
更新时间:2024-05-10 00:21:06 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1. You can always spot someone你总是能看见

2. no fear, no sense of impending doom.. 无畏无惧,就算死到临头


3. peel the skin off剥皮 4. opening line开场白

5. could she be more out of my league? 我配得上她吗? 6. back me up here. 帮我壮壮胆 7. really nothing guys蹩脚货

8. I'm very very aware of my tongue.. 我一向谨言慎行 9. You're in a play! 你演戏了 10. this line is passion这是感情线 11. but just barely真是有惊无险

12. just for the hell of it. 然后活着回来 13. more or less可以这么说 14. so far up足以够到

15. So explain something to me here告诉我 16. this is twisted! 这太离谱了

17. I get all the good stuff我想此事百益而无一害 18. , tricky concept值得商榷 19. all the attachments on所有装置 20. fan out摊开

21. scratch your eyes right out挖出你的眼睛 22. you madcap gal懒女人 23. One might wonder有人会想

24. inching their way closer and closer to逐渐逼近 25. out of order失控 26. you deserve这是你应得的

27. crack your way into show business. 登上大银幕 28. This is a big break for me! 这是我千载难逢的机会 29. the big opening首映会

30. Who is being loud? 谁在大吼大叫

31. do I sense a little bit of resentment? 难道你后悔了? 32. we'd like to get this in one take我想一次解决 33. what the hell are you doing? 你在干什么?

34. without feeling obligated to one another... 彼此没有任何负

35. part of me wants that部分的我想要 36. wells up挺身而出

37. they don't exactly let each other finish... 他们争执不休 38. Look at it this way这样想吧 39. acted too much with it太投入了 40. I finally get my shot机会终于来了 41. I blow it!我搞砸了

42. Hard to tell很难分辨 43. I got the part! 我被录取了

44. Just casually strewn about in that reckless haphazard?就这


45. She is a kook她真懒散

46. If it bothers you that much既然这么困扰

