南艺英语课文Unit 9(附课后全习题)附翻译 - 图文

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Unit 9


Have you ever seen such operas as Carmen and Tristan ?And , how much do you know about opera ?

The Nature of Opera

For well over three hundred years the opera has been one of the most alluring forms of musical entertainment. A special glamor is attached to everything connected with it — its arias, singers and roles, not to mention its opening nights. Carmen, Mimi, Violetta, Tristan — what characters in fact or fiction can claim, generation after generation, so constant a public?

An opera is a drama that is sung. It combines the resources of vocal and instrumental music — soloists, ensembles, chorus, orchestra and ballet


poetry and drama, acting and pantomime, scenery and costumes. To combine the diverse elements into a unity is a problem that has exercised some of the best minds in the history of music.

At first glance opera would seem to make impossible demand

on the credulity of the spectators. It presents us with human beings caught up in dramatic situations who sing to each other instead of speaking. The reasonable question is (and it was asked most pointedly throughout the history of opera by literary men) : how can an art form based on so unnatural a procedure be convincing? The question ignores what must always remain the fundamental aspiration of art: not to copy nature but to heighten our awareness of it. True enough, people in real life do not sing to each other Neither do they converse in blank verse, as Shakespeare's characters do; nor live in rooms of which one wall is conveniently missing so that the audience may look in. All the arts employ conventions that are accepted both by the artist and his audience. The conventions of opera are more evident than those of poetry, painting, drama, or film, but they are not different in kind. Once we have accepted the fact that the carpet can fly, how simple to believe that it is also capable of carrying the prince's luggage. Opera functions in the domain of poetic drama. It uses the human voice to impinge upon the spectators' basic emotions — love, hate, jealousy, joy, grief — with an elemental force possible only to itself. The logic of reality gives way on the operatic stage to the transcendent logic of art, and to the power









Study andPracticc Comprehension of the Text I. Answer the following questions.


When did opera become one of the most attractive forms of musical What is opera?

Why would opera seem to make impossible demands on the credulity of


2. 3.

the spectators?


What does the author mean by saying \


carpet can fly how simple to believe that it is also capable of carrying the prince's luggage\


Do you like opera? Please tell the reason why you like it or dislike it.

Summary Writing A. Use no more than 85 words to write a summary of the text. Vocabulary

Ⅲ. Match the items in column A to the phrases describing them in column B. A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


alluring a. field

glamor b. making sb. feel certain constant ?c. unchanging diverse d. clear reasonable e. attractive

6. 7. 8.

convincing f. charm evident g. right domain h. all kinds of

IV. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the formwhere necessary.

fiction capable of caught up in reasonable alluring constant employ diverse attached toevident at first glance luggage 1. I am sure that he will act on the doctor's ______ advice.

2.The unpopular mayor was _____ _____ under attack in the newspapers. 3.__ , the picture did not look very good but after examining it carefully

we found that it was indeed a masterpiece

4.Be sure not to say anything being misunderstood.

5.We were __ a discussion about yesterday's examination when the teacherwalked into the classroom.

6.How do you your______ spare time usually? 7.The high school is Nanjing Normal University. 8.Jim liked reading science when he was young. 9.The wild life in Africa is extremely in species.

10. Mr. Wilson was so hurried that one piece of his was left on the train. structure

V. Rewrite the following sentences after the model.

Model: People in real life do not sing to each other. They do not converse in blankverse either.

People in real life do not sing to each other. Neither do they converse in blankverse.

1. 2.

Paul couldn't dance, and he couldn't sing either.

My brother Joe never learned to swim and he doesn't want to start now.

3. I was not surprised at the news and my family were not surprised at the newseither.

4. Cathy had hardly said anything today and her mother had not said a word either.

Ml. Fill in the blanks with \ or \t”

1. __________________________________

The conventions of opera are more evident than of poetry,


drama and film.

2. ___________________________________

Watches produced in your factory are better than in ours.

3. _

There are only some green grapes left. The children have eaten all the

The film is not so good as the we saw last Sunday.

The population of Shanghai is about four times as large as

ripe .

4. ____________________

5. _______________________________________

of Nanjing


1. Fill in the blanks? each word can be used only once. Make changes where necessary. sing who ability down skills heard recognition training as for instance One of the most important aspects of good musicianship is having a \ear\ability to\without having _____ (2) it. It is the most frequently practiced case of the broader ability to hearall aspects of music in one's head while reading a written piece of music. The ability torecognize musical elements, such_____

(3) melodic intervals or chords by ear, isaural recognition. A person skilled in aural _____ (4) can write down music whichhe or she hears. Playing by ear is the _____ (5) to play or _____ (6) a piece ofmusic which one has heard without ever seeing it written _____ (7). All of theseabilities are

complementary, and a person_____ (8) practices one is likely toimprove in the other areas as well. _____ (9), someone who is good at

sight-singingwritten music probably also has the ability to write down

melodies which he or shehears. The activity of working to improve one's ear is called ear _____ (10).

第九单元 文本





2,根据不受欢迎市长_____ _____在报纸上的攻击。









10。威尔逊先生,一个是如此匆忙,他是在火车上留下一块。 结构















5。上海的人口约为四倍,作为南京大 完形填空




良好的音乐素养的最重要方面之一是有一个“好耳朵”。这包括_____(1),如视唱,听觉识别,并能够“随机应变”。视唱是能够唱歌,而不必_____书面旋律(2)。它是更广泛的能力,听到一个人的头上各方面的音乐边阅读书面的音乐作品最多的实行情况。能够识别的音乐元素,such_____(3)用耳朵旋律间隔或和弦,是听觉的认可。一个人在听觉_____(4)熟练的音乐可以写下他或她听到。用耳朵玩是_____(5)播放或_____(6)一首音乐的人而没有看到它的书面_____(7)听到。这些能力都是相辅相成的,一个person_____(8)做法都有可能改善以及其他领域。 _____(9),有人谁是视唱乐谱可能有能力也不错写下的旋律,他或她听到。至于工作,以改善自己的耳朵被称为耳_____活动(10)。

