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1、试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。 2、答案一律写在答题纸上。考试结束时,只需交答题纸。


一. 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. What does the woman want to do? A. Return the dress.

B. Buy her friend a dark dress. C. Change the dark dress for a white one.

2. When will the speakers probably leave for the airport? A. At 8:30 B. At 8:35 C. At 10:00 3. What date can the man get tickets for?

A. April 9th. B. April 8th. C. April 19th. 4. What will Linda do tomorrow afternoon?

A. Go shopping. B. Clean the house. C. Care for her grandmother. 5. What will the man do next?

A. Wash dishes. B. Prepare dinner C. Watch a show. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What will the two speakers do?

A. Go climbing. B. Go swimming. C. Play football. 7. Why can't the woman have dinner with the man? A. Because she doesn’t like the restaurant. B. Because she will eat with her grandparents. C. Because she will visit her parents. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. 9. Where does the conversation possibly take place?

A. On a bus. B. In the hospital. C. In the classroom. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What will the man do? A. Go on a business trip.


B. Return to his hometown.

C. Move to another place of the city. 11. Who has booked the ticket for Jack?

A. The woman. B. Tom. C. Himself. 12. When will they have dinner together?

A. This Friday. B. This Thursday. C. Next Thursday. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Where was Thomas Chinn born?

A. In China. B. In the UK. C. In Japan. 14. What was Thomas Chinn’s dream at first?

A. To be a teacher. B. To be a doctor. C. To be a chef. 15. Who is the best chef on television, according to Thomas Chinn? A. Jamie Oliver. B. Gordon Ramsay. C. His grandmother. 16. What will make Thomas Chinn different? A. Being good at cooking simple food.

B. Being the host of a successful cooking and travel show. C. The experience of studying abroad and his family circle. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. When was the museum started?

A. In 2007. B. In 2003. C. In 2000.

18. If Dr. Falwell saw a fellow at the university, what did he usually do?

A. Wave to him. B. Make fun of him. C. Give him a big slap on the back. 19. Who did Dr. Falwell dress as at the costume party?

A. A farmer. B. A teacher. C. A clown. 20. Where was the party held?

A. In Mary’s house. B. At the Jelwell Museum. C. On the Liberty campus.


21. It has been two months since the earthquake, but there are still some shops ________. A. left close B. left closed C. leaving close D. leaving closed

22. In spite of the advanced medical technology, many Americans have no ________ to the good health care for poverty.

A. access B. entrance C. introduction D. devotion

23. Even in some developed countries, disabled people are ________ to be denied health care than other people.

A. three times as likely B. as likely three times C. three times more likely D. more likely three times

24. Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing world. ________, it is a problem all over the world.

A. As a result B. On the contrary C. In addition D. For another 25. Attention, please. And keep ________ when I am taking a photograph of you. A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent


26. Parents who look to having a second child are facing a dilemma. This is ________many of them have passed their \

A. why B. how C. because D. whether 27. --What will we do tomorrow?

-- It is unclear whether the meeting will ________ as planned.

A. go up B. go over C. go ahead D. go through

28. _______is reported by Indian scientists that firework sparklers have the surprising ability to create ozone.

A. It B. As C. That D. what

29. China’s space station, ________ three capsules and covering an area of no less than 60 square meters, will be completed within 10 years.

A. making up of B. made up C. consisted of D. consisting of 30. Steven Jobs' speech inspires me a lot, which makes me realize what _________ takes to become successful.

A. this B. he C. it D. that

31.________ is obviously right is to give all children equal opportunities to develop their special gift.

A. Which B. As C. That D. What

32. Shenzhen will ________ the city’s minimum wage from 4.89 yuan per hour to 8.8 yuan for part-time workers in the special economic zone from July 1.

A. rise B. raise C. arise D. arouse

33. With several problems ________ to be solved, we still need to hold another meeting as soon as possible.

A. remained B. remaining C. remain D. to remain

34. It's an either-or situation — we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can't do ________

A. others B. either C. another D. both

35. The kids are told that _______ has more points than others when time runs out wins the game.

A. anyone B. who C. whoever D. whatever


请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

That holiday morning I didn’t have to attend school. Usually, on holidays, Mother 36 me to sleep in. And I would certainly take full advantage of it. On this particular morning, 37 , I felt like getting up early.

I stood by my window overlooking the 38 , having nothing better to do. But as it turned out, I was soon to learn about something 39 in life.

As I watched several people go by, get into their cars and go off, I 40 an old man on a bicycle with a bucket(桶) on its 41 and a basket of rags and bottles on its back-carriage. He 42 from one car to another, washing and cleaning them. From the water on the ground, it seemed that he had already 43 washing and cleaning about a dozen or more cars. He must have begun to work quite early in the morning.


Several thoughts 44 my mind as I watched him work. He wasn’t well-dressed. He had on a pair of shorts and a(n) 45 T-shirt. The bicycle he rode was not by any means the kind modern 46 would want to be seen riding on. But he seemed 47 with life. There he was, working hard at his small business, 48 at passers-by and stopping to chat now and then 49 elderly men and women on their way to the market nearby.

There was a noticeable touch of 50 in the way he seemed to be doing things— 51 the windscreen (挡风玻璃), then standing back to admire it; scrubbing (擦净) the wheels and 52 , standing back to see what they look like after the scrub.

It was a 53 to learn, I felt. At no age need one have to beg for a 54 if one has good health and is willing to work hard. For a while I felt 55 of myself. Young as I am—just sixteen, and there was this old man who must have been usefully engaged perhaps before the sun appeared above the horizon. 36.A.forces B.allows C.causes D.forbids 37.A.otherwise B.therefore C.however D.besides 38.A.parking lot B.bus stop C.school D.market 39.A.interesting B.surprising C.awful D.useful 40.A.noticed B.recognized C.called D.assisted 41.A.back B.handle C.wheel D.seat 42.A.searched B.left C.moved D.wandered 43.A.stopped B.started C.intended D.finished 44.A.crossed B.slipped C.disturbed D.inspired 45.A.attractive B.shiny C.simple D.expensive 46.A.repairmen B.businessmen C.drivers D.cyclists 47.A.busy B.content C.careful D.bored 48.A.waving B.looking C.laughing D.pointing 49.A.about B.for C.with D.like 50.A.worry B.respect C.sympathy D.pride 51.A.cleaning B.fixing C.replacing D.covering 52.A.still B.yet C.again D.soon 53.A.lesson B.subject C.skill D.fact 54.A.business B.living C.success D.right 55.A.tired B.doubtful C.fearful D.ashamed



St Paul’s Cathedral Ludgate Hill, EC4

Underground: St Paul’s; Bus: 6,7,11,15,22,25 Open: Daily 8:00-19:00(17:00 from Oct. to Mar.) Entrance free

Designed by the great architect, Sir Christopher Wren, St Paul’s Cathedral was built following the Great Fire of London of 1666, which destroyed the gothic cathedral on the site at that time. It is crowned by a magnificent dome and its choir(唱诗班)is

internationally famous. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married here in 1981.


Buckingham Palace

South end of the Mall(SW1)

Underground: St. James’s Park, Victoria, Hyde Park Corner, Green Park Bus:2,11,14,16,19,22,24,29,30,38,52,73,74,137 Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the monarch(君主) for much of the year. (When the monarch is in residence, a flag flies over the palace.) The Mall is a very impressive wide street, leading from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square. Note: As the palace is the monarch’s official residence, it is not open to the public during most of the year.

The Tower of London Tower Hill, EC3

Underground: Tower Hill; Bus: 42, 78

Open: Mon. – Sat. 9:00–18:00; Sun. 8:00–19:00

Parts of the Tower of London are over nine centuries old, as building began under William the Conqueror in 1078. Famous as a prison in the distant past, the Tower has also been a royal residence, a zoo and an observatory (瞭望台), among other things. It is now a museum and many thousands of people visit it every year in particular to see the Crown Jewels.

Westminster Abbey Broad Sanctuary, SW1

Underground: Westminster, St James’s Park; Bus: 3, 11, 12, 24, 29, 39, 53, 59, 76, 77, 88, 109, 155, 168, 170, 172, 184, 503

Open: Daily 8:00—19:00(Mar. – Dec., Tuesday till 20:00) Entrance free

A Benedictine abbey(本笃会修道院) which already existed on the site was rebuilt by Edward the Confessor and consecrated(奉为神圣) in 1065. On the way to its present form, the abbey was extended in the 13th-16th centuries, with the two west towers being added in the 18th. There are many famous tombs in the abbey, including that of the unknown Warrior and those of many poets and writers.

56. No.11 bus can take you to all three of these places: _______. A. St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London B. St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace C. St Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace D. Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace

57. If you want to present flowers to the tomb of Charles Dickens, where will you go?. A. St Paul’s Cathedral B. The Tower of London C. Westminster Abbey D. Buckingham Palace


Living abroad to study can certainly be an interesting experience but is that alone a good enough reason for spending years far away from home? To make the experience truly worthwhile, there has to be a goal behind the decision to study abroad. This may be a wish to perfect language skills in a foreign language environment, or a clever move in your career


development. You must also consider the costs, not just of living and studying abroad, but of applying. Most universities now charge application fees for international students.

If after considering these points you are sure that you want to apply to study abroad, your next step is to choose the right program of studies. Research your choices and select carefully. You must do your homework well. Most universities have information online but you can also email and ask them to send you more details. You can find a lot of information on school ranking from education websites. But read carefully. Different universities emphasize different strengths. Don’t just think about the university’s reputation (名声); look for the most suitable for your goals.

Next, you must deal with a large pile of paperwork. This involves filling in application form, preparing your school records, and getting reference letters. Reading the

instructions and requirements of the universities carefully is of great importance. Sadly, many fine applicants get kicked out in the first round, simply because they don’t follow the application procedure properly.

Money is another important consideration. Some scholarships are provided by governments, others by schools and colleges. This information, again, can be found on the Internet. If you find a scholarship that is suitable for you, follow the application procedure carefully; the earlier you apply, the better your chance of getting it. 58. A school ranking list tells you ______.

A. how much the courses cost B. the names of all the professors C. how good the school is compared to others D. where the school is located 59. What are the three basic steps when you apply?

A. Buy an airplane ticket, read the instructions and requirements, and study.

B. Prepare reference letters, prepare school records, and fill in the application form. C. Prepare school records, do paperwork, and work hard. D. Write a reference letter, do paperwork, and study.

60. The underlined phrase “get kicked out in the first round” in Paragraph 3 means ______. A. fail to get to the next round B. lose money in the first round C. get accepted in the next round D. get kicked by a professor


One Friday night five teenage girls at Danville High School became five young adults, and they did so with their class. I think you’d like to know the story.

That night, in a crowded gym, just before the start of the varsity game (校队比赛), the five girls, who were members of the Danville High School basketball team, four of them starters, weren’t in uniform to play. They were there to explain why they were kicked off the team.

While school had been out for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, the girls had gone to a party with several of their friends. It was New Year’s Eve. There was alcohol(酒) there. And the five girls all drank some.

Coach Tammy Rainville has a zero-tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for the members of her team. Every kid who plays for her knows that rule. So when classes began after the holidays, rumors(谣言) about the five girls began spreading quickly. The five girls got together and decided to go to their coach with the full story. The coach said she couldn’t back down on her rule. The players agreed. That Friday night in the gym was part of their


public support of the coach’s decision. At last one of them, Shelly, said: “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. We made a mistake… What we did was not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone open their eyes and realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community. And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we haven’t been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five girls left the gym and a great cheer went up from the crowd.

The Danville High School girls’ basketball team may not win another game this year. But they’ve learned something about personal responsibility, the effect of one’s actions on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. 61. The five girls were kicked off the basketball team because ______. A. they made a mistake at school

B. they didn’t do well in the varsity game C. they drank alcohol at the New Year’s party D. they spread rumors about basketball games

62. According to the passage, the five girls ______.

A. couldn’t tolerate their coach and decided to leave the team B. realized their mistake and accepted their coach’s decision C. will take part in next game of this year D. will never play basketball again

63. The underlined phrase “back down on” in Paragraph 4 is similar to “______” in meaning.

A. set off B. cut off C. take up D. give up 64. It can be inferred from what Shelly said that ______.

A. the drug and alcohol problem among teenagers should be solved B. drinking alcohol will cost them their future

C. they have been thrown off the basketball team for nothing D. everyone in their community likes drinking alcohol 65. What’s the author’s attitude towards the five girls?

A. Sympathy. B. Worry. C. Disappointment. D. Appreciation.




When was the last time you faced disappointment from a certain outcome that did not meet your expectations? It could be any event in your life. Perhaps your meeting at work did not go as well as you expected. Your new job was not what you expected. Maybe your relationship did not work out the way you hoped it would.

Disappointments are dissatisfactions that arise when your expectations are not met by outcomes. In short, a) you had an expectation, b) things did not unfold against the expectation.

Every day, people deal with disappointments. Depending on how big the disappointment is and how you choose to deal with it, the feeling of disappointment may disappear after


a short while or hang over your life for an extended period of time. If not handled properly, disappointments can lead to depression and eventually lack of concern.

Contrary to what people may think, disappointments are actually positive phenomena, for two main reasons.

1. Passion toward a cause

Disappointment is the reflection of your passion toward something, whether it is a certain goal, dream, desire or outcome. Wherever there is a cause, there will be an effect -- in this case, the passion is the cause and disappointment is the effect. If you don’t care about something, you wouldn’t be feeling disappointed, would you? The very presence of disappointment suggests that this is something you care about so much that you would feel bad over it. The higher your disappointment, the stronger your passion for this is.

As Martin Luther King Jr puts it, “There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.” This deep love is what drives you toward your goals, dreams and desires. This deep love will be what fuels you in life, bringing you to places you have never been before. This deep love is what makes life worth living. Remember that disappointment is always a better emotional state than neutrality where the individual feels indifferent toward anything. I would much rather be feeling a negative emotion any day than feeling absolutely nothing. The ability to feel is what sets us apart from non-living beings. To feel nothing is to be a robot or a machine.

2. Representing an opportunity for progress

Disappointment also signals an opportunity for progress and growth. If you are

disappointed in an outcome, it means there is actually a certain error in your framework of thought which needs correcting.

Whenever you are disappointed, it means you have certain mental illusions (错觉) about reality which you need to address. If your understanding of reality are always right, you will never feel disappointed at all. By correcting your illusions and getting a more accurate picture of the reality, you are equipped with more knowledge. This knowledge is a source of power, power for you to act toward your goals.

Think of disappointment as a troubleshooting tool which helps you iron out the twists in your understanding of reality. By using the knowledge from your previous experience, you can act more accurately toward your desires. The more you deal with disappointment and learn from it, the closer you will get toward your goals and dreams.

Title Facts Why Disappointment Is Good If (67)____________ handled, disappointments can result in depression and lack of concern. Meanwhile, they can also be positive (68)______________. (66)______ Disappointment is dissatisfaction with unexpected outcomes. 8

1. Disappointment (69)_____________ a person’s passion towards a goal, dream, desire or outcome. 2. Disappointment (70)_____________ that you care about something very much. 3. Feeling disappointed is (71)____________ than feeling nothing at all. 4. The ability to feel distinguishes human beings (72)__________ machines. Representing 1. Disappointment is a (73)___________ of an an opportunity opportunity for progress and growth: there’s an for progress error to be (74)____________. 2. Disappointment provides you with power to act towards your goal. 3. Disappointment can be considered as a troubleshooting tool that can help you (75)_____________ reality better. 六.单词拼写(用单词的正确形式填空)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1. If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just c________. Do

something to change it.

2. Shops that stay open twenty-four hours a day are a great c________ to the public. 3. To my great r________, I finally passed the driving test after many times of failure. 4. An encouraging word to those who are down can help them out while a d________ word can

kill them.

5. As we all know, the o________ languages of Canada are French and English.

6. With the development of tourism, more local _______(就业机会) will be created,

particularly in service industries.

7. Everyone can enroll on self-study courses in the university's language ________(学


8. “White collar” is a near-synonym for middle class, and “blue collar” for working

class. The ________(区别,差别)comes from the work “uniforms” traditionally worn in each environment.

9. Don't ________(犹豫,迟疑)to make comments or suggestions if you have any. 10. A ________(商业的)advertisement is one which someone has paid for to promote a product

or service.


1. I was in the ________ (embarrass) position of having completely forgotten her name when she waved and greeted me. 2. Look at all the workbooks and papers on my desk! You can imagine how fully ________ (occupy) I will be today.

3. When ________ (ask) whether he had finished his homework, the boy stopped watching TV and went into his study quickly.

4. When he woke up in the morning, he found all his possessions ________ (steal).

5. By the time he was 18 years old, he _______ (travel) to most of the countries in Europe. 6. Unfortunately, the heavy rain yesterday ________ (destroy) all hope of a picnic. 7. Experts are talking about the problems ________ (concern) air pollution at the meeting now. Reasons Passion towards a cause


8. The competition attracted over 500 contestants ________ (represent) 8 different countries.

9. When I opened the book I found a beautiful card ________ (attach) to the first page, saying \

10. With Christmas ________ (approach) , the children in my class are becoming more and more excited.


1. It is believed that Loulan was gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.

Loulan is __________ __________ __________ __________ gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.

2. It is certain that children there are badly in need of care and help.

__________ __________ __________ that children there are badly in need of care and help. 3. I don't know the answer to the question, neither does anybody else.

__________ I __________ anybody else __________ the answer to the question.

4. He is not easy to get along with, but the friendship of his, once it is gained, will last forever.

He is not easy to get along with, but the friendship of his, __________ __________, will last forever.

5. If you feed the animals in the zoo, it is very possible that you will be bitten by them. If you feed the animals in the zoo, you are very __________ __________ __________ bitten by them. 6. The Angles and the Saxons occupied Britain, which led to the fact that Old English replaced Celtic. The Angles and the Saxons occupied Britain, which led to Old English __________ __________ __________ of Celtic.

7. Last night, when I got home later than expected, I found my parents waiting at the door anxiously.

Last night, when I got home later than expected, I found my parents waiting at the door _________ _________.

九.完成句子(共20空,每空0.5分,满分10分) 1. 我新买的戒指找不到了。

My newly-bought ring is ________ ________ ________ ________. 2. 金字塔的建造一直是个谜。

How the Pyramids were built ________ a ________. 3. 与通常的看法相反,适度的运动事实上会降低食欲。

________ ________ popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite. 4. 并不是所有的苹果产品都有实际用途。

________ ________ Apple products are ________ ________ ________. 5. 在当今发达的科技世界, 电脑甚至在农村地区都被广泛使用了。 In today's advanced technological world, computer has ________ ________ ________ ________ even in the rural areas.

6. 人类和其它哺乳动物的区别在于他们的说话能力。

Humans ________ ________ other mammals ________ their ability to speak.



最近,你校学生正在参加China Daily组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:Should the use of Internet Slang be forbidden in some places?请根据下表提供的信息,给该报写一封信,介绍讨论的结果,并表明自己的观点。 60% 认为应该禁止 40%认为不应该禁止 长期滥用网络语言会使年轻一代不知道什么社会总是在变化,语言也要与时俱进,汉语应是真正的汉语。 当吸收一些有用的新词。 一些家长或者不上网的人不能理解学生使用使用网络语言聊天既快捷又方便。 的网络语言,影响沟通。 要求:1. 合理组织信息,不要逐句翻译; 2. 作文词数150词左右。 Dear Editor,

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



一. 听力(共两节,满分20分)

1-10 CBACC CBACB 11-20 CBCBB CBCAA 二.单项填空(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21-35 BACBC CDADC DBBDC


36-40. BCADA 41-45. BCDAC 46-50. DBACD 51-55. ACABD 四.阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 56-57 BC 58-60 CBD 61-65 CBDAD


66. Definition/Meaning/Concept 67. improperly 68. phenomena 69. reflects 70.suggests 71. better 72. from 73. signal 74. corrected 75. understand 六.单词拼写(用单词的正确形式填空)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1. complain 2. convenience 3. relief 4. discouraging 5. official 6. employment 7. institute 8. distinction 9. hesitate 10. commercial


1. embarrassing 2. occupied 3. asked 4. stolen 5. had travelled 6. destroyed 7. concerning 8. representing 9. attached 10. approaching 八.句型转换(共20空,每空0.5分,满分10分)

1. believed to have been 2. There's no doubt 3. Neither, nor, knows 4. once gained 5. likely to be 6. taking the place 7. with anxiety 九.完成句子(共20空,每空0.5分,满分10分) 1. nowhere to be found 2. remains, mystery 3. Contrary to 4. Not all, of practical use

5. come into wide use 6. differ from, in 十.书面表达(满分25分) Dear Editor,

I am writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether Internet Slang should be forbidden in some places. Opinions among students on this topic are divided.

60% of the students think that Internet Slang should be forbidden. They think too much use of Internet Slang is a dangerous sign that the county’s younger generation won’t know what real Chinese is. Besides, some students’ writing is filled with Internet Slang, which makes it difficult to be understood by some parents and those who don’t chat online.

However, 40% of the students think that it shouldn’t be forbidden. In their opinion, society is always changing and language needs to keep pace with the times. Chinese should be able to absorb some useful new words. In addition, using Internet Slang to chat is both quick and convenient.

As far as I am concerned, we should be more careful with the use of language in official

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


documents and textbooks.

