFSS 的具体应用包括以下 8 个方面:

1.射频和微波无源器件的设计 2.天线、天线阵列的设计 3.高速数字信号完整性分析 4.EMC/EMI问题分析 5.电真空器件设计 6.目标特性研究和RCS仿真 7.计算SAR



3.2 设计指标


3.3 各类同轴—波导转换器的优化设计

3.3.1 普通同轴-波导转换器


图3.1 同轴-波导转换器模型

图3.2 同轴-波导转换器模型参数


第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计


图3.3 同轴-波导转换器的插入损耗和回波损耗

图3.4 同轴-波导转换器的电压驻波比






图3.5 同轴-波导转换器模型

图3.6 同轴-波导转换器模型参数


第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计


图3.7 同轴-波导转换器的插入损耗和回波损耗

图3.8 同轴-波导转换器的电压驻波比




的改善,使带宽达到论文的要求。 3.3.2 宽带同轴-脊波导转换器


图3.9 宽带同轴-脊波导转换器模型



第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计

图3.10 宽带同轴-脊波导转换器的插入损耗和回波损耗

图3.11 宽带同轴-脊波导转换器的电压驻波比




电磁波被大量反射,无法满足论文指标。但是我们不难发现,相较上一个模型,采用脊波导可以起到展宽带宽的目的,这个方案可以说比较接近论文的指标。 3.3.3 优化后的同轴-脊波导转换器


图3.12 同轴-脊波导转换器模型



第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计

图3.13 同轴-脊波导转换器模型参数


图3.14 同轴-脊波导转换器的插入损耗和回波损耗



图3.15 同轴-脊波导转换器的电压驻波比




模型 回波损耗 电压驻波比 带宽 特点描述 同轴—波导转换器 在-17dB左右 小于2 小于1.2 小于1.15 10GHz~15GH带宽较窄 同轴—波导 转换器(带阶大部分频段梯阻抗变换) 小于-20dB 同轴-脊波大部分频段导转换器 小于-25dB 10GHz~18GH带宽一般 9.5GHz~18GHz内小于-20dB 带宽较宽 加工方便,带耗大 加工方便,电回波损耗小 加工方便,电压驻波比小,回波损耗小,使用脊波导 z内小于-15dB 宽窄,回波损z内小于-20dB 压驻波比小,


第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计

优化后的同轴-脊波导转换器 大部分频段小于-15dB 小于1.25 8GHz~18GHz加工有难度,内小于-15dB 回波损耗小,带宽宽 使用脊波导,带宽大 表3.4.1 同轴-波导转换器仿真结果比较


图3.16 同轴-脊波导转换器模型




图3.17 同轴-脊波导转换器具体参数

图3.18 同轴-脊波导转换器正视图


第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计

图3.19 同轴-脊波导转换器侧视图

图3.20 同轴-脊波导转换器俯视图





图3.21 同轴-脊波导转换器的插入损耗和回波损耗

图3.22 同轴-脊波导转换器的电压驻波比



第3章 同轴-波导转换器的仿真设计

图3.23 同轴-脊波导转换器(未改为斜坡)的插入损耗和回波损耗

图3.24 同轴-脊波导转换器(未改为斜坡)的电压驻波比






下面考虑高次模的传输问题,由于波导的传输特性是在低频截止,只有在8GHz~18GHz处激励起来的模式在-20dB 以下,才能保证这种对称结构激励起的高次模非常小,对传输性能基本没有影响,才可以保证单模传输。这个问题比较复杂,也超出了论文的范围,故没有做深入的研究。



第四章 总结

第四章 总结


通过上面的仿真分析可以看出,通过理论分析和建模仿真,得到同轴—脊波导—矩形波导转换,并在脊波导上加载阶梯变换,可以在 8~18GHz 的倍频程范围内驻波小于 1.3,同时结构的对称性保证激励起的高次模非常小,波导结构的插入损耗也可以做得很低,在工程上易于实现。这为超宽带结构的同轴波导馈电提供了非常有价值的参考。

另外,我学习了一种新的仿真软件 HFSS(High Frequency Simulator Structure),它是一款功能强大的仿真软件,该软件采用有限元法,计算结果准 确可靠,是业界公认的三维电磁场设计和分析的工业标准。我仿真设计了多种不同功率分配要求的设计结果,使自己对于理论和实践相结合的运用达到了较高的要求。

这次同轴—波导转换器的设计,在一定程度上提高了我独立思考、解决问题的能力。从一开始的查阅资料、原理学习、外文翻译,到后来的功分器设计,以及 HFSS 软件的仿真和毕业论文的写作,短短几个月的时间使我收获很大。我知道自己要学习的东西还有很多,现在的学习的知识只是九牛一毛,但是我收获了受益颇多的学习方法,好的方法是学习的捷径,我会在以后的学习中更加努力。




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致 谢






Transmission line

Transmission line From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

A transmission line is a material medium or structure that forms a path for directing the transmission of energy from one place to another, such as electromagnetic waves or acoustic waves, as well as electric power transmission.

However in communications and electronic engineering, the term has a more specific meaning. In these fields, transmission lines are specialized cables and other media designed to carry alternating current and electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, that is, currents with a frequency high enough that its wave nature must be taken into account. Transmission lines are used for purposes such as connecting radio transmitters and receivers with their antennas, distributing cable television signals, and computer network connections.

Ordinary electrical cables suffice to carry low frequency AC, such as mains power, which reverses direction 50 to 60 times per second. However, they cannot be used to carry currents in the radio frequency range or higher, which reverse direction millions to billions of times per second, because the energy tends to radiate off the cable as radio waves, causing power losses. Radio frequency currents also tend to reflect from discontinuities in the cable such as connectors, and travel back down the cable toward the source. These reflections act as bottlenecks, preventing the power from reaching the destination. Transmission lines use specialized construction such as precise conductor dimensions and spacing, and impedance matching, to carry electromagnetic signals with minimal reflections and power losses. Types of transmission line include ladder line, coaxial cable, dielectric slabs, stripline, optical fiber, and waveguides. The higher the frequency, the shorter are the waves in a transmission medium. Transmission lines must be used when the frequency is high enough that the wavelength of the waves begins to approach the length of the cable



used. To conduct energy at frequencies above the radio range, such as millimeter waves, infrared, and light, the waves become much smaller than the dimensions of the structures used to guide them, so transmission line techniques become inadequate and the methods of optics are used.

The theory of sound wave propagation is very similar mathematically to that of electromagnetic waves, so techniques from transmission line theory are also used to build structures to conduct acoustic waves; and these are also called transmission lines.

History Mathematical analysis of the behaviour of electrical transmission lines grew out of the work of James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin and Oliver Heaviside. In 1855 Lord Kelvin formulated a diffusion model of the current in a submarine cable. The model correctly predicted the poor performance of the 1858 trans-Atlantic submarine telegraph cable. In 1885 Heaviside published the first papers that described his analysis of propagation in cables and the modern form of the telegrapher's equations.[1]

Applicability In many electric circuits, the length of the wires connecting the components can for the most part be ignored. That is, the voltage on the wire at a given time can be assumed to be the same at all points. However, when the voltage changes in a time interval comparable to the time it takes for the signal to travel down the wire, the length becomes important and the wire must be treated as a transmission line. Stated another way, the length of the wire is important when the signal includes frequency components with corresponding wavelengths comparable to or less than the length of the wire.

A common rule of thumb is that the cable or wire should be treated as a transmission line if the length is greater than 1/10 of the wavelength. At this length the phase delay and the interference of any reflections on the line become important and can lead to unpredictable behavior in systems which have not been carefully designed using transmission line theory.

The four terminal model

Variations on the schematic electronic symbol for a transmission line.For the



purposes of analysis, an electrical transmission line can be modelled as a two-port network (also called a quadrupole network), as follows:

In the simplest case, the network is assumed to be linear (i.e. the complex voltage across either port is proportional to the complex current flowing into it when there are no reflections), and the two ports are assumed to be interchangeable. If the transmission line is uniform along its length, then its behaviour is largely described by a single parameter called the characteristic impedance, symbol Z0. This is the ratio of the complex voltage of a given wave to the complex current of the same wave at any point on the line. Typical values of Z0 are 50 or 75 ohms for a coaxial cable, about 100 ohms for a twisted pair of wires, and about 300 ohms for a common type of untwisted pair used in radio transmission.

When sending power down a transmission line, it is usually desirable that as much power as possible will be absorbed by the load and as little as possible will be reflected back to the source. This can be ensured by making the load impedance equal to Z0, in which case the transmission line is said to be matched.

Some of the power that is fed into a transmission line is lost because of its resistance. This effect is called ohmic or resistive loss (see ohmic heating). At high frequencies, another effect called dielectric loss becomes significant, adding to the losses caused by resistance. Dielectric loss is caused when the insulating material inside the transmission line absorbs energy from the alternating electric field and converts it to heat (see dielectric heating). The Transmission Line is modeled with a Resistance(R) and Inductance(L) in Series with a Capacitance(C) and Conductance(G) in Parallel. The Resistance and Conductance contributes to the loss of the Transmission Line.

The total loss of power in a transmission line is often specified in decibels per meter (dB/m), and usually depends on the frequency of the signal. The manufacturer often supplies a chart showing the loss in dB/m at a range of frequencies. A loss of 3 dB corresponds approximately to a halving of the power.

High-frequency transmission lines can be defined as those designed to carry electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths are shorter than or comparable to the length of the line. Under these conditions, the approximations useful for calculations



at lower frequencies are no longer accurate. This often occurs with radio, microwave and optical signals, metal mesh optical filters, and with the signals found in high-speed digital circuits.

Telegrapher's equations Main article: Telegrapher's equations See also: Reflections on copper lines

The Telegrapher's Equations (or just Telegraph Equations) are a pair of linear differential equations which describe the voltage and current on an electrical transmission line with distance and time. They were developed by Oliver Heaviside who created the transmission line model, and are based on Maxwell's Equations.

Schematic representation of the elementary component of a transmission line.The transmission line model represents the transmission line as an infinite series of two-port elementary components, each representing an infinitesimally short segment of the transmission line:

The distributed resistance R of the conductors is represented by a series resistor (expressed in ohms per unit length).

The distributed inductance L (due to the magnetic field around the wires, self-inductance, etc.) is represented by a series inductor (henries per unit length).

The capacitance C between the two conductors is represented by a shunt capacitor C (farads per unit length).

The conductance G of the dielectric material separating the two conductors is represented by a shunt resistor between the signal wire and the return wire (siemens per unit length).

The model consists of an infinite series of the elements shown in the figure, and that the values of the components are specified per unit length so the picture of the component can be misleading. R, L, C, and G may also be functions of frequency. An alternative notation is to use R', L', C' and G' to emphasize that the values are derivatives with respect to length. These quantities can also be known as the primary line constants to distinguish from the secondary line constants derived from them, these being the propagation constant, attenuation constant and phase constant.

When the elements R and G are negligibly small the transmission line is considered as a loss less structure. In this hypothetical case, the model depends only



on the L and C elements which greatly simplifies the analysis. For a lossless transmission line, the second order steady-state Telegrapher's equations are:

These are wave equations which have plane waves with equal propagation speed in the forward and reverse directions as solutions. The physical significance of this is that electromagnetic waves propagate down transmission lines and in general, there is a reflected component that interferes with the original signal. These equations are fundamental to transmission line theory.

The constants and must be determined from boundary conditions. For a voltage pulse , starting at x = 0 and moving in the positive x-direction, then the transmitted pulse at position x can be obtained by computing the Fourier Transform, , of , attenuating each frequency component by , advancing its phase by , and taking the inverse Fourier Transform.

Input impedance of loss less transmission line .The characteristic impedance Z0 of a transmission line is the ratio of the amplitude of a single voltage wave to its current wave. Since most transmission lines also have a reflected wave, the characteristic impedance is generally not the impedance that is measured on the line.

In calculating β, the wavelength is generally different inside the transmission line to what it would be in free-space and the velocity constant of the material the transmission line is made of needs to be taken into account when doing such a calculation.

Short Main article: stub

For the case of a shorted load (i.e. ZL = 0), the input impedance is purely imaginary and a periodic function of position and wavelength (frequency)

Open Main article: stub

For the case of an open load (i.e. ), the input impedance is once again imaginary and periodic

Stepped transmission line

A simple example of stepped transmission line consisting of three segments.Stepped transmission line is used for broad range impedance matching. It can be considered as multiple transmission line segments connected in serial, with the characteristic impedance of each individual element to be, Z0,i. And the input



impedance can be obtained from the successive application of the chain relation

where βi is the wave number of the ith transmission line segment and li is the length of this segment, and Zi is the front-end impedance that loads the ith segment.

The impedance transformation circle along a transmission line whose characteristic impedance Z0,i is smaller than that of the input cable Z0. And as a result, the impedance curve is off-centered towards the -x axis. Conversely, if Z0,i > Z0, the impedance curve should be off-centered towards the +x axis.Because the characteristic impedance of each transmission line segment Z0,i is often different from that of the input cable Z0, the impedance transformation circle is off centered along the x axis of the Smith Chart whose impedance representation is usually normalized against Z0.

Practical types Coaxial cable Main article: coaxial cable

Coaxial lines confine virtually all of the electromagnetic wave to the area inside the cable. Coaxial lines can therefore be bent and twisted (subject to limits) without negative effects, and they can be strapped to conductive supports without inducing unwanted currents in them. In radio-frequency applications up to a few gigahertz, the wave propagates in the transverse electric and magnetic mode (TEM) only, which means that the electric and magnetic fields are both perpendicular to the direction of propagation (the electric field is radial, and the magnetic field is circumferential). However, at frequencies for which the wavelength (in the dielectric) is significantly shorter than the circumference of the cable, transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) waveguide modes can also propagate. When more than one mode can exist, bends and other irregularities in the cable geometry can cause power to be transferred from one mode to another.

The most common use for coaxial cables is for television and other signals with bandwidth of multiple megahertz. In the middle 20th century they carried long distance telephone connections. Micro strip Main article: Micro strip

A micro strip circuit uses a thin flat conductor which is parallel to a ground plane. Micro strip can be made by having a strip of copper on one side of a printed circuit board (PCB) or ceramic substrate while the other side is a continuous ground


