
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:03:35 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载


B22班 工作相关资料

Job questions

1) What’s your job? 2) What do you do ?

3) What do you do for living?What do you do for making a living? 4) What are you ?

5) Do you have a part-time/full-time job? 6) What job would you like to do in the future? 7) What








8) What are some common jobs for men in your country?

9) What do you think you would do after you retired? 10) What kind of volunteer work have you done? 11) Which jobs are badly-paid/well paid?

12) Are there any jobs which can only be done by one gender?

13) Would you rather be a ______or _________?

Interview Questions :

1) What’s your personality like ?(what are you like?) 2) What is your greatest weakness ?

3) Why do you think you’re qualified to be a_______? 4) Where do you see yourself in three years? 5) What is the first impression of this school? 6) Do you have any experience of being a teacher? 7) Are you single? Are you married?

Job in the hospital

If you are sick or very uncomfortable ,you would go to a place .

Where would you go ?

hospital: a large building that the sick or the injured receive medical treatment.

the sick=patient the tall=tall people the short…..→the+adj=a kind of people

If you want to be a doctor ,you need to go to a medical school.

What kind of people can you see in the hospital?

1.Doctor: A person who is trained and licensed to treat the sick and the injured.

2.Physician: A medical doctor who is not a surgeon. 3.Surgeon: A doctor who performs operations. 4.Dentist: a person whose job is trained to care for people’s teeth.

5.Nurse: a person who is trained to care for the patient.

6.Pediatrician: A person (doctor) who treats babies and children.

7.Physician’s assistant: A person who provides basical medical care and who usually works with a doctor.

8.Vet: a person who is trained to animals. 9.Patient: Someone who receives medical treatment.

10.therapist:someone who helps people deal with mental or emotional problems by talking about those problems.

License:①If you want to drive the car, you need a license. ②If you want to be a doctor ,you need a license. ③If you want to fly a plane ,you need a license.

Profession in Law

1. Police Officer: A person whose job is to protect the law.

2.Judge:A person who makes decision on legal matters; A person who decides the winner in a competition.

3.Lawyer: A person whose job is to assist people in matter relating to the law. 4.Robber: a thief who robs people 5.Thief: a person who steals something

6.detective: a police officer who finds information

about crime.

Killer Murder

6.Detective: a police officer whose job is to find information about crime.

Show business

1.Singer: Someone who sings.

2.Dancer:Someone who dances or whose job is dancing

3.Actor: A person who acts in a play, movie, etc. 4.Actress: A woman or a girl who acts in a play. 5.Hostess: A person who introduces guests, performers in activities.

6.Reportor: A person who reports news for TV and radio.

7.Model: A person who is paid to wear clothing, jewelry in photographs ,fashion shows or a person who is painted ,drawn and photographed.

8.photographer: A person who takes photographs as a job.

9.Director: A person who runs a company; A person who directs a movie /a play.

10.Journalist: A person whose job is to collect news and write about it for newspapers and magazines.

Handy man

1. Hairdresser :A person who cuts and shapes hair. 2. Barber: a person whose job is to cut men’s hair. 3. Engineer: a person who designs and builds

complicated products.

4. Architect: a person who designs and builds


5. Plumber: a person whose job is to install or repair

toilets, sinks, water pipes, etc.

6. Housekeeper: a person whose job is to cook,

clean in a house.

7. Cook: a person whose job is to prepare and cook

food for eating in a restaurant . 8. Farmer: a person who runs a farm.

9. Baker: a person whose job is baking and selling

bread and cakes.

10. Designer: A person who designs something. 11. Carpenter: someone whose job is to make or

repairs wooden objectives or wooden parts of building.

12. Mechanic: someone whose job is to repair

machines (car engines)and keep them running properly.

13. Electrician: someone whose job is to repair

electrical equipment.

14. Chef: a professional cook whose job is in change

of a kitchen in a restaurant.

15. Construction worker: someone who works in

construction site.

Others Job

1.Writer: A person whose job is to write book ,poems ,stories, etc

2.Teacher: A person who teaches something. 3.Interpreter: A person whose job is to translate from one language into another one .

4. Soldier: A person who is in the army.

5.Manager: A person who takes responsibility of a business, etc

6.Firefighter: A person whose job is to put out fire. 7.Educator: a person whose job is to teach.

8. Collector: A person who collects things as a hobby 9. Mayor: the head of the government of a city. 10.Tutor: A private teacher , a teacher who teaches one student.

11. Editor: A person who makes changes and corrects mistakes .,etc

12.Conductor: a person who stands in front of an

orchestra or choir and directs its performance. 13.Florist: A person whose job is to sell flowers and plants.

14.Scientist: A person who is trained in science 15.Security guard: A person who guards a place and makes sure the people or things in it are not harmed. 16.Policeman: A person who protects people’s safety. 17.Body guard: A person or a group of people whose job is to protect someone.

18.Driver: A person who drives a car, trunk. 19.Pilot: A person who flies an airplane.

20.Flight attendant: A person whose job is to help people(passengers)

21.Peasant: A person who works for a farmer. 22.Stableman: A person who works in a stable. 23.Milkman: A person who sells or delivers milk. 24.Fisherman: A person who catches fish.

25.Salesman: A person who sells goods and service.

26.Technician: A person whose job relates to the practical use of machines.

27.Mechanic: A person who repairs machines and keep them running properly.

28.Electrician: A person who works on and repairs electrical equipment.

29.Constuction worker: A person who works on a construction site.

30.Cleaner: A person whose job is to clean other people’s houses or offices, etc.

31.Carpenter: A person whose job is making and repairing wooden things.

32.Tailor: A person whose job is making men’s clothes.

(who+verb(s) / whose job is +verb(ing)

Structure of my ideal job

1.Hello everyone.

I want to talk about the job I wanna have in the future. Working as a n. would be a great Job. good rewarding motivating promising fascinating satisfying fascinating: extremely interesting(very).

rewarding: giving a reward especially by making a feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful ,or done something well .(It is a rewarding job)


promising:有保障的?full of promises ?showing possibility of achievement or excellence. motive:动机

mundance :dull and ordinary (mundance chores, like washing dishes)

eg: They lead a pretty mundane life.

monotonous: used to describe something that is boring

because it is always the same.

2.It must be very gratifying to see all your children grown up and happy. You would ??????, on the other word ,being a ______could be adj. For example????????。

mundance tiring orlacking in variety chanllenging monotonous tiring


boring tediously repetitious 3.You would

?You would have a lot of fun with children. ?You would make a lot of money.

?You would have the chance to travel all over the world.

?You would have two long vacations.

?Professions in law /teaching are established and respected.

?You would have the chance keep on learning new

skills. For example

?You have to work long hours. ?You would have a lot of pressure.

?You may go through many difficult situations. ?Pressurized and often demands long hours. ?You have to rush around all day from Monday to Friday. You never stop. ?You have to get up early.

?You have to do a lot of preparation. ?You would be on your feet all day.

?You have to repeat the process again and again.

My Ideal Job

There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing ,teaching and engineering.

But different people choose jobs as their ideal careers.This is because everyone has his own interest.

As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do this job mainly for three reasons. ? First ,I want to be a teacher because I like students /children .

? Secondly, I want to teach because I can have the chance to keep on learning new things and improving my existing ability.

? Finally, I want to be a teacher, because I can have two long vacations. But teaching is not an easy job at all.

I must study continuously to obtain more knowledge.

I will make every effort to be a good teacher. 1.various=(of many different kinds) 2.Such as 3.Choose

4.Ideal 理想的,完美的(the idea of something that is perfect)

5.Career 事业,职业 6.have made up 下决心

eg: I have made up my mind to improve my English. 7.maily adv 主要地,大体上 8.reason 理由,动机 9.obtain

acquire ﹜knowledge 10. make every effort 尽一切努力

eg: Though he might make every effort,he could not succeed.

11.continuously adv 连续不断的 eg: We should learn continuously.

Career Job

A job is what you’re doing for your living, it’s your work. However a career is a job you spent your whole life building up, and can die for it ,or you can say it’s your dream job. A career is a long-life process.

A job is what you do at a specific moment.

Questions we can ask about jobs 1.What do you do for a living now?

2.What's that like? 3.What is the salary? 4.Who is your boss? 5.What's he/she like? 6.Is your job well paid? 7.Is it your ideal job? 8.Is it interesting? 9.Is it boring?

10.What do you have to do?


1.A: Hi ________ , haven't seen you for ages. What do you do for a living now?

B: Hi _________ , good to see you again. I'm a _______ .

A: No way! What's that like?

B: It's ______ because I have to _______ . A: That's unbelievable, what's the salary? B: It's __________ .

2. John: Hey, Jane, you look tired. Jane: I am busy preparing for my speech. John: Can you tell me something about you job? Jane: Forget it, I really want to quit anyway. You know, I’m not good at speaking in front of many people. John: Come on, don’t be ridiculous. You did very well in your job. We always can see you on TV, and your income is handsome.

Jane: Alright, let it be. I’ll just hang on a while.

3.How can you describe your job? What parts of your job do you not like? It's really boring because _________ . I'm underpaid because I need more experience. It's tedious and repetitive.

It's not challenging. I don't help people.

I have to work with _______ .


B: Hello Rheia, Haven’t seen you for ages! What do you do for a living now?

R: Oh Hi Bruce! Good to see you again! I’m working as an English teacher in C&F teacher now. B: Oh, really? That sounds good! Is the job well paid?

R: Yes, it is a very rewarding. B: What is your salary right now?

R: More than you can imagine. You know what? In fact, it is rude to ask someone’s income in western countries, especially America.

B: Is that true? Wow I never knew that, sorry. I thought it was common to ask in China.

R: No worries, and less people in China ask for that nowadays.

B: Ok! Is that an indoor job or outdoor job? R: Indoor job of course. B: Who is your Boss? R: Cody. A very strict guy. B: All right. Is it your ideal job?

R: Yep. I like to be a teacher. First of all, It’s a regular job, I can sleep late in the morning. second, I can keep learning English myself. Last but not least, I enjoy the time I teach, it satisfying. Oh, and it’s a promising job as well.

B: That’s great! So, in your opinion, what jobs are promising?

R: Mmm, there are various kinds of promising jobs in the world, such as… Doctors, Lawyers and… teachers, I guess.What about you? Name three occupations that you could NEVER do.

B: Er, Construction worker, taxi driver, and…en, and, oh, police officer. That job is too dangerous. That’s why you choose teacher as your job.

R: Not really. Everyone has his own interest. As for me, I choose to do this mainly for career. I take teacher as my career.

B: What? What’s the difference between a job and a career?

R: A job is what you do for a living, but a career is a job you spend your whole life building up, and you can die for it. As for me, being a teacher is my career. B: Oh, that’s very encouraging. Is it boring? Repetitive?

R: It’s not boring and repetitive at all. On the contrary, it is very Challenging. Why don’t you come and try? I think you will be a good English teacher as well! As far as I know, your English is not bad! B: Mmm, That sounds great, I will try it! Thanks!

